Tune in Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific on CBS Worldwide Radio ~ New Sky Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show to listen. You can call in with astrology questions if you want to be part of THE ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW! The call-in number is: 248-545-7685
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Mighty, mighty are the tides that take us this week, all you have to do is face the shore.
Monday Mercury and Venus get together on the same degree in Taurus and then they both sextile Neptune in Pisces. It doesn’t get better than this for putting together a lucrative deal in the arts, with spiritual pursuits, involving hospitals or other places of retreat or isolation, around research or investigations, or for development. Set your meetings or interviews, pitches or writing for today to get the ball rolling.
Tuesday is the FULL MOON in Scorpio! It’s coming to a head baby and it’s pretty intense, oh yeah. You can expect to reach the goal, achieve your ambition, receive recognition, celebrate your moment, or end something today. In Scorpio it is deeply shared so look at areas of high finance such as a loan coming through or being paid off, a settlement arriving, the insurance or tax matter wrapping up, alimony or child support peaking in some way, an inheritance coming through, the bankruptcy settled, the royalty or commission check arriving, or a partners finances cresting in some way. This area also rules sex, intimacy, reproduction, and divorce. You may have something hitting an all time high in one of these areas, reason to celebrate or an ending being marked as well.
Wednesday the Sagittarius Moon is sextiling Saturn in Libra which brings potential to expand in some serious way with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. This can be about sharing of ideas, learning, teaching, traveling, marketing, connecting over media or publishing, or dealing with legal matters. You will see an open door to commit efforts or end something now and this aspects helps you get there smoothly. Today is also a trigger date for the Lunar Eclipse coming on June 15th in Sagittarius so pay careful attention to what you feel today in these areas and anything coming through as it will have more long term affect than normal.
Thursday the travel, legal, educational, or media matters will hold your attention in the first part of the day with positive energy behind personal or physical success here as long as you work around income or spending issues. The rest of the day is more about ambitions or career, dealing with authority figures, responsibility and any changes you wish to make.
Friday Mercury and Mars are coming together on the same degree in Taurus and they are both going to trine Pluto in Capricorn. This is incredible for making powerful headway on career projects and earnings. Again, another stellar day to pursue your goals, ambitions, to launch a business, meet with authority figures, write up proposals, sign agreements, or ask for that raise. The only glitch in the day appears to come through limits imposed by a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor.
ARIES: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday talk it up, interview, audition, write up the proposal, pitch the idea, send in the manuscript, sell your product, get the word out there about your career agenda, the aspects are amazing. You will do best in research, investigations, film, music, fine art, spiritual pursuits, dealings with hospitals, addictions, prisons, or other institutions, development, and work you can do involving imagination and efforts behind closed doors.
Tuesday is the FULL MOON in Scorpio and a peak for you with a loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlement, insurance or tax issue, alimony or child support payment, royalty or commission, or a partner’s finances. It may also be a peak sexually, intimately, over reproductive issues, or divorce. Celebrate or mark an ending in these areas.
Wednesday brings an opportunity to connect seriously with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or in dealing with a competitor and should focus in on travel, legal matters, media, marketing, publishing, ceremonies, or higher education. Mark well what comes up for you today is this is an Eclipse Trigger date in these areas and the energy here is stronger and will have longer impact than at other times.
Thursday brings good flow for you with the trip, legal, educational, or media matter as along as you work around the income or spending issue in the picture. Once the Moon moves into Capricorn the day will turn to ambitions, authority figures and career with a focus on changes you wish to implement.
Friday is another wow day for you to motivate on making money and the energy is off the charts for reaching your goal, launching a business, connecting with the right person in high places to achieve your ends, pushing for the raise or promotion, or in any other way going for the prize. Your only issue may be the absence of a partner, agent, attorney, or other specialist in this today or someone competing with you.
TAURUS: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is all about you and the talks or meetings you want to have that focus in on your needs, image, body, or desires. It’s great for income, spending, love, or beauty and anything social. Find time for friends, social networking, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or just pour all this positive energy into pursuing your aspirations. You may also find that legal, travel, educational, or media/marketing matters are going well for you and another person.
Tuesday is the FULL MOON in your opposite sign of Scorpio! This is a huge peak for you with another person. It will mark an achievement, celebration or ending with a romantic, marriage or business partner, or with an agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. Something culminates today.
Wednesday is about an opportunity for something serious to be dealt with at work, with work piling up, organizing, analysis, a service you provide, with a co-worker, employee, health matter, or pet. You should focus in on how this ties in to shared financial matters with an institution or other person, with a divorce or with sexual attractions or issues. Pay special attention to these areas since today marks a trigger date for next month’s Eclipse in these shared arenas, whatever is coming up for you will have some powerful long term effects.
Thursday starts off with more energy focused in on the outside financial resources, divorce or sexual matter with a few adjustments from you to deal with it all. The Moon then moves into Capricorn and gets you looking at the legalities, trip, education, ceremony, media, marketing, or publishing matter. You may be working out some changes here in private.
Friday is another amazing day with powerful energy behind your efforts to travel, deal with legalities, ceremonies, higher education, media, publishing, marketing, or publicity. You can move mountains today in this and express passions or just convey your ideas through meetings, talks, pitches, or writing. Sign contracts today. The only challenge in the mix is through someone tied to the work, health or pet matter.
GEMINI: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is gearing up to get private meetings going, talks behind closed doors, inspiration on the writing project, energy flowing with income and any artistic or spiritual projects, connections with women and hospitals or other institutions, and in any or all of this you could reach some new zenith or seed new opportunities on the career front or with someone in a position to help you with your goals!
Tuesday is the FULL MOON in Scorpio and a big peak for you with a work project, co-worker, employee, a service you provide, your health, or a pet matter. This is about a celebration as you reach the goal, receive recognition for achievements, or as you mark an ending and wrap things up.
Wednesday is an opportunity to set something up that is serious with a creative venture, a child or in love. Reach out to the partner, agent, attorney, or specialist today to cement the opportunity, commit or end something under positive stars. Pay special attention to what is in focus with this person today because next month’s Eclipse is triggered through them now and whatever is occurring here will have powerful affect in your life for longer than with a typical aspect.
Thursday is about the relationship of the last few days and what you can to socially, with the internet or astrology, a charity or aspiration, and ways for you to make some adjustments around coming out of hiding or with the inspiration involved. The rest of the day is going to focus in on goals you have financially, sexually or with a divorce matter. You may find the goal achievable but will have to work around that friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity matter.
Friday is another stellar day for lots of action on the inspiration, film, music or other artistic effort, spiritual pursuit, retreat, hospital matter, or clandestine affair. Whatever you are working on behind the scenes takes on more life today and links positively to outside financial resources, intimacy or divorce efforts. Motivate, get it in gear, talk about it or sign documents. Your only challenge today is in the serious energy around a child, lover or the creative direction.
CANCER: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is a big day for any communications including writing, contracts, news, talks, or meetings involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and your serious aspirations! There is opportunity written in the stars here so reach out, open up and see what you can set in motion here involving a trip, a media, publishing, marketing, or publicity matter, teaching or taking a class, something legal, or a ceremony.
Tuesday is the FULL MOON in Scorpio and a huge peak for you with a creative venture, a lover or love interest, something speculative, a recreational outlet, or a child. This is a moment of celebration as something is achieved or you gain recognition in or through one of these areas, or you are marking an ending as you wrap things up.
Wednesday brings an opportunity to tackle work, health or pet issues at home or to deal with real estate, mom, family, moves, roommates, or any other rooted area of life. You can make serious strides, commit or end something under positive stars. Note what is coming up for you over the work involved or work project, with the service you are providing, what’s going on with a co-worker or employee, how health is going or what is happening with a pet. These areas are in the Eclipse trigger that is activated a month from now and what you feel today will become bigger then.
Thursday opens with more work, health or pet energy and potential to expand on the career front as long as you make some adjustments through the internet, a friend or group, astrology, or a charity. The rest of the day is about the partner, agent, attorney, competitor, or other representative. You should be able to make headway with a travel, legal, media, publishing, marketing, or educational matter with them if you deal with changes around your goals.
Friday is golden and aggressive as you find yourself motivated to do something with the friend, group, astrology, internet, or charity and to make big changes with or through a partner, agent, attorney, competitor, or other representative. Put things into gear, talk, meet, sign contracts, write, open up, it’s all good. The only challenge today is with limits at home, with real estate, mom, or moves.
LEO: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is amazing for any talks, writing, agreements, meetings, or other forms of communications that focus on the career, a big goal, a person in a position to help you, reputation, fame, or father. You can really make headway through inspirations you get financially, regarding the backing or settlements, loans, inheritance, insurance, taxes, alimony, divorce, or other outside resource. Work from home is also under positive stars.
Tuesday if the FULL MOON in Scorpio and a huge peak for you at home, with real estate, mom, moves, family, childhood issues, renovations, roommates, or security issues. This is a time when you feel like celebrating an achievement or when you will mark an ending as things wrap up.
Wednesday is a day for serious talks, agreements, meetings, short trips, sibling interaction or issues, neighborhood matters, vehicles, or writing that involves your lover, love interest, recreational outlets, speculation, children, or creative endeavors. It’s an opportunity to cement things or build on solid structures or to end things under positive stars. Notice what comes up for you in these areas as they are being triggered under next month’s Eclipse here and will have a powerful influence depending on what you feel today.
Thursday is going to continue in this area of children, love or creative endeavors with good flow for travel, media, publishing, legal matters, ceremonies, or education if you are willing to adjust your goals a bit or what you need to do on the career front. The rest of the day is about work, health or pet matters and potential financial solutions or divorce settlements here. You will need to deal with changes occurring legally, in travel, media, or education.
Friday is golden as you motivate on the career front, with bosses or other authority figures, dad, reputation, fame, and ambitions. You should be on fire to get the work done, deal with co-workers or employees, get your service out there, tackle health matters or animal issues, all with powerful ability to make positive changes. Open up and talk things out, meet, sign documents, and push your ideas through. The only challenge may be with what a sibling is going through or something in the local scene or involving vehicles today.
VIRGO: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is about legal talks or agreements, media or publishing ideas, pitches, or agreements, the talk or meeting over educational matters, ceremonies, or travel, and the opportunity to deal with this through an attorney, agent, specialist, partner, or in regard to a competitor or opponent. Powerful changes are possible.
Tuesday the FULL MOON in Scorpio is bringing a major culmination with a brother, sister, neighbor, writing project, agreement, local activity or short trip, or it is about big news, talks, meetings, or decisions that have the power to again transform. Whatever is peaking now will be colored by shared financial resources, divorce or intimacy and be cause for celebration, reaching that goal or endings.
Wednesday is an opportunity to get serious about income matters/spending and the home. This can be about earning at home, through real estate, roommates, or setting limits on a spending issue here. The Eclipse next month is going to bring this home matter to a very big conclusion so notice what is occurring today in this area of home, real estate, moves, roommates, childhood issues, mom, or security needs.
Thursday is going to open with more home energy and a need to adjust to the legal, travel, media, or educational issues popping up for you here. Once the Moon moves into Capricorn you are going to find you are more interested in a creative ambition, doing something with a child or involving a love interest. Something is changing here involving the financial picture, divorce or intimacy but the relationship that holds most sway is opening up for you.
Friday is a great day for any media, publishing, marketing, publicity, travel plans, teaching or taking classes, or legal matters you need to pursue. You should take action, set up meetings, sign documents, talk, write things up, deal with siblings, or make your decisions today in this involving the changes and empowerment you seek creatively or with love or children. The only obstacle to overcome is what is occurring with income/spending.
LIBRA: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday the doors are opening for talks, meetings, agreements, or decisions involving shared financial matters such as loans, inheritance, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, royalties, commissions, settlements, bankruptcy, or a partners money. You should focus in on the work you can do or how this can support your work, any health topics or issues with animals since it all seems to support each other.
Tuesday is the FULL MOON in your income zone and a major peak around what you earn, spend, something you value, or a possession in question. This is a time when you are reaching your goal, gaining recognition for what you have earned or when you are ending one form of income and wrapping up a cycle.
Wednesday is an opportunity for you with a brother or sister, a neighbor, a writing project, agreement, decision, talk, meeting, a vehicle, short trip, or pitching ideas. Pay close attention to what comes up for you today as it is the trigger date to next month’s Eclipse in these areas. What comes up now will be a major influence up ahead.
Thursday is opening with more energy around communications with partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people and ways for you to adjust to the shared financial matter or divorce. Once the Moon moves into Capricorn you are going to be dealing with home matters, moves, real estate deals, roommates, or other home based issues. It’s a great day for tackling work here, getting a handle on health through spiritual or artistic outlets, or for engaging with animals. Someone important in your home life or involved with your real estate deal or move is about to do an about face.
Friday is gearing up around the outside financials again and the energy is very beneficial for taking action on that loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, tax situation, insurance policy, settlement, alimony or child support issue, debt, mortgage, commission, or partner’s money. Sign agreements, talk, meet, write it up, all good. The only issue here is something you are personally feeling limited by, this could be personal fears cropping up, a physical issue you are dealing with, or how father or an authority figure is influencing your self-image.
SCORPIO: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is bringing that relationship into focus big time, so who is in the mix, a partner, agent, attorney, competitor? The energy is aligned to open doors for you with this person through news, talks, meetings, agreements, decisions, writing, and love or income. Focus in on the creative efforts, the inspiration, the child, or the love.
Tuesday is the FULL MOON in your sign! This is a major peak for you personally or physically. You are celebrating reaching a certain goal with your body, image, or on a personal level or you are marking an end to one form of identity in the world, killing off an old image, saying good-bye to an issue with your body or looks, either way, it’s powerful and in Scorpio likely colored by shared financials, divorce or sexual attraction/issues.
Wednesday is an opportunity with something you are working on behind the scenes to structure or take responsibility for in film, music, the arts, research, hospitals, clandestine affairs or secrets, investigations, or any other retreative or hidden agenda. There is a direct link to your income in this so get serious about it. You should also note what is coming up for you today around income because this is a trigger date for next month’s Eclipse and clues will abound regarding what is peaking soon.
Thursday is opening on more income influence with an eye on expanding your work, doing something big with health or pets, and adjusting to any limits or issues with a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor. Once the Moon moves into Capricorn it brings opportunity for positive creative writing or meetings, talks or ideas, as well as positive connections with kids or lovers. This in turn may have you making last minute changes to work, health or pet demands.
Friday is amazing for getting busy with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, advocate, or competitor. Bring your motivation, passion and amp it up, you can move mountains on some local matter, through a short trip, involving a sibling, over a writing project, tending to an agreement, or coming up with some powerful idea together. Expect the news to be off the charts or life-changing today. The only challenge comes from the part that is being hidden from you, it is imperative that you listen to your gut on this, and if you are one of the few getting by with all the info then this aspect will likely just test you over artistic direction, hospitals or other institutions, research, or retreat.
SAGITTARIUS: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is all about the communications going on around work, health, pets, with co-workers, employees, services you are interested in, and any love or income in the mix. The day is golden for this so write, meet, sign agreements, pitch ideas, have those talks, reach out to anything involving home, real estate, mom, family, moves, or other security bound issues in this as well. You may want to do some renovations or remodels, it’s all good.
Tuesday is the FULL MOON in your mystical 12th house which brings a major climax to an artistic project such as a film, music or fine art work, there could be a big peak with a spiritual pursuit, psychic ability, meditation or yoga training, something going on at a hospital, prison or other institution, regarding a place of retreat and pampering, with a research project or investigation, or involving a secret, developmental process or strategy. It’s a time when recognition is achieved, celebrations ensue or endings are marked in these areas.
Wednesday is an opportunity for you with a friend, group, internet matter, astrological interest, or charity. This is an open door to commit to something, take on more leadership or end things. May close attention to what is going on with your personality today, your body, your image, identity, or other physical matter as today is the trigger date for next month’s Eclipse that will focus in on some peak for you personally.
Thursday the personal or physical energy is still going strong with positive ties to creativity, love or kids and a need to adjust a bit around work, health or pet issues. Once the Moon moves into Capricorn you are going to be focusing in on income and the opportunities at home or through real estate, moves, roommates, or mom. Be ready to field changes with a lover, child or creative project tonight.
Friday is an amazing day for tackling the income or spending and moving things along in a powerful way through work efforts, health matters or with pets. You can purchase something major here or earn in some big way so be proactive. Set up talks, meetings, sign agreements, write, involve siblings or neighbors, but put it into play. The only challenge comes through a friend, group, social occasion, internet matter, astrological interest, or charity.
CAPRICORN: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is an amazing day for meeting up with a lover or love interest, talking things out, coming to an agreement or signing one, for writing or the news you hear, any short trips together or income matters you are involved in together. It is equally amazing for all these communications over creative projects or regarding kids. Look for ways to connect.
Tuesday is the FULL MOON in your social arena which means you are going to see a major peak with a friend, group affiliation, through a party or other social occasion, involving the internet, astrology, aviation, or a charity, or wrapped around a big aspiration you have. This is about recognition, achievement, celebration, or endings today.
Wednesday is an opportunity to cement something on the career front, with an authority figure, or regarding your reputation, fame, or a major ambition you are pursuing and this is strongly tied to your research, investigations, artistic approach or project, spiritual ideal, a hospital matter or other institution you are involved in, or something you are developing behind the scenes. Pay attention to these areas today as next month’s Eclipse will take what you see today on the trigger date and magnify it for you.
Thursday brings more research, development, hospital involvement, artistic outlets, or spiritual pursuits to the home or around something you are doing here. You will need to deal with creative adjustments in this or with loved ones as you personally or physically are stretching a bit. Once the Moon moves into your sign the focus will shift to talks, writing, agreements, or meetings and a change you are fielding with home, real estate, mom, or family.
Friday is golden with the lover, child or creative endeavor, you have so much energy behind this that it will be hard to sit still. Grab the bull by the horns and motivate, bring your passion, charge in and get things moving, sign agreements, write, meet, talk about what you are doing or what you desire, or allow yourself to be the one receiving all of this powerful energy from those you love, it’s all good. The only challenge today comes from a career limitation or boss/authority figure and anything serious you need to attend to here.
AQUARIUS: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday is filled with opportunities for you to communicate about or in the home, meet there, sign agreements involving home or real estate, moves or roommates, mom or security needs. You should pour your energy into ways to earn money here or spend on ways to artistically or romantically improve your surroundings, it’s all good.
Tuesday is the FULL MOON in Scorpio and a powerful peak with one ambition or goal you have set, a career agenda, boss, father, or other authority figure, fame, or reputation. This is about recognition or achievement, celebration or endings and the day will be colored with what is happening through the shared financial matter, divorce or sexual attraction/issue.
Wednesday is an opportunity to do something serious with a friend, group, internet or astrology interest, charity, or a big dream of yours. What is it you are supposed to do? It looks like the doors are wide open with legal matters, trips, media, publishing, marketing, ceremonies, or education. Watch what comes up with the friend, internet, group, astrology, or charity today because it is under next month’s Eclipse energy that is triggering today. It points to clues about what is peaking here for you in a big way.
Thursday brings more social talks, writing, news, agreements, or meetings and these look happy for you. You will need to deal with any adjustments necessary at home, with moves, mom, or real estate to get the best out of this today. Once the Moon moves into Capricorn it favors retreat and time behind closed doors, perhaps spending or earning through artistic outlets, on romantic pursuits, spiritual needs, or something fantasy driven. Your only challenge is to deal with some last minute surprise from a brother or sister that may require your attention or news you hear that brings change.
Friday is all out motivating sparks flying, passion and action on the home front, with the move, real estate deal, mom, or roommate. It’s time to stir it up, get things going, sign agreements, meet up, have talks, and make some very powerful breakthroughs or changes, all good! Your only challenge today is in dealing with legal, travel, media, or educational issues.
PISCES: (CALL ZOE to schedule your reading 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Monday brings opportunity for you in the communications field. Audition, interview, pitch ideas, write, meet, sign agreements, and find ways to tie your image, identity, physical presence, or personal needs into what you are sharing here. You could make some real breakthroughs involving a friend, group, internet matter, astrology, or charity and the legal, media, educational, or travel issues associated with it.
Tuesday is the FULL MOON in Scorpio and a peak for you with the trip, legal issue or agreement, ceremony, media venture, publishing deal, marketing campaign, publicity, educational subject, trip, import/export issue, or something you believe strongly about. This is a time of celebration, achievement, recognition, or endings in these areas. You can expect that something you share financially, through divorce or intimately will color this energy.
Wednesday is an opportunity for you with the loan, debt, inheritance, insurance, bankruptcy, settlement, royalties, commissions, alimony, child support, or other outside resources, or with the sexual attraction/issue, reproduction, divorce, or other physically shared matter. It seems to be goal oriented and positive. Pay attention to what is coming up for you today on the career front, with bosses, authority figures, a goal or ambition, reputation, or fame because today is the trigger date for next month’s Eclipse and it will tend to be important.
Thursday has more focus on career, goals, authority figures, ambition, and something big happening with income or spending that looks good. You will need to have a talk or deal with an agreement, writing, paperwork, or short trip to get to what you want to see happen. Once the Moon moves into Capricorn you will be focusing on social outlets, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities that put you in the mix artistically, romantically or spiritually. You will need to handle something changing involving your income or spending in this today (perhaps dues increase?).
Friday is all about gearing things up and taking action on the local scene, through passionate writing or talks, meetings or agreements, that involve the social agenda, friend, group, internet, social networking, party, charity, or astrology. Pour all you have into this today as it looks very motivating and positive. The only challenge presenting here is over a shared financial matter, divorce, sex/intimate issue/attraction, or topics of mortality.
Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
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