“All we need is love…la ti da ti da, all we need is love….” Gotta love those Beatles. I’m just thinking that with all of this Venus action Friday, Saturday and Sunday that we might just be needing to focus a bit here on the goddess :)
Venus moves in like the gospel on Friday but whoa, with some form of disillusionment attached to Neptunian dreams and an obstacle so ethereal one can not quite get a grip round its neck to shake it free. And then oh, what’s this?! Uranus not to be outdone and in mutual reception with Neptune dances in, well more like strikes a volt of highly synergized electrical inspiration (did he steal one of Zeus’s lightning rods?) straight into the heart of her embrace and voila! The opportunity from some unexpected source or insight cracks the day wide open with possibilities. Well, that’s how I plan to shake it out anyhow :) I usually don’t talk about Friday in the weekend forecast but since it all starts here I figured the little recap might be appropriate. So…over the weekend:
Saturday Venus gets in and cozy with Father Time, you know that older bloke who has lots of rules but gets to run things down here on Earth? Point is, she is harmonizing with him which for the mortals among us means love and money align with commitment and solid grounding. Just a bit of something important tied to the past or a Virgo in all of this, health or work, pets or service, and you know, she is happy today and wants to help us get what we need. Talks are uncommonly positive as well, feel free to sign agreements that began long before and are coming back up for a new gasp of air or bid for life. Stay away from the new stuff, you heard me, Hermes can be a mean little trickster if you mess with Retrograde wisdom.
Sunday Venus takes her stuff and skips into Gemini, she skipped because Gemini is like the child of the zodiac and after all of that Father Time stuff she feels like it. Today she wants to talk, talk some more, did I say talk? Well, she does, she wants to talk so find a tall glass and fill it with ice, kick back and get ready because women want to talk, people want to talk, topic’s all about love or money and once the stream begins it wafts up to the other goddess in the pantheon, the Moon, who is currently in Libra, a sign ruled by Venus, so partnerships and the way things are represented, balanced and allotted fairly will come into the conversation, agreement or decision as well.
When we get away from Venus, two other energies are interesting today. Mercury is duking it out with Mars so somewhere there is something said that triggers some action around kids, creativity or lovers and this could be a bit frictional, downright angry or sexy for those of you who get worked up over words. The Sun is dancing round with Pluto in a harmonious aspect of cooperation between your needs to make money and how career empowers who you think you want to be when you grow up. Sounds good to me, sign me up, I plan on asking for it today, or you know, sometime over this crazy goddess energy weekend! Have fun :)
Saturday is the day for you to find work that pays, get paid for work, look for a raise, get into spending on something work or health oriented, and know that the energy is aligned to support you if you do. Someone from the past, most likely someone older or well established is part of this or you are revisiting that position yourself and looking at where you are in connection to that past, either way, don’t sit round too long today, money to be made.
Sunday let the talks begin. You have Venus on your side so talk or meet, pitch or sell those ideas, write, get out in your local scene, and if you have something to patch up with a neighbor or sibling, put on that smile and see how mesmerizing Venus can be coming out of the mouth of an Aries It looks like communications over money hit a nerve with a child, lover or creative venture today or light a fire beneath you. Power is yours on the career front or with powerful people in authority, again tied to you making money. The day ends with the goddesses helping you communicate love or money needs with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor, you win.
Saturday brings the stars down from Heaven in a path before you dear Taurus and let me say this is all about you and a lover, you and a child or you and a creative project. It’s good. No, it’s really good. Think: love or money and solid, long-term commitment or a break-up that goes well and is destined to put you on more solid ground. Talk about it, agree to it (if the past is somehow involved), meet up and have FUN!
Sunday Venus moves into your income zone so you are getting the benefit of her energy helping you to attract more money, easier now, through women, in matters related to beauty and love and women. Something said leads to anger or action at home so watch for this, some of you may just find it leads to sexy play at home but frictional it is nevertheless. There is positive link for you to step into your true identity today through some kind of legal, travel, educational, or media matter that empowers and changes things for the better. Work, health and pets align with income positively as well.
Saturday brings some kind of mystical or romantic experience, a chance to hide out in some remote corner of your inner world, deep within fantasy or some artistic pursuit, behind closed doors, at home and this is going to lead to something truly wonderful. There is love or money in the mix here and something solid and long term, you may be talking or meeting here and the energy favors your intuition and spiritual gifts as well as your ability to take responsibility or lead on some level with positive benefits for yourself.
Sunday Venus moves into your sign, lucky Gemini! This gives you even more than your usual charms and we all know how much you typically have on hand Decide what you want, love or money or both and then just smile in the right direction. Someone is going to let something slip today, maybe a secret that gets out by accident, maybe not so accident, either way it will get you up and moving. You have a direct link to secret sexual rendevouz that are bound to be a bit earthshaking or to empowerment through financial outlets or divorce proceedings done behind closed doors. Don’t let the day end without love or creativity in the picture, it is there waiting for you.
Saturday is all about the serious, beneficial connection that is going to come down between you and a friend, group or through a social occasion. This is big, it’s important, it has love or money written all over it, you can expect it to be in place and support you and all of it comes from the talk, meeting, agreement, decision, or short trip you connect to it today. Remember signing contracts is ok if it is something from the past. Say yes to invitations today, no excuses!
Sunday Venus enters the mystical, hidden part of your chart and love and money matters follow her there. This means that you will find love and money come through work you do behind closed doors, in strategy sessions, working in film, fantasy, music, or other art forms, through spiritual or psychic pursuits, in dealings with hospitals, or through secrets or research. If a NEW love interest enters the picture now, take care with your heart until you know more about them, there will likely be something hidden or secret in the mix. Talks with friends about money are going to spark action. A partnership or representative is aligned to powerfully benefit your aspirations, likely a friend in the making.
Saturday is just so yay for you dear Leo! It is one of those days when you can reach a goal, set out on an ambition, achieve a career agenda or set it on its course, and know that income is attached in a most beneficial way. This is about a woman who can help or love or money flowing in to you through your career or ambitions and some kind of long term income tied to it. Get serious, you are shining!
Sunday Venus moves into your arena of friends and groups and will help you to enjoy social activities and attract love or money through your circle of comrades. Something said regarding career or a boss leads you to do something physical today. There is huge energy tied to empowerment through the changes to health or work you perform and the light aimed at you on the career front. Talk with the woman friend tonight, you know the one, she is going to help you.
Saturday is a red letter day for you dear Virgo! You are analytical and the higher mind is at work for you big time today. You should look at love or money matters involving a woman and what you want to do that is serious, solid, long term and involves travel, distance, media, publishing, publicity, education, or legal channels. This is where she, love or money are moving and you are the one to either commit or sever ties now under beneficial circumstances for yourself.
Sunday Venus moves into your career, ambition and reputation sector. So, a woman may be the goal, love or money may be the goal, and all of it should flow more smoothly for you now. The talk or decision you make about travel, media, legalities, or education will motivate you to retreat and do something behind closed doors. You shine now in a way that attracts powerful love or creativity around you, again through media, travel, legal channels, or education. Income and career agendas benefit from a woman tonight.
Saturday is all geared up for something serious or solid that is going on behind closed doors for you. This may be financial and involve a woman, sexual and involve love or some beneficial moment in the divorce proceedings tied to what you research or find out in secret. They are mysterious and powerful houses at work for you today and the alignments are about coming to agreements (if the past is involved) or having talks or meetings that open doors.
Sunday Venus moves into your house of travel, media, education, and law. This means you have the upper hand in matters of love or money through these channels now. You can find that women benefit you here, a woman flies in to visit or helps out with a media matter, or that you are attracting love or money through these arenas. The talk or news you hear today about a financial, divorce or sexual matter will lead to action you take regarding a friend. You are in the spotlight here, empowered and connected strongly to your roots, home and living situation that supports you today.
Saturday brings love or money through a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor and ties it into something serious and social. You may be committing to an organization, group or friend in this or working towards long term aspirations here. Talks about how you want to share the relationship or balance the representation will go well and you will see that you are doing well with women, love or money today in all of this.
Sunday Venus moves into your house of sex, reproduction, divorce, and major finances. This means things will run more smoothly here, you will enjoy yourself intimately, a woman may enter the picture sexually or you may find you have conceived a girl child. Attracting the love or money you need will be a powerful energy around you tied to deep sharing. A talk or news from a partner, representative or opponent will motivate you on the career front to take action or to deal with an authority figure. You are aligned with this person to find agreements that empower and benefit you strongly so open up and communicate.
Saturday is a wonderful day for you to work and be seen on the career front, to approach a long term, serious goal in a way that benefits you or to deal with an authority figure or boss who can help you reach your aims. You are attracting love, money or women through the work you do, the health regime you are involved in or around activity with your pets today and this will be solid and lovely as well. Talk about what you have to offer others and see how much comes to you.
Sunday Venus moves into your relationship realm. This may mean a woman shows up who is partnership material or who wants to represent your needs or is a specialist who can help you, or it can mean that love or money are now flowing through these significant connections in your life. Talks or news about work, health or pets spur you on to travel, media ventures, education, or legal channels. You are in a position to empower your income today through the way you are shining at work, with animals or in health arenas and it is significant. Friends and partners align harmoniously.
Saturday is a day to set aside for fun, creative projects, children, or lovers and whatever you are doing here that ties into travel, media, education, or legalities. This is one of those days when if you combine any of these topics you really can’t go wrong. Think about attracting love or money or about connecting with a woman and then go to these topics and put it all together. Love that comes through lovers or children and trips or money that comes from legal contracts or media ventures, you get the idea. There will be solid, long-term results from what you initiate and you can commit or sever ties under beneficial energy patterns.
Sunday Venus moves into your work, health and pet zone. This means a woman may enter the picture here who is beneficial to your job, helping out with work, your health or diet, or taking care of pets. It also means love and money comes through working, co-workers, gyms, diets, hikes, anything health related, and walking the dogs or adopting pets. Talks or news about a lover, child or creative outlet motivate you financially or sexually or through divorce actions. You shine with powerful transformations that are benefiting your love connections, children and creative output today so step up and be counted. By tonight a goal or career agenda is aligned to work or service, health or pets.
Saturday is a great day, great. The alignment is due to benefit you in several ways, it could be sexually at home in some heated passions or financially over a home matter, such as a real estate deal, settlement, alimony, or inheritance, bankruptcy or other monetary attachment to home or property, or if you are taking care of mom or security needs there is something coming through, divorce proceedings are aligning to your needs at home as well. Love and money are solid and talks or news should show you how true this is.
Sunday Venus enters your house of true love, children and creative projects. This means you will be experiencing more love or the love you have will take on a more smooth, easy tone, you will find you attract what you need in love or money through having fun, connecting to kids or spending time with your lover. Women will benefit you here as well now. A talk or news you hear about home will lead to action regarding a partner or representative. You are shining in all things home related and empowered by what is going on behind closed doors or in strategy sessions. Feelings for a partner pick up after legal, media, educational, or travel matters come into balance around love or creativity.
Saturday is an amazing day for you dear Pisces. There is the most beneficial, long term, solid energy aligning with love or money for you through talks or agreements you have with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors today. You have the green light to commit or sever ties under very beneficial energy patterns but know that either way the past is involved and you are learning to relate in a more responsible and independent manner so better to fulfill your needs and dreams.
Sunday Venus moves into your home base and you will find things at home run more smoothly, you will get along with those in the home more easily, a woman may arrive to visit or move in as a roommate or you may attract money through work you do from home or real estate deals or interior design. A talk or news you get today will lead to action at work, with health or the pets and you may get heated here. You can talk to powerful friends or groups today in ways that truly help you to shine and benefit. If you are invited to anything social, say yes. Finances or sex align at home later today, life is good.
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