February is going to be a very dynamic month for everyone!
Mercury will be active so talks and decisions will be important. Pay attention to the 3rd when Mercury meets the North Node of Destiny and news or a meeting puts you onto the right future path, you may meet someone who takes you there on this day as well. The 6th is another stellar day when what is said, met over, decided, or agreed to contractually will be under some of the luckiest stars for originality, expansion and major financial or intimate consequences.
On the 10th Mercury changes signs so talks and ideas will become more social, involve friends or groups and be about unique perspectives and aspirations. A confrontation or balancing act goes on the 13th when Mercury opposes Mars and anger or passions are brought out through words. And Mercury will sit with Neptune and Chiron at month’s end to get to the idea involving artistry, romance, spirituality, and any painful experience that needs healing.
Venus will move into Pisces on the 11th and love and money will now flow smoothly in things involving the arts, dreams, romance, spirituality, retreat, research, meditation, psychic or intuitive practices, and time spent at hospitals.
The Aquarius New Moon on the 13th will give us all a fresh start with friends, social opportunities, group affiliations, networking, and in pursuing our aspirations. The energy is strongest at the New Moon and fans out over the 2 weeks that follow. It’s a great time to connect with your soul group.
The Sun will move into Pisces on the 18th and the social agendas will calm down a bit while we turn our attention to any escapist tendencies or ways we undo our bodies through bad choices, we will want to reconnect with our spirituality and champion the underdog, we will feel like retreating a bit or finding quality time to reflect, and our artistic and psychic talents will be sparked.
The Full Moon in Virgo on the 28th is happening on the same day with the Sun/Jupiter conjunction. This means that something involving the work you do, a service you provide, the details or analysis of something, a health matter, or something involving pets will be peaking emotionally at this time. This culmination will be championed by the luckiest day of the year Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Pisces so big personal luck, expansion, prosperity, or happiness can start now in the part of the chart that Pisces falls in for your sign. The flavor of this will be around artistry, romance, spirituality, retreat, hospitals, research, or dealing with a self-defeating tendency.
On the one hand, February is going to focus on networking, socializing, friendships, group affiliations and what you can do to connect with like-minded souls in purpose, on the other hand it is going to push you to retreat, take time alone, to work on something behind closed doors, strategize and research and recharge your batteries for next month. So if you begin to feel like a yo-yo, know there is a design to this motion.
Feb. 3rd has something of destiny written into it as Mercury meets the North Node. Pay attention to someone entering the scene that might benefit your career as well as new ways to direct goals around communications. If you are single and your goal involves love, today could bring a meeting with someone who attracts you or who leads you to this person.
Take note of Saturday the 6th as an important day for agreements, talks, meetings or pitches involving something ambitious. There is great luck and potential to achieve here, especially coming from what you are working on behind the scenes.
Between the 7-8th you may find yourself disagreeing on something romantic, artistic or spiritual with a friend or group and this could feel a bit wounding. If you are the one who wants to do the wounding, take a moment and look at what you have really learned from the situation. If there is not simpatico anymore then it may be time to move on with your dignity intact.
Communications take on a new energy on the 10th as Mercury enters your friendship arena. This marks a great time to meet new friends and will spark more meetings and gatherings with the friends you already have. Your ruler is at a challenging angle to Jupiter today so you may want to do something fun or creative, or try to motivate a child or lover but find that what is going on behind the scenes is bigger or more overwhelming than you believed.
Venus changes signs on the 11th, entering that hidden part of the chart so you can now look for love or deal with making or spending money in closed quarters, in secret, in film or fantasy work, in anything utilizing the imagination or spiritual path, in research and investigations, in dealings with hospitals or prisons, or through strategic maneuvers.
The New Moon on the 13th is in Aquarius and will open up two strong weeks to meet new friends, to launch an aspiration in a new direction, to join or form a new group, to begin something new with associates and to let new dreams guide you. A talk or meeting, idea or decision you have today with this person will be about passions or anger or trying to motivate something creatively or in areas involving love or a child.
From the 14-16th the personal planets are VERY active. You will be behind closed doors adapting to authority or responsibilities, commitment or limitations with a partner, agent or attorney. You will be adapting to what is happening with a creative project, lover or child. You will step up and be seen within a group or with a friend as the shining light artistically or spiritually as you step out in a new direction. There will be opportunity for something powerful to change on the career front. You will find a way to go after the lover or creative expression with a partner, agent or attorney, or to deal with what needs doing involving a child. And you will find a fresh and lucky start on the process you are involved in behind closed doors.
On the 18th the Sun enters Pisces. If you need to have an operation or procedure done in the hospital this time is good for recovery and retreat there. It is also putting you in the spotlight in artistic, romantic or spiritual matters done behind the scenes.
On the 26-27th communications and meetings offer a fresh start or an ending with friends, groups, aspirations, or networking. Close the door on old wounds and build on artistry, spirituality and romantic ideals.
The Full Moon on the 28th is in Virgo and will be bringing a celebration of something climaxing or an ending to something involving the work you do, a health matter or an issue with pets. Look for the positive today as the Sun meets lucky planet Jupiter to help you do something in private that makes you happy. This luck would also cover hospitals, research, film, fantasy, music, or hidden agendas.
February is going to be a very social month for you where group associations and friendships will mean more and aspirations will be front and center. Career and ambitions will as well take the lead from time to time so you will do well to mix the two for best results.
On the 3rd Mercury is making a fated meeting with the North Node of Destiny so pay special attention to anyone who enters the scene today or news you hear as it will hold information about a road forward for you in areas of travel, import/export, teaching or taking a class, media, publicity, publishing, politics, beliefs, or legalities.
Schedule talks or meetings or make agreements on the 6th about the trip, media or publishing venture, publicity, education, or legal matter. There is great opportunity for you with a group or friend here or in putting a big aspiration of your forward, very lucky energy so don’t miss it.
Between the 7-8th you may find yourself dealing with this woman on the career front or you may be in a position to put your money or love goals out there in a big way. Artistry and romance are getting a fresh burst of energy here but the wounded energy is at the starting line as well. This means you can rise to the occasion and begin by addressing past wounds or releasing them, or you can sink into the mire of falling back into past woundedness. Choose the former.
Mercury changes signs on the 10th so talks and meetings are now going to be about career, ambitions, reputation, fame or father. You can do something today at home or with the home or property involving friends or groups but watch it doesn’t get too big or go over the top in some way.
Your ruler changes signs on the 11th entering the social arena which puts love and making money in the field of friends, parties, networking, associates, group affiliations, and pursuing aspirations whole heartedly. A new female friend may enter the picture now.
The New Moon in Aquarius occurs on the 13th and will give you two strong weeks to launch a new business, begin a new career, set a new goal or ambition in motion, to do something that may get you famous or boost your reputation, or to begin something new with dad. Whatever you decide today will set action into play at home or with property, words can get heated at home so take care.
Between the 14-16th expect a lot of activity and shifts as the personal planets get busy. You will find social outlets for love or money or put in time working or dealing with health matters with a female friend. IF you want to get involved in pet rescue or helping animals you may take on some responsibility for that now within a group. There will be lots of movement at home or with property and a new beginning on the career front based around something you represent artistically or spiritually. A big opportunity to travel, or involving media, publishing, education, or legal matters avails itself through the friend or group and you can get serious about work, health or pets through actions you take at home with positive results long term. At least one friend or group you join has luck and happiness written all over the association.
The Sun enters the social part of your chart on the 18th so you will be center stage over the next month in group activities, with associates, friendships, parties or networking events and in presenting aspirations with you at the heart of the presentation.
The 26th will give you a chance to start fresh artistically or spiritually with something ambitious and you will do best with this if you come from any past wounds you may have experienced on the career front and find a way to teach, share or heal others through this experience. For some, you may relive the wounding a bit today, do your best to leave it in the past.
The Full Moon on the 28th is in Virgo and will be bringing something to a peak in your world creatively, with a lover or involving a child. You may be celebrating a creative project culminating, find you are in love or announce a child coming into the world or winning an award. This Moon is aligning with a very lucky conjunction between the Sun and Jupiter so if you can put yourself leading a group or out with friends, or launching an aspiration, you will find the day doubly pleasurable.
February will have you focusing on an educational goal, a trip, a media or publishing matter, or the legalities of something important to you. It will also be focusing your energies on career, ambitions, goals, and possibly fame.
On the 3rd your ruler, Mercury, has a date with the North Node of Destiny so you want to pay special attention to anyone who enters the scene today, talks or meetings, or agreements that are up for discussion as this is where a forward growth influence comes involving a major financial matters, divorce or your intimate world. For some of you it is about passion or reproduction, for others you may find a key to dealing with a loan, debt, credit, insurance, taxes, settlements, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, divorce, or joint finances.
Schedule meetings, talks or pitches for the 6th when what you say or decide regarding shared resources, major finances, divorce, or intimacy can open doors in hugely lucky ways. Career and goals benefit.
Between the 7-8th love or money matters get a fresh start through artistry, romance, spirituality, and dealing with old wounds in areas of travel, media, education, or law. You can begin something now that allows you to teach or heal others in this. Some woundedness from the past may come up today so you may look at it and put it behind you.
Your ruler changes signs on the 10th taking talks and agreements into the realm of media, publishing, travel, politics, beliefs, ceremonies, legalities, and education. You may want to do something locally today to stretch towards a big goal and should if it teaches you something along the way. Talks will be passionate.
Venus changes signs on the 11th as she enters Pisces and your career Midheaven. This bodes well for women coming into the picture who can help with love or money goals and open doors on the career front. Attracting what you need will be easier and any focus on matters involving women or beauty will benefit career.
The New Moon on the 13th is in Aquarius and will be giving you a big new 2 week fresh start in areas of publishing, media ventures, publicity, politics, beliefs, travel, education, and legalities. You may need to do some serious negotiating or put your cards on the table to get it moving.
From the 14-16th you can expect to be very busy as the personal planets amp up their contacts with each other. First the career is in focus as you deal with a woman and make some adjustments to the creative process, commit to acting on it and share your passionate view about what you want. Love and money matters are in the spotlight and you will have the opportunity to be personally in the spotlight artistically or spiritually through the media, travel, education, or in a legal matter. If you can teach from past wounds you will be getting off to a great start. You will find something you can do locally will help cement a love relationship, something with a child or a creative endeavor. And the love or money goal will open up before you in a very big way.
On the 18th the Sun enters Pisces putting you in the driver’s seat over the next month in career matters, with goals or ambitions, reputation or possibly fame! Think of it as a spotlight upon you and make sure you are putting your best foot forward because others will notice you now.
On the 26th what you say or the speech you make, an agreement or decision, will be about the trip, media or publishing venture, teaching or taking a class, or legal negotiations or contract. Apply your artistry or spirituality and share what you have learned from through past pain for a fresh start. If someone says something hurtful today, look at it as a major tool you can use to release something that you keep to close to the vest.
The Full Moon on the 28th is bringing a peak moment around something at home so there will be a celebration at home, with the selling or buying, moving in or out at home, or an ending to something that was going on there is marked now. Today is one of the luckiest days of the year as Sun and Jupiter sit together and for you this is pouring luck and expansion on a goal of yours in a big way so step up and trust the process.
The month of February is gearing up to be about the way you share the financial picture with others and with institutions, how you connect intimately or sexually, divorce issues if this applies, and the higher mind and how you expand your world through travel, media, publishing, teaching, taking a class, and through legal channels.
On the 3rd you should keep your radar up for anyone who enters the scene or any news, information, meetings, agreements, or talks that come to the fore that are related to partnership, opponents, agents or attorneys. This is about something destined and forwardly growing for you so you may find that you have found a partner or person to represent your needs in a great way at this point.
Schedule your meetings or talks, make decisions or agreements on the 6th with partners, agent or attorneys in areas relating to travel, foreign people, import/export, teaching, learning, media or publishing ventures, publicity, or legal contracts or negotiations. This could be very big and very lucky.
Between the 7-8th you will get a fresh start with the financial picture, divorce or an intimate connection. Love and romance get a new start in sexual or intimate connections and the artistic or spiritual expression you bring to finding the financial backing you need will help that move forward as well. There is something for you to express from being wounded in one of these areas that can heal or teach others, look for ways to integrate this as well.
Mercury changes signs on the 10th entering the financial, sexual and divorce part of your chart so you will now find ways to talk or come to agreements here. You may decide to go make money in a way today that will stretch you in the areas or stretch towards what you want in the areas of media, education, law, or travel.
Venus changes signs on the 11th entering your realm of publishing, media, publicity, politics, education, legal matters, and travel. This means you will be able to attract the love and money through these areas much easier, things will flow more smoothly and women will be good for your efforts here.
The Aquarius New Moon on the 13th will give you 2 strong weeks to initiate a fresh start with loans, debt, credit, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, settlements, or joint finances. You also have a strong 2 week period to begin something deeply intimate or sexual with someone or to take a new approach to the divorce. Whichever of these areas you talk about or agree to today will spark action towards earning or spending.
Between the 14-16th expect a lot of activity as the personal planets all get together to amp up the energy around you. To get the media, travel, educational, or legal matter moving with the female or around your aims at love or money, you are going to need to deal with limitations or responsibilities to home or mom. You are also going to be making or spending some money here and it may be a bit of an adjustment. You will step up in the spotlight intimately with someone in a romantic scenario or divorce, or you will be front and center in a jointly held financial matter or something concerning major finances. Your artistry or romantic energy will be in the mix as well as drawing on past wounds to get a fresh start by releasing them. A powerful partner, agent or attorney will help you with the travel, media, publishing, legal, or educational matter and you will find you can make money through something serious at home or with property. Luck and happiness is beckoning through a woman involved with media, travel, education or legalities, yes.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th puts you in the spotlight over the next month in front of the cameras in a media matter, as the central figure in a publishing deal, as a teacher or student, in a legal matter, or through travel.
Talks or meetings, agreements or decisions made on the 26th will give you a fresh start again in areas of loans, debt, credit, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, inheritance, bankruptcy, joint finances, divorce, or sexual connections. The wound is apparent so you can pull from it when conveying your idea or making the decision and leave it behind you by the choices you make now.
The Full Moon in Virgo occurs on the 28th is bringing a communications matter to a peak in your world. This means that something you have written, a talk or agreement, a meeting or something affecting your neighborhood, a short trip or something involving your sibling is culminating. You will be celebrating or seeing something wrap up and end now. Luck is with you in a big way if you step into the media, travel, educational, or legal matter you can shine at.
February will be powerful for you in areas of partnership, representation, intimacy, sexuality, reproduction, divorce, or major financial matters. Making sharing and balance your keywords.
On the 3rd Mercury meets up with the North Node of Destiny and will shine a light on something fated and facing towards your future through work, health or pets. A person may appear on the scene now who has a big impact or you may come to an agreement, write something, have a talk or meeting, or do something with siblings or neighbors that has a directly positive result on work, health or pets.
Schedule your meetings or have important talks on the 6th about a job, work you are doing, a co-worker, someone you are hiring to do work for you, a service you offer, a health matter, or something regarding pets. There is great luck here and potential for expansion through major financial channels or intimate connections. If a pet passes at this time know that the energy is supporting a blessed crossing.
Between the 7-8th you will have the opportunity to start fresh over matters of the heart or monetary needs with a partner, agent, opponent, or attorney. Look at spirituality, romance or artistic expression as a way to heal or teach and shine your light. IF any wounding surfaces at this time it is there for you to acknowledge and release.
Mercury changes signs on the 10th opening up meetings and talks, decisions and agreements with partners, agents, opponents, and attorneys. You may meet someone new now who can help you or you may decide to come to terms. Take action on something personal today, get active and see how the sexual, divorce or financial part of your chart expands.
Venus moves into Pisces on the 11th helping you to attract what you need in areas of loans, credit, debt, insurance, taxes, inheritance, bankruptcy, joint finances, settlements, alimony, child support, divorce, sexuality, or intimacy. Things will run smoother and women will be beneficial to you in these areas.
The Aquarius New Moon on the 13th will give you a fresh start with 2 strong weeks to initiate new beginnings with partnerships, opponents, attorneys, or agents. The connections you make now will help you going forward. A talk, decision, meeting, or agreement between you and another today may be a make or break moment. If you are ending a partnership now this will give you a fresh start, just watch anger arising today under this influence.
Between the 14-16th you can expect to be very busy as the personal planets gear up between each other to amp the energy in your world. You can get serious about talks or agreements regarding the love or money or woman at the center of the partnership, or through agents or attorneys. You will need to make some adjustments and to get yourself out there dealing with this. You will be stepping into the spotlight in the partnership or through representation and your artistry, spirituality or romantic energy will be what is on display here. It’s a fresh start and looking at what has wounded you in the past will be part of what you are able to bring forth now to teach or heal others. There is powerful potential on the work or health front that may open up opportunity for change in money or love and how you share. Serious talks or decisions lead to good things for you and you make a move. There is great luck and expansion coming through major finances, divorce, reproduction, or sexuality.
The Sun, your ruler, changes signs on the 18th entering the realm of outside resources and major finances, sexuality and reproduction, divorce and major transformation. You will now be in the spotlight in these arenas over the next month so step up and connect, share, break up what needs separating and be seen in handling the finances.
The 26th is about a talk, meeting, decision or agreement with a partner, agent, opponent, or attorney. Once again you are in new territory and you can build upon artistry, romance or spirituality by verbalizing in these areas. The wound is brought up again so you can look at it and leave it behind you. If you can help or heal someone else by sharing what you have been through then do so now.
The Virgo Full Moon on the 28th is bringing a peak moment around your income or regarding a possession. You will be celebrating a big paycheck or you may be wrapping up or ending one form of income. If you have been trying to settle a matter over a possession it will climax now as well. It is a very lucky day for you with loans, settlements, alimony, child support, inheritance, taxes, insurance, debt, credit, joint finances, sex, intimacy, reproduction, or divorce.
February is shaping up around work, health, pets, partners, agents, attorneys, and opponents. This is where the action is going to be and what you are going to want to focus on to move forward.
February 3rd is a special day as your ruler, Mercury, meets the North Node of Destiny and a fated moment may find you. Look for someone who enters the picture today and potential for creative outlets with them, for true love or for something regarding children. You may have a talk, come to a decision, meet someone, sign an agreement, do something with a writing project, a neighbor or sibling in this and it would put you on the right path.
Schedule talks or meetings for the 6th when what is said, expressed or agreed to with a lover, child or creative project is under amazing aspects. There is potential to partner here or represent something, to expand and find happiness or prosperity in a big way, it’s a great day to communicate what you want. New ways of doing things or changes, surprises or unusual or interesting characters entering the picture now may take on a big role in your life up ahead.
Between the 7-8th you will want to initiate talks or agreements at work, or regarding health or pets. A romantic, artistic or spiritual connection is here as well as a powerful ability to pull on old wounds to create something new in one of these areas towards love, money or a woman. If someone tries to wound you today over love or money at work or regarding a health or pet matter, look at it as a clue to what you need to let go.
Venus enters your opposite sign of Pisces on the 11th which may bring a woman onto the scene as a partner, opponent, agent or attorney. Love and money matters will go more smoothly with these people now and they should help you attract what you need in these matters.
The Aquarius New Moon on the 13th is opening up a new beginning in the work you do, a service you provide, a health matter, or with a pet. You have 2 strong weeks to initiate or seed new ventures here. You may find something comes at you out of the blue today that could trigger anger so do your best to think before you act. Whatever news you get will have you taking action behind the scenes.
Between the 14-16th there will be more than the usual amount of planetary energy within the personal planets so you can expect it to be busy. You will want to get serious about making or spending earnings or dealing with a possession connected with a partner, opponent, agent, or attorney. You will need to stretch or adjust here to any responsibilities or limitations and act in private or strategically. You can shine greatly at work, in health or with animals through your presence as an artist, spiritual or romantic person and there is something you can teach or share with others from past painful experiences as well. Partnering for creativity, love or a child is favored and if you need representation for your interests in one of these areas that is under lucky stars as well. The research you do or the time you put into work behind the scenes or in imagination will pay off through earnings long term if you are proactive.
The Sun enters Pisces on the 18th and puts you in the spotlight over the next month with partners, opponents, agents or attorneys. You shine here so step up and take your place in these close personal connections.
Talks, meetings, decisions, or agreements on the 26th carry the theme of artistry, romance or spirituality on the job, in the work, with a co-worker or employee, through a service you provide, around a health issue, or pet. This is about fresh starts again in what is decided and the wound from the past is present again so speak from this place or learn from it.
The Full Moon on the 28th is in your sign so you will feel how something very big is culminating around your identity, body, image, or ego needs. You are celebrating or wrapping up something from the past and ending it. With the lucky combination of Sun and Jupiter in your partnership house some of you will be getting married today or announcing those intentions. If you need to break away you are doing so under very protective and lucky energy.
February is going to be about the work you do, your health, pets, creative projects, recreation, lovers and children. It’s a month with some powerfully positive new beginnings and lots of planetary energy to help you express in these arenas.
On the 3rd Mercury sits with the North Node of Destiny for a fated moment with a person who shows up or information, writing projects, talks, meetings, agreements, or neighbors or siblings that will pertain to the home, property, living situation, real estate deal, security issues, or mom. Pay attention to what comes up today because it is pointing towards the future.
Schedule meetings and talks for the 6th when you can discuss home and property, foundations and living situations in ways that bring luck and happiness to pet situations, work you are doing or health.
From the 7-8th a woman, love or money matter is focusing in the arena of creative projects, love affairs or children. This is about fresh starts through romantic, spiritual or artistic expression and being able to look at past wounds and either heal or teach another through your experience. If something comes up today to trigger a wound for you in one of these arenas, notice it as a moment to recognize and release the wound so that you can begin again here.
Mercury moves into the arena of lovers, children and creative projects on the 10th so you may meet a new love interest if single or open up dialogue with a current amore. Talks and short trips with children, lovers or about creative projects take center stage as well. If you want to sign an agreement or make a decision you can now. You will need to adjust what you are doing with a friend, group or socially to expand the work, health or pet needs.
Your ruling planet, Venus, changes signs on the 11th so you will definitely notice that the work you are doing, the health and the pet situation is going more smoothly now and you will have an easier time attracting what you want here. Love and money will play out through what you do in these realms.
The Aquarius New Moon on the 13th is marking a brand new beginning for you in areas of true love, children, recreation, and creative ventures. You may have heated words with a friend or group today but it will help to open up this area for you. Either way, the next 2 weeks are the best for launching a new creative venture, starting one up, meeting a new love interest or doing something new with a loved one, or for conceiving a child, adopting, or beginning something new that will benefit children.
Between the 14-16th the energy here on Earth is going to pick up considerably as the personal planets get busy. For you this means work, health and pet activities will keep you more active, you will need to adjust to more responsibilities or limitations and put in your mojo for the friends work, pet or health matter. You shine in an amazing way creatively during this time and may radiate a very dreamy love energy that attracts potential paramours to your door. You will need to be conscience of the wound once again and make sure it is not resonating with you or the other person. There is great potential for positive change at home or in the home and work you are doing, a pet or with health and your standing with the friend will demonstrate what they feel for the responsibility you have taken on. Over all it’s a very lucky time for work, health or pets and more love or money.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th and puts the spotlight on you through the work you do, your health and your connections with pets for the next month. Put yourself out there and expect to be favored.
The talk or meeting, decision or agreement on the 26th will be about the new beginning in areas of creativity, true love or children. Apply artistry, romance or spirituality again and the way to teach or heal through past wounds and you are golden. If someone gives you painful news today about a creative project, lover or child, look carefully at what you are carrying here and allow for a new way forward.
The Virgo Full Moon is bringing the time of retreat and isolation, research and fantasy, hospitalization or dealings with other institutions to a peak. If you have been hiding out or in recovery you can now wrap that time up and say hello to the world again. If you’ve been involved in a film or in the hospital, the lucky energy pouring through the work you do or your health zone today will add to the celebration.
February is shaping up over home and property matters, moves and real estate deals, roommates and mom, creative projects and recreation, children and lovers. This is where you will do best focusing your attention.
On the 3rd Mercury will sit with the North Node of Destiny and bring someone into the picture who can help you with a writing project or whom you meet locally who is going to be important to your future. You may see this play out around a great idea that comes to you today, news you hear that sparks this, an agreement, communications, short trips, siblings or neighborhood activities as well.
Schedule your talks or meetings for the 6th regarding writing projects, ideas, decisions, agreements, pitches, neighborhood, siblings, or short trips. There is potential here for major finances or intimacy and luck where creativity or love is allowed to express itself.
Between the 7-8th the home or property matter is in focus and there is a woman, love or money here in the picture with a fresh start. Express artistry, romance or spirituality in the home and look at anything that feels wounded or hurt, you may find you can teach or heal others from the home or through what you’ve experienced here.
Mercury changes signs on the 10th entering the home arena so you can expect talks and agreements to pick up, to have more meetings and local activity if you are involved in a real estate matter or something pertaining to mom. Do something for your career today and drive ambitions forward as you try to expand the creative front.
Venus moves into the house of true love, children and creative projects on the 11th and will either introduce a woman onto the scene who will have an impact in one of these areas or help you to attract love or money for creative projects, or things you want to do with loved ones. You will see things run more smoothly here now.
The Aquarius New Moon on the 13th is about a fresh start on the home front so use the next 2 weeks to build, sell, remodel, take in a roommate, buy a home, lay down foundations, help mom, or work towards your security in a new way. The opposition to Mars may make for some anger around the goals here but you will feel motivated to move on them.
Between the 14-16th the energy out there is going to really amp up and for you this means the creative project, child or lover is going to be where the energy of love and money is playing out as you get serious about what is being done behind closed doors or in dealing with institutions or fantasy work. Adjusting to responsibilities or limitations will be required as well as changes to how you act on goals. You can shine in the home or with a property matter if you step up and are central in a romantic, artistic or spiritual approach. Do your best to address hurt feelings from the past that may need releasing. There is an opportunity to have a powerful talk or agreement that changes everything between you and a lover or over the issues of children or a creative endeavor, goals are insight and more effort will come into play behind the scenes. Luck is with the loved one or creative outlet so dream big.
The Sun moves into your house of true love, children and creative projects on the 18th and will shine a light on you here over the next month so step up and be seen. If single this is a great time to attract attention, love can blossom. Let your artistry shine as well in creative endeavors that feature you.
Talks or agreements, meetings or decisions about the home, living situation, property matter, or mom will be front and center on the 26th. There is either a way to help or teach others from your artistry or wound from the past or you will be shining a light on it to release it and move on.
The Virgo Full Moon on the 28th is bringing a friendship, group affiliation, party or social event, network, or aspiration to a peak. This will be about celebrations with like minded individuals or an ending as a friend takes their leave or a group affiliation ends. There is huge luck for you today with a lover, child or creative project so again, be seen in what brings you joy and share with your group.
February is going to be about where you are living, the property matter or home, agreements, neighborhood, siblings, writing, short trips, and communications. This is where you will spend most of your energy.
On the 3rd Mercury will meet with the North Node of Destiny around your income. This means that someone may enter the picture today who is pivotal to your earnings or spending at this time in a forward growth kind of way or that you hear information, sign an agreement, come to a decision, have a talk or meeting, get an idea, or do something with a neighbor or sibling that points in this forward direction. Look at who comes through at this time because they may have a positive impact on your future.
Schedule meetings for the 6th when you will find that talks or agreements regarding earnings go your way, especially if they involve things for the home or the home itself. This is very lucky and big for you right now.
From the 7-8th you can talk or write, come to an agreement or do something locally or with siblings that involve love, money or a woman. This will help you to express artistry, romance or spirituality in s new way and to shine a light on old wounds so you can face them or heal or teach others from what you’ve learned.
Mercury moves into your communications zone on the 10th and talks and ideas will pick up in general along with short trips and time with siblings. For writers this is a busy time so let the ideas flow. You may need to act on something media, education, travel, or law related today to stretch out in the home arena.
Venus enters your home zone on the 11th and this will help things to run more smoothly, to put a woman in the home or attract what you need in love or money to the home or property matters. Relax.
The Aquarius New Moon on the 13th is giving you 2 strong weeks to initiate a new beginning in the neighborhood, with siblings, through writing, in talks, meetings, agreements or ideas, and in short trips. You may be at odds with the legal issue or about the trip, educational or media matter here so watch that you think before acting.
Between the 14-16th the energy is going to gear up for everyone out there as the personal planets get busy. You will see the home take on more emphasis as you adjust to any limitations or responsibilities to friends or groups and remain active in the travel, media, education, or legal end of something. It will all require some adaptation from you. You will shine in areas of communications, writing, agreements, short trips, with siblings and neighbors so express your artistry or romantic nature and allow old wounds to heal. There is big opportunity to earn or spend on or from the home now and it looks pretty profound. Getting serious with aspirations pays off in media, travel, legal, or educational fields and committing to the group or friend will as well favor these arenas.
The Sun enters Pisces on the 18th and puts you in the spotlight for the next month at home, with roommates, in moves or real estate deals, or with mom. You can be seen here in a great way through your artistic, romantic or spiritual nature.
On the 26th you will be writing, speaking, meeting, dealing with agreements or neighbors, short trips or siblings and something dreamy or artistic again. Look for ways to teach or heal others through your personal understanding here and if someone says something hurtful to you today make sure to listen not to their words but to the words you tell yourself internally about yourself in response, this is the soul wound and this is an opportunity to work on it.
The Full Moon in Virgo on the 28th is bringing a celebration or ending to a career objective, goal, ambition, reputation, fame, or something involving father. The luck and prosperity is around home and foundations you are building upon. Find a way to combine these themes for a spectacular day.
February is gearing up around meetings and talks, contracts and decisions, short trips and siblings, neighborhood and income. Focus on making money and talking with others who can be a part of this.
The 3rd brings Mercury to the North Node of Destiny in your sign. This is a fated moment when you may make a decision or meet someone who has a future growth opportunity for you regarding your identity, image, body, or ego needs. Contracts, agreements, decisions, talks or meetings, siblings or neighbors, or something written may be part of this fated moment. Pay attention to what or who comes along today because it is the way forward.
Schedule meetings and agreements for the 6th when you will be at your best and things are aligned to benefit you in some pretty major ways. Contracts signed today are under powerful stars with luck and expansion attached. Someone you meet unexpectedly could have a positive impact on you as well.
From the 7-8th you can get to the core of the new beginning in a monetary matter or something involving a possession. Romance, artistry or spirituality may be part of this monetary beginning and looking at or letting go of past wounds so you can move forward.
Mercury moves into your income zone on the 10th and that’s when more talks and meetings that affect your earnings start flooding in. Do something about the loan or lending institution today or look at the joint finances or outside resources and what agreement you can come to here to move things into a better position.
Venus changes signs on the 11th entering your communications zone so you can expect that talks and agreements, neighborhood issues and short trips, siblings and writing projects will all go more smoothly now. Focus on love, money or a woman who can help you in these areas for best results.
The Aquarius New Moon on the 13th is about a fresh start in your income and possessions zone. You have 2 strong weeks to launch a new money making venture, put out resumes or promote your service to make more money, or purchase or deal with a possession in a new way. You may experience one heated argument today over the joint finances or money that is shared with an institution that will somewhat kick start you on this mission to earn more.
Between the 14-16th you can expect lots of activity as the personal planets are gearing up. Talks about career or goals and the money you are earning along with how the responsibility is being dispersed will stretch you to act. You will be doing something about the loan, debt, credit, insurance, bankruptcy, inheritance, taxes, alimony, child support, divorce, or intimacy as you figure out how it is affecting the love or income. You will shine in at least one new income matter applying artistry, spirituality or romance to the mix and you stand to change something through an agreement that has a profound effect on your identity or body. Goals are reachable through financial actions and intimate connections or dealing with a divorce.
The Sun enters Pisces on the 18th and will put you in the spotlight in all communications over the next month. You can get that meeting, make the pitch, put the book or writing project out there, take center stage with neighbors or siblings, or find you are making more short trips that feature something unique about you.
Talks or agreements on the 26th will again be about money, you may be earning from something artistic or romantic or spiritual. Drawing upon past hurts or something you can teach or heal another will add to the dynamic.
The Full Moon in Virgo on the 28th is bringing a celebration or peak emotional moment around a ceremony, trip, media or publishing matter, something involving higher education, or a legal matter. This is about a culmination and is accompanied by the luckiest energy of the year playing out in your communications zone. So agreements, decisions, meetings, talks, a writing project, short trips, siblings or neighbors may be part of the day’s celebration or ending.
February is shaping up to be about you, your needs, your identity, your image and body, your possessions, and the money you make or spend. Focus on these things for the best results.
On the 3rd Mercury will meet with the North Node of Destiny for a fated moment behind the scenes. This means that a person or idea, meeting or talk, agreement or decision, sibling or neighbor, will present itself involving a hidden agenda or secret, film, music, fantasy, or other artistic or imaginative outlet, a hospital or other institution, research or investigation, romantic, artistic or spiritual ideal, or around something going on behind closed doors. Pay attention to what comes up since it marks the way forward.
Schedule your meetings or talks for the 6th. These will be private agreements or decisions that will affect income or possessions in a wonderful way. You may receive a gift that you must keep secret for a while or find you are offered a part in a film or something artistic that earns income or that you find the money to pay for the hospital stay. It is very positive and expansive.
From the 7-8th you are front and center in a love or money matter. You may decide to buy something spectacular for yourself or spend on changing your image or body or you may find you are the center of someone else’s love and affection. There is opportunity to pull up past wounds and look at them as well as to heal or teach someone from them. It’s a fresh start.
Mercury enters your sign on the 10th which will make you the center of talks and emails, phone calls and agreements, as well as popular in hearing from neighbors or siblings. If you have something you want to say about your needs or body you will find the words now. The actions of a partner, agent or attorney come into the picture and you may have to adjust you schedule if you are out making money to make time for passion or action with them.
Venus enters your income zone on the 11th and will help make earning money go more easily, spending will be on luxury items or love and you may receive a token of affection during this time as well. Making money with women is favored.
The New Moon on the 13th is in your sign and is a big new beginning for your identity, body, ego needs, or image. You have 2 strong weeks to begin something that can change or improve your body, to take on a new identity through divorce or marriage, to try out a new image for the new year ahead or pursue something very important personally to you. Mars is in the picture today through a partner, attorney, opponent, or agent so words or actions between you and them will kick this new start off. It will be about passions or anger.
Between the 14-16th expect to be more busy than usual as the personal planets are gearing up. You will be focused on making money, spending or possessions in question. The legal matter, trip, media venture, or educational issue will be limiting or requiring more responsibility from you and require adjustments with income. Actions of a partner or with an attorney or agent as well will cause more adjustments monetarily You will be in the spotlight romantically, artistically or spiritually and in some way dealing with healing a wound or releasing one. Wonderful opportunities for powerful connections behind closed doors or working behind the scenes towards earnings and to do something at the end of this cycle with the partnership, attorney or agent that leads to serious or solid results with the legalities, ceremony, media venture, education, or trip.
On the 18th the Sun moves into the incomes zone so you will be positioned to shine in all matters related to making money or spending it and dealing with possessions for the month ahead.
The 26th brings a talk or agreement about you, your body or image, identity or personal needs. This will be about the romantic, artistic or spiritual matter and the wound and how you are releasing it.
The Virgo Full Moon on the 28th is bringing an emotional climax to something shared in your world. This will be a celebration or ending around a loan, tax situation, insurance policy, credit card, debt, joint finances, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlement, alimony, child support, divorce, or sexual or intimate connection. It is one of the luckiest days of the year for earning money so initiate something that will bring in cash flow today.
February is gearing up to be about what you do alone or in private, what you do in areas of imagination so film, fantasy, music, artistry, or psychic intuition, what you do in research or investigations, hospitals or prisons, and what you do with your body, image, or identity. So you may find yourself in the middle of an operation or the lead in a film, focus on any of the above arenas for best results.
On 3rd Mercury will meet with the North Node of Destiny bringing a person onto the scenes who may become an important friend or networking associate in the months ahead. Or you may come to a decision, have a talk or meeting, sign an agreement, do something with a neighbor or sibling or involving short trips that connects you to something social, a group or friendship. Pay attention to what pops up today as it points the way to the future socially.
Schedule meetings or agreements for the 6th if they involve a friend, group, associate, networking opportunity, party or social event, or aspiration of yours. The day is very lucky with big potential for powerful financial matters or shared intimacy to occur within this paradigm.
From the 7-8th a woman behind the scenes is offering a big fresh start in something imaginative, research oriented or through an institution. Love or money comes into play here along with your artistry or romantic needs and the healing of an old wound.
Mercury changes signs on the 10th entering the hidden part of your chart and beginning a time when talks or meetings will be more private or secretive and the way you express your thoughts will be more guarded or imaginative. You may decide to go to a hospital now or take action on a health issue that is affecting your body. You may decide to commit to work on something in health, service, pets or within your routine that helps you to expand your world a bit.
Venus enters your sign on the 11th and marks the beginning of a cycle where you will be more attractive to others, love may find you, money will come to you more easily and beauty will be more important to your image.
The New Moon on the 13th is happening in the hidden part of your chart, giving you 2 strong weeks with universal support to begin something new in areas of film, fantasy, music, artistry, research, investigations, hospitals, prisons, psychic or intuitive fields or to retreat and recharge your batteries or strategize. What happens today on the work front, with health or pets will help you make up your mind.
Between the 14-16th you will be very busy as the personal planets gear up around you. There is going to be a tremendous amount of focus on you, your body, image or identity. You will be looking at love or money issues that affect you personally and the limits or responsibilities you need to adjust to sexually or involving major finances or a divorce if you are to move forward. Taking on more work or doing more for you health or pets is part of this time period as well. You will find you are shining in this clandestine energy or work you are doing behind the scenes. The opportunity that comes through a friend or group is big and promising as is action you take at work or with health to cement the big financial matter. Expect to come out on top during this busy time.
The Sun enters your sign on the 18th and will put you in the spotlight over the next month, people will notice you, you will be leading the show, so step it up baby!
A talk, decision, meeting, or agreement you wrap up in private on the 26th is about a fresh new beginning in areas of artistry, romance or spirituality. You may be getting steamy with someone behind closed doors or dealing with an artistic film or other fantasy outlet today. The potential is to pull from past hurts here and allow your thought process to release and grow towards better days.
The Full Moon on the 28th is a peak emotional moment for you with a partner, agent, opponent, or attorney. It marks something significant with them and you that you will want to celebrate or note as an ending. The Sun/Jupiter conjunction today is one of the luckiest combinations we have and it is accompanying this Full Moon by putting you into the spotlight here. Some of you will be proposed to today or do the proposing. If you split from someone under this influence you are being protected and it is going to be good for you. If you are marking a milestone with something involving your attorney or agent, this too looks very lucky for you. If you need to find a representative, go get them today.
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