Your WEEKLY for Mar 31- Apr 6 is here!
April is the month to watch in 2014. It is our first New Moon in a cardinal sign for the year (cardinal signs are the ones that make things happen, they tend to be event oriented). It took place on March 30th and moves us through our first couple weeks of April, in a cardinal sign, it activates the upcoming Grand Cross and more or less pushes the button launching us all into one of the biggest changes we've felt since we started our journey here back in 2012. Make no mistake, from April 1st with the power of the New Moon thrusting us headlong into it until the April 20th - 23rd peak of the Grand Cross at 13 degrees around the zodiac, we are in for a momentous shift towards a new reality. That's not even accounting for the 2 Eclipses on either side of that peak period, more on that later.
So let's take a look at what we are all processing on a collective level. We showed up at this point in the timeline of life on Earth to experience massive upheaval and some kind of rise from the ashes into a new transformed direction for our soul's growth, our soul group's evolution and the evolution of the nations and great family of this world. If we were around back in the mid to late 60's we were here for the beginning gambit when change and upheaval was set in motion towards some newer, higher ideal witnessed in the music, slogans and starring players of the time in reaction to the political unrest, war and cultural shift towards peace, love and freedom. The time frame between 2012 and 2015 brings the energy to the next chapter, it turns a hard corner, and faces the inevitable letting go, going down and coming back up that accompanies such transformation, as we take that beginning seed and move it to the next field of growth.
We have tools at our disposal with Jupiter helping us broaden our view of family, country, history, and how we set down roots that align with our beliefs. We have Neptune and Chiron informing our imagination, spiritual path and healing abilities in a more integrated way than we've ever experienced this lifetime. We are being called upon to allow for that wound to come up, that deep, primordial wound that we feel so innately that it feels like a flesh and bone part of us, and through this courageous act to release the tears and the baggage we've carried to get to a more clear perception of what it's really all about here. We can trust our dreams, the signs around us and our intuition in a way that was not possible before, they will guide us.
"I feel overwhelmed, lost, my sleep patterns are out of whack, there's this pain inside my heart I can't describe, I'm not sure about where I fit in this particular reality I've created around myself, tears overtake me at the strangest moments," If you find you are thinking/feeling these things, again, this is at work on you to help you purge, release, and Karmically rebalance, healing wounds you may have carried for lifetimes within yourself, in connection with those close to you or within the collective you incarnate with each time. Of course, if you feel you can't make heads or tails of it alone and are feeling in peril in any way you must reach out for help but for those who are just processing this in a safe way, know you are on the right track and stop trying to figure everything out, this is about Faith and trusting the process.
At the 4 corners of this Grand Cross, we have differing energies at work. They all want what they want and they are all willing to move towards what they want, pushing you to do the same this month or to do what it takes in reaction to it.
1)In the first corner is the Sun, Moon and Uranus in Aries and at the New Moon head of the class. They are pushing for fresh starts, taking things to the next level, making sudden changes, breaking out of ruts, freeing oneself from stagnation, DOING something about one's own personal needs, one's body, image, identity, butting heads in ego clashes, fighting the good fight, turning on the passion and going for the one you want, pushing ahead in ways that affect one's identity, name, title, or brand. This is highly charged, unpredictable, surprising, shocking, or exciting energy that will be fired up and raring to go. It wants an AWAKENING from you.
2) In the second corner is Jupiter picking up steam as he gets further into his Direct motion in Cancer. He is giving us all a chance to open things up at home, through moves, renovations, roommates, real estate deals, family, parents, land, country, history, or our own security needs. He is pushing us to look at what we can do about our beliefs here to make ourselves happier or more prosperous. He is offering us channels to expand in these areas through legal steps, travel, foreign interests, educational pursuits, marketing ideas, media, political channels, religion, or weddings. Jupiter is aligned positively with the Neptune/Chiron energy again reminding us that our sacrifices and wounds are somehow meaning something now and that we can find healing by keeping the faith and trusting our inner voice about direction. This is about GROWTH.
3) In the third corner is Retrograde Mars in Libra. He is backing towards the 13th degree while the other planets are moving forward towards that degree where they all converge between April 20-23rd. He is going back to take care of something, something that requires action, passion or a fighting spirit, something that involves a specialist, opponent, partner, agent, attorney, client, advocate, or other key person, something that requires balance, justice or a higher esthetic. He is pushed hard now to make this happen and may appear as your own aggressiveness in motivating that other person or in that other persons aggressiveness in doing what they will right now. Mars has an ally in Venus, he just came from some private or secret meeting with her, they are aligned, she is supporting him through love or money. There will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 15th in Libra bringing an ending or achievement around this other person and what is going on with them. This is about taking ACTION.
4) In the fourth corner is Pluto in Capricorn. This is the powers that be, this is the heavy hitter, the bank, the corporation, the government, the leaders, the boss, the parent, the judge, the direction of your career, the direction of your life, and it is deeply tied to powerful changes that are going on around financially shared interests; our loans, debts, inheritance, taxes, insurance, investments, commissions, alimony, or other financial resources. It is also around death, birth, divorce, reproductive matters, purging, power, control, triangles, manipulations, and sex. It is the thousand pound gorilla on your tulips. You have to face it and now, sometime between March 30th and April 23rd. You want to move in the areas that you can at the other points of this cross to help you work through the heavy hitter here. Note that Pluto will change his position on the matter or change things around in some way on the 14th as Pluto Retrogrades so you will have a shift in this part of the Cross, be prepared for it. This is about UPHEAVAL of the situation and REBIRTH from that deconstruction into a new paradigm.
As the month progresses and you deal with your issues, their issues, the powers that be issues, know you may find yourself stepping into different points of the Grand Cross and taking up roles respectively.
A) If you find yourself in the Aries sector, as Sun/Moon/Uranus, strive not to shock others, not to rebel in ways that harm, but to stand up for yourself in courageous ways and use your emotions to help others see what it is you need to feel like the real 'you' and to infuse some fresh air into the situation. Remember change is one of the scarier things for people. If you find someone is doing an about face with you and cutting ties or throwing something at you that you didn't expect, instead of being confrontational, try to look at the inevitability of this moment in time and embrace that idea that New Moon energy is also doing its best to push you towards a better version of yourself and if this is part of it then you can choose what next step you take. If you find yourself in some sudden attraction with another or someone from your past has returned changing everything, note that this is more than just how you feel in relationship but about a catalyst to help you change your current situation and again, take the high road when taking the lead towards your desires. Be the awakener!
B) If you find yourself in the position of Jupiter and going overboard, over the top, bigger than big, generous, jolly, or standing on your soapbox, regarding home, family, parents, real estate, moves, history, country, or other grounded themes, know that you have the power to elevate and to make the big growth occurring come from a shared need for growth rather than letting the process do your talking for you: the law, the religion, the school, the foreign elements, the media/tv, the politicians, etc. This is about YOUR faith in being safe and the souls you call family, what changes in these areas now has the protection of Zeus which is not small thing, it is a blessing and is timed with the universal clock to carry us all forward on our journey, come from that faith. Be the growth and protection you want to see.
C) If you find yourself in the position of Retrograde Mars in Libra and are leaving a relationship or heading back to an old relationship, or you are angry or passionate about something in a relationship that you want to go back over and do something about, and remember this can be a personal or business relationship, again, know that Mars has the ability to fight the good fight or express ardor without being the bully, war monger or rapist. You don't have to tear that other person up to find a victory at this time, if you need to be that specialist, client, partner, agent, attorney, advocate, competitor, or other significant person in the balance that is heading back to someone or something, be a valiant warrior, fight with honor, be chivalrous with passions. Mars will go back over this ground up ahead, do not scorch it behind you. Again, note that on the 15th there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse bringing closure, endings, a climax, achievement, something 'eclipsed' out, or a celebration in Libra and therefore, around these key relationships or the balance or justice in the situation. Be that courageous catalyst.
If you find that you are in the position of Pluto in Capricorn with someone else during this month, know this is true; you have a choice of whether or not you want to come smashing in like a power hog, controlling or manipulating because you hold the purse strings, the power in sex or divorce, represent some corporation, government, or leadership role, or know the secrets that can affect the outcome for others, or if you want to take the highest form of Pluto in Capricorn and look for ways to transform goals and shared interests by taking the lead and working within third party situations for the good of all. All things come back around, do your part if you find yourself here at some point to remain the Pluto that released Persephone back to her mother for half the year rather than the Pluto who kidnapped her and drug her down into the underworld for the other half. Again, note, Pluto will move on things one way between March 30th and April 14th and then he will Retrograde on the 14th and either change his position on the matter or go back for some kind of do-over between now and the 23rd.
If you have a Birthday that falls in the first week of a month you will be going through the biggest changes. The Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, will have the most intense of these either needing to take the lead in making changes or facing them, the fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, will find they have some adjustments to make and some opportunities linked to the changes, the mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces will as well need to make adjustments and find some opportunities in the mix. If you know your chart and have any planets at 13 degrees, especially of the Cardinal signs, know that what they represent will undergo changes as well.
Finally, on the Cross and changes, it is unlikely that you don't already know what this is about in your life, you would have to be comatose not to have noticed how the fabric is changing. I have illustrated how changes may challenge you, I also want you to know this, a Grand Cross is the single most effective tool for change and movement the cosmos ever gives us and this is one of the biggest ones we've had so you can dive headlong into going for that big thing you need and doing all you can to climb on top of this massive wave and ride it if you are so inclined. It can take you further in shore than at any other time. Some things will be wiped away, some absorbed back out to sea, some will gather steam along with you as you reach your destination or take it to the next level, the potential is awesome if you are consciously aware of where you are in the process and have goals firmly in mind.
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You are at the helm of this Grand Cross and you may begin from the first day of April to initiate changes on a personal or physical level, pertaining to your identity, brand, name, or personal needs. You will see offers, agreements, meetings, news, and decisions starting to pick up from the 7th onward. You will want to look at ways to improve living conditions, make a move, open things up with family, roommates or parents, buy or sell real estate, and tie up the legal or marketing needs, learn more, deal with people at a distance or travel to make it so. You should be looking to go back over some ground with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or other key player, someone from the past may return, someone current may do an about face, it will peak by the 15th.
This is a Lunar Eclipse so something will likely be 'eclipsed' out on an emotional level or with a woman to bring this high point. You should take the career upheaval or powerful transformation to heart and embrace changes here as well as any shifts with life goals, fame, reputation, or those who you look up to like the boss, parent or authorities. It's all part of a massive effort to evolve your situation but sitting still is not a likely option. Since Pluto Retrogrades here on the 14th there will be some shift in direction with these people or situations from here onward. Expect your important changes within the Grand Cross this month to peak between the 20th-23rd. You will have energy working for you behind the scenes, helping you work out any wounding situations, use your imagination, and strategize or connect over love or income. This amps up from the 5th forward helping you smooth things out. If you need to deal with institutions choose from this day forward. On the 19th you finally move into a place where earning money, dealing with possessions or making purchases can get underway with you out there shining your light. There will be important offers, meetings and decisions beginning on the 23rd onward with a massive New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 29th allowing you to eclipse something out to get a bold new start with these themes over the next couple weeks. There is very positive potential for you to reach goals tied to what gets underway now so open up communications and reach out to people who can help. Please read the general overview up top since it breaks down the Grand Cross for everyone and will give you added information about this month. For a direct look into your unique astrological blueprint and how this important month may affect you on a more specific level, email Zoe at to inquire about a private reading and the going rates and dates that are available.
Listen to Zoe's RADIO SHOW Thursday nights at 8pm est/5pm pst for more great information!
Your WEEKLY for Mar 31- Apr 6 is here!
You will note that intense progress and changes are going on all around you this month and some will require adjustments from you while others will go way easier on you than others, perhaps opening up a few opportunities to boot. This begins from the first as you are thrust forward into the New Moon point of the forming Grand Cross and on your way into new territory or the next level with artistic talents, a romance that you are keeping under wraps or getting away from it all to pursue, any hospital matters or healing, dealing with addictions or bad habits, pursuing spiritual practices, pulling back and resting up to let your imagination flower over some aim, or research and development project. More news comes around these matters on the 7th and you get into meetings, offers, sales, or agreements moving forward in the weeks ahead. You will want to focus on local or nearby activities, writing, meetings, sales, agreements, offers, and transportation with an eye on going big or opening something up. Specifically this may involve legal channels, travel plans, weddings, education, or media/marketing ideas that can help. If you are signing or selling in relation to real estate, renovations, moves, a family business, or history, this is one of your opportunities. You should be looking at going back to some people over work, health, paperwork, or pet needs, taking care of past issues or opportunities, revisiting past partners, clients, specialists, or the like in the mix, or reworking things with current people over these themes. This area can get hot at times and will peak around the 15th with endings or achievements. This is an Eclipse, so 'eclipsing' something out emotionally or with a woman in the mix may be part of what comes to a head for you. You should also work on third party situations and how you share, control, deal with changes, and evolve, or are facing that from others when it comes to loans, investments, commissions, the partner's money, taxes, insurance, or other financial resources, as well as when it comes to death, birth, divorce, sex, or power. Again there is something legal, travel, educational, wedding, media, marketing, political, or faith based that is in the mix here. Since Pluto Retrogrades on the 14th you can expect a shift at this time or a need to rework something from this point onward. You are getting inspiration as well as some healing of old wounds from what you are experiencing through friends, groups, the internet, your aspirations, or causes now. Venus enters this fray on the 5th which brings a woman here or helps you smooth things out, perhaps attracting love or income. On the 19th you get a boost that casts you in the lead, helps you step up, perhaps put name to agreement or push it out there, tackle physical matters, or pursue personal goals. This starts to involve agreements, sales, writing, meetings, offers, and decisions for you from the 23rd onward with a huge fresh start on the 29th with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in your sign. This begins a major new chapter for you, with a good 2 week window to initiate your moves on a personal or physical level. This is going to involve some powerful offers or choices that are good for you with legal matters, travel, foreign interests, media, marketing, education, weddings, politics, religion, publishing, broadcasting, or your beliefs. Please read the general overview up top since it breaks down the Grand Cross for everyone and will give you added information about this month. For a direct look into your unique astrological blueprint and how this important month may affect you on a more specific level, email Zoe at to inquire about a private reading and the going rates and dates that are available.
Listen to Zoe's RADIO SHOW Thursday nights at 8pm est/5pm pst for more great information!
Your WEEKLY for Mar 31- Apr 6 is here!
This month is simply gangbusters for you when it comes to your aspirations and friendships, the groups you belong to and internet interests, astrology and charities, any gatherings, parties or events, and your freedom to be who you are and shine your originality for others to share in. It is in full gear as the month opens and begins moving towards that Grand Cross. You can initiate new beginnings or take things to the next level. Offers, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, speaking roles, or decisions begin to pick up from the 7th forward. And it will be these matters that are focal for you during the major changes and motivating expansion going on between April 20th-23rd. A woman may become important to your career or goals on the 5th or in the days afterwards. All goals will smooth out and you will find you are out there in the spotlight more making money or over your love life. Whatever has been going on with your major financial interests, sex life, divorce proceedings, or third party situations, turns in a new direction or shifts somehow on the 14th. You may need to slow down a bit here or go back and start taking care of any third party or controlling interests in these areas over the months ahead. By the Lunar Eclipse on the 15th you will feel the emotional peak climax in your love life, with children, any creative projects, or a recreational pursuit as things wrap up, come through, end, or are celebrated. Expect this to be about another person in the mix as well and for something to be 'eclipsed' out to make this high point occur. Today you have news or a talk that is about major change and involves all that social energy and aspirational thrust that has been pushing you as well as the new direction you find your finances, sex life, divorce, or third party situation going in. The information now is what will be part of that Grand Cross between the 20th and 23rd. On the 19th you get a spotlight on the retreative side of your chart that will keep a focus here for the next 30 days. This is your cue to begin pouring more personal or physical energy into rest, retreat, research, imagination, healing, hospitals, art, film, music, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, romantic interludes, and development. You can take the lead here and stand out. There will be more news or information kicking up in these areas on the 23rd and days that follow, and by the 29th you will have a New Moon Solar Eclipse that gives you a very powerful fresh start from these topics. It as well will 'eclipse' something out to make way for that new beginning. You will find that at this time there will be at least one, possibly several, key people who are beneficial to this start so look to partners in romance or business, your agents or attorneys, specialists or advocates, clients or competitors, and set up meetings, deal with agreements, sales, writing, offers, or decisions that will take this to the next level. The Grand Cross on the 20th-23rd is all about pushing you to expand your value, to go for something that would make you happier or more prosperous with income potential, to do something big with possessions or purchases, and as I've said earlier in your report, to involve any changes or turns with aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, causes, gatherings, your freedom, originality, inventions, sex life, divorce, big financial interests, or third party situations. You may find from here forward this year you are on a new level. Please read the general overview up top since it breaks down the Grand Cross for everyone in more detail and will give you added information about this month. For a direct look into your unique astrological blueprint and how this important month may affect you on a more specific level, email Zoe at to inquire about a private reading and the going rates and dates that are available.
Listen to Zoe's RADIO SHOW Thursday nights at 8pm est/5pm pst for more great information!
Your WEEKLY for Mar 31- Apr 6 is here!
This is the month when you can make some serious changes and big headway when it comes to the Midheaven in your chart. This is the apex, high noon, and therefore is associated with your major goals in life, your career, status, standing in the community, reputation, fame, ambitions, as well as the people you look up to or who hold some authority over you such as you parent, a boss, judge, or the like. This is underway as your month begins and is pushing you to go for something here, to start fresh or take it to the next level. You will get more information, offers, agreements, meetings, talks, or decisions coming into play over these matters from the 7th onward. These matters will be pivotal on the Lunar Eclipse of the 15th as well as during the Grand Cross peaking between the 20th-23rd, so again, expect major shifts and completions or achievements in these areas and do your best to work with the cosmic push to be on board partnering with this energy towards the ends you would like to see happen. A woman may become important on the 5th or in the weeks that follow regarding any legal matters, media or marketing ideas, publishing or broadcasting projects, travel plans (or she may be at a distance), educational pursuits, or wedding plans. You will see that things start to smooth out in these areas or come a bit easier and there may be love or income potential tied up in what is transpiring here now. The powerful and deep transformation that has been occurring in your life via some key relationships; through partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or others, shifts on the 14th in some way. This will either bring some slow down to the intimate or financial connection or take you back over these themes with them and help you spend the next months dealing with changes that still need some work with them or about them. This will influence the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 15th as the information about your career, goals, parent, boss, or other authority figure keys in on what is happening with them. This Eclipse is about something coming to a head around your home, family, a real estate deal, move, renovation, roommate, or parent. It's a time when things come through, are celebrated, something ends, or wraps up. Expect an emotional 'eclipse' of something to make way for this high point. You may also expect these themes to play during the Grand Cross between the 20th-23rd. Starting on the 19th you will find you are drawn more into social activities and will begin a 30 day cycle that puts you more personally or physically out there with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, causes, gatherings, or in pursuit of your aspirations. You should take the lead here and stand out. The offers, invitations, agreements, meetings, sales, writing, or decisions involving these social activities or people amp up from the 23rd onward and by the 29th the New Moon Solar Eclipse gives you a brand new beginning with these matters. Again, something is 'eclipsed' out to make way for the fresh start here and it's a major beginning so look to what you would like to start with friends or groups, online or with astrology, in your charity work or in gatherings, you may meet new people or find new situations that enhance your life or take current paradigms to the next level. The Grand Cross between the 20th-23rd is a major life shift for you involving an expansion of your needs, identity, something going on physically for you, with your brand, image, name, or title. It will point to changes or an awakening around career, goals, reputation, fame, the boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure. It will involve intense changes around power, intimacy, finances, divorce, or third parties that plays out with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, opponent, or advocate. And you will have been moving towards this all month. Please read the general overview up top since it breaks down the Grand Cross for everyone and will give you added information about this month. For a direct look into your unique astrological blueprint and how this important month may affect you on a more specific level, email Zoe at to inquire about a private reading and the going rates and dates that are available.
Listen to Zoe's RADIO SHOW Thursday nights at 8pm est/5pm pst for more great information!
Your WEEKLY for Mar 31- Apr 6 is here!
April is a whopper and it is in full steam ahead mode as the month begins with a strong emphasis on what you can further in media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, education, travel, legal matters, or weddings. You have a boost from the cosmos helping you move into new territory or take things to the next level here and it's all about what you do to make that happen. You will get more information or offers, agreements, sales, writing, talks, and decisions will begin to flow around these themes from the 7th onward. Note that these themes are also important not only for what you set in motion now but for the big climaxes and changes that will flow around these themes as part of the configurations at the Lunar Eclipse on the 15th and Grand Cross between the 20th-23rd. You may have a woman showing up in your life from the 5th onward who is beneficial to your sex life, divorce proceedings, reproductive needs, or on some major financial need. This period will mark a time when things smooth out some or are easier in these areas and when you may experience the love or personal income potential from what goes on. A shift occurs on the 14th when it comes to the work you do, any co-workers or people you hire, your health interests, paperwork, or the animals. There is a powerful energy at work here to transform things but now it either slows down, gives you time to work out situations going on here or go back to old needs and figure things out, or it just takes a turn. Expect news or information around one of these themes to tie in with that trip, legal matter, educational pursuit, wedding plan, or media/marketing interest on the 15th. The 15th is the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and will also be bringing a climax around an offer, negotiation, news, a talk, meeting, agreement, sale, your writing, speaking roles, an interview, audition, short trip, community matter, sibling, neighbor, your vehicles, electronics, or a decision. This involves another key person and will be about things finally coming through, wrapping up, ending, or an achievement or celebration regarding these matters. Something will be 'eclipsed' out to meet this high point. You will be moving into more goals from the 19th onward. This is a 30 day cycle that will mean you are ready to step up and take the lead on career matters, ambitions, goals, fame or notoriety, with parents, the boss, a judge, or other authority figure, and pour more personal or physical energy into these matters now. You will stand out. More information, offers, agreements, and decisions will begin to open up about these matters from the 23rd onward and you have a New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 29th that will open up a huge window for you to take things here to the next level or to make a fresh start of things. Again, something will be 'eclipsed' out to make room for this new beginning. Note, that on this day there will be important information and decisions that bring that work, health, paperwork, or animal interest into the equation in some positive fashion. The Grand Cross that forms between the 20th and 23rd is amplifying your growth through any healing, hospital, spiritual, romantic, artistic, or research matters. This is big and will involve the changes or excitement around legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, broadcasting, educational, political, religious, or wedding themes. It will also bring up powerful changes or deeper connections on the work front, with co-workers, employees, paperwork, health interests or concerns, the animals, any organizing or cleaning, and the details. The wheel is turning, embrace the next chapter. Please read the general overview up top since it breaks down the Grand Cross for everyone in more detail and will give you added information about this month. For a direct look into your unique astrological blueprint and how this important month may affect you on a more specific level, email Zoe at to inquire about a private reading and the going rates and dates that are available.
Listen to Zoe's RADIO SHOW Thursday nights at 8pm est/5pm pst for more great information!
Your WEEKLY for Mar 31- Apr 6 is here!
This month may be a life-changer, it will at the very least have a powerful impact on you and this is in high gear as April begins. It means that from day one you will be moving forward on some deeper level that is about evolving a situation through breaking it down to it's core and rising out of that reborn in some way. It will focus on your shared financial arenas like loans, inheritance, insurance, taxes, investments, commissions, alimony, child support, settlements, debt, bankruptcy, or a partners money. It will also focus on the more personal side of the deepest part of your chart so you may also be moving forward into new territory or to the next level when it comes to sex, reproduction, birth, mortality issues, divorce, or third party situations. News, offers, talks, meetings, agreements, sales, siblings, transportation, short trips, or decisions that have impact on these new beginnings will start to become apparent from the 7th onward. Note that it will be these themes you are pushing forward on this month that will be part of the climax at the Lunar Eclipse on the 15th and part of the changes at the Grand Cross on the 20th-23rd. You may have a woman showing up around the 5th onward involved with you as a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or other key relationship that is here to benefit you in some way. You may also see that the love or income matters smooth out a bit with these people or are easier to access now. You have been moving in one powerful direction when it comes to your love life, children, creative projects, and recreational needs and on the 14th there will be a shift around these matters. Things may slow down or you may return to the past to work something out, an easement may occur or you may just see that the big financial, sexual, divorce, or third party matter playing out around these themes is shifting, creating a new paradigm for you with them. This will be part of the decisions or talks going down on the 15th as you look at any changes, issues or ambitions in the matter. This is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your 2nd house so today there will be some climax around income, possessions, purchases, or values. It is a time when things finally come through, wrap up, end, or are achieved/celebrated. Expect something to be 'eclipsed' out to reach this summit. From the 19th forward you will be drawn to participate more in the legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, political, religious, or marketing side of things. This is a 30 day cycle kicking off and you will want to pour more personal and physical energy into these matters, take the lead and shine your light. Offers, news, agreements, talks, meetings, and decisions join in on these topics from the 23rd onward. If you have a sibling, neighbor, vehicle, short trip, or electronic interest in the matter then they too will come on board from this date forward. By the 29th there is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in these broader arenas of law, education, travel, media, religion, weddings, marketing, politics, publishing, and broadcasting, this is a very powerful push for you to launch into new territory now or take things to a much bigger level, again expect something to be 'eclipsed' out to make way for this start. There are positive alignments today involving your lover, child, creative project, or recreational interests in what you move on, open up communications, make decisions. So, your Grand Cross between the 20th-23rd is going to be about the growth around aspirations, friendships, group affiliations', the internet, astrology, charities, inventions, or your freedom, sudden changes or excitement around your sex life, divorce needs, reproductive matters, mortality issues, or major financial interests, and deeper changes or evolution around your love life, lovers, children, creative projects, and recreational interests. Please read the general overview up top since it breaks down the Grand Cross for everyone in more detail and will give you added information about this month. For a direct look into your unique astrological blueprint and how this important month may affect you on a more specific level, email Zoe at to inquire about a private reading and the going rates and dates that are available.
Listen to Zoe's RADIO SHOW Thursday nights at 8pm est/5pm pst for more great information!
Your WEEKLY for Mar 31- Apr 6 is here!
It's all about the balance you are seeking, justice you pursue, or anything important you have on your slate involving romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or other key players. That is because the month begins with New Moon energy pushing you into new territory here or helping you take things to the next level. You can expect more information to arrive or some special meetings, negotiations, pitches, offers, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions regarding these people or topics from the 7th onward. As you focus on your new beginnings note that these relationships and fair and balanced energies will be all caught up in something big around the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 15th when something comes through, wraps up, ends, or is achieved and celebrated. Something will be 'eclipsed' out to help you reach this summit that will truly focus on you, your needs, identity, image, brand, body, name, or title. Part of what these people will be climaxing over for you will involve home, real estate, family, parents, moves, renovations, or roommates. There will be one other time this month when these relationships will key in over big themes and it occurs around the Grand Cross that plays out between the 20th-23rd. Again you will see changes and big events around them and your home, property, move, renovation, family, parent, or roommate, and any goals, career needs, or authority figures in the mix. There is a nice energy moving in on the 5th which will help to smooth things out on the work front or over health or pet needs in the weeks ahead. This may bring a female onto the scene that is beneficial in these matters or you may also find that love is blossoming here or that you can now attract income through these involvements more easily. It is also a good period to take care of paperwork, organizing, or get into positive interests with co-workers or people you hire. There is a turnaround on the 14th in the direction you have been moving with home, family, parents, roommates, real estate, moves, or renovations. You may note that the big changes slow down or that the way financial, sexual or divorce proceedings were affecting things here shifts somehow. It can also help you start to go back and handle anything in these matters that are still left undone. This energy is going to play a big part in the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 15th so whatever shifts now will help bring things to a head now and during the Grand Cross of the 20th-23rd. The spotlight will amp up on the 19th on your sexual interests, financial needs, divorce proceedings, or third party situations and will remain this way for the next 30 days. You will want to pour more personal and physical energy into these matters. As you get things underway here, note that there will be more offers, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, talks, or decisions about these matters starting on the 23rd and by the 29th you will have a New Moon Solar Eclipse pushing all of it out into new territory or helping you take things to the next level. You will have 2 weeks to move on these things, note that this is stronger than a normal New Moon and that again, something will be 'eclipsed' out to make way for your fresh start. So finally, the Grand Cross on the 20th-23rd will be about growth around goals, career, reputation, fame, the boss, parent, judge, or other authority figures around you, sudden change or excitement around partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or other players, and deeper change and evolution around home, family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, roommates, or parents. Please read the general overview up top since it breaks down the Grand Cross for everyone in more detail and will give you added information about this month. For a direct look into your unique astrological blueprint and how this important month may affect you on a more specific level, email Zoe at to inquire about a private reading and the going rates and dates that are available.
Listen to Zoe's RADIO SHOW Thursday nights at 8pm est/5pm pst for more great information!
Your WEEKLY for Mar 31- Apr 6 is here!
April is your super big month for work you are doing, pursuing or a job in the picture, for paperwork that holds some big potential for you, for any health matters you are getting moving in the right direction, and for any animal needs you may have. You will feel this from day one as you have New Moon pushing this forward for you, helping you take things to the next level or get your fresh start through efforts here. There will be offers, agreements, sales, talks, meetings, writing, or decisions starting to kick in around these themes from the 7th onward. With all this momentum it is good to note that there will be some peaks around these themes later in the month on the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 15th and on the Grand Cross changes of the 20th-23rd. When it comes to your kids, creative projects, love life, and recreational interests, things start to show promise from the 5th onward. You should see things begin to smooth out and an ability to attract the love or money in these areas more easily. A woman may show up on the scene who is beneficial for you in reaching love or creative needs, handling the kids or having fun. Your ruler will Retrograde on the 14th so it is likely that you will notice a shift in direction when it comes to siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, moves, short trips, local activity, writing, sales, agreements, interviews, auditions, pitches, offers, and decisions over the months ahead. Whatever it is you see shift today will also be part of that Lunar Eclipse on the 15th and Grand Cross on the 20th-23rd so things are going to hit peaks and turn corners in these areas. If you need to slow down, go back to past projects, or look at how communications or agreements are affecting finances, sex, divorce, or third party situations, this is your time to get in there and figure it out. If you had some outside financial interest in your writing or sales, it may come back around now. Look at combinations that fit your current paradigm. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is bringing a climax in the magical part of your chart. This is more powerful than a typical Full Moon, bringing any healing, hospital needs, research, investigations, spiritual practices, artistic projects like film, music, art, poetry, or others, romantic getaways or clandestine romance, or projects in development to a head. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are achieved/celebrated, and when something will be 'eclipsed' out to hit this high point. As mentioned before, a key person and the conversation, decision, sale, agreement, or meeting will play a part in this moment. Starting on the 19th these key relationships move into high gear, putting you in the lead or stepping up around something that is about you and your needs with these partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, or opponents. You will have this in play for 30 days. By the 23rd the offers, writing, agreements, sales, meetings, and decisions about these people or with them will move into gear. By the 29th there is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in your relationship zone. This is your most powerful period of the year with them, a time when you can launch into new territory or take things to the next level by 'eclipsing' out something/someone to make it so. Today this brings some of the more powerful decisions with or through them that can change things or help you reach terms regarding intimacy, divorce, finances, or third party situations. Finally, that means your Grand Cross is going to focus on the growth through travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, or political themes, sudden changes or excitement around work, paperwork, health, or pets, and deeper changes and evolution around offers, meetings, talks, ideas, writing, agreements, sales, and decisions. Please read the general overview up top since it breaks down the Grand Cross for everyone in more detail and will give you added information about this month. For a direct look into your unique astrological blueprint and how this important month may affect you on a more specific level, email Zoe at to inquire about a private reading and the going rates and dates that are available.
Listen to Zoe's RADIO SHOW Thursday nights at 8pm est/5pm pst for more great information!
Your WEEKLY for Mar 31- Apr 6 is here!
April holds intense potential for evolution and change and fresh starts for you in your creative arenas, with lovers or your pursuit of love, with anything involving children, your recreational interests, and having fun. This is in full gear from day one as the New Moon pushes you to reach new levels or start fresh in these areas. By the 7th the offers, talks, meetings, agreements, writing, sales, and decisions about these matters will kick into gear and stay that way for several weeks. You will have some peak experiences here on the Lunar Eclipse of the 15th when things are coming to a head and on the Grand Cross between the 20th-23rd when those really big changes occur. You will notice on the 5th and for the rest of the week you are seeing things start to smooth out at home, with real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. You may have a female who is beneficial to your love or income needs here or it may just be that you are attracting love or income here more easily now. On the 14th there will be a shift in direction when it comes to your possessions, income or purchases so look at what has been moving into deeper/change oriented territory with these themes and note that now you will get some easement or there will be a turnaround or you will be given an opportunity to go back to the past and focus on these themes and what you can do to evolve things so they are stronger by this fall. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 15th will take those themes into account wrapped up around information involving that creative project, child, lover, or recreational interest, and push it around what is peaking now. For you it is about a rather big climax with an aspiration, friend, group affiliation or activity, your internet needs, astrology, charities, your freedom, a party or event, originality, or inventions. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are achieved/celebrated. Something will be 'eclipsed' out to bring this culmination. From the 19th onward you will be stepping more personally or physically into the work you do or are looking for, what is going on with co-workers or people you hire, any paperwork on the table, your health, pets/animals, environmental interests, organizing, cleaning, and simplifying. This is where you can take the lead and shine your light. Any decisions, agreements, offers, writing, sales, or meetings about these themes will pick up from the 23rd onward. There will then be a New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 29th about these topics and it will give you your most powerful window of the year to launch into new territory or take things to the next level with work, health, paperwork, pets, co-workers, or employees, with something being 'eclipsed' out to make it so. There will be some good tie-in with real estate, home, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. The Grand Cross between the 20th-23rd is a huge change or evolution bringing a lot of your topics to a head this month. For you that means growth through sex, divorce, financial resources, and third parties, change with income, possessions or purchases, and change or excitement with a lover, child, creative project or direction, or recreational interest. Please read the general overview up top since it breaks down the Grand Cross for everyone in more detail and will give you added information about this month. For a direct look into your unique astrological blueprint and how this important month may affect you on a more specific level, email Zoe at to inquire about a private reading and the going rates and dates that are available.
Listen to Zoe's RADIO SHOW Thursday nights at 8pm est/5pm pst for more great information!
Your WEEKLY for Mar 31- Apr 6 is here!
What a power house April is going to be for you Capricorn and it will start off with a large boost to your real estate needs, home matters, roommates, family, parents, renovations, or move. It's all about what you do to motivate on these themes and take them into new territory or the next level. You will begin to see offers coming in or getting into important meetings, talks, writing, sales, agreements, or decisions focused on these themes from the 7th onward. There will also be some focus on these themes 2 more times this month, on the Lunar Eclipse of the 15th and the Grand Cross between the 20th-23rd so note these times when something will point here as well as the other areas going on then. When Venus moves into your thoughts and words on the 5th you will begin to see that things start to smooth out with your meetings, talks, agreements, offers, sales, writing, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and decisions. You may be focused on love or income through these means and find they are going well or you may see a woman show up on the scene who is pivotal in helping you out during this phase. You've been on a powerful evolutionary path with Pluto in your sign and it has all been about you embracing your own power, focusing on your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs by using that power, taking control, working in third party situations to meet your aims, and dealing with your financial, divorce or sexual needs as well. On the 14th this energy Retrogrades and you will get a bit of a reprieve over the months ahead, catching up to where you find yourself or heading back into your own past to wrap any loose ends up. Note that this shift will play into topics coming up on the Lunar Eclipse on the 15th and at the Grand Cross on the 20th-23rd. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 15th is all about a big goal, your career, the direction of your life, your reputation, fame, achievements, or dealings with authority figures like your boss, parent or a judge. This is when things will come through, wrap up, end, or be celebrated/achieved. Something will be 'eclipsed' out to make it culminate. As I said earlier, home, real estate, family, etc and your own needs or presence in the matter will play into what is climaxing now. A new spotlight forms around your love life, lover, children, creative projects, or recreational interests starting on the 19th onward. This is a 30 day cycle that will encourage you to take the lead, shine your light here, and pour more personal or physical energy into what you want. Once the 23rd comes there will be more meetings, offers, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions focused on these themes. Once the New Moon Solar Eclipse of the 29th arrives you will be getting your big boost from the universe to launch into new territory or take things to the next level in these matters. Something will be 'eclipsed' out to help you move ahead. The Grand Cross from the 20th-23rd is about major change or evolution as things face growth with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or competitors, you see something exciting or changing with home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations, and go deeper and make changes on a personal or physical level. A corner is turned. Please read the general overview up top since it breaks down the Grand Cross for everyone in more detail and will give you added information about this month. For a direct look into your unique astrological blueprint and how this important month may affect you on a more specific level, email Zoe at to inquire about a private reading and the going rates and dates that are available.
Listen to Zoe's RADIO SHOW Thursday nights at 8pm est/5pm pst for more great information!
Your WEEKLY for Mar 31- Apr 6 is here!
April is a very chatty month that gets underway from day one with more talks, offers, agreements, sales, writing, ideas, and decisions. You may also find you are having more interaction with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, short trips, community action, or electronics. It's a great time to launch into new territory or take things to the next level through these means. By the 7th this will amp up big time with more, more, more. Note that whatever you find yourself involved in here, it will be a big part of the Lunar Eclipse on the 15th and the Grand Cross on the 20th-23rd. There is a nice energy taking form around your income needs, possessions and purchases from the 5th onward. You may note that things are smoothing out or that you can attract what you want in an easier manner now. A female may be good for your earning potential or there may be love blossoming around these themes. You've had a big purging and transformation period around healing, hospitals, research, art, film, music, spiritual practices, magic, psychic abilities, clandestine romances, secrets, and development over the past months. On the 14th there will be shift in direction here, you may see some easement or you may be revisiting sexual, financial or divorce needs from the past through these themes in the months ahead. This energy as well will be focal at the Lunar Eclipse on the 15th and again at the Grand Cross on the 20th-23rd. The main theme for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 15th though is about some key person and a trip, the distance between you, an educational pursuit, media, marketing or publishing interest, wedding plan, or legal matter. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are achieved/celebrated in these areas. Something will be 'eclipsed' out to reach this zenith. A nice glow begins to warm up your home, family needs, real estate deals, roommate situation, move, parental need, or renovation starting on the 19th. This 30 day cycle kicking off now puts you at the helm here and asks that you take the lead, shine your light and pour more personal and physical energy into what matters here. By the 23rd there will be more meetings, offers, agreements, sales, writing, and decisions focused on these themes. By the 29th there is a New Moon Solar Eclipse that will push you out into new territory or help you take things to the next level when it comes to what you want here, again, something will be 'eclipsed' out to make this happen. Expect to have some powerful and opportune talks or information today that links in the income, possessions or purchases in positive ways. The Grand Cross on the 20th-23rd is your big turning point with growth on the job, with health, paperwork, animals, co-workers, or people you hire, change or excitement around the talks, offers, agreements, sales, writing, decisions, siblings, neighbors, moves, short trips, vehicles, or electronics, and powerful, deep change and evolution around what is going on behind closed doors, in development, with healing or hospitals, research or investigations, retreat or rest, clandestine romance or romantic getaways, spiritual practices or magic, art, film or music. Please read the general overview up top since it breaks down the Grand Cross for everyone in more detail and will give you added information about this month. For a direct look into your unique astrological blueprint and how this important month may affect you on a more specific level, email Zoe at to inquire about a private reading and the going rates and dates that are available.
Listen to Zoe's RADIO SHOW Thursday nights at 8pm est/5pm pst for more great information!
Your WEEKLY for Mar 31- Apr 6 is here!
April is really going to push you from day one to move ahead on money making opportunities or to create some of your own, to do something about possessions or purchases, and to set things up so you are feeling valued. That is New Moon energy pushing you to take things to the next level here or to launch into new territory. By the 7th the offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, talks, and decisions will begin to flow around these themes. Do note that these matters will be involved in the peak at the Lunar Eclipse on the 15th as well as the big changes occurring at the Grand Cross between the 20th-23rd. You will notice the lovely shift on the 5th as Venus enters your sign and you begin to feel things smoothing out for you or a renewed interest in attracting love or money to yourself for meeting your own needs. It's a good time to spend on your body or image, to earn from your own charms or brand, and to give and receive love, even making sure to show love to yourself. There's been a powerful theme at work around your aspirations, a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or your freedom for the last months, getting you to face any life or death matters, power or control issues, shared financial topics, or how sex or divorce are playing out here. On the 14th there will be a shift in direction with this energy so you may be heading back over past matters or noticing some easement as you slow down and catch up to what has happened here. This is also going to be part of tomorrows Lunar Eclipse. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 15th is bringing a very big peak for you around sex, divorce, reproductive needs, a birth, death, or some major financial matter like a loan, settlement, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance matter, the taxes, your commissions, investments, or a partner's money. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are achieved/celebrated. On the 19th you begin a 30 day cycle that will put you out there in your local scene doing more or on more short trips, interacting with siblings or neighbors, dealing with vehicles or electronics, writing, looking at agreements, sales, offers, meetings, and decisions. This is where you will want to pour more personal and physical energy and take the lead. By the 23rd this amps up even more, with more information entering the scene. By the 29th there is a New Moon Solar Eclipse launching you out into new territory here or helping you take things to the next level. Something will be 'eclipsed' out as this opens up for you. Note that today this links very positively to opportunities for you. The Grand Cross of the 20th-23rd is then all about growth that wants to happen or be faced regarding your love life, kids, creative project, or need for fun, any excitement or sudden changes involving income, possessions or purchases, and the deeper changes and evolution around the friend, group, internet, astrology, your freedom, a charity, or your originality. Please read the general overview up top since it breaks down the Grand Cross for everyone in more detail and will give you added information about this month. For a direct look into your unique astrological blueprint and how this important month may affect you on a more specific level, email Zoe at to inquire about a private reading and the going rates and dates that are available.
Listen to Zoe's RADIO SHOW Thursday nights at 8pm est/5pm pst for more great information!
Your WEEKLY for Mar 31- Apr 6 is here!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Sunday, March 30, 2014
This is an important week, one to initiate things in the direction you wish to see them go. NEW MOON energy began on Sunday and is behind us helping us find our courage and motivate on issues dear to us so make a list and tackle as much as you can from the get-go.
MONDAY completes the final point from the Moon in the Cross so expect it to be about what you do with or about any partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, opponents, or other key relationships. Push into new territory or take things to the next level.
TUESDAY the solar life force, via the Sun, begins to activate the Cross points of the New Moon energy by squaring Jupiter. You will be showing up, making your presence known, doing something on a physical or personal level, regarding the parent, roommate, family, home, real estate need, move, or renovation. This may be about your name, body or identity in the mix or it may be about feeling valued or making money. Get in there.
WEDNESDAY the Sun activates the 2nd point of the New Moon Cross by embracing the Uranus energy. This gets you all excited or amped up to do something different, to break free from something, to shock or change. Again, it's about you, your body, image, identity, name, brand, or needs, and some awakening or sudden shift. Mercury is active today bringing news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, or decisions behind closed doors, regarding healing or hospitals, art or film, music or meditation, yoga or poetry, romance or magic, research or development. This is going to help you cement something in the financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, birth, or third party situation, but not before you make some adjustment with the partner, rep, specialist, client, or other key player.
THURSDAY the Sun activates the third point of the New Moon Cross by squaring Pluto. Today you are dealing with something powerful, intense, deep, and evolving through breaking down of one situation to rebirth it on some different ground. Again, it's about you showing up, getting involved on a personal or physical level, putting your name or image to the matter, and with Pluto getting in there over some profound shifts involving the goals and status of the situation and any control issues. This may involve career or the boss, parent or judge, it may focus you in on the shared quality of things, any financial, mortality, reproductive, divorce, or sexual needs, and how your position in the matter is changing. Emotionally it is either a very driven or very challenging day.
FRIDAY brings some good talks, news and decisions, a bit of excitement or upturn from the intensity of yesterday. You will be making adjustments with the goals, career, boss, parent, or judge, as well as with the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, clients, or opponents today. Give and take.
SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces where she will travel until May 2nd. This is an interesting cycle for the goddess of Love, Income and Women. On the one hand, this is the placement of releasing, it holds Karmic energy and is a wrapping up stage of the last year. During the course of the month ahead, when under duress, Venus will test us in these matters through boundary issues, deception, addictions, self-sabotage, and hidden agendas. On the other it is extremely dreaming and inspired, imaginative and romantic placement where anything feels possible and trust me, it will be all about feeling and intuiting over this period. You may feel magically drawn to another or get a gut impression about some money making venture, it can be good to meditate on your needs with women, love or money each day before embarking on your journey to clue in to the flow all around you. This sign rules film, music, art, spiritual practices, psychic abilities, magic, healing, hospitals, other institutions, research, investigations, retreats, dreams, and development. So focus the love, the income or the connection with women in these areas for inspiration.
SUNDAY the Cancer Moon aligns us with home, family, real estate needs, moves, renovations, roommates, or parents. There is a strong tie-in with the Pisces themes listed in Saturday's forecast that should go well so if you have some time to loll about in bed, dream, or get in touch with your spiritual, artistic or romantic side here, do so. It is good for healing as well. The rest of the day will be about this Moon connecting with the New Moon Grand Cross so there is more intensity to the day in dealing with the changes and any surprises in the mix, it won't all be mellow.

Expect it to be about you this week and how you show up, get your needs met, deal with personal matters, care for your body, image, brand, or name in the situation, and push into new territory or take things further in the space you occupy. Make it about partners, reps, clients, specialists, or the competition on MONDAY when you can see just what is needed and assess the balance in the matter. Expect some adjustments with them over agreements, meetings, sales, writing, or decision on TUESDAY but some positive action on FRIDAY. TUESDAY through THURSDAY you will be amping things up through solar energy so expect to show up or pour more personal energy into your needs. TUESDAY this focuses on home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. You may make some money, find purchases or possessions pleasing or feel more valued after all is said and done today. You won't be back to these matters again until the weekend. WEDNESDAY is about reinventing yourself or doing it differently, expressing what is original about you or making a sudden change. The opportunity to cement something in the financial, sexual, divorce, or third party situation is strong but will require adjustments with other people. THURSDAY you face the big challenges of the week and come up against any friction regarding goals, authority figures, career, and the finances or shared needs. FRIDAY brings a lot of news, meetings, talks, offers, agreements, sales, or decisions, good for inspiring you to act in the moment but requiring more adjustments with others and the goals you have set. SATURDAY Venus moves into a new Love, Income and Women cycle. For you this means what you do privately, in development, through spiritual practices, artistic talents or projects, research, hospitals, other institutions, healing, or romantic interests, will help you hone in on these matters. Today and SUNDAY this will be about the home, real estate, family, parent, roommate, move, or renovation. It looks good once you get the news or decision handled. SUNDAY be ready for again dealing with that authority figure, goal or career need in the matter as things amp up. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
Make the week count when it comes to what you are doing behind the scenes, on artistic projects, romantic getaways, spiritual journeys, healing or hospitals, research or development. It is your biggest week of the year for getting things going in new directions or taking them to the next level due to the New Moon energy behind you here, what do you want to make happen? MONDAY this involves the other person and work, health, animals, or paperwork in the mix. You will push today, get news or decisions with them on WEDNESDAY that require some adjustments and then see things vibe and move by FRIDAY. TUESDAY through THURSDAY will get you personally or physically involved in those New Moon directions so expect to show up, sign up or make your presence count. TUESDAY this means pushing over some big sale, agreement, meeting, writing project, offer, or decision. You seem pleased by days end. WEDNESDAY it embraces the surprise and shock planet, Uranus so you may be shaking things up, trying something new, or reinventing yourself in some way over the matters indicated. You can cement something today with the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key player with a bit of give and take on the work, paperwork, health, or animal needs. THURSDAY is the intense day when you will have to face any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, or political situation head on. Emotions run high today but it is about motivating, again make certain your needs are evident. FRIDAY is about making money, dealing with possessions or purchases, and will require adjustments with the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans but should bring good things through work, health or paperwork. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces and you will see a shift when it comes to your income, love or the women around you. This is an inspired but sometimes confusing territory and will play out around aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, and your original vision. It may mean making money is now an imaginative thing through these people and connections or that you and your lover are now more social or driven by a shared aspiration or a female shows up through friends, online or in group dynamics that is good for your income or love life. Meetings and talks today and tomorrow over these interests should go well. Today there is a challenge around decisions regarding income first so take care of it right away. SUNDAY will be driven to push again on the Cross of the New Moon energy amping up behind the scenes activities, legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, artistic, spiritual, research, romantic, or healing needs. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
It's an important week to launch into those aspirations, make connections, do things with friends or make new ones, join or participate with groups, online, with astrology, charities, or gatherings. The New Moon is propelling you forward into new territory or the next level here. MONDAY this will mean pushing things with that other person over creative ventures, recreational pursuits, the kids, or the love. By WEDNESDAY you will hear or decide something about these matters that means an adjustment and by FRIDAY things really amp up in a positive way to make things happen. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the solar energy engages the New Moon Cross points so you will be more personally or physically involved. TUESDAY this means something big involving income, possessions or purchases engages you with friends, groups, online, or with some aspiration. You should be pleased with what is going on behind the scenes. WEDNESDAY it will mean shaking things up, doing it differently, breaking away or out, or putting your original stamp on the matter. You will be hearing news or making some choices about goals, career, the boss, parent, or other authority figure today, making some adjustments with the kids, lover, creative output, or fun, but cementing something with the work, paperwork, health, or pets. THURSDAY is the intense day when you have to confront what is going on with a big financial matter, the sex life, divorce, third party situation, mortality issue, or birth. Emotions run high. FRIDAY is exciting for you but will mean adjustments over those sexual, divorce, mortality, financial, or reproductive matters. The fun, kids, love, or creativity are going well. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces and the love, income and women in your life will now be felt through this imaginative, confusing and dreamy energy field. For you this means more goal orientation over these matters and perhaps someone in a position of authority that is willing to help you over the next few weeks. Bring your imagination to all of these matters and trust your gut. Today and tomorrow are good for making money, dealing with possessions or making purchases. SUNDAY this will however amp things up when it comes to the outside financial matters, your sex life, divorce, third party situations, friends, groups, the internet, or gatherings. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
It's an all important week for you to motivate when it comes to career, personal goals, your parent, the boss, a judge, or other authority figure. The New Moon is giving you the momentum if you get in there and do what it takes to enter new territory or take things to the next level. MONDAY this will mean involving the other person over real estate, the home, renovation, move, family, parent, or roommate. By WEDNESDAY you will get some news or make a decision about it that will require adjustments, by FRIDAY you will see things moving ahead with them in positive ways. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the solar energy will put you more personally or physically into the mix as you show up, involve your body, name or needs in moving these goals, career or dealings with authority figures forward. TUESDAY this means pushing for something big you want or doing something big yourself. You should feel good about aspirations being met or what occurs with the friends, groups, online, astrology, or charities. WEDNESDAY it involves a surprise, shake-up, excitement, or reinvention that brings something different into the mix. Information about legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, or political themes will push things for adjustments with the parent, roommate, family, home, real estate deal, move, or renovation but help you cement something with the lover, kids, creative projects, or fun. THRUSDAY is the intense day when you have to deal with the other person about controlling interests, changes, finances, sex, divorce, triangles or third party situations, mortality issues, or a birth. Emotions run his, face them within your own power. FRIDAY is about pulling back, dealing with healing, hospitals, romance, artistry, spiritual practices, or research. You will need to make adjustments today with that partner, rep, client, competitor, or specialist but you should have positive action at home, with real estate, family, parents, moves, or renovations. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces which will bring women on board and help you with love or income through legal matters, travel plans, educational pursuits, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans. This is a dreamy position where tuning into your muse or trusting your instincts is favored, just be certain you are seeing things clearly. Today and SUNDAY are good for the moves you make and the trip, legal matter, educational pursuit, wedding plans, media, marketing or publishing needs. SUNDAY will however engage the Cross and amp things up with parents, bosses, goals, career, partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, or the competition. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
It's your week to get out there and make it count when it comes to media, marketing, education, travel, legal, wedding, or political interests. The New Moon is pushing you to move into new territory or take things to the next level here so do what you can to amp it up. MONDAY this will mean engaging the other person over news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, or decisions here. By WEDNESDAY you will hear more but need to make some adjustments, by FRIDAY things get underway in positive directions. TUESDAY through THURSDAY will put you more personally or physically into the New Moon needs or ask that you attach your name or image in the matter. TUESDAY this means going for something big behind closed doors, in development, through research, involving healing or hospitals, art, film, music, or spiritual practices, or with a romantic liaison. You should be pleased about goals being met. WEDNESDAY it will mean shaking things up, doing it differently or dealing with last minute changes or surprises. Be spontaneous. You will be in talks, meetings or making decisions about big financial matters, the sex life, divorce, or third party situation today, make adjustments but note that you can cement something favorably at home, with family, moves, renovations, parents, roommates, or real estate. THURSDAY is the intense day when you will face any big changes or powerful situations on the job front, with paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, health needs or concerns, or pets. Emotions run high today. FRIDAY is social, your friends, groups, the internet, or gatherings call you and ideas are shared. You will have to make adjustments around the job, health, paperwork, or pets but the actions today on a social front go well. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces and you enter a more dreamy, sexual, fantasy-driven period in love, a more imaginative period around income or women, and your muse should help you now to go deeper, work out third party situations, see how outside financial resources can be managed or attracted, or even deal with divorce issues more easily. What you do behind the scenes, on the research, rest, fantasy, art, spiritual interest, romantic interest, healing, hospital, or development, will take up the rest of the day and all of SUNDAY. Things should go well here when dealing with that third party or financial need, or in connecting on a more intimate level. SUNDAY will also activate the Cross of the New Moon so you will see things amp up here and push the legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, work, paperwork, health, or pet needs as well. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
Whether you are pushing into new territory or doing your utmost to take things to the next level with that loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance policy, the taxes, commissions, alimony, settlements, investments, child support, or partners money, or its about a divorce, your sex life, a mortality issue, or birth, you should give it your all right now this week. MONDAY this will mean engaging the other person over income, possessions or purchases. Expect more on this WEDNESDAY when you make some adjustments or react to them, and then again on FRIDAY when things move ahead for you in a positive way. TUESDAY through THURSDAY will bring the Solar energy into play thus pushing you to be more personally or physically involved in what is developing with your New Moon energy. TUESDAY this will get you in there as something big is happening with the friends, groups, the internet, a gathering, or your aspirations. WEDNESDAY it will mean some excitement, change, surprise, or different direction for you that shakes things up or infuses some new life into the matter. Information and decisions today focus on the partner, attorney, rep, client, specialist, or opponent with adjustments involving income, possessions or purchases but an ability to cement an agreement, sale, something in writing, or a long term decision. THURSDAY is the intense day when you will get in there over the finances, sex life, divorce, or third party situation and face any changes or powerful matters with the lover/love life, kids, creative projects, or recreational pursuits. Emotions run high today. FRIDAY is goal oriented or focuses on career or the authority figures like the boss, parent or judge. It's good for continuing on the financial or third party matters but will require adjustments with lover, kids, creative interests, and recreational pursuits. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces and inspires things around love, women or making money. For you this will mean things ease up or go more smoothly in these areas involving partners, reps, clients, specialists, or other key players so set your sights on some good vibes here over the weeks ahead and trust your gut. Today and SUNDAY will link these key people to your aspirations or bring them out at gatherings or events in positive ways. SUNDAY will also involve the Cross of the New Moon so energy will amp up over financial, sexual, love, creative, kids, fun, divorce, or third party situations. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
Make this week all about what you can do about or with that partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or other key player. New Moon energy is propelling you into new territory or helping you reach the next level through engaging them one way or the other. MONDAY this means taking action yourself to make it count. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the solar energy is involved which means you will be pouring more personal or physical energy into what happens. TUESDAY this means showing up with that other person or about them and pushing on that big goal, career matter or doing something regarding the boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure. You should be happy about what is opening up financially, sexually or with divorce needs here. WEDNESDAY it will be about something surprising, shocking, changing, or inventive with or about that partner, rep, client, specialist, or opponent. Today there is news or decisions regarding work, health, paperwork, or animals that will mean you doing something regarding adjustments and helping you cement something around income, possessions or purchases. THURSDAY is the intense day when you face the major change or powerful situation at home, with family, a move, renovation, real estate deal, parent, or roommate. Emotions are on high. FRIDAY turns attention to the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding needs with some excitement all around the other person in the mix. You will need to make adjustments when it comes to the family, parent, roommate, move, renovation, home, or real estate matter. Nevertheless, you are on the go and find your way. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces where she will tour the next weeks. This is going to bring some ease or attraction for you on the job front, with making money, c0-workers, love, health interests, paperwork, and the animals. Women may favor you in these areas or you may just see more love or income flow here now. Tonight into SUNDAY it's good for reaching goals here. SUNDAY will amp up the Cross energy at some point so you will be busy fielding things with partners, reps, clients, specialists, competitors, home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
Make your week count when it comes to getting all your paperwork together, looking for a job or furthering your interests in the work you already do, getting your health together, launching into new territory with people you hire or co-workers, and any interests you have with animals or the environment. The New Moon is your best bet to get this underway so this week counts big time. MONDAY that will mean engaging the other person or doing something about them through what you are doing behind the scenes, through research or strategies, in artistic pursuits or with hospitals or other institutions you are dealing with, with romantic or spiritual needs, or projects in development. More information or decisions regarding these themes arrives on WEDNESDAY when you will have to make adjustments and again on FRIDAY when you will be able to see things moving along nicely. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the Solar life force is diving into this New Moon Cross so you can expect to be much more personally or physically involved. TUESDAY this means showing up or putting yourself out there over work, health, pets, paperwork, or services you provide and something big involving media, marketing, publishing, education, travel, legal matters, or wedding plans. Expect at least one key person to be significantly open to all of this. WEDNESDAY it means some excitement, shake-ups, changes, or spontaneous moments for you with the work, health, paperwork or pets. Information is amped up around creative projects, kids, love, or fun toady as well, bringing adjustments around your behind the scenes needs but helping you cement something for yourself in positive fashion. THURSDAY that Solar energy thrusts you into the intense stuff over work, health, paperwork, or pets. Today you have that powerful talk, sale, agreement, negotiation, offer, pitch, meeting, or decision tied to these matters. Emotions run high. FRIDAY will focus you on the big financial needs, divorce, third party situation, mortality issue, birth, or your sex life. It is exciting energy for you through efforts you make, paperwork involved, healthy engagement, or pursuit of that divorce or sexual interest but you will have to make some adjustments over the agreements, meetings, sales, writing, or decisions. Passionate or active things amp up behind closed doors. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces and kicks off a new love, income and woman cycle for you focused on having fun, being creative, expressing love, or involving the kids. Things should smooth out, you attract more easily, don't be surprised if someone from the past is showing back up for another round of amore. Tonight and SUNDAY are good for anything you do with your creative projects, kids, love life, or fun zone if you make it about travel, media, marketing, education, publishing, weddings, legal, religious, or political themes. SUNDAY this will also activate the Cross of the New Moon so you will again be pushing on the paperwork, job front, health, pets, agreements, writing, sales, talks, meetings, offers, and decisions. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
Let the creativity flow like a raging river, Sage. Push hard on what you want when it comes to love or children, and don't forget it's just as powerful in the areas of sports and recreation this week, all thanks to New Moon momentum furthering your agenda or opening up new territory. MONDAY this will mean engaging others through gatherings, groups, online, with friends, social networking, charities, or original ideas. By WEDNESDAY adjustments with these social arenas are important, by FRIDAY you are in a good flow with it all. TUESDAY through THURSDAY will draw the Solar life force into the mix so you can expect to be showing up, getting more personally or physically involved, or putting your name or image to the love, kids, creative, or fun interests. TUESDAY this means pushing for something big financially, sexually, in divorce, or with third party situations. You should feel good about the work you get done, paperwork signed, health achieved, or services provided. WEDNESDAY it means shaking things up, introducing something new, exciting, or a big surprise or change around love, kids, creative projects, or fun. Today more infomration and decisions around home, real estate, family, parents, moves, renovations, roommates, or security brings adjustments but then helps you to cement things behind the scenes. THURSDAY the energy you put into love, kids, creative projects, or fun meets with the most intense energy so expect to be dealing with some income need, the possessions or purchases in this. Emotions run high today. FRIDAY is about the partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or competition. You will find this is good for creativity, love, the kids, or fun, but that you must make adjustments where income, possessions or purchases are concerned. If you get to do something social later say yes. SATURDAY Venus enters Pisces and brings some good vibes to home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates over the weeks ahead. This means more ease with love or income here or women benefitting your aims. The other person in the mix today may need to talk something out but you can find financial, sexual, divorce, or third party flow by this evening and into SUNDAY. SUNDAY does have some Cross activation so expect to be busy in these matters with lovers, kids, creative projects, fun, income, possessions, or purchases. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
It's your week to drive forward on the home needs, real estate deals, family matters, renovations, move, or with parents, or roommates. New Moon energy is behind you on taking things to the next level or entering new territory here. MONDAY this will mean action with or about another person over the goal, career need, boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure in the mix. By WEDNESDAY information comes requiring some adjustments and by FRIDAY you will see things align harmoniously around the work, paperwork, health need, or animals involved. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the Solar energy is active on the New Moon energy so you can expect to be getting more personally or physically involved in home, real estate, family matters, with parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. TUESDAY this means pushing on something big with or about the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or competition. You should feel good about the creativity, fun, love, or kids. WEDNESDAY it means shaking things up, a surprise or excitement, a change or sudden insight when it comes to home, family, real estate, etc. There will be more meetings, talks, offers, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions today meaning adjustments on the career front, over goals or with those authority figures but helping you cement the aspirations or something with a friend, the internet, a charity, gathering, or group. THURSDAY that Solar energy will mean you are in there again with the home, real estate, family, move, renovation, parent, or roommate but today it is intense and it's all about something powerful that is driving you about your needs, body, image, identity, name, title, or brand. Emotions run high, change is important. FRIDAY is about the work, details, organizing, health, paperwork, pets, and services. There some excitement here when looking at what's going on at home, with real estate, family, etc. but you will need to make some personal or physical adjustments. You should see good energy around reaching goals. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces and opens up some lovely flow for you over the weeks ahead when it comes to women and the agreements, sales, writing, short trips, local activities, meetings, offers, and decisions. You may see the love or income flow well through these areas as well. Cover the tough topics with the co-worker or employee, interview or agreement, health concern or animals, and save the good stuff for partners, reps, clients, specialists, or others tonight. SUNDAY the positive vibe with those key relationships continues but the Cross will also be active so expect to be amped up with or about them when it comes to home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, renovations, moves, and your own evolving needs. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
The New Moon kicks you into the week ahead with vigor and asks that you motivate on any writing, sales, agreements, meetings, talks, offers, short trips, vehicle or electronic needs, sibling or neighbor interaction, ideas or decisions. You have the most momentum here of the whole year, use it. MONDAY it will mean engaging the other person over travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans. By WEDNESDAY this person is asking for adjustments around income, possessions or purchases, by FRIDAY you see things come together with them over love, kids, creative projects, or fun. TUESDAY through THURSDAY will focus on your New Moon communications and local energy through the Solar drive so you can expect to be more personally or physically involved. TUESDAY this means pushing on something big when it comes to work, co-workers, employees, paperwork, health, or pets. You should feel good about what is transpiring at home or with family. WEDNESDAY it means some excitement, sudden change, surprise, or reinvention around choices or offers, siblings or neighbors, sales or agreements, writing or short trips, vehicles or electronics. You will be in communications over income, possessions or purchases today, making adjustments over travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding plans, but cementing something involving the goal, career or authority figure. THURSDAY it will mean dealing with something very powerful or intense behind the scenes, in secret, with romantic needs, spiritual pursuits, artistic projects, hospitals or addictions, research or development. Emotions run high today. FRIDAY there is a groove around love, kids, creative projects, and fun. You should feel some excitement or take some spontaneous turns here but you will have to make a few adjustments. The positive things springs out with this through travel, wedding, legal, educational, or media interests. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces and kicks off a new Love, Income and Woman cycle focused on making money, dealing with possessions, gifts, and purchases. Look for benefits here. Today you will have to talk things out with the lover, kids, creative projects, or fun stuff but will find that income and work or health are in good flow. SUNDAY this continues to work for you but the Cross comes in and brings more surprises or changes around agreements, sales, writing, meetings, talks, offers, or decisions. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
Let this week drive your ambitions to make money, do something with purchases or possessions and feel more valued. New Moon energy is behind you and on MONDAY this means a focus here involving someone else and what is occurring with shared resources or outside financial matters, sexual attractions, reproductive needs, mortality issues, a divorce, or the third party situation. You will hear about the adjustments in this on WEDNESDAY and by FRIDAY there will be some positive flow around how this is going at home, with family, property matters, moves, renovations, or security needs. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the Solar energy gets involved with the Cross of the New Moon so you can expect to be more personally or physically involved in the income, possessions or purchases. TUESDAY this will mean pushing on something big with the creative projects, kids, lover, or fun. You should feel good about choices made today. WEDNESDAY it means some excitement, shake-up, change, or new direction around your place in the matter. Today there will more communications and meetings for you, making adjustments with the financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, birth, or third party situation, and cementing something through a legal, educational, media, marketing, travel, or wedding topic. THURSDAY it is intense and will mean dealing with something powerful with the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, social networking, gathering, or aspiration. Emotions run high today. FRIDAY you turn attention to home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates. There is good energy here tied to income, possessions or purchases but you will have to make adjustments with the friend, group, internet, or aspiration. By evening the passions kindle or you are getting things done financially. SATURDAY Venus moves into your sign, a gift from above! This is great for feeling or expressing the love over the weeks ahead. It is also going to help you attract income or women who are good for you and smooth things out to enjoy life a bit more. Home, real estate, family, renovations, parents, roommates, or moves bring challenges today while lovers, kids, creative projects, and fun are going well. SUNDAY that fun, love, children, and creative energy is still going high. It will at some point engage the Cross of the New Moon so you will have to amp things up around income, possessions, purchases, the friends, group, internet, charity, or aspiration as well. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
MONDAY completes the final point from the Moon in the Cross so expect it to be about what you do with or about any partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, opponents, or other key relationships. Push into new territory or take things to the next level.
TUESDAY the solar life force, via the Sun, begins to activate the Cross points of the New Moon energy by squaring Jupiter. You will be showing up, making your presence known, doing something on a physical or personal level, regarding the parent, roommate, family, home, real estate need, move, or renovation. This may be about your name, body or identity in the mix or it may be about feeling valued or making money. Get in there.
WEDNESDAY the Sun activates the 2nd point of the New Moon Cross by embracing the Uranus energy. This gets you all excited or amped up to do something different, to break free from something, to shock or change. Again, it's about you, your body, image, identity, name, brand, or needs, and some awakening or sudden shift. Mercury is active today bringing news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, or decisions behind closed doors, regarding healing or hospitals, art or film, music or meditation, yoga or poetry, romance or magic, research or development. This is going to help you cement something in the financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, birth, or third party situation, but not before you make some adjustment with the partner, rep, specialist, client, or other key player.
THURSDAY the Sun activates the third point of the New Moon Cross by squaring Pluto. Today you are dealing with something powerful, intense, deep, and evolving through breaking down of one situation to rebirth it on some different ground. Again, it's about you showing up, getting involved on a personal or physical level, putting your name or image to the matter, and with Pluto getting in there over some profound shifts involving the goals and status of the situation and any control issues. This may involve career or the boss, parent or judge, it may focus you in on the shared quality of things, any financial, mortality, reproductive, divorce, or sexual needs, and how your position in the matter is changing. Emotionally it is either a very driven or very challenging day.
FRIDAY brings some good talks, news and decisions, a bit of excitement or upturn from the intensity of yesterday. You will be making adjustments with the goals, career, boss, parent, or judge, as well as with the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, clients, or opponents today. Give and take.
SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces where she will travel until May 2nd. This is an interesting cycle for the goddess of Love, Income and Women. On the one hand, this is the placement of releasing, it holds Karmic energy and is a wrapping up stage of the last year. During the course of the month ahead, when under duress, Venus will test us in these matters through boundary issues, deception, addictions, self-sabotage, and hidden agendas. On the other it is extremely dreaming and inspired, imaginative and romantic placement where anything feels possible and trust me, it will be all about feeling and intuiting over this period. You may feel magically drawn to another or get a gut impression about some money making venture, it can be good to meditate on your needs with women, love or money each day before embarking on your journey to clue in to the flow all around you. This sign rules film, music, art, spiritual practices, psychic abilities, magic, healing, hospitals, other institutions, research, investigations, retreats, dreams, and development. So focus the love, the income or the connection with women in these areas for inspiration.
SUNDAY the Cancer Moon aligns us with home, family, real estate needs, moves, renovations, roommates, or parents. There is a strong tie-in with the Pisces themes listed in Saturday's forecast that should go well so if you have some time to loll about in bed, dream, or get in touch with your spiritual, artistic or romantic side here, do so. It is good for healing as well. The rest of the day will be about this Moon connecting with the New Moon Grand Cross so there is more intensity to the day in dealing with the changes and any surprises in the mix, it won't all be mellow.
Expect it to be about you this week and how you show up, get your needs met, deal with personal matters, care for your body, image, brand, or name in the situation, and push into new territory or take things further in the space you occupy. Make it about partners, reps, clients, specialists, or the competition on MONDAY when you can see just what is needed and assess the balance in the matter. Expect some adjustments with them over agreements, meetings, sales, writing, or decision on TUESDAY but some positive action on FRIDAY. TUESDAY through THURSDAY you will be amping things up through solar energy so expect to show up or pour more personal energy into your needs. TUESDAY this focuses on home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. You may make some money, find purchases or possessions pleasing or feel more valued after all is said and done today. You won't be back to these matters again until the weekend. WEDNESDAY is about reinventing yourself or doing it differently, expressing what is original about you or making a sudden change. The opportunity to cement something in the financial, sexual, divorce, or third party situation is strong but will require adjustments with other people. THURSDAY you face the big challenges of the week and come up against any friction regarding goals, authority figures, career, and the finances or shared needs. FRIDAY brings a lot of news, meetings, talks, offers, agreements, sales, or decisions, good for inspiring you to act in the moment but requiring more adjustments with others and the goals you have set. SATURDAY Venus moves into a new Love, Income and Women cycle. For you this means what you do privately, in development, through spiritual practices, artistic talents or projects, research, hospitals, other institutions, healing, or romantic interests, will help you hone in on these matters. Today and SUNDAY this will be about the home, real estate, family, parent, roommate, move, or renovation. It looks good once you get the news or decision handled. SUNDAY be ready for again dealing with that authority figure, goal or career need in the matter as things amp up. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
Make the week count when it comes to what you are doing behind the scenes, on artistic projects, romantic getaways, spiritual journeys, healing or hospitals, research or development. It is your biggest week of the year for getting things going in new directions or taking them to the next level due to the New Moon energy behind you here, what do you want to make happen? MONDAY this involves the other person and work, health, animals, or paperwork in the mix. You will push today, get news or decisions with them on WEDNESDAY that require some adjustments and then see things vibe and move by FRIDAY. TUESDAY through THURSDAY will get you personally or physically involved in those New Moon directions so expect to show up, sign up or make your presence count. TUESDAY this means pushing over some big sale, agreement, meeting, writing project, offer, or decision. You seem pleased by days end. WEDNESDAY it embraces the surprise and shock planet, Uranus so you may be shaking things up, trying something new, or reinventing yourself in some way over the matters indicated. You can cement something today with the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key player with a bit of give and take on the work, paperwork, health, or animal needs. THURSDAY is the intense day when you will have to face any legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, or political situation head on. Emotions run high today but it is about motivating, again make certain your needs are evident. FRIDAY is about making money, dealing with possessions or purchases, and will require adjustments with the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans but should bring good things through work, health or paperwork. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces and you will see a shift when it comes to your income, love or the women around you. This is an inspired but sometimes confusing territory and will play out around aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, and your original vision. It may mean making money is now an imaginative thing through these people and connections or that you and your lover are now more social or driven by a shared aspiration or a female shows up through friends, online or in group dynamics that is good for your income or love life. Meetings and talks today and tomorrow over these interests should go well. Today there is a challenge around decisions regarding income first so take care of it right away. SUNDAY will be driven to push again on the Cross of the New Moon energy amping up behind the scenes activities, legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, artistic, spiritual, research, romantic, or healing needs. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
It's an important week to launch into those aspirations, make connections, do things with friends or make new ones, join or participate with groups, online, with astrology, charities, or gatherings. The New Moon is propelling you forward into new territory or the next level here. MONDAY this will mean pushing things with that other person over creative ventures, recreational pursuits, the kids, or the love. By WEDNESDAY you will hear or decide something about these matters that means an adjustment and by FRIDAY things really amp up in a positive way to make things happen. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the solar energy engages the New Moon Cross points so you will be more personally or physically involved. TUESDAY this means something big involving income, possessions or purchases engages you with friends, groups, online, or with some aspiration. You should be pleased with what is going on behind the scenes. WEDNESDAY it will mean shaking things up, doing it differently, breaking away or out, or putting your original stamp on the matter. You will be hearing news or making some choices about goals, career, the boss, parent, or other authority figure today, making some adjustments with the kids, lover, creative output, or fun, but cementing something with the work, paperwork, health, or pets. THURSDAY is the intense day when you have to confront what is going on with a big financial matter, the sex life, divorce, third party situation, mortality issue, or birth. Emotions run high. FRIDAY is exciting for you but will mean adjustments over those sexual, divorce, mortality, financial, or reproductive matters. The fun, kids, love, or creativity are going well. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces and the love, income and women in your life will now be felt through this imaginative, confusing and dreamy energy field. For you this means more goal orientation over these matters and perhaps someone in a position of authority that is willing to help you over the next few weeks. Bring your imagination to all of these matters and trust your gut. Today and tomorrow are good for making money, dealing with possessions or making purchases. SUNDAY this will however amp things up when it comes to the outside financial matters, your sex life, divorce, third party situations, friends, groups, the internet, or gatherings. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
It's an all important week for you to motivate when it comes to career, personal goals, your parent, the boss, a judge, or other authority figure. The New Moon is giving you the momentum if you get in there and do what it takes to enter new territory or take things to the next level. MONDAY this will mean involving the other person over real estate, the home, renovation, move, family, parent, or roommate. By WEDNESDAY you will get some news or make a decision about it that will require adjustments, by FRIDAY you will see things moving ahead with them in positive ways. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the solar energy will put you more personally or physically into the mix as you show up, involve your body, name or needs in moving these goals, career or dealings with authority figures forward. TUESDAY this means pushing for something big you want or doing something big yourself. You should feel good about aspirations being met or what occurs with the friends, groups, online, astrology, or charities. WEDNESDAY it involves a surprise, shake-up, excitement, or reinvention that brings something different into the mix. Information about legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, or political themes will push things for adjustments with the parent, roommate, family, home, real estate deal, move, or renovation but help you cement something with the lover, kids, creative projects, or fun. THRUSDAY is the intense day when you have to deal with the other person about controlling interests, changes, finances, sex, divorce, triangles or third party situations, mortality issues, or a birth. Emotions run his, face them within your own power. FRIDAY is about pulling back, dealing with healing, hospitals, romance, artistry, spiritual practices, or research. You will need to make adjustments today with that partner, rep, client, competitor, or specialist but you should have positive action at home, with real estate, family, parents, moves, or renovations. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces which will bring women on board and help you with love or income through legal matters, travel plans, educational pursuits, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans. This is a dreamy position where tuning into your muse or trusting your instincts is favored, just be certain you are seeing things clearly. Today and SUNDAY are good for the moves you make and the trip, legal matter, educational pursuit, wedding plans, media, marketing or publishing needs. SUNDAY will however engage the Cross and amp things up with parents, bosses, goals, career, partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, or the competition. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
It's your week to get out there and make it count when it comes to media, marketing, education, travel, legal, wedding, or political interests. The New Moon is pushing you to move into new territory or take things to the next level here so do what you can to amp it up. MONDAY this will mean engaging the other person over news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, or decisions here. By WEDNESDAY you will hear more but need to make some adjustments, by FRIDAY things get underway in positive directions. TUESDAY through THURSDAY will put you more personally or physically into the New Moon needs or ask that you attach your name or image in the matter. TUESDAY this means going for something big behind closed doors, in development, through research, involving healing or hospitals, art, film, music, or spiritual practices, or with a romantic liaison. You should be pleased about goals being met. WEDNESDAY it will mean shaking things up, doing it differently or dealing with last minute changes or surprises. Be spontaneous. You will be in talks, meetings or making decisions about big financial matters, the sex life, divorce, or third party situation today, make adjustments but note that you can cement something favorably at home, with family, moves, renovations, parents, roommates, or real estate. THURSDAY is the intense day when you will face any big changes or powerful situations on the job front, with paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, health needs or concerns, or pets. Emotions run high today. FRIDAY is social, your friends, groups, the internet, or gatherings call you and ideas are shared. You will have to make adjustments around the job, health, paperwork, or pets but the actions today on a social front go well. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces and you enter a more dreamy, sexual, fantasy-driven period in love, a more imaginative period around income or women, and your muse should help you now to go deeper, work out third party situations, see how outside financial resources can be managed or attracted, or even deal with divorce issues more easily. What you do behind the scenes, on the research, rest, fantasy, art, spiritual interest, romantic interest, healing, hospital, or development, will take up the rest of the day and all of SUNDAY. Things should go well here when dealing with that third party or financial need, or in connecting on a more intimate level. SUNDAY will also activate the Cross of the New Moon so you will see things amp up here and push the legal, travel, educational, media, wedding, work, paperwork, health, or pet needs as well. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
Whether you are pushing into new territory or doing your utmost to take things to the next level with that loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance policy, the taxes, commissions, alimony, settlements, investments, child support, or partners money, or its about a divorce, your sex life, a mortality issue, or birth, you should give it your all right now this week. MONDAY this will mean engaging the other person over income, possessions or purchases. Expect more on this WEDNESDAY when you make some adjustments or react to them, and then again on FRIDAY when things move ahead for you in a positive way. TUESDAY through THURSDAY will bring the Solar energy into play thus pushing you to be more personally or physically involved in what is developing with your New Moon energy. TUESDAY this will get you in there as something big is happening with the friends, groups, the internet, a gathering, or your aspirations. WEDNESDAY it will mean some excitement, change, surprise, or different direction for you that shakes things up or infuses some new life into the matter. Information and decisions today focus on the partner, attorney, rep, client, specialist, or opponent with adjustments involving income, possessions or purchases but an ability to cement an agreement, sale, something in writing, or a long term decision. THURSDAY is the intense day when you will get in there over the finances, sex life, divorce, or third party situation and face any changes or powerful matters with the lover/love life, kids, creative projects, or recreational pursuits. Emotions run high today. FRIDAY is goal oriented or focuses on career or the authority figures like the boss, parent or judge. It's good for continuing on the financial or third party matters but will require adjustments with lover, kids, creative interests, and recreational pursuits. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces and inspires things around love, women or making money. For you this will mean things ease up or go more smoothly in these areas involving partners, reps, clients, specialists, or other key players so set your sights on some good vibes here over the weeks ahead and trust your gut. Today and SUNDAY will link these key people to your aspirations or bring them out at gatherings or events in positive ways. SUNDAY will also involve the Cross of the New Moon so energy will amp up over financial, sexual, love, creative, kids, fun, divorce, or third party situations. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
Make this week all about what you can do about or with that partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or other key player. New Moon energy is propelling you into new territory or helping you reach the next level through engaging them one way or the other. MONDAY this means taking action yourself to make it count. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the solar energy is involved which means you will be pouring more personal or physical energy into what happens. TUESDAY this means showing up with that other person or about them and pushing on that big goal, career matter or doing something regarding the boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure. You should be happy about what is opening up financially, sexually or with divorce needs here. WEDNESDAY it will be about something surprising, shocking, changing, or inventive with or about that partner, rep, client, specialist, or opponent. Today there is news or decisions regarding work, health, paperwork, or animals that will mean you doing something regarding adjustments and helping you cement something around income, possessions or purchases. THURSDAY is the intense day when you face the major change or powerful situation at home, with family, a move, renovation, real estate deal, parent, or roommate. Emotions are on high. FRIDAY turns attention to the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding needs with some excitement all around the other person in the mix. You will need to make adjustments when it comes to the family, parent, roommate, move, renovation, home, or real estate matter. Nevertheless, you are on the go and find your way. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces where she will tour the next weeks. This is going to bring some ease or attraction for you on the job front, with making money, c0-workers, love, health interests, paperwork, and the animals. Women may favor you in these areas or you may just see more love or income flow here now. Tonight into SUNDAY it's good for reaching goals here. SUNDAY will amp up the Cross energy at some point so you will be busy fielding things with partners, reps, clients, specialists, competitors, home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
Make your week count when it comes to getting all your paperwork together, looking for a job or furthering your interests in the work you already do, getting your health together, launching into new territory with people you hire or co-workers, and any interests you have with animals or the environment. The New Moon is your best bet to get this underway so this week counts big time. MONDAY that will mean engaging the other person or doing something about them through what you are doing behind the scenes, through research or strategies, in artistic pursuits or with hospitals or other institutions you are dealing with, with romantic or spiritual needs, or projects in development. More information or decisions regarding these themes arrives on WEDNESDAY when you will have to make adjustments and again on FRIDAY when you will be able to see things moving along nicely. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the Solar life force is diving into this New Moon Cross so you can expect to be much more personally or physically involved. TUESDAY this means showing up or putting yourself out there over work, health, pets, paperwork, or services you provide and something big involving media, marketing, publishing, education, travel, legal matters, or wedding plans. Expect at least one key person to be significantly open to all of this. WEDNESDAY it means some excitement, shake-ups, changes, or spontaneous moments for you with the work, health, paperwork or pets. Information is amped up around creative projects, kids, love, or fun toady as well, bringing adjustments around your behind the scenes needs but helping you cement something for yourself in positive fashion. THURSDAY that Solar energy thrusts you into the intense stuff over work, health, paperwork, or pets. Today you have that powerful talk, sale, agreement, negotiation, offer, pitch, meeting, or decision tied to these matters. Emotions run high. FRIDAY will focus you on the big financial needs, divorce, third party situation, mortality issue, birth, or your sex life. It is exciting energy for you through efforts you make, paperwork involved, healthy engagement, or pursuit of that divorce or sexual interest but you will have to make some adjustments over the agreements, meetings, sales, writing, or decisions. Passionate or active things amp up behind closed doors. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces and kicks off a new love, income and woman cycle for you focused on having fun, being creative, expressing love, or involving the kids. Things should smooth out, you attract more easily, don't be surprised if someone from the past is showing back up for another round of amore. Tonight and SUNDAY are good for anything you do with your creative projects, kids, love life, or fun zone if you make it about travel, media, marketing, education, publishing, weddings, legal, religious, or political themes. SUNDAY this will also activate the Cross of the New Moon so you will again be pushing on the paperwork, job front, health, pets, agreements, writing, sales, talks, meetings, offers, and decisions. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
Let the creativity flow like a raging river, Sage. Push hard on what you want when it comes to love or children, and don't forget it's just as powerful in the areas of sports and recreation this week, all thanks to New Moon momentum furthering your agenda or opening up new territory. MONDAY this will mean engaging others through gatherings, groups, online, with friends, social networking, charities, or original ideas. By WEDNESDAY adjustments with these social arenas are important, by FRIDAY you are in a good flow with it all. TUESDAY through THURSDAY will draw the Solar life force into the mix so you can expect to be showing up, getting more personally or physically involved, or putting your name or image to the love, kids, creative, or fun interests. TUESDAY this means pushing for something big financially, sexually, in divorce, or with third party situations. You should feel good about the work you get done, paperwork signed, health achieved, or services provided. WEDNESDAY it means shaking things up, introducing something new, exciting, or a big surprise or change around love, kids, creative projects, or fun. Today more infomration and decisions around home, real estate, family, parents, moves, renovations, roommates, or security brings adjustments but then helps you to cement things behind the scenes. THURSDAY the energy you put into love, kids, creative projects, or fun meets with the most intense energy so expect to be dealing with some income need, the possessions or purchases in this. Emotions run high today. FRIDAY is about the partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or competition. You will find this is good for creativity, love, the kids, or fun, but that you must make adjustments where income, possessions or purchases are concerned. If you get to do something social later say yes. SATURDAY Venus enters Pisces and brings some good vibes to home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates over the weeks ahead. This means more ease with love or income here or women benefitting your aims. The other person in the mix today may need to talk something out but you can find financial, sexual, divorce, or third party flow by this evening and into SUNDAY. SUNDAY does have some Cross activation so expect to be busy in these matters with lovers, kids, creative projects, fun, income, possessions, or purchases. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
It's your week to drive forward on the home needs, real estate deals, family matters, renovations, move, or with parents, or roommates. New Moon energy is behind you on taking things to the next level or entering new territory here. MONDAY this will mean action with or about another person over the goal, career need, boss, parent, judge, or other authority figure in the mix. By WEDNESDAY information comes requiring some adjustments and by FRIDAY you will see things align harmoniously around the work, paperwork, health need, or animals involved. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the Solar energy is active on the New Moon energy so you can expect to be getting more personally or physically involved in home, real estate, family matters, with parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. TUESDAY this means pushing on something big with or about the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or competition. You should feel good about the creativity, fun, love, or kids. WEDNESDAY it means shaking things up, a surprise or excitement, a change or sudden insight when it comes to home, family, real estate, etc. There will be more meetings, talks, offers, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions today meaning adjustments on the career front, over goals or with those authority figures but helping you cement the aspirations or something with a friend, the internet, a charity, gathering, or group. THURSDAY that Solar energy will mean you are in there again with the home, real estate, family, move, renovation, parent, or roommate but today it is intense and it's all about something powerful that is driving you about your needs, body, image, identity, name, title, or brand. Emotions run high, change is important. FRIDAY is about the work, details, organizing, health, paperwork, pets, and services. There some excitement here when looking at what's going on at home, with real estate, family, etc. but you will need to make some personal or physical adjustments. You should see good energy around reaching goals. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces and opens up some lovely flow for you over the weeks ahead when it comes to women and the agreements, sales, writing, short trips, local activities, meetings, offers, and decisions. You may see the love or income flow well through these areas as well. Cover the tough topics with the co-worker or employee, interview or agreement, health concern or animals, and save the good stuff for partners, reps, clients, specialists, or others tonight. SUNDAY the positive vibe with those key relationships continues but the Cross will also be active so expect to be amped up with or about them when it comes to home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, renovations, moves, and your own evolving needs. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
The New Moon kicks you into the week ahead with vigor and asks that you motivate on any writing, sales, agreements, meetings, talks, offers, short trips, vehicle or electronic needs, sibling or neighbor interaction, ideas or decisions. You have the most momentum here of the whole year, use it. MONDAY it will mean engaging the other person over travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans. By WEDNESDAY this person is asking for adjustments around income, possessions or purchases, by FRIDAY you see things come together with them over love, kids, creative projects, or fun. TUESDAY through THURSDAY will focus on your New Moon communications and local energy through the Solar drive so you can expect to be more personally or physically involved. TUESDAY this means pushing on something big when it comes to work, co-workers, employees, paperwork, health, or pets. You should feel good about what is transpiring at home or with family. WEDNESDAY it means some excitement, sudden change, surprise, or reinvention around choices or offers, siblings or neighbors, sales or agreements, writing or short trips, vehicles or electronics. You will be in communications over income, possessions or purchases today, making adjustments over travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding plans, but cementing something involving the goal, career or authority figure. THURSDAY it will mean dealing with something very powerful or intense behind the scenes, in secret, with romantic needs, spiritual pursuits, artistic projects, hospitals or addictions, research or development. Emotions run high today. FRIDAY there is a groove around love, kids, creative projects, and fun. You should feel some excitement or take some spontaneous turns here but you will have to make a few adjustments. The positive things springs out with this through travel, wedding, legal, educational, or media interests. SATURDAY Venus moves into Pisces and kicks off a new Love, Income and Woman cycle focused on making money, dealing with possessions, gifts, and purchases. Look for benefits here. Today you will have to talk things out with the lover, kids, creative projects, or fun stuff but will find that income and work or health are in good flow. SUNDAY this continues to work for you but the Cross comes in and brings more surprises or changes around agreements, sales, writing, meetings, talks, offers, or decisions. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
Let this week drive your ambitions to make money, do something with purchases or possessions and feel more valued. New Moon energy is behind you and on MONDAY this means a focus here involving someone else and what is occurring with shared resources or outside financial matters, sexual attractions, reproductive needs, mortality issues, a divorce, or the third party situation. You will hear about the adjustments in this on WEDNESDAY and by FRIDAY there will be some positive flow around how this is going at home, with family, property matters, moves, renovations, or security needs. TUESDAY through THURSDAY the Solar energy gets involved with the Cross of the New Moon so you can expect to be more personally or physically involved in the income, possessions or purchases. TUESDAY this will mean pushing on something big with the creative projects, kids, lover, or fun. You should feel good about choices made today. WEDNESDAY it means some excitement, shake-up, change, or new direction around your place in the matter. Today there will more communications and meetings for you, making adjustments with the financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, birth, or third party situation, and cementing something through a legal, educational, media, marketing, travel, or wedding topic. THURSDAY it is intense and will mean dealing with something powerful with the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, social networking, gathering, or aspiration. Emotions run high today. FRIDAY you turn attention to home, family, real estate, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates. There is good energy here tied to income, possessions or purchases but you will have to make adjustments with the friend, group, internet, or aspiration. By evening the passions kindle or you are getting things done financially. SATURDAY Venus moves into your sign, a gift from above! This is great for feeling or expressing the love over the weeks ahead. It is also going to help you attract income or women who are good for you and smooth things out to enjoy life a bit more. Home, real estate, family, renovations, parents, roommates, or moves bring challenges today while lovers, kids, creative projects, and fun are going well. SUNDAY that fun, love, children, and creative energy is still going high. It will at some point engage the Cross of the New Moon so you will have to amp things up around income, possessions, purchases, the friends, group, internet, charity, or aspiration as well. Want more? Look into the cost and availability of a private reading with Zoe focused intently on your unique birth chart by emailing
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