Sunday, June 2, 2024

Zoe Moon Astrology JUNE MONTHLY Horoscopes

Zoe Moon Astrology JUNE MONTHLY Horoscopes

We enter this month with JUPITER now in Gemini (as of May 25th), so June is our first full month with this added potential to expand our horizons through talks or meetings, sales, writing, agreements, or anything local, through short trips, with moves, vehicles, electronics, siblings, or neighbors. Be sure to see if you could involve Jupiter themes in these areas of life! This could mean focusing on your happiness, prosperity or growth in these areas or to see if travel, distant situations, legal needs, getting more training, a degree or teaching about it, bringing in media, marketing or publishing influences, or involving ceremonies, religion or politics in the mix. MERCURY will join this story in Gemini and its focus on talks, meetings, sales, writing, short trips, moves, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, offers, or decisions starting on the 3rd and will continue to amplify it through July 2nd. This quickens the pace in these areas and brings the desire to learn, share information, flirt, multitask, or choose. Finally, we have a NEW MOON in Gemini on the 6th. This opens up 2 weeks of potential with our talks, meetings, sales or writing, with siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics, or with short trips, local activities, offers, or decisions that move us forward. It is the strongest time to start something new in these areas or to take current interests into their next chapters because we have the added boost forward from the cosmos behind it.

On the 9th MARS moves into Taurus where he will now tour until July 2oth. This is a bit of a weird combination since Mars is all about the fire and proactive motivating force to get in there and actively make things happen, while Taurus energy is more about taking it slow and steady, delving into the pleasures in life, and or fixing on things and steadily working them. So, Mars may be frustrated from time to time here, but he is going to light things up with our Taurus energy and we will get there. The best focus for this is taking action to make things happen with income, purchases, possessions, or products over the weeks ahead. Take the lead on this, take your time when needed, and go for it! I would also take note that Mars is in charge of anger in our lives so we may get angry at times about what is going on here, the best way to prevent or skirt this side of things is to be sure to let others know you value them and their efforts and to ask for the same from them about what you are doing, even when things take a bit longer.

The second half of June will bring more focus on home or family, moves, renovations or real estate deals, parents or roommates, history or ancestry, or our emotional needs thanks to the energy activating in Cancer. This starts on the 17th as VENUS arrives in this sign. She wants to enjoy herself more here and will focus on true love or income potential in these arenas or the beauty or pleasure here. She will tour Cancer until July 11th and should be a positive influence so make the most of it! MERCURY moves into Cancer on the same day, the 17th, and will tour here until July 2nd. His presence here helps open up talks, meetings, sales, writing, offers, or decisions about the home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates. It may also get siblings or neighbors more involved or help you focus on electronics or vehicles in the mix. Finally, the SUN moves into Cancer on the 2oth and will tour here for 3o days. This puts a spotlight here and asks us to show up, get more personally or physically involved, pursue our interests, promote ourselves, and shine. So, plan accordingly for the second half of the month and what you’d like to do in these arenas.

On the 29th of the month SATURN will Retrograde in the second Decan of Pisces. This is the Cancer Decan so it will add to our story above. First off, Saturn in Retrograde will be taking us aback for a do over now through November 15th as he backs from the 19th degree to the 12th degree of the sign. It is time to look at what we need to get serious about fixing, revising, or releasing when it comes to our time, commitments, structures that support, responsibilities, or ambitions in artistic, romantic or spiritual arenas or with institutions, addictions, secrets, recuperative needs, or research in our lives. In the Cancer Decan it is asking us to look at how this impacts or involves home or family in these stories or our emotional needs, or what is going on with a move, renovation, real estate deal, parent, or roommate in the mix. Once this goes Direct in the Fall it will zip through the rest of this Decan by Feb 23, 2o25 and then we will be living with our choices over the next 29 years so do take it seriously. What stays, what goes, what can be fixed

And our last major influence this month is the FULL MOON in CAPRICORN on the 21st. This is about what is climaxing with personal goals, with status, fame, or reputation, with career matters, or with a boss, parent, judge, mentor, director, teacher, or other such authority figure. We should be seeing something wrap up, or we should be able to mark an ending altogether in one of these arenas now, or it may be that the climactic energy culminating here is about celebrations or achievements or breakthroughs in these areas of life. Aim high!

To HEAR MORE ABOUT EACH SIGN in the month ahead, click this link: Zoe Moon Astrology HealthyLife.Net Radio Show Archive OR click on this player:

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