You can still read the FEBRUARY MONTHLY here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2011/02/zoe-moons-february-monthly-forecast.html
Tune in Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific on CBS Worldwide Radio ~ New Sky Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show to listen. You can call in with astrology questions if you want to be part of THE ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW! The call-in number is: 248-545-7685
Is it going to be a mellow week or a big week ahead? Hum, well let’s see, shall we? Venus is meeting by degree with Pluto on Wednesday. Let’s say that in another way, the goddess of love, income, women, and objects of beauty, is getting together with the Lord of the Underworld. You know the dude in charge of destruction, power, triangles, manipulations, sex, reproduction, divorce, and major financially shared matters. So, the conjunction is marking a new beginning built on the ashes of something ending, most likely. Love and sex, power and finances, women and beauty, are the themes here.
But this is really not the big news this week. CHIRON, the wounded healer, master teacher and great mythical centaur moves into the realm of dreams, (Pisces), to be exact. To give you an idea of what he brings, I have broken down his placements for you since the last time he was here back in 1960, so you can get an idea of what he brings up to be exposed and healed. Where he moves, you are to see an old soul wound at another level and you are to heal not only yourself but others through your experience of this wound. You are to master another personal level. For those of you born in the 60’s you will be experiencing your Chiron return between now and 2019 and will have assimilated all types of wounding experiences according to your chart. You will now be setting out into the world as the master teacher/healer. Chiron dipped into Pisces briefly last year between April 20-July 20 before Retrograding back out so you may have a clue as to what this is going to feel like, now he enters for the duration.
1960-1968/69: Chiron moved into and through PISCES and you realized wounds around boundaries, deception, addictions, dreams, fantasy, water, psychic abilities or intuition, artistic talent, secrets, hidden enemies, research, and investigations. By 1968/69 you mastered a new level and were able to heal/teach others from what you understood.
1968/69-1976: Chiron moved into and through ARIES and you realized wounds around physical appearance or limitations, bodily experiences, ego, anger, passion, war, courage, surgery, blood, and fighting. By 1976 you mastered a new level and were able to heal/teach others from what you understood.
1976-1983/84: Chiron moved into and through TAURUS and you realized wounds around income, values, spending, possessions, pleasure, sensuality, plodding, stubbornness, and food. By 1983/84 you mastered a new level and were able to heal/teach others from what you understood.
1983/84-1988/89: Chiron moved into and through GEMINI and you realized wounds around your mind and what you wanted, your speech and how your words affected your life, writing, agreements, meetings and talks, news you heard, your neighborhood, neighbors, brothers and sisters, short trips, flirtations, and duality. By 1988/89 you mastered a new level and were able to heal/teach others from what you understood.
1988/89-1991: Chiron moved into and through CANCER and you realized wounds around home, moves, mom, mother figures, real estate, family, restaurants, nurture, childhood issues, security, the foundations you build upon, and roommates. By 1991 you mastered a new level and were able to heal/teach others from what you understood.
1991-1993/94: Chiron moved into and through LEO and you realized wounds around creativity, talent, creative projects, pride, loyalty, children, love, and courage. By 1993/94 you mastered a new level and were able to heal/teach others from what you understood.
1993/94-1995: Chiron moved into and through VIRGO and you realized wounds around service, work, co-workers, employees, health, pets, animal advocacy, environmental issues, criticism, analysis, and purity. By 1995 you mastered a new level and were able to heal/teach others from what you understood.
1995-1996/97: Chiron moved into and through LIBRA and you realized wounds around marriage, romantic or business partnership, representation through agents, attorneys or specialists, dealing with competitors or opponents, balance, fairness, equitable experience, and justice. By 1996/97 you mastered a new level and were able to heal/teach others from what you understood.
1996/97-1999: Chiron moved into and through SCORPIO and you realized wounds around sex, intimacy, reproduction, power, triangles, control, secrets, destruction, divorce, death, rebirth, loans, debt, credit, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, settlements, commissions, alimony, child support, or other peoples finances. By 1999 you mastered a new level and were able to heal/teach others from what you understood.
1999-2001: Chiron moved into and through SAGITTARIUS and you realized wounds around beliefs, wisdom, travel, foreign interests, expansion, luck, import/export, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, politics, religion, ceremonies, higher education, and generosity. By 2001 you mastered a new level and were able to heal/teach others from what you understood.
2001-2005: Chiron moved into and through CAPRICORN and you realized wounds around career, reputation, goals, ambitions, fame, father, father figures, authority, authority figures, time, limits, tests, endurance, leadership, and achievement. By 2005 you mastered a new level and were able to heal/teach others from what you understood.
2005-2011: Chiron moved into and through AQUARIUS and you realized wounds around aspirations, friends, group affiliations, networking, social events, soul group connections, freedom, independence, charities, astrology, the internet, ideals, visionary thinking, eccentricities, experimentation, and following your own drummer. By 2011 you mastered a new level and were able to heal/teach others from what you understood.
2011-2019: Here we are, back where we started but at an entirely different level! Into Pisces we go this week to look deeply at any wounds we feel that stem from the mystic, the muse, our inner voice, hidden enemies or self-sabotaging, spiritual vision or psychic intuition, artistic abilities in film, music, painting, poetry, sculpture, dance, or other forms, addictions or dealings with hospitals, prisons or other institutions, retreat and hiding out, inner work and meditation, clandestine affairs, research, investigation, boundaries, and dreams. By 2019 we will have mastered a new level and be able to heal/teach others from new understanding. If you were born in the 60’s you are the ones stepping up as the master teacher/healers in these fields. Expect some new breakthroughs here.
BECAUSE CHIRON IS ENTERING PISCES, THE LAND OF DREAMS, your dreams or sleep patterns may have been quite unusual this last week and into this coming week as you adjust to the higher sensitivity here. Messages are more prevalent at the onset so pay attention to the messages you recieve, write down your dreams! For those of you who know your chart, you can take this above table and apply it to the Rising Degree influence for greater insight into how it is and has affected you personally.
THE WEEK AHEAD February 7-11:
ARIES: (Call Zoe to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday the headway you gain will be through friends, networking, groups, astrology, or the internet, open the lines of communication here. Look at career, goals, reputation, or authority figures and what you can do to deal with power, control, or change here. You may need to find a way to handle things delicately today.
Tuesday Chiron moves into your hidden realms where he will expose any wounds you feel with spiritual or psychic pursuits, hidden enemies, self-sabotage, addictions, hospitals, prisons, retreat, film, music or other art forms, clandestine affairs, boundaries, illusion, fantasy, deception, and dreams. You will be working with healing these wounds and learning to teach/heal others from your experience in these fields between now and 2019. Doing something social or networking, connecting with friends or tackling the internet are favored today.
Wednesday offers opportunity to earn money and transform or empower career through women, authority figures, leadership, and a new beginning. It is a very intense day and you should be willing to work through third party situations to achieve your goals.
Thursday brings all kinds of emotional motivators or challenges over the money being earned. Talk or meet with friends or groups in this and set limits or deal with them involving partners, agents, attorneys, or competitors. Your ruler, Mars, is going to be passionate about going after what you want, you can push the boundaries but realize challenges must be met in the social circle, over the internet, dealing with astrology, or charities.
Friday puts you again in the spotlight with the friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity and what you have to offer artistically, spiritually or romantically. Just know that again, income is under challenge in this so you must tackle something to bring it into line. Change or surprise come through research or work you do behind closed doors that help to open up opportunity with income.
TAURUS: (Call Zoe to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday brings some motivating energy around something changing through travel, media, legal channels, or education. You are going to do your best when speaking up with a boss or writing, pitching ideas or taking meetings on the career front today.
Tuesday Chiron enters your social zone where he will expose any wounds you have around ideals, freedom, independence, visionary thinking, originality, eccentricities, experimentation, friends, group affiliations, networking, astrology, charity, the internet, and aspirations. You will be working with healing these wounds and learning to teach/heal others from your experience in these fields between now and 2019. You have a lot of dynamic energy behind tackling career agendas today, bring the passion.
Wednesday is quite powerful for you to make major changes or to empower, to share something deeply, connect intimately or financially, and transform something through travel, foreign interests, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, higher education, ceremonies, or legal channels. Women, love or money figures strongly here.
Thursday brings up any issues or motivates you to dive into talks with bosses, on the career front or with authority figures, to look at limits or set them at work, with co-workers, employees, health issues, or pets, and to push things forward on all fronts here.
Friday you are in the spotlight on the career front, with fame, authority figures, and leadership again but today it is more about your needs and artistry, spiritual approach or romantic slant. Excitement or positive opportunities arise from friends or social occasions, the internet or group activity, say yes.
GEMINI: (Call Zoe to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is about your social circle, the internet, astrology, or charities and something powerful going on financially, sexually, shared deeply, or through divorce here. Talk or meet about the media project, publishing deal, trip, legal facets, or higher education since this holds opportunity.
Tuesday Chiron moves into your career Midheaven where it will expose any wounds around ambition, goals, career, bosses, authority figures, father, father figures, reputation, fame, time, limits, responsibility, leadership, and achievement. You will be working with healing these wounds and learning to teach/heal others from your experience in these fields between now and 2019. Again, there is great energy behind taking action and standing out through media, education, travel, or legal channels today.
Wednesday is profoundly deep for you and will focus on sex, intimacy, reproduction, divorce, or major financially shared arenas. This is about powerful change and transformation, a new beginning and what you are doing behind closed doors to make it happen.
Thursday brings up drive and challenge in areas of retreat, institutions, artistic projects, spiritual pursuits, secrets, clandestine affairs, research, or work you are doing behind closed doors. You may have to contend with talks or actions legally, in the media, education, or travel realms tied to this that are pushing buttons or motivating, and any limits with a lover, child or creative venture.
Friday brings up what you want in the media, legal, travel, or educational field and shows you how your artistic, romantic or spiritual input is affecting goals. A hospital, secret or addiction may need attending to here and pull you away from your concentration or you may feel this frictional energy as pushing you harder to achieve. Something surprising is in the offer on the career front, change it good.
CANCER: (Call Zoe to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is about career, reputation, fame, or ambitions for you and there is a rather major obstacle/triangle stemming from your partnership, representation or competition zone, most likely female, that you must deal with. Talks about financial matters, intimacy or divorce are favored today with positive energy behind reaching goals here.
Tuesday Chiron enters your zone of higher mind where it will expose any wounds around media, publishing, marketing, publicity, travel, foreign interests, import/export, law, higher education, ceremonies, expansion, luck, and wisdom. You will be working with healing these wounds and learning to master/teach/heal others from your experience in these fields between now and 2019. Take action on financial matters, sexual attractions/issues or divorce today as goals are achievable.
Wednesday brings a very powerful alignment around empowerment and transformation with the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, advocate, competitor, or opponent, most likely involving a woman and third party issues, finances, sex, or divorce. This should make you feel better about aspirations, the social circumstances, internet, astrology, or charity involved.
Thursday brings up any issues with friends, groups, astrology, the internet, charities, or aspirations and pushes you to talk about the financial picture, shared interests, sexual attraction or issue, or divorce and to take action based on these talks. Look at any limits at home or with property, living situations or mom and make adjustments here.
Friday again puts the friends, groups, internet, astrology, charity, or aspiration at the forefront and you in a position of leadership on the financial, sexual or divorce issue here. Bring your spiritual, romantic or artistic energy to bear and look for new ways of approaching the media, publishing, travel, foreign interest, legal angle, or teaching/education for best results.
LEO: (Call Zoe to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is about the legal, travel, media, publishing, marketing, or educational matter you have on your mind and how you can make a major change at work, with a co-worker, employee, health situation, or animal matter to transform the situation. Talk to a partner, attorney, agent, specialist, or advocate because there should be some help here today.
Tuesday Chiron moves into your deeply shared zone where it will expose any wounds around sex, intimacy, reproduction, divorce, power, control, triangles, manipulation, mortality, and shared financial resources such as loans, debt, credit, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, royalties, commissions, settlements, child support, alimony, or a partners finances. You will be working with healing these wounds and learning to teach/heal others from your experience in these fields between now and 2019. Taking action with the partner, agent, attorney, or competitor is favored today based on talks or news yesterday.
Wednesday is very powerful for you where work, services, co-workers, employees, health, or pets are concerned. There is something changing, rising from the ashes to rebuild, shared and helping you to make the change or move on from it here. A woman likely figures into this scenario as it moves thing along with career or reputation.
Thursday you need to grab the career agenda, goal or authority figure by the tail and get things moving. There is a talk, meeting, agreement, short trip, or writing project you need to tackle with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor to deal with the career matter, boss, authority figure, or reputation. Be willing to adjust your ideas here a bit around limits, responsibility or time.
Friday again puts career or goals, reputation or authority figures at the top of your day with partners, representatives or competitors. Today you are in the spotlight, taking a stand, bringing the artistry or spiritual vision, and your open door is through changes, surprises or new approaches to financial matters, divorce or sexual issues, good surprises.
VIRGO: (Call Zoe to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is focusing in on finances, sex or divorce, think shared stuff. There is something powerful going on in relation to this with a creative project, lover or child and big changes. Have talks, write, meet, or sign agreements the further work, dealings with co-workers or employees, health matters, or anything involving pets, this is where opportunity waits.
Tuesday Chiron moves into your relationship sector to expose any wounds around marriage, romantic or business partnership, representation through agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, or competitors and opponents. You will be working with healing these wounds and learning to teach/heal others from your experience in these fields between now and 2019. Take action at work, with work, co-workers, employees, health, or pets today, doors are open.
Wednesday is all about the creative project, lover/love interest or child and something powerfully changing, a rebirth after deconstruction phase. Power, triangles, finances, divorce, or intimacy may have a part in where this is going but your feelings about the publishing, media, marketing, travel, foreign, legal, or educational matter should be on the up and up regarding today’s events.
Thursday you need to get a handle on that publishing/media, travel, legal, or educational matter by digging into more talks, writing, meetings, agreements, with the co-worker or employee, at work, over health or about animals, and take action to surmount any obstacles. Make adjustments here around earnings or spending.
Friday is the last of this as you again step up at work, with co-workers or employees, in health, or with pets and move things any further along through media, publishing, travel, education, or legal channels, dealing with last challenges here artistically, spiritually or romantically. New opportunities or insights come through partners, representatives or advocates, change or originality is beneficial.
LIBRA: (Call Zoe to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday should be about the relationship, dealing with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. Major change or transformation is occurring at home and will be what you need the tackle with this person. Talks today about the creative project, love or child should open doors.
Tuesday Chiron moves into your zone of work, health and pets to expose any wounds around services you provide, the work you do, how you deal with co-workers or employees, health issues, or animals. You will be working with healing these wounds and learning to teach/heal others from your experience in these fields between now and 2019. Stepping up and acting on creative projects, love interests or with children should open doors again.
Wednesday is all about the home, roots, real estate, roommate, mom/mother figure, move, or security needs and any major changes or paths to empowerment you need to take financially, sexually or through divorce here. It’s a new beginning.
Thursday you are focusing in on the financial matter, divorce or sexual interest/issue with a need to talk and take action on the creative project tied to this, a love interest or the child’s interest. Look for ways to solve problems, deal with paperwork and writing, and be willing to make some personal adjustments.
Friday the last of this wraps up with you stepping up and taking the spotlight in the creative endeavor, with the lover or child, and dealing with the artistic end of things. Changes or surprises at work, with health or animals benefit.
SCORPIO: (Call Zoe to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is all about the work, co-worker/employee matter, health, or pets and something that needs to be said, written, agreed upon, or met over to make changes and empower you here. Home is under positive stars, talk, meet, write from home and tackle what you can here.
Tuesday Chiron moves into your recreational zone to expose any wounds you have around true love, fun, children, speculation, and creative outlets and abilities. You will be working with healing these wounds and learning to teach/heal others from your experience in these fields between now and 2019. Tackle home projects, moves, real estate matters, and work piling up today, doors are again open for you here.
Wednesday is very powerful for writing, agreements, talks, meetings, or short trips that involve a partner, agent, attorney, or specialist. This is about transforming and building upon the ashes, new beginnings and something tied to shared financial resources, divorce or sexual attraction/issues.
Thursday the partner, representative or other significant relationship is back in the picture and talks, meetings, writing, agreements, and action are gearing up over home, real estate matters, moves, security, family, or roommates. Retreat may be playing into this and require some adjustments on your part.
Friday you are wrapping up the final home/relationship issues, today you are stepping up, making needs known, bringing the spiritual, romantic or artistic issues up or honing in on weepy/deceptive actions. Good things come through love, kids and creative projects today, focus here.
SAGITTARIUS: (Call Zoe to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is about your creative interests and project, a lover/love interest or a child or childrens issues. You need to deal with the income or spending here and any big changes that need to happen. Talks, meetings, agreements, writing, are all favored in these areas.
Tuesday Chiron moves into the base of your chart to expose any wounds around home, real estate, roommates, mom/mother figures, moves, childhood issues, or security needs. You will be working with healing these wounds and learning to teach/heal others from your experience in these fields between now and 2019. Again, today, any action you take locally or with writing, meetings, agreements, or talks should benefit the creative projects, child or love interest.
Wednesday is about a profound income matter, looking at what you earn and spend and reworking something to build in a new way. Work you do, health or pets may figure into this new beginning or change.
Thursday the focus will go to work, seeking it or dealing with it, co-workers, employees, health matters, or pets and the talks, agreements, interviews, meetings, ideas, writing, short trips, or sibling interaction going on here. Set some limits with a friend or social matter.
Friday is the last of the work, health or pet matter this week and again the talks, meetings, agreements, pitches, ideas, writing, short trips, or sibling interaction is important. You are stepping it up today. Changes or surprises at home, with real estate, roommates, or mom are under positive stars.
CAPRICORN: (Call Zoe to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is all about the home, real estate, move, roommate, or mom and something very empowering or changing connected to you. Talks, writing, agreements, or meetings over income and this matter are under very positive stars.
Tuesday Chiron moves into your communication zone to expose any wounds you have around your thinking, writing, agreements, meeting or talking style, neighborhood, or with neighbors, brothers or sisters. You will be working with healing these wounds and learning to master/teach/heal others from your experience in these fields between now and 2019. Again, action taken today to earn or spend money tied to home, real estate, roommates, moves or mom is favored.
Wednesday is a really powerful day for you as Venus and Pluto meet in your sign to mark major new beginnings that empower, change and transform you personally and open doors to creativity, love and fun.
Thursday the lover/love interest, creative project or child is the focus with a need to talk, write, deal with agreements, and take action around the money being earned or spent. Make adjustments around the career agenda today or your own authority/position so you can get to all of it.
Friday is the last of the child, love, creative focus and you have lots of energy to step up and take on income matters here. News comes in that surprises or changes things with a lover/love interest, child or creative venture or you find you can take new approaches to contracts, talks or meetings that benefit.
AQUARIUS: (Call Zoe to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is really about communicating, writing, contracts, and anything going on behind the scenes, secrets, clandestine affairs, hospital or institutional matters, research, retreat, artistic or spiritual pursuits, or addictions. Powerful change is in the air. Talks or news should open up doors for you.
Tuesday Chiron moves into your monetary zone to expose any wounds around income, spending, possessions, and values. You will be working with healing these wounds and learning to teach/heal others from your experience in these fields between now and 2019. Get active today, you can accomplish a lot locally, with siblings or neighbors, through talks or agreements, or in writing.
Wednesday brings the major change around hospitals, prisons or other institutions, research or investigations, film, music, painting or other artistic projects, spiritual or psychic pursuits, retreat or seclusion, addiction or self-sabotaging, secrets or clandestine affairs. It is a new beginning and there is something positive at home or with a living situation tied to this.
Thursday home, moves, real estate deals, family, mom/mother figures, roommates, or security needs will be the focus and you are going to have a whole lot to say and do regarding this and your own needs. Be willing to make some adjustments here around the legal, travel, media, or educational matter.
Friday wraps up the home, moves, real estate deals, family, mom/mother figures, roommates, or security needs issues for you by getting you to stand up for yourself and bring your spirit into the mix. Changes or surprises with income should open doors, say yes to new ideas or approaches, especially involving home.
PISCES: (Call Zoe to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday the focus is on the money being earned or spent and anything challenging or motivating here tied to a friend, group, aspiration, astrology, the internet, or a charity. Talks or agreements that go on behind closed doors regarding this should benefit.
Tuesday Chiron moves into your sign to expose any wounds around your looks, image, body, ego, identity, or personal needs. You will be working with healing these wounds and learning to master yourself and teach/heal others from your experience in these fields between now and 2019. Take action behind the scenes today regarding income or spending.
Wednesday is all about the major transformation around a friend, group, networking event, social occasion, astrology, the internet, or a charity. It is a new beginning and very powerful, talks, writing, agreements, meetings, short trips, neighbors, or siblings could have a big impact on this.
Thursday your ideas, writing, agreements, meetings, siblings, neighbors, or short trips are the focus and what you take action on behind the scenes, with hospitals, addictions, retreat, research, spiritual or artistic projects, or clandestine affairs. Be willing to make adjustments around the financially shared matter, sexual attraction/issue, divorce, or mortality issue when in talks.
Friday wraps up the end of this influence with last talks or meetings and your presence is a major part of what is occurring here. There is sentiment, spiritual or artistic energy, and work done behind closed doors or dealing with institutions involved. You are finding change coming to you personally today that is freeing and positive.
Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
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