Tuesday, November 28, 2023



I heard from 3 people who shared that they were getting the best out of these frictional squares as they were using them as drivers to get things said, heard, or to make decisions about what was going on so let's hope that is how they are working for you guys too as we continue with them today but know that for many this period usually keeps us from hearing something we'd like to hear or reaching that person as there is some blockage that is giving it the breathing room it needs. The focus is on talks, meetings, short trips, news, offers, writing, sales, or decisions involving travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes and what is going on with institutions, research, artistic pursuits, romance, karma, addictions, secrets, boundaries, investigations, or research in the mix. The main thing to keep in mind is that no one has complete clarity at this time and in some cases, something is being left out on purpose so if you want clarity you need to wait it out. I should also mention it could also involve a sibling or neighbor or your vehicles, electronics, moves, short trips, or community activities, careful on the roads. Mercury/Neptune in this configuration can be frustrating, strange, sad, or hard to get through to someone so yeah, again pace it out. On the other hand, this can be an important turn in the road with something that is dissolving away over time. The frictional alignments can also be good for spurring us on with our imagination so lean into this side of it and focus it on the artistic, spiritual, romantic, institutional, or research side of what you are doing. And keep in mind that we shift into a completely different thing tomorrow so not much longer to go if you are wrestling with this one.

 If you'd like to support this work, you can always buy me a coffee here, it's much appreciated:                                                                Buy Me A Coffee

Booking readings can be done through sending me a message asking about the details for a reading here: zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I will shoot you back the details to set it up.

PRAYER TODAY is 'May we be the shining beacon of patience we'd like to see in the world.'  Join me in 5 minutes of PRAYER starting at 12-12:05pm Eastern/9-9:05am Pacific. See you there!

LISTEN to the WEEKLY ASTRO Show Nov 24-Dec 1 here:

The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Nov 27-Dec 3 are up, READ THEM HERE:  Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Nov 27-Dec 3                                                                           

 The DECEMBER MONTHLY SHOWS are up now up and man it is a crazy busy month with lots of potential! Show #1 covers the first 1-10 signs, Aries through Capricorn, LISTEN HEREZoe Moon Astrology HealthyLife.Net Radio Show Archive

 or here: healthylifenet.mainstreamnetwork.com/media//ZM111723.mp3 Show #2 covers the last 2 signs, Aquarius & Pisces, LISTEN HERE: The Zoe Moon Astrology DECEMBER MONTHLY for Aquarius & Pisces 11/17 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (blogtalkradio.com)                                                                                                                                         

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