Let's take a look at Samhain. This is THE night of magic, midway between the Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice, it comes on the heels of the Scorpio New Moon at a time of seeding in areas of death and transformation, power and psychic connection. This is traditionally the time when the veil grows thinnest between worlds, when we invite the dearly departed to our table to share in our harvest and converse with us about what lies ahead. A light left in a western window was said to invite them home.
This powerful moment in the year is when the gods come closer, when we can ask questions about our journey and receive guidance from the other side. It has been transmuted into Halloween, All Hallows Eve, followed by All Souls Day, but altogether the theme is quite Scorpionic nevertheless, it is a time involving the dead, transmutation and transformation.
This Halloween or Samhain, is coming when the Sun is at the critical degree of Scorpio according to the Sabian Symbols, this degree can be interpreted as: 'A Fellowship Supper Reunites Old Comrades' well that couldn't be more apropos could it? And what will it mean for us, this Hallows Eve?
Well, along with the powerful Scorpion vibe, which most of you know also represents our sexual nature, here getting a big push forward, there is a Mars/Uranus trine occurring October 31st which is giving action or passion an inside into unusual, outrageous and inventive, in positive flow, all coming on a Friday night!
Mars is in Scorpio stimulating all things powerful, sexual, passionate, dark, or departed, while Uranus is surprising us in the sign of Pisces, throught the cosmic source, spirituality, dreamscape, fantasy and escapist activities! So I think you can expect to have a wild and crazy time out there, costumes will be extreme, more erotic and sexy, you will likely feel sparks, meet unusual and passionate people, and find that the veil being lifted is more like a wide open gateway into the other realm, if you dare to go, and yes, with Mars in this mood, you will dare.
Mercury sits with the Fixed Star Spica so talks will be lovely and lucky, meetings positive. The Moon in Sagittarius means you feel open, adventurous and wanting to meet new people. With Venus and Pluto in the same sign, desires will run deep and adventurous as well.
With Jupiter in Capricorn, or the planet of beliefs in the sign of ancestry, you may find the person you are flirting with behind the mask has been gone for hundreds of years! Hehe, sorry, couldn't resist J Even Saturn in Virgo who has been riding us all to attend to the details and do the work, is giving a nod to Mars and Uranus as he eases off for this one night.
So, on this night of tricks and treats, what should you do on a spiritual level before heading out to cause mischief? Well, this can be a time when you can awaken to your own ability to commune with spirit. There is nothing truly scary about this although we enjoy making it so.
If you would like to experiment with a little ritual to test the theory of the veil, you will want to invoke two elements, water for Scorpio (and it's new moon energy) and earth to symbolize the bodies return to earth in death.
Get out in nature and find a few small rocks (earth element), close your eyes and feel them in your hands, the ones that have the right feel you keep. Take them home and submerge them in a bowl of warm water (water element) until you are ready to go to sleep that night, you then take them out and place them beneath your pillow, asking to be given guidance in dreamscape. Open the portal between worlds and see what you are told while you sleep! Meditation works too ;) If you try it tell us what you find! As for Halloween night, be careful out there, designate a driver and have a blast! Happy Halloween. Hugs, Zoe
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