You can still read the WEEKLY FORECAST for FEB. 28-MARCH 4 here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2011/02/zoe-moons-weekly-forecast-feb-28-march.html
March is upon us and with its arrival comes a plethora of opportunities. The next 6 weeks are going to be life-changing to say the least so get ready, it’s all about CHANGE.
VENUS moves into AQUARIUS on the 1st of the month where she will spend her time attracting love and income opportunities through friends, groups, networking, social occasions, astrology, the internet, and charities. It is a time when love and the way you earn your living will do best by being trail-blazing, following your own inner beat, bringing originality and freedom, independence and unusual approaches to both arenas. Women will feel a bit freer, quirkier, electrical, independent, and trail-blazing themselves and this transit lasts until the 27th.
The KARMIC SOUTH NODE and the NORTH NODE OF DESTINY have been backing through Cancer and Capricorn for the last year and a half, they move through each axis every 18 years. On the 3rd of March they will cross into Gemini/Sagittarius and begin to take on this journey of Karma and Destiny for the next 18 months. While we have been fielding any Karmic experiences, people or rebalancing in our lives with home, mom, property matters, family, childhood issues, and anything else tied to our living situation and roots or security in life through the South Node in Cancer, we have also been working towards our destiny through our ambitions, career choices, mastering new levels of leadership, building reputation, and making any contacts with fame or father through the North Node in Capricorn. Ask yourself if you know anyone who has not been making changes or asking questions about who they live with, how they are going to maintain their home or roots, where they live, what they are building upon, and working harder to move towards goals and ambitions in the last year and a half.
Congratulate yourselves for making it through another chapter and readying yourself to step up and lead your life with more personal authority. Now in Gemini/Sagittarius we enter a time of Karmic experience, people and balancing through our local arena, siblings, neighbors, writing, agreements, short trips, and ideas. The way we think will be important as it will lead us directly to these situations and we will evolve through these realms over the next 18 months. Our Destiny will now come through higher wisdom, a call to learn more through higher education, to teach, to broadcast that wisdom through media, publishing, marketing, publicity, politics, to take a step further in our beliefs, through ceremonies, travel, import/export, with foreign interests, or legal matters.
This month’s NEW MOON is in PISCES on the 4th and will open up new potential in all artistic projects so look for ways to launch or start something fresh in film, music, fine art, dance, poetry, or other art forms. It will bring a wide open door to new spiritual pursuits, psychic practices, meditation, retreat, yoga, and inner work. It is a new beginning in things tied to hospitals, prisons or other places of retreat. It’s a good time to start new developmental ideas, to strategize, research, investigate, and plan. It is a fresh start with hidden issues, dealing with addictions, self-sabotage, or clandestine affairs as well. You have two strong weeks to put things into motion.
On the 9th Mercury meets up with Uranus for the last time in Pisces in our lifetimes and then quickly moves into Aries. It’s a day when news may be shocking or information disruptive, brilliant inventions or innovations could be announced, there could be a fated meeting or idea that springs to mind, you could wake with a dream that was full of premonitions for the day and find that what you saw in dreamscape comes true before your eyes. Mercury’s last contact with Uranus is a final download of genius and awakening that pulls on our soul groups, friendships, charitable ideals, use of internet, astrology, and connection to causes, and ties it into artistic, spiritual, romantic, or institutional matters. Once Mercury is in Aries we will all be thinking about ourselves more, find our thoughts go to physical needs, ego drives and image.
The BIGGEST DAY of the month comes on the 11th when Uranus moves into Aries for the first time in 84 years. Uranus as the energy of change and revolution, shock and excitement, has been in the limitless sea of Pisces for 7 years so although many have wanted change for the collective, it has been brewing beneath the surface. That is all about to change, we can expect eruptions around the globe at this shift and over the next 7 years as Uranus moves through Aries, the sign of war, action, aggression, blood, anger, battles, surgery, and passion. When you put the planet of electricity and lightning bolt moments together with the sign of fire and action you also get volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, firestorms, and other natural upheavals along with the human kind like rebellions, revolutions, wars, and explosions, this is the new territory we enter.
Now, for the positive side of this combination, Uranus rules the brotherhood of man and the ideals we hold for all of us collectively, it is the energy of genius, invention, innovation, freedom, and change. Aries is about doing something about the circumstances we find ourselves in, taking action, expressing passion and the individual. This time period will bring forth charismatic leaders who are original thinkers and dynamic individualists and they will be driven to make changes and bring new ideas and approaches to bear for the collective. We may have breakthroughs in surgery and with blood, with diseases of the blood and with new lasers. There may be new ways of using electricity or new ways to harness it, the wave of energy usage will shift during this phase. Uranus rules astrology and in Aries there will be more drive to achieve insight through this science, it could also be that passions or battles may ensue over its direction. Uranus rules the internet and there may be battles launched over its free usage or there may be new active/interactive developments. Uranus is also about charities and foundations and we may see more drive and motivation to put these into play for the sake of others.
The FULL MOON in VIRGO on the 19th is bringing a climax to work we perform, a job, with a co-worker, employee, health issue, service we provide, or something involving pets or animal rights. This is a time of peak emotional experience and a culmination marking endings, achievement or celebrations.
From the 20th-21st the Sun first enters Aries to illuminate this energy field for the next 30 days and then meets up with Uranus in his new placement here to electrify the change or awakening that needs to occur. This will be a time of focus on personal, physical needs, passion, ego, anger, motivation, and change. The 20th marks the SPRING EQUINOX and with the beginning of spring we should all consider making our new vision boards. I have personally created a vision board the last few years and always see my life manifest those images throughout the year ahead. To create yours for the year gather as many magazines and newspapers you can and clip out words and pictures that strike your fancy. Think about what you wish to accomplish and share, manifest and learn in the next year and then put your images and words together on a poster board as a visual aid that you can look at for inspiration in the months ahead.
Between the 26th-27th Venus will meet with Neptune in Aquarius for the last time in our lifetimes and then move into Pisces. This is about a last moment with a woman or a last moment involving love or income in this field. A friendship, group affiliation, internet co-op, astrology, or charity will be influencing this along with something artistic, spiritual, romantic, or involving an institution with them/it. As Venus opens or closes a door with this friend, group, internet project, astrology, or charity, she then takes her energy into Pisces where we will all have her attracting energy around those spiritual, artistic, romantic, and institutional opportunities on a personal basis. Think about the love you want or ways to earn money, the women you are involved with here and how beauty is playing into any of this as these days will be pivotal.
The 28th is another volatile day with two heavy hitters getting into the action. First we have JUPITER OPPOSING SATURN across the relationship axis. This means one party is going to want to expand, do something big, open things up, while the other party is going to want to put on the brakes, slow things down, set limits, add responsibilities, or say no. In this you will do best to try for balance between over-the-top actions and non-movement. Secondly, the SUN SQUARES PLUTO which is about an ego conflict, power struggle or control issue that challenges. This is personal from the first house and affecting ambitions, authority, authority figures, or career. It is an obstacle that you cannot push your way through but one meant to show you where your energy must make some concessions and where third parties can benefit you.
On the 30th MERCURY RETROGRADES in Aries and we begin our do-over with our ego, body, image, identity, or personal needs. You will be backtracking on decisions, paperwork, transportation, writing, agreements, meetings, talks, short trips, and ideas you have had that in any way played into who you are, who you want to be, your body or image, anger or passion, and what motivates you. IT'S BEST TO NOT SIGN NEW AGREEMENTS until this passes if you can at all wait until after the 23rd of April. It is a good time to go back and revisit any arguments you may have had or past passions may resurface with someone that would be alright to reconsider. Accidents may run higher during this retrograde phase so take extra care while on the road.
ARIES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
The month kicks off with a social vibe as Venus moves into your friendship zone. You may have a female friend show up or find that you meet a new female friend, social and networking events, the internet, astrology, and charities are all positive for attracting love or income and for sharing love or spending.
The Karmic South Node and North Node of Destiny move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on the 3rd and open up Karmic meetings and experiences through your neighborhood, with neighbors, moves, short trips, with siblings, writing, agreements, and what may seem like chance meetings or news that leads you into past life connections or desires. Past life thinking may need to be released during this time to allow for future growth. People and situations from the past will show up in these areas so you can reconnect over or release past Karma. Your road forward towards Destiny in the next year and a half is through travel, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, politics, religious beliefs, ceremonies, import/export, and the law. In the year and a half ahead these areas are where the lessons and new opportunities will open up your life in new ways, remember with this axis it is how your thinking affects things and the wisdom you have to share or need to still learn is playing into the outcome.
The NEW MOON on the 4th is opening up a strong 2 week period where you can start new ventures in film, music, poetry, dance, sculpting, fine art, spiritual pursuits, psychic practices, retreat, hospitals, dealing with addictions, research projects, or work you are developing behind the scenes. It’s an intuitive time of inner work and imagination.
Talks, agreements, decisions, writing, or agreements will be quite important on the 9th as you first make changes around the artistic project, spiritual pursuit, with the hospital or other institution, research project, or clandestine affair, and then begin to really speak up for yourself and make choices based on your personal or physical needs. In Aries, Mercury is now going to give you voice so don’t be afraid to speak your mind, write or pitch ideas, and think about what you need physically or personally in every situation.
Uranus enters your sign on the 11th and this may feel like a sudden jolt to the system. This is a very high energy field that is flooding your energetic so nerves could be high and accidents more probable. Allow your body time to adjust to this new level of awakening, you are just setting out on a 7 year journey as the host of this energy of genius. You may receive something very exciting now into your life or have something take you by surprise that changes everything. Individualism, innovation, invention, the internet, groups, astrology, charities, and the brotherhood/sisterhood of man is now on tap, you are leading the way with revolution and excitement, new ideas and approaches!
The FULL MOON on the 19th is bringing a work, health or pet matter to a peak for you. This is a time to wrap up work projects, end jobs, or find you are being recognized on the job for an achievement, celebrating a bonus or reward. You may see a health matter climax now as it works its way out of your body or finish a surgery or other health regime, celebrate positive results of a work-out program or diet, or see something that has been going on with an animal end or celebrate an award for a pet.
Between the 20th-21st the Sun moves into your sign and then meets with Uranus there. This is the beginning of a 30 day cycle that is putting the spotlight on you and who you are, your body and identity, and it is going to kick off with the desire to make a big change, to take a sudden turn, with something exciting or shocking coming through and again, you want to watch for accidents these couple days as that is also a potential. You could become an overnight sensation on the internet, in astrology, with a charity, or in a group of friends or social network, step up and be counted.
Between the 26th-27th Venus is active and she is going to bring up love or money matters for you with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity first with an opportunity for something new here to begin. She is then going to move into your hidden behind the scenes realm where love will want to be private and where you may be working on developing something with a woman or attracting income to an artistic, spiritual or institutional project.
The 28th is volatile in a BIG WAY. The Jupiter/Saturn opposition is pointing out where you want to expand and the other party in the situation wants to slow things down or limit something. It is about finding some balance between the opposite poles for best results. The Sun/Pluto square is going to stir your ego or put you physically at odds with an authority figure, power struggle, career agenda, reputation, or ruthless energy to achieve, so just go into this day not letting it overcome you, don’t fight the powers that be today. Where you have Jupiter’s luck on your side against an opponent, the person in authority over the situation is going to have the last say and it seems to cause more challenge to you, so again, be the peacemaker if you can.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 30th in your sign so you are going to be going back to past situations, people and interests to revisit them and see if there is still anything there for you. Look at what was said, agreed upon, written, or met about and see if you can work through any anger, actions or passions that were stirred. You may want to revisit something about your image, body, identity, or ego and retweak or rework what is going on here as well.
TAURUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
March opens with your ruling energy, Venus, moving into Aquarius and your house of fame, reputation, career, status, ambition, goals, father, and authority. This is a great time to attract what you need from those higher up and to ask for raises, earn more through your reputation or notoriety, spend on career, dad or status, and find favor with women in pursuit of goals or love.
The Karmic South Node and North Node of Destiny move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on the 3rd and open up Karmic meetings and experiences in your money making house. This means you will run into people and situations tied to how you earn your money, how much you earn, what you spend on and where you spend it, and around any possessions you own that will shine a light on your Karmic past and what needs to be picked back up and taken forward or rebalanced or released. Your road towards Destiny will come through shared financial resources such as loans, settlements, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, inheritance, bankruptcy, royalties, commissions, or a partner’s finances, as well as through sex, intimacy, reproduction, or divorce proceedings or issues. In these two realms is where you will grow the most and settle any old Karma as well as meet and connect with past life mates to rekindle or release together. It will also be the areas of greatest new experiences over the next year and a half.
The NEW MOON on the 4th is a strong, two week opening for you to meet new friends, start a group or join one, do something new with current friends, throw a party or networking event, attend social occasions, start something new on the internet, begin the study of astrology or start something new with an astrologer, or form or join a charity. Your aspirations are on fire now and you have universal support behind the dreams you set in motion now.
Talks, meetings, writing, ideas, and agreements will be quite important on the 9th as you hear of changes or surprises or ask for them with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a social affair, or charity. After this you are going to be meeting or talking in private or bringing ideas, speech or writing into film, music or other artistic projects today, signing agreements, meeting or talking about hospitals or other institutions, or withdrawing to get into the imagination and development stage with something/someone.
Uranus enters Aries on the 11th and begins stimulating a new energy field for you over the next 7 years where you will experience freedom, independence, genius, change, surprise, sudden highs or lows, and constant stimulation. For your sign this will be happening through film, music, fine art, poetry, and other art forms, spiritual or psychic pursuits, retreats, meditation, yoga, with hospitals, prisons or other institutions, through research, investigations, secrets, espionage, clandestine affairs, addictions, self-sabotage, the imagination, illusion, delusion, deception, hidden enemies, and the mystical veil between worlds. You may get a jolt today in one or more of these areas as you feel alive on a whole new level and awake to new insights.
The FULL MOON in Virgo on the 19th is bringing a creative project to a peak, a love affair to a climax or something involving children to fruition. This is about wrapping things up and marking endings as well as achieving something you have been working towards, being recognized for achievements, and celebrating peak experiences. So, look at a highpoint with your lover or love interest, child, or creative project today.
Between the 20th-21st the Sun moves into the hidden part of your chart and then meets Uranus here for the first time. This is about illuminating the artistic, spiritual, research, addictive, retreat, romantic, or hospital matter and putting a spotlight on it for the next 30 days for you. This is where you will shine. It is also about something exciting or unexpected shaking things up as this begins so there is no question about what the next 30 days will be about for you.
Between the 26th-27th Venus is going to first meet with Neptune in your career Midheaven for the last time in your lifetime and then move into Pisces and your social sector. This means that you will have a female friend who is there on the career goal or who can help you with reputation, status or fame issues, goals or ambitions, and that there may be a way to attract money to the artistic approach or spiritual intuition, or to smooth out the edges to a hospital or prison matter, retreat or clandestine affair affecting reputation. Once she moves into Pisces you will be attracting love or income through your social connections, networking, friends or group affiliations, the internet, astrology, or charities and will see these areas flow more smoothly.
The 28th is volatile as Jupiter and Saturn oppose between you and another person. This means that there is going to be something big or expansive opening up with a hospital, prison or other institution, film, music or other art project, spiritual opportunity, research or investigation, or clandestine affair and that there will be limits or someone trying to slow things down at work, with health matters or pets. Ego is going to get battered a bit or physical challenges come into play over this and anyone with power in the realms of law, media, publishing, publicity, politics, travel, or education. Be open to the changes that are in this day and any challenges should be met from a peaceful state of mind.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 30th taking you back to revisit past hospital or prison matters, films, music or other artistic outlets, past clandestine affairs, places of retreat or spiritual pursuits, any paperwork about research or investigations, and anything that was said, agreed upon or met over in these areas. Your physical body could be on the line in this or your image, identity, anger, or passion could be pivotal as you review the situation and rework it over the next few weeks.
GEMINI: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
The month kicks off with Venus moving into new territory and bringing her ability to attract love or income to you through travel, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, politics, beliefs, higher education, ceremonies, or legal realms. This is where women will benefit and you should see things sailing along quite nicely.
The Karmic South Node and North Node of Destiny move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on the 3rd and open up Karmic meetings and experiences through your physical body, around who you are and what you attract, with your image, identity, ego, and personal needs. It can be in pursuit of a look or keeping yourself fit that you connect with past life people who are meant to rekindle or release Karma with you now or they are drawn to some identity you put forward. Your road towards Destiny will come through romantic or marriage partners, business partnerships, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, and dealings with competitors. Through these relationships will come the open doors. In the year and a half ahead these areas are where the lessons and new opportunities will open up your life in new ways, remember with this axis it is how your thinking affects things and the wisdom you have to share or need to still learn is playing into the outcome.
The NEW MOON on the 4th is about a new beginning for you on the career front, with reputation, fame, father, ambitions, goals, status, authority figures, or leadership. You have two strong weeks to initiate new starts, launch new businesses, climb the ladder of success, get your name in lights, be seen by the public, or do something new with dad.
Talks, meetings, agreements, writing, ideas, and short trips are important on the 9th when you will have one last surprise, change or breakthrough on the career front or with a boss or other authority figure before Mercury moves into Aries and opens up new ideas and talks, meetings and agreements with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or a charity. You will want to think about opening up and communicating with others now as more ideas bring more excitement.
Uranus moves into Aries on the 11th and stimulates the field of your social circle in a dynamic and exciting way. He is now going to move through this field for the next 7 years and bring change, innovation, invention, awakening, and new people and places through unusual or brilliant friendships, revolutionary groups, social ties that stem from the internet, astrology or charities, maverick companions and radical thinkers that awaken something new in you.
The 19th is the FULL MOON in Virgo and it is bringing a culmination around home, moves, mom, real estate deals, foundations, security, roommates, or childhood issues. This is a peak time emotionally when endings are marked or you are celebrating achievements or recognition around peak experiences.
Between the 20th-21st the Sun moves into Aries and illuminates your social scene followed by the Sun meeting with Uranus here for the first time. This means that your social interactions will be lit up over the next 30 days and this may kick off during this phase with a big surprise or change you didn’t expect. You will shine most brightly with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities now.
Between the 26th-27th Venus will meet with Neptune in your house of travel, media, education, and legal matters for the last time and then move into your career Midheaven. She is going to be bringing a woman onto the scene or wrapping something up with her in one of these areas on the 26th as you look at love or money in the picture and then she is going to begin helping you attract the love or money you need on the career path, with bosses, or in pursuit of your goals and ambitions in the next few weeks.
The 28th is very intense and you should enter anything you are dealing with today with kid gloves. There is a push/pull going on between you and another person where on the one hand there is a desire to expand or do something big with a friend, the internet, group, astrology, or charity, and on the other hand to set limits or deal with responsibilities through a love, child or creative project. So if you want to go off to party with friends and a lover says no, you get how the combo could play out. The Sun squaring Pluto is going to stir ego and control issues as well and they will play out through the social realm and the power, triangle, divorce issue, sexual battlefield, or financially. Not the day to throw punches and if you want to avoid them, come in peace.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 30th to take you back into the past to revisit any actions, anger or passion that went down with a friend, group, astrology, the internet, or a charity. You will find that you run into the past through these venues now or that old friends reappear or disappear, what was said, written or agreed upon comes back up for review and you get to rethink where you are in the scenario.
CANCER: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
March is opening with Venus moving into your house of sexual attraction, high finance and divorce issues. This means a woman may be pivotal to these topics, you will find things smooth out a bit here, that you can attract the love with the sex or money flows more readily and any divorce contention is eased for the time being. Singles will be on fire now, if you want to meet someone get out there.
The Karmic South Node and North Node of Destiny move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on the 3rd and open up Karmic meetings and experiences through film, music, fine art, poetry, dance, sculpture, or any other artistic medium, spiritual pursuits, psychic abilities, meditation, yoga, places of retreat, hospitals, prisons or other institutions, investigations, dealing with addictions, secrets, or clandestine affairs. Past life people will show up through these avenues to reconnect or release. Your road towards Destiny will come through a service you provide others, the work you do, co-workers, employees, your health, and any energy you put towards animals. Over the next year and a half these areas will bring the most lessons and achievement, new opportunities and soul connections.
The NEW MOON on the 4th is opening up a strong two week period for travel, new media or publishing ventures, publicity, a fresh marketing campaign, new beginnings with higher education, or legal options. You should launch in these areas now while you have so much support behind efforts.
On the 9th you will find that talks, meetings, agreements, decisions, short trips, or ideas are very important on the career front. You may get news of an opportunity here or meet with someone in a position to help you. The first part of the day is all about a last meeting or idea involving media, publishing, travel, education, or legal matters and then you move into career talks or meetings, fame or reputation, ambitions or goals opening up.
Uranus enters Aries on the 11th where he will tour for the next 7 years stimulating big change and awakening, sudden surprises and excitement on the career front, with reputation, fame, father, goals, ambitions, leadership, and with authority figures. This is going to be a time to reinvent yourself, where your social circle, the internet, astrology, charities, and friends will influence choices and where your inventions or unique persona will reach new heights.
The FULL MOON on the 19th is bringing an agreement, writing project, meeting, talk, idea, short trip, or something involving siblings to a peak for you. This is about an ending as things wrap up or celebrating achievement or gaining recognition.
Between the 20th and 21st the Sun will move into Aries and then connect with Uranus here for the first time. This is illuminating your career, status in the world, public life, fame, reputation, ambitions and goals, and dealings with authority figures, father/father figures or bosses. This will be a trend for 30 days and where you will best shine your light. The Uranus connection is bound to send a jolt of excitement, change or shock into the arena so expect to field new opportunities or sudden changes.
Between the 26th and 27th Venus will meet Neptune in Aquarius for the last time and then move into Pisces. This means that you will have an opportunity with something financial or involving divorce or sexual attraction so look at the love or income here and how a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity is playing into it. Then focus on what you can attract through travel, media, publishing, educational channels or legal approaches as the love or money will now flow more easily here.
The 28th is a very intense day which will bring up an issue going on between you and another person over the desire to expand and go big on the career front, with fame or ambitions on the one hand, and to set limits or deal with them or responsibilities with home, real estate, mom, moves or roommates on the other. Ego or physical image may get in the picture over the career or ambition while an obstacle plays out through a partner, competitor, agent, attorney, or other significant relationship. This is not the best day to try to plow through or fight someone on something, try to listen and express yourself but take a time out to figure out your next move.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 30th to take you back into past career matters or agreements, things said or written that affect reputation, status, fame, or authority figures, or to think about past goals or ambitions, issues with dad or bosses, or something you wrote before that you feel should get another look at on the public arena. It’s a do-over stage where you want to rethink your direction or deal with any paperwork or details that need to be worked through for career and goals. A past boss or career opportunity may resurface at this time or a current one may exit for now.
LEO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
March opens with Venus moving into your partnership zone and helping to smooth over existing relationships, attract love to new potential partnerships, and bringing an ease of flow with income through agents, attorneys or other significant relationships over the next few weeks.
The Karmic South Node and North Node of Destiny move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on the 3rd and open up Karmic meetings and experiences through friends, groups, networking, the internet, astrology, charities, and through the pursuit of your aspirations. These areas will bring people or situations from past lifetimes to reconnect over or rebalance Karma or carry something Karmically forward. Your road towards Destiny will come through true love, falling in love or working in the field of love, children and children’s topics, and your creative ventures and recreational outlets. These areas hold the open doors and growth. Over the next year and a half you will be exploring and learning Karmic lessons and new paths forward through these arenas.
On the 4th we have our NEW MOON in Pisces and fresh starts for you in sexual attractions or with sexual issues, reproduction, divorce proceedings, or any financially shared matter you are dealing with. This is your strong two week period to initiate action here and fresh starts, go after the loan or settlement, file the bankruptcy or divorce papers, send in your taxes or renegotiate your insurance premiums, and if single get out there and connect intimately with someone exciting.
The 9th is an important day for talks or meetings, decisions or agreements and these will play out first over any changes or new approaches to the sex, divorce or financial arena and then you will move into talks or decisions involving legalities, travel, media, publicity, marketing, publishing, ceremonies, or higher education.
Uranus moves into Aries on the 11th and shakes things up awakening your adventurous spirit and sparking change or surprise through travel, media, publishing, law, marketing, publicity, ceremonies, or education. This is where you will be experiencing new and exciting people and situations, approaches and ideas over the next 7 years and where major awakening and action is going to conjoin.
The FULL MOON in Virgo on the 19th is bringing a peak to income, spending, values, or possessions for you. This is a culmination that is either marking an ending to one source of income or with a possession of concern or it is about a celebration or achievement being recognized as you reach a goal monetarily or make that big purchase.
From the 20th-21st the Sun will light up your travel, media, educational, and legal zone and then meet Uranus here for some excitement, change or surprise. This is going to be the area that you will shine most brightly over the next 30 days and will want to get physically into the mix, taking the trip, getting into the media project, in front of the cameras, in the classroom, or in the courtroom.
Venus is going to meet up with Neptune in Aquarius for the last time this lifetime on the 26th and then move into Pisces on the 27th so you can mark these days as big for love, women or income. It will likely involve a partner or representative and then move into the field of divorce, sex or finances where you will find things smooth out a bit and you can attract what you desire more easily.
The 28th is a volatile day as you are going to go head to head with someone over agreements or what is being said or written and any limits or responsibilities here, as well as over the big opening that is around legal, media, travel, or educational matters. Ego or physical needs are bound to get into the mix as well here as you try to deal with a major change or power struggle at work, with health or pets. It’s give or take and finding balance is key, don’t but heads directly as the Pluto influence is too intense.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 30th to take you back into the past through travel, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, ceremonies, education, or legal matters to revisit any agreements, to meet old contacts that you knew in these fields, to review any ideas or knowledge you have in these areas, and make decisions based on past issues here over the next few weeks.
VIRGO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
March is going to come in with Venus in a gentle move into work, health and pets so you know that a woman may appear to aid you in these realms or you may find that love is playing out now with a co-worker or employee, healthcare professional or someone at the gym, or someone involved with pets.
The Karmic South Node and North Node of Destiny move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on the 3rd and open up Karmic meetings and experiences through your career, reputation, fame, father, ambitions, goals, leadership, authority figures, bosses, and status. Past life people and situations will show up in these areas to help you pick something back up from then to move it forward, to reconnect and move something Karma related forward or release in a rebalancing of Karma. Your road forward towards Destiny will come through your living situation, moves, home, family, mom, real estate deals, roommates, security needs, and roots in life. In the year and a half ahead these areas are where the lessons and new opportunities will open up your life in new ways, remember with this axis it is how your thinking affects things and the wisdom you have to share or need to still learn is playing into the outcome.
The NEW MOON in PISCES on the 4th is a huge new beginning for you with important relationships. This means in the next two weeks you can launch fresh starts with romantic or marriage partners, business partners, with agents, attorneys, specialists, or advocates, or in dealings with competitors. Take relationships to the next level, start new relationships or end those you are over to open up space for fresh beginnings elsewhere.
The 9th is a big day for you and for talks, meetings, agreements, ideas, or decisions. Short trips or involvement with siblings may come into play as well. You will be hearing about something surprising or talking about something different with a partner or representative and then your thoughts will begin to focus on sex, intimacy, power, control, divorce, or high finances where you will be directing your thoughts for the next couple weeks.
Uranus moves into Aries on the 11th and shakes things up sexually, intimately, in reproduction, divorce, with mortality matters, or with something involving high finance. This energy is now going to be awakening and freeing you in these realms over the next 7 years so whatever comes into play now is a good indicator of direction. New and interesting opportunities abound where you least expect them.
The FULL MOON on the 19th is in your sign and brings something personal or physical to a peak for you. This could be an issue with your body ending or a goal to transform your body being reached and celebrated. It can mark the end of an identity in life such as husband, wife, daughter, father, doctor, student, etc, or it can be a celebration of identity reached through graduation or marriage, divorce or promotion. Whatever is peaking is personal to you and a time of culmination.
The Sun enters Aries on the 20th and lights up this part of your chart for the next 30 days putting you in the spotlight over divorce, sexual attractions or issues, reproduction, or anything financial such as over loans, debt, bankruptcy, inheritance, taxes, insurance, settlements, alimony, child support, or a partners finances. On the 21st the Sun meets Uranus here so there is something shaken up, a sudden surprise or excitement, shock or change. You will be focusing on shared experience in these arenas now for the month ahead.
Between the 26th and 27th Venus is active, first meeting with Neptune one last time in Aquarius to get you to do something on the work, with health or animals involving a woman and something social or internet related. Then, you will begin smoothing things out with relationships and attracting love or money through partners, representatives or other significant relationships.
The 28th is volatile and intense as you are facing off with someone else over personal limits to earning or spending and the expansion or happiness possible through sex, divorce, intimacy, or shared/outside financial resources. A balancing act is necessary here. Ego may get in the way or physical issues pop up around the sex, divorce or shared financial matter as powerful change is challenging the love, creative project or kids affected.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 30th to take you back into past sex, divorce or financial matters that are shared with institutions or others. You will be revisiting what was agreed upon, said or written and any actions taken, passions stirred or anger in the mix. People and situations from the past may pop back up here to help you release or reconnect, it’s a time of deeper thought and transforming ideas you have about sharing.
LIBRA: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
March is opening up with your ruling energy, Venus, moving into your house of true love, creative projects and children. It doesn’t get much better than that! You will find that you are attracting love or income more easily, that any issues smooth out in these areas, that you feel like spending on the kids, creative opportunities or loved ones, and that women are beneficial to your goals here.
The Karmic South Node and North Node of Destiny move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on the 3rd and open up Karmic meetings and experiences through travel, media, publishing, publicity, marketing, import/export, politics, religion, ceremonies, higher education, and legal matters. People and situations from past lifetimes will show up in these fields to reconnect, release or rebalance Karma. Your road forward towards Destiny will be through local activities, the neighborhood, neighbors, brothers or sisters, writing, agreements, and new ways of thinking. In the year and a half ahead these areas are where the lessons and new opportunities will open up your life in new ways, remember with this axis it is how your thinking affects things and the wisdom you have to share or need to still learn is playing into the outcome.
The NEW MOON on the 4th is giving you two strong weeks to pursue new work, introduce new ideas or approaches at work, tackle the work piling up around you, get organized, clean out clutter, hire someone to work for you, do something new with a co-worker, start a new health regime or diet, or get a new pet or get involved with some new venture involving animals.
The 9th is a big day for talks, meetings, agreements, writing, or decisions that bring about some change or new idea on the work you are doing or going after, with the co-worker or employee, the health issue or the pet. It is also going to open up communications for real with a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant other.
Uranus moves into Aries on the 11thto shake things up with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, advocate, or competitor. This is the energy of change, awakening, independence, freedom, genius, excitement, unusual experiences and sudden ups and downs and it will now be sparking all kinds of fresh air around your one-on-one relationships over the next 7 years. Expect someone to show you how this is going to look today or very soon.
The FULL MOON in Virgo on the 19th is going to bring something that has been going on behind the scenes to a peak. This could be an ending or celebration for you as something reaches a climax with a secret, time of retreat, spiritual or psychic pursuit, film, music or other artistic project, clandestine affair, addiction, or involvement with hospitals, prisons or other institutions.
Between the 20th-21st the Sun will move into your relationship zone to light this arena up for you over the next 30 days, the Sun will also come to sit with Uranus here to shake things up, shine a light on change or bring someone unusual, genius or eccentric who may be just perfect for you when or where you least expect it! You will be focusing in on these relationships over the next month and spending your energy here.
On the 26th Venus will meet Neptune for the last time in Aquarius and really highlight a romantic love potential, artistic creative prospect or something dreamy for a child. A friend or social network may be involved in getting this out or making it happen for you. On the 27th Venus moves into the work you do, your health and pets arena so a woman may show up to help you here or you will find that you are seeing things smooth out and attracting the love or income through your efforts at work, healthy choices or time with pets.
The 28th is intense as you find yourself in a situation involving another person over your need to expand or go for something big while they want to set limits, say no, end things, or demand more effort, commitment or responsibility. Ego could get involved in this and it could focus in on your physical body and something expanding here as well. Big changes or power issues could arise at home, over living situations, roommates, moves, real estate deals, mom, or security.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 30th to take you back into the past with a romantic or marriage partner, business partnership, agent, attorney, specialist, advocate, competitor, or opponent. You will get a do-over here as you look at what was written, said, agreed to, signed, ideas in the mix, actions taken, passion expressed or anger brewing. It’s time to reconnect or release.
SCORPIO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
March is going to come in with love and income energy flowing at home, with real estate deals, a woman entering the home, things smoothing out with living situations, mom, and an ease of attracting what you need to feel secure and loved at home.
The Karmic South Node and North Node of Destiny move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on the 3rd and open up Karmic meetings and experiences through sexual attractions or issues, reproduction, divorce, and any shared financial matter such as loans, debt, credit, inheritance, taxes, insurance, settlements, alimony, child support, bankruptcy, royalties, commissions, or a partners finances. Past people and situations will show up in these fields to help you reconnect or release Karma and work through issues here. Your road forward towards Destiny is through earning a living, the income you make, the income you spend, and any possessions you own. Here is where the doors will open and you will learn a great deal. In the year and a half ahead these areas are where the lessons and new opportunities will open up your life in new ways, remember with this axis it is how your thinking affects things and the wisdom you have to share or need to still learn is playing into the outcome.
The NEW MOON on the 4th is about fresh beginnings in true love, with children or on creative projects. This is your strong two week window to seed new creative ventures, pitch ideas or launch it on the stage, decide to have a child or begin some new project with your child, see your child start their own new project, fall in love with someone new, take a current love on some new adventure, and get a fresh start in the areas of joy.
The 9th is a powerful day for meetings, news, agreements, talks, writing, ideas, or short trips. First any of these may bring a fated and unexpected meeting or talk that involves a love interest, child or creative project. Next, you will begin talks, hear news, meet, tackle paperwork, or write for work, health or pets in an active way.
Uranus moves into Aries on the 11th and shakes up your work, health and pets zone. This is electrical energy of excitement and change, unexpected opportunities and great awakening and it is plowing into the work projects, type of work, relationship with co-workers or employees, your health and approach to it, and your relationship with pets or animal advocacy. It will be bringing higher stakes here along with original ideas and fresh connections for the next 7 years, expect someone to show up around now to show you what this might mean.
The FULL MOON on the 19th is bringing a peak moment with a friend, group, social occasion, networking event, something involving the internet, astrology, a charity, or a cherished aspiration. This is a time of celebrations, endings, achievements, or recognition as things climax in these areas.
The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th to kick off spring and light up your work, health and pets for the next 30 days. This will be where you want to spend your vital energy and pour your focus on an active level. The Sun bumps into Uranus on the 21st for another surprise, change or bit of excitement in one of these areas so get ready for the lid to blow off.
Between the 26th and 27th Venus is active. She is going to meet with Neptune about love and romance or artistry and the friends or social circle involved and it is going to focus on the home for you so you may be entertaining a woman at home or setting something up to earn money from home over the internet or with friends. She then moves into Pisces where she will begin to attract more love or income through creative ventures and help you charm lovers or ease things with kids over the next few weeks.
The 28th is a very volatile day as you are facing someone else over the big expansion you want with your work, health or pets and any limits, no’s or responsibilities being put into the mix through hospitals, retreat, artistic projects, or clandestine affairs. Ego or physical needs may get into the mix here over your needs at work, with health or pets. Just watch what you say or agree to today as powerful energy is around written words, challenge and power struggles.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 30th to take you back into the past through past work, with past co-workers or employees, with any past health issues or people you knew who were involved with health in the past, to past places you visited with pets or past issues with pets. This is your do-over to rework agreements, look at what was said or done, any actions, passions or anger in the mix and to either reconnect or release so you can move on in these areas in the next few weeks.
SAGITTARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
March opens on Venus’s move into your communications zone. This means the month is bringing women into the neighborhood or through brothers or sisters, agreements or meetings that should benefit you and helping you to attract love or money through your words, meetings, talks, writing, agreements, and short trips.
The Karmic South Node and North Node of Destiny move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on the 3rd and open up Karmic meetings and experiences through romantic or marriage partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, and competitors. Here is where past life people or situations will show up to reconnect you so you can either move forward again on a new level or release and rebalance Karma. Your road forward towards Destiny is through your own self, through ways you approach your body, image, identity, and personal needs, building upon your own personality and persona. In the year and a half ahead these areas are where the lessons and new opportunities will open up your life in new ways, remember with this axis it is how your thinking affects things and the wisdom you have to share or need to still learn is playing into the outcome.
The NEW MOON in PISCES is giving you a fresh start on the home base so you have two strong weeks to move, build, buy or sell real estate, take out a mortgage, get a new roommate, renovate, remodel, start a new restaurant, home business, get a fresh start with mom, childhood issues, family, or build on new foundations.
The 9th is important for talks, news, meetings, writing, agreements, or short trips as you hear or decide something that changes things at home and then motivate to meet, sign or write something aimed at creative projects, for children or love.
Uranus moves into Aries on the 11th where he will stir things up for the next 7 years. For you this is infusing excitement, shock, change, and freedom into the arena of true love, children and creative ventures. You can expect to attract eccentric, genius, revolutionary, unusual romantic partners to you now, to find you are awakening to a whole new kind of love and passion, that your kids will do things that are brilliant or rebellious, shocking or surprising, that you may find you have a child on the way or a change coming with kids, or that the creative project breaks through, you have sudden success or changes that come at the most unexpected moments, and originality is your trademark here. Expect someone to show up to show you what some of this may mean now or in the near future.
The FULL MOON in VIRGO occurs on the 19th and brings a career matter, goal, ambition, reputation, fame, or something with father, bosses, or leadership to a peak for you. This is about something that is wrapping up and ending with one of these people or situations or about a major achievement, recognition and celebration as something culminates.
The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th kicking off spring and lighting up your house of true love, children and creative projects for the next 30 days. This puts you in the spotlight here so expect to be focusing in a lot on these topics. The Sun meets Uranus here on the 21st so another jolt, change, exciting and unexpected meeting or event, is due to rock your world, you may be the one invoking it.
Between the 26th and 27th Venus is active so love, income or women will be more a focus now. You can expect a meeting, talk, something you have written, an agreement, or news to bring this topic home for you. Then Venus moves into the home so love or income making opportunities flower at home, women benefit, things smooth out here and you should be able to attract what you need.
The 28th is a volatile day as you are face to face with someone over the expansion that is occurring through a child entering the world or something a child is doing, a lover or a creative project while at the same time limits, responsibilities or ‘no’ is coming through the group affiliation, friendship, social event, internet, or aspiration. Ego or physical body may get into the mix today in this as challenges over changes or deconstructive power struggles occur around income or money being spent. Breathe.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 30th taking you back into the past to reconnect with past lovers, issues involving love, past kids you were involved with or issues over children, and past creative endeavors, people you were involved with creatively and situations that bring up the past here. It is your do-over to revisit what was said, signed, agreed upon, written, acted out, or any passion or anger in the mix so you can reconnect or release.
CAPRICORN: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Venus moves into your income zone at the start of March to help you attract the money you need more easily and should bring women onto the scene who can help you earn as well. You may spend on luxury items during this transit or one important purchase that is unusual or internet based.
The Karmic South Node and North Node of Destiny move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on the 3rd and open up Karmic meetings and experiences through any service you provide others, the work you do, with co-workers or employees, your health, and any involvement with animals. People and situations from the past will show up in these arenas to help you to settle past Karma or reconnect to move something forward this life together. Your road forward towards Destiny is through what you do behind the scenes, in private, through research, investigations, any artistic outlet or talent such as film, music, fine art, or dance, poetry, imagination or fantasy, dealing with addictions, hospitals or other institutions, spiritual pursuits, psychic abilities, yoga, meditation, or clandestine romance. In the year and a half ahead these areas are where the lessons and new opportunities will open up your life in new ways, remember with this axis it is how your thinking affects things and the wisdom you have to share or need to still learn is playing into the outcome.
The NEW MOON in Pisces on the 4th is opening up fresh starts in the neighborhood, with siblings, writing, agreements, meetings, talks, ideas, and short trips. This is your two week window to launch new ideas and start new projects in these areas.
The 9th is important for talks, agreements, meetings, and decisions as you hear about a change or something exciting happens that you want to respond to immediately. Open up communications at home or sign agreements involving real estate, moves or with roommates now.
Uranus moves into Aries on the 11th and shakes things up in a whole new area of your life. This energy is going to bring excitement, shock, change, unexpected windfalls and opportunities, ups and downs, new people and situations, a great awakening, and new ways of going after what you want at home, with real estate, roommates, moves, mom, and security needs, infusing new dynamics and a sense of freedom here over the next 7 years. Expect someone to show up today or in the near future to show you what this is going to mean.
The FULL MOON on the 19th is bringing a peak experience around a trip, media, publishing, marketing, or publicity champagne, educational matter, or legal issue. This is about something being achieved, recognized, celebrated, or ending now.
The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th kicking off spring and shining his light on home, real estate, mom, and family for the next 30 days. This is where you stand out and will want to pour most of your energy. The Sun meets Uranus on the 21st here and gives you a surprise, some excitement or a big change that is going on here.
Between the 26th-27th Venus is active so expect women, love or income to be more focused for you and for talks, agreements, meetings, writing, or short trips to show the way about what is going on here. You should see smooth sailing and attract what you need in this. If you can sign with a woman over income do it now or if you are looking for love, the local arena beckons.
The 28th is intense as you are face to face with someone over something big going on at home or with real estate or mom and any limits, responsibilities, or ‘no’s’ that crop up over career, authority, with bosses, dad, or ambitions. Try to strike a balance, ego or physical issues may come into play here and there is potential for something powerful and intense to challenge you through news you hear about a hospital, retreat, secret, artistic project, clandestine affair, addiction, investigation, or research project. Just do your best to not fight against anything today and allow the information to sink in.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 30th to take you back over past contracts, meetings, agreements, decisions, or writing tied to home, real estate deals, mom, or family. This is a do-over to revisit the past through people or situations playing out here and rework anything, redefine it, reconnect with others or release them once and for all. DO NOT sign new agreements on properties during this 3 week period if you can wait.
AQUARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
March is opening with Venus gliding into your sign on the 1st so you will be the charmed one of the zodiac. This gives you the ability to attract love or income more easily and the desire to spend on yourself, to purchase luxury items or things of beauty for your body or image.
The Karmic South Node and North Node of Destiny move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on the 3rd and open up Karmic meetings and experiences through true love, love interests or lovers, children, creative projects, and recreation. People and situations from the past will show up in these areas to help you settle Karma or reconnect, release or rebuild with them on something from the past. Your road forward towards Destiny comes through friends, groups, networking, social occasions, astrology, charity, the internet, and pursuing your true dreams and aspirations in life. In the year and a half ahead these areas are where the lessons and new opportunities will open up your life in new ways, remember with this axis it is how your thinking affects things and the wisdom you have to share or need to still learn is playing into the outcome.
The NEW MOON on the 4th is a new beginning for you with income, spending or possessions so look at this two week period to seek new income, increase current earnings, make a purchase that is important to you, or to make a fresh start with a possession in question such as a home or car.
The 9th is an important day for talks, meetings, agreements, paper work, and decisions that affect your income or spending on something. Mercury moves into your local zone today so talks and meetings amp up and there is more thought about moves, neighbors or siblings, as well as writing projects or agreements.
Uranus moves into Aries on the 11th to really shake things up with the way you think for the next 7 years. This is the energy of freedom and revolution, change and excitement and you are going to feel very stimulated by what comes your way via messages, writing, agreements, ideas, decisions, moves, neighbors, brothers and sisters, and short trips. New people or situations are favored here, the internet, astrology or charities along with friends or groups may play a part in all of this and you can expect someone to show up today or soon to show you what all this new excitement and change is going to be about.
The FULL MOON in Virgo occurs on the 19th and brings a divorce, sexual attraction or issue, or major financial matter to a peak for you. This can be an end to the divorce or celebration as you reach an agreement, it can be the end of a sexual liaison or celebration as you take things to the next level, you could see some sexual disfunction finally resolve, or there can be an achievement, celebration or ending around a loan, settlement, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance matter, tax issue, alimony or child support, or partners financials.
The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th and marks the Spring Equinox, shining his light on your decisions, meetings, writing, agreements, ideas, short trips, neighborhood, neighbors, and siblings for the next 30 days. This is where you will find you are physically and personally involved the most. On the 21st the Sun bumps into Uranus here for a big surprise or change in one of these areas.
Between the 26th and 27th Venus is active as she first meets Neptune in your sign attracting love or income to you and then moves into Pisces where she will help you attract money more easily or inspire you to spend on income producing opportunities and luxury items. You may decide to start earning money with a woman now on some new venture.
The 28th is intense as you are face to face with someone over limits or responsibilities in the legal, media, educational, or travel fields, and this in turn shows against the need to talk about something big happening. News may change things or amp them up or you may be dealing with a contract or agreement that is way over your head. Balance is key. Ego or physical needs may get into the fray so watch your words today, there is something going on behind closed doors or in secret that could change or bring some upheaval, watch for these challenges.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 30th to take you back into the past to revisit past people or situations tied to agreements, writing, the local scene, brothers or sisters, short trips, or old ideas. This is your do-over and you want to look at what was said, agreed upon, written, and acted out, how passions or anger played into it and then make some decisions about reconnecting or releasing. Watch for accidents while out on the road now and DO NOT sign agreements or purchase vehicles or electronic gadgets for the next 3 weeks if you can wait.
PISCES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
March is moving in with a quiet, sweet Venus energy going on behind the scenes for you which means you may see thing smooth out at a hospital or in retreat or find that you are involved with a woman here or in a love or income matter. There is an ability to attract what you need in love or income through artistic outlets, research, institutions, spiritual pursuits, or behind closed doors.
The Karmic South Node and North Node of Destiny move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on the 3rd and open up Karmic meetings and experiences through your living situation, home, real estate, roommates, moves, mom, family, or early childhood issues. People and situations from the past will show up to help you work things out in these realms to reconnect over or release past Karma. Your road forward towards Destiny is through career, ambition, goals, reputation, fame, father, authority figures, leadership, and status. Here is where doors will open and you will experience brand new things. In the year and a half ahead these areas are where the lessons and new opportunities will open up your life in new ways, remember with this axis it is how your thinking affects things and the wisdom you have to share or need to still learn is playing into the outcome.
The NEW MOON on the 4th is in your sign and marks you new year for personal and physical fresh starts. This is about a new beginning with image, body, identity, or ego needs and you have two strong weeks to launch into a new look, diet, physical regime, identity, or go after something personal and important to you. If you are trying to land something based on your looks, image or personality, this is your time.
The 9th is a big day for talks, agreements, meetings, short trips that put you in the middle of the mix and then lead to income opportunities. It’s a great day to audition or interview, ask for the raise or launch something tied to your image and income.
Uranus moves into Aries on the 11th where he will tour for the next 7 years stirring things up, infusing an independence and excitement, bringing change, eccentric people and unusual opportunities, all based on income and spending. The more freedom you take, original paths you walk, unique ideas you bring to market, and any involvement with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities, will bring great awakenings and new inspiration to earning power for you. Expect someone to show up today or soon to show you what this is going to mean.
The FULL MOON on the 19th is bringing a peak around a relationship. This could be an ending or a major celebration as you achieve a new level or your partner does. Relationships that are culminating now involve romantic or marriage partnerships, business partnerships, relationships with agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, competitors, or opponents.
The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th and kicks off spring, lighting up your income zone and putting you in the spotlight here for the next 30 days. You will be physically in it, out there earning or spending and your image or body may play a part in what you can make. The Sun meets Uranus here on the 21st so expect a surprise or change with income to pop in.
Between the 26th and 27th Venus is active as she meets up over love or income and the artistic project, hospital, retreat, research project, clandestine romance, or spiritual pursuit. Venus then moves into your sign where she will begin to help you attract what you want in all areas of life over the next few weeks, bringing a noticeable charm and magic to you. It’s a great time to spend on looks, image, or body, or to find love.
The 28th is volatile as you are face to face with another over financial matters. On the one hand there is a desire to earn more or spend on something big but on the other there are limits or responsibilities to loans, debt, credit or other outside financial considerations. Ego or physical issues may get involved in the issue and you are going to need to face a challenge with a friend, group, the internet, a charity, astrology, or a major aspiration in this as things change.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 30th taking you back into the past to revisit agreements, ideas, people, and situations involved with your income, spending or possessions. This is a do-over so retrace your path, look at decisions, meet or talk with those concerned, tackle paper work or any loose threads, see if something you wrote a while back has monetary value, or spend on something you have had your eye on for a while. It’s about reconnecting or releasing.
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