Hello lovers! Are you ready for our big weekend? Well, I have posted a separate article about the Saturn/Pluto square that occurs on Sunday so if you want to know about how that is playing out for your sign over the next 9 months you can read it below this forecast.
But there are other interesting energies at play we should look at for the weekend so here goes…
On Saturday there is a long void Moon until she glides into Scorpio around 5:24 pm eastern time. This void is all about a harmonious inner balancing of feelings regarding your significant relationships and friendships. Spend the first part of the day just taking stock of where you are at in these important connections and appreciate how much you are validated and encouraged by these souls.
After the Moon moves into Scorpio she is going to meet up with Pluto in Capricorn in a wonderfully positive aspect that should charge up your passions and ambitions. It’s a great night to go after what you want. The Sun is going to dance with Uranus, she said sweetly, (nod to Amy) and this is a very fun, exciting combination that may put you into an unusual or original situation, one that you enjoy. Dare to experience something a bit off the wall tonight, you will be glad you did.
On Sunday morning Saturn makes his first of 3 squares to Pluto which is setting the scene for a major background shift in your life over the next 9 months. Take notice of any changes or clues that come along, read the article beneath this one if you haven’t yet about this energy pattern. But, there is more occurring on Sunday that is worth noticing!
The Sun is going to square Neptune around 6:11pm eastern time and this is about pushing yourself in a romantic, spiritual or artistic way. Challenge yourself to dream your best dream under the powerful energy of the day. Do not let yourself get caught up too much in the disillusionment or deception that Neptune can sometimes bring on in challenging aspect and do watch that you don’t expose yourself to flu or water-born illness today, do your best to take care around water.
Mercury changes signs around 7:28 pm eastern time and we take on a new way of thinking, communications are different, we want to meet and talk about more adventurous ideas, think about our beliefs, any travel we might need to do, talk of foreign people and issues picks up, import/export, religion and politics, our ideas focus on disseminating information through venues such as media or publishing, higher education or law. You may receive news on any of these topics tonight or find you are the one introducing the thought.
It’s a big weekend, find your joy, be good. Whatever plays out on the world stage under this first Saturn/Pluto square, we can all be the change we want to see before us.
Saturday is a big nod from the universe for you to find a positive opportunity to pull in some big money, pursue an avenue towards it, settle a debt, balance a financial obligation or put steps into play to balance it. Goals are huge as they will remain for a while for you and today helps you move towards them. If it’s not about the money, then sex, intimacy, reproduction, or divorce can be approached with equal vigor. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised.
Sunday the Saturn/Pluto square is exact and you can read about this influence in the article below this one. The Sun/Neptune square today is about challenging yourself with a friend, group or aspiration. This is putting you in an issue over your intimate encounter, divorce, a death, or a major financial matter. Seek to express your romantic, artistic or spiritual nature for best affect. News, talks and meetings are now going to be on travel, foreign people or ideas, religion or politics, media or publishing, publicity, ceremonies, higher education, or legal matters.
Saturday is all about the romantic partner, business partner, agent, attorney, competitor, or open enemy. The energy is very good and favors opportunity to make a big change in connection with this person through travel, media, publicity, ceremonies, higher education, or legal channels. A group, social function, friend, or something pertaining to your aspirations is getting a big jolt of electrical energy tonight that should put a smile on your face. If single, your friends could introduce you to someone unlike the norm or you could meet them while at a party.
Sunday the Saturn/Pluto square is exact, read about how that affects your sign in the article below this one. Next, the Sun meets up with Neptune and this is going to be about challenging yourself on the career front or with a major goal, reputation, fame, or father. You are going to need to look at your needs in a partnership or through a representative in this. Look at your romantic, spiritual or artistic desires and how they are being expressed. News, talks and meetings are going to be about intimacy, sex, divorce, or major financial matters in the weeks ahead. If single you could meet a paramour now.
Saturday is a wonderful day to focus on work, health or pets. You have universal support here to find the resources, attract the finances, or settle monetary issues, all through making a change in how you approach it. The spotlight on your work or health today is leading you to a nice surprise or positive change on the career front as well, be open to exciting or unusual people or situations that open up for you tonight. It is all about being an original and finding your niche.
Sunday the Saturn/Pluto square is exact and you can read in the article below this one how that is going to be affecting your sign in the months ahead. The Sun squares Neptune today as well and this is about pushing your artistry or romantic desires through media, travel, education or legal channels. Spirituality is put to the test as well when you look closely at outside beliefs and how your work is being affected by them. Be extra careful with your health today as Neptune would be challenging you through foreign energy to the body. Once Mercury enters Sagittarius the talks, news, and meetings will focus on partnerships, opponents or representation.
Saturday is about true love, lovers, children, creative projects, recreation, or speculation. The energy is very positive and there is opportunity here to make a big change in one or more of these arenas through partnership or a representative such as an agent or attorney. The Uranian energy at play tonight is bringing positive surprises or change, unusual or exciting people or situations, via travel, media, law, or education. You are once again in the position of love or creativity in this so enjoy the moment.
Sunday brings the Saturn/Pluto square into exact degree and you can read how this is affecting you in the article below this one. Today also brings the Sun and Neptune into square over love and intimacy. This could also be over creativity, a lover or child, and a major financial matter, death or divorce. The challenge here is to look at your needs, image or body and how love or creativity is finding its expression in your life. Be willing to challenge yourself over the deeper connections you have and look at how romance, artistry or spiritual dreams are affecting them. Once Mercury enters Sagittarius you will find that news, talks and meetings are going to be focused on work, health and pets.
Saturday is all about the home, your living situation, property matters, security or mom. This is really terrific energy today so look for ways to make changes to the work you are doing at home or to the property, look at powerful ways to connect a healthy lifestyle to where you hang your hat, rest up at home and recharge your energy supplies if need be, and expect that by later in the day, the connection to Uranus here is going to either bring an exciting intimate contact here or help you approach a financial or divorce matter tied to home in a spontaneous, original way.
Sunday is the day that Saturn and Pluto perfect their square to each other and you can read about how this is going to affect your sign in the article below this one. The other energy today is about challenging your needs at home, with security issues or living situations involving a partner, lack of one, an agent, attorney, or competitor. Neptune can be a bit foggy under this energy so look for ways to express your spiritual, romantic or artistic nature at home in a physical way if you can. Mercury moves into Sagittarius and talks, meetings and news now focuses on a lover, child or creative project.
Saturday is a great day to focus on communications, catch up on emails and make phone calls, meet up with people in the local scene, take short trips and get errands done, connect with siblings, and embrace the supportive energy coming from the universe as you express yourself over creative projects or with lovers or children. Major change can happen today if you open up. A talk or meeting later tonight holds the promise of a nice surprise or change regarding a partnership, attorney, agent, or competitor.
Sunday the Saturn/Pluto square is exact and you can read how that is going to affect you in the article below this one. Today also brings the Sun and Neptune into square as you talk, meet, or field agreements over a work situation, health matter or pet. This can be a bit disillusioning and you are best supported if you approach the challenge from a spiritual vantage point. Your needs may not be being met in this just yet and any deception or disillusionment must be worked through carefully. Your ruler changes signs today entering Sagittarius, opening up talks and ideas about home, property, living situations, mom, or your security needs in the weeks to come.
Saturday is a day to put your energy into making money. There is a real opportunity to change something in a positive way if you focus on bringing in money or spending it at home, on the home, around a living situation, a real estate deal, or in something you need to address with mom. The energy is so positive that you will feel like earning or spending in a rather interesting way today as Uranus moves into the picture and either brings an exciting or surprising work venture your way or helps you do something unique regarding health or pets. Money=home, work, health, or pets today.
Sunday the Saturn/Pluto square is exact and you can read the article below this one if you want to see how that is going to affect your sign. Today the Sun/Neptune square means that you need to look at how your needs are being met or your body is being utilized around earnings and spending. Issues or challenges with a lover, feeling loved, children or creative projects is the outlet here and you will do best by focusing on expressing your spiritual or artistic nature in a way that is true to yourself with the intent that money will flow from this. Mercury moves into Sagittarius and opens up all kinds of talks, meetings, agreements, and news coming in for you in the next few weeks. This amps up the mental activity in your routine, neighborhood and with siblings as well.
Saturday is a great day to pamper yourself, connect with what you want to do in the local scene, take a short trip or just open up to people about what you are interested in and how you are doing. The energy here is positive and others will want to support you and what you need. Writers and speakers benefit from this energy today a great deal, schedule meetings or open talks under this influence you can make positive changes or move mountains. The wonderful surprising energy of Uranus is going to align you with a very exciting or unusual lover tonight or take the current love into interesting arenas. This energy can also bring something exciting through a creative project or child so enjoy!
Sunday the Saturn/Pluto square is exact and you can read about how this is going to influence your sign in the article below this one. Today also brings a square between Sun and Neptune so you want to look at how you are feeling about yourself and your needs in regards to the home, property or living situation or in connection to security or mom. Neptune can be a bit confusing, put your artistic or spiritual energy into play here for best results. The entry of Mercury into Sagittarius today means that talks, meetings and news will now be more about earnings, spending and possessions over the next few weeks.
This is a good weekend to retreat, rest, hide out and recharge your batteries, or to go inward and meditate, spend some time on spiritual or artistic matters, invoke your imagination, work behind the scenes, pour yourself into film or fantasy work, do some research or investigating, or tackle a matter with a hospital or prison. There is a great link to making or spending money in a way that is good for you here, look for ways to connect deeply or make a big change. By evening you can expect a pretty exciting or interesting surprise at home or with property, mom or security needs. If you have been thinking about doing something different with the home, this is the night.
Sunday the Saturn/Pluto square is exact and you can read the article below this one to see how this is going to color the next 9 months for you. Today also is about the Sun/Neptune square which may bring up a conversation or news that challenges you to come from your spirituality, artistry or romantic power. Do your best not to run yourself down running errands or making short trips when you really should be resting or taking the time for introspection. Mercury enters your sign tonight and will immediately amp up the communications and meetings that are about you and your needs. Expect to be popular.
Saturday is looking like a pretty social day for you dear Capricorn. There is ample energy around good time with friends, group affiliations, social functions or parties, and anything that involves your aspirations and pursuing your dreams is under wonderful energy from the universe. There is support for personal change here so don’t be afraid to step up or out. One meeting or talk you have with a friend or with someone new at a social occasion tonight is destined to be very exciting or unusual, original or inspiring, be open to fresh ideas and unique individuals.
Sunday the Saturn/Pluto square is exact so if you want to know how that is going to color the background of your life over the next 9 months you can read the article below this one. Today also brings a Sun/Neptune square into play and will ask that you look at an aspiration, friendship, group affiliation, or social situation and how the money is being spent or earned here. This can be a bit confusing so challenge yourself to approach it from your most spiritual or artistic point of view. Mercury enters Sagittarius and will take talks and meetings behind closed doors over the next few weeks, a good time for research and digging up secrets.
Make Saturday about your career or a big goal you want to achieve. The energy is very positive and there is something big shifting in a film or fantasy project, something you are working on behind closed doors, or something having to do with research, or institutions such as hospitals or prisons that can benefit. By the time the Sun meets Uranus you have a perfect alignment between career and income, this means you are in the spotlight and the way of earning or what you decide to spend on is very exciting, new, original, unique, or inspiring. Take a fresh approach and be open to interesting people and situations.
Sunday the Saturn/Pluto square is exact so if you want to understand how this huge energy is going to affect your sign you can read about it in the article below this one. Today also brings the Sun and Neptune into square putting your body or image into a bit of a challenge artistically, romantically or spiritually. You may be a bit under the weather from pursuing the career agenda or feel as though you need to deal with the image a bit today under this influence. Just don’t promise something you will find hard to deliver later on. Once Mercury enters Sagittarius the talks and meetings become more social, friends and events are in store so be prepared to connect.
Saturday is under very positive energy alignments and for you this means you should focus on a legal matter, a trip, someone who is at a distance, taking a class or teaching one, a media or publicity matter, or something involving a ceremony or belief. There are big changes you can ring if you do and this will most strongly be around aspirations or friendships, group affiliations or a social event. Be prepared to show just how exciting and original you can be because by this evening you have a real chance to shine or to make a significant change to yourself.
Sunday the Saturn/Pluto square is exact and you can read about how this is going to affect your sign in the article below this one. Today is also about the Sun/Neptune square playing out over something going on in secret or behind closed doors and the legal, media, travel, or educational matter. You need to look at how you are putting yourself forward in one of these areas and if that is having an effect on your idea of artistry, spirituality or romance, what is it that is hidden or you feel like you don’t want anyone to know here? Challenge yourself to be true to YOUR beliefs today and you will not go wrong. Mercury enters your career Midheaven tonight and over the next few weeks you will be talking, meeting and coming to agreements about your career, goals, ambitions, and reputation. If there is something you need to say to dad, this is it.
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