Dive in! We are ready to get back in the game and the week ahead won’t disappoint.
Monday is career day :) It’s a great day for meetings or talks, presentations or sending out resumes. Mercury is still Retrograde as is your ruler so connect with someone from the past or a past situation for a fresh start. Put in the effort towards your work and your health today for best results.
Tuesday the talk or meeting is about money, love or with a woman. Once again the past beckons but you can seed something today with this energy. Feelings about work or health will be a bit strained as you may have something pulling on you to retreat and recharge or something that pops up out of nowhere to demand attention.
Wednesday is the challenging day this week when you are going to need to deal with some frustration with a partner, an agent, opponent, or attorney. Major changes or powerful deconstruction to career goals or reputation are in the mix as well as needing to deal with limitations or responsibilities with this person. Talks are on the slate, just bide your time until Mercury goes Direct before finalizing the agreement or making the decision.
Thursday gears up for action with children, lovers or creative projects. Make any adjustments you can to reach your goals here and involve the partner, agent or attorney for best results.
Friday Venus and Mars tangle a bit around the love or money goal and the actions, anger or passions around a child, lover or creative project. You are going to be pushing on something tied to the past again and needing to adjust around what you desire. Feelings are profound and there is opportunity to deeply connect over intimacy, divorce or major financial matters in a positive, powerful way.
Monday is a stellar day to talk or meet about the trip, media or publishing venture, education, or legal matter. Involve your feelings of fun, connect with lovers, children or your creative potential in this and you can’t go wrong. The past is playing a part.
Tuesday is more of the same but today you can bring in the love or money issue, agree on what you want to do or attract what you need, with the travel, education, media, or legal matter. Changes to social engagements or a surprise from a friend shouldn’t slow you down where your creative flow is concerned, balance.
Wednesday is a challenge as you are going to have to look at how you share the work load, deal with health or pets. There is some limitation, restriction or responsibility here that is frustrating the travel, education, media, or legal venture. Talks or agreements bring the past to bear again.
Thursday the action is at home as you get into the work or health, this is positive with some adjustments being made around the learning, teaching, travel, media, publishing, or legal matters. Friends or groups surprise or change something on you again but you can adjust, the goal is in sight.
Friday Venus and Mars are sparring so you will be adjusting to money or love matters around the trip, education, media, or legal matter, and then taking action at home or with the property. Partners, agents or attorneys are ready to open up and connect in wonderful, powerful ways with the trip, education, media, or legal matter.
Monday packs a positive punch around dealing with the debt, insurance, taxes, inheritance, bankruptcy, credit cards, loan, or joint finances. This will have you feeling more secure or better at home. You can deal with property matters or living situations, and go deep with intimate talks or meetings at home, all good. If you are trying to settle a property matter in a divorce, this day supports. The past is involved.
Tuesday the talk or agreement is about the major financial matter, sex or divorce again but today you can really get to the fresh start via love or money, once again by dealing with the past. A surprise or change with a goal or career must be handled on the spur of the moment.
Wednesday is a challenge as you will be emotionally focused on a lover, child or creative project and how you feel limited or responsibilities here as well as any frustrations over intimacy, divorce or major finances in the picture. Talks are part of the scenario and again the past plays a part.
Thursday you will be passionately expressing yourself with a lover, child or in a creative project and this has opportunity written all over it. Make some personal adjustments to your own needs around intimacy, divorce or finances and the goal you have set, change is encouraged.
Friday Venus and Mars are meeting to get you to look at the love or money matter around divorce, major finances, or intimacy, and then to express yourself passionately in talks, meetings, or agreements. The past is involved and you may need to reframe any anger. Emotions will be positive towards health and work as you communicate about the way you wish to share in the finances or intimacy.
Monday is a ‘go get ‘em’ day where partners, opponents, agents, or attorneys are concerned. You will be talking with someone from the past or about a situation in the past and meeting or coming to some decisions. It is alright to get your mind around past situations but with a nod to the future here, just hold off on signing until Mercury is Direct.
Tuesday has you meeting or talking to the partner, agent, opponent, or attorney and this is a big day when love or money will be key and you will be starting something new with the past in some way involved. Surprises come via travel, education, legal matters, or media.
Wednesday is a tough day as feelings at home, with security, property, or mom will feel a bit isolated, limited or over-burdened with responsibility. You will be dealing with challenges through a partner, attorney, agent, or opponent in this and pushing for change. Talks involve the past again.
Thursday will have you acting on income matters at home or spending on property, this is positive. Make adjustments to travel, education, media, or legal matters here and around what you expect from a partnership, with an attorney or agent, for best results.
Friday Venus and Mars are helping you to look at love or money matters with the partner, agent, attorney, or opponent, and then make adjustments around actively earning or spending money. You will be invoking the past as you push things onward. Emotions are going to be deep and profound where love, children or creativity is concerned and bring opportunity to connect with the partner, agent or attorney in moving ways.
Monday is a golden day for talks or meetings about work, health or pets. You will be backtracking here into the past in some way as you find ways to move your income forward or to spend in a positive way around the health, work or pets.
Tuesday is an important day to talk, meet or decide something about the work you are doing or want to do, a health matter, or your pet situation, look at the love or money here and make a fresh start while giving a nod to the past. Surprises or changes occur around intimacy, divorce or major finances that must be balanced.
Wednesday is a challenging day as talks will be somewhat limited or frustrating or you will feel obligations or responsibilities weighing in through siblings, writing deadlines, neighbors, or short trips. You want to change something or transform it in the health arena, the work you do or with pets and today will test how you communicate about it.
Thursday has you up and at ‘em with vigor evening though you will feel as though you are covering old ground. It is a positive opportunity for you so push ahead. Make adjustments to what you need in health, with work or pets and around any shared resources, major finances, divorce, or intimacy issues.
Friday Venus and Mars are going to help you to look at the love or money matter tied to the work, health or pets and then to get physically involved, do something about your image or identity, your body or ego in the mix. Emotions are deeply connected to home and living situations and help you to talk about the work, health or pets in a positive way that helps change things.
Monday is all about making some decisions, or having a talk or meeting tied to the past regarding a lover, children or a creative project. This is a fresh start for you in some way and you will be able to express your needs as well as see yourself in a new way. Just wait until Mercury goes Direct to sign or agree.
Tuesday the talk or meeting will be about love or money with the lover, children or creative project. This is an important day for new starts tied to the past on some level, you are taking something forward or letting is go. Surprise or change comes through the partner, agent, opponent, or attorney.
Wednesday is challenging as you will be dealing with feeling about income or spending and any limitations or responsibilities here. Major change or transformation with the lover, child or creative project are part of the equation and you will need to talk or agree to something around the monetary part while still giving a nod to the past.
Thursday has you diving into something behind the scenes to take care of the income/spending. You may be researching, working through imagination, film or fantasy, dealing with hospitals or prisons, or in some way strategizing in an active way. Make adjustments to what you need from the creative outlet or loved one and be willing to see change in the partnership or with the one who represents you.
Friday Venus and Mars will help you to look at the love or money matter with the creative project, lover or child. You can then take action again behind closed doors or make other adjustments to what you are working on privately or with imagination. Emotions are deep and offer positive opportunity to talk or transform something with the lover, child or creative project.
Monday is a great day to have talks or meetings about home, property, living situations, your security needs, with mom, or to make decisions about what is going on behind closed doors here. Research is your friend, strategize, work in imaginative arenas from home, involve the past in what you are doing and wait to sign until Mercury goes Direct.
Tuesday is important for meeting or talking with a woman about the home or living situation, the past is involved. If it is not a woman for you then there is something about love or money that can be brought up at home today that ties into the past and is offering you a fresh start, take it. Changes to work, health or pet routines will be in the mix.
Wednesday is challenging as feelings are somewhat isolated, limited or frustrated around what your needs are and what is changing at home, with living situation, property matters, security needs, or mom. You will want to talk about it but this is not the day to push it.
Thursday has you motivating to go see a friend or do something social and this looks good. You will want to make concessions for what you need to do at home and around any changes to work, health or pets and then try to go have fun.
Friday Venus and Mars are helping you look at the love or money matter at home, with property, living situation, or mom. Then give you the motivation to get social, do something with friends, groups, or networking, by showing you how to adjust to circumstances. You will be backtracking into past territory a bit in all of this. Emotions will be good around income and what you are talking about or writing at home, powerful stuff.
Monday is a great day to talk, meet, write, or do something local involving aspirations, friends, groups or networking. You will be putting yourself into the mix as well as the past in this new beginning.
Tuesday is important as the money or love is being talked about regarding what you have written, what you want or something going on in the neighborhood or with siblings. This is going to draw on something from the past in the fresh start once again. Surprises or changes from a creative project, lover or child is part of the days energy.
Wednesday is challenging as feelings about what is going on behind closed doors, in secret, regarding something artistic or fantasy driven, research or investigative, psychic or retreat oriented, or dealing with a hospital or prison will be frustrated by restrictions or responsibilities. Talks or news will powerfully push you to transform the situation, the past again involved.
Thursday Mars will spar you to take action on the career front or towards goals, you will be retracing old ground but the action looks beneficial. Adjust the way you are expressing your needs in the matter and be willing to make some changes to the creative process or with loved ones for best results.
Friday Venus and Mars are helping you to talk about the love or money in a way that leads to action on the career front or motivates you to go after your goals in a slightly altered manner. Emotions are deep and talks can be very profound today, its positive for changing what is going on through communications or writing, with the nod to the past.
Focus on making or spending money on Monday by talking or meeting with someone from the past or involving a past situation. There is new energy here if you do, goals can be met and possessions dealt with.
Tuesday gives you a very promising fresh start tied to something or someone from the past through talks or meetings about love or money and the income or spending habits or a possession in question. Changes or surprises at home are part of the scenario.
Wednesday is a challenge as you feel limited or isolated around friends, groups or where your aspirations are concerned and you will need to deal with the change to income or property here. Talks with the friend will push these monetary boundaries with a nod to the past again.
Thursday brings opportunity to do something about the trip, education, legal or media matter that should have you feeling good about the friendship. Make adjustments with your income a consideration and allow for change at home or with property matters.
Friday Venus and Mars are helping you to look at the income matter with a woman, or how love or money are tied up into your value system, and then giving you the impetus to take charge of a travel, legal, educational, or media matter. Talks about the money will help you to transform something in private.
Monday is all about you and the talks or meetings you have that focus on you, what you want, your body, ego, identity, or image. The past is involved here as you make some kind of fresh start through travel, media, legal channels, or education.
Tuesday is about a talk or meeting you have about the love or money you need to do something for yourself. The past is involved again and it is an important fresh start for you in finding love or spending on yourself. Changes or surprises come via communications or news that mean you will need to balance the travel, media, legal, or educational matter.
Wednesday is a challenge as you feel the responsibilities or limitations occurring around career, goals or reputation and the need to once again make a major personal change or transformation. Talks will be about the career topic tied to past people or situations and what you need to move forward either leaving the past in the past or taking it forward in a new way.
Thursday will give you the motivation to tackle the old debt, loan or other major financial matter, the divorce issue from the past, or an old intimate lover and some goal you had with this person. You will need to make some personal adjustments as well as be open to changing how you think or communicate about it for best results.
Friday Venus and Mars are helping you to focus on the love or money you need for you, your image, identity, body or ego and this will lead to sexual connections with someone from the past or letting go of that, or to a major financial or divorce matter from the past and acting on it. Emotions run deep and talks or meeting are intense in a positive way that changes everything.
Monday is about what you are working on behind closed doors, the secret or clandestine matter, the research or fantasy project, the hospital or prison, the film or psychic matter. Talks or meetings will focus here and pull the past into play as you start moving forward.
Tuesday continues in these realms but you can express the love or talk about the money today involved here. The past person or situation is starting anew with you or you are giving yourself a new start by letting them or it go. Changes are around income and shared finances today.
Wednesday is challenging as you feel the limitations or responsibilities tied to the trip, education, media or legal matter. This is frustrating you as you really want to make some powerful changes or do something intense behind closed doors, through fantasy or in dealing with institutions or research. Talks or meetings pull on the past.
Thursday brings opportunity to express passion or action with a partner, agent or attorney through the trip, education, media, or legal channels. You need to adjust what you do behind closed doors as well as make allowances for changes to income or spending for best results.
Friday Venus and Mars are helping you to express love or deal with money behind closed doors and this leads to passion or action with the partner, agent or attorney. Once again, you will be retracing the past here in some way and making adjustments in how you take action or show anger or passion. Emotions are intense where goals are concerned and the opportunity to talk about profound things behind closed doors arrives.
Monday is about you talking or meeting with a friend, group or in something social. There is something in the past that must be brought up or dealt with for a fresh start here. Partners, agents or attorneys are on your side.
Tuesday the talk or meeting is with a female friend or about love or money with a friend or group. This is important as you have the opportunity to make a fresh start here by dealing with the past in some way. Surprises or changes come from you in how you balance yourself with partners, agents or attorneys.
Wednesday is a challenging day as you are frustrated over any feelings of limitation or responsibilities with major financial obligations, divorce or an intimate partner. You have a challenge in this as you want to transform a friendship or aspiration, group affiliation or social event. Talks or decisions about the finances, intimacy or divorce tie into the past and must be dealt with.
Thursday motivates you to tackle any health matters, get physical, dive into work before you, or deal with pets in a vigorous way, all retracing something from the past in a positive way. Make adjustments to who you are within the group dynamic or with the friend as well as expressing your own independence from a new perspective for best results with the major finances, intimacy or divorce.
Friday Venus and Mars are helping you to express love or connect monetarily with a friend or group. This will lead to motivating with health, work or pets as you retrace through the past here and make some adjustments to your actions. Emotions are deep around a belief with a friend in a positive way that transforms through communications. Bringing up the past is part of it again. If you aspire to something in the media, through travel, legal channels or in education talk about it today.
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