December will have you turning in all directions but consider this a good thing. Look at it as wrapping up the years energy by facing everything in one way or another that came before so as to start the year fresh.
The shifts taking place are these:
Uranus is going Direct on the 1st so inventive, spontaneous, original breakthrough ideas are ready to move forward. A surprise or two will undoubtedly be in the mix along with a few breaks for freedom and changes in direction.
Venus enters Sagittarius on the 1st so love and money will be spent/found on adventure, learning, travel, media, higher beliefs, and legal pursuits. Happiness is back in the air along with a need to expand so watch how much you spend on your holiday gifts!
The Full Moon is occurring in Gemini on the 1st Pacific time/2nd Eastern time, so talks and ideas are coming to a climax, meetings and local activities are peaking, issues with brothers or sisters are culminating and celebrations will form around shared ideas.
From the 5-7th, Mercury is active so this means talks and meetings, agreements and decisions pick up steam during this period. Mercury enters Capricorn so ambitions and responsibilities are the topic. Mercury meets Pluto here so it is going to be about changing something on a profound level. Mercury then squares Saturn so an issue with a partner, agent, opponent, or attorney is involved.
The Sun is active on the 14-15th so ego, body, image and identity become focal. This is going to be about how that relates to travel, media, law, or education and there is going to be a surprise in the mix that you didn’t see coming, as well as an opportunity for some real expansion via your friends, aspirations and groups.
The New Moon on the 16th is in Sagittarius and will give us all 2 strong weeks to begin something new in areas of travel, media, publicity, publishing, education, politics, beliefs, ceremonies, and legal matters.
Mars is going to Retrograde in Leo on the 20th and ask that you redo actions you have taken around creativity, love and children over the next few months until he stations Direct again on March 10, 2010. This may mark the return of a passion or the exit of a current amore. Take the opportunity to do something you want on the 10th when Mars meets the Sun in positive alignment and then follow up action on a love or money matter on the 17th when Mars and Venus co –mingle because once the Retrograde begins it will be much harder to start something new.
The 21st is an incredibly potent day as Venus and Neptune dance offering opportunity for love and romance or money and artistry to find each other. Next Jupiter and Neptune meet on the same degree conjuncting Chiron, bringing big luck and expansion around the place in your chart that this is occurring. This amazing dance has gone on all year and this is the final blessing. Mercury will adjust to Mars so talks or agreements will mean a slight adaptation to action. Then the Sun will change signs, moving into Capricorn and putting our ambitions at the top of our list.
On the 25th the Sun and Pluto sit on the same degree and you can expect powerful and deeply felt changes around your own identity and needs. Venus changes signs today, moving into Capricorn where love and money will become more serious, limited or committed, and about responsibility. The Sun will square Saturn making any ties to partners, agents or attorneys part of the challenge.
On the 26th Mercury is going to Retrograde in Capricorn and we are going to be asked to rethink our ambitions, responsibilities, limitations and to meet and talk about our goals and career agenda in a new way. Father comes forward in revisiting anything from the past that was left unsaid. You may hear of a past career opportunity resurfacing during this time or leave a current position.
On the 28-29th Venus is active by first sitting with Pluto and then squaring Saturn. This is a tough aspect for love, money or a woman in your life. This is about a new beginning marked by powerful change or deconstruction and about dealing with any limitations or responsibilities with a partner, agent, opponent, or attorney.
The month ends on just as powerful a note as New Years Eve this year is marked by a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse! This is occurring in Cancer so you will be wrapping up or celebrating something very intense around a living situation, home, property matter, family, or mom. Mercury again adjusts to Mars so talks about your ambitions will be about helping you to make a move towards the creativity you want, a lover you are passionate about, making room for love to approach, or around invoking something for children.
Are you ready?
The month of December is really about your career and ambitions along with shifts occurring around travel, media, publishing, publicity, education, or legal matters. You have been working on your innovative ideas in private for a while now, on the 1st Uranus stations Direct and you are going to be ready to really break out of the box. Venus enters your ninth house so you can now attract money or love through travel,
media, publishing, publicity, education, or legal matters. The Full moon tonight or early tomorrow is about something local, an idea, communication, written project, agreement, short trip, or sibling matter coming to a head.
From the 5-7th career and goals take center stage as you begin some powerful talks due to change things and set them on a new course. You will need to deal with any limitations or responsibilities regarding a partner, agent, opponent, or attorney in this so be prepared to step it up.
From the 14-15th you are in the spotlight in the media, regarding a trip, in education, or over a legal matter. There is a surprise coming here you don’t see ahead of time so have your ducks in a row. Your friends, networking, group affiliations, associates, and social activities all favor your limelight and hold opportunity for what you are trying to be.
The New Moon on the 16th is a brand new beginning in media, legalities, travel, or education for you. You have 2 weeks to motivate in these areas, get the word out and make it happen.
Your ruler, Mars, is Retrograding on the 20th and you will be feeling the onset of this from pretty much the beginning of the month. This is going to slow down the action for a while and it is going to be focused in the house of lovers, children and creative projects for you so try to push anything forward in these areas before this date. You have golden opportunities on the 10th and the 17th to really make your needs known and put yourself out there for the recognition or the love or money. Once the Retrograde begins on the 20th you may see a male leave the situation or one from the past return. Review all actions and any anger in these arenas over the next few months so you can clean the slate for forward growth.
The 21st offers a great opportunity for love or money around an artistic or romantic endeavor with a friend or group. Look at ways to bring the media, law or education into the mix or to travel. This is a 5 star day for groups, networking, friends, social activities, and your aspirations. Luck is on your side. Talk about the goal and be willing to make an adjustment on the action you take with a lover, child or creative venture. The Sun’s move into Capricorn today is putting you in the spotlight on the career front for a full month ahead.
From the 24-25th your ego may be tested or you may just have to be the point man on a career issue as powerful energies are amassing here. Change is the key word and looking for ways to bring in money, attract love or encompass women in your goals will prove worthy. A partner, agent, opponent, or attorney will need to be dealt with in a serious way.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 26th and will take you back over territory on the career front. A talk, agreement or decision will be revisited here. Someone in authority may exit during this time or one from the past may reappear. The same goes for a career opportunity. Take this time to rewrite or rethink what your goals are or how you plan to achieve them.
From the 28-29th Venus is pushing your buttons in the career field so women, love or money goals will all require an intense focus and powerful change. Once again the partner, agent, opponent, or attorney is in the mix here in a way that is challenging you to deal with limitations or responsibilities.
New Years Eve is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your home base so this may mean you decide to throw the party at home or that something related to home, property, living situations, mom, or your security is peaking at this time in a very big way. Talks about career or goals will focus on past lovers, actions of children or creative projects.
The month of December is going to be focused on a trip, legal matter, educational issue, or media endeavor as well as powerful intimate connections and major financial issues. Starting on the 1st you will see a big shift in your friendships or with a group affiliation. Things may be a bit far out with friends or you could see something uncharacteristic from a colleague. Ideas that were put on hold will now move forward again.
Venus enters your major financial house to help you attract the outside resources you need or to make things flow a bit smoother over the next few weeks. Love and intimacy will bond as well during this time and your more powerful connections with women should run smoother as well. The Full Moon on the 1st is bringing an income matter to a peak so you can expect to see one source of earnings end or a celebration over a big paycheck around this time.
From the 5-7th communications will pick up around publishing, media, travel, legalities, or education. Agreements and meetings in these arenas are going to be ambitious and have to do with new strides to assert your power. You will need to deal with an authority figure over the way you are approaching the work or health or find a way to jump any hurdles around limitations or responsibilities here.
From the 14-15th you will find yourself smack in the middle of a big financial matter, divorce or sexually charged connection. Whether it is monetary or intimate, the sharing is important now and social situations are going to bring surprises and interesting individuals to the fore. There is great luck in stepper closer to your goals during this time period if you are willing to be open and trust your own vision.
The New Moon on the 16th is opening up 2 weeks to initiate new beginnings in all outside resource arenas such as loans, credit, taxes, insurance, inheritance, alimony, bankruptcy, debt, or joint finances. It is also giving you a brand new landscape where your intimate connections are concerned, you may meet someone who is very exciting and passionate or take a current flirtation into deeper waters. If you have a divorce or death you are working your way through, this energy gives you new support to move forward.
On the 20th Mars is going to Retrograde and remain in backwards motion until March. This means that things are going to slow down, actions and passions are going to do a review. This is occurring in your home and security sector of your chart so forward progress on the house will grind down as you rework things here. If you are trying to buy, sell, move, renovate, redecorate, build, take in a roommate, or do something with family or mom, choose the 10th to put your agenda forward and the 17th to talk love or money because you want to set things in motion before the 20th. During the retrograde a past home or property matter may come back around to reconsider and this is ok, you may have a past lover return to the home or a current one move out, and any anger issues over the living situation are up for review now.
The 21st is an active day when luck and expansion comes through friends, parties, events, group affiliations, associates, or pursuing your aspirations. There is luck and benefits here for you and them if you are involved in travel, media, politics, education, or legal matters. The Sun is going to move into your career Midheaven today and tour this part of your chart for the next 30 days. This puts you in the spotlight, before the public, goal oriented, and is a stellar time to seek promotion or launch your identity before the world. What you learn today will motivate you to dive into the creative and love energy with renewed vigor.
From the 24-25th you will want to protect your name and your image out before the public. There is a powerful spotlight on you during this time and a new beginning. This may go well for you if you can finesse the limitations or responsibilities in the work before you, through co-workers, health or something tied to pets. Venus moves into help you attract love or money through travel, media, politics, education, or law in a powerful way.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 26th taking you back over all communications, meetings, agreements, and decisions regarding travel, media, politics, publishing, publicity, teaching, taking a class, or legal matters. You may have news at this time about one
or more of these topics or have someone reenter from the past through one of these doors. Do your best to hold off on signing new contracts until this influence has passed and if traveling double check itinerary and keep your purse with you.
From the 28-29th Venus will get busy in the area of travel, media, education, and law. This means that big love or money issues come up as you look at power, control, triangles, and change. Women are testing you here as well during these couple days. Limitations must be overcome around health, work or pets.
New Years Eve is a whopper with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse! This is happening in your communications zone so you can expect that something is coming to an emotional peak around news you hear, meetings you have, things going on in the neighborhood, a written project, short trip, or something involving brothers or sisters. Talks or decisions you have today about the media, travel, education, or legal matter will motivate action on the home front.
The month of December is going to really be about who you partner with, who represents you, any opponents you have, major finances, divorce if applicable, and intimate connections. Think of this time as a very interesting look at how you share and why.
On the 1st you will see your career Midheaven get a lightning bolt from Uranus as he shifts in the sky. Innovative ideas can move forward now, friends, groups and internet are now moving in flow with you, and a surprise or change in direction may find you out of the blue. Venus moves into your partnership house which brings love and money through these significant others over the next few weeks. The Full Moon today is in your sign bringing your identity, personal ego needs, body, or image to a peak in some way, think an ending or celebration, possibly both!
From the 5-7th your ruler is very active pushing you to challenge yourself in communications and decisions that are either intimate or about huge financial matters. This is very powerful stuff that brings with it a fresh start in asserting your own personal power and an opportunity to overcome any limitations creatively or with lovers or children.
From the 14-15th you are going to be in the thick of it with a partnership, agent, attorney, or opponent. Your ability to flow with changes to goals or shifts in career will be important now. The spotlight may challenge you suddenly but the good news is this time period can open up lucky doors for you with this person through travel, media, publishing, publicity, education, or legal channels.
The New Moon on the 16th is a brand new beginning with a partner, agent, attorney, or opponent. You have 2 weeks to seed changes or fresh starts.
Mars is going to Retrograde on the 20th and begin his journey into past actions, passions or angers through March of next year. This means things are going to slow down and it will be harder to move a new project or affair forward. This is a time to revisit the past, a lover may reappear from the past or a current one may leave, things that were written or said will come back around for review. Issues with brothers or sisters will as well come back up now to look at. If you wish to move something mark these days, the 10th and 17th as the days to get the jump on the Retrograde with partners, reps or opponents, the 10th for asserting yourself and the 17th for dealing with love or money matters.
The 21st is a big day as you have amazing luck and opportunity around a media, publishing, political, travel, educational, or legal matter. Open up here to love, money or a woman and see how far you can go. The Sun is moving into your house of outside financial resources and intimate sexual connections and this is where you will shine over the next month. Talk or meet about what you would like to see happen here today.
The 24-25th is incredibly powerful and it puts you right in the center of a sexual connection or in a major financial matter, a divorce or a triangle. Venus is helping you attract what you need and you are going to be stepping into more power today in a fresh new way through one of these realms. You will need to deal with any responsibilities or limitations around creative projects, lovers or children as you step up.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 26th in your house of sex, death, divorce, and major finances. This is going to be a do-over time where you are backtracking into these powerful arenas to look at agreements, what was said or written, and how your thinking is affecting how you share. A past lover may return, a current one may depart, debt and loans, taxes and settlements all come up for review.
From the 28-29th Venus will trek through the same arena asking you to take love, money or a woman very seriously at this point in relationship to the loan, taxes, settlement, insurance, inheritance, bankruptcy, sexual or intimate connection, reproductive issue, divorce, or death. Once again limitations or responsibilities are important to tackle in creative projects or with lovers or children in this.
New Years Eve is big this year as it is hosting a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your income zone. You can expect that this will mark you making or spending your earnings around this time in a way that is celebratory or you will be seeing one source of income ending now. Talks about outside financial resources, divorce or intimate connections will spark mental action and possibly lead to passions right where you stand.
The month of December is going to be all about the partnership, agent, attorney, opponent, health, work, or pets, and possibly all of the above in different configurations. On the 1st Uranus stations Direct and you will get a big lightning bolt of energy finally moving forward around travel, media, education, or legal matters. Changes and innovations as well as unusual or brilliant people will now be the theme here.
Venus enters your work, health and pets zone this day to help you attract the love or money you need through these arenas. It’s a great time to work with women and to bring in more income for your work. The Full Moon today is in the hidden part of your chart so anything that has been brewing behind closed doors or behind your back will reach a crescendo now. Hospital stays, research, film or fantasy work, psychic energy and time in retreat all peak at this time as well.
From the 5-7th talks, meetings, decisions and agreements will pick up with partners, agents, attorneys, or opponents. This is extremely power energy and words will hold a great deal of weight. Ambition and ideas are doing their best to transform you now but you will have to deal with any challenge from limitations or responsibilities at home, with living situations, mom, or property.
From the 14-15th you are going to find yourself in the spotlight at work, with co-workers, with those you hire to work for you, over a health matter, or with pets. This energy will first give you the challenge of dealing with the media, a trip, teaching or taking a class, or a legal matter. Next it will open some very big, lucky doors for you around major finances and intimate connections.
The New Moon on the 16th is all about a brand new start in the work you do, your health, a service you provide, or with your pets. This is a great time to look for new work or to expand the service you provide, to adopt a pet, or begin a new diet or join a gym.
Mars is going to Retrograde on the 20th. This is going to really be felt by everyone as the energy of passion, action and anger is going to back track into past territory and new projects or connections are going to slow in forward movement. This is occurring in your income house so you may see a past source of income return or a current one break apart, a male from the past tied to income may show back up or you may need to look at how past passions or anger has affected your earning abilities. You should take advantage of any new launches for income on the 10th or 17th before this sets in, the 10th being the day to put yourself out there at work or regarding health and the 17th to ask for the love or money.
The 21st is a very big day with luck and prosperity aligning around your outside financial resources and intimate connections. You should reach out to a woman at work or for some way to increase money or love through health, work you are doing or pets. The Sun is entering your partnership zone to tour there over the next 30 days putting you in the spotlight with partners, agents, attorneys, or opponents. Talks today with this person lead to action towards making more money or spending some in an appropriate way.
The 24-25th will be very big for you as you find yourself in the center of something powerful occurring with this partnership, agent, attorney, or opponent. Venus is here doing her best to help you attract the love or money but you will have to deal with limitations or restrictions at home, with mom or property.
Mercury is going to Retrograde on the 26th and take you back into the past with a partner, agent, attorney, or opponent. You will be looking at past agreements, what was said or written, and making decisions on whether or not you should continue on with this person or not. A current partner could exit or a past partner could return.
The 28-29th will bring love and money matters into powerful focus with the partner, agent, attorney, or opponent. Once again you will be looking at how to handle limitations or responsibilities with home or mom. Step up where love or money are concerned with this significant individual.
New Years Eve is really big this year with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your sign. Something about who you are, your identity, image, body, or a very personal ego need will be coming to an emotional peak now. This can be celebratory or an ending or both. Talks or decisions made with or about a partner, agent, attorney, or opponent today will lead to action on the income front.
The month of December is going to be about the work you do, your health, your pets, your creative output, lovers, and children. Expect the 1st to be a bit wild as Uranus shifts in the sky and begins to move things forward in the part of your chart associated with intimacy, triangles, divorce, sexual connections, major finances, and reproduction. A sudden shift, surprise or change may be in store. New approaches and interesting people will also be available here as energy sparks.
The 1st also sees Venus move into your house of true love, children and creativity which bodes well for a love interest or meeting someone new if you are single. This begins a good period to attract the money you need for a creative venture or the kids as well. There is a Full Moon today to round off the intensity of feelings in your house of friendship and aspirations so expect that something is culminating or ending here. You may be celebrating at a social function, with a friend, a group, or regarding one of your major aspirations today or seeing something ending.
Communications are going to rev up between the 5-7th regarding work, co-workers, health matters, or pets. Ambitions and reputation may figure into this in a powerful way and the things you agree to now can have profound influences on change up ahead. You will need to deal with some form of limitation or responsibility in the mix that is conveyed via a talk, meeting, written word, or agreement, or perhaps it will show up as more duties tied to short trips or siblings, or limitations in the neighborhood. Whichever it is, the energy is promising very powerful transformation if you meet the challenge.
From the 14-15th you will find that you are in the center of attention in either a love affair, creative venture, recreational activity, speculative venture, or with children. On the one hand you will need to field the surprise or change around intimacy, reproduction, divorce, or a major financial matter. On the other hand there is wonderful promise for partnerships or representatives during this period in arenas of romance, artistry or spirituality and this looks very lucky and beneficial.
The New Moon on the 16th is all about a brand new beginning for you in areas of creativity, children and love. This 2 week period starting today gives you major universal umph in beginning a new love affair, taking a current connection into the love arena, making any positive changes you wish to implement in a love affair, adopting or doing something new with a child, or launching your creative energy out there and having it take root.
On the 20th Mars is going to Retrograde and this is really going to be felt by everyone but you especially will know what it is going to mean since he is shifting in your sign! This backtracking is going to be on-going through March of next year so a re-do with your body, any surgery or physical reconnect you need, an image or identity revisit or something that you are personally very passionate or angry about will be able to be worked through by going back and taking another look. Your vital energy will slow a bit under this influence so if there is something you wish to physically or passionately connect to regarding a creative project, lover or child, take advantage of the 10th and 17th as strongly positive days where your needs and then any love or money matters can be tackled before Mars Retrogrades.
The 21st is a very active day with some of the luckiest energy out there wrapping itself around a partnership, agent, attorney, or your handling of an opponent. There is real opportunity here for true love to blossom, or for a money matter to move forward around a creative venture or children so be proactive. The Sun moves into your work, health and pets zone today and casts you in the lead role here over the next month so step up to be seen through the work you do, take steps to improve health and involve yourself with your pets or animal rescue.
From the 24-25th you will be taking on more power, changing something major, or stepping into your own authority or ambitions at work, with health or small animals. This is a very powerful time and you should look for ways to transform love or money in these areas. Women will be key in what you are working towards. You will once again need to deal with the way you are communicating, news, meetings, agreements, siblings, neighborhood, or short trips. Look at ways to handle responsibilities here but still go for your goals.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 26th in your house of work, health and pets. This means that communications can get messed up or there can be transportation issues around these themes. You may be revisiting a past work effort or health issue to make different choices or you may have someone from the past resurface during this time tied to work, health or pets.
The 28-29th will be a powerful time for love, money or a woman tied to the work you do, a health matter or pets. This is really about changing something very profound or about stepping into your own power via love or money here. Once again you will have to deal with any limitations or responsibilities around communications, neighborhood, agreements, the written word, siblings, or short trips.
New Years Eve is a whopper with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the hidden part of the chart. This means emotions will be intense for everyone but for you it will involve something that is peaking behind closed doors or something involving a film or fantasy project, your imagination, a retreat or recuperation time, research project, time at a hospital or other institution, or something to do with artistry, romance or spirituality. Talking about the health or work matter will be part of the energy of the day.
December is going to be about your creative projects, love interests, children, and where you hang your hat. The month starts out with a bang as Uranus changes direction in your partnership zone. This may mean a change of heart or a interesting surprise today but in the months ahead it means that you can now see unique and
exciting energy flowing through partnership and connections with agents and attorneys.
exciting energy flowing through partnership and connections with agents and attorneys.
Venus enters your home today making the exit or entry of a female at home a possibility and a smoother flow where love and money are concerned at home and with property matters for the next few weeks. It’s a good time to make or spend money on real estate and home improvements. The Full Moon today is occurring in your career Midheaven which marks a peak around an important goal of yours. This is a time of celebration or endings as career and ambition crest.
From the 5-7th your ruler is very active, amping up communications, meetings, agreements, or decisions involving creative projects, children or lovers. Ambitions will be stimulated in a big way during this time as thoughts are expressed in a powerful way. If you want to see change, this is the time to state your goals. You will have to be mindful of income limitations or responsibilities in this matter.
From the 14-15th you will find yourself in the spotlight regarding a home or property matter, living situation, move, or something regarding mom. Once you field the surprise or change coming from the partner, agent or attorney, there is amazing energy behind you in expanding the work at home or in working to broaden the base upon which you stand. There is also great blessings to health and pet matters taken on at home or with mom during this time period.
The New Moon on the 16th is giving you a brand new start in home, living situations, property matters and issues with mom. You have 2 weeks to initiate fresh starts, buy, sell, move, take in a roommate or help one move on, remodel or renovate.
Mars is going to Retrograde on the 20th and this is going to be a slow down in aggressive, physical ways from now through March. Expect passions, angers and actions you have taken to be revisited as you back track a bit. For you this is happening in the hidden part of your chart so any work you are doing behind the scenes, using the imagination or fantasy, film or artistic work, psychic and meditative interests, hidden agendas and strategies, research and investigations, and any time spent at a hospital or prison, will be territory for review and places you may picking up passions or action from the past and reworking it in some way. A current male tied to one of these arenas may exit now or one from the past may resurface. If you need to instigate something physical in one of these arenas choose the 10th or 17th when property, home and mom will be in strong alignment for positive flow before the Retrograde hits.
The 21st is an important day with a huge blessing in your work, health or pets arena. If you need to initiate something in one of these areas today should help you to expand
and prosper from what you seed. A money or love matter tied to home or property is part of the supportive frame today. The Sun is going to enter your house of true love, creative projects and children today as well and put you in the spotlight in these arenas for the next month. Communications undertaken in these areas today lead to interesting passions behind the scenes.
From the 24-25th you are going to find yourself in a spotlight that is highly powerful and ambitious. Look at a creative outlet to express this and expect to make quite an impact. If you are not focused on the creative then you can make the most of this energy with a lover or child. Once again, it is responsibilities or limitations in income or spending that you will need to keep a handle on during this important moment.
Mercury is going to Retrograde on the 26th and for you this is always a personally felt influence. This is your ruling energy backtracking over the next 3 weeks in the arena of creative projects, children and lovers. You may see a love interest from the past reappear during this time or a current one leave, you may revisit or redo something with a past creative venture or need to go back and refinesse something with a child or involving children. Communications, agreements, transportation, and the way you think about it is where any breakdowns or misplaced connections may occur, as well as the area you may rework during this period.
The 28-29th will put a love interest, money matter or woman into the mix with a creative project, love affair or matter involving children. This is powerful energy once again and is offering you a fresh start but one that must again keep the eye on income or spending and any limitations or responsibilities there.
New Years Eve is huge this year with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurring in your social sector. This is a peak moment when feelings will be more intense than usual and you will be either celebrating or marking an ending with one group, a friend, friends, a network, associates, or at a social function. Aspirations are culminating on one level at this point as well. A talk or a meeting with a love interest, child or about a creative venture leads to passions behind closed doors.
The month of December is going to be about matters concerning the home, living situations, roommates, moves, property matters, real estate deals, family, mom, and communications, writing or agreements. These areas or one of them will require most of your energy as you move forward.
The month begins with Uranus stationing Direct in your work, health and pet zone so you will see some new ideas and fresh approaches now opening up here, you may have a surprise or change in one of these areas today as well. Venus enters your communications zone so expect talks and agreements to center on love and money for the next few weeks, with things going more smoothly. The Full Moon on the 1st is bringing a matter to a peak emotionally for you and this will center around a trip, someone at a distance, a media or publishing venture, education, or a legal matter.
Talks, agreements, decisions, and meetings amp up between the 5-7th at home or with living situations. This is a powerful time and may mark change that brings a new beginning. Don’t be afraid to take the lead here, be ambitious, but keep any personal limitations or responsibilities in mind as you come to terms.
You will be in the spotlight between the 14-15th in something communication related or something playing out in the neighborhood, short trips or with siblings. Once you field a surprise or change regarding work, health or pets, the road is clear here for some major positive expansion in what is said or agreed to with a lover, child or creative venture. Singles could meet a love interest locally during these two days that have romantic luck written all over them. If you need to send out a creative proposal or meet about one, choose these days.
The New Moon in your communications zone on the 16th marks a brand new start in a written project, talks, meetings, short trips, neighborhood activities, and connections with siblings. Utilize these 2 weeks to initiate something bold and new here.
Mars is going to Retrograde on the 20th, back tracking through your friendship, group associations, and aspirations zone through March of next year. This means that the action will slow down here during this time as you revisit energy spent with these people. A current friend may take their leave during this period or one from the past may resurface, most likely male. Any passion or anger you have unresolved with a friend will be up for reworking during this time. You may quit a group or rejoin one from the past as well. If you need to have a talk, meeting or come to an agreement with this person or group, choose the 10th to put your needs forward and the 17th to talk love or money, before the Retrograde sets in.
The 21st is a very important date this month as the lucky and expansive energy is peaking around a creative endeavor, child or lover. Healing old wounds, expressing joy and artistry, huge signs of love and happiness, and prosperity are all marked by the final communion of the outer planets today. A talk or agreement with a female may be a very supportive part of the mix. The Sun enters your home base and puts you in the spotlight here over the next month, a time to shine where you live.
The 24-25th are powerful days with you center stage at home or with family. You will be leading the way for others and shine in your own personal sense of power at this time. You will just need to be aware of any limitations or responsibilities you have around your personal position.
Mercury Retrogrades in the home base on the 26th and begins a 3 week back tracking through talks, meetings, agreements, and decisions regarding home, roommates, living situations, property matters, or mom. You may have someone leave now or return from the past, as well as revamp old agreements or break current ones. Any miscommunications or breakdowns will be playing out at home.
The 28-29th brings a powerful female into the home or brings up a major love or financial matter regarding home or property. You will feel this as change or transformation here, keep an eye on your own personal limitations and responsibilities in the matter.
New Years Eve is a whopper this year hosting a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your house of ambitions and career. This will be bringing an emotional matter to culmination in one of these areas for you as you celebrate something big or end something. Goals, career, reputation, fame, and father are all areas to see climax now. Talks about home or living situations lead to action and adjustment with a friend.
The month of December is going to focus on the income you are generating or spending and communications, writing, agreements, neighborhood, short trips and siblings. It kicks off with Uranus stationing Direct in your house of true love, children and creative projects. Any stagnation will loosen itself now and new people and ideas will flow again, freedom is back and you may experience a surprise or change on the 1st as the energy shifts.
Venus changes signs on this day as well, moving into your house of earnings and bringing her ability to attract with ease into this arena for you. This will be a time when earning flows more smoothly and you may feel like spending on lavish tastes or beautiful objects. The Full Moon today is in your house of sex, major finances and divorce so one or more of these arenas will be culminating at this time in celebration or an ending.
From the 5-7th communications and agreements pick up big time for you. These days will help you to state your ambitions, sign contracts, empower yourself through your mental prowess and to change things in the neighborhood or with siblings if you need to. You will need to allow for any limitations or responsibilities associated with retreat, self-undoing, fantasy, research, hidden enemies or hospitals or other institutions at this time.
From the 14-15th you will find that you are in the spotlight with earnings in a big way. There will be something tied to children, lovers or creative projects that will need to be handled as sort of a wild card but once you do the energy is extremely supportive and lucky around expansion through the home or property tied to income. Moves, real estate deals, roommates, mom, renovations, or working from home are all favored for income.
The New Moon on the 16th is in the house of earnings so making more income or spending on something of value during the next 2 weeks is high on the list. You have universal support to seed new ventures that make money now or to spend on something that adds value to your life.
Mars is going to Retrograde on the 20th and remain in this backwards trek through March of next year. This means that vital drive and motivation, passion and anger will be revisiting the past in career agendas, bosses, goals, reputation, and father. If you need to look into any of these arenas and redo something then this is your time. A male may exit the career now or one from the past may reappear. If you need to make a move before this all sets in, choose the 10th to put your name out there and the 17th to discuss love or money goals.
The 21st is a big day where you can rely on major expansion and luck to flood through the home/income angle. Mark this day to buy, sell, list on the market, hire someone to renovate or remodel, bring in a roommate, let one go, and in any way attract income to or through the home or spend on it. The Sun moves into your communications zone so you will be center stage in talks and meetings over the next 30 days, a time to be more present locally, in the neighborhood, in connections with siblings and on short trips as well.
The 24-25th mark personal empowerment or change for you that comes through news, talks, meetings, agreements, contracts, decisions, or tied to neighborhood, short trips or siblings. Ambitions and leadership count now and your words hold more weight than usual. You must again be mindful of any responsibilities or limitations around institutions, retreat, work behind the scenes, fantasy, film or artistic work, self-undoing or hidden enemies, or research and secrets.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 26th and will be taking you on a backward journey through things that were said, agreements and contracts, issues with brothers or sisters, or revisiting places or situations on short trips or in the neighborhood. Any miscommunications or breakdowns will occur through emails, conversations, contracts, or on trips around the local arena so take extra care during this time. An old agreement may resurface for reworking or a new one will need retweeking.
From the 28-29th a woman, love or money becomes the powerful topic of conversation and agreements, negotiations and local interactions. This is about a major change or powerful connection here that once again must keep an eye on responsibilities or limitations around institutions, retreat, work behind the scenes, fantasy, film or artistic work, self-undoing or hidden enemies, or research and secrets.
New Years Eve brings a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your house of media, travel, education, politics, beliefs, ceremonies, and law. This will be a time when something is peaking in one or more of these areas in a big way. You will be celebrating or wrapping up and ending something here and emotions will be high. Talks held today lead to actions in a new way towards goals.
The month of December is going to focus on you, your needs, image, identity, ego, body, and income you generate or spend. Uranus stations Direct on the 1st and home, property, a living situation, roommate, move, or something else solidly tied to your roots and where you hang your hat is going to loosen up and shift. Freedom, more independence, or an unconventional situation or unique approach is now the rule of the day.
Venus changes signs on this day as well, moving into your sign and bringing love, money and women into the frame of personal needs and identity. It will be easier to attract what you want now and you will find that you are the object of much affection during this transit. The Full Moon today is bringing a partnership or connection with an agent or attorney to a climax, this will be about a celebration or something with them wrapping up.
From the 5-7th talks, meetings, agreements, or decisions will amp up around income, what you make or what you spend will be the topic of discussion. This is a very powerful time when ambitions will be important to achieving change or transformation. You will have to be mindful of any responsibilities or limitations socially or to a friend or group as you go into these talks or agreements.
You will find you are in the spotlight from the 14-15th. This is all about you and an agreement or decision, talk or meeting that is marked for much prosperity and luck. You will need to field something regarding home or a living situation that is something of a wild card but other than this the expansion is to your benefit.
The New Moon on the 16th is all about a new beginning for you. You have 2 strong weeks to launch something personally tied to who you are. You could put your image out there, change your name or add to it, do something new with the body or seed a new identity. Your beliefs play a big part of this and so may the media, travel, people at a distance, teaching, learning, or legal channels.
Mars is going to Retrograde on the 20th in your house of travel, media, education, and law. This means a male may return from the past that was involved in one of these arenas or a current one may take their leave. It means that motivation, action, passion and anger will be somewhat subdued through these channels in new projects but that you may be revisiting something from the past to rework or revisit what went down then. If you need to push a new agenda in one of these arenas, choose the 10th to put yourself out there and the 17th to express love or tackle money here.
The 21st is a big day where luck and prosperity is aiming itself at you through news, talks, meetings, agreements, writing projects, decisions, short trips, siblings, and neighborhood. The potential is great for real benefits and either love or money flowing to you through what is said. The Sun enters your earnings zone and puts you in the spotlight over the next 30 days making or spending money. Your first order of business will be making some concession for the trip, media venture, class, or legal matter.
From the 24-25th you will be in the spotlight in a very profound way where money is concerned. This is big and could mark a new beginning in something powerful, a big change or transformation, all around income. Ambitions play a big part as do you taking the lead. You will need to keep an eye on limitations or responsibilities to a friend or group or social obligation as you move forward.
Mercury is going to Retrograde on the 26th in your house of earnings and will be backtracking for the next 3 weeks here. This is a time to revisit and re-tweek old agreements or decisions around the money you make, a past income generating opportunity may reappear at this time or a current one may need re-finessing or ending. Miscommunications or breakdowns will occur around making or spending money so watch the bottom line.
The 28-29th are big where love, women or money are concerned and an income generating venture or way you wish to spend your earnings. This is about power and control, change and sharing, new beginnings and will help you to move while asking you to keep an eye on group or friend responsibilities or limitations.
New Years Eve is all about the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse taking place in your house of other people’s money, sharing, sex and intimacy, divorce and powerful transformations. You may be celebrating while involved in a major financial matter or wrapping one up, or connecting intimately with someone in a powerfully emotional way. What is shared or severed is going to be deeply felt. Talks about the income today lead to action through travel, media, education or legal channels.
The month of December is going to be about time spent behind closed doors in strategy or research, fantasy or artistic work, retreat or recuperation, hospitals or self-undoing escapist tendencies, mystical or psychic energies, and in focusing on who you are, your image, identity, body and ego needs.
We start with Uranus stationing Direct on the 1st in your communications zone so you can expect some surprising news or meetings, talks or agreements today. There is going to be less stagnation in the local scene and more spontaneous meetings and exciting interactions now. Neighborhood or brothers or sisters may do something a bit out of character or to surprise you today but over all agreements in life will now be about original ideas and moving out ahead of the crowd.
Venus changes signs on the 1st moving into your hidden area of your chart so you will find that you can attract love or money behind closed doors, through research, fantasy, or clandestinely. The Full Moon today is in the part of your chart tied to partners, agents, competitors, and attorneys so you can expect that something is peaking or ending here now, a celebration or wrapping up of the connection.
From the 5-7th talks, meetings, agreements, contracts, and decisions will amp up around you and your needs. You will be in a very powerful position here and taking the lead or running the show is called for. You will be able to initiate major change or transformation through this but you will have to allow for any limitations or responsibilities tied to the career, goal, reputation, or father.
From the 14-15th you will find you are in the spotlight in this thing you are working on behind closed doors, the strategy, film or fantasy work, artistry, secret romance, hospital or other institution you are dealing with, or the strategy you have set into play. One communication that comes in now is a wild card and has to be dealt with so expect the meeting or talk will go a bit out there first. Once you have this hurdle surmounted the luck and prosperity energies lock in on income for you in what you are doing here for real expansion.
The New Moon on the 16th is all about a brand new beginning in this behind the scenes matter. You can take the next 2 weeks to retreat and rest, enter a hospital and recover, do your research and strategy, or work on artistry or romance behind closed doors. You have a whole new arena opening up here through what you do on your own now.
Mars is going to Retrograde on the 20th in your house of sex, divorce, and major finances until March of next year. This will have you backtracking and looking at actions, passions and/or anger that was expressed in any of these arenas for reworking or revisiting. A male from the past who was involved sexually with you or in a shared money venture may return during this transit or a current one may depart. If you need to make a move in any of these areas on something or someone new, choose the 10th to put yourself physically in the mix and the 17th to declare on the love or money in the situation.
The 21st is a big day for luck and expansion as an opening is making itself known to you around making or spending money. This is very blessed and protected energy so if you hear of a way to make more money or need to choose a day to begin a money making project this is it. The woman, love or money matter that is tied to what you are doing behind closed doors is in favorable position to help as well. The Sun moves into your sign today and you are ready officially to come out of retreat or from behind the scenes and to be counted. You will find you are in the spotlight personally over the next 30 days and what you say or agree to today kicks this off towards action in the financial or sexual arena.
From the 24-25th you will be again in the spotlight but now in a very powerful, ambitious way. You are going to get attention under these energies and your presence holds a lot of sway now. Be ambitious and take the lead all the while with the limitations or responsibilities on the career front, with dad, or goals and reputation in mind.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 26th and will begin a 3 week journey revisiting things you said or agreed to, look at image or body, identity or needs as places to rework your ideas from the past. You may be the catalyst as you return to a person or situation since this Retrograde is occurring in your sign. Watch that what you say and the places you go in the car are monitored, taking care that you are understood and safe.
The 28-29th will be about you once again but this time in a position with a female, or over a powerful love or money obsession or issue that requires transformation. This is about new beginnings springing from you and the need to take career responsibilities or major goals into consideration as you challenge yourself.
New Years Eve is hosting a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse so emotions will be intense and will be peaking around a partner, agent, opponent, or attorney. Something is hitting its stride and will be celebrated or ended with this person now. A talk about your needs leads to action on the sexual or financial playing field.
The month of December is all about socializing, events, parties, friends, group affiliations, networking, aspirations, and time spent working behind closed doors, fantasy or film work, hospitals or other institutions, or research and investigations. It starts out with your ruling energy, Uranus, stationing Direct on the 1st in your income zone. This means that change is in the air and new ways of earning or surprises are coming your way.
Venus changes signs today as well moving into your social arena so expect that friendships and group affiliations will run smoother and that you can now attract love and money through social situations and your network of friends. A female may be important to the month as well in a positive way. The Full Moon today brings an emotional peak around a lover, child or creative project, expect to celebrate or wrap something up here.
From the 5-7th talks, meetings, agreements and decisions will pick up behind closed doors or regarding research, film or artistry, fantasy or psychic outlets, hospitals or other institutions. This is a powerful time to come from your ambitions and seed change or transformation. You will need to make allowances for any responsibilities or limitations around travel, media, education, or legal matters.
The 14-15th puts you in the spotlight in some social setting, with friends, a party, event, networking, group affiliation, or aspiration. This is big and once you field the surprise around making or spending money here, there is major luck and expansion on offer for you in the connection or event.
The New Moon on the 16th is marking a brand new start in a friendship, with a group, a social event, or an aspiration. You have 2 strong weeks to seed this new beginning, you may meet someone now who becomes an important connection for you in the year ahead as well.
Mars is going to Retrograde on the 20th in your partnership, agent, opponent, and attorney zone through next March. This means that you may have a male partner or representative from the past show back up during this time for a revisiting of passions or anger, action or motivation, or a current one take their leave. It will not be the best time to partner or seek representation in new people. If you need to seed something new mark the 10th to put yourself out there socially or towards aspirations, and the 17th to pour on the love or money or connect with a female friend for help.
The 21st is a very big day for you when luck and prosperity is going to be wrapped around you, your image, identity, ego needs and body. This is big and you should put yourself out there in any of these ways to expand your world in some powerful way. A female friend once again is helpful. The Sun moves into the hidden part of the chart and puts you in the spotlight in all retreat and work done behind closed doors, interaction with hospitals or prisons, research or fantasy work, film and artistry, psychic and intuitive energies.
From the 24-25th you will be in the spotlight in a most powerful way in one of these arenas. This is about physical transformation or a huge change and empowerment done behind the scenes. Take the lead and be ambitious. Do keep an eye on limitations or responsibilities around travel, education, media, or legal channels.
Mercury will Retrograde in this zone of retreat, hospitals, rest, meditation, spiritual or psychic energy, research and investigation, film, fantasy and imagination, artistry and quiet work done behind closed doors. This marks a 3 week period when you can have miscommunications or breakdowns tied to these themes and where people and situations from the past may resurface through these venues for a reworking what was said or agreed to.
The 28-29th what is going on in one of these hidden arenas or internal energies will focus on powerful change and transformation through women, love or money and how you empower yourself here. The media, travel, legal, or educational matter will still require duty and time as you deal with this.
New Years Eve is big in that it hosts a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your house of work, health and pets. One or more of these arenas will be peaking emotionally in a big way at this time. You may be celebrating an end at hospital or the finishing of a film or research project or seeing time in retreat or a psychic insight climaxing. Talks or agreements about any of this now lead to action regarding partners, agents, opponents or attorneys.
The month of December is going to be all about career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, father, and your social life, friends, group affiliations, and aspirations. The month kicks off with a triple power punch. Fist Uranus stations Direct in your sign and you are finally ready for personal change, freedom or independence. You are going to feel like expressing your own unique style more than ever and have the energy to make it happen.
Next Venus changes signs moving into your career zone to help you now attract the love or money you need. Women will be beneficial for you and your goals and career should flow more smoothly. The Full Moon is the third peak today bringing home, property, real estate, living situations, mom, or security issues to a climax. This will be about celebrating the culmination or wrapping up an ending.
From the 5-7th talks, meetings, agreements and decisions take on more importance and this will play out for you with friends, in groups, networking, at social functions, and in pursuing your aspirations. Put it out there now, be ambitious and look for power and change. You will have to be mindful of any responsibilities or limitations stemming from a major financial matter or sexual connection in this.
The 14-15th puts you personally in the spotlight on the career front in a very powerful way. This is about being seen, making a name for yourself, stepping up to reputation or fame, or being front and center with a matter tied to dad. There is major luck here for you through what you do behind closed doors, research, dealings with institutions, or through fantasy, artistry, psychic abilities, or film.
The New Moon on the 16th is all about a brand new beginning for you on the career front. This is the 2 week period in the year when you have universal support to seed brand new career ventures, launch a business, get your name out there or in lights, make your move up the ladder, or start something with or for your father.
Mars is going to Retrograde in your house of work, health and pets on the 20th and move in this backwards motion through March of next year. This will mean it will be harder to motivate or express passion on new ventures here but will be a good time to revisit actions, anger, passion, or motivations tied to past work, health issues or pets. A male from the past that was connected to one of these arenas may resurface during this time to rework what was done or a current one may exit. If you need to make a move in one of these areas on something new, choose the 10th to put yourself physically into the goal and the 17th to look at love or money involved.
The 21st is a big day of luck and prosperity and it is coloring inside the hidden part of your chart tied to fantasy and film, research and investigations, hospitals and other institutions, retreat and rest. There is a tie in to career or goals, father or fame in this and it leads to love or money. Stretch yourself today. The Sun enters the social part of your chart today and puts you in the spotlight in friendships, groups, social events, networking, and aspirations over the next 30 days. Expect to be connected and busy.
The 24-25th will be the most important time in this social interaction as you are powerfully transformed or move to make changes in how you venture into social avenues or make friends. Ambitions and power are behind what you are doing now so take the lead and come from your desire to step up. You will once again need to be mindful of any limitations or responsibilities you have to a major financial matter or sexual intimacy.
Mercury is going to Retrograde on the 26th in this house of friends, groups, social affairs and aspirations over the next 3 weeks. So you can expect to be going back and
reconnecting with friends from the past or groups you once belonged to or see a current friendship or group affiliation end. Any miscommunications or breakdowns would be tied to social activities or friends so double check appointments and make sure you are understood.
The 28-29 is very powerful with a female friend or around a love or money matter with a friend, group or aspiration. This is transformational stuff and can be about power or change if you step up. You will again have to keep an eye on the finances or intimacy and any limitations here.
New Years Eve is big as well because it is hosting a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your house of true love, children and creative projects. This is a huge emotional peak around a lover, child or creative project and you will be either celebrating the climactic experience or wrapping something up here and marking an ending. Talks or meetings you have socially today lead to action on the work or health front.
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