Monday, June 10, 2024



Sorry for no post yesterday, I finally got my new computer but long story short, no passwords for all my sites since things were wiped from the old one so yesterday was all about retrieving what I could! Hopefully I will be using it completely tomorrow. The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES are now up, link below! Today we have the Leo moon sextiling Mercury in Gemini. I would say this is the softest energy day of our week so use it well. It lets us focus on love, lovers, or children, creativity, fun, or our hearts, or perhaps a drama or two. The Mercury energy comes in with opportunities to talk, write, meet, make sales, sign documents, or decide a thing or two in the mix, doors open. Mars square to Pluto will perfect tomorrow morning by 9:21am Eastern/6:21am pacific so we build to that today. Lots of you guys are early birds with the energy so just be aware it is quite intense when it comes to our passions, anger or actions regarding intimacy, sexuality, financial matters, divorce, or triangles. It may hinge on social setting or friendships, play out online, or be wrapped around our aspirations. Do avoid scary places or people and rather lean into the better side of this combo! More to come tomorrow.      PRAYER TODAY is, 'May we dig a bit deeper, seek a bit more and share when we can with others.' PEAK TIME is 11:00pm Eastern/8:00am Pacific! If you'd like to DONATE to help support this work you can buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!                                                               Buy Me A Coffee

To BOOK A READING with Zoe, just inbox me and ask about the details.        

 The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES June 10-16 are up, READ THEM HERE:       Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES June 10-16           

The Weekly Astro Show covering June 7-14 is up,  LISTEN HERE: The Zoe Moon Astrology MARS enters TAURUS Show 06/06 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (     or here: The JUNE MONTHLY Horoscopes are up, READ THEM HEREZoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology JUNE MONTHLY Horoscopes 

 The JUNE MONTHLY ASTRO Show is up, LISTEN HERE:                                                   

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