Monday, June 17, 2024

Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES June 17-23

Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCO
PES June 17-23
   MOON CALENDER for June 17-23 (Eastern Standard Time):        

MONDAY: 2:05am-2:38am   

TUESDAY: no void   

WEDNESDAY: 12:19pm-12:32pm   

THURSDAY: no void   

FRIDAY: 6:58pm-7:08pm  

SATURDAY: no void   

SUNDAY 11:05pm-11:14pm                                                                                                                         

Just a heads up that Saturn has been in Direct motion since the first week of November 2023 which has given us the time to make our commitments, get ambitious, deal with our endings, structure the things we need to support us, and get serious about Pisces themes in our lives. Saturn will begin his Retrograde on the 29th of June through November 15th, 2024. So, the planet is already stationed on the 19th degree of Pisces (exactly on top of my Moon thank you very much) where it will begin its Retrograde in 12 days and therefore slowed down or in a holding pattern as it very intently focuses us on this degree in the zodiac, asking us to look at those commitments, endings, structures, support, effort, or ambition around Pisces themes: artistic, romantic, spiritual, addictive, secretive, institutional, or research interests now. It's like the cosmos is saying, 'Nope, you're not zipping past this stuff, we've got a magnifying lens on it just for you, take a look at it because you're about to shift something here'. This is the background noise in our week ahead, be aware. Of course, the do-over will then commence from the 29th onward with the Retrograde when we shift gears and either release, revisit, or rework past or ongoing stories over the month ahead. 

MONDAY is a shift in energy as both Venus and then Mercury, at 2:20am and 5:07am Eastern respectively, move into Cancer. Over the week s ahead, from today through July 11th with Venus, and from today through July 2nd with Mercury, we are focused more on home, emotional bonds, history, family, nurturing, food/our stomachs, or anything we are doing with moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, or roommates. Venus here is more emotionally charged over love or money, beauty or pleasure, and is here to help smooth out issues if there are any and to attract the love or money, beauty or pleasure to these realms of life. Mercury is here to open up conversations, offers, ideas, flirtations, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions about what is going on in the Cancer territory or to bring siblings, neighbors, short trips, vehicles, local activities, or electronics into the equation. We’re about to get so involved and/or busy! By 8:43am Eastern Venus and Mercury merge on the same degree in Cancer to kick off their new story together regarding emotional, family, home, moves, history, real estate deals, renovations, parents, or roommates. Let’s make these weeks ahead count!

MONDAY and TUESDAY first Mercury and then Venus will move into adjustment mode with Pluto in Aquarius so we’ll want to be flexible about the changes or third-party influences or financial needs or sex life in the mix with the home, family, or emotional needs. See how aspirations are in play around these themes or what is going on with friends, groups, the internet, or original projects and then do your part to work around the other stuff going on. This should have culminated by TUESDAY morning and the rest of TUESDAY then should move towards flow we have around our goals, time and effort we are putting into any artistic romantic, spiritual, institutional, strategic, or research interests.

WEDNESDAY morning looks positive for intimacy, financial matters, and any continuation around the artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, or research themes. The Moon moves into Sagittarius at 12:32pm Eastern and puts us into play regarding travel or distant situations, legal or educational needs, media or marketing ideas, ceremonies, religion, or politics. We have flow here with the financial, sexual, or third-party interests, as well as with online matters, social interests, or aspirations in the mix. Venus, Mercury and Mars are all in adjustment mode so most likely from the dinner hour onward we’ll want to again be flexible. This can mean give and take when it comes to love, money, beauty, pleasures, talks, sales, writing, offers, short trips, actions, passions, or fighting spirit.

THURSDAY the first part of the day is caught up in the Sun square Neptune energy so we may be pushing ourselves a bit harder when it comes to research, institutions, art, romance, spirituality, self-sabotaging tendencies, addictions, secrets, or deceptions, or we may feel drained or tested by something here. News, talks or decisions would bear this out, do be extra careful on the road. Then at 4:51pm Eastern the Sun moves into Cancer, breaking this alignment and turning our attention to how we want to show up for home or family matters, renovations, real estate deals, moves, parents, or roommates. Over the next 30 days this is where we will be more apt to get personally or physically involved and where we will shine.

FRIDAY Mercury forms an opportunity alignment with Mars so we should hear from others, get into talks, meetings, sales, short trips, or decisions, or move, focus on vehicles, electronics, siblings, or neighbors regarding the home or family matters. This would then open up opportunities to get busy, take action, express more passion, and do what we can regarding income, purchases, possessions, products, or with something of value/being valued. Doors open. This year we are getting 2 Full Moons in Capricorn since the first one occurs today at 1 degree and the second one will occur next month on July 21st at the 29th degree. So, we have 2 opportunities to wrap things up, mark endings, achieve, or celebrate when it comes to our personal goals, status, reputation, fame, career, or with a boss, parent, judge, mentor, director, producer, or other authority figure.

SATURDAY whatever crested at the Full Moon around goals, career, status, fame, reputation, or that authority figure is still the focus for our day but now we are balancing this with talks, news, love, money, beauty, or decisions involving family moves, renovations, real estate deals, home, parents, or roommates. This combo may also make it a day to focus some on the past as it pertains to this peak experience. Mars is also in flow today which again can help us motivate about income, purchases, possessions, or products in the mix.

SUNDAY we have flow with our Capricorn Moon goals, career interests or involvement with authority figures. This is linked to rest and recuperation, institutions, research, artistic, romantic, or spiritual matters, as well as to what we are doing with income, purchases, possessions, or products. It should be a day for grounding ourselves in the potential of the reality around us while allowing for a positive bit of excitement or spontaneity.< /p>

TO HEAR MORE about your individual sign in the week ahead LISTEN to the WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW here: OR click the link here:

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To HEAR the JUNE MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW, LISTEN HERE:  Zoe Moon Astrology HealthyLife.Net Radio Show Archive

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