Oh that rascal Saturn in Libra, are you guys enjoying him to his fullest yet? Well, he moved into the sign of relationships last July to begin testing you with partners, representatives and competitors, asking that you get real with others and with yourself, that you set limits, take on more responsibility, commit long term, or end things. Saturn is nothing if not SERIOUS. Well, it’s pretty safe to say that whatever you were wrestling with concerning relationships on Friday kicks into some real focus here on Saturday.
The Moon will sit with Saturn in Libra on Saturday (named for Saturn), to focus your emotions intently on this relationship. So think about this, a conjunction is a powerful infusion of both energies and it marks new beginnings as well as endings. Look at the romantic or business partnership, the agent, attorney, specialist, advocate, competitor, opponent, any significant relationship in your minds eye today and get real. What do you really FEEL about where you are with this person? Are you ready to set off on some new beginning with them or ready to end things? Can you commit more time, effort, work harder, take on more responsibility, or do you need to set limits, boundaries, say no, or end things? If the issue is lack of someone in that role, what needs to happen to rectify this?
Sunday will be Mercury and Venus’s last few hours in Aries before they both move into Taurus in the early evening. This means that any last talks you need to have about your needs, body, image, or identity will kick in the first part of the day and you can expect that income or love will be part of what is communicated. Once they slide into Taurus they leave the personal issues behind a bit and focus more completely on that income matter, spending, dealing with the possession in question, asking you to think about your values, and addressing love through the lens of ‘put your money where your mouth is’. Scorpio Moon will bring up any shared emotions over the outside financial resources, sexual intimacy or divorce as you adapt to this new influence.
ARIES: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday is all about the relationship with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. Ask yourself these simple questions, “Do I want this person in my life, do they have my back, is this worth committing to long term, how can we structure things so they evolve on solid foundations in the future, are there any limits I need to set or respond to, is it over, is it forever, what next?”
Sunday if you have something to say you better say it in the first part of the day, are your needs being met, do you want something you have been afraid to ask for? The energy is going to open up talks or bring news about income later today and keep your focus here over the next few weeks so you can really interview, meet, pitch ideas, sign contracts, write, or in other ways communicate about the money you are earning. Try to look at the debt, loans, settlement, insurance or tax issue, partners finances, or any other outside resource today to see where you really are in the picture.
TAURUS: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday it’s get real time with someone over work, organizing, purifying, services provided, co-workers, employees, health, or pets. You need to ask yourself how you are feeling about these topics and how it is affecting relationship. Do you need more or less from a partner, agent, attorney, or other specialist, do you need to deal with competition? What can you commit to or end, set boundaries around or take more responsibility to handle here?
Sunday brings a last big talk or bit of news involving your needs or body and a secret, artistic interest, hospital, investigation, or clandestine affair. Speak up, say your peace. Once Venus and Mercury move into your sign later today the talks are going to be all about you. You may decide to spend on a new look, wardrobe, cosmetic surgery, health regime, or any other things that focus in on your body, image or identity. Your ideas are shifting a bit about who you really are and it should be exciting. Try to look at the relationship in question and see what you can do about the changes you find yourself moving through here today.
GEMINI: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday is all about that relationship you are involved with in a creative project, through true and evolving love or regarding children/a child. You need to ask yourself how you feel about where you find yourself with this person. Get serious. Are you ready to commit, to end things, do you need to set limits or deal with limits, take on more responsibility? What do you want from this partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor? If there is no one in the picture, what can you do to make this happen?
Sunday is an important day for you to say what you need with a friend, group, internet project, astrology, or charity. Speak up, write it up, sign the contract, meet. Once Mercury and Venus move into Taurus you will be focusing more on secret or private matters, in talks behind closed doors, meeting clandestinely, using your mental abilities for research, development, strategy, imaginative work, film or music, fine arts, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, and attracting love or income through these realms as well. Try to focus on tackling work at hand, health issues or pets needs today as well.
CANCER: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday is all about the significant relationship and how what is going on at home, with a move, a real estate deal, mom, a roommate, renovation, or the foundations you are building upon are affecting it. This can be about a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor in the picture. Ask yourself how you feel about where you find yourself, do you need to commit more, end things, look at limits, set boundaries, take on more responsibilities? It’s a day to get real about it.
Sunday you have your last window to talk about what your needs are with a major goal or career matter and the income you are making. Once Mercury and Venus move into Taurus you will see more talks, news, writing, agreements, or meetings about friends, groups, astrology, charities, or the internet popping up. This begins a few week trend so be ready to hear from more of your peeps and to mix it up. You should look at evolving feelings about the creative endeavor, lover/love interest or child today as well.
LEO: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday is about the relationship you are dealing with that is in some way influenced by a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ right about now. This could mean a brother or sister, agreement or contract, idea or talk, meeting or short trip, neighbor or move, is significantly playing into the picture. Look at the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor and how you FEEL about what is transpiring. Do you need to commit more or end things, set limits or deal with them, take on more responsibility, or get real here in some way that needs to be communicated? Is it ‘yes’ or is it ‘no’?
Sunday is a window of opportunity to state your needs personally or physically about the trip, legal matter or ceremony, media or publishing issue, education, or belief. Once Mercury and Venus move into Taurus you are going to see talks, meetings, agreements, decisions, news, writing, income, and love are going to all focus in on major goals and ambitions, career and status, fame or father. It’s a great time now to get the news out there about your business or reputation. You should also devote some time today on home, real estate, mom, or moves.
VIRGO: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday is all about the relationship in your world right now that is affecting or affected by income or spending. It’s a day to get real about how you feel. Do you want to commit more, get real, end things, set or deal with limits, take on more responsibility where money is concerned? Is this a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor in the picture or do you need this person to see the income matter resolved? What do you want to do long term?
Sunday is your day to speak up about what you need in the shared financial situation, divorce or sexual matter. Where are your needs being met with the loan, inheritance, insurance policy, settlement, taxes, alimony or child support, commissions, royalties, bankruptcy, or other outside resource? Once Mercury and Venus move into Taurus today you will begin to open up talks or meetings, sign documents or come to terms legally, with legal counsel, through travel, with education, or involving media, publishing, marketing, publicity, or ceremonies. These areas will be where love or income matters will most likely play out. It seems you may need to deal with a brother, sister or neighbor today as well.
LIBRA: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday is really all about you. There, I could end it on that but let me expound a bit. You need to ask yourself how you feel about how your needs are being partnered with or represented. You need to ask how your physical well being is affected by the significant other in your life or how your image or identity is playing into the romantic or business partnerships, agents or attorneys involvement, or competitors influence. What do you need? Do you want to commit more to yourself physically or personally or set some limits, can you take on more responsibility or do you need to end something that is going on?
Sunday is a chance for you to voice your needs to this other person. Be brave, write it up if need be but express yourself. Once Mercury and Venus move into Taurus the talks, news, writing, agreements, sibling interaction, income, and love will play out in the deeply shared arenas. So expect more communication over outside financial matters, divorce or sexuality. This may mean that you are now talking more about debt, inheritance, settlements, commissions, loans, or other outside resources to buffet your income, signing contracts, or you may find that you move into a stage now where love and sex are coming together or divorce is helping you meet new love interests.
SCORPIO: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday is serious and this means that one relationship, whether that is with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor, needs to be dealt with from a sense of renewed commitment or severing ties, dealing with limits or setting limits, taking on more responsibility, or just getting real. This is going to focus in on secrets, anything that is self-sabotaging or going on behind your back, through research or investigations, hospitals, prisons or other institutions, tied to film, music or other artistic outlets, or with a clandestine affair. So, how do you feel? Do you need someone representing your interests or are you getting what you need from this person in these areas? Is a marriage, romantic or business partnership in the picture here? Do you stay or do you go?
Sunday is an opportunity to talk about your needs personally or physically regarding work you do, a service you provide, a health or pet issue, or something that needs organizing or analyzing. Once Mercury and Venus move into Taurus you will be opening up more talks, meetings, looking at agreements, pitching ideas, involving partners, agents, attorneys, or competition. These people will become more pivotal in love and income as well. Don’t neglect your creative inspiration today, it is on a high note.
SAGITTARIUS: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday is about getting real with one relationship in your life and the friendship, group, internet, astrology, charity, or big dream or aspiration in the picture. How do you feel about them or the need for them in this scenario? Can you commit long term, do you need to end things, is there more responsibility you can take on here or do you need to set or deal with limits? Is there a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor here that you can start fresh with or say good-bye to or does this relationship in some way limit a friendship or group activity, internet endeavor or aspiration? What do you want?
Sunday you should speak up about your needs in a love matter, with or about a child, or involving a creative endeavor. Once Mercury and Venus move into Taurus the talks, news, agreements, and meetings about love or income will be flowing at work, with work piling up, over organizing or co-workers, with employees or services rendered, over health outlets or issues, or involving pets. This is where you can earn, spend, write, or involve siblings or neighbors.
CAPRICORN: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday is about the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor and your career, ambition, goal, reputation, fame, or father. You need to get real, get serious, decide if you are going to commit long term, end things, find a way to deal with or set limits, take on more responsibility, or build solid structures around what is going on. How do you feel about it? What do you want? Is this person in the picture now and you need to choose a course of action or do you need this person and now is the time to take steps to secure them?
Sunday is your day to talk about your personal or physical needs at home, with real estate, moves, mom, or family. Once Mercury and Venus move into Taurus today the talks, meetings, news, writing, agreements, and income matters will play out through lovers or love interests, creative projects, or children. You should get ready to focus more energy in these areas now but also try to get your emotions around what is going on socially or over the internet as you begin this next phase.
AQUARIUS: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday is all about a relationship with a marriage, romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor and it is playing out over serious matters that are legal, ceremonial, about travel, education, media, publishing, marketing, or publicity. You need to get real, commit long term through one of these areas or end things, find ways to set or deal with limits or take on more responsibility. What do you want to happen, it’s a new day.
Sunday is a window to talk about your needs with a sibling, neighbor, move, writing project, or to have that meeting that involves your image, body or desires. Once Mercury and Venus move into Taurus you are going to be focusing in where you live more intently. This begins meetings and talks about the home or in the home, love and income matters aimed here, real estate deals or moves, roommates or family matters that play out here. You should get your emotions around career issues that in some way engage what you are doing with home or moves as well.
PISCES: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday is a serious day for someone involved sexually or intimately, with reproductive issues or divorce, or over your financial picture where loans, debt, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, commissions, royalties, alimony, child support, or a partners money are concerned. You need to decide how you feel about this partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent in the mix, do you need more from them or less? Do you want to commit to something here or walk away? If you need someone to help in one of these areas, what can you do to secure them?
Sunday is a window to get your needs on the table about income or spending. Once Mercury and Venus move into Taurus you are going to begin talks, meetings, writing, looking at agreements, sibling interaction, neighborhood issues, love, or income matters tied to your local scene, a move, or what you most desire in these areas. You should put some time in today on travel, media, publishing, marketing, education, or legal matters as well since they seem to hold influence on the new talks or ideas.
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