Oh my dear Jupiter
all those beliefs!
all those beliefs!
you have launched me towards God via the Pleiades
and I think I heard Mercury
whisper the way
to the Muses rowing up the warm Milky Way
just turn left at the dog star blue currents are high
when you pass right of Heaven give Venus a sigh
and remark on her beauty it’s hard won I swear
watch for Mars in Perihelion he’s hunting the bear
red through Regulus meet with the courage to lead
and to set the four corners to square what you dream
then let Saturn draw boundaries and time once at sea
pass Andromeda’s light wrapped in Neptune’s belief
shield your eyes when Uranian storms blow your mind
and the poppies of Aldebaran redefine
what Ceres lays forth exalting Algol
and Perseus seeks beyond Lucifer’s fall
angel tear through the underworld Pluto does reign
and wake free on the Earth as the Moon’s memory wanes
with the faintest remembrance, something once known
that the stars tell the story guiding us home
~Zoe Moon
Oh baby baby, where did the month go?! I thought I would share my poem about the signs in the heavens as the short month of February wraps on Saturday with positive emotional energy charging about thanks to Mars and Neptune. You will want to take a stab at something you are passionate about and you will want to allow yourself to dream a bit today. There is going to be a rather strong adjustment in the universal fabric between Mars and Saturn so expect a push/pull as Mars wants you to take your action, passion or anger in one direction to tackle something on your behalf while Saturn wants to reign you in, limit you, demand responsibility and dealing with authority figures on the other. OY! By the time the Moon moves into Taurus you will just want to enjoy something sensual.
March is going to come in like a lion on Sunday as Mars and Mercury are getting together to talk and take action on something. Mind and body are moving as one so watch out! Mercury has to make the same adjustment today to Saturn that Mars had to make yesterday so expect some thought process, talk or news to force another adjustment to the boss, authority figure or restriction.
Overall, you are undoubtedly feeling Venus in her shadow preparing to go Retrograde on the 6th. She is going to be in that state until April 17th. This means that a slow down or retracing of steps in matters concerning women, love and money are on tap. How that plays out in your life will depend on the house it is falling in but you are likely seeing hints now about what the next 6 weeks will be about. Pace yourselves. A female may return from the past or a current one may depart during this phase and once again this will play out in the area of your chart Venus is flipping in. If you are feeling put upon during this cycle, try to remember that taking a close look at how you love yourself and what you value in yourself and others will help you find better connections in the future, that is part of the cycle as well.
VENUS RETROGRADES in ARIES so it will play out in this area for you (read for your Rising as well):
ARIES-body, image, identity and ego needs
TAURUS-retreat, hidden agendas, secrets, research, dreams, fantasy, institutions
GEMINI-friendships, groups, social activities, aspirations
CANCER-career, goals, reputation, ambition, father
LEO-travel, legal matters, education, media
VIRGO-sex, loans, debt, taxes, insurance, settlements, alimony, divorce, death
LIBRA-partnerships, representatives
SCORPIO-work assignments, co-workers, health, pets
SAGITTARIUS-lovers, children, recreation, speculation, creativity
CAPRICORN-home, property, security needs, mom
AQUARIUS-communications, writing, neighborhood, short trips, siblings
PISCES-income, possessions, values
Saturday is about taking action with or for a friend. Your feelings are tied up in this strongly and there could be some artistic, romantic or confusing energy around what you do today. The Mars/Saturn aspect will require you to make an adjustment in what you are doing with a friend or how your passion or anger is directed there, and to the loss, responsibility or authority demanding attention to work or health or pets.
Sunday you will want to talk it out with the friend, meet or make or break an agreement or contract. This is once again in response to the authority or limiting energy in your work, health and pets zone. Words can sever or commit you to something, you are at a corner so heed what you say. Mercury and Mars getting together on the same degree will help you to speak passionately and make your words result in action directed at a friend or group.
Saturday feels like rest but Mars and Neptune are pushing you to do something towards goals or career. If you can research or involve fantasy in the goal, the flow will support opportunities for you. Remember that at this time, artistic or spiritual energy is with career so you want to take advantage of that, if goals are romantic that is strong as well. The adjustment plays between action/passion/anger towards goals/career on the one hand, and limits or responsibilities or dealing with an authority figure in creative projects and with lovers or children. To me it looks like you are being asked to get serious if you want to reach your goals.
Sunday brings a talk or news about this and you will need to be on it. Words can sever or commit you to something, you are at a corner so heed what you say. Mercury and Mars are joining in the career and goals house so taking action on what you hear or say is very strong now and marks new beginnings.
Feelings are positive where friendships and social functions are involved. There is opportunity to do something with this person legally, or to travel, learn or do something in media together. The arts or romance may be involved. The adjustment between Mars and Saturn is playing between travel/law/publishing/education on the one hand and home on the other. You need to take action on the first and deal with responsibilities or limits with the other, adjust!
Sunday talks or meetings will be about this adjustment. Words can sever or commit you to something, you are at a corner so heed what you say. The connection between Mercury and Mars is important for you since Mercury is your ruling energy. This is combining in the ninth house so taking action on what is said, met over or contracted today is important. The theme is going to either be legal, about travel, education, or media ventures.
Goals feel within reach and you will not mind going after loans or dealing with outside resources to achieve your ambitions. Passions ignited today will be dreamy and steamy. Mars and Saturn in adjustment aspect is going to mean a conversation with an authority figure about debt, credit, loans, or any other form of outer money, or it is going to be about acting on passionate sexual urges on one hand while dealing with responsibility or limit locally or in what is said or agreed to. Sounds complicated but you will know it when you see it.
Sunday talks will continue about what needs adjustment. Words can sever or commit you to something, you are at a corner so heed what you say. Mercury and Mars meet up in your sex and outside money sources house so expect words to lead to action in one of these arenas. The 8th house can also be about divorce or death so you may hear news about something here that you must act on.
Travel with partners, making it legal, learning or teaching together, or launching something in the media, is all favored today so get busy. You will have to make an adjustment between partnership and income. Action/passion/anger in the partnership realm-you pick, and limits or responsibilities regarding the money being made or spent on the other hand, adjust.
Sunday you will be talking, meeting or dealing with agreements regarding yesterdays adjustment. Words can sever or commit you to something, you are at a corner so heed what you say. Mercury and Mars come together in your partnership house so what is said today will be acted on and this will involve either romantic or business partners or agents, managers, or attorneys, think fresh beginning or ending.
The energy on Saturday favors lots of work being done, a motivating force to tackle what is at hand and shades of artistry. For some Virgos, there is passion and sexuality brewing with a co-worker. The Mars/Saturn adjustment is going to playing out between work, health or pets, and you, your body, image, or identity. Mars is pushing for action, passion or anger dealing with work/health/pets while Saturn is limiting or adding responsibilities to you, your body or image, adjust.
Sunday talks, meetings or dealing with agreements covers yesterday’s adjustment. Words can sever or commit you to something, you are at a corner so heed what you say. Mercury and Mars are meeting up on the same degree your work, health and pets zone so what is said and done are of one mind today and words will lead to action here.
Feelings for partners should be positive on Saturday and there is good energy helping you to express your love passionately or to take action on creative projects together. Mars and Saturn require you to adjust between the energy being spent on creativity or loved ones, and the limits or responsibility you have in what you are doing behind the scenes, dealing with institutions, researching, fantasy working, or just resting.
Sunday talks and meetings will be about yesterday’s adjustment. You will need to deal with agreements one way or the other. Words can sever or commit you to something, you are at a corner so heed what you say. Mercury and Mars are meeting up in your fifth house so what is said will lead to action with lovers, children or creativity. This is a great moment to verbally express passion, some may find anger is the voice of the day.
Saturday is a good day to tackle work at home or to work out at home. You may feel an artistic flair and want to decorate a room, all good. Mars and Saturn are asking for adjustment between home and friendship so you will likely feel like expending your energy on the home project but have duties to a friend or social obligation that will pull you away. If your aspirations involve a home, then you are being asked to get serious and put in more work.
Sunday talks and meetings will be about the adjustment of yesterday. Words can sever or commit you to something, you are at a corner so heed what you say. Mercury and Mars are meeting up in the home base so words or agreements will lead to something happening and this means your home, the people in it, a property deal, or anything else about your foundations. It’s a new beginning or an ending.
The day favors love and children and creativity. Express your passions or angers, do something with the things you say, the energy is going to be dreamy, romantic, spiritual or artistic. Mars and Saturn are adjusting so on the one hand you want to be busy locally, take action with siblings or come from a place of action, passion or anger in your communications, on the other hand Saturn is limiting or adding responsibilities to your goals.
Sunday talks or meetings will be about yesterday’s adjustments. Words can sever or commit you to something, you are at a corner so heed what you say. Mercury and Mars are meeting on the same degree in your communications zone which means that talks are going to lead to action, that the energy is going to be passionate or angry and that it will mark a new beginning or an ending. A good day to send out manuscripts or other written documents.
Home and income are aligned so make money at home or spend it on the home, there is an active, aggressive, passionate energy here coinciding with a dreamy, romantic, artistic energy, all good. The Mars/Saturn adjustment will be felt by you since it involves your ruler. Mars wants you to make or spend money today while Saturn is trying to limit you or get you to take on more responsibility in the areas of law, travel, education, or media. Adjust.
Sunday you will be talking, meeting or dealing with agreements over yesterday’s adjustment. Words can sever or commit you to something, you are at a corner so heed what you say. Mercury and Mars meet up in your income house so you can take action on what is agreed upon. You may be signing a contract to earn money or agreeing to spend it.
Saturday is a great day to talk. Talk and meet and open up about you and your needs. Short trips or doing something with a sibling are favored as well. For single Aquarians, you may find romance today out and about in the neighborhood. Mars and Saturn are asking you to adjust to the energy you feel you want to expend on yourself, your body and your identity on the one hand, against the responsibility or limits occurring with joint finances, divorce, sex or other shared expressions on the other.
Sunday you will be talking or meeting about yesterday’s adjustment. Agreements may be in question. Words can sever or commit you to something, you are at a corner so heed what you say. Mercury and Mars are coming together in your sign so you will be able to state what you need and see action result from it, think new beginning or ending here.
Feelings should be positive about income tied to what you are going after in work behind the scenes, retreat, research, fantasy or dealing with institutions today. Be aggressive and follow hunches. The Mars/Saturn adjustment is about the action going on behind the scenes and the limits or responsibilities with a partnership. Adjust.
Sunday will be about talks, meetings or agreements being dealt with that cover yesterday’s adjustments. Words can sever or commit you to something, you are at a corner so heed what you say. Mercury and Mars are meeting in this hidden zone so you can expect that talks will lead to action today regarding research, work behind the scenes, secrets, fantasy, or any dealings with institutions.