The weekend’s here, the weekend’s here! I hope the shift from Pluto and Saturn went easily for you, there should now be a bit of a relief around matters of power, triangles, secrets, control, authority, ambition, and reputation.
Saturday is a mixed bag in so far as the emotional energy is positive with opportunity to talk something out, come to an agreement, communicate change that is beneficial or come to some new decision over finances, divorce or career. There is also positive energy around making money or spending on something magical. The zinger comes from Mars in adjustment angle to Pluto, it can mean you are motivated to take an action that you know is going to change things profoundly and there is a bit of trepidation in this for you. It can mean you are now diving into the creative outlet to bolster your career standing and it is requiring more from you than you anticipated. Lastly it could mean you are letting passions or anger push a love issue or something involving children forward and in this you are seeing something tied to your goal, reputation or standing being changed.
Sunday brings the goddess Moon and the lord of luck and expansion, Jupiter, together on the same degree in Pisces. This bodes well for pulling back and taking it easy, expressing your happiness in private, pouring your emotions into something artistic that is going to find its way before the public, or in some way starting fresh from a spiritual center that can bring beneficial perspective. The line between this world and the next is thin from here so you may tune into something inspiring or allow a rush of tears to clean the soul as you release what has been hidden until this moment.
Saturday will open doors for you that tie earning money to career status and ambition to what you are able to pull into the situation through your research, artistry, work you do behind the scenes, or ties to hospitals or other institutions. Talks that you have or meetings you can set up should go well here, especially if you involve someone powerful or are seeking more power yourself. Venus gets into the mix to aid where earnings are concerned so there may be a woman who is bound to help you today. Your ruler, Mars, is requiring some action creatively or with a lover or child if you wish to reach a certain goal. This may stretch you a bit or you may just feel torn between the goals/career and what the activity requirements of the child or lover are demanding. Do your best to attend to both areas as major changes are upon you.
Sunday you will have a lovely opportunity to pull back, close the curtains, embrace in private or just relax in bed. If you need to be at hospital today there is great protection and luck in recuperation or expansion here. If you act or work in the arts, there is opportunity to express your feelings in lucky ways and if you are involved in a clandestine affair there is happiness for you in private.
Saturday will allow for social time that is beneficial for you. This could mean networking opportunities if you wish to keep it to the realm of media, publishing, education, or legal matters. It can also bode well for enjoyable time with friends or a group involving travel or sharing of knowledge. The more you can stand up and be counted for your ideas or represent yourself over a written work or pitch, the better. Venus is with you today which means a woman may be significant to your personal needs and motivation. Spending on yourself while with friends would be enjoyable or earning through the group effort beneficial. You will need to do something at home or about the home situation today to move towards the major changes evolving legally, through foreign people or travel, education, or media.
Sunday brings a wonderful surge to emotions around your aspirations in life and this should extend to your feeling connected to your friends or groups. Any activity with these people should go well and benefit you in some way. Networking is opening doors and associates will be good for you as well. Do your best to say yes to anything social that comes your way.
Saturday will be powerful for you. Even though it is the weekend there is strong indication that a career matter or important goal may be driving you forward. You can talk about or express yourself through the artistic matter you have been developing, share your spiritual side towards the goal, or meet or talk about romantic needs behind closed doors. Something is changing for the better and a lot relies on your ability to have faith and connect with the mystic, bringing some magic into the picture. Venus is with you in this so love or money will be open to you on the quest today and will either remain secret, under wraps for now, or tied to artistic outlets you are developing. Pluto’s position in your house of sex, divorce and finances means some major change is moving here evolving from your communications and the action you take locally or verbally.
Sunday brings a lovely emotional energy to goals and ambitions. There is luck in this mix and a fresh start that wants to take things into the stratosphere for you. Bring your happy feelings out for others to see and enjoy your moment in the spotlight, you have earned it. If you want to launch something to the public, through career doors or around a certain goal, choose today to do so.
Saturday will open some doors for you through what you are bringing forth through magical and mystical places. This can be about expressing your artistic side or bringing some spiritual energy forward through a media venture, travel, education, or legal workings. You will have the support of a powerful partner or representative or should move to secure this today. Talk with friends, groups or about your aspirations, speak about your ideas for humanity, causes, the occult, technology, or groups. Venus is on your side today so a female friend is key in helping you reach goals in media matters, travel (she may be foreign or far away), education, or legalities. You will need to take action to make money or deal with a possession and it will involve the changes that are transforming your partnership or representation.
Sunday brings a sea of tranquility and luck to the same area so highlighted yesterday. This means media, publishing, publicity, travel, people at a distance, teaching or taking a class, or signing legal contracts or dealing with court cases or attorneys. Let your emotions guide you, they may be key in how the day unfolds, let yourself dream big and go for the prize.
Saturday the emphasis is on what is shared financially through loans, investments, debt, insurance, taxes, inheritance, bankruptcy, or joint finances. The goal today is to talk about this, write it up, come to an agreement, meet over it, or in some way decide what you are going to do to achieve your aim. Through this you can transform the work situation or health matter quite positively. Venus is in the picture so you have her working to help you get the career recognition or achieve your goal. This may mean a woman is significant in helping you or that the desire for love or money is realized. Mars is pushing you to take personal action over your physical state, image, identity or ego needs to reach the work or health reform or empowerment.
Sunday brings an expansive, beneficial energy to the major financial matter. You can allow emotions to rise here and enjoy faith in things turning out well. You may see a space has been created either by the working through of the issue or someone or thing leaving. Either way it is positive for you in the bigger picture. Divorce and sex are also ruled by this house and where you are in these matters should bring happiness today.
Saturday will bring emotions into play over the partnership, representative or competitor. The energy is very positive here by way of talks or agreements, meetings or decisions, even writing projects you have aimed at media, publishing, publicity, travel, teaching or learning, or legal matters. Through this you will see the opportunity to empower a creative venture, transform your creative abilities, enhance a love situation or transform something involving children in a big way. Again, this is very positive. Venus is working for you through media, educational, travel, and legal avenues in this so you can expect a woman to be good for you through one of these realms or for love or money to go your way here. Mars is pushing you to act on the fantasy, film, music, art, retreat, hospital, research, or clandestine affair in some way that is physical and will help you to make some adjustments around the changes occurring in the creative realm or with lovers or children.
Sunday the focus comes home to the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. This is a day when things should go very well for you in relationship to this significant person. It may be they bring something into the picture that benefits you or expands your horizons or that you just find you are quite happy with them and the balance of things. It could also mean that a large space created by their departure is benefiting you in the big picture of your life, either way it’s all good.
Saturday brings opportunity to you through dealing with the major financial matter. This can mean that you talk or sign an agreement about a loan or debt, or that an inheritance matter is settled, a bankruptcy decided upon, insurance or taxes settled, or alimony or child support resolved. Any outside resource or jointly held money is the place to talk or meet about, write up, agree about or make a decision. This in turn will help you to transform what is occurring around your security or foundations and may have a direct impact on the home, property or living situation. You should feel better today through this about work or health. Venus is working for you in this money matter so a woman may involve herself on your behalf. Mars is pushing you to do something with a friend or group today and this will require some adjustments as you deal with the changes or transformations at home.
Sunday the focus is on health, work or pets. This is a very open, happy energy today and can bring some form of expansion that benefits you. So you may want to tackle a big work situation that is either routine tasks in your environment or work related to your career. You may want to stretch your wings physically or do something to enhance your health as you should be feeling better today. Or you may decide that happiness means time with the pets, adopt a new pet or get out there and enjoy the one you have. It’s all good.
Saturday brings talks or agreements, meetings or decisions, or something revolving around a written work or agreement with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or a competitor. This is about opportunity for you to truly transform something powerful connected to an idea of yours, a writing project, something local going on in your neighborhood, with neighbors, siblings, or short trips. If you have written a book or script, for example, you would want to meet with the agent today or if you have something life changing to say to a marriage partner or potential partner, approach them now. You should feel pretty good about the creativity or love through your connection in this. Venus is working for you through the other person so it may be that it is a woman you are dealing with in a beneficial way or that this person is bringing love or money into the mix for you. Mars is pushing at Pluto and both of these planets rule your sign so expect to make some adjustments around what you do to achieve your goal with this written project or agreement, meeting or talk.
Sunday the energy is fixed on creative output, children, recreation, or lovers. It is very positive energy that will feel happy and expansive, can benefit you greatly and will help you to open up to the joy of the situation. If there is a space that has been created by something or someone leaving then know that in the bigger picture this seems to point to something positive for you and today you may see that.
Saturday is a positive day to talk about work that needs to be done, to come to agreements about it, to sign contracts over it or to decide on something about it. You may be writing something for work that benefits from today’s energy pattern as well. There is something to a huge transformation in income attached to it so open up. Feelings about what is going on at home or with a property matter or family should be positive as well tied to this so if you need to work from home or write there it is favored. Health could be the other area of interest if it is not about work for you and in this case a female at home may be recovering her health and this is positive. Mars is going to push you to travel, do something media related, get to a class, or do something about the legal situation. It is important to push yourself here as this is leading again to the major income empowerment you are moving towards.
Sunday the energy is squarely on the home and in a very positive way. Your energy is all wrapped up here and should help to bring luck, expansion and happiness to what you do at home, with roommates, moves, buying or selling of real estate, improvements to the property, or something involving family or mom. If someone leaves the home or a space has been created there in some other way, know there is protection and beneficial energy in it for you.
Saturday is about some real beneficial energy coming your way and it may involve, believe it or not, fun! You have so much energy pushing the career and goals in your life that you don’t really take much time to just enjoy the love or creativity available around you but today looks different so don’t be afraid to take the break and enjoy what comes. There is emphasis on a talk, agreement or decision based on a creative project (if you insist on work) or it could be that is involves a lover, child or something recreational. It should go well, and promises something majorly powerful coming to you personally through what you decide or agree to. You could find that you are writing something up or it involves something written. Good feelings are displayed in local settings or short trips. Venus is working for you in this so a female may be key to the creative venture or you may see love or money aligning for you through creativity, lovers or children. Mars is pushing you to do something physical today about the major financial matter, divorce or sexual conquest. Hey, it’s the eighth house so power and shared energy is what is being contacted. Push yourself here as again, your personal wealth, sexuality or empowerment is involved.
Sunday is all about the talk you are going to have, the short trip you are going to take, the interaction with a sibling or neighbor, a writing project or written agreement you are going to further, or a meeting or talk that is opening doors. I can’t stress enough how positive this is for you, that there is luck and prosperity tied to what you do in any of these arenas today. Don’t be afraid to tell someone how happy they make you or discuss what happiness looks like for you.
Saturday you will want to have a talk or meeting at home or about the home, property matter, living situation, move, real estate deal, or family matter. It is a day filled with opportunity around what you discuss, decide, agree to, write up, or talk about here. You should feel good about what is going on monetarily in this and see that there is some major transformation going on behind closed doors associated with this. You may be meeting a clandestine lover behind closed doors at home, working on research to buy or sell property, involving yourself in fantasy or film from home or just having a spiritual breakthrough regarding your roots and foundations in life. Venus is at work for you here so a woman may be key to the home situation or love or money could be flowing to you through home matters. Mars is insisting you push yourself physically towards doing something about the trip, person at a distance, media matter, education, or legal issues.
Sunday is a big day where income, possessions, or spending is concerned. You have Jupiter with you here so luck and expansion are in the mix. You may earn a great deal today, spend on something big or find that happiness is wrapped in a present or possession that finds you. This is also the house of values so you may find that you are benefitting from wider horizons here as you open up to new opportunities.
Saturday is a day with a lot of social impact for you. There is an open door for you to meet and talk to all kinds of people who can transform your aspirations in some profound way. This group of people may be involved in major financial matters, the sex industry or reproductive matters, or divorce. You may just find you are talking about these subjects with a friend today or coming to some agreement or decision about one of these things with this person but whichever way it plays out, there is quite a positive energy at work for you. Venus is in the mix so a woman may be key to this interaction or you may see love or money coming to you today through the situation. Mars is pushing you to get in there physically and do the work or tackle health and it may feel like you are having to stretch in this but again the social pay off or connections in networking are profound.
Sunday is all about you. Don’t you just love it when that happens? Well, it is and it is quite good. Jupiter is on your side today so anything that brings you happiness is where to start. If you feel like pampering your body or doing something big for your image or making a big change in identity, it’s all good. Days like this don’t come along that often so think about what it is you would like to do and get yourself there.
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