Tune in Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific on CBS Worldwide Radio ~ New Sky Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show to listen. You can call in with astrology questions if you want to be part of THE ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW! The call-in number is: 248-545-7685
Well babes, the week ahead is like gliding down the fun slide at the carnival as you pass the clowns and the barkers, wrap up your winning penny toys and get ready to close the door on the last remnants of the Leo Full Moon for this year. I hope you got to celebrate high points with those creative juices flowing, opening your hearts to love and flooding the children of the world with lots of joy. This Friday we have our NEW MOON in Pisces so although we are wrapping up creative projects and love from past experiences or relationships, by Friday we are getting the next push, this time in new beginnings with artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, clandestine romance, hidden things, secrets, places of retreat, hospitals, prisons, dealing with addictions, escapism, intuition, psychic abilities, talents, the mystic, the muse, and all the magic that goes on behind the veil, I KNOW, RIGHT?!!! Well, muster it up sugarpants, here we go!
Monday is ambitious with opportunity to make changes, trust intuition, shine a light on love, income, objects of beauty, women, and make a push.
Tuesday brings a bit more of the same, sweet, and then Venus moves into Aquarius to start a cycle of love and income opportunities through our friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities.
Wednesday Hermes is going to say something or ask something that will require some finessing around anything that is stuck, taking too much effort, needs limits to be addressed, or more responsibility in the mix. An authority figure may be part of this conversation or you could be writing about father or bosses. It may feel a bit tough or beyond your scope, you can do it.
Thursday Mars and Pluto are dancing which can be pretty wild, angry and explosive or all-out passionate cha cha cha! There is something going on behind closed doors in this and the energy is fierce but offers opportunity to make something happen in a powerful way. Actions bring changes or transformation, sharing is strongly in the mix.
Friday is the NEW MOON in PISCES and we kick off a strong two week period of seeding new beginnings, it will be about trusting our intuition, pursuing our artistic or spiritual desires, expressing our talents, retreating and working on something behind the scenes, developing or researching, or dealing with hospitals, other institutions, addictions, or self-sabotaging tendencies. Remember the New Moon energy means what we start now in these areas will take us farther than at other times. (Can someone get Charlie Sheen back into rehab?).
ARIES: (call to schedule a reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is about what you can achieve on the career front, you have the golden touch today and glamour, beauty, women, and exciting new opportunities are all part of the mix. Look for ways to earn money in this today because you CAN make it happen.
Tuesday Venus moves into your social realm and kicks off a few weeks where you are going to be interacting with more people socially, networking, forming or joining groups, spending time with friends, engrossed in astrology, the internet, or with charities, and all of this is favorable for you.
Wednesday you need to do some rewriting or meet, talk or come to terms with someone behind the scenes. There is a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person in the picture and today you can either rephrase needs or talk through issues to better understanding and agreements.
Thursday your ruler is amping it up with Pluto so you are going to be driven to achieve and transform something on the career front. You have all the energy you need to motivate behind the scenes and go after the prize. This is one of those power days where the world can turn upside down and transform before your eyes, it’s all up to the efforts you put into play now.
Friday is the NEW MOON in Pisces and begins a couple week time period when you will do best to retreat, rest, recuperate, get to a hospital if necessary or work through any issues here, tackle addictions, start a research project or developmental idea, launch the film, music or other artistic pursuit, head off to a spiritual practice or begin a new one, and enjoy romance behind closed doors.
TAURUS: (call to schedule a reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is about a trip, media or publishing event, marketing or publicity matter, higher education, a ceremony, or legal matters and your best bet in this is to combine this with social activities, a friend, group, networking event, aspiration, the internet, astrology, or a charity. Venus is strong here so a woman, love or income may be a strong factor in one of these areas for something positive and fresh.
Tuesday there is more carry over from yesterday with women, income or love and the trip, media, legal, or educational matter and a friend or aspiration. Again the energy here is very positive so put things in motion. Venus moves into Aquarius today and kicks off a few weeks where you can attract more to the career, and ambition just flows with ease. Women will benefit your goals now and it’s a good time to ask for a raise.
Wednesday you need to either deal with something a friend is asking of you at work or tied to health or pets, or you need to say what you think about the situation. There is a need to talk things through, renegotiate or come to some understanding, deal with news about something stretching you a bit or make some adjustments. Writing may be key.
Thursday is very active and powerful, you can really make something big happen and change or empower a situation and this is going to play out through a friend, group, aspiration, the internet, astrology, or a charity. It is going to transform something legally, through travel, media, ceremonies, or education.
Friday is the NEW MOON in PISCES and a strong two week period to begin new friendships, join or form groups, start something with a friend, embark on a new astrology or internet project, launch something at a networking event, throw a party or other social occasion, pursue aspirations with gusto, or kick off something for a charity.
GEMINI:: (call to schedule a reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is about the sexual, reproductive, financial, or divorce matter you are involved with and there is very nice energy here with a woman and the changes or new approaches on the career front or towards a goal. You can attract what you need if you are willing to try something new.
Tuesday is more of what you had yesterday with more positive energy flowing around the new and changing here. Venus moves into Aquarius and you set out on a few weeks where travel, media, publishing, publicity, marketing, higher education, ceremonies, and legal matters are going to go more smoothly and you can attract love or money through these realms. Women will benefit you here as well.
Wednesday is about having a talk about a career goal or with a boss or other person in authority. You need to talk through what you want to get at creatively, how responsibilities or limits are going to work, and if the goal is love rather than career, the talk or decision needs to focus on how love is being expressed or how children are affecting the scenario. Be willing to work around issues.
Thursday is a powerfully aggressive day to really make things happen on the career front, with a boss, your own leadership abilities, dad, through your ambitions, goals, reputation, or dealing with fame. It’s a positive energy day where the actions you take should lead to big financial opportunities, changes on the sexual front (meeting someone exciting or breaking through intimately) or movement with the divorce.
Friday the NEW MOON in PISCES is offering you a few strong weeks ahead to launch new career agendas, climb the ladder at your current position, make a name for yourself, reach for fame, get a new start with reputation, status or goals, launch a new business or career, and get out there in front of your public! What are you waiting for?
CANCER: (Call to schedule a reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is about a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or other significant relationship in your life and the love or income available to you through this connection. Be willing to be spontaneous and try new things where travel, media, publishing, publicity, higher education, or legal matters are concerned as they seem to benefit you regarding this person.
Tuesday is more of the same, a focus on what is occurring in relationship and new opportunities that are exciting or surprising in media, travel, education, or legal matters. Venus moves into Aquarius and the next few weeks she will work to smooth out or attract sexual intimacy, reproductive issues, divorce matters, and anything involving outside financial resources. This is a great time to go after a loan or spend on something sexy.
Wednesday, you need to talk things out or make a decision about the trip, media venture, publishing, legal matter, or educational topic by way of how it is affecting home, mom, a living situation, or move. Be willing to make some adjustments here.
Thursday is a highly active day where you can make great strides or changes to situations so push on the media, publishing, travel, educational, or legal matter and get the opportunity you want in motion with the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or advocate.
Friday is the NEW MOON in PISCES and a big new beginning for you in the realm of media, publishing, publicity, marketing, travel, higher education, politics, beliefs, ceremonies, or legal matters. You have two strong weeks to put new projects or goals into motion through these doors for best results.
LEO: (Call to schedule a reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is all about the work, health or pets for you and an opportunity to transform something here through a new approach or situation financially. Look at outside resources and ways to attract what you need, women should be beneficial to you in this as will any unique idea or application.
Tuesday is more of what began on Monday with more opportunity to attract positive change and love or income through the work, health or pet arena. Venus moves into Aquarius and begins a few weeks when you will be a magnet of attraction to significant others! This may help you meet someone wonderful if you put yourself out there or smooth things out in a current relationship, love will flow. If you need to find someone to represent your interests on something financial this time is a good time to seek them.
Wednesday you need to have a talk, meeting or come to a decision about the loan, debt, partners finances, divorce, sexual matter, settlement, insurance matter, taxes, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony or child support, or other outside resources. There is something that needs to be finessed here so come from a position of give and take.
Thursday is a very active, intense day that will drive you to tackle the financial matter and get work done. You can connect intimately with someone at work, at the gym, through some healthy outlet, and experience a powerful transformative bond with them. You can make changes to work, health or the way you are involved with animals. All of these potentialities are under forceful, positive opportunity if you are proactive.
Friday is the NEW MOON in PISCES and a huge new beginning for you financially, sexually or in dealing with a divorce. You have two strong weeks to set things in motion and make a fresh start so if you need to deal with a banking institution or other lender, launch something with a partners resources, start divorce proceedings or get into counseling about a divorce, or find a new intimate companion, this is your time to move things along. This area also rules reproduction so you could hear news about a child on the way or a new procedure to help you conceive.
VIRGO: (Call to schedule a reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is all about the love, child or creative project and surprising new opportunities that are available to you through a partner, agent, attorney, or specialist. You can attract love or income to what you want here and should find things are not only running smoothly but there is some excitement about fresh ideas or situations.
Tuesday is more carry-over from yesterday with the same positive flow here in love, with kids or around creative ventures. Venus moves into Aquarius and begins a few weeks where you will work with women, attract the love or money you need through the work you do, see things run more smoothly with work, and where women, love or income are benefiting health or pets.
Wednesday you need to have a talk with someone who is significant to your current situation about the money coming in or being spent. This is about talking through the issue here and making some adjustments to deal with any limits or responsibilities.
Thursday is very active and driven as you put something in motion with a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant relationship all in an effort to make powerful transformations in a creative endeavor, love affair or for a child or children’s project. You can move mountains, make it happen.
Friday is the NEW MOON in PISCES and a big new beginning for you in serious relationships. You have two strong weeks to start a new partnership, to marry, make a fresh start with a marriage or romantic partner, form a business partnership or make new changes to an existing one, to find an agent, attorney or specialist to represent you or make new changes within an existing agreement, this is the best time to find the right person for you.
LIBRA: (Call to schedule a reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is about home and the work you can accomplish here through new approaches or ideas, something exciting coming into the home, a new health regime you begin here, or something new with pets at home. The energy is positive and will help you attract what you need via love or money, a woman may be popping by or helpful in what you are doing.
Tuesday is more of the same from yesterday as the work, health or pets scenario continues at home. Venus moves into Aquarius and opens up a beneficial flow of love and attraction in your house of true love, creative projects and kids over the next few weeks. This is a great time to meet a new love interest or do something romantic with a current lover, to spend on the kids or a creative project or attract more income to your creative efforts. Again, women are beneficial in all of this.
Wednesday you need to have a talk or deal with information about work, health or pets. It’s important that you make some adjustments around your own personal or physical limitations or responsibilities in the matter. Ask for what you need and be willing to work around the other parties needs as well.
Thursday is highly active on the work front, with health matters or with pets. You are going to be driven and have the energy to tackle just about anything here and make it happen, all with the ability to transform something going on at home, with a real estate deal, mom, a move, or roommate.
Friday is the NEW MOON in PISCES and a huge new beginning for you on the work front, with health and with pets. This is your two weeks of the year to launch a new service you are providing, to look for new work or introduce something new at the current job you hold, to interview, hire someone to work for you, do something new with a co-worker, begin a new health regime, diet, join a gym, or introduce something new into your healthy lifestyle, and a great time to adopt a pet, start something that benefits animals or do something new with your pet.
SCORPIO: (Call to schedule a reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is all about the writing, talk, meeting, agreement, or decision that involves a creative project, child or lover/love interest. There could be a short trip involved in this and you may be interacting with siblings as well today. The flow is very positive with love, income and women in any of this and nice surprises, positive changes, and fresh approaches.
Tuesday is more of the same so open up, meet, talk, express love, communicate with kids and over creative projects. Venus moves into Aquarius and begins a few week period where you may have a woman coming to the home or find that you are attracting love or income through home ventures, real estate, moves, mom, family matters, or roommates.
Wednesday you need to have a talk with a child, lover/love interest or about a creative venture. There is a need to work out something here that is or has been unsaid and you will need to either take the time to explain the unexplainable or draw on your intuition and spiritual/artistic understanding to help another come closer to your understanding. They may be limited in their knowledge of spiritual matters or overburdened at the moment.
Thursday is a highly active day where you can really move mountains with a child or on behalf of children, on the creative front or with a creative project, or with a lover or love interest. This is about action, passion, motivation, and making it happen with universal support behind transforming the situation through what is said, written, agreed upon, or met about. What do you want to change?
Friday is the NEW MOON in PISCES and a big new beginning for you in true love, with children or creative projects. This means this is your time this year to push that creative project through or pitch your idea, to launch the creative endeavor or begin new ideas creatively, to meet a new love interest if single or start something new for your current lover, to have a child, practice makes perfect, or to begin something new with your children now.
SAGITTARIUS: (Call to schedule a reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is about positive flow with income and spending and the home, family, real estate, roommate, move, or foundations you are building upon. You should be able to earn from home, make changes that work, spend on positive upgrades or beautiful objects that light up the home, all good.
Tuesday is more of the same with positive energy flowing around money and home base, new ideas, fresh approaches and original objects. Venus moves into Aquarius where she will help you attract what you want through talks, writing, agreements, meetings, short trips, and with siblings or neighbors over the next few weeks, women benefit here and focusing on what you want in love or income is best.
Wednesday you need to have a talk about something going on at home, with real estate, mom, a roommate, or family matters. Go into this with the idea that it can be worked out and be willing to deal with limits or responsibilities to a friend, group or aspiration in the mix.
Thursday is a very active day with all kinds of energy moving things at home, with the move, renovation, remodel, real estate deal, roommate, mom, or other property matter. You can move mountains, the energy is about power, positive change and this is coming through money being earned or spent here so do your magic.
Friday is the NEW MOON in PISCES and a big new beginning for you at home, with property or real estate deals, moves, mom, family, or roommates. You have two strong weeks to launch, put down new roots, start building the home, buy or sell the real estate, go into interior design, architecture or real estate, get a new roommate, start a family, begin something involving a restaurant, land, or do something new with mom.
CAPRICORN: (Call to schedule a reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is about your body and anything you are doing to beautify your looks, your image, identity, or spending on something personal you desire. You can hear some interesting news or decide on something different today that will be exciting and beneficial as well.
Tuesday is more along the same lines as yesterday with your image, body, identity, or ego needs at center stage and agreements, meetings, talks, news, or decisions that open up new doors for you or bring fresh ideas into play. Venus moves into Aquarius where she will spend the next few weeks helping to attract income more easily, bring women onto the scene who will help you earn money, and motivate you to spend on objects of beauty or luxury items.
Wednesday you need to have a talk about something that needs to be worked out on the career front or with a boss or person at the helm. Set limits, deal with limits, or tackle leadership/responsibility matters now with the idea that this can be negotiated or adjustments can be settled upon for income to flow properly.
Thursday is a very active day where some real mountains will move and changes made. You can be taking this on personally or physically, it can be about you passionately expressing your views with someone or news that comes in that is powerful, you may be interacting with a sibling or neighbor or writing something, all is intense and positive with ways to transform the situation.
Friday is the NEW MOON in PISCES which starts a strong two week period for you launching new ventures in the local scene, new starts with neighbors, siblings, a writing project, contracts and agreements, and it’s a great time to have fresh talks, meetings, or make short trips to get something into gear. A new idea you have now could take you far into the year, write down those thoughts.
AQUARIUS: (Call to schedule a reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday there is a lot of energy working for you behind the scenes, in research, retreat, development, clandestine affairs, artistic projects, spiritual pursuits, and time on inner work. You could be doing something with a hospital or other institution, dealing with an addiction, or following your psychic insights today. All of these areas are where Venus is working for you to attract love or money and new opportunities seem likely if you remain open.
Tuesday is more of the same so look for ways to earn, spend or share love in these areas, along with new ideas or people who may bring opportunity. Venus moves into your sign where she will make you the favored love object over the next few weeks and help you attract love or money more easily. You may want to spend on personal items of luxury now, things for your image or body.
Wednesday you need to have a talk or make a decision about income or spending. Look at what is shifting legally, with a media or publishing project, marketing or publicity, around a trip, or involving higher education in this and then be willing to talk it out and make some adjustments based on any limits or responsibilities.
Thursday is very active or passionate as energy is expended over earning money or spending it all in an effort to transform something artistic, spiritual, romantic, or tied to hospitals, research, addictions, or places of retreat. The energy is positive and a little effort will go a long way to making changes.
Friday is the NEW MOON In PISCES and a big new beginning for you in income matters. You have two strong weeks to seek new sources of income, to ask for a raise, to launch a second source of income, to make a purchase that you’ve been debating, or to get a fresh new outcome to any matter involving a possession that is in question between you and another.
PISCES: (Call to schedule a reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is about the friend, group, social occasion, networking opportunity, astrology, the internet, or a charity. The day is filled with wonderful opportunity here to attract love or money and to try new things, meet new people or open up to new approaches here that benefit.
Tuesday is more of the same with social and personal opportunity, love and income, all flowing beneficially for you. If single these two days could bring someone into the picture through one of these social outlets. Venus moves into Aquarius today and love and money will now move into a more private or secret area of your life for the next few weeks. This is about attracting love or money through research, film, music or other artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, dealing with addictions, retreat, and tied to bodies of water.
Wednesday you need to have a talk about your personal or physical needs and any limits or responsibilities you have with a financial institution or outside resource, divorce, mortality matter, or sexual attraction or issue. Look for ways to work things out and be willing to adjust.
Thursday is a very active and passionate day with a lot of energy around what you do personally or physically, passionately or aggressively, to make things happen with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or a social event. This is powerful stuff that will bring change, opportunity and transformation so get busy.
Friday is the NEW MOON in PISCES and your big fresh start to the year ahead on a personal or physical level. You can use the next two weeks to create a new image, get a haircut or buy a new wardrobe, start a new diet or work-out regime, have work done on your body, take on a new identity through marriage, divorce or parenthood, dream up some new version of yourself and move towards it, and to pull on your artistry, spiritual acumen, romantic ideal, to vision yourself forward on some new level. If you are your own commodity, ie: as an actor or other performer, this New Moon could get you the part or position, get out there. It’s a great time when make believe and imagination are on your side.
Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
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