HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! This is an old pic of me and my mom, a fav of mine. The shirts were presents from my brother, go figure!!!
The best way to look at this weekend is to see it as the root of your personal tree. Look about, where you are rooted, how are things going here? Are you happy with your surroundings? Do you feel secure in the situation you are building upon? How is that foundation, any cracks? What about those people you are sharing space with, are you getting along? Are you sharing responsibilities fairly? Are you on your own and wish that would evolve? What would you like to change?
The weekend is going to give you chances to address these types of concerns by showing you any issues you may have here. The Cancer Moon also rules mom, family and childhood issues so it’s a good place to come from for Mother’s Day. As you are winding your way through any decisions you want to make about your home, real estate, moves, roommates, mom, family, childhood issues, or other foundational matters, there will be opportunity to talk things out, make choices and get money flowing in some beneficial manner by Sunday.
ARIES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday you may never get out of the house but it seems you are able to get a whole lot done here as you tornado your way through the big changes or financial matters that are piled up or in desperate need of attention. You may feel like making some personal change or adapting a home matter to fit your physical needs in a new way. Partners, agent, attorneys, or other relationships are a bit out of step here so plan to work around them or take a new tact.
Sunday will have you talking, meeting, signing contracts, or writing from home, about real estate, with mom, or involving family. It’s a day to connect personally or over the phone. If you work from home you may find that is figuring in today as well since a beneficial monetary aspect is in play here or if you want to have a yard sale or spend on home or mom, today it goes well.
TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday brings important talks, decisions, agreements, writing, or sibling interactions focusing in on the stability, home, move, family, mom, or real estate. You will have lots going on in communications and want to deal with the big changes going on legally, or through travel, media, or education. Set limits or prepare to deal with them with work, organizing, health, or pets. You may have a last minute change that surprises you.
Sunday brings more around whatever that surprise change was yesterday. It will bring on talks, meetings or decisions based on secret needs, subconscious drives, clandestine affairs, artistic projects, spiritual topics, or research. You should find that if you come from your own truth today you can win the other person to your viewpoint. Again, you may be dealing a lot with siblings or other family scenarios.
GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday brings up any security needs you have or issues at home involving income. You may feel motivated to set up the home to earn money, to hold a yard sale, balance the books, or you may find that the focus is on a sexual attraction or issue, divorce matter, or how you feel things are being shared. You may feel like making last minute changes involving friends and a bit challenged by lovers, creative projects or kids today. Keep the focus on your needs around earning or look at why you are spending.
Sunday brings a lot more energy with income/spending and the friends, groups, internet, astrology, or charities and will likely play out at home, over feelings of security or around mom or family. There is a push to expand or deal with something big here, talk, write, come to agreements, meet with others. You will do best once you are able to close the doors or sneak away to deal with things from a more spiritual, romantic or artistic standpoint.
CANCER: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday the Moon in your sign is going to really challenge you over your sense of security, the very big change that is evolving with someone significant, any limits or issues you are facing at home, with moves, mom, real estate, or family, and new energy flooding into the career Midheaven. Of all the signs you may have the most intense weekend here. It’s essential that you use the energy to focus on what you really want at your core, ask yourself on occasion just what your evolving identity is in this scenario and make sure your answers are remaining true to your vision.
Sunday will amp up meetings, talks, writing, agreements, and expansive love or money goals for you, again the home and your own personal or physical needs are strongly in this picture. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind or clarify positions. You are in a lovely opportunity aspect for anything you do today involving friends, groups, astrology, the internet, or charities.
LEO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday may have you pulling the drapes and hiding out at home, retreating to focus in on your needs with something you are working on developing or doing in the artistic side of life, with research or investigations, perhaps a spiritual retreat you feel you need, or there could be someone you are holing up with romantically. There is also a lot of energy around the changes to work, health or pets and dealing with something limiting going on tied to a sibling or neighbor. You are going to want to change things up or take a new approach to legal, travel, media, or educational matters as well.
Sunday brings more of this hiding out energy and if you find that you must be out there with others then this energy will be truly putting you out there testing subconscious issues or confronting self-sabotaging tendencies. You may have a hard time the entire weekend realizing just why you are responding the way you are. See if you can find ways to talk or meet about legal matters, travel, media, or education, whichever fits your circumstances and be open to standing out as a leader or authority figure on some new level.
VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday begins the long weekend that will push you and/or test you over your true aspirations. You want to focus in very strongly on your dreams for your life and the home, real estate, mom, move, or other security needs that are flavoring the decisions you are currently facing regarding living your dreams. There will be potential to pursue this through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities. Personal earning limits, surprises or changes to shared financial arenas such as loans, inheritance or settlements, and the major changes going on with love or creativity are all going to be key in helping you determine what you are willing to do to get closer to your aspirations.
Sunday brings more of this, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and the talks, agreements, meetings, or decisions you need to have regarding the loan, debt, taxes, insurance, commissions, royalties, alimony, child support, settlements, inheritance, bankruptcy, or joint finances. Your open door today is with a trip, something in media, publishing, marketing, or publicity, higher education, or legal moves you enact.
LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday will push buttons around career, goals, ambition, reputation, fame, or authority figures for you and this is based or colored by your security needs, any home or real estate issues, moves, roommates, or mom. Focus in on what it is you really want to achieve here and ask yourself what you can change regarding the way you are partnering, competing or being represented. Make a good solid assessment of your current limits on a personal or physical level as well, you need again to get real about the Saturn influence and take things one step at a time.
Sunday will bring in more focus on that goal or ambition and the home or property matter, mom or family issue, roommate or move topic. Today brings more talks, meetings, agreements, or decisions involving someone significant. You are in a beneficial aspect to stand out over some shared financial matter so get in there with the loan or other monetary outlet.
SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday get ready to deal with some big legal matter, media or publishing need, marketing strategy, educational issue, or ceremonial matter. You will be doing this at home or your security needs, family or roommates, mom or real estate matters will be coloring what drives this. At least one talk or meeting will be very intense here and you may take a whole new approach to work or hear of something that gives you drive around a new work project. Siblings may be the source of issues this weekend too along with what is going on with health or hospitals, addictions or self-sabotaging energy. It’s all pretty deep stuff, focus in on your higher mind and the higher road you wish to lead this down.
Sunday brings more talks, meetings, agreements, or decisions involving the legal, media, publishing, marketing, travel, or educational matter and the work, health or pet subject tied to this. Focus on the ideas regarding expansion and income here. You have an opportunity with a partner, agent, attorney, or other representative today so reach out to them if you need support.
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday is about the sex, divorce or major financial matter. In one of these shared and powerful arenas you are going to feel driven today to make changes or take new approaches with the love in the picture or in a quest for love, with kids or the pursuit of creative outlets. You will also want to balance what is going on with the major changes going on with personal income or spending. Lastly, you need to deal with the limits you are facing with a friend, group, the internet, or any other social matter. Your home or security needs overshadow all that you are feeling in this so keep that in mind on this day of major transformation.
Sunday is more in the area of change and transformation with financial, sexual or divorce subjects and love, kids or creative projects. Again home and security figures in strongly in how you are feeling and you should have lots of talks, meetings, or agreements figuring in a big way threading through these topics today. You are in a positive position with work, health or pets and will be noticed for one or more of these subjects now.
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday your feelings are going to be strongly colored by how secure you feel and what is going on at home or with real estate, expect this to focus in almost entirely on one other person. A partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or other significant relationship will really be the brunt of where you put your energy and this will be about the huge personal or physical changes you are undergoing, something surprising or unexpected at home or with real estate, and dealing with the limits you see on the career front or with an authority figure.
Sunday brings talks, meetings, decisions, into play over the home or real estate, mom or roommate, and the other person in the picture. It’s a big day again with the need to expand and find happiness or to benefit in some monetary way through the changes you come to now. You are under your best influences through the love you receive and children or creative projects can shine as well for you so find ways to connect and feel the love.
AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday the focus is going to be on the work and organizing or cleaning out you feel you have to tackle at home, with a move, mom, real estate, or with family. Health or pets may also be a strong focus here for you. There is a massive change going on at an inner level with you and your secret desires that may motivate all this effort. Your sense of security or roots will be tested and you may have a talk or meeting that is a bit surprising in all of this, even a change of mind coming from you or someone else close. Look seriously at the limits involving legal, travel, media, or educational factors today as well.
Sunday brings more work, health or pet scenarios at home, with moves, mom, or family. You will have a big talk with a sibling or hear big news from them about love or money. You will again be making personal decisions about your own needs with the changes going on around you. There is a moment where you will see yourself at home or with family and know that you are achieving what you need.
PISCES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday is all about a lover, love interest, child, or creative venture. Your home, real estate deal, mom, or move will be coloring what you experience in this and there are some very big changes afoot. A powerful issue with a friend, group, charity, or internet matter is part of this as is your financial picture. Look at changes you can make in the way you earn or what you are spending on and any limits you need to deal with involving debt, loans, taxes, insurance, settlements, commissions, or other outside resources.
Sunday brings more focus on the love, child or creative venture and how the home or security issues are playing in but today the talks or agreements will mainly focus in on income or spending in this. You are potentially getting some great personal news today or will find that your connection with a sibling or neighbor is helpful. If you write you could see progress today creatively or agreements could bode well with kids, lovers or creative ventures.
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