What a Holiday Season! As you are heading into the New Years week begin to think about what you would most like to manifest in the year to come, there is a special opportunity this New Years Eve to mark a real divide between the past and the future under the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer. Cancer is about nurture and it is the roots of life from whence everything else springs so if you approach the night from the angle of releasing anything toxic or not suited for the year to come you can make real progress.
Decide what no longer serves your best interests and growth and then take a moment this New Years Eve to speak it out loud asking that it is left once and for all behind you. If you do, the evening will provide you with at least one opportunity to act on your convictions. Everything grows from the foundations that YOU put down, nurture yourself, home is within, those ruby slippers where always on :) Good luck and Happy New Year!
Monday vibes on the Venus/Pluto conjunction that occurred in the wee hours. You will have felt it building last night and for the rest of today. This gives you a major boost to make fresh starts in areas of love and finances, be proactive, look for shared or deep experience, think how to transform from a rise from the ashes, you may be building on something recently deconstructed and that is how it should be. Emotions are stretched or challenged a bit today over income, so either you are feeling the pinch of the recession or may be suffering a bit from over spending. Don’t give up on your aspirations just yet, this is just a test.
Tuesday Venus and Saturn square so the love or monetary tests continue, this is an obstacle to surmount. Look at your career or goals and how you are partnering or being represented in ways that can help you achieve them. There is something missing from this picture and you just need to work through what that is. If you are in loggerheads with an opponent, do not push the matter with attorneys today. Do your best to reconnect through talks with people from the past about career/goals and be willing to adjust your thinking a little.
Wednesday should have you wrapping up any talks or ideas that have been pushing your boundaries. Uranus intends to share a surprise or change that you didn’t expect in one conversation or through news you hear. Put your focus on home and property matters, roommates or moves because the energy around your living situation is very positive today. Reach out to friends or groups here for best results.
Thursday, New Years Eve, brings a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your home base. This is an emotional peak that brings a celebration in the home (Great for celebrating the festivities at home or in someone else’s home) or it brings a culmination to something going on with a living situation, property matter, move, renovation, or mom. Whether a celebration or ending, emotions will be powerful. Talks about goals or career lead to you moving towards creative projects, lovers or children after a bit of adjusting your thoughts about the matter.
Friday, New Years Day, puts you at home or in someone else’s home with some nice excitement behind closed doors. It also asks that you adjust to whatever is morphing around your aspirations or with a friend or group. By evening the energy shifts towards love, creativity, fun, or children and will feel much lighter.
That Venus/Pluto connection either brought something late last night or today you will get the chance to put the love or money matter into play. It’s a new beginning during a Mercury and Mars Retrograde so assume someone or something from the past is involved. Look to areas of travel, people at a distance, media, publishing, publicity, law, education, and sharing of adventure and beliefs for possible outlets where love or money can get a fresh start. The challenge today lies in any frustrations you are personally experiencing where goals seem too big or hard to reach, don’t give up, there is a bit of fog in the equation, keep moving towards what you want and see what happens when this clears.
Tuesday is about any work or health restrictions or responsibilities you must deal with, challenge yourself once again because there seems to be a nice monetary pay off to efforts put forth. You are in the process of making adjustments around those areas talked about on Monday, the trip, person far away, legal matter, ceremony, teaching or furthering your education, media, publishing or publicity. Put yourself out there in ways that expand who you are and what you love, even if it is not perfect just yet, it is a process.
Wednesday you may find yourself involved in talks about yesterdays stretch and feel as though the way people are communicating is from Mars, really it’s just Mercury Retrograde! If there is money involved with a friend or group, today is a bit of a challenge as well, not a day to lend or try to get paid back. This person may come at you out of the blue for help or ask you to get involved in some money making venture. The positive flow today is around career and goals, reputation and fame, there is so much opening before you in these areas.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on New Year’s Eve day is bringing a communications project or something said or heard to a peak in your world. This could be a writing project climaxing in some way, celebrating around hearing something you have been waiting to hear, it could be a contract that is finally up and you are done with it or celebrating the completion of the agreement, you could be celebrating with siblings or in the neighborhood, whatever arena it plays out in, there is something of the past coming through media, travel, education, or law that will spur you to do something at home later on. This will be stretching you as well, either motivating or passionate.
Friday, New Years Day, brings a lovely vibe between emotionally felt talks or meetings with friends, groups or around aspirations. There is a bit of electric excitement here so expect the unexpected in a good way. Continue to stretch yourself towards goals by adjusting your communications style just a bit so that your artistry or romantic intentions reach their mark. Evening is best spent at home or nurturing yourself in some creative way.
Well, the Venus/Pluto connection in the wee hours either brought a sexy connection to a new threshold or opened up new beginnings around a major financial matter or divorce. This energy was building yesterday so you may have gotten a jump start on it last night. There is always a bit of subterfuge, obsessive energy and potential for third party antics in these moments so strive to put your love or monetary matters on new footing today in powerful new ways utilizing all that is before you. There is something a bit foggy or downright deceptive around someone at a distance, the travel plans, the legal proceedings, media matter, or educational issue. Take care you don’t expand too far too fast until you have a clear picture.
Tuesday you will be working on any challenge to the sexy connection, divorce or financial matter by getting serious, taking responsibility or limiting something with a lover, child or creative project. Do your best to put in the effort, commit or sever ties as you work your way through this. Effort pays off as emotions fall into line with this loved one or creative outlet later in the day, keep communications open and be willing to look at your own past for contributing factors. Then push to make whatever personal adjustments are needed around the divorce, finances or intimate connection.
Wednesday continue to talk or take meetings over the finances or divorce, or just get together with the sexy person you are connecting with now, just realize you are still in the adjustment phase, stretch yourself. Be aware that you are most likely going to get some sort of surprise on the career front today or regarding an important goal of yours, it will probably be quick to find you and just as quickly resolved. The positive energy aligns today with your travel, educational, legal, or media plans.
Thursday, New Years Eve day, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is bringing an income matter to a peak in your world. This means you will feel a strong celebratory emotion around something you are doing to make money, some of you will be out there working tonight to earn more money or you might be getting your year-end bonus. If it is not a celebration then it could be an ending to one form of earnings as you wrap up a job and begin to find your next form of employment. The talk or meeting you have later tonight will be about a sexy hook-up or your divorce or financial matters. It will lead to action, passion or anger so watch what you say or do locally, it has punch.
Friday, New Years Day, you are going to be in for nice changes or surprises on the career front, with reputation or in the pursuit of a goal as making money is aligning beautifully with this. You do need to continue to stretch yourself in the media venture, through legal channels, with education or teaching, or through travel or with people at a distance as there is real opportunity once you adjust your way of achieving the goals here. The evening is great for loving talks, meeting with loved ones or just pouring your thoughts into a creative project.
Venus and Pluto met up in the wee hours on the same degree, marking a fresh start in matters of the heart or monetarily. For you this is playing out through partners, agents or attorneys so look for powerful connections, third party tactics, intense encounters and a big change to how you share intimacy or funds. Build on what has been deconstructed and embrace the power of this connection. A friendship seems to be challenging you or a group affiliation is stretching your limits today around the intimate needs where depth and connection are concerned. It could be you are trying to reach a bigger group with an aspiration of yours and need to stay the course a bit longer.
Tuesday the love or money matter with the partner, agent or attorney hits a challenge. You will need to deal with responsibilities, limitations or loss around what is going on at home, with the property, mom, or a foundation you are building upon. Do the work, make the commitment or sever the tie today but keep working towards what you are trying to achieve. What you are working on behind the scenes or what is going on at a hospital are meeting up with a positive energy angle today for home or mom. Continue to stretch towards that partnership, attorney or agent while remaining somewhat incognito on some level, or keeping it hush-hush.
Wednesday the talk or meeting with the partner, agent or attorney stretches you and asks that you make more emotional adjustments to what you are fantasizing or doing behind closed doors. A sudden surprise or change comes your way via travel, people at a distance, media, education, or law. The positive energy is wrapped around great expansion and luck in major finances, through divorce proceedings or with sexual connections and intimacy.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on New Year’s Eve day is bringing something in your world to a big culmination. This is about you, your body, image, identity, ego, or personal need. It is about a peak experience through celebration of who you are or about ending an old way of taking care of your body, an end to an identity through marriage or divorce, or out with an old image you’ve had for a while. Look for a big night where you are in the spotlight. Talks with a partner, agent or attorney will boost your energy in a big way towards making or spending money, passions are involved.
Friday, New Years Day, the excitement streaming through a media venture, trip, educational opportunity, or legal matter will be palpable. You are front and center in this and should be quite happy about it. The stretch comes where debt or credit, settlements or bankruptcy, sexual contact or intimacy, divorce or alimony are involved. Once the Moon enters Leo later tonight the energy shifts towards making or spending income creatively, with women or on beautiful things.
The Venus/Pluto conjunction has brought love or money matters to a new threshold for you through work, health or with pets. This was building up yesterday and will flood the day today. Deconstructions and rising from the ashes comes to mind, big powerful intimate connections may be starting up or you may be coming up out of what is left after this moved away. Look at obsessive feelings, power struggles, triangles and control issues and handle with care. You have every reason to believe that fresh starts made now give you a big boost at work, with your personal health and with animals. The fog or outright deception in a partnership, with an agent or attorney must be watched today as goals could be hampered until this passes.
Tuesday the love or money issue at work, with health or pets will have to be worked on. You need to talk about something very seriously or look at how responsibilities or limitations, loss or efforts are being communicated. Writing, short trips, local agendas, or siblings could have a part in the extra work or responsibilities. You may be asked to do more work, hear something challenging about health or pets or have a hard time getting through to someone you wish to talk to about one of these matters. A friend or group affiliation seems to hold the keys to your dilemma. Reach out to them and then stretch yourself the best you can.
Wednesday talks continue about work, health or pets and the friendship or group may feel a bit out of whack with you as you try to be understood or get through, just keep stretching. A surprise comes via major financial matters, divorce or sexual connection that will challenge you a bit with the friend or group. The positive energy lies with the partner, agent or attorney that can help you to expand or find your happiness with this group or friend.
Thursday, New Years Eve day, brings a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the hidden part of your chart. This will be bringing a hospital stay to a peak, a project you are working on behind closed doors or that involves fantasy, artistry, or spirituality to culmination or celebratory moments, or you may find that you are hiding out, in retreat, or involved in something clandestine on this New Years Eve. Talks or news about work, health or pets will push you into physical action, expressing motivated inspiration, anger or passions.
Friday, New Years Day, brings excitement around sexual union, intimacy, deep connections, major finances, or a divorce proceeding. It plays out behind closed doors once again. You have to stretch yourself a bit more where a partner, enemy, agent, or attorney is concerned. Do your research and keep it under wraps for now. By the late evening the energy shifts as the Moon moves into your sign and sparks you with a creative, loving burst of inspiration.
Venus and Pluto got together in the wee hours and will flood the day today with the connection of love and power or money and more money. This is about a new beginning in matters of the heart, with children, lovers, or big finances in creative projects and the love or money tied to these things. There may have been something deconstructed to make way for this new beginning or there may be a powerful connection, triangle, or something deeply shared in starting out on a new venture here. You must watch for fog or deception around work, co-workers, health issues, or with pets today as a challenge comes here. How you feel about a media, educational, travel, or legal matter may stress as well. Keep the pets away from accidental poisons today and wait out any confusion around the work, workers, health or pets.
Tuesday you need to look at the lover, child or creative project and how the love or money is being spent here. Saturn is limiting your income or burdening it in some way, there is added responsibility and you need to get real about where cuts, commitments or endings can be made. The good news is once you put in the effort your career or the important goal seems to get a boost. You have to make adjustments now, same old, same old is not going to cut it.
Wednesday the talks or meetings, decisions or agreements continue around the lover, child or creative project, stretching you and your goals. A partner, opponent, agent, or attorney has a surprise that will be a bit of a wild card you have to deal with where the career or goal is concerned. The good news is that once you handle the obstacles, you can get the work flowing and the health operating in fine forward motion as you make some big moves that align with your goals, whether they are artistic, romantic or spiritual.
Thursday, New Years Eve, brings a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your social sector. This bodes well for a big party with friends or a celebration with a group you have been associated with. It will mark a major culmination with a friend, group or aspiration for you whether that is by way of a celebration or ending, expect emotions to run high either way. Talks or meeting with a lover, child or about a creative project leads to action, anger or passion behind closed doors.
Friday, New Years Day, has a nice air of excitement around the partner, agent or attorney and how you are feeling with the friends or group. You are going to want to stretch yourself through work, with health or pets today via artistry, romance or spirituality, just remember Rome wasn’t built in a day, you have luck here but you need to allow everything to grow at its own pace.
Your ruler, Venus, is meeting up with Pluto in the wee hours of the morning on Monday so you may have felt this last night during the build-up and it will color the day today. It marks the new beginning where a major love or money issue around the home, living situation, property matter, mom, or your security needs are concerned. There may have been some third party involvement, deconstruction, investigations, secrets, power struggles, or manipulations involved but you are here and it begins from this point forward. You can set out on a new love or financial matter tied to where you hang your hat. There is something foggy or outright deceptive going on around a lover, child or creative project that will challenge you over intimacy, divorce or major finances so don’t push that envelope today, wait til things clear a bit.
Tuesday the home matter will require some work, effort, time, leadership, commitment or severing of something going on there. It is a challenge to you personally as you may feel a bit burdened or limited in taking care of a home or mom, dealing with property matters or restrictions around how secure you are at the moment. Challenge yourself to keep plugging away, the clearing is getting closer. There is something by way of a media venture, publishing, higher education, travel, or legalities that should have you feeling better as the day progresses.
Wednesday talk or meet about the home or living situation, mom or security needs. You will have to make some emotional adjustments here around what you are trying to plan in the trip, deal with through media, education or law but it is worth the effort. Changes in work assignments, health or with pets may throw a wild card at you as well, just breathe and keep your eye on the goal. The positive energy finds you later in the day around love and happiness through creative projects, or with lovers or children.
Thursday, New Years Eve day, brings a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your career Midheaven. This means an emotional peak around an important goal of yours, a career milestone being celebrated or something you have been working towards achieved and ending now, it can be about something involving your reputation climaxing or fame finding you, it can also be about a pinnacle emotional moment regarding dad. Talks about home or stability lead to motivating with friends, it’s not a balancing act, they both hold their own merit, go have fun.
Friday, New Years Day, brings a nice surprise via work, health or pets and the goal you are working on. The lover, child or creative project is now under a bit of a stretching influence in areas of artistry or romance and the goal you have. Watch that you are getting all the facts, there is some fog around this today, it could go either way. By evening the energy shifts to friends and aspirations and lots of fun.
Venus and your ruler, Pluto, are meeting up on the same degree in the wee hours of the morning on Monday. You may have felt this building yesterday and will most likely be in the thick of it today. It means that communications, your writing projects, talks, meetings, neighborhood, ties to siblings, and short trips are all being colored by a powerful new beginning involving love or money here. You may be marking an end and rising from the ashes through things said or written or seeing a new way of thinking about love or money dawning. There is something challenging around the home or living situation, property matter or security issues today, watch that honesty is your key word and don’t believe everything you hear, especially if it comes from a partner, agent or attorney, bide your time until all facts are in.
Tuesday puts the focus on the writing or talks, meetings, agreements, or decisions you are making with a woman, or about love or money. You are being asked to take responsibility for whatever you are doing behind the scenes, in secret, to limit any self-sabotaging tendencies or hidden agendas, or you may get news today about something being restricted around a hospital or prison or other institution. Your feelings about intimacy, divorce or major finances will take a turn upwards once you have done the work in dealing with the issue.
Wednesday continue to stretch yourself through communications, writing, agreements, decisions, and the intimate issue, divorce or major financial picture. You are going to need to deal with a surprise that comes via a lover, child or creative outlet so stay on your toes. The positive energy streams in via home, family, property, or mom later in the day, connect here.
Thursday, New Years Eve day, brings a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your house of travel, legal matters, ceremonies, media, publicity, publishing, teaching, higher learning, politics, and beliefs. This is a highpoint where something is being celebrated that has peaked or something is ending and you are wrapping it up. Talks or writing today will push you to strike out in new directions on the career front, stretch yourself.
Friday, New Years Day, brings some really great, surprises that are going to just be plain ole fun. You can have exciting moments late last night into today around lovers, children, creative people or situations, and recreation. This will most likely come through being someplace far away, higher education, law, or media. Home is an area of adjustment today so watch for sentimentality or disillusionment seeping in. By evening the goal is creative ambition or romantic intent and it looks fun.
Monday opens on the Venus/Pluto conjunction and you most likely experienced it building yesterday as you will see it color your day today. It is about a huge new beginning most likely being built on some deconstruction in the area of income. So you may have seen one source dry up and this marks a brand new beginning to make money in a new way or perhaps you spent a large sum and now you are starting out to recover through income what went out. Women, third parties, power, deep intimate connections, love and money are all in the mix. Watch what you say or agree to today around work, health or pets, the information is a bit cloudy or deceptive, wait until you know all the facts.
Tuesday you will need to focus on the income matter and deal with the responsibility, limitations or loss around a friendship or group. Do the work, put in the effort, commit or walk away, but you need to get serious about it so you can benefit up ahead under better aspects. A partner, agent or attorney brings good feelings to the mix later.
Wednesday continues the talks about income, what is made or what is spent, how to deal with possessions and it requires that you accommodate a partner, agent or attorney by being willing to make some concessions or adjustments to their point of view. There is a surprise around the home, property matter, living situation, or mom that will rock the boat a bit too, be on your toes. The good news is around the expansive, romantic or artistic talks or decisions you have with a partner, agent or attorney later today.
Thursday, New Years Eve, brings a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your house of shared experience, meaning: sex, intimacy, reproduction, divorce, loans, settlements, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, or joint finances. Something is ending in one of these arenas on a big level or you are celebrating something reaching a peak moment here. Talks about the income will push you to book the flight, hop the plane, dive into the media or publishing matter, pursue the higher education, or deal with the ceremony or legal matter. It will be all about the action, passion or anger.
Friday brings a really nice surprise via home or property matters, security or mom. This should help the way you are feeling about intimacy, divorce or the major financial matter. Continue to stretch yourself in the way you are communicating and the things you are deciding on around romance and artistry as it affects your finances or intimacy. By evening the Leo Moon will make you hungry for adventure.
Well, what to do when Venus and Pluto meet up in your own sign? In the wee hours these two came together by degree so you will have felt it building yesterday and it colors the day today. It is all about love and sex, money and the big ways you invest or share it, major financial matters and a woman, it is about deconstructing an old way of connecting over love or money and building a fresh new start on the ashes, transformed. In the throes of the Retrogrades you may have quite a bit of the past tossed in for fun. Look at ways to empower yourself through love or money, it is a new day. Watch your purse and paycheck today, there is something foggy or deceptive around income and it may affect how you feel about a child, lover or creative outlet. Don’t commit earning potential until you have a clearer picture.
Tuesday you need to focus on yourself and the love or money that you need, this can be personal, for your body, your image or just a need that is strongly pushing on you but you are going to have to deal with responsibilities or limitations on the career front as part of the process. You may be a bit frustrated as you just want to indulge yourself in the love or money today but have obligations that must be met. You will find that once you do the work, deal with the pets or health, the goals are reached and you feel like leadership material again.
Wednesday still requires some talks, meetings, agreements or decisions around work, health or pets. Stretch yourself and be willing to make it happen. There is a zinger in there via a communication that doesn’t go the way you want around the work, health or pet issue so stay on your toes and be willing to problem solve. After this little glitch, the day unfolds into lovely flow around making money, spending on romantic notions or artistic ideals and having fun through the work you do, your health and pets.
Thursday, New Years Eve day, brings a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your house of partners, agents, attorneys, or opponents. One of these key relationships is coming to a climax in your life, either you have reached a new summit together and are celebrating tonight together or there is some connection ending and wrapping up. Talks about what you want lead to steamy passions in intimate embraces later, there may be a bit of creative ingenuity involved in making it happen but hey, you got the skills, right? If you aren’t connected to someone intimately then the talks will push you to tackle the divorce or the major financial matter before you.
Friday, New Years day, is about exciting conversations and surprising declarations between you and a partner, agent or attorney, all good. You do need to continue to keep an eye on the income matter, the earnings or spending and how a partnership, agent or attorney is involved, you need to make some adjustments here. The evening is for fun and intimacy.
You may have felt this as it built yesterday and it will certainly color today as Venus and Pluto came together in the wee hours to open up a brand new beginning for you in areas of love or money that go on behind closed doors, in secret, around fantasy, research, or institutions. This may be a fresh start being built on the deconstruction of something else, a triangle or power struggle, secret or intimate matter, major finances or something mystical, but you are on your way. You must watch for any frustrations around the living situation today and make sure no deception is occurring or disillusionment sets in, it is a day to stay focused on the end goal.
Tuesday puts the love or money matter to the forefront again but today you need to deal with a responsibility, limitation or loss through a trip, someone at a distance, a media or publishing venture, higher education, legal matter or ceremony. Step up and do the work, put in the effort, make the commitment or sever ties, but you need to get serious about it if you want to get to the next level. The love you are receiving should help you to feel that you are on the right track and any creative ventures are as well under positive support.
Wednesday brings more talks or decisions about a lover, child or creative project and it is going on behind closed doors, in secret or hidden in some way. You will have to accommodate the other in this somewhat and be willing to adjust your expectations just a bit. There is an income matter that takes you by surprise so watch for hidden expenses or loss of your purse. The money is tied to the lover, child or creative outlet or will affect your ability to have fun in the moment. The good news is that by days end you are experiencing the love or artistic expression to its fullest.
Thursday, New Years Eve day, brings a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your area of work, health and pets. This will be a big peak moment emotionally around a work matter being celebrated or one source of work ending, a health matter being achieved or something that has bothered you finally ending, or something to do with a pet issue climaxing. The talks or meetings in secret lead to passions, action or anger with a partner, agent or attorney. You will be stretching yourself a bit again as you reach out to this person from behind closed doors.
Friday, New Years Day, brings a nice surprise or brilliant new ideas around making or spending money and this will link nicely to the work you do, your health or your pets. You are being asked to step it up personally in the work, health or pet situation, expand your horizons and follow your artistry or romantic bent. The evening is all about the partner, agent or attorney and expressing love, creativity or having fun.
The Venus/Pluto conjunction occurred in the wee hours so you will feel it coloring the day as well as having felt the build-up to it yesterday. This is all about a love or money matter with a friend, group affiliation, network, social occasion, or aspiration. You are being offered a new beginning here in a powerful new way built on the deconstruction of the old. Look at ways to empower your connection through deep understanding or to build on your aspiration through intimate connection or major financial routes. This will involve anything from loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, or joint finances that you deconstruct to recreate your aspirations as you rise from the ashes reborn. It is that big. There is an energy at play that can lead to some self-sabotaging, escapism, retreat, or depression or doing something in a hidden way that would work against you, so do your best to stay outside and connected to others as things are bound to clear up in a short while.
Tuesday brings a challenge around the friendship, group tie or aspiration and how you are dealing with love or money there. You must take responsibility or deal with restrictions or loss in the arena of intimacy, secrets, power struggles, manipulations, triangles, major financial matters, divorce, or sex…yes I know you are getting the tough stuff right now, but the rewards from digging deeply into these shared arenas of transformation are that you are going to truly be reborn up ahead, do the work now, commit or walk away, but you have to get serious now. There is real good news from what you do affecting the home or property matter, living situation or mom.
Wednesday continue to talk to the friend, group or about the aspiration and making adjustments to feelings about where you live, with whom and what is happening to the home or property. You are going to want to rebel or act out in some way around the home/living situation/mom at some point and it may surprise even you, such is the life hosting Uranus in your sign, just breathe and start again or perhaps you need the spark to drive you onward out of a bad living situation or towards a better one. By the evening what you are doing behind closed doors is bound to please and relates beautifully to your feeling of security and home.
Thursday, New Years Eve day, brings a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your house of true love, children and creative outlets. This means that you will either be celebrating with a lover or child, ending something with them, seeing an issue between you and one of them reaching a peak emotionally or a creative venture you are involved in is being celebrated tonight or you are ending it. The talk or decision you make tonight at the party or with a friend sparks you to dive into the work, health or pet matter with motivation, action or passion.
Friday, New Years Day, opens on the most stimulating, exciting energy around true love, children or creative projects so you should be smiling as whatever took you by surprise or changed last night was for the best. It seems there is something to all of this you are going to want or need to keep secret and that may require some adjustments emotionally. By evening, the energy shifts to embrace creative work, fun times with pets or a loving approach to enjoying your better health.
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