Zoe Moon Astrology JULY MONTHLY Horoscopes
INDIVIDUAL HOROSCOPES are below this general overview!
We have a lot going on in July this year! It starts off with Neptune stationed as we enter the month and then Neptune Retrograding on the 2nd. This occurs at 6:40am Eastern at which point Neptune will be in Retrograde until December 7th. So, we shift gears when it comes to our imagination, our artistic pursuits, karmic connections, romantic life, spiritual practices or beliefs, secrets, recuperative needs, research, or institutions, as we now slow down a bit and reassess what is going on over the months ahead. Situations or people from the past tied to these topics may return, current situations may exit or allow for some reworking, and anything meant to dissolve away can now do so. The days surrounding this shift in direction can be a bit more nostalgic, weepy, foggy, or strange so wait for clarity.
Mercury, Venus and the Sun will be moving into Leo this month to kick off their new tours of this signs energy in that order so we will start to focus more on our love life or lover, the kids, our creative ventures, or recreational interests this month. Mercury arrives on the 2nd through the 25th. This period opens up the potential to meet with someone or meet someone new involved with these topics or to have talks, offers, or decisions coming into view. We might also take short tris or get involved locally, focus on sales or writing or agreements about love, kids, creativity, or un during this period. For some you may involve neighbors, siblings, moves, vehicles, or electronics in the mix. This placement also enhances flirtations so enjoy! Venus arrives on the 11th through August 4th and is all about doing her art to smooth out issues, attract love or beauty, income or pleasure to what is going on with your lover, love life, the kids, creative ventures, or recreation. Sweet! And finally, the Sun arrives on the 22nd and will stay for 30 days here. This puts a spotlight on what is going on with lovers, kids, creativity, of fun and is our cue to show up, get more personally or physically involved, pursue our interests, and shine here.
There is a NEW MOON on the 5th at 14 degrees of Cancer. This occurs at 657pm Eastern and will hold sway over the next 2 weeks giving us a cosmic boost forward. The topics covered with this fresh boost of momentum will be home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, roommates, history, ancestry, and/or emotional needs. We can start something new or take our current interests in these areas forward into new chapters or directions.
There is a very volatile, unpredictable, crazy energy getting underway this month that we want to be aware of as it can take us by surprise and bring sudden, sometimes difficult trends or events. This involves a fixed star Algol which is a dark star associated with 'the piling up of bodies' or issues around the neck or throat. It has been called the Demon Star or the Head of Medusa, yeah. It is in Taurus so our possessions, values, or money may play a part. Uranus is the planet contacting it, first time in 84 years, so it can be shocking, suddenly changing, involve groups, electricity, big tech, the skies, friends, aliens, or gatherings, play out online, or with our freedoms or aspirations. So, we want to take care in any situations defined by these topics. Uranus moves onto this star on July 7th and stays here until August 7th. As if this weren’t enough, Mars will be passing over Algol and Uranus on the same degree from July 6-16th so these 11 days in the midst of the transit may be more angry, fired up, involve fire, be combative, weaponized, or aggressive, take note. This is not a nice combination, the last passage of this kind occurred during Pearl Harbor. Don’t be fearful, be vigilant and cautious.
Mars changes signs, moving into Gemini at 4:43pm Eastern on the 20th and touring here until Sept 4th. This makes our conversations more heated, passionate, angry or motivating, it brings more fire and activity locally or on short tris, with writing, sales, or moves, with meetings, agreements, or decisions, as well as over what is going on with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. Mars is about making things happen as long as we can stay clear of the angry, fighting side of the influence. It is also a period when we all tend to act or react more vibrantly or dynamically to what we hear or with our ideas so keep it in mind!
We have a FULL MOON on the 21st in Capricorn. This is a time of year when things are wrapping up or ending, or we are achieving or celebrating as the energy peaks. The focus is on our personal goals, career, status, fame, reputation, or an authority figure such as a boss, parent, judge, president, director, or mentor. On the world stage, with the combination of Uranus/Mars/Algol and a Full Moon in Capricorn, the days between July 6 and 21st may see a leader removed one way or another.
Our last major influence this month is Mercury’s move into Virgo on the 25th. Mercury typically moves through a sign in a few weeks but will be going forward through Virgo, then Retrograde August 5th and back out of Virgo by the August 14th, carrying on the last part of the Retrograde in Leo from August 14th until going Direct on the 28th of August. Mercury will then re-enter Virgo in Direct motion by Sept 9th and finish up his tour of Virgo by Sept 26th. So, it’s a long story we are heading into here. Mercury really loves being in Virgo where the mind, our talks, meetings, sales, writing, offers, and decisions are more detail-oriented, more of service to others, more about work or health interests, more about our animals, paperwork, cleaning, or organizing, or more about coworkers, or hired help. Keep in mind we will have forward momentum part of the time, then be heading into do-over mode up ahead where we may slow down, reassess and rework or release some things and then we'll be moving forward again with these topics.
Neptune’s Retrograde on the 2nd begins your do over with artistic, romantic or spiritual matters, or with recuperative needs, research, addictions, secrets, or institutions. You have until Dec 7th to figure out what stays, what goes and what can be reworked.
There is a lot of personal energy moving into your zone of true love, creativity, fun, and children this month so you should enjoy what is going on here. Mercury arrives on the 2nd through the 25th helping you meet others about these topics or get into talks, sales, writing, short trips, offers, or decisions about them. Venus comes on board on the 11th through Aug 4th which enhances the loving side of things or adds income, beauty or pleasure to the story going on with your love life or lover, the kids, creative ventures, or recreation. And finally, the Sun enters on the 22nd for 3o days, spotlighting you and helping you be more personally or physically involved in these topics.
The New Moon on the 5th is in your zone of home, family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, roommates, history, and emotional needs so you now have a 2 week cosmic boost behind moving things forward here. You may start some new things or take current interests into what comes next!
We have some volatile, shocking or suddenly changing energy playing out for everyone between the 6th of July and August 7th. This can bring issues with anger, accidents, electricity, fire, the neck or throat, friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, money, possessions, values, or big tech. Be cautious in any of these scenarios.
Your ruler, Mars, moves into Gemini on the 2oth and will tour here until Sept 4th. This will likely get you much busier with short tris, local activities or moves, with siblings or neighbors, with vehicles or electronics, or in your talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, offers, flirtations, or decisions. You should have a lot more passion and drive in these areas of life and can make things happen now, just watch out for the fighting, angry side of the energy, taking special care on the road.
The Full Moon on the 21st is bringing goals, career needs, reputation, fame, status, or something with a boss, parent or other authority figure to a peak in your life. You may be wrapping something up or marking an ending here, or achieving goals and celebrating something in these areas of life.
Mercury enters Virgo on the 25th and won’t be done with this sign until September 26th thanks to the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. So pace yourself, you move forward this month and then will slow, reassess things and then move forward again. The focus is on work or health matters, animals, paperwork, hired help, or coworkers and can help you talk, meet, write, focus on sales, interviews, offers, short trips, or decisions about these matters.
Neptune’s Retrograde on the 2nd begins your do over with artistic, romantic or spiritual matters, or with recuperative needs, research, addictions, secrets, or institutions and what is going on with your friends, associates or groups or online, with freedoms, aspirations, or original projects, or with astrology, charities or gatherings. You have until Dec 7th to figure out what stays, what goes and what can be reworked.
There is a lot of creative, fun or loving energy moving into your zone of home, family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, or roommates this month so you should enjoy what is going on here. Mercury arrives on the 2nd through the 25th helping you meet others about these topics or get into talks, sales, writing, short trips, offers, or decisions about them. Venus comes on board on the 11th through Aug 4th which enhances the loving side of things or adds income, beauty or pleasure to the story going on with your home, family, move, renovations, real estate deals, parents, roommates, or emotional needs. And finally, the Sun enters on the 22nd for 3o days, spotlighting you and helping you be more personally or physically involved in these topics.
The New Moon on the 5th is in your zone of talks, meetings, sales, writing, agreements, short trips, moves, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics so you now have a 2 week cosmic boost behind moving things forward here. You may start some new things or take current interests into what comes next!
We have some volatile, shocking or suddenly changing energy playing out for everyone between the 6th of July and August 7th. This can bring issues with anger, accidents, electricity, fire, the neck or throat, friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, money, possessions, values, or big tech, and for your sign is occurring in Taurus so you may need to be more careful of your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs in the equation. Be cautious in any of these scenarios.
Mars moves into Gemini on the 2oth and will tour here until Sept 4th. This will likely get you much busier with your possessions, purchases, income, or products. You should have a lot more passion and drive in these areas of life and can make things happen now, just watch out for the fighting, angry side of the energy, taking special care with shar objects, weapons or fires.
The Full Moon on the 21st is bringing goals about travel, distant situations, legal needs, educational pursuits, media, marketing, ceremonies, religion, or politics to a peak in your life. You may be wrapping something up or marking an ending here, or achieving goals and celebrating something in these areas of life.
Mercury enters Virgo on the 25th and won’t be done with this sign until September 26th thanks to the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. So pace yourself, you move forward this month and then will slow, reassess things and then move forward again. The focus is on your love life or lover, the kids, your creative ventures, or recreational pursuits and can help you talk, meet, write, focus on sales, interviews, offers, short trips, or decisions about these matters.
Neptune’s Retrograde on the 2nd begins your do over with artistic, romantic or spiritual matters, or with recuperative needs, research, addictions, secrets, or institutions and what is going on with your personal or professional goals, your status, fame, or authority figures such as a parent, boss, or mentor. You have until Dec 7th to figure out what stays, what goes and what can be reworked.
There is a lot of creative, fun or loving energy moving into your zone of talks, meetings, sales, and writing, as well as with siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, offers, flirtations, and decisions this month so you should enjoy what is going on here. Mercury arrives on the 2nd through the 25th helping you multitask, pick up the pace and see both sides of any equation. Venus comes on board on the 11th through Aug 4th which enhances the loving side of things or adds income, beauty or pleasure to the story going on with your talks, moves, siblings, meetings, sales, writing, short trips, local activities, neighbors, vehicles, flirtations, or electronics. And finally, the Sun enters on the 22nd for 3o days, spotlighting you and helping you be more personally or physically involved in these topics.
The New Moon on the 5th is in your zone of income, purchases, possessions, values, and products so you now have a 2 week cosmic boost behind moving things forward here. You may start some new things or take current interests into what comes next!
We have some volatile, shocking or suddenly changing energy playing out for everyone between the 6th of July and August 7th. This can bring issues with anger, accidents, electricity, fire, the neck or throat, friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, money, possessions, values, or big tech, and for your sign is occurring in your 12th house so you may need to be more careful of what is going on behind the scenes, in private or secretively, with deceptions, addictions, artistic pursuits, romance, spiritual practices, institutions, research, or investigations in the equation. Be cautious in any of these scenarios.
Mars moves into Gemini on the 2oth and will tour here until Sept 4th. This will likely get you much busier on a personal or physical level. You should have a lot more passion and drive when it comes to what you want to do with your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or needs and can make things happen now, just watch out for the fighting, angry side of the energy, taking special care with sharp objects, accidents, weapons, or fires.
The Full Moon on the 21st is bringing goals about loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, a partners money, or other financial resources, or about your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, a birth or death, or any third party situations to a peak in your life. You may be wrapping something up or marking an ending here, or achieving goals and celebrating something in these areas of life.
Finally, Mercury enters Virgo on the 25th and won’t be done with this sign until September 26th thanks to the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. So, pace yourself, you move forward this month and then will slow, reassess things and then move forward again. The focus is on your home, move, renovation, real estate deal, parents, roommates, or family and can help you talk, meet, write, focus on sales, interviews, offers, short trips, or decisions about these matters.
Neptune’s Retrograde on the 2nd begins your do over with artistic, romantic or spiritual matters, or with recuperative needs, research, addictions, secrets, or institutions and what is going on with these themes through travel, distant situations, legal needs, educational pursuits, media ventures, ceremonies, religion, or politics for you. You have until Dec 7th to figure out what stays, what goes and what can be reworked.
There is a lot of creative, fun or loving energy moving into your zone of income purchases, possessions, or products this month so you should enjoy what is going on here. Mercury arrives on the 2nd through the 25th helping you multitask, pick up the pace, talk, meet, sign agreements, make sales, involve siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics, and see both sides of any equation. Venus comes on board on the 11th through Aug 4th which enhances the loving side of things or adds income, beauty or pleasure to the story going on with your income, purchases, possessions, or products. And finally, the Sun enters on the 22nd for 3o days, spotlighting you and helping you be more personally or physically involved in these topics.
The New Moon on the 5th is in your sign, Cancer so you now have a 2 week cosmic boost behind moving things forward regarding your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal needs. You may start some new things or take current interests into what comes next!
We have some volatile, shocking or suddenly changing energy playing out for everyone between the 6th of July and August 7th. This can bring issues with anger, accidents, electricity, fire, the neck or throat, friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, money, possessions, values, or big tech, and for your sign is occurring in your 11th house so you may need to be more careful of what is going on with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, freedoms, or original projects in the equation. Be cautious in any of these scenarios.
Mars moves into Gemini on the 2oth and will tour here until Sept 4th. This will likely get you much busier or bring a lot more passion and drive when it comes to what you want to do artistically, romantically or spiritually, or with research or institutions and can make things happen now, just watch out for the fighting, angry side of the energy, addictions, secrets, or self-sabotaging tendencies, taking special care with sharp objects, accidents, weapons, or fires.
The Full Moon on the 21st is bringing goals about or involving partners, clients, specialists, representatives, competitors, or advocates to a peak in your life. You may be wrapping something up or marking an ending, or achieving goals and celebrating something in these areas of life.
Finally, Mercury enters Virgo on the 25th and won’t be done with this sign until September 26th thanks to the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. So, pace yourself, you move forward this month and then will slow, reassess things and then move forward again. The focus is on your ideas, flirtations, talks, or meetings, your sales, writing, siblings, or neighbors, your moves, vehicles, short trips, or electronics, or your offers or decisions, and can help you pick up the pace, multitask or see both sides of things in these matters.
Neptune’s Retrograde on the 2nd begins your do over with artistic, romantic or spiritual matters, or with recuperative needs, research, addictions, secrets, or institutions and what is going on with these themes through financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, mortality, or third party situations for you. You have until Dec 7th to figure out what stays, what goes and what can be reworked.
There is a lot of creative, fun or loving energy moving into your zone of self-care, personal interests, physical involvement, or how you would like to utilize these themes around your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs this month so you should enjoy what is going on here. Mercury arrives on the 2nd through the 25th helping you multitask, pick up the pace, talk, meet, sign agreements, make sales, involve siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics, and see both sides of any equation. Venus comes on board on the 11th through Aug 4th which enhances the loving side of things or adds income, beauty or pleasure to the story going on with you and your body, image, brand, name, title, involvement, or needs. And finally, the Sun enters on the 22nd for 3o days, spotlighting you and helping you be more personally or physically involved in these topics.
The New Moon on the 5th is in your 12th house so you now have a 2 week cosmic boost behind moving things forward regarding your artistic, romantic or spiritual interests, tackling addictions or bad habits, dealing with secrets or deceptions, or with research, recuperative needs or institutions. You may start some new things or take current interests into what comes next!
We have some volatile, shocking or suddenly changing energy playing out for everyone between the 6th of July and August 7th. This can bring issues with anger, accidents, electricity, fire, the neck or throat, friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, money, possessions, values, or big tech, and for your sign is occurring in your 1oth house so you may need to be more careful of what is going on with personal goals, career, status, fame, or a boss, parent, judge, mentor, or other authority figure in the equation. Be cautious in any of these scenarios.
Mars moves into Gemini on the 2oth and will tour here until Sept 4th. This will likely get you much busier or give you a lot more passion and drive when it comes to what you want to do with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, freedoms, or original projects and can make things happen now, just watch out for the fighting, angry side of the energy, taking special care with sharp objects, accidents, weapons, or fires.
The Full Moon on the 21st is bringing goals about work, hired help, coworkers, paperwork, health, or animals to a peak in your life. You may be wrapping something up or marking an ending, or achieving goals and celebrating something in these areas of life.
Finally, Mercury enters Virgo on the 25th and won’t be done with this sign until September 26th thanks to the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. So, pace yourself, you move forward this month and then will slow, reassess things and then move forward again. The focus is on your income, purchases, possessions, or products and can help you pick up the pace, multitask, talk, meet, sign agreements, move, make sales, interview, field offers, make decisions, or see both sides of things in these matters.
Neptune’s Retrograde on the 2nd begins your do over with artistic, romantic or spiritual matters, or with recuperative needs, research, addictions, secrets, or institutions and what is going on with these themes through partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, advocates, or other key relationships for you. You have until Dec 7th to figure out what stays, what goes and what can be reworked.
There is a lot of creative, fun or loving energy moving into your zone of artistry, spirituality, romance, research, and institutions this month so you should enjoy what is going on here. Mercury arrives on the 2nd through the 25th helping you multitask, pick up the pace, talk, meet, sign agreements, make sales, involve siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics, and see both sides of any equation. Venus comes on board on the 11th through Aug 4th which enhances the loving side of things or adds income, beauty or pleasure to the story going on with artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, or research interests. And finally, the Sun enters on the 22nd for 3o days, spotlighting you and helping you be more personally or physically involved in these topics.
The New Moon on the 5th is in your 11th house so you now have a 2 week cosmic boost behind moving things forward regarding your friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, freedoms, or original projects. You may start some new things or take current interests into what comes next!
We have some volatile, shocking or suddenly changing energy playing out for everyone between the 6th of July and August 7th. This can bring issues with anger, accidents, electricity, fire, the neck or throat, friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, money, possessions, values, or big tech, and for your sign is occurring in your 9th house so you may need to be more careful of what is going on with travel, distant situations, foreign interests, legal matters, educational situations, media, ceremonies, religion, or politics in the equation. Be cautious in any of these scenarios.
Mars moves into Gemini on the 2oth and will tour here until Sept 4th. This will likely get you much busier or give you a lot more passion and drive when it comes to what you want to do about your personal goals, career, status, fame, or a boss, parent or other authority figure and can make things happen now, just watch out for the fighting, angry side of the energy, taking special care with sharp objects, accidents, weapons, or fires.
The Full Moon on the 21st is bringing goals about your love life, with a lover, the kids, any creative ventures, or recreational pursuits to a peak in your life. You may be wrapping something up or marking an ending, or achieving goals and celebrating something in these areas of life.
Finally, Mercury enters Virgo on the 25th and won’t be done with this sign until September 26th thanks to the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. So, pace yourself, you move forward this month and then will slow, reassess things and then move forward again. The focus is on you, your body, image, brand, name, title, the things you want to get physically involved with, or your personal needs, and can help you pick up the pace, multitask, talk, meet, sign agreements, move, make sales, interview, field offers, make decisions, or see both sides of things in these matters.
Neptune’s Retrograde on the 2nd begins your do over with artistic, romantic or spiritual matters, or with recuperative needs, research, addictions, secrets, or institutions and what is going on with these themes through your work or health needs, with coworkers or hired help, about animals, or with paperwork for you. You have until Dec 7th to figure out what stays, what goes and what can be reworked.
There is a lot of creative, fun or loving energy moving into your zone of friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, and original projects this month so you should enjoy what is going on here. Mercury arrives on the 2nd through the 25th helping you multitask, pick up the pace, talk, meet, sign agreements, make sales, involve siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics, and see both sides of any equation. Venus comes on board on the 11th through Aug 4th which enhances the loving side of things or adds income, beauty or pleasure to the story going on with these friends, groups, online interests, astrology, charities, gatherings, or aspirations. And finally, the Sun enters on the 22nd for 3o days, spotlighting you and helping you be more personally or physically involved in these topics.
The New Moon on the 5th is in your 1oth house so you now have a 2 week cosmic boost behind moving things forward regarding your personal goals, career, status, fame, or a boss, parent, or other authority figure. You may start some new things or take current interests into what comes next!
We have some volatile, shocking or suddenly changing energy playing out for everyone between the 6th of July and August 7th. This can bring issues with anger, accidents, electricity, fire, the neck or throat, friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, money, possessions, values, or big tech, and for your sign is occurring in your 8th house so you may need to be more careful of what is going on with financial matters, sex, reproduction, birth, death, divorce, or third party situations in the equation. Be cautious in any of these scenarios.
Mars moves into Gemini on the 2oth and will tour here until Sept 4th. This will likely get you much busier or give you a lot more passion and drive when it comes to what you want to do about your travel plans, legal needs, educational pursuits, media ventures, ceremonies, religion, or politics and can make things happen now, just watch out for the fighting, angry side of the energy, taking special care with sharp objects, accidents, weapons, or fires.
The Full Moon on the 21st is bringing goals about your home, move, renovation, real estate delas, parents, roommates, or family to a peak in your life. You may be wrapping something up or marking an ending, or achieving goals and celebrating something in these areas of life.
Finally, Mercury enters Virgo on the 25th and won’t be done with this sign until September 26th thanks to the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. So, pace yourself, you move forward this month and then will slow, reassess things and then move forward again. The focus is on research, institutions, tackling bad habits or addictions, dealing with secrets or deceptions, an artistic project, you romantic life, or spiritual practices, and can help you pick up the pace, multitask, talk, meet, sign agreements, move, make sales, interview, field offers, make decisions, or see both sides of things in these matters.
Neptune’s Retrograde on the 2nd begins your do over with artistic, romantic or spiritual matters, or with recuperative needs, research, addictions, secrets, or institutions and what is going on with these themes through your lover or love life, with children, in creative pursuits, or with recreation for you. You have until Dec 7th to figure out what stays, what goes and what can be reworked.
There is a lot of creative, fun or loving energy moving into your zone of personal goals, career, status, fame, and authority figures this month so you should enjoy what is going on here. Mercury arrives on the 2nd through the 25th helping you multitask, pick up the pace, talk, meet, sign agreements, make sales, involve siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics, and see both sides of any equation. Venus comes on board on the 11th through Aug 4th which enhances the loving side of things or adds income, beauty or pleasure to the story going on with these goals, career moves, or authority figures. And finally, the Sun enters on the 22nd for 3o days, spotlighting you and helping you be more personally or physically involved in these topics.
The New Moon on the 5th is in your 9th house so you now have a 2 week cosmic boost behind moving things forward regarding your media ventures, legal needs, educational pursuits, travel plans, ceremonies, religious experience, or politics. You may start some new things or take current interests into what comes next!
We have some volatile, shocking or suddenly changing energy playing out for everyone between the 6th of July and August 7th. This can bring issues with anger, accidents, electricity, fire, the neck or throat, friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, money, possessions, values, or big tech, and for your sign is occurring in your 7th house so you may need to be more careful of what is going on with a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, competitor, opponent, or advocate in the equation. Be cautious in any of these scenarios.
Mars moves into Gemini on the 2oth and will tour here until Sept 4th. This will likely get you much busier or give you a lot more passion and drive when it comes to what you want to do about your financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third party situations and can make things happen now, just watch out for the fighting, angry side of the energy, taking special care with sharp objects, accidents, weapons, or fires.
The Full Moon on the 21st is bringing goals about your talks, meetings, sales, or agreements, your siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics, or your short tris, flirtations, offers, local activities, or decisions to a peak in your life. You could also be handed some really big news at this time. You may be wrapping something up or marking an ending, or achieving goals and celebrating something in these areas of life.
Finally, Mercury enters Virgo on the 25th and won’t be done with this sign until September 26th thanks to the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. So, pace yourself, you move forward this month and then will slow, reassess things and then move forward again. The focus is on your aspirations, freedoms or original projects as well as on your friends, associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings, and can help you pick up the pace, multitask, talk, meet, sign agreements, move, make sales, interview, field offers, make decisions, or see both sides of things in these matters.
Neptune’s Retrograde on the 2nd begins your do over with artistic, romantic or spiritual matters, or with recuperative needs, research, addictions, secrets, or institutions and what is going on with these themes through your family, home, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, or roommates for you. You have until Dec 7th to figure out what stays, what goes and what can be reworked.
There is a lot of creative, fun or loving energy moving into your zone of travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, and political interests this month so you should enjoy what is going on here. Mercury arrives on the 2nd through the 25th helping you multitask, pick up the pace, talk, meet, sign agreements, make sales, involve siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics, and see both sides of any equation in these arenas. Venus comes on board on the 11th through Aug 4th which enhances the loving side of things or adds income, beauty or pleasure to the story going on with these travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political scenarios. And finally, the Sun enters on the 22nd for 3o days, spotlighting you and helping you be more personally or physically involved in these topics.
The New Moon on the 5th is in your 8th house so you now have a 2 week cosmic boost behind moving things forward regarding your financial concerns, sex life, reproductive life, with a divorce, death or birth, or any third party situations. You may start some new things or take current interests into what comes next!
We have some volatile, shocking or suddenly changing energy playing out for everyone between the 6th of July and August 7th. This can bring issues with anger, accidents, electricity, fire, the neck or throat, friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, money, possessions, values, or big tech, and for your sign is occurring in your 6th house so you may need to be more careful of what is going on with a coworker, job, health need, animal, the paperwork, or hired help in the equation. Be cautious in any of these scenarios.
Mars moves into Gemini on the 2oth and will tour here until Sept 4th. This will likely get you much busier or give you a lot more passion and drive when it comes to what you want to do about or with your partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or other key relationships and can make things happen now, just watch out for the fighting, angry side of the energy, taking special care with sharp objects, accidents, weapons, or fires.
The Full Moon on the 21st is bringing goals about your income, purchases, values, possessions, or products to a peak in your life. You may be wrapping something up or marking an ending, or achieving goals and celebrating something in these areas of life.
Finally, Mercury enters Virgo on the 25th and won’t be done with this sign until September 26th thanks to the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. So, pace yourself, you move forward this month and then will slow, reassess things and then move forward again. The focus is on your personal goals, career, status, fame, or a boss, parent, or other authority figures, and can help you pick up the pace, multitask, talk, meet, sign agreements, move, make sales, interview, field offers, make decisions, or see both sides of things in these matters.
Neptune’s Retrograde on the 2nd begins your do over with artistic, romantic or spiritual matters, or with recuperative needs, research, addictions, secrets, or institutions and what is going on with these themes through your mind as you reassess them or in your talks or meetings, with your sales or writing, any agreements or decisions, or how they play out with siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, short trips, local activities, or electronics for you. You have until Dec 7th to figure out what stays, what goes and what can be reworked.
There is a lot of creative, fun or loving energy moving into your zone of sexuality, reproduction, financial topics, divorce, or third party situations this month so you should enjoy what is going on here. Mercury arrives on the 2nd through the 25th helping you multitask, pick up the pace, talk, meet, sign agreements, make sales, involve siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics, and see both sides of any equation in these arenas. Venus comes on board on the 11th through Aug 4th which enhances the loving side of things or adds income, beauty or pleasure to the story going on with these financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, or third party situations. And finally, the Sun enters on the 22nd for 3o days, spotlighting you and helping you be more personally or physically involved in these topics.
The New Moon on the 5th is in your 7th house so you now have a 2 week cosmic boost behind moving things forward regarding your relationships, think partners, clients, specialists, representatives, competitors, or advocates. You may start some new things or take current interests into what comes next!
We have some volatile, shocking or suddenly changing energy playing out for everyone between the 6th of July and August 7th. This can bring issues with anger, accidents, electricity, fire, the neck or throat, friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, money, possessions, values, or big tech, and for your sign is occurring in your 5th house so you may need to be more careful of what is going on with a lover or child, or with creative ventures or recreational pursuits in the equation. Be cautious in any of these scenarios.
Mars moves into Gemini on the 2oth and will tour here until Sept 4th. This will likely get you much busier or give you a lot more passion and drive when it comes to what you want to do about or with your work or health pursuits, or with coworkers, hired help, the paperwork, or the animals and can make things happen now, just watch out for the fighting, angry side of the energy, taking special care with sharp objects, accidents, weapons, or fires.
The Full Moon on the 21st is bringing goals about you, your body, image, brand, name, title, involvement in something physical, or personal needs to a peak in your life. You may be wrapping something up or marking an ending, or achieving goals and celebrating something in these areas of life.
Finally, Mercury enters Virgo on the 25th and won’t be done with this sign until September 26th thanks to the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. So, pace yourself, you move forward this month and then will slow, reassess things and then move forward again. The focus is on your travel or distant situations, any legal or educational interests, media or marketing ideas, ceremonies, religion, or politics, and can help you pick up the pace, multitask, talk, meet, sign agreements, move, make sales, interview, field offers, make decisions, or see both sides of things in these matters.
Neptune’s Retrograde on the 2nd begins your do over with artistic, romantic or spiritual matters, or with recuperative needs, research, addictions, secrets, or institutions and what is going on with these themes through your values, income, purchases, possessions, or products for you. You have until Dec 7th to figure out what stays, what goes and what can be reworked.
There is a lot of creative, fun or loving energy moving into your zone of relationship this month so think partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or other key players, you should enjoy what is going on here. Mercury arrives on the 2nd through the 25th helping you multitask, pick up the pace, talk, meet, sign agreements, make sales, involve siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics, and see both sides of any equation in these arenas. Venus comes on board on the 11th through Aug 4th which enhances the loving side of things or adds income, beauty or pleasure to the story going on with these partners, clients, specialists, reps, or other relationships. And finally, the Sun enters on the 22nd for 3o days, spotlighting you and helping you be more personally or physically involved in these topics.
The New Moon on the 5th is in your 6th house so you now have a 2 week cosmic boost behind moving things forward regarding your health or work, your coworkers or hired help, your animals, or any cleaning, organizing or paperwork. You may start some new things or take current interests into what comes next!
We have some volatile, shocking or suddenly changing energy playing out for everyone between the 6th of July and August 7th. This can bring issues with anger, accidents, electricity, fire, the neck or throat, friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, money, possessions, values, or big tech, and for your sign is occurring in your 4th house so you may need to be more careful of what is going on at home or with the family, with a move, renovation or real estate deal, with history or ancestry, with your emotions or those around you, or with a parent or roommate in the equation. Be cautious in any of these scenarios.
Mars moves into Gemini on the 2oth and will tour here until Sept 4th. This will likely get you much busier or give you a lot more passion and drive when it comes to what you want to do about or with your love life or lover, with a child or children in general, with your creative ventures, or any recreational pursuits and can make things happen now, just watch out for the fighting, angry side of the energy, taking special care with sharp objects, accidents, weapons, or fires.
The Full Moon on the 21st is bringing goals about artistic pursuits, your romantic life, any spiritual practices, recuperative needs, research, secrets, addictions, or institutions to a peak in your life. You may be wrapping something up or marking an ending, or achieving goals and celebrating something in these areas of life.
Finally, Mercury enters Virgo on the 25th and won’t be done with this sign until September 26th thanks to the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. So, pace yourself, you move forward this month and then will slow, reassess things and then move forward again. The focus is on your sex life, reproductive needs, financial scenarios, divorce, or third-party situations, and can help you pick up the pace, multitask, talk, meet, sign agreements, move, make sales, interview, field offers, make decisions, or see both sides of things in these matters.
Neptune’s Retrograde on the 2nd begins your do over with artistic, romantic or spiritual matters, or with recuperative needs, research, addictions, secrets, or institutions and what is going on with these themes through you, your focus on your body, image, brand, name, title, or the physical things you get involved in here, or your personal needs in the mix. You have until Dec 7th to figure out what stays, what goes and what can be reworked.
There is a lot of creative, fun or loving energy moving into your zone of work and health, as well as your zone of hired help, coworkers, paperwork, and animals, you should enjoy what is going on here. Mercury arrives on the 2nd through the 25th helping you multitask, pick up the pace, talk, meet, sign agreements, make sales, involve siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics, and see both sides of any equation in these arenas. Venus comes on board on the 11th through Aug 4th which enhances the loving side of things or adds income, beauty or pleasure to the story going on with these coworkers, the hired help, your animals, at the job, with health interests, or around your paperwork. And finally, the Sun enters on the 22nd for 3o days, spotlighting you and helping you be more personally or physically involved in these topics.
The New Moon on the 5th is in your 5th house so you now have a 2 week cosmic boost behind moving things forward regarding your love life or with a lover, with children, in creative endeavors, or with recreational interests. You may start some new things or take current interests into what comes next!
We have some volatile, shocking or suddenly changing energy playing out for everyone between the 6th of July and August 7th. This can bring issues with anger, accidents, electricity, fire, the neck or throat, friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, money, possessions, values, or big tech, and for your sign is occurring in your 3rd house so you may need to be more careful of what is going on with your talks, meetings, sales, or writing, with neighbors or in your neighborhood, with siblings, vehicles, or electronics, or with short trips in the equation. Be cautious in any of these scenarios.
Mars moves into Gemini on the 2oth and will tour here until Sept 4th. This will likely get you much busier or give you a lot more passion and drive when it comes to what you want to do about your home, a move, a renovation, any real estate deals, your parents, roommates, family, history, or emotional needs, and can make things happen now, just watch out for the fighting, angry side of the energy, taking special care with sharp objects, accidents, weapons, or fires.
The Full Moon on the 21st is bringing goals about original projects, inventions, aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or causes to a peak in your life. You may be wrapping something up or marking an ending, or achieving goals and celebrating something in these areas of life.
Finally, Mercury enters Virgo on the 25th and won’t be done with this sign until September 26th thanks to the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. So, pace yourself, you move forward this month and then will slow, reassess things and then move forward again. The focus is on your relationships such as romantic or business partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, or advocates, and can help you pick up the pace, multitask, talk, meet, sign agreements, move, make sales, interview, field offers, make decisions, or see both sides of things in these matters.
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FOR MORE about the MONTH of JULY for your sign, LISTEN TO THE SHOWS! SHOW #1 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius here: https://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm SHOW #2 for Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces here: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2024/06/21/zoe-moon-astrology-july-monthly-show-for-signs-capricorn-aquarius-pisces
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