I hope everyone read the Halloween forecast and got themselves out there for a wonderful night of make believe! Saturday is going to open with feeling a bit tired and perhaps a bit hung over for some of you as Saturn and Uranus t-square the Moon. But fear not, the energy improves vastly as the day progresses, bringing opportunity to meet up with people for some beautiful experiences. The day will be great for romance, artistic expression and getting in touch with the spiritual. Do yourself a favor and continue to ask dreamscape for guidance as Neptune, the planet of dreams and fantasy, is turning Direct on Sunday. It is bound to bring some vivid images while you sleep and to flood the day with reversals or amazing inspirations in romantic, artistic and spiritual connections. Artists and romantics get ready, forward we go.
Focus on ways to expand your world on Saturday. If you need to get more education, find an opportunity to teach what you know, travel, interact with someone far away, incorporate a world view or global ideals, tackle legal matters, or publish, promote or involve media, then today brings connections with friends and partners to make it happen. The opportunity is there if you take action.
Sunday Neptune stations Direct in your house of friendship, associations, social functions and aspirations. So look for these arenas to clear up a bit, to find ways to use your imagination more, to express your artistic needs, to even court romance through like-minded individuals. If you have been unsure of a friendship, you will now see its merits or detriments. Parties today are destined to be events to remember, dress up! With the Moon’s move into Capricorn, goals take center stage.
Connect deeply, intimately, cuddle up, get close, spend the day in the arms of passion. Or….tackle those bills. Hehe J Hope you get the fun option. Today is about tackling things that are shared, be it bodies, or finances such as loans, credit, insurance, jointly held resources. Talk about the work that needs doing or a health issue later in the day, the money can be found. Goals are coming into focus.
Sunday Neptune stations Direct. This is GREAT news for you! Career, goals and ambitions that have been a bit confusing, or romantic or artistic goals that have been going nowhere fast, can now take steps forward. Look for a gift from the heavens by way of something beautiful and love filled. The Moon enters Capricorn so you may feel like taking off to wide blue yonder, or learning something new. Focus on legal matters or promoting is favored as well.
Saturday is a day to focus on your partners. If you are single, think about what you want in partnership and what you need to do to bring it into your life. Romantic and business partners both fall in this energy. Self promotion, travel, legal matters and education are beneficial to you today, they may open doors if you pursue. Look to areas of arts, romance or spirituality. Talks and meetings about creative projects or love are under favored stars.
Sunday Neptune stations Direct. If you have been in a fog over legal issues, publishing, education, or travel, it will now be clear to you what needs doing. With Neptune here, the legal issues may have to do with a romance or artistic project, you may want to take an art class or teach music, travel for a film project or romance, or publish a spiritual work. You get the idea. The Moon enters Capricorn so you can focus emotions on money and intimacy.
It looks like you have work to do on Saturday, sorry. It might be hard to get motivated in the earlier part of the day but it seems responsibility calls. If you are one of the lucky Cancers getting out of work today, then focus the energy on your health and getting your body moving. Work on money sources or just connect intimately with another tonight, talks or meetings at home go well.
Sunday Neptune stations Direct and the fog is officially lifted in areas of sharing. This means that your intimate connections will finally come out of confused status and move forward one way or another. This also means that any questions you have not gotten clear on regarding debt, loans, taxes and any other form of outside resource will now be easier to see in the light of day, forward you go. The moon enters your partnership house so connect with significant others tonight.
The weekend is about true love, partnerships and sex. How’s that? Well, ok, there is a bit more going on but who cares! Saturday you might have to concentrate on making some money in a creative way first but later on the romantic energy is revving up, partners are key or the opportunity should be there for you. Romance and wonderful talks find you at least.
Sunday Neptune stations Direct. This is about the romance, artistic expression and spirituality in partnership finally coming out of the fog zone and moving forward. This is about the inner work going on here finally coming out into manifestation. This could be with significant others or business partners. You will want to tackle work before you and attend to health as well today.
The home is where it is at on Saturday. The first part of the day seems a bit stressed, perhaps foundations or security issues at stake, or an authority figure or unforeseen challenge popping up. Rest assured that the rest of the day gets much better. News is good. Talks and meetings with partners, attorneys, and agents are under positive stars. Artistic work is positive as well.
Sunday Neptune stations Direct. The work you do, the tasks at hand, your health, and your pets, are all under this energies influence now. Neptune has been withholding artistic expression, romance, and spiritual energy here for a while. Well, as of today that has changed, gear up to transcend the fog, fantasy and imagination is on its way. Perhaps you begin an artistic work assignment now in earnest.
Saturday is a very busy day connecting with others. You will be on the phone, out meeting others and sending emails more than usual. Expect part of this to involve a work, pet or health issue you weren’t aware of. Neptune and Mercury are promising some wonderful talks or meetings with lovers, children or regarding creative projects. Romance and imagination rule.
Sunday Neptune stations Direct. This is really good news for Libra. Neptune has been working on an inner level in the areas of true love, fun, children, and creativity for a while now. As of today, that energy moves forward with romance, artistic expression and spirituality on all fronts. Spend the day at home doing what you love for best results.
Saturday may be a work day for you just because the energy is so focused on making money. If you aren’t at the job, you may want to use this to look for ways to make money. It is also possible that you are taking the day to shop since spending money could also fall into this dynamic. Either way, waiting until after 2pm eastern time brings best results. Home, retreat, research all work into the scenario.
Sunday Neptune stations Direct. Whatever project you have wanted to get going regarding the home or property can now commence. If you haven’t been able to figure something out in this area, that as well should become clear. Romance and artistic expression soar here again so if it doesn’t come today, give it a bit to show up. Open up lines of communication with the one you are thinking about.
Take the day to do things for yourself. You may have a responsibility come upon you suddenly in the first part of the day that takes a bit of time but after that you will do well to focus on home or property, decorating or romantic times at home are favored. Talks or meetings with friends are also under favored stars.
Sunday Neptune stations Direct. If you have been mulling over romantic, spiritual or artistic needs the last few months, today you will finally begin talking about them or meeting with others over them. Secrets may come to light now so watch what you really want out there. Put some time into looking at income matters as well tonight.
Saturday is a great day to take for yourself to daydream or spend quiet time in rest or fantasy. You may have a surprise pop up regarding a visitor or trip, legal issues or education but once you meet the challenge, the day unfolds with romantic, artistic meetings in secret or privately that look sweet, as well as a good talk about earnings.
Sunday Neptune stations Direct. This is about income for you. Neptune has been working on an inner level to tune you to your spiritual, romantic and artistic best to help you make money or to influence what you spend money on. Now the energy is moving forward and you will see it begin to manifest before you. Take a look at how you are feeling about your own needs to fine tune this.
Saturday is a social day for you. The first part begins with a bit of a money issue in the way of spending time with friends or doing something social but that lightens up after 2 in the afternoon. Plan on going to a party or spending time with a buddy tonight, focus on learning something together, traveling or planning a trip together, promoting yourself, or dealing wit
h legal issues together. It’s all positive.
Sunday Neptune stations Direct in your sign. Big relief. The fog is lifting over your eyes. The rose colored glasses that have been turned inward are coming out to look at the world with a whole new tint. You can really see what your personal needs are now regarding artistic expression, romance and spirituality and what needs doing so go! Expect your glow to attract admirers. Allow for emotional rest.
Saturday is about pursuing goals or working on career. A partner is likely to throw you a curve ball today so be prepared to troubleshoot. Once the afternoon is here, your ruler is bringing some lovely moments of retreat to fantasize or use your imagination to go after your goals. There is an opening to meet or talk about loans or any other source of outside money tied to career or goals. Very positive energy, this is, so act on it.
Sunday Neptune stations Direct. This is like a breath of fresh air for you. Neptune is your ruler and has been focusing your energy inward for a while now. Today it moves out into your fantasy world, taking your ability to fantasize, research, dream and call upon intuition to a higher level through artistic expression, your spirituality and romantic drive. Great news for filmmakers and actors but you can all apply this energy to everyday life as well. Spend time with a friend today.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Halloween Astrology Aspects 2008
Let's take a look at Samhain. This is THE night of magic, midway between the Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice, it comes on the heels of the Scorpio New Moon at a time of seeding in areas of death and transformation, power and psychic connection. This is traditionally the time when the veil grows thinnest between worlds, when we invite the dearly departed to our table to share in our harvest and converse with us about what lies ahead. A light left in a western window was said to invite them home.
This powerful moment in the year is when the gods come closer, when we can ask questions about our journey and receive guidance from the other side. It has been transmuted into Halloween, All Hallows Eve, followed by All Souls Day, but altogether the theme is quite Scorpionic nevertheless, it is a time involving the dead, transmutation and transformation.
This Halloween or Samhain, is coming when the Sun is at the critical degree of Scorpio according to the Sabian Symbols, this degree can be interpreted as: 'A Fellowship Supper Reunites Old Comrades' well that couldn't be more apropos could it? And what will it mean for us, this Hallows Eve?
Well, along with the powerful Scorpion vibe, which most of you know also represents our sexual nature, here getting a big push forward, there is a Mars/Uranus trine occurring October 31st which is giving action or passion an inside into unusual, outrageous and inventive, in positive flow, all coming on a Friday night!
Mars is in Scorpio stimulating all things powerful, sexual, passionate, dark, or departed, while Uranus is surprising us in the sign of Pisces, throught the cosmic source, spirituality, dreamscape, fantasy and escapist activities! So I think you can expect to have a wild and crazy time out there, costumes will be extreme, more erotic and sexy, you will likely feel sparks, meet unusual and passionate people, and find that the veil being lifted is more like a wide open gateway into the other realm, if you dare to go, and yes, with Mars in this mood, you will dare.
Mercury sits with the Fixed Star Spica so talks will be lovely and lucky, meetings positive. The Moon in Sagittarius means you feel open, adventurous and wanting to meet new people. With Venus and Pluto in the same sign, desires will run deep and adventurous as well.
With Jupiter in Capricorn, or the planet of beliefs in the sign of ancestry, you may find the person you are flirting with behind the mask has been gone for hundreds of years! Hehe, sorry, couldn't resist J Even Saturn in Virgo who has been riding us all to attend to the details and do the work, is giving a nod to Mars and Uranus as he eases off for this one night.
So, on this night of tricks and treats, what should you do on a spiritual level before heading out to cause mischief? Well, this can be a time when you can awaken to your own ability to commune with spirit. There is nothing truly scary about this although we enjoy making it so.
If you would like to experiment with a little ritual to test the theory of the veil, you will want to invoke two elements, water for Scorpio (and it's new moon energy) and earth to symbolize the bodies return to earth in death.
Get out in nature and find a few small rocks (earth element), close your eyes and feel them in your hands, the ones that have the right feel you keep. Take them home and submerge them in a bowl of warm water (water element) until you are ready to go to sleep that night, you then take them out and place them beneath your pillow, asking to be given guidance in dreamscape. Open the portal between worlds and see what you are told while you sleep! Meditation works too ;) If you try it tell us what you find! As for Halloween night, be careful out there, designate a driver and have a blast! Happy Halloween. Hugs, Zoe
Let's take a look at Samhain. This is THE night of magic, midway between the Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice, it comes on the heels of the Scorpio New Moon at a time of seeding in areas of death and transformation, power and psychic connection. This is traditionally the time when the veil grows thinnest between worlds, when we invite the dearly departed to our table to share in our harvest and converse with us about what lies ahead. A light left in a western window was said to invite them home.
This powerful moment in the year is when the gods come closer, when we can ask questions about our journey and receive guidance from the other side. It has been transmuted into Halloween, All Hallows Eve, followed by All Souls Day, but altogether the theme is quite Scorpionic nevertheless, it is a time involving the dead, transmutation and transformation.
This Halloween or Samhain, is coming when the Sun is at the critical degree of Scorpio according to the Sabian Symbols, this degree can be interpreted as: 'A Fellowship Supper Reunites Old Comrades' well that couldn't be more apropos could it? And what will it mean for us, this Hallows Eve?
Well, along with the powerful Scorpion vibe, which most of you know also represents our sexual nature, here getting a big push forward, there is a Mars/Uranus trine occurring October 31st which is giving action or passion an inside into unusual, outrageous and inventive, in positive flow, all coming on a Friday night!
Mars is in Scorpio stimulating all things powerful, sexual, passionate, dark, or departed, while Uranus is surprising us in the sign of Pisces, throught the cosmic source, spirituality, dreamscape, fantasy and escapist activities! So I think you can expect to have a wild and crazy time out there, costumes will be extreme, more erotic and sexy, you will likely feel sparks, meet unusual and passionate people, and find that the veil being lifted is more like a wide open gateway into the other realm, if you dare to go, and yes, with Mars in this mood, you will dare.
Mercury sits with the Fixed Star Spica so talks will be lovely and lucky, meetings positive. The Moon in Sagittarius means you feel open, adventurous and wanting to meet new people. With Venus and Pluto in the same sign, desires will run deep and adventurous as well.
With Jupiter in Capricorn, or the planet of beliefs in the sign of ancestry, you may find the person you are flirting with behind the mask has been gone for hundreds of years! Hehe, sorry, couldn't resist J Even Saturn in Virgo who has been riding us all to attend to the details and do the work, is giving a nod to Mars and Uranus as he eases off for this one night.
So, on this night of tricks and treats, what should you do on a spiritual level before heading out to cause mischief? Well, this can be a time when you can awaken to your own ability to commune with spirit. There is nothing truly scary about this although we enjoy making it so.
If you would like to experiment with a little ritual to test the theory of the veil, you will want to invoke two elements, water for Scorpio (and it's new moon energy) and earth to symbolize the bodies return to earth in death.
Get out in nature and find a few small rocks (earth element), close your eyes and feel them in your hands, the ones that have the right feel you keep. Take them home and submerge them in a bowl of warm water (water element) until you are ready to go to sleep that night, you then take them out and place them beneath your pillow, asking to be given guidance in dreamscape. Open the portal between worlds and see what you are told while you sleep! Meditation works too ;) If you try it tell us what you find! As for Halloween night, be careful out there, designate a driver and have a blast! Happy Halloween. Hugs, Zoe
Owen Wilsons Astrology Chart by Zoe

Owen Wilson is an exceptionally talented artist in our community and one much beloved by many, myself included. I recently had cause to take a look at his chart. So, with respect to Owen, I will do my best not to disclose what I feel would be private insights into his early life and challenges, or romantic style or involvements, but will share what the heavens say about the very public event of his attempt at ending things back in August 2007 and what that is saying now.
In August, 2007, Owen was about half way through an incredibly long period of hosting Saturn in his significant relationships zone. In his chart, the areas given to his own ego development and to the house of one on one partnerships, are bigger than usual, indicating that these arenas will host many life lessons, challenges and joy. Thus we see his persona being elevated in the public eye as well as this distraught time for him over relationship. The relationship house here represents romantic partnerships as well as closest friends and people who represent him from agents, managers to attorneys.
Most people have to contend with the restriction, loss and hard work associated with Saturn touring a specific area for about a year. He has had to function under the challenge for nearly two. At that time, Saturn had reached the critical degree of Leo in his relationship house. The critical degree will bring things to a head, make them more intense and urgent and sometimes fated. At this particular degree, Saturn made a perfect quincunx to his natal Chiron. Chiron has been called the wounded healer, that point in the chart that is the wound that never heals. The quincunx while able to bring moments of genius, can also be an eliminator aspect, one where the adjustment that needs to be made is so intense that it pushes us beyond. Chiron is occupying a placement that makes 'value' a critical interest to Owen. What he earns and possessions become a reflection of this, but at it's core, Chiron here gives him the ability to teach value to us, as inherent to his nature, but when wounded will bring up in him this sense of nothing matters, nothing is valued, a sense of self worth turned against himself. It is so like Chiron that the thing we love in him is the thing that hurts him as well. It was being triggered at this point in time.
At the last degree of Leo, Saturn was looking at true love, children, creativity, the ego, the way one shines their light, and loyalty and pride. Saturn withholds, and we are in the relationship arena again.
At the same time, Venus and Neptune, the energy of love and spirituality, romance and artistic expression, were both retrograding and both in opposition to each other, playing out between his house of self and his house of partnership. Neptune dissolves in opposition. Neptune was dissolving his ego needs and the potential was there for it to dissolve his physical body, over issues of the higher attainment of love be it between love interests, business partners or best friends. Venus was retrograding in his significant others house. In it's most basic interpretation this would be a woman leaving him during this time. In a broader stroke it would mean love or the idea of what love means in the context of one on one relationships, leaving, dissolving. In the grand scheme of things, these moments occur to help us let go of worn out ideas or relationships so that the new people or situations that follow can meet our next level of growth and idealism. Neptune can be very dark and foggy under this kind of contact and was for him as it became exact.
The Sun, representing vitality and ego energy, was at an exact degree in his partnership house that squared Juno at the top of his chart. Juno is the goddess of marriage or commitment. The square is a challenge, the top of the chart a goal. So this was feeling threatened for him, adding weight to the situation. Transiting Juno had just entered the house of religion, legal ceremony and travel in the sign of partnership, semi-sextiling his natal Sun. Once again, introducing the idea of 'where am I in relation to people that matter to me?' and commitment being thematic to ego, one way or another. Lillith opened the day conjunct his Moon. Lillith is the strong independent feminine energy or female, triggering his emotions (Moon).
Jupiter, which rules his friendships, is the energy of luck and happiness, and where we may find ourselves being the most gullible. This energy was Retrograding. Once again, someone leaving, a friend, working it's way backwards through his career and fame arena to an opposition with Mars in the home. A male, anger, an issue with loyalty and value, goals and comraderie, Jupiter taking it over the top, involving something from the past.
Transiting Pluto, the energy that can cause death and transformation, was semi-sextiling his Sun, the energy of physical body and vitality. Once again locking in degrees as everything else did at this time, pushing for transformation of a friendship or aspiration, along with the way Owen saw himself and his goals.
The Moon was in the house of self-undoing, feelings falling prey to the loop we play for ourselves when we feel down, and she was preparing to cross his first house door, the body. And while I spoke of transiting Saturn quincunxing his natal Chiron, transiting Chiron was also quincunxing transiting Mercury in his house of relationships from his house of body and ego.
Uranus, the planet of sudden, surprising events, was retrograding and just crossing back over the door into his first house of body and ego needs, squaring natal Lillith on the door to his house of true love, children and creativity. It seems self explanatory.
The picture paints itself. There are moments in each of our lives when everything locks in. In Owens chart, ALL of these aspects that I describe were locked exactly by degree, these were not wide aspects, they were exact. Sometimes, when this happens, it all locks in in such a way that only a few things are focused on. This was the case here, personal worth, value, loyalty, and how that plays out between self and other, contributing factors friendship and independent female energy, most likely a big fight somewhere in the mix with Mars oppose Jupiter retrograde. But when the lock happens and it overwhelms by aiming everything into one area, you can have the potential of what occurred with Owen.
So where is he today, approximately 14 months later?
This Saturday, Oct. 25th 2008, Saturn finally leaves this part of Owen's chart. It has taken that long. The loss, restriction and testing of Saturn will no longer be playing out with partners, best friends and people who represent him, in opposition to his own ego needs and physical body in the same way. Saturn will retrograde back into this arena next year but it will be for a shorter time and it will be different. Owen will feel this shift this weekend, it may bring up those feelings as it leaves so hopefully he will be with people who love and support him.
Late Sunday or on Monday we hear news about something he has done as Mars meets Mercury. Once again, it is my hope that the energy shift of the weekend is felt as a relief and not as a rewind into memory of what the last two years have meant, so let's hope we are hearing something forward motion than instant replay. A female friend is strongly coming in. A side note on that, Owens natal Mercury is peregrine, meaning it stands alone in his chart. It is in the second decan of Scorpio so his thoughts are incredibly deep and could be compared to the ocean as they are Piscean Scorpio, being peregrine means this mental facility colors his entire chart and thusly impacts his entire life with depth and spiritual understanding. I have always found it immensely fulfilling to work with celebrities just for this kind of insight, we see him as this happy go lucky character but there is much to this man that a look at the chart reveals.
Saturn will Retrograde back into his relationship arena for a last go round on March 14th of 2009 at which time he can revisit what he has learned and see for himself how far he has come in taking responsibility for his own actions and needs as well as looking at how loyalty and value play into his one on one relationships. Key dates to watch would be March 25th, July 7th and August 3rd of 2009.
On July 18th, 2009, Saturn leaves the relationship zone for good, at least for another 29 years! September 15th, 2009 will begin a new chapter of Saturn lessons and challenges as a T-square gets its first hit in his chart in the new arena of sharing, depth, intimacy, power, outside money sources and sex. I actually see this as his moment when he will be dancing with the big issues of why he came to earth this time, able to go to depths even he has not imagined, but it will be work. This is a whole other column!
With all things Saturn, self mastery and stepping into personal authority are key as the challenges are met and we learn to move further into our life's journey. Here is sending Owen much love for all the joy he gives us in his work. Hugs, Zoe
In August, 2007, Owen was about half way through an incredibly long period of hosting Saturn in his significant relationships zone. In his chart, the areas given to his own ego development and to the house of one on one partnerships, are bigger than usual, indicating that these arenas will host many life lessons, challenges and joy. Thus we see his persona being elevated in the public eye as well as this distraught time for him over relationship. The relationship house here represents romantic partnerships as well as closest friends and people who represent him from agents, managers to attorneys.
Most people have to contend with the restriction, loss and hard work associated with Saturn touring a specific area for about a year. He has had to function under the challenge for nearly two. At that time, Saturn had reached the critical degree of Leo in his relationship house. The critical degree will bring things to a head, make them more intense and urgent and sometimes fated. At this particular degree, Saturn made a perfect quincunx to his natal Chiron. Chiron has been called the wounded healer, that point in the chart that is the wound that never heals. The quincunx while able to bring moments of genius, can also be an eliminator aspect, one where the adjustment that needs to be made is so intense that it pushes us beyond. Chiron is occupying a placement that makes 'value' a critical interest to Owen. What he earns and possessions become a reflection of this, but at it's core, Chiron here gives him the ability to teach value to us, as inherent to his nature, but when wounded will bring up in him this sense of nothing matters, nothing is valued, a sense of self worth turned against himself. It is so like Chiron that the thing we love in him is the thing that hurts him as well. It was being triggered at this point in time.
At the last degree of Leo, Saturn was looking at true love, children, creativity, the ego, the way one shines their light, and loyalty and pride. Saturn withholds, and we are in the relationship arena again.
At the same time, Venus and Neptune, the energy of love and spirituality, romance and artistic expression, were both retrograding and both in opposition to each other, playing out between his house of self and his house of partnership. Neptune dissolves in opposition. Neptune was dissolving his ego needs and the potential was there for it to dissolve his physical body, over issues of the higher attainment of love be it between love interests, business partners or best friends. Venus was retrograding in his significant others house. In it's most basic interpretation this would be a woman leaving him during this time. In a broader stroke it would mean love or the idea of what love means in the context of one on one relationships, leaving, dissolving. In the grand scheme of things, these moments occur to help us let go of worn out ideas or relationships so that the new people or situations that follow can meet our next level of growth and idealism. Neptune can be very dark and foggy under this kind of contact and was for him as it became exact.
The Sun, representing vitality and ego energy, was at an exact degree in his partnership house that squared Juno at the top of his chart. Juno is the goddess of marriage or commitment. The square is a challenge, the top of the chart a goal. So this was feeling threatened for him, adding weight to the situation. Transiting Juno had just entered the house of religion, legal ceremony and travel in the sign of partnership, semi-sextiling his natal Sun. Once again, introducing the idea of 'where am I in relation to people that matter to me?' and commitment being thematic to ego, one way or another. Lillith opened the day conjunct his Moon. Lillith is the strong independent feminine energy or female, triggering his emotions (Moon).
Jupiter, which rules his friendships, is the energy of luck and happiness, and where we may find ourselves being the most gullible. This energy was Retrograding. Once again, someone leaving, a friend, working it's way backwards through his career and fame arena to an opposition with Mars in the home. A male, anger, an issue with loyalty and value, goals and comraderie, Jupiter taking it over the top, involving something from the past.
Transiting Pluto, the energy that can cause death and transformation, was semi-sextiling his Sun, the energy of physical body and vitality. Once again locking in degrees as everything else did at this time, pushing for transformation of a friendship or aspiration, along with the way Owen saw himself and his goals.
The Moon was in the house of self-undoing, feelings falling prey to the loop we play for ourselves when we feel down, and she was preparing to cross his first house door, the body. And while I spoke of transiting Saturn quincunxing his natal Chiron, transiting Chiron was also quincunxing transiting Mercury in his house of relationships from his house of body and ego.
Uranus, the planet of sudden, surprising events, was retrograding and just crossing back over the door into his first house of body and ego needs, squaring natal Lillith on the door to his house of true love, children and creativity. It seems self explanatory.
The picture paints itself. There are moments in each of our lives when everything locks in. In Owens chart, ALL of these aspects that I describe were locked exactly by degree, these were not wide aspects, they were exact. Sometimes, when this happens, it all locks in in such a way that only a few things are focused on. This was the case here, personal worth, value, loyalty, and how that plays out between self and other, contributing factors friendship and independent female energy, most likely a big fight somewhere in the mix with Mars oppose Jupiter retrograde. But when the lock happens and it overwhelms by aiming everything into one area, you can have the potential of what occurred with Owen.
So where is he today, approximately 14 months later?
This Saturday, Oct. 25th 2008, Saturn finally leaves this part of Owen's chart. It has taken that long. The loss, restriction and testing of Saturn will no longer be playing out with partners, best friends and people who represent him, in opposition to his own ego needs and physical body in the same way. Saturn will retrograde back into this arena next year but it will be for a shorter time and it will be different. Owen will feel this shift this weekend, it may bring up those feelings as it leaves so hopefully he will be with people who love and support him.
Late Sunday or on Monday we hear news about something he has done as Mars meets Mercury. Once again, it is my hope that the energy shift of the weekend is felt as a relief and not as a rewind into memory of what the last two years have meant, so let's hope we are hearing something forward motion than instant replay. A female friend is strongly coming in. A side note on that, Owens natal Mercury is peregrine, meaning it stands alone in his chart. It is in the second decan of Scorpio so his thoughts are incredibly deep and could be compared to the ocean as they are Piscean Scorpio, being peregrine means this mental facility colors his entire chart and thusly impacts his entire life with depth and spiritual understanding. I have always found it immensely fulfilling to work with celebrities just for this kind of insight, we see him as this happy go lucky character but there is much to this man that a look at the chart reveals.
Saturn will Retrograde back into his relationship arena for a last go round on March 14th of 2009 at which time he can revisit what he has learned and see for himself how far he has come in taking responsibility for his own actions and needs as well as looking at how loyalty and value play into his one on one relationships. Key dates to watch would be March 25th, July 7th and August 3rd of 2009.
On July 18th, 2009, Saturn leaves the relationship zone for good, at least for another 29 years! September 15th, 2009 will begin a new chapter of Saturn lessons and challenges as a T-square gets its first hit in his chart in the new arena of sharing, depth, intimacy, power, outside money sources and sex. I actually see this as his moment when he will be dancing with the big issues of why he came to earth this time, able to go to depths even he has not imagined, but it will be work. This is a whole other column!
With all things Saturn, self mastery and stepping into personal authority are key as the challenges are met and we learn to move further into our life's journey. Here is sending Owen much love for all the joy he gives us in his work. Hugs, Zoe
Zoe's Weekly Forecast Oct. 27-31
Hi everyone, how was your weekend? The week ahead looks active, it looks positive, dynamic, passionate, things are moving, it is going to feel SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than recent weeks…ready? We have a New Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday which is going to give us a powerful boost of energy to begin things, look at focusing your intimate nature or money energy to where the new beginning is in your chart (read Rising as well as Sun).
Mars is giving us loads of positive forward motion, passion and action, as he brings action to opportunity with Jupiter for happiness, luck and prosperity on Monday, then meets up with Saturn to do the work and get a commitment on Thursday, and meets with Uranus to do something innovative or change things up on Friday, all of this is happening under very positive stars so make it happen this week, go!
The only thing nagging at us is the background noise of the approaching Saturn/Uranus opposition, round one of five, exact on November 4th and Pluto's slow grind on the last critical degree of Sagittarius as he makes his final approach to enter Capricorn on November 27th.
With the Saturn/Uranus opposition, we are seeing certain areas of life come to an end under this aspect over the next year and a half, so look for the signs, don't fight the inevitable, work with the divine spark of Uranus, be inventive, original, independent, free spirited, in your approach to finding new ways forward, allow Saturn to balance with discipline and effort. Balance is the key here, if you take a side and entrench, especially if that side is to hold onto the old order, you will have a time of it…and the change will still occur.
In our outer world, we are seeing the symbolic representation of these two energies playing out between McCain and Obama. Round one occurs on Election Day and it is no coincidence that McCain, Capricorn Moon (Saturn's sign), Virgo Sun (where Saturn currently transits) and North Node of Destiny in Capricorn (Saturn's sign) carries major qualities of Saturn: old age, the establishment, hard work, representing major restriction that he experienced as a POW and in his personal life, the boys club, authority, experience, a fatherly approach to fixing the problems, while Obama with Aquarius Rising (Uranus's sign), Jupiter in Aquarius (Uranus's sign) and South Node of past Karma in Aquarius (Uranus's sign), carries major qualities of Uranus: personifies change as his key word, free spirited, a radical shift to establishment in race and idealism, group mentality, cause oriented/humanitarian, wants to revolutionize our country. What happens between them is a huge clue as to what will be going on in our personal shifts. Ok, I digress, back to the week at hand…
If you are looking for a day to open up a talk about romance, spiritual or artistic needs, Thursday is the day. There is a lovely aspect occurring between Mercury and Neptune, the kind that makes poets of the least of us, so open up.
Halloween looks to be a wild and crazy night for everyone as Mars and Uranus meet for some high spirited high jinx, cresting the wave of the Scorpio Moon. You may expect some steamy encounters and sexy costumes making the rounds. I will write more about the night later in the week. Until then, here is your week ahead:
You may feel shot out of a cannon on Monday and this will be a very good thing. Your ruler, Mars, is meeting up with Jupiter to help you take action regarding career and ambitions and the money you get through settlements, loans, credit, commissions, royalties, joint finances, or any other form of due that comes beyond earnings. Go after it today, luck is on your side. Talk s or meetings with partners are favored as well today.
Tuesday is the New Moon in Scorpio. This is power energy. A sign co-ruled by your ruler, and a spot in the chart once again associated with loans, credit, debt, settlements, alimony, child support, divorce, sex, intimacy, pretty much anything that can be shared. It is time to take steps in new directions here and get things moving, you have two weeks to initiate.
Wednesday is just an all around great day. Focus on the money outside of earnings, reach out towards goals, take action with some form of money situation, put in time on the tasks at hand and work you have piling up, look for some inspired moments through research or work done behind the scenes, if you motivate today you just can't go wrong.
Thursday talks with a partner about aspirations or friendship are under amazing stars. Insert artistic ideas, romantic wishes or spiritual causes for best results. Your ruler is saying you need to take more action today with finances, there is great opportunity to make things happen, it is tied into commitment to work, responsibilities and any restrictions you are feeling regarding your health. This energy is favoring the actions you take today so go!
Friday your ruler is at it again, once again in a great position to make things happen for you. He is kicking it up in the financial section of your chart and connecting with positive surprises or change that comes through secret, behind the scenes energy, work done through research, fantasy or dealing with institutions such as hospitals or prisons. It is possible that some Aries will see this energy of the week play out as steamy encounters with a lover, if so today is a great day to pull the shades. Happy Halloween J
Mars is bringing action your way via partnership on Monday. This is a positive aspect connecting to expansion or luck through travel, publishing, legal matters or education together. If you are traveling with a partner today you should really enjoy yourself. Work matters should flow well for you today.
Tuesday is our New Moon in Scorpio. This is the day to begin new ventures in partnership. You have this awesome powerful energy at your disposal for the next two weeks to initiate interests in this area. Look to romantic or business partners as well as agents, managers or attorneys to launch new ideas.
Wednesday is filled with positive energy and it is all playing out around partners for you. There is great Jupiter energy around travel, legal matters, publishing or promoting, and education with the partnership, lots of action and passion within it, as well as effort and time committed to creative projects, love or children in the partnership bringing opportunity. A friend surprises later on.
Thursday Mars and Saturn get together to tie partnership activities and passions together with commitment and work coming in through creative projects, children and love. This is great opportunity energy so do something today in these areas. Talks are sweet about work, health and pets, romanticizing life is a great side effect of the days energy.
Friday Mars and Uranus come together to bring in unconventional or innovative ideas through aspirations or friendships. Take action in the partnership zone to take advantage of this energy, go after your dreams today! Happy Halloween J
Mars and Jupiter are meeting up on Monday to take action regarding work or health that will bring in commissions, loans, credit, or other joint finances or possibly lead to intimacy with someone. The energy is about action and passion, luck and happiness, but you must do something to see results. Creativity is at an all time high.
Tuesday the New Moon is occurring in Scorpio in your work, health and pets sector of your chart. This is THE time to begin a new workout regime or diet, go to the doctor to take care of things, tackle work or go after new work, and take care of pets or add a new one to your home.
Wednesday is all about getting the work done or taking care of health and pets. The energy is amazingly positive and your world show flow in these arenas today so tackle what lies in front of you.
Thursday Mars and Saturn are dancing in a way that brings some solid results to your foundations, home or property through the actions you take in the work you do, your health or with pets. This is opportunity energy so you need to act to see results. The Mercury/Neptune connection is bringing about positive talks or meetings about creative projects, love or children with people at a distance, or regarding education, travel, publishing/media/promoting, or legal matters. All good.
Friday Mars meets Uranus for more positive action around the work you are doing, your health and your pets, this one bringing a surprise or change in the career midheaven in a great way! Enjoy the surprise. Happy Halloween J
Mars is making nice with Jupiter today in your chart between action and passion involving creative projects, lovers and children, and the potential of expansion, luck and prosperity through partnership. This is the kind of energy that must be acted on so go after it today, the stars favor. Home is under an easy flow as well so enjoy.
Tuesday is the New Moon in Scorpio. This is in positive angle to your sign and is occurring in your house of true love, creativity and children. This begins the new chapter in your love life as well as brand new beginnings in your creative endeavors. The next two weeks bring lots of opportunity into your life so do not stay home. If you are trying to conceive, this is a great time to practice J
Wednesday is a golden day where all the energy is flowing in positive form. Cancer is receiving the best of it as it moves through creativity, true love, fun, and children. Set things in motion today, connect with partners for expansion, have serious talks or meetings about commitment and work, and expect nice surprise from afar, or regarding law, publishing, education or travel.
Thursday Mars meets up with Saturn to help you launch creative projects, find your passion with a lover or do something with a child. There is a chance to build something locally, take short trips, or hold talks or meetings about any of these things for positive results. Talks about home or property are under positive stars as well as Neptune sends a romantic glow through intimate connections, or allows you to find money to invest in something dreamy for the home.
Friday Mars and Uranus meet up so that you can take action regarding a creative project, lover or child because of changes or surprises coming through travel, publishing, education or legal matters. Once again, the heavens favor those who act! Happy Halloween J
Talk is out today, the stars favor communication in your chart. Mars is meeting Jupiter to help you take action with home or property through work you do. If you can work from home you should feel great results now, Jupiter is bringing luck and potential for prosperity tied to what you do here today. Health is under favored stars as well as your pets.
Tuesday the New Moon in Scorpio illuminates your home base, security needs, property, and connection with mom. This is the time to begin new ventures in these areas, you have two strong weeks to begin with this powerful energy supporting you.
Wednesday is a wonderful day when all of the aspects are supportive. For you it will give you lots of energy to accomplish things at home or with property. There is the chance to make strides in work from home or tasks you need to tackle there as well as potential to make money from home or spend it on home in a positive manner.
Thursday Mars and Saturn are meeting up to help you take charge, make something happen, in a serious, committed way. There is potential for long term results from efforts taken now and this is playing out between your home/property house and your income house. So sell the home, buy a home, make money from home, spend on the home. Talks are sweet today with a partner as Mercury and Neptune promise to deliver the words you long to hear, or perhaps you will be the one doing the talking?
Friday Mars meets up with Uranus, this time Mars is busy in the home or with property while Uranus is bringing some change or surprise by way of intimate encounters or outside money sources, all positive, so enjoy! Happy Halloween J
Mars is kick starting the week by getting together with Jupiter to make things happen in a big way. For you this is occurring between talks and meetings about creative ventures, true love or children. Express your passions for best results. Feelings about income are on solid ground as well today.
Tuesday the New Moon in Scorpio opens up a strong two week period of communications, meetings, short trips, writing, speaking, neighborhood activities and interaction with siblings. This is the time for new beginnings in these arenas so get busy.
Wednesday is a really great day as all the aspects are positive. You can expect to be talking and meeting with others about creative projects, love, children, your own commitment and authority, as well as partnerships. It is all good.
Thursday Mars meets up with Saturn and this is about doing something that yields long term results or helps to establish your authority. Mars is activating talks, short trips and meetings while Saturn is all about you, so it looks like you will be connecting today. Mercury is talking to Neptune showing talks for money about artistic work or service. You may take steps today over a health issue as well. All are under favored stars.
Friday Mars meets Uranus and this is about a change or surprise in partnership and you taking action through talks or meetings. The energy is positive so whatever occurs will favor you in the long run. Come from your passion. Happy Halloween J
Monday opens up opportunity to make money or spend on something for the home or ... Mars and Jupiter are saying that luck and prosperity come to those of you who take steps today towards this. Relationships with loved ones are under favored stars, as well as any creative ventures you are involved in.
Tuesday the New Moon in Scorpio fills the day with new seeding energy around income, what you make and what you spend, your possessions and the things you value. Begin today to take fresh new steps towards what you want to earn, buy things that will move you forward over the next year and acquire what you need to feel secure.
Wednesday is a great day as all of the energy is positive. The energy is concentrated on your income house once again, spending .. or home, earning from home, taking action towards making money, working behind the scenes or taking time to research money themes, all favored. Changes in the work you do will be positive as well.
Thursday mars meets up with Saturn to help you motivate making or spending money and build something up that you are working on in private, through research, fantasy or in dealing with institutions. It is opportunity here so do it! Mercury and Neptune are sharing energy which is glorious for you, it means talks and meetings will favor you and loved ones as well as you and your creative ventures, romance, the arts, and spirituality are all working for you.
Friday Mars meets up with Uranus and this is the big surprise or change, once again positive, this one showing you taking action in the money making arena again and Uranus bringing about some good changes or surprises to the work you do. Spending on health or pets is positive as well. Happy Halloween J
Your co-ruler, Mars, is going to be very busy this week, starting today as he meets up with the lucky planet Jupiter to helps you talk about something beneficial or that brings happiness to you. This is real opportunity in this so talk or meet to discuss. Your emotions are close to the vest today but under positive stars as well regarding home and private thoughts.
Tuesday is the New Moon and it is falling in your sign! This is a wonderful time of year for you when you get to begin a whole new chapter in life. Look at your own needs, your image, your identity, and your physical body as areas to initiate fresh starts. You have two weeks to set it in motion!
Wednesday is a very wonderful energy day, as all aspects are positive. This is a day to focus on yourself, your physical well being and needs. Talks should be expansive and happy, Mars is helping you get busy, hike, workout, get moving, Saturn is favoring positive interaction in social circles or with friends where you can work on something, you may even find the day brings some nice surprises in the arena of love or creativity.
Thursday Mars is meeting up with Saturn. This is about doing something with a friend or social group that brings some serious rewards or shows real results. There is opportunity in the actions you take, doing something physical will bless you in this as well. Mercury and Neptune are talking about the arts, romance or spirituality, opening up lovely vibes behind the scenes and in the home.
Friday Mars makes his way to Uranus and the dynamic is amazing for you! This is action you take physically through movement or passion as it meets up with surprises and sudden moments with lovers, children or creative projects. All in a great aspect! Go out tonight! You are bound to have an amazing time. Happy Halloween J
Mars , the planet of action, and Jupiter, your ruler and the planet of luck and expansion, are meeting up on Monday to make something wonderful happen. It means you taking action behind the scenes, in private, through research or fantasy work, or in dealing with institutions. The opportunity comes to make big money or spend big money, all beneficial! Feelings about friends are under positive stars, talks are good.
Tuesday the New Moon in Scorpio is opening up two strong weeks to initiate new beginnings behind the scenes, in retreat, research, fantasy, and dealing with institutions. This may be a period when you take time to yourself to regenerate.
Wednesday is a great day where all of the energy is positive. The focus is about time alone, private time, working behind the scenes or on private things, research and fantasy. There is opportunity for expansion of income here and serious strides in career or towards goals. Nice changes are possible in the home.
Thursday brings Mars and Saturn together. Another day for taking action behind the scenes and securing ambitions or career goals. Great energy for working hard or putting in time to make things happen. Talks are wonderful between you and your friends as Mercury and Neptune meet up between your communications and friendship houses.
Friday Mars meets up with Uranus. Yes, Mars has had a busy week but today he kicks in for some real fun as he makes things happen in secret or behind the scenes and ties into surprises or changes on the home front or with property. A great day to tackle what needs done around the house or to hook up in a secret passionate rendezvous at home. Happy Halloween J
Monday is a great day to do something social, or to hook up with friends or groups to achieve something. Mars and Jupiter are coming together to say you will move mountains and have a great and prosperous time while you are at it. Goals are within reach today and feelings are positive around career and ambitions.
Tuesday is the New Moon in Scorpio and this is opening up two strong weeks of energy in your friendship, associations and aspirations zone. This means you can begin new friendships, meet new people who will prove important in your year ahead, launch something with a group or friend and pursue aspirations now.
Wednesday is a great day as all the aspects are positive and supportive. This is another great day to socialize or connect with a friend. Travel, education, legal matters, or publishing pursued with a group or friend are under positive stars. A few surprising talks or meetings are on tap, go with the flow, it is all good.
Thursday Mars meets Saturn to get you moving with like minded people to work on something in education, travel, publishing or law. Expand your mind with these situations today, solid results are possible. Mercury and Neptune are making nice music between income and career or goals. Talk about what you need.
Friday Mars meets Uranus and the sparks fly with a friend, in a great way! Meetings and talks bring nice surprises and your friendships are tight and beneficial today. Social groups and functions are under the same amazing stars so go out and enjoy yourself tonight. Happy Halloween J
Choose your goals or set your mind on your career or ambitions as this week opens up because Mars and the New Moon are going to help you go get them or make them happen. Monday, Mars meets the lucky, prosperity making Jupiter behind the scenes, this could be meeting with someone secretly over legal or spiritual matters to set something in motion towards your goals or career. Opportunity is yours if you initiate.
Tuesday the New Moon in Scorpio is bringing two strong weeks for you to launch something towards your goals, career, ambition, reputation, fame or involving father. This is the time to make your move, upward and onward. Let people know what you want and who you are.
Wednesday is a great day as all the aspects are positive. This is playing out once again in career and goals for you. Jupiter is helping you in secret again to broaden what you want and protect you while Mars is helping you go after it. Saturn is even in the mix helping you do the work involving joint finances, alimony, child support, divorce, or any other form of outside resources.
Thursday Mars meets Saturn pushing you again to do something towards your goals or to make something happen on the career front. Saturn is offering opportunity to work on the outside money sources or intimacy issues in a solid way today, consulting an authority pays off. Mercury and Neptune meet up to bring wonderful talks or meetings with someone at a distance or over topics such as publishing, travel, education or legal matters.
Friday Mars and Uranus meet putting more push towards career and goals while working in the flow of your ruler as he brings nice change or surprises around income and possessions. Happy Halloween J
The theme of this week is going to be legal matters, education, publishing and promotion, and travel or people at a distance. Get ready! It is all going to be forward motion. Mars meets Jupiter on Monday in an opportunity to do something in one of these areas involving a friend or group. There is luck in this so take steps in one of these arenas today. Shared resources are under favored stars.
Tuesday the New Moon in Scorpio highlights publishing, travel, law and education. You have two strong weeks ahead to initiate fresh starts or launch new ventures in any of these arenas. It's a great time to travel, plan a trip, take legal measures, make something legal, launch a promotion or learn something new.
Wednesday is a really wonderful energy day. In the areas we discussed of legal matters, publishing, travel, or education, involve friends or groups for luck and expansion, take action, get busy, and commit to a partnership or put in time or work with a partner in one of these areas for best results.
Thursday Mars meets Saturn helping you do something in publishing, promoting, legal matters, education, or travel, and once again this is an opportunity and it involves committing time or work with a partner for great results. Mercury and Neptune are meeting to have talks or meetings about loans, joint finances, credit or any other form of outside money, to help you connect to your vision of what you want. Secret rendevous's are under positive romantic stars as well.
Friday Mars meets Uranus and this is about you traveling, taking or teaching a class, doing something involving contracts or law, or publishing. It puts you in the mix suddenly or in a surprise way, but it appears to be quite positive, so enjoy! Happy Halloween
Hi everyone, how was your weekend? The week ahead looks active, it looks positive, dynamic, passionate, things are moving, it is going to feel SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than recent weeks…ready? We have a New Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday which is going to give us a powerful boost of energy to begin things, look at focusing your intimate nature or money energy to where the new beginning is in your chart (read Rising as well as Sun).
Mars is giving us loads of positive forward motion, passion and action, as he brings action to opportunity with Jupiter for happiness, luck and prosperity on Monday, then meets up with Saturn to do the work and get a commitment on Thursday, and meets with Uranus to do something innovative or change things up on Friday, all of this is happening under very positive stars so make it happen this week, go!
The only thing nagging at us is the background noise of the approaching Saturn/Uranus opposition, round one of five, exact on November 4th and Pluto's slow grind on the last critical degree of Sagittarius as he makes his final approach to enter Capricorn on November 27th.
With the Saturn/Uranus opposition, we are seeing certain areas of life come to an end under this aspect over the next year and a half, so look for the signs, don't fight the inevitable, work with the divine spark of Uranus, be inventive, original, independent, free spirited, in your approach to finding new ways forward, allow Saturn to balance with discipline and effort. Balance is the key here, if you take a side and entrench, especially if that side is to hold onto the old order, you will have a time of it…and the change will still occur.
In our outer world, we are seeing the symbolic representation of these two energies playing out between McCain and Obama. Round one occurs on Election Day and it is no coincidence that McCain, Capricorn Moon (Saturn's sign), Virgo Sun (where Saturn currently transits) and North Node of Destiny in Capricorn (Saturn's sign) carries major qualities of Saturn: old age, the establishment, hard work, representing major restriction that he experienced as a POW and in his personal life, the boys club, authority, experience, a fatherly approach to fixing the problems, while Obama with Aquarius Rising (Uranus's sign), Jupiter in Aquarius (Uranus's sign) and South Node of past Karma in Aquarius (Uranus's sign), carries major qualities of Uranus: personifies change as his key word, free spirited, a radical shift to establishment in race and idealism, group mentality, cause oriented/humanitarian, wants to revolutionize our country. What happens between them is a huge clue as to what will be going on in our personal shifts. Ok, I digress, back to the week at hand…
If you are looking for a day to open up a talk about romance, spiritual or artistic needs, Thursday is the day. There is a lovely aspect occurring between Mercury and Neptune, the kind that makes poets of the least of us, so open up.
Halloween looks to be a wild and crazy night for everyone as Mars and Uranus meet for some high spirited high jinx, cresting the wave of the Scorpio Moon. You may expect some steamy encounters and sexy costumes making the rounds. I will write more about the night later in the week. Until then, here is your week ahead:
You may feel shot out of a cannon on Monday and this will be a very good thing. Your ruler, Mars, is meeting up with Jupiter to help you take action regarding career and ambitions and the money you get through settlements, loans, credit, commissions, royalties, joint finances, or any other form of due that comes beyond earnings. Go after it today, luck is on your side. Talk s or meetings with partners are favored as well today.
Tuesday is the New Moon in Scorpio. This is power energy. A sign co-ruled by your ruler, and a spot in the chart once again associated with loans, credit, debt, settlements, alimony, child support, divorce, sex, intimacy, pretty much anything that can be shared. It is time to take steps in new directions here and get things moving, you have two weeks to initiate.
Wednesday is just an all around great day. Focus on the money outside of earnings, reach out towards goals, take action with some form of money situation, put in time on the tasks at hand and work you have piling up, look for some inspired moments through research or work done behind the scenes, if you motivate today you just can't go wrong.
Thursday talks with a partner about aspirations or friendship are under amazing stars. Insert artistic ideas, romantic wishes or spiritual causes for best results. Your ruler is saying you need to take more action today with finances, there is great opportunity to make things happen, it is tied into commitment to work, responsibilities and any restrictions you are feeling regarding your health. This energy is favoring the actions you take today so go!
Friday your ruler is at it again, once again in a great position to make things happen for you. He is kicking it up in the financial section of your chart and connecting with positive surprises or change that comes through secret, behind the scenes energy, work done through research, fantasy or dealing with institutions such as hospitals or prisons. It is possible that some Aries will see this energy of the week play out as steamy encounters with a lover, if so today is a great day to pull the shades. Happy Halloween J
Mars is bringing action your way via partnership on Monday. This is a positive aspect connecting to expansion or luck through travel, publishing, legal matters or education together. If you are traveling with a partner today you should really enjoy yourself. Work matters should flow well for you today.
Tuesday is our New Moon in Scorpio. This is the day to begin new ventures in partnership. You have this awesome powerful energy at your disposal for the next two weeks to initiate interests in this area. Look to romantic or business partners as well as agents, managers or attorneys to launch new ideas.
Wednesday is filled with positive energy and it is all playing out around partners for you. There is great Jupiter energy around travel, legal matters, publishing or promoting, and education with the partnership, lots of action and passion within it, as well as effort and time committed to creative projects, love or children in the partnership bringing opportunity. A friend surprises later on.
Thursday Mars and Saturn get together to tie partnership activities and passions together with commitment and work coming in through creative projects, children and love. This is great opportunity energy so do something today in these areas. Talks are sweet about work, health and pets, romanticizing life is a great side effect of the days energy.
Friday Mars and Uranus come together to bring in unconventional or innovative ideas through aspirations or friendships. Take action in the partnership zone to take advantage of this energy, go after your dreams today! Happy Halloween J
Mars and Jupiter are meeting up on Monday to take action regarding work or health that will bring in commissions, loans, credit, or other joint finances or possibly lead to intimacy with someone. The energy is about action and passion, luck and happiness, but you must do something to see results. Creativity is at an all time high.
Tuesday the New Moon is occurring in Scorpio in your work, health and pets sector of your chart. This is THE time to begin a new workout regime or diet, go to the doctor to take care of things, tackle work or go after new work, and take care of pets or add a new one to your home.
Wednesday is all about getting the work done or taking care of health and pets. The energy is amazingly positive and your world show flow in these arenas today so tackle what lies in front of you.
Thursday Mars and Saturn are dancing in a way that brings some solid results to your foundations, home or property through the actions you take in the work you do, your health or with pets. This is opportunity energy so you need to act to see results. The Mercury/Neptune connection is bringing about positive talks or meetings about creative projects, love or children with people at a distance, or regarding education, travel, publishing/media/promoting, or legal matters. All good.
Friday Mars meets Uranus for more positive action around the work you are doing, your health and your pets, this one bringing a surprise or change in the career midheaven in a great way! Enjoy the surprise. Happy Halloween J
Mars is making nice with Jupiter today in your chart between action and passion involving creative projects, lovers and children, and the potential of expansion, luck and prosperity through partnership. This is the kind of energy that must be acted on so go after it today, the stars favor. Home is under an easy flow as well so enjoy.
Tuesday is the New Moon in Scorpio. This is in positive angle to your sign and is occurring in your house of true love, creativity and children. This begins the new chapter in your love life as well as brand new beginnings in your creative endeavors. The next two weeks bring lots of opportunity into your life so do not stay home. If you are trying to conceive, this is a great time to practice J
Wednesday is a golden day where all the energy is flowing in positive form. Cancer is receiving the best of it as it moves through creativity, true love, fun, and children. Set things in motion today, connect with partners for expansion, have serious talks or meetings about commitment and work, and expect nice surprise from afar, or regarding law, publishing, education or travel.
Thursday Mars meets up with Saturn to help you launch creative projects, find your passion with a lover or do something with a child. There is a chance to build something locally, take short trips, or hold talks or meetings about any of these things for positive results. Talks about home or property are under positive stars as well as Neptune sends a romantic glow through intimate connections, or allows you to find money to invest in something dreamy for the home.
Friday Mars and Uranus meet up so that you can take action regarding a creative project, lover or child because of changes or surprises coming through travel, publishing, education or legal matters. Once again, the heavens favor those who act! Happy Halloween J
Talk is out today, the stars favor communication in your chart. Mars is meeting Jupiter to help you take action with home or property through work you do. If you can work from home you should feel great results now, Jupiter is bringing luck and potential for prosperity tied to what you do here today. Health is under favored stars as well as your pets.
Tuesday the New Moon in Scorpio illuminates your home base, security needs, property, and connection with mom. This is the time to begin new ventures in these areas, you have two strong weeks to begin with this powerful energy supporting you.
Wednesday is a wonderful day when all of the aspects are supportive. For you it will give you lots of energy to accomplish things at home or with property. There is the chance to make strides in work from home or tasks you need to tackle there as well as potential to make money from home or spend it on home in a positive manner.
Thursday Mars and Saturn are meeting up to help you take charge, make something happen, in a serious, committed way. There is potential for long term results from efforts taken now and this is playing out between your home/property house and your income house. So sell the home, buy a home, make money from home, spend on the home. Talks are sweet today with a partner as Mercury and Neptune promise to deliver the words you long to hear, or perhaps you will be the one doing the talking?
Friday Mars meets up with Uranus, this time Mars is busy in the home or with property while Uranus is bringing some change or surprise by way of intimate encounters or outside money sources, all positive, so enjoy! Happy Halloween J
Mars is kick starting the week by getting together with Jupiter to make things happen in a big way. For you this is occurring between talks and meetings about creative ventures, true love or children. Express your passions for best results. Feelings about income are on solid ground as well today.
Tuesday the New Moon in Scorpio opens up a strong two week period of communications, meetings, short trips, writing, speaking, neighborhood activities and interaction with siblings. This is the time for new beginnings in these arenas so get busy.
Wednesday is a really great day as all the aspects are positive. You can expect to be talking and meeting with others about creative projects, love, children, your own commitment and authority, as well as partnerships. It is all good.
Thursday Mars meets up with Saturn and this is about doing something that yields long term results or helps to establish your authority. Mars is activating talks, short trips and meetings while Saturn is all about you, so it looks like you will be connecting today. Mercury is talking to Neptune showing talks for money about artistic work or service. You may take steps today over a health issue as well. All are under favored stars.
Friday Mars meets Uranus and this is about a change or surprise in partnership and you taking action through talks or meetings. The energy is positive so whatever occurs will favor you in the long run. Come from your passion. Happy Halloween J
Monday opens up opportunity to make money or spend on something for the home or ... Mars and Jupiter are saying that luck and prosperity come to those of you who take steps today towards this. Relationships with loved ones are under favored stars, as well as any creative ventures you are involved in.
Tuesday the New Moon in Scorpio fills the day with new seeding energy around income, what you make and what you spend, your possessions and the things you value. Begin today to take fresh new steps towards what you want to earn, buy things that will move you forward over the next year and acquire what you need to feel secure.
Wednesday is a great day as all of the energy is positive. The energy is concentrated on your income house once again, spending .. or home, earning from home, taking action towards making money, working behind the scenes or taking time to research money themes, all favored. Changes in the work you do will be positive as well.
Thursday mars meets up with Saturn to help you motivate making or spending money and build something up that you are working on in private, through research, fantasy or in dealing with institutions. It is opportunity here so do it! Mercury and Neptune are sharing energy which is glorious for you, it means talks and meetings will favor you and loved ones as well as you and your creative ventures, romance, the arts, and spirituality are all working for you.
Friday Mars meets up with Uranus and this is the big surprise or change, once again positive, this one showing you taking action in the money making arena again and Uranus bringing about some good changes or surprises to the work you do. Spending on health or pets is positive as well. Happy Halloween J
Your co-ruler, Mars, is going to be very busy this week, starting today as he meets up with the lucky planet Jupiter to helps you talk about something beneficial or that brings happiness to you. This is real opportunity in this so talk or meet to discuss. Your emotions are close to the vest today but under positive stars as well regarding home and private thoughts.
Tuesday is the New Moon and it is falling in your sign! This is a wonderful time of year for you when you get to begin a whole new chapter in life. Look at your own needs, your image, your identity, and your physical body as areas to initiate fresh starts. You have two weeks to set it in motion!
Wednesday is a very wonderful energy day, as all aspects are positive. This is a day to focus on yourself, your physical well being and needs. Talks should be expansive and happy, Mars is helping you get busy, hike, workout, get moving, Saturn is favoring positive interaction in social circles or with friends where you can work on something, you may even find the day brings some nice surprises in the arena of love or creativity.
Thursday Mars is meeting up with Saturn. This is about doing something with a friend or social group that brings some serious rewards or shows real results. There is opportunity in the actions you take, doing something physical will bless you in this as well. Mercury and Neptune are talking about the arts, romance or spirituality, opening up lovely vibes behind the scenes and in the home.
Friday Mars makes his way to Uranus and the dynamic is amazing for you! This is action you take physically through movement or passion as it meets up with surprises and sudden moments with lovers, children or creative projects. All in a great aspect! Go out tonight! You are bound to have an amazing time. Happy Halloween J
Mars , the planet of action, and Jupiter, your ruler and the planet of luck and expansion, are meeting up on Monday to make something wonderful happen. It means you taking action behind the scenes, in private, through research or fantasy work, or in dealing with institutions. The opportunity comes to make big money or spend big money, all beneficial! Feelings about friends are under positive stars, talks are good.
Tuesday the New Moon in Scorpio is opening up two strong weeks to initiate new beginnings behind the scenes, in retreat, research, fantasy, and dealing with institutions. This may be a period when you take time to yourself to regenerate.
Wednesday is a great day where all of the energy is positive. The focus is about time alone, private time, working behind the scenes or on private things, research and fantasy. There is opportunity for expansion of income here and serious strides in career or towards goals. Nice changes are possible in the home.
Thursday brings Mars and Saturn together. Another day for taking action behind the scenes and securing ambitions or career goals. Great energy for working hard or putting in time to make things happen. Talks are wonderful between you and your friends as Mercury and Neptune meet up between your communications and friendship houses.
Friday Mars meets up with Uranus. Yes, Mars has had a busy week but today he kicks in for some real fun as he makes things happen in secret or behind the scenes and ties into surprises or changes on the home front or with property. A great day to tackle what needs done around the house or to hook up in a secret passionate rendezvous at home. Happy Halloween J
Monday is a great day to do something social, or to hook up with friends or groups to achieve something. Mars and Jupiter are coming together to say you will move mountains and have a great and prosperous time while you are at it. Goals are within reach today and feelings are positive around career and ambitions.
Tuesday is the New Moon in Scorpio and this is opening up two strong weeks of energy in your friendship, associations and aspirations zone. This means you can begin new friendships, meet new people who will prove important in your year ahead, launch something with a group or friend and pursue aspirations now.
Wednesday is a great day as all the aspects are positive and supportive. This is another great day to socialize or connect with a friend. Travel, education, legal matters, or publishing pursued with a group or friend are under positive stars. A few surprising talks or meetings are on tap, go with the flow, it is all good.
Thursday Mars meets Saturn to get you moving with like minded people to work on something in education, travel, publishing or law. Expand your mind with these situations today, solid results are possible. Mercury and Neptune are making nice music between income and career or goals. Talk about what you need.
Friday Mars meets Uranus and the sparks fly with a friend, in a great way! Meetings and talks bring nice surprises and your friendships are tight and beneficial today. Social groups and functions are under the same amazing stars so go out and enjoy yourself tonight. Happy Halloween J
Choose your goals or set your mind on your career or ambitions as this week opens up because Mars and the New Moon are going to help you go get them or make them happen. Monday, Mars meets the lucky, prosperity making Jupiter behind the scenes, this could be meeting with someone secretly over legal or spiritual matters to set something in motion towards your goals or career. Opportunity is yours if you initiate.
Tuesday the New Moon in Scorpio is bringing two strong weeks for you to launch something towards your goals, career, ambition, reputation, fame or involving father. This is the time to make your move, upward and onward. Let people know what you want and who you are.
Wednesday is a great day as all the aspects are positive. This is playing out once again in career and goals for you. Jupiter is helping you in secret again to broaden what you want and protect you while Mars is helping you go after it. Saturn is even in the mix helping you do the work involving joint finances, alimony, child support, divorce, or any other form of outside resources.
Thursday Mars meets Saturn pushing you again to do something towards your goals or to make something happen on the career front. Saturn is offering opportunity to work on the outside money sources or intimacy issues in a solid way today, consulting an authority pays off. Mercury and Neptune meet up to bring wonderful talks or meetings with someone at a distance or over topics such as publishing, travel, education or legal matters.
Friday Mars and Uranus meet putting more push towards career and goals while working in the flow of your ruler as he brings nice change or surprises around income and possessions. Happy Halloween J
The theme of this week is going to be legal matters, education, publishing and promotion, and travel or people at a distance. Get ready! It is all going to be forward motion. Mars meets Jupiter on Monday in an opportunity to do something in one of these areas involving a friend or group. There is luck in this so take steps in one of these arenas today. Shared resources are under favored stars.
Tuesday the New Moon in Scorpio highlights publishing, travel, law and education. You have two strong weeks ahead to initiate fresh starts or launch new ventures in any of these arenas. It's a great time to travel, plan a trip, take legal measures, make something legal, launch a promotion or learn something new.
Wednesday is a really wonderful energy day. In the areas we discussed of legal matters, publishing, travel, or education, involve friends or groups for luck and expansion, take action, get busy, and commit to a partnership or put in time or work with a partner in one of these areas for best results.
Thursday Mars meets Saturn helping you do something in publishing, promoting, legal matters, education, or travel, and once again this is an opportunity and it involves committing time or work with a partner for great results. Mercury and Neptune are meeting to have talks or meetings about loans, joint finances, credit or any other form of outside money, to help you connect to your vision of what you want. Secret rendevous's are under positive romantic stars as well.
Friday Mars meets Uranus and this is about you traveling, taking or teaching a class, doing something involving contracts or law, or publishing. It puts you in the mix suddenly or in a surprise way, but it appears to be quite positive, so enjoy! Happy Halloween
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