Tune in Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific on CBS Worldwide Radio ~ New Sky Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show to listen. You can call in with astrology questions if you want to be part of THE ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW! The call-in number is: 248-545-7685
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Oh man, I hate to give you mundane, material advice when the whole world is flowering but this week I feel it is really necessary to point something out to you so here goes. There is at least one relationship that is beginning to gel in your life, this can mean a romantic or marriage partner, business partner, someone who sticks up for your interests or advises you such as an agent, attorney, specialist, counselor, or advocate, OR one relationship that is ALMOST out the door, with someone who won’t stop competing with you. The thing that is important to note this week is each day a different personal planetary influence is going to approach this relationship with a need to make adjustments so that the flow you need to feel right about values or income opens correctly. Now that doesn’t sound too romantic does it? Well, call it what you will, you need to get clear about how income is going to be made, shared, divvied up, spent, what you VALUE and how the partnership or other relationship is going to evolve. Adjustments don’t mean that the other person needs to adjust to you, it has to go both ways, Taurus energy is notoriously stubborn and fixed, and that behavior AIN”T gonna get you where you want to go! Pretend you are a bull on magic brownies and instead of pawing the dirt, you smile that big bull grin and give ‘em just a little bit of leeway. Again, look at income and how your values/verses their values (try to find ways that allow for a merging and flowering here), can be worked through. If you are releasing relationships now the same goes. So that’s it, the week ahead.
On Monday this will mean talks about the money or values, writing it up or pitching the idea, meetings and short trips, earning and spending in the context of this relationship. Venus and Mars actually embrace today and they do so in the sign of income and values, do you think the universe is trying to hammer something home here?
Tuesday is about looking at how women will be involved, how they connect with the money or values, how beauty, love and income are flowing and being shared with this relationship. The Moon slips into Pisces so the artistry, spiritual context, and development of the work is key. There is potential to reach a few goals in this today.
Wednesday brings the last major adjustment as you take action on the money matter, the values, expressing passion, pushing for the shift that you need. By 2:15pm eastern time the Moon will slip into a VOID and stay there until 8:36pm the following day! This means you will be processing these actions internally over the next 30 hours and that you do not want to initiate new actions until the Moon has her footing again.
Thursday is a day without aspects and a day spent almost entirely in a VOID. The Moon will move into Aries at 8:36pm eastern and at this point you can begin to look at your own needs, image, body, identity, ego, and what it is you would like to do for yourself.
Friday that Aries Moon is going to help you have at least one positive meeting or talk about your needs. Don’t beat around the bush here people, be straight forward and concise about your needs. The rest of the day emotions will lock in with Pluto and Saturn to help you feel your way through any frustrations you may need to look at around the goal before you and the person in the picture.
ARIES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday you need to talk about the income or spending with your partner, agent, attorney, or competitor. Something needs to give a bit so be willing to look for win-win solutions and bend a bit so you can move closer to your goal. The Venus/Mars embrace will help you to act on new beginnings here and any passions or romance in the picture will likely stir while in pursuit of income or while out spending.
Tuesday the adjustments with money lead you to dealing with a woman in the picture and looking at limits or serious issues of commitment or endings in the relationship with the partner or representative. Do your research and use your imagination when going after the goals or dealing with career today as these are aligning to open a few doors.
Wednesday shows you taking action to do something about making more money, going after what is owed you or actively spending and the partner, agent, attorney, or other significant relationship is again involved. Adjust your actions a bit for best results. Try to wrap up talks before 2:15 pm est today and use the remainder of the day to do follow through with paperwork on the income matter or research, imaginative work or just resting.
Thursday brings no aspects and no real energy behind new endeavors until after 8:36pm est so again a great day to go within, work on the artistic, music or film project, develop, strategize, rest, day dream, investigate, look into any hospital or other institutional matters, or lol about with your lover. Tonight you are green lit to begin on anything that features you and your needs or body.
Friday is a great writing day, good for meetings or pitches, sibling relations or dealing with local activities. The connection to Pluto and Saturn brings up any issues you are having on the career front, with those in authority, partners, agents, attorneys, or competitors so go into this with an open mind and see whatever limits or triangles that are coming up for you are trying to tell you about what you need to change.
TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday the adjustments with someone are at work, with work piling up, health matters, or pets. The adjustments are around your needs, ego, identity, or body and today you need to meet with them about this, talk, share ideas, deal with news or information gathered, tackle paperwork, make a short trip, or handle something with a neighbor or sibling. ADJUST your opinion just a bit or what you would typically say or demand.
Tuesday the adjustment with that partner, competitor or representative at work, over work, involving health, or with pets is going to require adjustment number two and today that means your needs or physical presence with a woman, involving love or income. Again you need to be willing to give a little, bend, try to work through that work or health issue, and see if you can empower through legal channels, a trip, media or marketing, or higher education.
Wednesday the adjustments with someone at work, with work, over health, or animals is going to mean you take action of some sort. With Mars in the mix it could be passionate, motivated or angry but you will again want to adjust the actions you choose to take or the approach in your motivation for best results. A talk or meeting with a friend, group, involving the internet, astrology, or a charity are under positive stars but connect before 2:15pm if possible.
Thursday is a VOID until 8:36pm est so you will want to do whatever inner work you are doing on the groups behalf, for your internet project or astrological interest, on the charity, or with a friend. Once the Moon moves into Aries you are going to want to retreat, rest, do research or anything that puts your imagination into focus.
Friday brings an opportunity to shine in some income matter or you may decide to spend on something for yourself and keep it quiet. The challenges from Pluto and Saturn today are best met looking at what changes need to come with the legal matter, trip, media, marketing, ceremony, or higher education, and how any limits or responsibilities at work, with health or pets will best be met.
GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday brings adjustments with someone important over creative projects, in love or with kids. You need to talk about how you imagine something or about how the music, film or other artistic approach is best developed, how any dealings with institutions such as hospitals or retreats can be handled, if there is anything spiritual in the mix that you can make some adjustments regarding, and look at the paperwork, contracts, or any meetings or writing involved to get things going. If passions combine today they will happen behind closed doors or from unexpected sources.
Tuesday the adjustments continue with the person and the creative project, love affair or children. Today you need to deal with a woman behind the scenes in this or look at how love or income are affecting that artistic approach, the spiritual matter, hidden agenda or institution. You have potential to make breakthroughs on the shared financial matter today or through outside resources. Intimacy and divorce issues are equally favored so connect or disengage.
Wednesday is the last of the adjustments with that person on the kids, love or creative venture and you are going to want to take action today. Again what you do will mean tackling art, film, music, hidden romance, hospitals or other institutions, retreats, or spiritual matters. See if you can come to an agreement before 2:15pm est today for best results.
Thursday the Moon is VOID until 8:36pm est so you will want to spend it up to this point in imaginative musings towards your biggest goals or career agenda. See if you can work something out in your mind or research your options. Tonight the energy shifts to a more social vibe and you will do well on the internet, with friends, groups, or pursuit of aspirations.
Friday the social vibe continues and at least one moment in the sun comes your way so step up if you get a chance to connect. The rest of the day is set up to help you see any issues you may have with a financial matter, divorce or intimacy issue involving shared energy with a friend, group, astrology, the internet, or a charity, as well as any limits with a creative venture, love interest or child. Try to get clear on what needs to change.
CANCER: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday brings adjustments with a significant relationship at home or over living scenarios, moves, real estate deals, or mom. Today that means talking, writing, meeting, or coming to decisions about the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or aspiration involved. Actions and passions could peak here or ignite in new ways, this could lead to romance or income or both.
Tuesday those adjustments with the partner, agent, attorney, or competitor over the home, real estate, move, renovation, roommate, or mom continue. Today it means looking at the love in the picture, dealing with a woman and income all the while being willing to shift things a bit. Focus in on career, reputation, fame, and ambitions because this is helpful with the relationship.
Wednesday brings action, passion or anger into the mix and again, your relationship with someone at home or around real estate, mom, moves, or security is key. You will be adjusting around the friend, group, internet project, astrology, charity, or aspirations in the actions you take. Try to have talks, write, meet, or sign agreements over this before 2:15pm est if you are going to today.
Thursday the Moon is VOID until 8:36pm est so you will want to spend the day in imaginative flow over the trip, publishing, media or marketing, ceremony, education, or legal matter, dream up your next move or do your research. The evening is opening up for career agendas, status, reputation, fame, or leadership matters.
Friday brings a chance to shine in the artistic, spiritual or romantic objective you have set and possibly gain some recognition from your position here. The rest of the day is going to point out to you just what issues still need to be addressed with that partner, agent, attorney, or competitor and how any limits at home are cropping up for you. See what you can do about change and structuring things to support you.
LEO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday brings up talks, meetings or agreements with someone that will require adjustments on your part and involve your career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, or an authority figure. So approach partners, agents, attorneys, or competition with this in mind. If passions spark today with someone it will be in pursuit of these goals or with a boss, person of authority, fame, or involved with your career.
Tuesday those adjustments with the partner, representative or competitor again come up over the agreement in question, a decision, news, paperwork, writing, short trip, or sibling issue but today brings love or income into the picture as well. You may be dealing with a woman in authority or that influences your goals or career, keep adjusting around these themes. You can make progress through work efforts, health or with animals today.
Wednesday the last adjustments crop up and push you to take action on the goal, ambition, career, with the person in charge, towards leadership, reputation, dealing with fame, achievement, and in relationship to that person in the picture and your agreements or decisions, writing or ideas. Connect the dots between outside financial matters, divorce or intimacy and the goal or career matter before 2:15pm est for best results.
Thursday is Void with no aspects until 8:36pm est so spend the day in contemplation or inner work that helps you go deep, unearth secrets or intimacy issues, delve into any financial or divorce matters but don’t initiate new steps until the evening. You then have a green light to begin with legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, or educational matters.
Friday gives you an opportunity to shine in a social setting or through internet or charitable outlets and should flow wonderfully with travel, legal, media, marketing, or educational outlets. The rest of the day is going to help you see any issues you still have with these themes as far as the actual work goes, any health issues, pet matters, and agreements still left undone.
VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday begins a week of adjustments you need to make with a partner, agent, attorney, competitor, or other significant person affecting your income. Today you will want to enter into talks, writing, agreements, or short trips to open up media, publishing, marketing, travel, educational, or legal matters that relate to this situation. If passions ignite it will be while in pursuit of these themes.
Tuesday the adjustments with that person and the income potential continue but today you will be looking at love, women or money flowing in that media, marketing, publishing, legal, travel, or educational arena. You have an opportunity to transform the creative expression, love or something involving kids or lovers today through what you believe or how you relate in imaginative ways.
Wednesday the last of the adjustments come into play with you taking action on the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, or publishing matter and again this will directly relate to that partner, agent, attorney, or competitor and your income. Try to write, sign, talk, or pitch the idea before 2:15pm est for best results.
Thursday is an all day VOID with no aspects until 8:36pm est so spend it in some form of imaginative inner work regarding the partner, representative or competitor. Meditate on your situation or get into the film, music or other artistic aspect of the relationship. The evening opens up intimacy, divorce or shared financial arenas and potential to reach goals.
Friday those shared arenas of sex, divorce or financial matters puts you in the spotlight early in the day, again with potential to ascertain goals. The rest of the day is going to help you see any issues you still have here with creative output or approach, kids, love, and the money coming in or being spent. Get clear on how everything is going to be shared.
LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday begins a few days of important adjustments with another person in your world and the shared or outside financial matters that are affecting you, any divorce issues on the table or sexual/intimate matters that are coming up. Today you want to talk, meet, make decisions, write, or look at agreements with an eye on adjusting to limits one of you are perceiving with this, so look at loans, debt, inheritance, insurance, taxes, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, or joint finances, sex, divorce, or reproduction. Any passions that ignite today will be a bonfire.
Tuesday these adjustments will focus in on a woman, love or personal income in the matter and again ask that you get real about that shared outside financial issue, divorce or intimate connection. You have an opportunity for powerful transformation at home, with moves, real estate, or mom if you tie work to this and apply efforts now.
Wednesday the last big adjustment occurs through actions you take or respond to sexually, intimately, on the divorce, or over the loan, debt, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, or other outside resources. Write it up, sign it or talk about it before 2:15 pm est if you are in that mode today. The rest of the day enters a VOID of contemplation and inner work.
Thursday has no aspects and is in a VOID until 8:36pm so spend it on tackling old work, health or pet issues. The evening moves you into relationship energy so focus your time with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors now.
Friday puts you in the spotlight in travel, media, publishing, marketing, legal matters, or higher education connected to this other person. The rest of the day is going to help you see any issues you still have at home, with a real estate matter, move, mom, roommate, or security needs, and what personal or physical limits you still need to work through here.
SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday brings up adjustments through talks, writing, meetings, or agreements with partners, agents, attorneys, or competitors over what is going on behind closed doors, in secret, film, music, or other artistic endeavors, in clandestine affairs, with research, investigations, spiritual pursuits, or in dealing with hospitals, other institutions or addictions. Venus and Mars embrace in your partnership house so there may be some genuine sparks of love and passion today.
Tuesday the adjustments continue with the partner, representative or competition over the limits or serious energy around film, music or other artistic pursuits, spiritual or clandestine affairs, hospitals or addictions, but today there will be love, income or a woman in the picture in this. Love, creativity and kids are coming on strong in your chart today, open for powerful connections.
Wednesday the last adjustments with the person you are dealing with and the artistic endeavor, spiritual or clandestine affair, hospital, addiction, research, or retreat, are going to amp up through Mars so action, passion or anger stir to motivate. News you get, a talk, meeting, paperwork, or agreement that comes to light before 2:15pm est may open doors to the creative venture, true love or something involving children. The rest of the day enters a VOID Moon of inner mysteries and contemplation.
Thursday the VOID Moon is in affect until 8:36pm est and with no aspects today there is an inner focus again on love, kids or creativity. It’s a good day to lull about in this field. The evening will turn towards work, organizing, clearing out, health, and/or pets.
Friday the work, health and pet energy is in full play. You have an opportunity to stand out through your sexual charisma, divorce proceedings or regarding some major financial matter so put the work into these areas. The rest of the day is going to help you see any issues you still have with agreements, siblings, moves, or the way you are communicating about your work, health or pets so you can address the limits and work through them.
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday begins your week’s adjustments involving a relationship with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity and it will open with talks, agreements or decisions over the work, health or pets. If passion/romance get stirred today it will likely come through these sources.
Tuesday the adjustments continue with the friend, group, social occasion, internet, astrology, or charity and the work, health or pet issue but today there will be a woman focus or involvement, something about love or income in the mix to be dealt with. What is going on at home, with moves, real estate, or roommates can open doors for income in powerful ways.
Wednesday the last of the adjustments with the relationship, representative or competition involving the friend, group, social affair, internet, astrology, or charity and the work, health or pets will amp up as you take action, set things in motion or react to what is happening in a dynamic way. Try to talk about the work, health or pets or come to decisions before 2:15pm est, after that the Moon slips into an all day VOID and it’s best to focus on internal issues and home.
Thursday is a no aspect day with the Moon VOID until 8:36pm est so continue to utilize your imagination on the home or real estate matter until then. The evening brings focus to true love, kids or creative endeavors and how you can put yourself into this mix.
Friday is full steam into creative ventures, love or something involving children and you have potential to stand out through a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant relationship here. The rest of the day will help you to see any issues that might be here involving income, spending, and the social arena of friends, groups, the internet, astrology, parties, social networking, or charities.
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday begins adjustments for you with someone involved in your career, with a big goal, someone famous, an authority figure, or dad. Today those adjustments require talks, decisions or agreements about true love, children or creative projects so open up and get serious about any issues you feel. Venus and Mars embrace in your house of true love today so there could be romance and passion in the cards.
Tuesday the adjustments with the person tied to your goals or career show up again and today that means dealing with a woman, love or income issue with that lover, child or creative project. Again, get serious, work through what you can. Talks today have the potential to profoundly change things so open up.
Wednesday is the last of the adjustments with the person and your big goal, career or leadership and the love, kids or creative efforts. Today it means taking action, making something happen, perhaps expressing passion or anger to release the Mars energy around what is going on so take care with this. If you need to communicate, sign documents, meet, or make decisions involving the lover, child or creative project try to do so before 2:15pm est, after that the Moon is VOID and the commitments made for the rest of the day and most of tomorrow would most likely not have much stamina behind them.
Thursday has no aspects and a VOID Moon until 8:36pm est so use it to expound on your imagination and to daydream or inspire. After this the energy shifts to focus on home, real estate, moves, roommates, family, mom, and/or security needs.
Friday the home and real estate matters are in full steam and you have an opportunity to stand out in the work you do here today. You could also find your place in the Sun through health efforts or with pets at home. The rest of the day is going to help you see any issues you still have personally or physically at home or with real estate, family, mom, or moves, and how to deal with limits or serious issues on the career front that are linked to all of this.
AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday begins adjustments for you with someone involved with your travel or who lives at a distance, who is part of your media, publishing or marketing goals, connects with your through higher education, is key to a ceremony, or through legal means. You will want to talk, meet, look at agreements, or make decisions involving home, mom, family, moves, real estate, or other security needs in this. If love/passion is going to blossom today it does so at home.
Tuesday the adjustments continue with the partner, agent, attorney, or competitor and the trip, distance, legal, educational, media, marketing, ceremonial, or publishing matter. Today you will need to deal with a woman, love or income matter at home, with moves, roommates, mom, or family in this. Income is under positive stars so push to earn.
Wednesday the last of the adjustments with the person you have been dealing with in travel, legal, ceremonial, media, publishing, marketing, or educational matters. Today it will be about taking action, motivating, expressing passions or anger, all through home, real estate, moves, roommates, or mom. You should try to talk, meet, or deal with agreements over home and income before 2:15pm est, after that the Moon is VOID the rest of the day and it becomes more contemplative.
Thursday there are no aspects and the Moon is VOID until 8:36pm est so focus in on inspiration and imagination over ways to earn or spend. Once the Moon moves into Aries you can begin to have meetings, write, talk, make short trips, or get involved with a brother or sister on something. Local community and neighbor interactions are favored as well.
Friday that local, communications, siblings, and writing arena is in full swing and you can shine through what you say or what you hear involving a lover, love interest, child, or creative venture. Write, meet, connect in the early part of the day. The rest of the day is going to help you see any issues you have here with secrets, fantasy, addictions, art, spiritual pursuits, clandestine affairs, hospitals, or self-sabotage and how limits through legal, travel, media, or educational outlets are affecting you so you can work on this.
PISCES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday starts a week of adjustments for you around someone you are dealing with on a divorce, loan, settlement, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony or child support matter, commission, royalty, or any other outside financial resource, a sexual attraction or issue, or mortality matter. This partner, agent, attorney, or other significant relationship here will require you talk things out, meet, write something, deal with paperwork or agreements, perhaps involve a sibling or neighbor, or making a major decision today. Love and passion may meet out in the local scene for you or through talks.
Tuesday brings more adjustments around that outside financial matter, divorce, sexual topic, or mortality matter. Today it comes through talks, meetings or agreements with a woman, love or income matter. You are in a good position with a friend, group, internet matter, astrology, charity, social occasion, or aspiration you are pursuing so put yourself out in these fields.
Wednesday is the last of the adjustments with the person financially, in divorce, sexually, or over mortality and today you will get motivated to act locally, through a short trip, with siblings or neighbors, or to express passion or anger in communications about making something happen. This could be news coming in today that pushes you to do something. Try to have your conversations or sign documents early in the day as the Moon goes VOID at 2:15pm est and remains there the rest of the day.
Thursday has no aspects and a VOID Moon until 8:36pm est so use it to contemplate your own needs, focus in on your body and any needs you have here, perhaps think about your image or identity. The evening will move to focus on income or spending once the Moon is in Aries.
Friday that income energy is in full swing and you will have a chance to stand out in this at home or with real estate, moves or roommates, so see if you can earn here or if you feel like spending in these areas. The rest of the day will help you to see any issues you still have monetarily involving a friend, group, charity, internet matter, astrology, or aspiration, and how limits in shared financial resources, divorce or intimate arenas are coloring your current situation. Take this as motivation to seek solutions to your issues.
Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
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