Holy cow, I can't believe we are approaching the month of May already! Get your ducks in a row, it's the calm before the breakthroughs!
May opens with the planet of dreams and spirit, and the planet of reality and time, moving into an adjustment to each other. This means this month will be about tweaking your art, romantic desires and spiritual quests to fit into a picture of reality. How can you put structures in place that support your vision? What structures no longer suit your dream for your life?
The first half of the month Mercury is taking you back through the sign of Taurus to rethink your income making abilities and to ask you to make some value decisions based on where you find yourself now. Give it consideration, this is the last somewhat peaceful month before the summer hits and the MAJOR aspects come together to change absolutely everything between June and August. You want to be sure of what it is you value and this is the time to get very clear on this.
The New Moon on the 13th is opening up doors in the sign of Taurus so you will have two strong weeks from this point to launch new income making prospects or amp up the flow of money coming in through current situations. Not only is this month about revisiting the past in Taurus with the Mercury Retrograde and going forward with the New Moon in Taurus but Venus, the ruler of Taurus, is extremely active this month. Focus on earnings, spending, possessions and what you value.
The last week of May is big, very big. Jupiter will oppose Saturn and Venus will oppose Pluto on the 23rd. You are going to be head to head with someone over issues that will be specific to your sign but involve expansion, limits, time, effort, love and control, sex or triangles, or money and who has the power.
On the 26th the Sun and Pluto move into adjustment aspects with each other so you will need to bend your will a bit to the powers that be in order to achieve your ends. The Full Moon on the 27th is in Sagittarius and will be bringing a peak moment of celebration or endings that you won’t soon forget. This will revolve around travel, someone at a distance or foreign, a media, publicity or publishing matter, higher education, or a legal matter. The reason it is so big is that today, Uranus changes signs for the first time in 7 years, moving from the floating, boundary-less sea of Pisces, into the action oriented, fierce sign of Aries. It is lighting rod energy, a volcanic, earthquake kind of energy.
On the 30th Saturn stations Direct and the ambition, leadership, commitment, restrictions, limits, authority figures and time will all be back into play somewhere in your chart. Neptune Retrogrades on the 31st taking the drive to express artistry, romance and spirituality into the inner realms of being where we will create in dreamscape and through our personal process, what we will bring forward months from now when Neptune goes Direct again.
May begins asking you to make some adjustments around the actual work you are doing, your health or the pet situation if you are to realize your dream involving a group or friend. The Mercury/Pluto trine on the 3rd is a positive promise that you can meet or talk about income with someone in authority with good results.
The Sun will square your ruler, Mars on the 4th so you may feel as though you have some hurdle to overcome with creative output, a child or a lover but earning money is important and you will find a way. By Friday the 7th, Venus moves in to talk to Mars and things will go your way through the talks or meetings you have over love, children or creative processes.
Mercury stations Direct on the 11th and you are now ready to move forward where income is concerned. You should give yourself until the New Moon on the 13th to sign papers or make agreements, to send out resumes or take the interview, but you are now under very strong, positive stars to make money if you step up and go for what you want.
Take note of the 17-18th of the month when Venus will be active. You will likely be talking to women or a woman and attempting something artistic or involving a hospital or other institution now and it may be big. You are in the spotlight at this time earning money and producing this matter. There are some limits involved around how you do the work or over your health but the connection to a group or friends is very positive and you can look for serious, long term benefits for your income and work or health.
Venus moves into Cancer on the 19th and you will find that love and money will focus in on the home and living situation more now. This is not a good day to lean on a friend for money or to lend it but it is a powerful day for you to earn through your own career endeavors.
The 20th is a big day as the Sun moves into Gemini and puts you in the spotlight over the next 30 days in all communications matters. This is a great time to write, do speaking engagements, pitch ideas, meet and talk with others, get busy locally, involve neighbors or siblings, and take more short trips. The Sun gives a nod to Uranus today so something exciting is in the air for you, you may get some really great news today about income or find out something you need to know about the artistic project, secret, hospital, or spiritual retreat.
Jupiter opposes Saturn and Venus opposes Pluto on the 23rd. This is a volatile day where home and security issues surface around a woman and you must balance career and a powerful authority figure, all against what is happening with your health or work situation. Come into the day with the idea that you will remain calm and allow everything to balance around you.
The Sun adjusts to Pluto on the 26th which means you will need to adjust your ego or physical position in talks or agreements with an authority figure today. Achieving your goal or ambition is possible through your ability to adapt your stance.
The Full Moon on the 27th brings celebration or endings to a publishing, media or publicity matter, your higher educational pursuit, travel plans or with someone at a distance, or involving a legal matter. Uranus moves into your sign today giving you the first glimpse in 84 years of what it is going to be like to have this brilliant, genius, lightning rod energy working through you. Sudden changes, exciting shifts, amazing insights, meetings with unusual and interesting people, all are possibilities for you now. This could sky-rocket you to the top in an instant or change things on a dime. This energy will be with you the next few months before Retrograding back into Pisces so harness its lightning rod exuberance to pursue your goals. Uranus moves back into your sign next year to stay for 7 years.
Saturn stations Direct on the 30th and you are ready to take on the work and effort on the work front, with your health and with your pets. Leading yourself forward is what is required, taking the position of authority and being responsible will take you far. Neptune Retrogrades on the 31st so you will be going on an inner quest of artistry, spirituality or romantic awakening through a friend or group over the next few months. It is a time to get in touch with your true aspirations and let them simmer.
The month begins with decisions about a love interest, child or creative venture and how you are going to make adjustments around responsibilities or limitations so that you can reach your artistic, romantic or spiritual goals. The talk or agreement you come to on the 3rd bodes very well for you getting what you want by way of legal, media or publishing, educational, or travel changes and empowerment.
Watch yourself at home or with those you are living with on the 4th as energy if very frictional here today. By the 7th your ruler moves into place and you will find that what is going on at home is benefiting you again, most likely in some monetary way or with the woman involved who you value.
Mercury stations Direct on the 11th and this is occurring in your sign. You have had several weeks now to rethink and revisit your past ideas about who you are/were. You are now ready to begin making some decisions about your identity and ego needs based on this introspection. Wait until the 13th to announce it or to make a fresh start as this is the New Moon in your sign and will give you two powerful weeks to begin something new around image, identity, body, or ego needs.
Watch the 17-18th as your ruler, Venus, will be quite active. There may be an issue over income with a friend that arises or some kind of monetary matter with a group you are involved with or a social function you are to attend. You are truly going to be the star of this gathering or moment and it looks quite good for you. There is some kind of limit involved though with your lover, child or the creative process but once you hammer out the money it looks like you are making some big goal come true and that you will find your needs really are met.
Venus moves into Cancer on the 19th and this will mean you are focusing on love or money in the local scene now, through short trips, in talks and meetings, giving pitches or speeches, writing, or sharing ideas. If single you could meet someone of interest out at the grocery or bank, any place local to your living space. Talks or agreements you have today about travel, legal matters, education, or media ventures are powerful and positive. Something shifts with a friend or group today that may affect a goal of yours so go with the flow.
The Sun moves into Gemini on the 20th and puts you in the spotlight over the next 30 days making money. This is the time you really shine and people will notice you and want to hire you so get out there and promote yourself. Today brings something unexpected from a friend or group that suits you quite well, say yes to spontaneous invitations and new situations with these people.
The 23rd may be quite volatile or spectacular, but it is powerful either way. Jupiter is opposing Saturn and your ruler, Venus, is opposing Pluto. There will be talks and decisions based around love or money that change things intensely. Legal control or empowerment through what needs to change in media, education or travel will play a part as will any responsibilities or limits with children, lovers or creative outlets.
The Sun adjusts to Pluto on the 26th which means you will need to make some concessions around income to move towards the powerful transformation you need legally, in media, publishing, travel, with someone foreign or far away, or in higher education.
The Full Moon on the 27th is bringing a divorce, major financial matter or sexual issue to a huge peak in your world. This is a celebration or ending that you won’t forget any time soon. The reason being is that Uranus changes signs today, moving his lightning bolts of brilliance, genius, sudden or shocking change, and inventiveness into your mystical, artistic, hidden, secret, private part of your chart. He has not toured here in 84 years. He is going to make himself known by shooting some surprise or exciting element your way. You are going to get a glimpse of what this genius energy can do for you in the next couple months before he Retrogrades back into Pisces. Next year he will be back for a 7 year stretch so pay attention to what visions and downloads you get artistically or spiritually now, you are the one who is going to have this key.
Saturn stations Direct on the 30th and you are now ready to take responsibility and set limits with lovers, children or the creative projects. Leading yourself forward with new authority here is required. Neptune Retrogrades on the 31st at which time your artistic, romantic and spiritual goals and how they affect your career will internalize. You are entering a time period where you will be nurturing this energy within and developing something you will be ready to bring out to the world up ahead when Neptune goes Direct.
The month opens asking that you make some adjustments around your responsibilities or limits at home, to parents or with roommates. This is necessary if you are to achieve your artistic or romantic goals in media, education or teaching, travel or with someone foreign, or legally. The talk or agreement you come to in private on the 3rd bodes very well for you financially or regarding the divorce or an intimate connection.
Watch the 4th as energy is sparking and there may be something said in anger or something you learn that makes you angry. By the 7th the energy has moved into a position to benefit you through communications, writing, short trips or an idea you have been developing.
Mercury stations Direct on the 11th in the hidden, mystical part of your chart. You have been working on something behind closed doors, involved in something secret, doing some revisiting of the past through research, fantasy, romance, artistry, spirituality, or through institutions such as hospitals and now you are ready to make decisions, sign agreements and get moving. Wait until the 13th when you have a New Moon in this part of the chart, giving you two strong weeks to launch film, fantasy, music, art, research, investigations, hospital stays, retreats, psychic pursuits, clandestine love, or to tackle addictive behaviors.
Watch the 17-18th as days that are heavily influenced by Venus. This means that you may be dealing with a woman at this time that is important or that love or money issues are arising now. Your career and reputation are being made now and you will need to step up and take charge, let your light shine in the mystical and hidden part of your chart and except expansion. You will still have to deal with limits or responsibilities at home or with roommates but there is huge potential for you through travel, media, education, and legal routes.
Venus moves into Cancer on the 19th and takes her ability to attract love and money into your income zone. This will help you to attract more income and will nudge you to want to spend on luxury items or love. You may find you give or receive tokens of affection during this time as well. Today the energy requires overcoming some obstacles where goals and the travel, media, education, or legalities are concerned but there is strong potential for you in agreements that involve major money, sex or divorce.
The Sun moves into your sign on the 20th and you are finally ready to come out of hiding to some extent. This is the 30 day period of the year that is like a new year for you and when you should shine as the person you are. Focus on body, image, identity and your own needs now. It looks like there is something exciting happening on the career front today or around a major goal of yours so get ready to go with what comes up.
The 23rd is intense as Jupiter opposes Saturn and Venus opposes Pluto! You will be head to head with someone over finances, career expansion and responsibilities or limits at home or with living situations. Keep your eye on what it is you value.
The Sun adjusts to Pluto on the 26th so you will be making some personal concessions around image, body or ego if you want to see the empowerment you seek through major financial channels, sexual connections, reproduction, or divorce.
The Full Moon on the 27th is bringing something to a big peak moment with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. This is a celebration or ending and you will not likely forget it soon. The reason for this is that Uranus is moving into Aries today and triggering brilliant action oriented surprise or excitement connected to your aspirations, friends, group affiliations, and social activities. Uranus has not been here in 84 years and you are now going to get a few months to taste what it feels like to have this kind of genius and change around your social sphere and aspirations.
Saturn stations Direct on the 30th and you are now ready to take the lead, handle the responsibility or limits in the home, with a move, in a renovation or roommate situation, or with mom. Neptune Retrogrades on the 31st in your house of travel, people at a distance, media, publishing, publicity, legalities, and higher education. You will now embark on an internal, behind the scenes process of nurturing artistry or romantic ideals in these areas so as to bring them forth once Neptune goes Direct.
May begins with a need to make some adjustments around a writing project, agreement, meeting or talk, short trip, or with a sibling or neighborhood matter. It is important to take responsibility or set limits here if you are to reach your artistic, spiritual or romantic goal financially, sexually or involving the divorce. The talk or agreement you have on the 3rd bodes very well for agreements with friends or groups who can represent you powerfully or partner with you in some way.
The frictional energy on the 4th may bring up some income matter for you with this group or friend so prepare to handle the challenge. By the 7th the energy is on your side again and you can really make income headway through what you do spiritually, behind closed doors, artistically, through research, or regarding institutions.
Mercury stations Direct on the 11th and you are now ready to move forward with an agreement or decision involving a friend, group, aspiration, or social function. You have been revisiting past situations or fine-tuning ideas with past affiliations or aspirations and you are now ready to move but wait until the 13th when there is a New Moon in this very part of the chart. You now have two strong weeks to launch an aspiration out into the world, to meet new people who will become important friends, to join or form groups, to attend social occasions, and to network and launch new things with friends.
Watch the 17-18th when Venus will be quite active. There is going to be an emphasis on what it is you have been working on in private or behind closed doors, you may learn something secret about a woman now that helps you make decisions or you may find that you are earning money through film, fantasy, artistic projects, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, research, or investigations. Luck is in the picture through someone foreign, travel, media, publishing, publicity, education, or legal avenues. You will have to have some serious talks or set limits in agreements but the major financial picture is positively aligned as is any sexual or divorce matters tied to this.
Venus moves into your sign on the 19th and brings her ability to attract love and money to you. This is a wonderful time when you should glean more attention and find your money and love situations are flowing more smoothly. If single, you may meet someone dreamy now. Today you will need to focus on any issues you have around your standing in the group or with friends and how that plays out in shared finances but talks progress to embrace powerful representation of your aspirations in a positive light.
The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th and will mean that over the next 30 days you will do your best in matters that are spiritual, artistic, internal and connected to the muse, romantic and behind closed doors, and in dealing with hospitals. If you need to get any work done now is the time to check yourself into the hospital, all film and fantasy work is favored as is psychic and meditative work. There is something exciting happening today that is based around media, travel, education, or legal avenues and it benefits you and your aspirations in a big way.
The 23rd is intense as Jupiter will oppose Saturn and Venus will oppose Pluto. This means that you will be either opposed or in a powerful balancing act with a partner, agent, attorney, competitor, or specialist over finances, sex, love, control, power, or triangles as you push to expand the media, travel, educational, or legal boundaries and deal with limits or responsibilities locally or written.
The Sun adjusts to Pluto on the 26th so you will need to make some concessions over what you are doing behind closed doors, the artistic, romantic or spiritual work, the hospital or research, if you are to empower yourself with this partner, agent, attorney, specialist or competitor.
The Full Moon on the 27th is bringing a work, health or pet matter to a big peak in your world. This is a celebration or ending and one that is due to be pretty spectacular. The reason for this is that Uranus is changing signs today and moving into your career Midheaven, a placement it hasn’t held in 84 years. This means that the energy of surprise, genius, brilliance, invention, revolution, and excitement has now landed at the top of your chart. You are going to get a taste of what this is going to be like over the next couple months before Uranus Retrogrades back into Pisces. Unusual and visionary people and experiences await your career and you will do well to bring in aviation, technology, astrology, originality, the common good, causes, charity, and friends into the career realm.
Saturn stations Direct on the 30th and you are ready to take the writing project, agreement, decision, talks or meetings, or idea forward with responsibility, authority and effort. Neptune Retrogrades on the 31st and you will now be taking a sexual, reproductive matter, divorce, or major financial issue internally as you work through your artistry, romantic nature and spirituality to build upon something that will lead to bringing this out in the open up ahead financially, sexually or as a single person.
May begins with an adjustment you are faced with around any limits or responsibilities to earn money. It may be making or spending of income but you will need to shift some things around a bit if you are to find your artistic expression or romantic desires met by the representative or partner. Talks or agreements on the 3rd look very positive for career goals and transforming and empowering yourself through work or health situations.
Energy is very frictional on the 4th and you should watch that you do not push yourself physically too hard on this day. It seems you are in the spotlight on the career front or trying to get there, or that you are center stage pushing yourself towards a goal that requires you get your body into the mix, steady as she goes. By the 7th the energy shifts to help you get things done with the aid of a friend or group.
Mercury stations Direct on the 11th and you are now ready to make a decision about the career, sign an agreement, put your writing out there or pitch your ideas and take your meetings. Just know that you have had these last few weeks to reassess and now you should wait until the New Moon in this part of your chart on the 13th to actually launch. You have 2 strong weeks to move up the career ladder, make a move to a better position, meet, sign agreements regarding career contracts, and make a name for yourself.
Watch the 17-18th as very important Venus days, meaning that love or money or perhaps a woman is key during this time. You will want to connect with a friend or group in this and do your best to expand over loans, settlements or any other major financial matter tied to your goals. The universe is trying to bring you what you need to stand tall in who you are and reach for the financial package, the divorce or the sexual conquest (it’s all shared energy). You will need to take on more responsibility to earn money now or deal with your limits due to non working time but once you do there is great support from the partner, agent, specialist, or attorney.
Venus moves into Cancer on the 19th and you will now find that love and money matters are flowing through what you do behind closed doors, involving hospitals, research, film or fantasy work, art, or through clandestine lovers. Focus on your goals and career today and make some concessions with the representative or partner, powerful news or agreements are favoring you through health or work.
The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th and you will now find that you are in the spotlight over the next 30 days in your social circle and with your aspirations. This is a time of year when you should say yes to invitations to parties, joining groups, going out with friends, meeting new friends, and putting your aspirations forward, you will be noticed. There should be a nice surprise today via finances, sex or divorce so look for it.
The 23rd is intense as Jupiter opposes Saturn and Venus opposes Pluto! You will need to really get a handle on balancing income against outside funds like settlements or unemployment, inheritance or bankruptcy, loans or credit cards as you balance the health or work situation and what is going on with the hospital or other energy behind the scenes.
The Sun adjusts to Pluto on the 26th so you will need to make some concessions around your social obligations or desires, friends or group affiliations if you wish to transform the health or work situation towards your goals.
The Full Moon on the 27th is bringing a big moment to a peak for you with a lover, child or creative venture. This is about celebrations or endings and you will really remember this time as Uranus is changing signs today as well. This is the first time in 84 years that Uranus has been in Aries and this means you are going to get a taste over the next few months of what it feels like to have the energy of surprise, excitement, sudden and shocking change, invention, brilliance, and genius in your house of travel, media, education, and legal matters. Pay attention to what comes through today in one of these arenas as you wrap up the love or creative energy.
Saturn stations Direct on the 30th and you are now ready to take responsibility and lead yourself forward as an earner, making money and handling your own income from a place of leadership. Neptune Retrogrades on the 31st in your house of partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, and competitors so you will now take your artistic, spiritual and romantic energy inward over one or more of these people to build internally on what you need here so that when the energy moves forward again you are ready to connect on these levels. You may have an old partner return now.
The month kicks off with the need to make some personal or physical adjustments. You should take any physical ailments seriously now and do what is necessary to care for yourself if you wish to be able to reach a certain artistic or romantic work goal or to transform your health in a way that attracts artistry or romance into your life. The talk or agreement on the 3rd is very powerful and positive regarding a media, publishing, educational, legal, or travel matter and the way you are empowering creative and love outlets.
Energy is very frictional on the 4th when you will want to watch any action you might take that could be self-defeating. You may need to check in at a hospital today and if so don’t let any travel, media, educational, or legal matters stop you from taking care of yourself. By the 7th the energy comes back around to favor you. You’ll see goals and career are aligned to what you are doing in recovery, behind closed doors or in the strategy phase.
Mercury stations Direct on the 11th which is a big moment for you since this energy rules your sign. You have had the last few weeks to travel back in your mind and reconsider past issues through travel, media, education, or legal channels. You are now ready to move forward in one or more of these arenas, to sign contracts, make decisions and share ideas. Wait until the 13th when the New Moon in this area will give you two strong weeks to initiate new beginnings here with universal support.
Watch the 17-18th as Venus will be ultra active and will be affecting love, money or coming through as a woman in the picture. You will see this play out over goals and career agendas and will be connecting with an important partner, representative or specialist in moving the agenda forward in a big way, (they are the ones bringing the luck to the table). You will still need to contend with limitations you are experiencing physically or personal responsibilities that are pulling at you but once you do the artistic work, and long-term outcome of stepping up into the media, travel, educational, or legal matter are solid and promising.
Venus enters Cancer on the 19th and will tilt her hat towards your social arena. This means that love and money will be flowing through meeting up with friends, joining groups, attending parties and other social functions, and pursuing your aspirations. There seems to be some challenge today over work or health so again, tend to yourself dear Virgo because later today you will have an opportunity to talk, sign a contract or come to an agreement about the trip, media venture, education, or legalities that are empowering you greatly on the creative front and may lead to a complete transformation through true love or children.
The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th and you will have the next 30 days to shine brightly before the public, in reputation, with the career you pursue, and possibly with fame. Today there is one major surprise or bit of excitement that is bound to please you and it comes from your partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. It will favor you through travel, media, legal matters, or education.
The 23rd is intense as Jupiter opposes Saturn (in your sign) and Venus opposes Pluto! This means that you will be smack in the center between a partner or representatives luck and expansion and your own physical limitations or personal responsibilities on the one hand, and on the other being pulled over major transformations through creativity, children or true love, and the love or money wrapped up in aspirations.
On the 26th the Sun adjusts to Pluto so you will need to make some concessions around the career agenda or your standing or position there if you wish to continue to transform and empower yourself through true love, children or creative outlets.
The Full Moon on the 27th brings a peak moment regarding home, roommates, real estate deals, or mom/mother figures. This will be a celebration or ending around the roots of your chart. This is big and will be a time you don’t forget as Uranus is changing signs today as well. This is the first time in 84 years that Uranus has moved into Aries and you will see over the next few months how this spontaneous, radical, genius, shocking, exciting energy is about to play out over the next 7 years for you in the deepest part of your chart, that which rules sex, intimacy, reproduction, divorce, loans, debt, insurance, taxes, inheritance, settlements, alimony, child support, bankruptcy, and any other outside resource. You could get sudden news about finances that affects the home or the divorce goes a certain way that affects property.
At the time of this Full Moon, if your mother or a mother figure has been feeling in any way under the weather I want you to watch her carefully and get her to a hospital if something seems wrong. I don’t want to scare you as Uranus is not a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ energy, it is just one of sudden shifts and happening in the house of major transformation along with a Full Moon that could affect your mom, it is better to be safe than sorry.
Saturn stations Direct on the 30th in your sign and this is a moment when you are ready to step into your personal authority and lead yourself forward responsibly, taking on all effort around your physical body, image, identity and ego needs. You are literally stepping into the last of a 29 year cycle where you are redefining your role in the world, taking on more responsibility, being the grown-up, and caring for your health. Neptune Retrogrades on the 31st and you will be going inward on a process of working out artistic moves in work or holistic moves with health over the next few months so you can bring the project or your body back into the world once Neptune goes Direct.
May begins with the need to make some adjustments around any limitations, loss or responsibilities you are feeling with hospitals, retreat, isolation, film, fantasy, music or other artistic projects, secret affairs or hidden agendas, or research. It is vital you shift something here and take the lead in this if you are to move towards your artistic or romantic goals with a creative project, lover or involving children. The talk or agreement on the 3rd is very positive for financial matters concerning home or for sexual or divorce issues that have some affect on a roommate or home situation.
The energy on the 4th is frictional and will likely put your friendship or group affiliation on the line over some shared financial matter, sexual conquest or divorce issue. If you can keep your ego out of the way here until the 7th, the energy shifts greatly to favor you in love or finances through travel, media ventures, education, or the legalities at stake and puts the friendship or group affiliation back in good standing.
Mercury stations Direct on the 11th in your house of sex, reproduction, divorce, death, and major finances. You have had the last few weeks to backtrack through these arenas and connect with how you think and what you want going forward. You are now ready to release and move ahead but wait until the 13th when we have a New Moon in this area of your chart to sign contracts, write or send out the project, take out the loan or settle the financial matter, meet someone new or just meet up for intimacy, or make the decision about the divorce.
Keep an eye on the 17-18th when a female will be significant or you will be aiming more energy at a love or money interest. This is because Venus will be very busy. Since she rules your sign you will be more likely to be in the thick of this and it is playing out over a legal matter, travel, media or publishing deals, or education. There is luck here for you with work and finances but you will need to deal with the limits or responsibilities tied to retreat, hospitals, film or artistic work, research or secrets. It seems that you might try to limit yourself and you really should watch this because the energy is so positive to help bring you what you need if you don’t.
Venus changes signs on the 19th and will bring her ability to attract love and money into your career Midheaven. This is a wonderful time for you to be seen and to reach for your goals. Things should flow more smoothly and you may attract an established or famous admirer. Women will be good for your career now and one you deal with some kind of deception or hidden agenda around a lover, child or creative endeavor, you are getting a big green light from the universe to agree to the financials and transform your base you are building from.
The Sun moves into Gemini on the 20th and will aim his light on travel, media ventures, publishing, publicity, foreign people and ideas, import/export, education, and legal matters for you over the next 30 days. You shine in all of these arenas now so step up and be seen here. There is some nice surprise or change arriving today regarding work, health or pets so enjoy.
The 23rd is intense as Jupiter opposes Saturn and Venus (your ruler) opposes Pluto. You will be head to head with someone between career ambitions and home security needs, between health or work or pets and what has been going on in secret, is hidden, involves hospitals, or something artistic such as film or music. Your sign is great at balancing so do your best.
The Sun adjusts to Pluto on the 26th so you will need to make some concessions around your ego needs or physical body where travel, media, legal matters, or education is concerned. It is important to keep in mind that this will directly affect the transformation and empowerment you are moving towards in the home or with a living situation.
The Full Moon on the 27th will bring an important idea, meeting, agreement, talk, writing project, short trip, neighbor or sibling matter to a peak. This is big since it is accompanied by Uranus changing signs and moving into Aries for the first time in 84 years. This means that something sudden, shocking, exciting, brilliant, or extreme is going to be involved and it is coming through a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. You will get a preview of the Uranus in Aries energy over the next few months before he Retrogrades back into Pisces. Next year he will be back in Aries to travel here for 7 years so watch what comes. This may bring someone eccentric or brilliant to partner with you or show you major changes about to happen with these significant people in your life.
Saturn stations Direct on the 30th and you are now ready to take the lead and responsibility, to deal with limits or loss that involves hospitals, retreat, isolation, film, fantasy, music, art, spirituality, hidden agendas, addiction or secret self-defeating actions, investigations and research. Neptune Retrogrades on the 31st and you may see a lover, child or creative project take their leave or you will begin to internalize your artistic and romantic energy around these people or situations to process and evolve what you want to bring out when Neptune goes Direct up ahead.
The month kicks off with an energy that is asking that you make some adjustments around social obligations, friends, group activities or an aspiration that you are pursuing. You need to look at limits or responsibilities here and then be willing to make concessions to move toward your ideal artistically or romantically at home or with family. The talk or agreement that arrives on the 3rd is very empowering and promising for you and a partnership, representative or specialist.
The energy on the 4th is frictional and will be about trying to push towards goals or get active on the career front. In this case the partner, agent, attorney, specialist or competitor is the one sparking your motivation, just watch that anger is not the result. By the 7th the energy shifts to favor your career agenda or goal and the finances, sexual needs or divorce process will slide into support for you.
Mercury stations Direct on the 11th in your house of partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, and competitors. You have had the last weeks to backtrack in your thinking and take a look at how you feel about any past situations. You are now ready to move forward, sign agreements, make decisions based on these people but you should wait until the 13th and the New Moon in this part of your chart. This gives you two strong weeks to initiate some new launch with any of these people.
Watch the 17-18th as big days around Venusian themes, in other words a woman, love or money will be focal. You will find that this is playing out sexually, through a divorce or in the arena of shared and outside financial resources. There is potential for much luck and expansion through children, creativity and true love once you overcome any limits based on aspirations or friends. Home is key in bringing some kind of artistry or romantic ideal to fruition now.
Venus moves into fellow water sign, Cancer, on the 19th and will bring her ability to attract love and money through travel, media outlets, legal proceedings, and higher education. If single you could meet someone while at school, in the library, a court room, on a plane or in a foreign land, or while working on your publishing or camera work. Things should go more smoothly for you in these fields now. Talks with partners or representatives are powerful and positive today.
The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th and shines his light into the arena of sex, reproduction, divorce, and major financial matters over the next 30 days. You will be in the spotlight in these areas and people will notice you. There is a nice surprise or change in the works for you today around a child, love or creative outlet and you should feel pretty lit up with the partner or representative because of it.
The 23rd is quite intense and that is because Jupiter will oppose Saturn while Venus will oppose your ruler, Pluto. This will put you head to head with someone over talks or agreements aimed at travel, media, law, or education and bring up limits or responsibilities to friends or social functions against the backdrop of the big expansion going on with children, creative projects or love affairs.
On the 26th the Sun will make an adjustment to Pluto so you will need to make some concessions around sex, reproduction, divorce, or finances if you are to transform and empower your communications arena and local routine.
The Full Moon on the 27th is bringing an income matter to a major peak for you, this will be a celebration or ending and is likely to be rather a big moment you won’t soon forget. The reason for this is that Uranus is moving into your work, health and pet zone today, entering Aries and making this transit for the first time in 84 years. You are now going to see some unexpected change, brilliant exciting moment or shocking shift occur in the work you do, a health issue or with pets. Watch what comes today since not only will it affect your income but it is giving you a glimpse of how this energy will play out for you over the next 7 years. You have Uranus in this part of the chart for a few months before it Retrogrades back into Pisces. Next year he moves in and stays for 7 years.
Saturn stations Direct on the 30th in your house of aspirations, friend, groups, networking, and social occasions. You are now ready to take the lead and move forward with more responsibility in these arenas. Neptune Retrogrades on the 31st in your home arena and will give you the months ahead to do the inner work necessary around home and family so that you can bring artistic or romantic ideals forward here when Neptune goes Direct.
May opens with a need to make some adjustments around your limits or responsibilities on the career front or with a boss. It is important that you do this so you can continue to move towards your artistic or romantic goals in the communications field or in association with a writing project or agreement. The talk or agreement you come to on the 3rd is very powerful and positive and should help you in regards to the income you need for work, health or pets.
The frictional energy on the 4th is stirring up the bug around travel, media, education, or legal matters and will push you to look at the work, health or pet situation. If you can keep the ego out of the way, by the 7th the energy shifts to help you connect positively with a partner, agent, attorney, or specialist to aid you in the trip, media, educational, or legal matter.
Mercury stations Direct on the 11th and you are now ready to make a decision or sign an agreement about work, health or pets. You have had the last weeks to reconnect with the past or go back over your thinking, pick up a past project, and now you are ready to move forward. Wait until the 13th and the New Moon in this part of your chart to launch. You have two strong weeks to find new work, do something different at work, hire someone to do the work for you, tackle health issue, start a work-out regime or diet, rescue a pet from the pound or enter your pet in a show.
Watch the 17-18th when Venus will be quite active. This will generate energy around a partnership, with a representative or a specialist and Venus will show up as a woman in the picture, or love or money tied to this person. There is potential for something positive at home tied to work or health or pets but again your responsibilities or limitations on the career front must be addressed. Talks and agreements are favored.
Venus moves into Cancer on the 19th and brings her ability to attract love and money into your house of sexuality, divorce and major finances. This means things will go more smoothly in the bedroom, over the divorce proceedings and in dealing with the partners money, loans, debt, or any other outside resource. If you need to apply for a loan this is a good time to do so. Talks about work, health or pets are favored, again tied beneficially to income.
The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th and casts his light into your partnership zone. This means that for the next 30 days you shine the brightest with partners, agents, attorneys, and specialists. If you need to connect with any of these people expect to be seen and taken seriously. A nice surprise awaits at home or with family tied to your work, health or pets.
The 23rd is an intense day as Jupiter, (your ruler), opposes Saturn and Venus opposes Pluto. This means you will be head to head with someone over finances and the push-pull going on between career and property or home. Love, money, sex, power, control, triangles, responsibilities, limitations, and expansion are all themes of the day.
The Sun adjusts to Pluto on the 26th so you will need to make some concessions around the partner, agent, attorney, or specialist if you wish to continue to transform and empower your income zone.
The Full Moon on the 27th is bringing something to a peak around who you are, your body, your image or identity. This is about a celebration or ending for some part of you and you are not likely to forget it since today Uranus moves into your house of true love, children and creative projects. This is Uranus’s first time in Aries in 84 years and he brings shock, change, excitement, brilliance and genius into the picture. For some of you the peak in identity will be falling madly, suddenly in love, for others it will be the news of a child on the way and impending mother or fatherhood, for others a creative project will take a twist out of the blue and you will be on your way in some new image or identity. Watch how Uranus affects you over the next few months, he will Retrograde back into Pisces but be back for a 7 year stay in Aries next year.
Saturn stations Direct on the 30th in your career Midheaven and you are now ready to take on more responsibility and lead your way forward on the career path, as a father, with dad, through your ambitions, or around your reputation. Neptune Retrogrades on the 31st in your communications zone and you will be going within artistically or romantically over a writing project, agreement, or something going on locally over the next months, processing and working on what you will bring forward up ahead.
You know that artistic energy you have flowing into the income area of your life? Well if you want to empower and keep transforming this you need to start off May with making some adjustments around responsibilities and any limitations to legal channels, travel, education, and/or media and publicity. The talks or agreements on the 3rd are very powerful and positive for you regarding true love, children or creative ventures.
The energy on the 4th is frictional and will push you to aggressively pursue the financial matter or divorce. If you are involved with a lover, this energy will amp up the sexuality or anger. If you can hang in there until the 7th the energy will shift to positively support actions in financial, sexual or divorce arenas and bring love or money through work, health or pets.
Mercury stations Direct on the 11th and you are ready to make decisions or sign agreements regarding the lover, recreational matter, child, or creative venture. You have had the last weeks backtracking in these areas and are ready now to move forward but wait until the New Moon on the 13th in this part of the chart for universal support behind what you do. You have two strong weeks to launch something new with a lover or meet a new love interest, to agree to something with a child or write or agree to a creative project.
Watch the 17-18th as Venus will be quite active and you will see that either a woman, love or money matter is uppermost in your mind. This will play out at work, around health or involving pets. You will see luck through talks or agreements even though you may have to work on the bigger picture and take on responsibilities or limits around travel, media, education, or legalities. There is a positive pipeline into making money and shining in a creative field or with kids or lovers.
Venus moves into Cancer on the 19th and brings her ability to attract love or money into your partnership zone and arena of representatives and specialists. This means that things will go more smoothly with these people and they can help you now with love or money. You may have to field some strange or unusual topic with them in conversation today or deal with some last minute change to an agreement but talks about love, kids or creative ventures are still favoring you.
The Sun moves into Gemini on the 20th and lights up your work, health and pet sector. You will be in the spotlight with these things over the next 30 days and should gain some recognition through one or more of them. It’s a good time to tackle diet or health and step things up at work. A nice surprise awaits you today with a lover, child or creative project. If single, get out and mingle.
The 23rd is intense as you come face to face with someone over expansive ideas or big contracts and any limits you see over travel, distant places, legal topics, education, or publicity, as well as any differences between you and a partner, competitor, specialist or representative over money or control. Do your best to find balance.
The Sun makes an adjustment to Pluto on the 26th so you will need to adapt ego needs you have with co-workers, the work you do, a health matter, or pets to the major transformational and empowerment that is going on for you personally at this moment in time. Make the concessions so you can achieve greatness.
The Full Moon on the 27th is bringing something hidden, private, research or investigative, film or fantasy, clandestinely romantic or artistic, or hospital or other institutions involvement to a major peak. This is an ending or celebration and you are really going to remember this one since Uranus is changing signs today as well. He is moving into Aries for the first time in 84 years and he is bringing change, brilliance, shock, sudden shifts, genius, excitement, and unusual people and experiences around your home, real estate deals, family, mom, and who you live with. Something tied to one of these themes is likely to break through in some unexpected and big way at this Full Moon. Watch how the energy is affecting you as you will have it hear for a few months before it Retrogrades back into Pisces. Next year Uranus moves into Aries to stay for 7 years.
Saturn, your ruling energy, stations Direct on the 30th and you should feel some of your vitality return along with a desire to take on more responsibility and leadership in anything tied to travel, faraway places or people, education, media, and legal avenues. Neptune Retrogrades on the 31st and takes the energy of dreams, artistry and romance inward so you may utilize your intuition over making money in the next few months and build towards your own ideal.
May starts off with some big adjustments required from you over a divorce, shared financial situation or sexual connection. You need to make some concessions around your responsibilities here or any limitations as you move towards your romantic or artistic ideal for yourself. The talk or agreement you have on the 3rd is favoring something about the home or living situation and powerful intimacy or financial connections that are brewing behind closed doors.
The energy on the 4th is frictional and may push buttons at home or over living situations with a partner, agent, attorney, or specialist. It is best not to push ego needs today to avoid frustrations. If you wait until the 7th the energy shifts to favor you and the actions you take with this person by way of love, children or creativity.
Mercury stations Direct on the 11th in your home base and you have had the last few weeks to revisit any past issues or people to help you determine what you want from home, property, roots, family or mom. You are now ready to make decisions and sign agreements in these areas but wait until the 13th when the New Moon in this same arena will give you two strong weeks of support from the universe to set new ideas into motion.
Watch the 17-18th since they will be very active around Venus themes. This means a woman, love or money will be the focus and for you it will swirl around true love, a child or a creative project. There is a need to address income matters here and any limits or responsibilities to outside resources such as loans or debt but the energy is highly favorable for getting what you want at home or with property and bringing the love or creative energy to you.
Venus moves into Cancer on the 19th and will bring her ability to attract love and money into your work, health and pet sector. This means things will run more smoothly in these areas, you may have a woman enter the work picture to help or spend money on a health regime or pet. If you need to find happier work, Venus in Cancer will help. Secret meetings at home or talks or research into property go well today.
The Sun moves into Gemini on the 20th and put you in the spotlight over the next 30 days in a love affair, with kids or in a creative endeavor. You will be noticed now and if single you should get out and see who enters your shiny sphere of allure. There is one nice surprise or change coming via income today, so earning or spending on the home is favored.
The energy on the 23rd is very intense as Jupiter opposes Saturn and Venus opposes Pluto. This will play out between you and another over control or finances and a work or health situation so take care with female co-workers or healthcare providers or anyone who is involved with your pets and try to limit or take responsibility for any money you spend that is on credit or belongs to a partner.
The Sun adjusts to Pluto on the 26th so you will need to make some personal or physical concessions with a lover, child or creative project if you are to evolve towards the empowerment and transformation you seek secretly.
The Full Moon on the 27th is bringing a friendship, group affiliation, social occasion, or aspiration to a major peak for you. This will be a celebration or an ending and the accompanying energy of Uranus entering Aries is sure to make is something spectacular! Uranus hasn’t been in Aries in 84 years. He is moving here to affect your communications zone in radical, brilliant, shocking, exciting, unusual ways. You will have him here the next few months until he Retrogrades back into Pisces but next year he will enter Aries again and stay for 7 years. Pay attention as this arena means talks, news, agreements, meetings, writing projects, ideas, short trips, neighbors, and siblings will be where something breaks through, changes, enlightens, or sets your world ablaze.
Saturn stations Direct on the 30th in your house of divorce, other people’s money and sexuality. You are now ready to take responsibility and set limits through filing the divorce, dealing with the debt, settlement, inheritance, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, bankruptcy, credit cards, joint finances, or committing or limiting sex or reproductive topics. Neptune Retrogrades on the 31st in your sign so you are going to be taking your ideals about romance, spirituality and artistry on an internal journey over the next months, doing the inner work so as to rebirth yourself up ahead ready to enter a new cycle of identity in these matters.
The month of May begins with the need to make some adjustments around limits or responsibilities involving a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. You need to make concessions and act responsibly here if you are to continue to transform and empower yourself in the mystical, spiritual, romantic arena of your life. The talk or agreement you have on the 3rd is very empowering with a friend or group.
Energy on the 4th is frictional so you will likely feel pushed to work, do something about health or pets that strains you a bit locally or mentally. If you can keep your mind in balance under this duress then by the 7th the energy will shift and bring some opportunity to tackle work, health or pets at home in a beneficial way.
Mercury stations Direct on the 11th and you are now ready to make some decisions, sign agreements, do something locally, with neighbors or siblings, write or speak on some matter, or share ideas. You have had the last weeks to rethink what it is you want and now you should have a good idea moving forward. You will do best if you wait until the 13th and the New Moon in this area of your chart to make announcements, sign agreements, decide your course forward because you will now have two strong weeks of universal support behind you.
Watch the 17-18th as days of high Venus activity, meaning that a woman, love or money matter will be the focus. For you this will play out at home or involving property, roommates or mom. There is lucky energy around talks, meetings and agreements but you must watch that you aren’t stretching your own physical limitations too far too fast. You will need to deal with limits or responsibilities of the partner, agent, attorney, or specialist as well. Once you do there is every reason to believe you are breaking through on some artistic or romantic level behind closed doors and tied to home or living situations. Some of you may commit to a partner now that bodes well for long term results.
Venus enters Cancer on the 19th and brings her ability to attract love and money into the part of your chart associated with true love, children and creative projects. This will mean things should go more smoothly with your love interests or kids and you should find money matters are resolved with more ease as well. If single you could meet someone you are attracted to during this transit. Talks or agreements with friends or groups are favored today.
The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th and lights up the home and property part of your chart for the next 30 days. This is where you are going to shine, to stand out from the crowd so host parties at home, if you sell real estate you are likely to take the prize now, if you want to impress a date, cook at home, you get the picture. There is at least one piece of exciting news or unusual agreement coming your way today that benefits you.
The 23rd is intense as Jupiter will oppose Saturn and Venus will oppose Pluto. This means that you will be head to head with someone over partnering or representation and the idea of love and aspirations wrapped around sexuality and major finances.
The Sun adjusts to Pluto on the 26th so you will need to make some personal concessions around home or property matters if you wish to continue to transform and empower yourself with aspirations, social contacts and networking.
The Full Moon on the 27th is bringing a career matter or major goal to a peak in your world. This will be a celebration or ending and you are going to remember the day not just because of this big moment but because Uranus shifts into a new sign today, entering Aries for the first time in 84 years. He is moving into your income zone and is ready to bring revolution, brilliance, shock, change, lightning bolt moments, genius, and unusual people and situations around making or spending money. Paired with the climactic moment on the career front you can see how exciting this may be or what a big change is on the way! Watch how Uranus affects you today, he will tour here for the next few months before Retrograding back into Pisces. Next year he moves into Aries to stay for 7 years.
Saturn stations Direct on the 30th in your partnership zone and you are now ready to take responsibility or set limits, commit or sever, as you lead yourself forward with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. Neptune Retrogrades on the 31st in your hidden part of the chart where he will take you on an inner journey through your own connection with mystical, spiritual, romantic, and artistic ideals so you can process what rings true and be ready to bring it forth when Neptune goes Direct again.