This week is so important that I am writing the forecast a bit differently for you with more information at the front here. You can take the time to check this information out or just skip down to your sign and read it.
We are entering some of the biggest energy configurations over the next four months ever and I just feel as though you should have some idea about what that means. So if you can take a couple minutes to read this then you will be armed with the energetic knowledge you need to put your Free Will into play as you see fit :)
Contrary to certain religious leaders who have blamed earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes of late on everything from the people of Haiti making a pact with the Devil to women dressing too provocatively, there is a much simpler reason and it is energetic/magnetic. When the outer celestial bodies come to bear on our Earth’s mantle in a strong alignment of push and pull as the ones that have and will be locking into place between November 4th, 2008 and July 26th, 2010, then we can expect this kind of activity. Saturn opposing Uranus is a 'War in Heaven' bent on shaking things loose and changing structures. The last time it came round was the late 1960’s.
All decent astrologers began writing about this phenomenon back in 2008 letting everyone know about the opposition between Uranus and Saturn = Change and Structure, that was coming back around. This energy force affects the Earth, human beings and everything in between, we see it play out on all levels. In the ‘60’s the battle between CHANGE and the old STRUCTURES were ignited as revolution, free love, scandal, drug experimentation, mother earth/hippie/native American Indian spiritual connections, up against the entrenched political system and war, and, well you know the ‘60’s.
So, here we are again, but this time the CHANGE energy is coming through our political system or leaders, not our people as the two bodies are in the opposite signs they were in during the ‘60’s. It is ABSOLUTELY no coincidence that Obama branded this word, CHANGE, to his campaign, rare it is indeed when a world leader disregards the power of astrology or its counsel. We see it playing out opposing Saturn in Virgo (the structures or systems of health, work and animals) against the old structures that the people are holding onto. And so health care reform, changes that affect retirement and benefits, social security and the way workers will be utilized, attention to animal rights issues through documentaries and activists are being shaken up.
In the ‘60’s some of the self-destructive or hidden agendas that came out were around the side of the people through drugs and self-delusion. Now, with the energy in opposite signs, it comes out on the side of the politicians/governments/financial institutions or leaders. At the same time, hot spots on Earth are being triggered with volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and political upheaval, the power behind the political system (banks and the financial hierarchy) and revolution. We indeed live in times of major change. Saturn and Uranus oppose this whole time period but are in EXACT opposition marking turning points on these dates:
The FIRST OPPOSITION: November 4th, 2008, Saturn is Direct/Uranus Retrograde
The SECOND OPPOSITION: February 5th, 2009, Saturn is Retrograde/Uranus Direct
The THIRD OPPOSITION: September 15th, 2009, Saturn is Direct/Uranus Retrograde
The FOURTH OPPOSITION: April 26th, 2010, Saturn is Retrograde/Uranus Direct
The FIFTH/FINAL OPPOSITION: July 26th, 2010, Saturn is Direct/Uranus Retrograde
So the bodies in question take turns in Direct or Retrograde motion and we all experience this in our own personal lives as well as we are radically changing some things about our roots, structure, health, approach to work, relationship with animals, and by the final opposition, our way of relating in significant relationships through a new balance between commitment and freedom. The fourth opposition is tomorrow, Monday the 26th and so I thought I would fill you in on this so you can put it in a larger overview as you make decisions during this Mercury Retrograde about your past and where you want to end up by August. Think about how things have been shifting and look at the meanings here between these energies and where they fall in your chart:
First, URANUS wants to shake up or express itself through: CHANGE, upheaval, brilliance, genius, excitement, innovation, invention, shock, revolution, perversion, experimentation, surprise, technology, aviation, astrology, lightning, shaking, eruptions, humanity, groups, friends, causes, charity, FREEDOM.
Where is it happening for you?
Aries=house of fantasy, film, magic, artistry, music, spirituality, secrets, clandestine affairs, hidden enemies, retreat, isolation, hospitals, addictions, self-sabotage, research, and investigations.
Taurus=house of aspirations, dreams you cherish, friends, groups, causes, charity, humanity, networking, social occasions and soul family.
Gemini=house of career, public recognition, leadership, father, ambition, fame.
Cancer=house of travel, foreign people or ideas, media, publishing, publicity, higher knowledge, and law.
Leo=house of sex, reproduction, control, triangles, power, loans, debt, credit, inheritance, insurance, taxes, settlements, alimony, child support, divorce, or death.
Virgo=house of partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, and competitors.
Libra=house of health, work, service, co-workers, and pets.
Scorpio=house of true love, children, recreation, speculation, and creative projects.
Sagittarius=house of home, roots, family, property, real estate, mom, and security.
Capricorn=house of communications, meetings, agreements, ideas, writing projects, short trips, neighbors, and siblings.
Aquarius=house of income, value, spending, and possessions.
Pisces=house of body, image, identity, and personal ego needs (you).
Second: SATURN wants to hold on or give solid footing through: STRUCTURE, status quo, the system, corporations, leaders, leadership, father, authority, time, work, discipline, restrictions, limitations, loss, ambition, goals, and TIME.
Where is this happening for you?
Aries=house of health, work, co-workers, service, and pets.
Taurus=house of true love, children, creativity, recreation, and speculation.
Gemini=house of home, property, living situation, roots, security, mom, and family.
Cancer=house of communications, talks, meetings, ideas, writing, agreements, short trips, neighborhood, and siblings.
Leo=house of income, possessions, values, and spending.
Virgo=house of image, identity, body, and personal ego needs (you).
Libra= house of fantasy, film, magic, artistry, music, spirituality, secrets, clandestine affairs, hidden enemies, retreat, isolation, hospitals, addictions, self-sabotage, research, and investigations.
Scorpio=house of aspirations, dreams you cherish, friends, groups, causes, charity, humanity, networking, social occasions and soul family.
Sagittarius=house of career, public recognition, leadership, father, ambition, fame.
Capricorn=house of travel, foreign people or ideas, media, publishing, publicity, higher knowledge, and law.
Aquarius=house of sex, reproduction, control, triangles, power, loans, debt, credit, inheritance, insurance, taxes, settlements, alimony, child support, divorce, or death.
Pisces=house of partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, and competitors.
So, this week you get to make another shift towards the changes and commitments you want to make to rebalance these areas of life. Put some time into thinking about where you have come from and where you would like to go, look back to where you were in November of 2008, we are so close to the end of this big cycle and this week is important.
If this wasn’t enough…
A couple other whoppers are aligning out there. Our Sun is moving into place at the Galactic Core by December 2012 and as it locks into this once in every 25,800 year moment (or world cycle) solar flares increase in intensity resulting in more activity on mom Earth and a definite contributor to the seismic activity we have been witnessing as well as some of the strange physical ailments that seem to pop up and then fade away as suddenly. We are here for a rare moment, a powerful moment, one that has taken many lifetimes to witness.
We have Uranus and Jupiter combining on the same degree early June 8th (watch June 7th as well). This means all those Uranus words get real big. This could be unbelievable breakthroughs aligned to aviation, technology, astrology, humanity, aliens, groups, or change, playing out in the Piscean realm of film, fantasy, music, artistry, research, investigations, spirituality, mystical or psychic fields, hospitals or other institutions, addictions, or hidden enemies. This could also be a huge earthquake, volcano erupting or other shocking event that shakes us up and comes from a hidden situation or group. Jupiter makes things bigger, it is about expansion and rules religion, travel, law, media, and education so they get to color the moment as well. If you wish to put a positive manifestation forward of this energy, target this time period for great big pushes that benefit humanity and open up doors.
Finally but most likely the biggest energy out there affecting us is the mega-T-Square forming between Saturn’s last opposition to Uranus on July 26th and his square to Pluto on August 21st. Jupiter will square, Venus will square, Mars will oppose, the gods demand change and change we will have. There is no denying we incarnated for this time and that we are capable of ushering in this new dawn, we should be pretty cognizant of what it is we want to manifest, what needs to go, what needs to be achieved, what needs to CHANGE. So again, this week, take steps towards who you truly are and trust that it is a loving universe surrounding you, you want this next stage of life to begin, you are capable of doing it or you wouldn’t be here. In the years ahead you will look back in awe at this summer.
Oh, and I’m not a financial expert but I can tell you this, the last combo involving Pluto marked the crash we experienced in the financial markets. This combo this summer is way more intense. Pluto in square deconstructs or changes in major ways. Spikes, shock or change are coming with Uranus involved. With Jupiter’s presence they will be big. Jupiter expands and is lucky as well so there may be protection here or the drop could be bigger. Since it’s just a few month period, it seems to me you should make sure your financial picture is grounded in solid places, get it out of anything speculative or risky until we are out the other side of this in September.
And I guess I want to leave you with this…I’m talking about big change and most people get scared when faced with change. The thing is this, these kinds of energy patterns challenge but they are also seen in the charts of some of the most wealthy, exciting, successful people on earth, why? Because they are about action! You will have to act, motivate, do something and this leads to new doors opening and a world you only dreamed of until the pattern locked into place. So don’t fear these combinations, some will try to abuse them but most will embrace their highest form and storm the gates of Destiny by making them their own.
So here's your week ahead:
Monday apply the Saturn/Uranus opposition to the health/hospital, work/artistry-research-strategy, or pets/energy spent behind the scenes or in care for them. Partners, representatives and specialists are important today, talk about money but act on love or creativity.
Tuesday brings more time with significant others with luck and change occurring behind the scenes, in hospitals, with institutions, film or fantasy, research or secrets and the changes and adjustments you are willing to make. A friend or group is on your side.
Wednesday is the Full Moon in your house of sex, reproduction, divorce, and all major financial matters: loans, bankruptcy, inheritance, taxes, mortgages, insurance, settlements, joint finances, alimony, child support or other shared resources. It’s the time of year when something hear is reaching a critical mass, so celebrations or endings are possible. Talks about income put you center stage.
Thursday you need to talk or come to some new agreement with a woman about your position in a company or in charge of career. Do your best to adjust around love or money issues, but put it out there. Don’t count on a friend or group today where major finances, divorce or sex is concerned. The luck comes through what you do alone and behind the scenes.
Friday is about media, travel, education, or legal matters and you want to talk to the woman, about income and what you need and then act with the lover, child or creative energy the universe is pouring through you to achieve the goal.
Monday look at the Saturn/Uranus opposition between the old structures, responsibilities or limits in place around love, children, recreation, or creative projects and the change or freedom you want to experience or that is coming through in new aspirations, friendships, social circles, networking, or group affiliations. What do you want and who do you want to connect with here? Work or health is focal today, tackle it at home.
Tuesday brings more focus on work, health or pets and the adjustments you need to make to achieve an aspiration, expand with a group or connect with friends. Career is in the spotlight or a romantic or spiritual goal, the work you do leads to achievement here. Bring your poetic nature or artistic abilities to the table.
Wednesday brings a Full Moon in your opposite sign of partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. You will see one significant relationship climaxing in celebration or ending now. You are standing out today and should talk about your needs with this person. Feelings involved motivate action, passion or anger at home.
Thursday is about the woman involved in the income you make and the adjustments you need to make legally, with a trip, through media or publishing, or around education. Powerful change is in the mix as well as love. The partner, representative or competitor is challenging you where the artistic, romantic or spiritual goal is concerned. You may feel a bit sentimental or deceived. Luck is with friends, groups and aspirations. Spend time with lovers, children or creatively.
Friday sex, divorce or major finances take precedence. The woman and income matter is involved and you should try to balance their needs against your own. Talk about it, meet, see if you can give a little to come to an agreement. Action or passion at home is positive today so get busy.
Monday it the fourth opposition between limits, responsibilities and structures at home, with mom or around security needs, and the freedom, change or originality coming through career, fame or father. Take some time today to see what is shifting or what needs to shift. Creative projects, love or children are another area of focus with talks going on behind the scenes or information being processed secretly, have that talk.
Tuesday again focuses on creative projects, children or a love interest with the need to make some adjustments to the career objective or major expansion you seek with a particular ambition. Publishing, media, people at a distance, travel, education, and legal matters favor you especially if they involve romance, artistry or spirituality.
Wednesday brings the Full Moon in your health, work and pets zone. This is about a major crescendo occurring here in celebration or an ending. Talks or information that goes on in private, involving spirituality or artistry, favor your position in this. Take action on something local today involving work, health or pets. If you want to lose weight, start today as this is the culmination moment.
Thursday brings a big adjustment. It has to do with you and your image, body, identity or an important personal need and will likely involve love, money or a woman. You have to get around the major financial matter here, how it is shared or what the source of the monetary flow will be, you have to look at intimacy, deep underlying motives, power, control or any divorce issues as well. Then get to work or tackle health or pet matters, just don’t sign contracts today.
Friday is about the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. You have your position where love or money is concerned and need to stand by it, you may be defending a woman as well. Talk about what has been going on behind the scenes or behind your back and do what you can to make adjustments. What you write or agree to today brings you together.
Monday brings up the Saturn/Uranus opposition between responsibilities or limits in meeting, communications, writing, agreements, short trips, neighborhood, or with siblings, and the change or freedom through travel, people at a distance, media, publishing, publicity, teaching, learning, or legal arena. Take some time to see where you are in this and what you want to shift. Home and what you can to do make money here is favored today.
Tuesday you can focus on home or mom but you will need to make some adjustments around the trip, person at a distance, media matter, education, or legal issue. This is where luck and change are opening up if you can shift a few things. Financial support seems to be there for an artistic or spiritual pursuit or through a romantic supporter.
Wednesday is the Full Moon in your house of true love, children and creative projects. This means that something is coming to a major peak in one of these areas and you can expect to be celebrating or wrapping something up now. A friend, group or aspiration seems to be tied into this as you balance and take your place in the spotlight. The income involved is something you must go after today.
Thursday is a big shift and it involves what is going on with a woman behind closed doors or hidden in some way and the major transformation you are working towards with partnership or representation here. You need to dig a little and find out what is occurring with either the money or love in the matter. The creative process takes on more significance after this or your connection with a child or lover increases through travel, media, education, or legal arenas. It’s positive and exciting.
Friday is about the work you need to do, your health or your pets. There is the woman behind the scenes again in the picture and balancing love or money matters through research, fantasy, artistry, spiritual pursuits or hidden agendas. Talk to a friend or group or communicate with your needs or identity in the subtext. Passions are communicated positively with the partner or representative and you can act locally on what you agree to.
Monday the Saturn/Uranus opposition is asking that you look at money, how it is being shared and if money in any way influences sex, intimacy, reproduction, or divorce as well. Responsibilities or limits in earnings are up against change and freedom in credit, debt, loans, inheritance, settlements, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, joint finances, alimony, sex, intimacy, reproduction, or divorce. What needs to shift? Have your talks today.
Tuesday is about the agreements or decisions you can come to through making some adjustments to the outside financial matter being offered or in the picture, or the sexual or reproductive issue, divorce or major power play showing up. A partner, representative or opponent is going to communicate what you need.
Wednesday the Full Moon is bringing something involving your home, real estate, roommates or other living situations, renovations, security matters, roots, moves, or mom to a major climax. This means you may be celebrating something here or wrapping it up. You are in the spotlight physically or with a goal or career today, just don’t push yourself too hard physically.
Thursday you need to look at the woman friend or associated with a group or aspiration of yours and then make some kind of adjustment around what you want to change at work, with health or regarding pets. Love or money is in the picture here and your ability to adapt. Home or living situations take on the energy of the day with luck through major finances, sexual connections or divorce tying in nicely.
Friday is about how you feel loved, connected to your own creativity or to a child. There is a woman friend or involved in a group who you need to balance something with here and not oppose. This comes through talks or opening up about what you want for yourself. Again, love or money may be the motivating force. Express your passions tonight, it looks positive.
Monday the Saturn/Uranus opposition plays out between you and a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. You have been in this ongoing tug of war over how you connect with important people since November of 2008 and this is another turning point for you. Look at responsibilities or limits being felt personally, with your body, ego, image, or identity, against the change or freedom you are seeing through the marriage, business partnership, representation, specialist, or competition. What needs to go, what needs to stay? Income is wrapped up in talks or agreements with someone far away, involving media, travel, education, or legalities and adjustments that can be made.
Tuesday, focus on making money. More adjustments need to be made with the partner, attorney, agent or other representative in the picture. Tackle competition if necessary. Your artistry, spiritual approach or romantic connections are coming through the work you do and support your earning capabilities today.
Wednesday is the Full Moon in your communications zone so something local, in the neighborhood, with a brother or sister, or involving a writing project, news, agreements, meetings or an idea of yours is coming to a peak. This means you will be celebrating something now or wrapping it up. Travel, someone at a distance, media, education, or legal matters is part of the picture here and you shine.
Thursday you need to deal with a woman in authority, a boss or someone on the career front and make the big adjustments necessary to transform the creative process, love relationship or potential, or connection with children. Love or money are motivating. Talks or agreements are important today and look very lucky where partners, agents, attorneys, or other representatives or specialists are involved.
Friday the home or living situation, mom or mother figure takes center stage. You need to balance this with the woman on the career front or at the center of your goal. Talk about the media, travel, educational, or legal matter and make adjustments where your needs or ego is concerned. You can tackle a great deal behind the scenes tonight.
Monday the Saturn/Uranus opposition is bringing your attention to another fork in the road around the responsibilities or limits you have around hidden agendas, retreat, isolation, hospitals, addictions, self-defeating tendencies, fantasy, spying, secrets, research, investigations, hidden enemies, film, music, artistry, spirituality, psychic abilities, or clandestine romances. The change or new energy that is opposing this comes through work you will do, health matters and your connection to pets. Look at where you have come from and where you want to go and how these themes are shifting. A friend can help you today but you will have to adjust financially to what is said.
Tuesday is about you, your body, image, identity, or a personal need and getting yourself into some better health position, work or connection with pets. Be willing to change and expand on some level. Luck comes through creative outlets, children or lovers.
Wednesday is the Full Moon in your income zone and will be bringing something to a major peak here. You may be celebrating money coming through, a job offer, something you can buy or a possession you do something with, or something may be ending now with one source of income. Talk or agree to the joint financial matter or outside resource today, you are in the spotlight.
Thursday you need to deal with the woman far away, who is visiting, you are visiting or you are planning a trip together, who is involved in a media or publishing matter with you, in an educational matter with you, or something legal together. You have to make a big adjustment around home or what is going on at home to make the change happen you need financially or powerfully. Income matters take center stage after this and you can really find luck through work you do today.
Friday is about the talks or agreements on the table and the woman involved in the travel, media, educational, or legal matter. Again, you have to make some adjustments through the financially shared balance or power base between you. Do something with friends tonight, it looks like you will have fun or find love.
Monday the Saturn/Uranus opposition is asking you to look at limits or responsibilities around aspirations, friendships, socializing, groups, or networking, and the change and freedom coming through true love, children or creative projects. What needs to shift again today? Time behind the scenes helps to achieve goals or handle career agendas, do your best to adapt to the partners or representatives needs.
Tuesday is about retreating and working behind the scenes, research, fantasy or film, hospitals or strategies that you can focus on creative outlets, with children or with a lover. You need to make some adjustments today in this to expand but the home and your roots are under positive stars for artistry, romance or spiritual grounding.
Wednesday is the Full Moon in your sign so you are seeing something about your body, image, identity, or a personal need of yours reaching a critical mass. This may be a celebration as something peaks or an ending to an old way of being. The partnership is focal in this or the specialist, person who represents your needs, or competitor. Talk or come to some kind of decision and then take action towards your goal.
Thursday the woman who is involved in your joint financial picture, the divorce or the sexual or reproductive matter is coming into focus. This is about making some major adjustments over talks, meetings, writing, agreements, neighborhood, or short trips to see the transformation you need to have happen. After this focus on yourself and the lover, child or creative outlet before you since there is real luck and happiness here.
Friday is about making money or spending on something important to you. The woman is involved again around jointly held finances, divorce or sex and you will be talking about adjustments you need to make through partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. You can achieve goals by being active today and courageous.
Monday the Saturn/Uranus opposition is pointing out the responsibilities or limits in career, with goals, reputation, father, or fame, and putting this up against the change or freedom you are seeing through home, living situations, moves, real estate deals, renovations, roommates, or mom. What is happening today and what needs to shift again? Friends or groups are in the picture today as you talk about adjustments to the work, health or pets. Travel, media, education, and legal matters are favored.
Tuesday the friend or group is in the emotional picture for you as you make more adjustments around home, roommates or mom and your security needs. This is where things are expanding and change is beckoning. Talks about romance, artistry or spirituality are favored with your friend or group.
Wednesday is the Full Moon in the hidden part of your chart. This means that something that has been going on behind the scenes or behind your back, a research or investigative matter, hospital stay or issue with an institution, fantasy or film work, music or artistic outlet, retreat or isolated time period, is reaching critical mass. You will be celebrating the moment or wrapping something up here and ending it. Talks about work, health or pets will play into this with you in the spotlight accordingly.
Thursday you need to deal with the female partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. There is something going on with income or a possession that is going to require that you make some adjustments if you wish to continue to transform this arena. Love or money are likely motivators. You may feel like hiding out or having some private time today and that looks like a good thing as far as achieving goals is concerned.
Friday is about you and your body, image or identity. You need to balance or connect with the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor and talk about the work, health or pet matter and what adjustments are needed. Then take action by hopping the plane, diving into media, taking or teaching the class, or making it legal.
Monday the Saturn/Uranus opposition is pointing at the limits or responsibilities you have around travel, people at a distance, beliefs, media, publishing or publicity, education, or legal matters. Change and freedom are trying to work their way through the talk, meetings, local scene, agreements, ideas, decisions, neighborhood, and connection with siblings. What needs to shift? Career is focal today with the need to talk about creative adjustments or what a lover or child can help out with. Go after the financial backing today.
Tuesday is about career and goals, reputation and recognition. The meetings, talks or agreements you come to today all require some finessing or adaptation on your part, work around the topics you come in contact with because there is positive support to income here and achieving goals.
Wednesday the Full Moon is bringing an aspiration, friendship, group affiliation, networking event, or social occasion to a climax. This is about a celebration or ending. The balance here between this and the creativity or love in the picture is important and you will want to talk or agree today based on this. Mars shows challenge where joint finances or outside resources are concerned or where intimacy arises in uncertain moments.
Thursday you need to deal with the woman at work, tied to health or involved with pets. This is important as some big transformation is in the mix for you personally that affects your empowerment so see how things can be finessed to adjust. Love or money is likely the motivator. Friends or groups take center stage the rest of the day as talks and meetings are happy and exciting with a bit of luck thrown in to boot. Just not the best day to lend money to them or get into it with them over the bill.
Friday is about taking some time behind closed doors and dealing with the woman at work, around health or involved with the pets. You can talk or agree around the creative matter, with the child or the lover but not without some concessions. Sex rocks in fantasyland later tonight and if this isn’t you, pour the intense energy into finances or divorce issues you can strategize over alone.
Monday the Saturn/Uranus opposition is pointing out the balance between my money and our money, income and debt, values and sharing, divorce and sex. Saturn is asking you to look at responsibilities or limits involving other people’s money, sex or divorce while Uranus is asking about change and freedom through income and values. What needs to shift? Travel, media, educational, or legal matters are favored involving partners, agents, attorneys, or specialists. Talk about what can be done differently at home or with your living situation.
Tuesday is more focus on travel, media, legalities, or education. You need to make some concessions here if you want your income to expand, be inventive and adjust. You are center stage in something artistic, romantic or spiritual here if you step it up.
Wednesday is the Full Moon in your career zone. This means your career, an important goal or ambition, your reputation, father, or fame are reaching critical mass. This can be a celebration as something crests or an ending. Home or living situation is in the mix here so talk about it or see if agreements can be made. There is frictional energy with partners, competitors or representatives so watch how actions play out.
Thursday the woman involved in the creative process, love affair or with the children is going to need to be dealt with. You have to do what you can behind closed doors, in secret, through research or investigations, hospitals or retreat, fantasy or some artistic or spiritual outlet if you want to transform the situation. Love or money is the motivator. Career or goals come into focus with positive energy around earning big and expanding this option through inventive or original ideas.
Friday a friend, group or aspiration is your aim with the woman involved in creative outlets, with children or a lover part of the mix as well. Talk about your needs at home or with a living situation and be willing to listen to your friend and adjust around the ideas shared. Passion or action with partners, agents, attorneys, or specialists are positive tonight and should be social.
Monday the Saturn/Uranus opposition is about looking at responsibilities or limits through partnership, representatives, specialists, or competitors, and weigh this against your own need for change and freedom in identity, image, body, and ego. What needs to shift? How do you want relationship to transform by summer’s end? Hint, you’re the one who needs to change (Hey, I didn’t put Uranus/Change in your sign)! Sex, divorce and major finances are focal today in talks about what needs to shift and action you take to work through it.
Tuesday the sex, reproduction, triangle, control, financial, or divorce matter is on the table again with a need for you to make some rather big adjustments personally or through your image, identity or body. Be inventive and think big. Luck and happiness comes through what goes on behind closed doors today so get yourself there.
Wednesday is the Full Moon in your house of legal matters, beliefs, travel, media, publishing, publicity, and education. This means that something is reaching critical mass here today, an ending or a big celebration. Talks and meetings, writing and agreements, decisions and what goes on in the local scene, with neighbors or siblings, all play into the day’s events.
Thursday is about the woman at home or involved in a property matter, family issue, security need or with mom/a mother figure. You need to deal with the social or friendship aspect here and what needs to change to empower the situation and evolve it towards some kind of proper financial resolution. Travel, media, education, or legal topics take over the rest of the day with positive ramifications for you personally so put yourself out there. Ties to partners, agents, attorneys, or specialists benefit you as well.
Friday is about career, reputation, fame, goals, or father. You will want to balance this with the woman at home or involved in property again and then talk or come to terms by making some adjustments around needs. Work, health and pets benefit from your actions today and lead nicely to your achieving your goals.
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