You can still read the WEEKLY for Jan.31-Feb. 4 here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2011/01/zoe-moons-weekly-forecast-jan-31-feb-4.html
You can still read the FEBRUARY MONTHLY here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2011/02/zoe-moons-february-monthly-forecast.html
Oh, LOVE makes the world go round, well that’s what they say and I’m inclined to believe them. In this, the month of Valentines and Aquarian ideals, let’s take a look at what the planetary energy is doing to help us find and celebrate the love in our lives!
Venus is moving into Capricorn on Friday the 4th where she will be particularly ambitious. What does this mean for you? Well it means that if you are in love already, there will be more determination to see it reach a new level or to bring your love interest into the act when going after a prize you have in mind. If single, this energy is going to direct you towards pursuing the object of your affection with single-minded focus. You will find that you are more interested in status or potential in love interests or that you are suddenly attracted to someone older or more established than in the past.
Venus has 3 big days this month. First, on the 6th, she squares Jupiter in Aries. This is about going over the top with love and ambition, about really pushing it out there. Venus and Jupiter are the 2 benevolents so although they are in a frictional angle, they still are pushing the happiness quotient out there. You may make a bid for love that is extreme or spend big on something for a love interest.
Venus comes to sit with Pluto on the 9th and begins a whole new round from the sign of ambition and status today. This is either incredibly empowering, sexual, intimate, and transformational or it is the beginning based on blowing up the triangle, power play, manipulation, control issue, financial issue, or divorce.
Finally, Venus squares Saturn on the 18th which is another frictional angle. Saturn wants commitment, effort, limits, or endings. Expect by this point for a decision about making it a ‘real’ relationship or monogamous, committed or partnered, or about ending it.
ARIES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Venus has moved into your ambitious tenth house which means attractions to older or established people. You will be thinking about how the union could bring love and success together and therefore may be more attracted to those in positions of power or who understand your goals. Jupiter is in your sign this month bringing personal luck and potential to make physical or personal changes that benefit every part of your life so stretch and put yourself out there seeking love. Saturn still tours your house of marriage and partnership so all relationships come under serious energy and you will have to build on them slowly and steadfastly but this will cement what you are building for years to come so don’t be in a hurry. Many times with this planet here there will be obstacles to getting into the relationship like a divorce is not finalized yet or distance plays a part, again, it is a process so put in the work and effort or determine that it is too much and look elsewhere. The best place to look for love this month is going to be out networking, through friends, at any group function you belong to, over the internet, through astrology, or at charitable functions. This trend lasts until the 18th and then moves into a more private place in your chart. This may mean you have found someone and wish to spend quiet nights behind closed doors the rest of the month or that you will do best seeking love out at artistic spots like theater, concerts, museums, or dance classes. During this last phase you may also meet a love interest at a spiritual retreat or class, a research facility, hospital, or on an investigation. As far as VALENTINES DAY goes, it seems you will spend it best at home or in the home of a loved one! Think about baking something special and romantic. You may be invited to a friends home to celebrate with others and that looks positive as well.
TAURUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Venus moves into your house of higher mind on the 4th and tours here the rest of February. This means love will be found in foreign people or exotic ports, through travel, at places of higher learning, in legal haunts or courthouses, or through media, publishing, marketing, or other broadcasting locales. You may be attracted to an attorney, guru, professor, pilot, airline steward, embassy chief, politician, media maven, or find that you are more attracted to those who can open up the world to you in some way and help expand your view of it. Ceremonies are ruled by this part of the chart so marriage may be on the mind or agenda of many Taurians and if a marriage is under duress this transit may see you seeking legal council to deal with it. A trip far away may bring the right spark to the game. Until the 21st, love will need to fit in with your ambitions and around your career. You could find that love blossoms on the career front as well. After the 21st, love is apt to strike while out at a party, networking, through a friend or with a friend, at group functions, with a group member, through astrology, the internet, or at charitable benefits. Your sexuality is in the hidden, mystical part of the chart so you can expect that there will be an air of secretive or clandestine energy around any connections now or that you are immersed in a world of fantasy, illusion or escapism when it comes to your sexual activities. This is also the house of self-undoing so take care that you are not sabotaging yourself through any actions you take now. On a higher note, this house brings spiritual unions on parallel with tantric out of body experiences into the bedroom. As far as VALENTINES DAY goes you may be running about quite a bit that day, perhaps to buy flowers or deliver candy, make reservations at one of your favorite local restaurants, something exotic would be best! Your best moment may be in giving of yourself to someone who may have been forgotten this day.
GEMINI: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Venus is moving into the most sexual and intimate part of your chart on Friday the 4th of February and will tour here for the rest of the month. This means that you will find love through intimacy and have a stronger than usual need to connect body and soul. Any triangles, power issues, financial matters, or divorce that could affect love will be brought to the surface and smoothed over for at least this month. Saturn is still traveling through your house of true love so slow and steady wins the race. You are being tested on matters of the heart and the more you show up and put in the effort, the better the results will be long term. This is a time to commit, work hard and be prepared to overcome obstacles because there are certain to be a few with your current or soon to be love interest. Saturn asks, “Is this real? Are you? Do you want this as in forever?” As Venus travels through your house of sex and intimacy this month you will either feel this through loving connection with your mate or through running the other way into the arms of other amores. Pluto is touring this same placement and when Venus and Pluto meet on the 9th you can expect very deep and intense moments with another. Pluto may bring up the triangle or power issue, Venus will do her best to smooth it over. Your biggest test comes on the 18th when sex and love meet a challenge and getting serious becomes important. Up through the 21st you are going to feel personally driven in the arena of publishing, media, travel, legal matters, ceremonies, and higher education and may meet someone here if single or take a current love interest into these channels. After the 21st it becomes more about ambition and career, at this time you may find you are attracting those with more age difference or that are interested in status. If already partnered, your friends and social occasions are important this month and will be a good place to share time. As far as VALENTINES DAY goes you may receive a really special gift or feel like splurging on an object of affection for your loved one or yourself! Doing something with a lover someplace exotic or going out for restaurant at a stimulating new place will best fit with the energy, if you can plan a night away, it would be powerful.
CANCER: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Venus enters your marriage and partnership zone on the 4th and will tour here the rest of the month. Venus is all about attracting love and smoothing things out so if you are already in relationship this month should bring more ease and love into the picture. If that relationship is so far gone that it won’t even be healed by Venus here, then the dates that may signal your need to get real about this will show up on the 6th, 9th and 18th. If the relationship is good, the 9th will be especially sexy. For singles out there, this month is superb for meeting someone you find attractive that may be partnership material. There is an incredible amount of energy in your sexuality and intimacy zone for the first part of the month. Mercury and Mars here will bring meetings with those who have instant attraction and talks that lead to steamy embraces through the 22nd. The Sun is illuminating your attractiveness as well this month through the 18th and bringing many ardent admirers your way. Chiron, the wound that we deal with, is finally exiting your intimacy and sexual arena on the 8th which should help you to stop being wounded by sex or reproductive issues, divorce or financial issues that have hampered you since 2005. The last week of the month will move interests to foreign love interests or travel as a way to connect in love, through love interests met on campus or through other places of higher learning, through media or marketing, or through legal matters or at places that are legal haunts. This is also the zone of ceremonies and some of you may be courting the idea of marriage now. Lastly, marriage and serious relationships will continue to have most focus on home, real estate, moves, mom/mother figures, family, and security needs so expect that affairs going on here to involve your living situation and family members. As far as VALENTINES DAY goes this one either finds you very intensely and passionately connected to your significant other or at opposing points. The Moon is in your sign so cooking a comforting meal, baking sweets, nesting at home, are all favored. There is a definite opportunity to connect intimately with someone you feel serous about so reach out, if single, get out there and make your move!
LEO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Venus enters your work, health and pet arena on the 4th and will tour here for the rest of the month. This means that love will most likely be found at work, with co-workers, employees, while dealing with a service you are launching or providing, while working out, at the doctors, shopping at a health food store, or doing anything else tied to health, or while grooming, walking or shopping for pets, at the vets, the animal rescue site or working to benefit an animal cause or charity. Those of you already in relationship will find this a very active month for talks, agreements, decisions, passion, or anger and most of this will play out before the 22nd. This dynamic energy may have you deciding to take the relationship to the next level or stir anger to help you break it off. Your vital energy is pouring into these relationship issues through the 18th so expect to be focusing much of your energy here. If single this time frame will help you to get out and meet someone who may be a contender for serious relationship, passions will spark so put yourself out there. Chiron is finally leaving this zone where he has traveled since 2005 on the 8th and this will end any wounding you have been expressing or receiving from marriage or committed relationship that was meant to help you heal something very soul-old. At this time you may find that you are more attracted sexually and intimately to someone who is a healer, musician, astrologer, or guru. You are entering a phase where you will be opening up any wounds you feel around sexual experience to heal this and the universe is going to send a few souls your way tailor made to help you do this. Expect the last week of the month to be electric with way more sexual energy or powerful forces at work to help you end any shared energy that is detrimental to your growth. As far as VALENTINES DAY goes it looks very fantasy driven for you so the more candles and music, the better. You can dream up a surprise or plan a getaway to some romantic locale just keep it dreamy. If single, romantic, musical, mystical places are the best for finding love today.
VIRGO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Venus is moving into the house of true love on the 4th and will tour this part of your chart through the end of the month. This will bring love to the fore for you and help you to smooth over any issues, attract what you desire and spend more time in the company of beauty. If in relationship when this begins you will want to look for some lovely ways to celebrate love together. If single, you have never had a better month to get out there and meet someone new. Venus will meet Pluto already deeply ensconced in this part of the chart on the 9th for intense sexual union or passions, or if love is past its expiration date, this will be a major turning point over triangles, control, sex, finances, or divorce. Pluto is on a long-term journey to transform your ability to love and bring more powerful love experience into your life and while Venus is here this year, this month, you should be willing to chance a bit in the name of love. Another major influence begins now, Chiron, the energy of soul wounds, is moving into your marriage and commitment zone on the 8th and will tour this area until 2019. This is your time to master the wound that you carry from past lifetimes and any wounding that has been done in this one, to begin to heal once and for all so that you can share in a committed relationship. This energy has not been here in 52 years so be brave in looking at what needs healing and prepare for a whole new experience of relationship up ahead. The universe is going to deliver at least one significant soul mate to your door to help you with this process. Jupiter in the meanwhile is moving through your house of sex and intimacy and opening up doors, bringing luck and expansion, happiness and lots of options so you should have no trouble connecting behind closed doors with someone steamy. Most of your personal focus seems to be on work until the 21st and love plays out around income or at the place you earn you money. You may find that you are working with your amore, especially through the 22nd. As far as VALENTINES DAY goes there is a definite social vibe to your love today so see if a few couples would like to make a night out of it or if single friends are throwing a V day bash where you can mix and mingle, throw one yourself if you can. Some of you are likely to get the most from this socializing at the office party today, just don’t dance on the desktops!
LIBRA: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Venus is moving into your home arena on the 4th and will tour here through the end of the month. This bodes well for experiencing love at home with a current love interest or for bringing prospective love interests to your home for a nice home cooked meal or entertaining. Any issues that have been playing out at home involving love should smooth over at this time. You are still hosting the testing energy of Saturn which means your approach to just about everything needs to be slow, steady and committed, or about setting limits or severing ties. However, there is a boatload of energy in your house of true love up through the 22nd and you will want to get out and take advantage of this. If single you can meet someone new and attractive, talk, share passions, and enjoy this time if you are willing to shine your light. The Sun is upon you in this area through the 18th and many will be attracted to you if you do put yourself out there. If already in relationship, this time will bring lots of opportunities to meet for passionate exchanges and talks that should spark more love between you. Jupiter continues to move through your house of marriage and committed relationships this month and he is doing his best to bring someone lucky, generous, happy, and prosperous into your life or to open up these kinds of opportunities for those already in committed relationship. There just isn’t a better time to mix and mingle. Your home, real estate matter, mom, or move seems to be taking up a lot of your focus so try to either bring love interests home or push yourself to get out just part of the time. Your best bets for finding love this month are at work, with co-workers or employees, out doing something health related like going to the gym or hiking, visiting the doctors or a holistic grocer, or while involved with pets so out walking the dog, at the vet, a pet shoppe or animal clinic. As far as VALENTINES DAY goes you may have your eye on the boss or someone famous or just find that you are very driven and ambitious today about how everything turns out. Home is best for you so create a special atmosphere for your lover there or plan on spending time with them at their home. If single, see if you can attend the theater, a concert, a crafting store, or any other creative space, or any place involving children, this is where love will likely be waiting.
SCORPIO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Venus and love are moving into your third house which rules your local arena, neighborhood, introductions through brothers, sisters or neighbors, at any writing group or outlet, through letters, local meetings, speaking engagements, or short trips. This begins on Friday the 4th and lasts the entire month so these are your best bets for meeting someone new or if in relationship this will be how you raise the bar in love by expressing it here. There is a significant amount of energy in your true love sector through the 22nd and this means you may meet, talk, expression passion, see action, and shine your light and be noticed in matters of the heart right now. It is about the Sun shining on you’re here and you taking the lead in putting yourself out there so you can meet the one. On the 8th, Chiron who rules the wounding we carry around with us, is moving into your house of true love for the first time in 52 years. He will tour this arena until 2019 and offer you a very personal spiritual journey to healing any wounds you carry about being lovable or how you relate to others and they to you in matters of the heart. This is a time of self-mastery here so expect at least one soul from past karmic ties to enter your life shortly to begin showing you this wound and bringing the healing. Some of you may be experiencing someone exiting at this karmic moment to do the same thing, look at how you can heal and master this energy and how your story of any wounding here can go out to others to help teach or heal them through your experience. Love is very much focused on the home and what is going on here so you may be dealing with a lover moving in or out, entertaining love interests at home, or you and a lover may be purchasing a first home, selling a property, starting a family, or dealing with mom and her needs. So much of your energy is also focused on the writing, local, short trips, and sibling connections this month so seek balance in all of this. As far as VALENTINES DAY goes love is going to flow around worldly, well traveled, idea people for you today. You may find you are flirting it up with someone foreign, in the media, publishing, education, or that you want to spend time with someone who can open up your world. Home is a good place to spend times behind closed doors or embark on something clandestine or get out and visit places such as libraries, bookstores, or other places that intrigue the mind. If in relationship it’s home and nesting or out at an exotic restaurant or on a trip.
SAGITTARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Venus moves into your income zone on the 4th and tours here through the end of the month. This means that current love relationships will focus in on earning, you may be making money together or focusing your love towards bringing in money, there could be spending going on as well and this could be about something love oriented, ie a ring, or cause issues in love that need to be worked through. Jupiter is traveling through your house of true love this month and you can consider it one of your luckiest times to find love in a 12 year cycle. This wraps up in June so you really want to put yourself out there if single, Jupiter will help attract someone of higher mind, generous, happy, and prosperous now. If in love already, this energy should be helping it grow by leaps and bounds and you may be adding a new baby to the picture soon or entering into something creative together. Since Jupiter is your personal ruler, it is a doubly blessed time for love to grow and bring much expansion to your life over the years ahead, all through what you are seeding this month and the next few to come. You may find that you can do a lot locally with your lover in the first three weeks of the month or that you are writing something, working on an agreement or idea, or spending more time with neighbors or siblings. If single, the local haunts are the best place to meet someone attractive, your brothers or sisters may introduce you to someone great or a neighbor could do the same or picque your interest. Home will be where it’s at the last week of the month so plan on having dates back to the house for a meal and a movie or if already together with someone, spending your time nesting. As far as VALENTINES DAY goes it looks very sexy! Beyond sexy!!! If you are in a relationship I would say bring the candles and the chocolates into the bedroom and just plan on spending it in there, if single, geesh, what are you waiting for, get out there and mingle. Your best bets are at any parties or networking events going on, heading out with a friend or attending a group gathering.
CAPRICORN: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Venus moves into your sign on the 4th and will travel here through the end of the month. This is giving you the magic love wand, use it well. You will come off more attractive to others during this transit and it really helps you to attract the one you desire. If already in relationship, this time will bring more love and affection, smooth out any rough issues, and make for a nice time. Venus will meet Pluto in your sign on the 9th so the days around this date are very intense and powerful. Pluto is regenerative and rules sex, transformation, power, and triangles. You may find that at this new beginning point you are doing something physical that transforms your body or needs and intensifies love or will lead to attracting more of it. Intimacy will be powerful now and any issues over triangles if there are any will surface to be dealt with. A great deal of your energy is focused on career or goals this month so you may find your best bet for love is someone who is working on the same or similar career goals, or that you meet while in pursuit of your ambitions. Love really does want to be expressed physically or personally this month so again, since it is in your sign, the ball is more or less in your court, what do you want to do about it? The ruler of your chart for sex and intimacy is going to be moving through your money house the first three weeks, so you may find that you have strong attractions to others that you are entering into a money making venture with, that you are spending on sex literally or figuratively, or that you are finding you are most strongly attracting sexually to those who share similar values. The last week of the month the sexual energy moves into the local arena which means steamy encounters are more likely to occur through meeting someone at the local pub, theater, grocery, park, etc, or if they are involved with your writing, agreements, siblings, or neighbors. As far as VALENTINES DAY goes all focus seems to be on the marriage or romantic partner today with something very powerful intimately in the mix for you. If you are in relationship look for ways to spice things up, don’t be afraid to spend a bit on something special for each other today. If single you are exuding sex these days and with Venus in your sign you should have no trouble attracting someone if you feel like getting out. Again, as with a few other signs, home is where a lot of action is going to happen so invite them back for a magical night.
AQUARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Venus is moving into the mystical, fantasy realm of your chart on the 4th and will tour here through the end of the month. This means love is either secret and clandestine, fantasy driven, addictive, found at a hospital or other institution, while filming, working on art or visiting artistic haunts, at a concert or involving music on some level, or at spiritual retreats or places. Love can be self-undoing or delusional, deceptive or without boundaries now as well so you need to understand that you are entering love with the rose colored glasses on. It may be great, the most romantic, poetic type you have experienced in a while or you may wake from the dream next month and see some issues. Your energy should be very amped up through the 22nd as the Sun is shining on you and Mercury and Mars are helping you to meet love, talk, express passions, or discharge any anger here. You may be viewing love this month around an income matter and need to look closely at your sense of values or your lovers to find balance here. More than anything this month, how you value yourself and the amount of love you are willing to spend on yourself will equate with how and who you interact with and the way love plays out. It is something of a turning point for you as Chiron finally leaves your sign on the 8th after doing his level best to get you to look at your own wound around image, body, ego, or identity since 2005. Everything in the universe is shouting at you to step up and demand more from the world through self-love, you are worth it you know. Your love experience this month will be a direct reflection of where you find yourself in this process. As far as VALENTINES DAY goes it seems like you are putting in a lot of time at work and may need to accommodate love around your work schedule or perhaps there is something sexy going on with a co-worker or employee? There could also be someone attractive at the gym or doing something else healthy today or in working with animals. Don’t be surprised if you receive flowers or other gifts at work today.
PISCES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Venus moves into your social realm on the 4th and will tour here through the end of the month so your best bet for finding love is through social affairs, parties, networking, friends, group activities, aspirations, charitable events, astrology, the internet, and foundations. If already in love you will find you can best express your passions while out on the scene together, building your internet project or working on the charity. You have a lot of personal energy that is active this month and one major event that is about to change everything. Most of your efforts will be going on behind closed doors in the first 3 weeks, you could be on retreat, at hospital, on a film set, in a music studio, on a spiritual retreat, researching, or in some other way sequestered away, but on the 18th onward you will feel like coming out and making your presence known. The major aspect that will preclude this is Chiron, the energy in charge of soul wounds, entering your sign on the 8th. He has not been here for 52 years and will tour your sign through 2019. This is all about opening up any soul wound you have around your looks, body, image, ego, or identity and taking you on a journey to heal and master your life through a new level of personal understanding. It will be the making of more than a few Pisces gurus during this transit and will help you to teach or heal others through direct experience of your own wounds here. Love is going to play a central part since it is in charge of this transition stage. Expect the universe to provide at least one karmic soul who will help you to look at this wound and heal it, master this new level and share it now. Saturn is still touring your sex and intimacy zone which can mean you are slower in getting to the sexual stage with a love interest or that there are obstacles or limits to intimacy. It is a testing time, a once in 29 year cycle that is meant to help you commit to someone you wish to share your body with so don’t fret the slow energy here. For some this will bring attraction sexually to those who are older, more established or who can help you reach your goals. If you aren’t involved with this person yet, you will have the best opportunity to meet someone sexually interested through friends, at parties or other social activities, through the internet, charitable activities, or in groups, pretty much the same place Venus is touring to bring love to you. As far as VALENTINES DAY goes the Moon is in your house of true love so you have every reason to light up the day with love, share time with your lover, if single get out and visit theaters, places with music, crafts, the arts, or where children are doing something, maybe a single parent is your next love or someone sitting next to you at the play! You may also find love today through friends or at a party.
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