Tune in Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific on CBS Worldwide Radio ~ New Sky Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show to listen. You can call in with astrology questions if you want to be part of THE ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW! The call-in number is: 248-545-7685
As Chiron is newly into Pisces this week at the beginning of an 8 year journey, the master teacher/healer is helping us to see and heal wounds in the boundaryless sea of humanity, through our spiritual and universal one mind, this shift has begun to bring forth the first blossoms of a new form of chivalry and a revisioned idea that love can be held above the corruptions of the world, pure, perhaps unrequited, but something worthy of devotion. It is just beginning to show us our power as a collective. In Pisces it is bridging the veil between this world and the unseen. It is going to be followed in April by the ruler of Pisces, Neptune, moving in to widen the force and increase its magnitude, to usher the modern renaissance and inspire our masterpieces.
Song and poetry are perfect ways into the heart of the matter, dreams are yielding keys for those who would turn them, art is elevating our soul and carrying this message from the subliminal to the opaque, romance is again welling against the seed of our inner yearnings and it’s going to grow by leaps and bounds this summer. If you only witness but a small taste of this or sense just the tiniest fragment of its sweet perfume, know that you are just entering into the magic that is about to unfold for the world. If you must first release a sadness and flood the sentimental channels of Pisces, then allow the tears to come, it’s part of the process, you must make room for the sacred.
This week of celebrated love, our Valentine’s Day, is also leading up to a FULL MOON in Leo- the sign of true love and creative joy, on Friday, so we are feeling that emotional build along with it. Love the one who is closest to your heart, love the world, love yourself, find a way to honor love and elevate the ether, the gods will smile upon you. HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY!
ARIES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Happy Valentine’s Day Aries! The day is bringing love through talks and meetings with friends, over the internet, through astrology, around charities, and in all things you write or speak of involving causes and innovation. Connect with significant others today and realize the home is where it’s at for you as you work on something important.
Tuesday puts you at home or working on real estate, moves, with roommates, mom, or family members as you make quite a bit of adjustments involving the internet, a friend, social occasion or networking event, or a group you are affiliated with. Pace yourself, especially where a partner or representative is concerned, it’s a day to forge ahead.
Wednesday finds all the work you did behind the scene benefiting home and security needs today and the energy shifting into the realm of true love, children and creative projects. You can really expand in some happy, prosperous ways in this by stepping up or reaching out. Something you are doing is going to stretch career goals or dealings with someone in authority today, it’s all in the name of empowerment.
Thursday the Sun and Neptune meet in a very inspired moment for you with the internet, a friend, group, aspiration, astrology, or a charity. This is about your artistic persona, spiritual self, romantic needs, or something involving you and a hospital or other institution getting a brand new start today. Creative ventures and anything involving kids or lovers is solidly aligned with relationship energy and finding representation if necessary.
Friday is the FULL MOON in Leo and a high point for you with a lover, child or creative venture. Something here has hit its peak and you are celebrating an achievement or wrapping something up as it ends. The Sun moves into Pisces today which triggers the final month of the year for you before your birthday month kicks in and a time for retreat, rest, recounting what you have achieved in the last year and strategizing or fantasizing (using your imagination) towards what you wish to bring about next year. You will stand out in anything tied to film, music, painting, poetry, or other art forms now, in spiritual practices, at hospitals, and through research. Venus squares Saturn today so there is a serious turn in the road today regarding one key relationship and your career or reputation.
TAURUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Happy Valentine’s Day Taurus! Love comes through your boss, your career, your reputation, those who admire and adore you for what you do, who you are, and in this there is a link to the way you feel of service to others, the work you contribute, and the way you are there around health and healthy choices, for animals and the environment. Talks or meetings today should make this all evident to you. Someone at a distance may be pulling at your heart and if so you may connect with them or write down what is in your heart in memory of them.
Tuesday brings a day to push the writing project you are working on or finesse agreements on the job, to deal with the boss or ask for more authority, to speak in front of others or to set limits around a health or pet matter. Your career is fielding a flux of energy today so talks, agreements, action, and the spotlight may all find you here.
Wednesday brings very happy or exciting talks and meetings with friends or groups. You can connect via the internet or write for it, all good. Once the Moon moves into Leo the home is where the action is going to be or real estate, moves, roommates, and mom may take on more importance. Work you do behind the scenes is beneficial, you may need to stretch a bit over a travel, legal, educational, or media matter tied into this.
Thursday the Sun and Neptune embrace in your career Midheaven which is like a kiss from the gods. Dream big, launch in business, get out before your public, and know that you are in the spotlight in a big way around any ambition involving your artistic abilities, spiritual pursuits, romantic needs, research or investigative projects, or dealings with hospitals or other institutions. It’s a new beginning. Home and work are aligned solidly and positively, just finding time for both home and career may take some juggling today.
Friday is the FULL MOON in Leo and a high point with home, moves, real estate, land, restaurants, mom, family, roommates, or security needs. Something is recognized, achieved or ended here now in a very creative manner or involving loved ones. The Sun moves into Pisces which kicks off a 30 day cycle that puts you into a more social milieu. The days ahead are about you connecting with friends, groups, networking, being seen in relation to astrology, the internet or charities, and in pursuit of your aspirations, here is where you shine. Venus and Saturn square today pointing out a turn in the road over something serious for you around work, health or pets and a woman at a distance or who is tied into travel, media, marketing, publishing, education, or legal matters.
GEMINI: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Happy Valentine’s Day Gemini! Love comes to you through ideals you share, those who teach you or students who follow you, avenues of justice, it comes from abroad or is wrapped up in a trip, flows around foreign interests or ceremonies, is broadcast or comes through media, or finds you through those tied to the law. Love is adventure and truth today and is solidly linked to your creative output, a child or a lover. Your emotions are going to be either wrapped up in what you most value now or you will be feeling a lot of energy around earning or spending today.
Tuesday brings up an monetary matter you have before you and points out limits or issues with children, creative ventures or loved ones as well as stirs up all kinds of talks or decisions about the trip, media, marketing, publishing, education, or legal aspects. Expect to be very busy in all of this today as you shift with the flow.
Wednesday finds the changes coming through the career and around reputation are rewarding your efforts and the money is flowing properly again. Once the Moon moves into Leo fun and creative ventures with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities kicks in and this looks quite positive. Be willing to work through the outside financial matter or divorce issue as it is morphing a bit today.
Thursday the Sun and Neptune meet in your house of media, publishing, marketing, travel, law, and education for a very inspiring new beginning. This puts you in the spotlight and floods attention on your artistic, spiritual or romantic identity here. It may also pull in the involvement of an institution around you in what you are doing. Lovers, children and creative projects are positively influenced, have talks or pitch ideas, meet or sign agreements.
Friday is the FULL MOON in Leo and a peak moment for you with a writing project, agreement, meeting, talk, news you hear, short trip, or something involving the neighborhood, a neighbor or siblings. This is about celebrating an achievement, recognition in writing, or you wrapping something up and marking an ending. Expect creativity and love to flavor what is on tap. The Sun moves into your career Midheaven today to light up this part of your chart for the next 30 days and put you in the spotlight here, a great time to be seen, make your name, and meet with the powers that be. The Venus/Saturn square today means you are at a turning point with a lover, child or creative project and it is serious, you need to decide about something shared here whether that is sex, divorce issues, reproduction, or financial matters.
CANCER: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Happy Valentine’s Day Cancer! Love finds you through deep intimacy with someone close, through the desire to pursue sexual attractions, through shared devotion and any bonding over financial matters with another. If you are in release mode, there is love opening up for you due to the divorce and what is discussed or agreed upon today. It is welling from the deepest part of the chart and may pull you back to early childhood memories and the love you feel for parents. It’s a transformational day with you in the driver’s seat.
Tuesday brings up any responsibilities or limits you need to deal with at home, with real estate, mom or dad, or family members. There is a massive amount of energy at work today for you with the divorce, sexual attraction or issue, or the financial matter such as a loan, settlement, insurance matter, taxes, inheritance, bankruptcy, refinance, alimony or child support issue, or other outside resources. Talk, meet, negotiate, take action, you are in the spotlight here.
Wednesday brings some excitement from afar, or a new opportunity through travel, media, publishing, marketing, legal, or educational matters. Once the Moon moves into Leo the energy will focus on making money or spending and stretching out on the career front in positive ways. You will need to accommodate a partner or representative in this as something is shifting a bit here.
Thursday the Sun and Neptune meet on the same degree for a huge new beginning for you in the house of power and sharing. This means you will be taking the spotlight and bringing your artistic, spiritual or romantic nature into the mix over the financial matter, divorce or sexual attraction/issue. You may be dealing with an institution as well but the dream should be big as it takes you into the year ahead. There is positive and solid support at home or with property matters and the money you are earning or spending.
Friday is the FULL MOON in Leo and a peak moment for you with money you are earning, spending or a possession in question. This is about achievement, celebration or an ending that is marked with income or what you are purchasing and will likely have a creative bent or be aimed at love or kids. The Sun moves into your house of travel, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, law, ceremonies, politics, religion, and higher education and will light up these arenas for you over the next 30 days. This is where your vital life force is best spent and where you will shine before others. The Venus/Saturn square today means a fork in the road over something serious involving home, real estate, mom, or moves and the love or money matter tied to a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor.
LEO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Happy Valentine’s Day Leo! Love is coming to you through a partner in marriage, a romantic partner, a business partner, or someone who represents you such as an agent, attorney or specialist. Love can show up in the absence of any of these folks in your life by seeing yourself as they would see you, by loving yourself and expressing your creative nature today towards others who are significant in your life. Write to them or about them, the process is filled with love for you today. Emotions run deep romantically, spiritually or artistically and can be aimed at creating work or tackling it in the name of change.
Tuesday the emphasis is on the research, time in retreat and strategy, working on film, music or other artistic outlets, writing or pitching ideas, taking some spiritual time to recharge your batteries, and to really focus again on that significant person in your life through communications, meetings, action, passion, or making yourself present for them.
Wednesday brings intimacy, positive changes to shared issues such as financial matters or divorce, and a great flow in all of this in private or through fantasy. Once the Moon moves into your sign there is real expansion and happiness available for you through travel, foreign interests, media, publishing, politics, marketing, publicity, legal channels, or higher education. Again, push at the work to empower yourself or you can change something around health or pets today with effort.
Thursday the Sun joins Neptune by degree and a new beginning for you with partners in business or romantically, or with agents, attorneys, advocates, or competitors. You want to step up and be seen for your romantic nature, artistic abilities, spiritual nature, or something that is inspiring and personal to you. Talks and meetings are serious and under positive stars so open up.
Friday is the FULL MOON in your sign! This means that something very personal is coming to a peak for you. This could be a celebration or achievement with something physical or an ending to something going on with your body. Your image, identity, ego, and personal matters are all up for some culminating moment now and it is likely that your creativity, or something involving a lover or child will color the moment. The Sun moves into Pisces today to light up your house of sex, reproduction, divorce, and outside financial matters for the next 30 days. This is a very physical, intimate time for you to connect with someone or to step up and tackle the divorce or loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, or other outside resource. The Venus/Saturn square today means a fork in the road over something serious that is said, written, or involves a meeting, agreement, sibling, or idea, and what is going on with work, health or pets.
VIRGO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Happy Valentine’s Day Virgo! Love is coming to you through the work you do, through employees and co-workers, through your sense of service to others, it is pure and clean and can express itself in healthy outlets or through the health issue that is coming to a close, through the love of pets or rescue of animals. You may earn in these areas today or find you are spending here, talks or meetings are aligned to favor stability and commitment. You may feel strong emotions today for a friend, group or social event as things change on deep levels.
Tuesday is about the friend, group, astrology, charity, internet, or aspiration. You are going to want to look seriously at any limits, structure or responsibilities involving money here and then pour your energy into the talks, meetings, agreements, and action you take over the work, health or pet matter tied to this. Be willing to shift a bit or adjust to what is in the wind.
Wednesday brings positive new approaches or ideas from a partner, agent, attorney, or other representative that should have you feeling pretty good about the friend, group, internet, charity, or astrology matter. Once the Moon moves into Leo you are going to feel like tackling creative or love matters behind the scenes, it’s a time of retreat and imagination, artistry or romantic privacy, and there is positive alignment to intimacy or dealing with major financial matters. You are in the mode for making some adjustments around a lover, child or creative venture in this today.
Thursday the Sun and Neptune embrace putting you in the spotlight in an artistic, romantic or spiritual arena at work, with co-workers or employees, with health matters, or involving pets or animal issues. This is a brand new beginning for you and you should dream big. There is something solidly tied to this today around the money you earn or spend.
Friday is the FULL MOON in Leo and this is going to bring a peak moment for you involving a hospital or other institution, a time of retreat or recuperation, a film, music project, painting, poetry, or other artistic outlet, a spiritual pursuit, research project, investigation, or clandestine love affair. This is about something being achieved, recognized or an ending being marked. Expect your creative nature or a love interest or child to color what is culminating now. The Sun enters Pisces to put the spotlight on relationships, representation and competition for the next 30 days. This is where you are going to best shine and spend your vital energy. The Venus/Saturn square today is a fork in the road that is pointing out something serious regarding the income or spending and a creative venture, love interest or child.
LIBRA: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Happy Valentine’s Day Libra! Love is coming to you through a child, through efforts you make on behalf of children, through your creative projects and those you share creative outpouring with, and through lovers or love interests. There is a serious flow from this to your own needs and the way you are taking on more responsibility and leadership in your life right now. Reach out to those who light up your creative passions. Emotions are going to feel intense today regarding career or an ambitious goal as you deal with home or real estate matters.
Tuesday is going to push your to achieve, spark ambitions, brings career into focus and show you any personal or physical limits you need to overcome as well as light up your talks, meetings, agreements, and action with creative projects, children or lovers. You are pushing here at any obstacles you want to overcome.
Wednesday brings positive fresh air into the work, health and pet arena for you and ties in nicely with goals and ambitions. Ring in new ideas at work to achieve your goals. Once the Moon moves into Leo you are going to feel more social. There is great expansion today through a representative or partner and this could tie into the internet, a social or group affiliation, astrology, or a friend. Continue to tackle what is morphing at home or with real estate.
Thursday the Sun and Neptune embrace in your house of true love, creative projects and children. This is a new beginning for you personally and will mean bringing your artistic, romantic, spiritual nature into a new beginning here, dream big! There is a solid, positive alignment with friends, groups, the internet, and aspirations today.
Friday is the FULL MOON in Leo and a peak moment for you with a friend, group, network, social occasion, astrology, the internet, or a charity. This is about something being achieved or celebrated or about an ending being marked. Expect love or creative energy to be wrapped around this moment for you. The Sun moves into Pisces today to light up your work, health and pets for the next 30 days. This means that you will be in the spotlight over the work you are doing, with co-workers, employees, through your physical health, and on behalf of animals now and this is your time to shine. The Venus/Saturn square today is about a fork in the road over something serious with you, your body, image, identity, or personal needs and what is going on at home, with real estate, the foundations you are building upon, or your security needs.
SCORPIO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Happy Valentine’s Day Scorpio! Love is coming to you through the home and what you do here, through family members and mom, mother figures and childhood memories. Love is at the foundation of your life and stemming upwards. There is a solid tie from this to your imagination and artistry, your spirituality and what you are developing today. Emotions are deep regarding a travel, media, publishing, marketing, legal, or educational matter and what you are saying, writing or meeting about.
Tuesday the media, travel, educational, or legal issue is the focus as you look at anything serious that needs to be dealt with behind closed doors. It’s a day with a lot of paperwork, communications or meetings and action pertaining to the home, move, real estate matter, mom, family, or foundations of your life. Push yourself to tackle what you can here, it’s about forging ahead.
Wednesday brings some happy surprises or nice changes through creative projects, children or lovers that should have you feeling better about the legal, media, publishing, travel, or educational matter. Once the Moon moves into Leo you are going to be focusing in on career and reputation and the positive energy that is opening up your work in a big way and helping you to expand with co-workers, employees, health, or pets. One talk here involves a triangle, you must deal with a third party to reach the goal.
Thursday the Sun and Neptune embrace in your home arena and mark a new beginning for you to shine in your artistic, romantic or spiritual nature with something you are starting at home, with real estate, a move, a roommate, mom, or family. Dream big! Career and what you are doing behind the scenes or in development is under positive stars and solid efforts are rewarded.
Friday is the FULL MOON in Leo and a peak moment for you on the career front, with reputation, goals, ambitions, fame, father, authority figures, or leadership. This is about achieving a goal, recognition or an ending around one of these topics. Expect your creativity and/or love to be tied strongly into what crests. The Sun moves into Pisces and lights up your house of true love, children and creative projects for the next 30 days. This means you are going to shine in pursuit of these matters and on behalf of love and creative expression so step up. The Venus/Saturn square today is about a fork in the road pointing out anything serious going on with hospitals or other institutions, film, music or other art forms, spiritual pursuits, clandestine or secret affairs, addictions, research, investigations, self-sabotage, or retreat. Talks about love or money may be necessary.
SAGITTARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Happy Valentine’s Day Sagittarius! Love is coming to you through writing, declarations of love, meetings and talks, ideas, through neighbors and out locally in your neighborhood, through brothers and sisters, and shown in the agreements you have with others. You should find that your ties to a group, friends, or social networks as well as the internet will support this and that this is where the energy is flowing for you. Emotions around intimacy and lovers, divorce or finances and children or creative endeavors may run deep today.
Tuesday brings the divorce, sex, reproduction, or major financial matter to your attention. You need to tackle anything serious with a friend, the internet, a group, or aspiration in this and open up the lines of communication as there will be many talks, meetings, ideas, writing opportunities, or short trips involved in the day.
Wednesday brings some nice surprises or new ways to do things at home. Passions may ignite here or you may find the financial matters or divorce is falling into place around property or living situations. Once the Moon moves into Leo you will want to focus on the trip, person at a distance, media or publishing matter, publicity, education, or legal topic. There is much happiness and expansion from this to a love connection, child or creative venture, you want to stretch out here. You do need to deal with earnings or spending and some adjustments here.
Thursday the Sun and Neptune meet on the same degree to spark new beginnings for you to shine in something artistic, romantic, spiritual, or involving research or hospitals that is written, in agreement form, or talked or met about. You could be involving neighbors or siblings in this. There is solid energy around friends and groups today and anything you are doing involving travel, media, law, or education.
Friday is the FULL MOON in Leo and a peak moment around a trip, ceremony, media or publishing topic, publicity, political or religious matter, teaching or a class you are taking, or legal matter. This is about celebrations, something being achieved or recognized, or an ending in one of these arenas. Expect love or creativity to color this moment. The Sun moves into Pisces today to put you in the spotlight at home, with real estate, moves, roommates, mom, family, or security needs over the next 30 days. This is where your vital life force is best spent now and where you shine. The Venus/Saturn square today is about a turn in the road that points out something serious with a friend, group, aspiration, astrology, the internet, or a charity and gets you to look at the money being earned or spent.
CAPRICORN: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Happy Valentine’s Day Capricorn! Love is finding you through those who interact with you while you are earning your living, through spending on those you love, through objects of affection, and the values you hold dear being reflected back at you. Today that should really show you how important recent decisions have been and solidify your aims on the career front and with ambitions. Emotions are deep today involving a partner or representative as you deal with what is transforming or changing.
Tuesday is going to focus on a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. You need to look at limits or responsibilities on the career front that are affected and get active over the money being earned or spent. Talks, meetings, agreements, and decisions are coming into play, all with some finessing or negotiating to be done.
Wednesday you should feel pretty good about the decision, agreement, meeting, or talk involving this other person as a new arrangement or approach is bringing harmony. Once the Moon moves into Leo you are going to be focusing in on the major financial picture, divorce or sexual attraction/issue. There is amazing energy here to expand through home or real estate, find happiness or prosperity there so take it to the home.
Thursday the Sun and Neptune meet in your income zone for a new beginning for you for the year. This means you can now move forward with a new artistic, spiritual or romantic influence around you, your identity, image or needs and the way you make money or around what you spend it on today. Hospitals or other institutions, research or retreat may also be involved in this fresh start. There is positive energy around career or goals and long term results through any kind of transformational energy.
Friday is the FULL MOON in Leo bringing a peak moment for you through loans, credit, inheritance, settlements, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, or other outside resources, through sex, intimacy, reproduction, something powerfully transformational, involving divorce, triangles, life and death, or change. It is about something being achieved, recognized or ended and will likely be colored with love or creative energy. The Sun moves into Pisces to light up your communications zone for the next 30 days. This is a time period when you are in the spotlight over local affairs, moves, siblings, neighbors, writing, agreements, meetings, talks, news, or ideas. The Venus/Saturn square is about a fork in the road pointing out something serious about career, reputation or ambitions and a love or money matter involving you, your body, image, or identity.
AQUARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Happy Valentine’s Day Aquarius! Love is coming from and through you today, it is an acceptance of who you are and where you find yourself, it is love for your body, image, identity, and personal needs. You can best express this through connection with someone far away or through travel, for foreign interests or politics, through media or publishing channels, the classroom, or legal pursuits. Emotions run deep today around work, health or pets.
Tuesday the focus is on the job at hand, your work or co-workers, any service you provide or employees, health matters or animals. You need to address limits or serious interests in legal, travel, media, or educational channels here and be ready to be very personally active, out making things happen, talking, meeting, making decisions, and being seen. It’s a push the day forward kind of day.
Wednesday brings positive changes or new opportunities to earn or spend that align harmoniously with work, health or pets. Once the Moon moves into Leo you will be focused on romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. The day is great for talks that open things up with these people or bring happiness or prosperity. Sign agreements or meet up.
Thursday the Sun and Neptune embrace in your sign! This is a magical new beginning point for you to step up, stand out, take charge, make a new start with your image, body, identity, or something very personal to you and it is playing through artistic, spiritual, romantic energy or may be influenced by doing something at a hospital or retreat, through research or involving dealing with addictions. The support from Saturn is giving you solid opportunity with someone important personally or professionally to travel or handle legal, media, marketing, or educational matters positively.
Friday is the FULL MOON in Leo and a peak moment with a relationship. This means that something is reaching a climax with a partner, representative or competitor as you see achievement, celebration, recognition, or endings. Expect your love or creative energy to color this picture. The Sun moves into Pisces to light up your income zone for the next 30 days. This puts you in the spotlight either earning or spending and brings more moments to shine. The Venus/Saturn square today is a fork in the road pointing out something serious with a trip, media or marketing matter, publishing venture, publicity, educational topic, or legal issue. Look at the love or money matter here that could in any way be self-defeating.
PISCES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Happy Valentine’s Day Pisces! Love is coming through the films or music in your life, the art work or artistic outlets you experience, through hospitals or dealings with other institutions, through time you spend alone connecting with your spiritual core or dreaming, through clandestine romantic affairs or as a reward from the research you have done, through tackling addictions, and the imagination you express. There is something solid from all of this to a very powerful, transformational experience. Emotions may run deep today over a child, lover or creative project.
Tuesday will focus in on this child, lover/love interest or creative project and it looks like a day to deal with the debt, loan or other financial matter, sexual attraction/issue or divorce. Talks, meetings, writing, and agreements will rev up over these topics behind the scenes or involving hospitals or other institutions, research, artistic outlets, or spiritual pursuits. It’s highly active here today as you push the doors open.
Wednesday you find that something new or exciting is falling into place for you with the creative venture, child or lover. Once the Moon moves into Leo you will be focusing in on the work, health or pet arena. There is great energy here to make more money or spend on something big that looks positive. You may need to make some adjustments today around a friend, group, the internet, or a charity you are involved in as you work on these topics.
Thursday the Sun and Neptune meet on the same degree in your mystical, muse oriented house for a whole new beginning for you here. This means you will be stepping forward for the year expressing your spiritual, artistic or romantic nature regarding hospitals or other institutions, film, music or other artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, research, or investigations. Put energy into work, health or pets today since there is something solid here you can achieve financially or shared with someone else.
Friday is the FULL MOON in Leo and it is bringing a peak moment for you at work, with your work or a service you provide, with a co-workers or employees, a health matter, or pets. This is about a celebration, achievement or ending and will be colored by your creativity or love. The Sun moves into Pisces to put a spotlight on you, your image, body, identity, and personal needs for the next 30 days. This is your time to step up and be noticed, to pour your vital life force into yourself. The Venus/Saturn square today is a fork in the road that points to anything serious around debt, loans, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, settlements, alimony, child support, or other outside resources, sex, reproduction, mortality issues, or divorce. Look at the love or money with the friend, group, internet, or charity in this.
Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
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