Tune in Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific on CBS Worldwide Radio ~ New Sky Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show to listen. You can call in with astrology questions if you want to be part of THE ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW! The call-in number is: 248-545-7685
The JANUARY LOVE/RELATIONSHIP Forecast is here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2011/01/zoe-moons-loverelationship-forecast-for.html
The YEARLY FORECAST is here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2010/12/zoe-moons-yearly-overview-for-2011.html
Mercury is very active this week which means lots of talks, meetings, agreements, decisions, and ideas are going to be active as well. Hope you got some rest over the weekend! On Monday Mercury dances with Neptune and squares Uranus so we will be talking about ideals, travel, education, media, publishing, and legal matters, reaching out to friends or groups and dealing with changes going on behind the scenes.
Tuesday Mercury squares Jupiter so whatever that issue was that popped up artistically, spiritually, randomly from out of the blue or from a hidden enemy, romantically, or involving addictions, hospitals, or research, today it gets a bit bigger and we must come up with ideas on how to deal with it.
Wednesday the Moon trines Mercury so we must have found a way to satisfy our needs in the matter that looked good to us. Mars is going to sextile Uranus today so there will be some passions ignited as well as actions that lead to change or excitement, all winding up over major goals and new approaches that benefit.
Thursday Mercury changes signs, leaving the adventure thought pattern of Sagittarius and moving into the ambitious thought pattern of Capricorn. We will think more sober thoughts now, our talks and meetings will be more serious and goal oriented, and we may have more opportunities to talk with those in charge. Mars sextiles Jupiter today so actions and passions are expressed towards our goals in big, lucky ways.
Friday the Taurus Moon meets with Saturn for some adjusting around income or spending and a partner or representative with a final alignment of positive flow for achieving what makes us feel good about the day monetarily.
ARIES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is about talks, meetings or agreements you can have involving travel, the law, media, marketing, or education and a friend or group. This is in positive alignment for expressing artistic, romantic or spiritual energy and making it happen. There is something going on behind the scenes that is a wild card and will affect the trip, media, educational, or legal matter so be ready to field this. With the square aspect here you may be blindsided a bit or find that something tied to hospitals, addictions, unforeseen issues, a hidden enemy, or changes involving the art, spiritual or romantic take you left field. Wait to sign contracts a couple days if possible.
Tuesday talks, meetings, news, agreements, or writing is aimed again at travel, media, legal matters, or education. Today you will be dealing with the big issue going on tied to the artistic project, spiritual pursuit, hospital, addiction, secret, research, investigation, or clandestine affair in the mix. Saturn is pointing out any limits or responsibilities you have with a partner, agent, attorney, or opponent so take heed.
Wednesday your ruler, Mars, is gearing up to make something happen on the career front or with your reputation in a positive way through something that more or less drops in your lap and helps change things, or through changes or new approaches to research, artistic, spiritual, or romantic issues, or hospitals. You may feel a bit overwhelmed but excited. Positive energy is aligning with friends or groups and talks or agreements you some to legally, through travel, media matters, publicity, or education.
Thursday Mercury moves into Capricorn and you will now be thinking a lot more about your career, pitching ideas, holding meetings, having talks, writing, signing agreements, all towards reaching goals or objectives and furthering your career or dealing with fame or reputation. Mars is in position to get you acting on lucky breaks or breakthroughs on the career front today or with authority figures, don’t hold back.
Friday income or spending comes into focus and you are going to need to make adjustments around limits or responsibilities stemming from a partner, significant relationship, competitor, or representative. Once you attend to this you are in the spotlight towards your goal or with your career and the money you are earning or setting up to earn.
TAURUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is about the talks, meetings, agreements, writing, or news you can open up over involving sex, divorce, or financially shared matters with banks or others. It is a powerful day with opportunity to reach an artistic, spiritual or romantic goal or career agenda through these transformative talks or agreements. A friend or group is going to be the wild card today so social changes may come at you or a friend needs something else from you, again tied to the finances, sex or divorce. When it comes to this social obligation, internet topic, friend, group, or aspiration in the picture, wait on contracts a couple days if you can and watch what is said/published today.
Tuesday brings more talks, meetings or agreements involving debt or settlements, sex or divorce, and the friend, group or aspiration involved. This is about stretching a bit here and finding ways to share ideas or broaden horizons with what is said. Someone in the picture today is going to be limiting or adding more responsibility at work, with health or pets into the mix and this in turn may affect your ability to have any alone time or to retreat and work on your own personal agenda.
Wednesday Mars gears up in positive, passionate ways to help you make things happen with a trip, media, publishing, or marketing matter, educational process, or legal issue and this looks very good if you involve a friend, social occasion or group in exciting new ways. Talks are deep and profound and align with intimacy or financial needs. Goals are artistic, romantic or spiritual and work out best when approached from an intuitive bent. Dealings with hospitals or other institutions should go well but you may have to work around travel plans, classes or media events to work it out.
Thursday Mercury moves into Capricorn and you will now be thinking more about learning or teaching, travel or foreign people or situations, import/export, media or publishing projects, publicity, marketing campaigns, politics or religion, ceremonies, or legal matters. Mars is active in these realms today as well making things happen under positive stars, expanding your social circle, bringing friends together, dealing with groups, or opening up opportunities to expand your dreams and aspirations.
Friday the energy shifts focus to you, your body, image or identity, and any adjustments you will need to make at work, with co-workers, employees, around health, or involving pets. This is about setting limits or dealing with added responsibilities here. Once you do this your trip, media, legal, or educational matter should align with your needs, body or image just beautifully.
GEMINI: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday the talks, meetings, writing, or agreements all play out with partners, potential partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. It is a great day for this if you are trying to find artistic, romantic or spiritual outlets through travel, legal channels, media or publishing, or educational outlets. However, you will need to be ready to deal with changes to career or with authority figures that pop up as they relate to this partner, competitor or representative. Communications in this regard are challenging and you are advised to wait a couple days to form/finalize agreements.
Tuesday talks, meetings or agreements again are focused on partners, representatives or opponents and today you will be working around a major goal, career agenda, reputation, or fame and how things are opening up, getting bigger, or what can be done to make it bigger or more prosperous. Limits or responsibilities will be shown through another person tied to creative projects, children or love interests today and you need to balance your sense of friendship or what you want from the aspiration you are working towards in the mix.
Wednesday is social and time spent with friends or groups should be beneficial. You may feel strong about putting forth any internet project or getting into astrology today as well. There is opportunity here to travel, launch media or publishing matters, educate or take classes, or deal with legal issues under positive stars. Mars and Uranus dance to bring action or passion into the day. This may mean an electrical attraction to a boss or person on the career front or you might find ways to get the money flowing from or around outside resources tied to career. If you are trying to move things along with the divorce, today gives you energy and new ways to win the day.
Thursday Mercury moves into Capricorn and amps up our ambitious mind over ways to go after loans or investors for our business, ways to settle insurance or tax matters, or any thinking needed to deal with outside financial resources. You might get a contract to sign in these next few weeks that involve a great deal of money or at the least will give you a percentage of revenue or back-end reward. Keep it quiet for now and do your research, this is all good. More career expansion is under way today, again finances look good.
Friday is about taking some time to rest or recuperate, it may also be about work you are doing behind the scenes, time delving into the muse, the mystic or a clandestine embrace. There are limits or responsibilities to contend with involving the creative endeavor or the lover or child and you will need to try to get to all things today. The evening is great for sexy time spent behind closed doors with a lover or for really getting more moving on the divorce or financial front.
CANCER: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday Mercury is very active over work, health or pets so you can expect to be on the phone, in meetings, talking about agreements or ideas, and possibly looking at contracts today. It’s important to look at financial realms here, the money coming in through royalties, commissions or back end is under positive stars, however there are changes going on involving legal aspects so you should try to wait a couple days and iron these out before signing if you can. Look for changes on the media, travel or educational front as well today.
Tuesday brings more focus on the legal, travel, educational, or marketing/media side of a work situation, health matter or pet issue. Look for ways to talk things out, plan, and find more to do here. Your career and/or goals are in need of balancing with home, mom or living situations and you will need to handle responsibilities in both arenas so pace yourself.
Wednesday is all about career and the energy your need to expend with a partner or representative or competitor. It’s a day to deal with what they are doing and get out there on some level. You are in a positive position where the power, money or control is involved if you come from your spiritual truth just now all should be fine. Talks involving work, health or pets are as well under favorable energy. Mars and Uranus dance today activating opportunities to partner with someone on the media or publishing venture, market yourself, promote classes or teach, get into legal arrangements, or travel. This is exciting energy for you so dive in.
Thursday Mercury moves into your partnership house and you are ready to have the talk, sign contracts, or make a big decision with a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, or about a competitor. This is the time to think about relationships and to meet new people who may want to partner in some context up ahead. If you are invited to a social event tonight go, it looks very powerful and positive. Mars and Jupiter are dancing today and bringing all kinds of opening for you in media, marketing, travel, legal, or educational matters with this person, this is lucky or happy energy, say yes.
Friday brings limits or responsibilities you need to deal with at home, real estate, mom, moves, or roommates and you will want to contend with this so you can spend time with your friends, group or out chasing aspirations. Again, the relationship energy is social and positive for the day so connect with romantic or business partners or seek representation.
LEO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday it’s all about the talks or agreements coming up over creative ventures, love interests or children. Meetings, short trips, and ideas abound here with very positive energy in flow from partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant relationships. Reach out over artistic, spiritual, hospital, or romantic needs. There is an obstacle in the way that is jumping out involving shared financial matters so look at loans, debt, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, inheritance, bankruptcy, or joint matters with the kids, lover or creative project and don’t sign for a couple days on these issues if you can possibly wait. Divorce issues are the same, wait to react to what you hear or to sign.
Tuesday is your day to deal with whatever came up for you financially, around the divorce or even over sexual or reproductive matters and again you will be talking, meeting or looking at agreements involving the creative process, children or love interest in this. Finding balance around your needs legally, or in educational, marketing/media, or travel matters will have to be balanced against limits or responsibilities.
Wednesday is much better on the energy front with a focus on travel, media, education, or legal matters and all kinds of possibilities involving the partner, agent, attorney, or other significant relationship. It’s a great day to talk or come to terms/sign agreements over the creative project, children or love interest. You will need to attend to health, work or pet matters and this may bring up some challenge. Mars and Uranus dance making for lots of positive action in the work, health or pet arena all in response to changes going on with the divorce, shared or outside financial matter or sexual attraction/issue. This could bring passion with a co-worker or employee, health care provider or someone who cares for you pets or you meet while out walking the dog, all good.
Thursday Mercury moves into your work, health and pet arena so you will now be thinking about these things more and it’s a good time to commit to a new program or sign papers involving work, health or pets. There is a positive flow to career and power in this so step up. Mars is active again, helping you to take matters into your own hands, make it happen and share passion, all at work, through health or involving pets. Again positive for expanding through outside financial resources, intimacy or divorce matters.
Friday is about career or goals and something said to you that brings up limits or added responsibilities. It’s important that you work on this today. The energy shows that you come out on top with the work, health or pet matter and any goal tied to this.
VIRGO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is about communications going on at home or about home, real estate, moves, and what you are building upon in life at this moment. Two-fold here, there is positive energy around talks and agreements involving home and work, health or pet matters so bring your focus to what you can think about or communicate here. On the other hand, there is a wild card in the mix today regarding someone else and any influence they may have on home, moves, real estate, mom/mother figures, or foundations, NOT a good day to come to terms or sign contracts if you can wait.
Tuesday is focused on the same arena, home, foundations, living situations, roommates, or mom and now you are going to be looking for ways to expand through the partner, agent, attorney, or other significant relationship or to deal with a hole left by someone in the mix. Again, wait another day to confirm or sign. It is also a day for balancing financial matters, look at how your income is being spent and how any shared finances can be dealt with to rebalance the drain on your income.
Wednesday is full-on involved with loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, commissions, royalties, or any other outside financial matters with positive flow from this to the work you are doing or want to do and any health matters or pet issues. Talks or agreements pick up at home or involving property matters and you are ok to come to terms today and sign. Mars is stirring up passion or action on the creative venture under very positive stars and bringing in something unexpected by way of a partner or representative so dive in. Love and children are as well under this positive energy so find ways to do something active or express passions.
Thursday Mercury moves into your creative, lover, recreational, and childrens sector of your chart. This is what you will be thinking about now and looking into agreements, pitching ideas, making plans or decisions, taking short trips, doing local activities, are all part of this transit with your creative ventures, children or love. If single you may meet someone new through your pursuing creative avenues or getting out and having fun. It’s a great day for legal contracts, legal action, travel, media and marketing campaigns, or classes you are taking or teaching. Mars is kicking it up for you with partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant relationships to help you make things happen in a big way.
Friday you will want to focus on the trip, media, education, or legal matter with an eye on income or spending. You are in a position today to make some adjustments here by committing to something long term or severing ties that are interfering. You are again on a golden high where creative projects, children or love interests are concerned so open up and enjoy.
LIBRA: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is a day filled with short trips, added communications, sibling interaction, and agreements but there are two sides to this story. On the one hand, you can really open up channels around a creative project, pitch ideas, meet, talk, or you can open up around love issues, with lovers, meeting someone new who could become a love interest, or in topics involving children. Look for ways to express artistry, romance or spiritual ideals here. On the other hand, work, health and pet matters are under wild card energy and bring change or surprise so you will hear a bit of news or talk about changes here, NOT a day to sign contracts on jobs, with health matters or concerning pets if you can wait a few days.
Tuesday covers what came up yesterday, you are going to be dealing with what came up over the work, health or pet matter and doing your best to deal with the expansion that happened or that you want to see happen. Saturn is opposing relationship matters today so go easy on partners, representatives or other significant relationships, do your best to find balance.
Wednesday brings a much better energy into play with business or romantic partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. There is positive flow for you under creative agendas or outlets and this person as well as in love or with children. You should be able to hash things out today, meet, pitch ideas and find favor. Mars and Uranus are dancing stirring up all kinds of action at home or over property matters, moves or mom/mother figures. This is going to amp up the unusual or change to work, with health or involving pets and all good.
Thursday Mercury moves into your home base and you will now be thinking a great deal about home, moves, property matters, and any contracts or agreements involving this. You may sign papers to buy or sell real estate or lease an apartment now or hear something important about mom. There is positive flow from any of this to outside financial matters today. Intimacy at home is under positive energy as well and any divorce issues involving property can be dealt with positively today. Again, Mars is very active at home, all opening up something big through work, health or pets.
Friday the energy is going to be on shared or outside financial matters, sex, reproduction, or divorce. This is intense emotional energy around delving into deep waters and going after what you want. Home and property is connected positively again so intimacy at home, financial matters coming to home or real estate deals, divorce settlements involving property, all good. Just don’t over stress your body today.
SCORPIO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is all about earning or spending money for you and the talks or meetings you have about this. Changes to creative ventures or sudden issues that arise with kids or lovers will push the talks or decisions involving money. Home is where you have your strength today where finances are concerned so see if you can earn from home, spend on something here or dive into work that has piled up that needs tending. Do NOT sign contracts today if you can wait a few days on it.
Tuesday you will be dealing with the big creative project, issue with the child or love interest and again, talking, meeting, making decisions, looking at agreements, or running around locally involved with the money you want to earn or need to spend. There is an opposition between your need to work, deal with health matters or pets and the limits or responsibilities around retreat and working on something behind closed doors. Again, wait a day to make final decisions or sign agreements.
Wednesday the work, health or pet matter picks up and there is very positive flow to home and any artistic, spiritual or romantic expression going on here. You should be able to make some headway today and talks about income are under positive stars again. If you have a hard time reaching someone over the work, health or pet matter today, just chalk it up to the square to your Sun and focus in on what you can do yourself. Mars is active, bringing lots of action and passion to your benefit around writing, talks, meetings, and agreements/contracts. You may hear of an exciting proposition today that gets your creative juices flowing or you could meet a love interest who is unlike any you have known before but again, positive.
Thursday Mercury moves into your communication zone and you are going to be thinking more about writing, meetings, talks, short trips, neighbors, siblings, and dealing with contracts or pitches. You can sign today or verbally commit, this is great energy. Powerful partners, representatives or specialists are in your corner, if you need to find someone to represent you reach out today. Mars is active again through local outlets and talks or meetings. This is under very lucky stars and again, if single you could meet someone amazing while out and about, creative ventures are opening up, contracts are lucky, writing projects are under expansive positive stars and if you want to plan something fun with kids or siblings, its all good.
Friday is about the partner, representative or competitor in the picture and your need to make some adjustments around what is going on here. This could involve an artistic project, hospital, addiction, research, clandestine affair, or spiritual pursuit and limits or added responsibilities there. You have positive energy around news, talks, meetings, agreements, and writing again today involving other people.
SAGITTARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday…Hope you feel like talking about yourself, it’s a cross to bear I know but some days you just have to do it! Actually, all joking aside, this is a day when you will be defending yourself or asking for something you need. When it comes to what you want artistically, romantically, spiritually, or tied to hospitals or other institutions, you should fare well. When it comes to news you hear about home or agreements involving property, moves or roommates, this is stressful. Do NOT sign contracts today regarding home or foundations if you can wait a few days. Mom or family may be another area that brings a surprise or two your way today.
Tuesday will have you again talking about your needs, dealing with agreements or news you hear that affects you and is tied to home, real estate, family, mom, moves, or roommates. It is big whatever it is and you are still in handle the issue energy so focus in and see what you can come up with. Your feelings about a creative project, lover or child is in the mix today as well with the need to deal with limits or responsibilities around social obligations or events, friends or groups.
Wednesday the focus moves onto the child, lover or creative venture with full force. You have an opportunity to reach agreements today, meet, sign contracts, write, or talk things out under positive stars. Pitch your ideas, if single get out there in the local arena, you could meet someone lovely. Earning or spending money could be an issue in this otherwise upbeat day so do what you can to deal. Mars is active bringing lots of drive, action or passion to your income zone and helping you to find original ways to earn or spend on home, moves, from home, or on family, all good.
Thursday Mercury moves into your income zone which marks a time when agreements, ideas, writing, and talks or meetings are more focused on the money involved. You may start an interviewing process now for income or sign contracts on an offer. If you write, your work can bring in money now or you can send it out under this money energy and it should bear results up ahead. There is positive flow around work, health and pets today. Mars remains active to motivate you on the earning or spending and again bringing luck or expansion through home, moves, home business, roommates, family, or mom/mother figures. Sign your contracts today
Friday is about the work, health or pet matter and something that you need to be responsible for involving a friend or group. You will need to do your best to attend to what you can here and try not to feel limited or stressed. Your income energy is flowing positively and you should feel proud of what you are achieving here.
CAPRICORN: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday Mercury is active so you will be hearing news, having talks, meetings, looking at contracts, making short trips, or dealing with neighborhood or sibling issues today. This is going to play out over research, investigations, work you are doing behind closed doors, strategies, hidden agendas, hospitals, other institutions, art projects, spiritual pursuits, or clandestine or secret affairs. This is NOT a day to sign contracts but look through them and wait a couple days if you can. Something is going to change on you today and you need to work with it. There is positive energy around income and home or real estate matters.
Tuesday you will again be involved in talks, meetings, agreements, short trips, or sibling energy around hospitals, prisons or other institutions, research, film, music or other artistic outlets, clandestine affairs, or work you are doing behind the scenes. This looks big and you want to put in time researching or strategizing the best way forward. You may have to contend with limits or responsibilities coming through an authority figure involved with home or real estate or find that you are taking on more on the career front today and need to balance that with home.
Wednesday the energy around home, moves, real estate, mom/mother figures, and roommates takes a noticeable upwards turn and income is flowing here so look for ways to earn from home, on property, to spend in these areas, or for family matters. You may make some deals that you are keeping quiet right now or talking to some people behind closed doors today and this looks beneficial as well. Mars and Uranus are dancing which means you are going to have a whole lot of energy and drive. Your passions might be stirred by someone you meet in the local scene or you might hear of passions from someone over the phone or in email. You will find that your meetings and agreements are opening up in exciting ways or that an unexpected surprise is awaiting you through an offer, all good.
Thursday Mercury moves into your sign and you will be thinking a lot about your needs in the next few weeks. This is a good time to make a decision about your body, image or identity and to sign agreements about this or something that personally involves you. If you need to ask for something you should carry more clout now or at the very least others will be interested in what you are suggesting. There is positive energy flow between you and a lover, creative project or child today and this looks powerful. Mars is again active bringing passion that is big and over the top or actions that are beneficial for you physically or personally. Sign your agreements, pitch your ideas, send out writing projects or start them, have the talk or meeting today, you are golden!
Friday creative project, kids or lovers are the focus but today you need to attend to responsibilities on the career front or with dad before you can enjoy your creative outlets. Once you do, energy aligns for fun, creative expression, love or anything that puts your needs and joy together, all good.
AQUARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday brings talks, meetings, writing, news, ideas, all involving friends, groups, social occasions, or aspirations. You are under positive stars here for the artistic, spiritual or romantic need and the outlet you have through this friend or group so say yes to the party or friend and share ideas. You are under challenging energy where income or spending is concerned so you may be called into work and have to deal with getting to the social matter later, find that what the friend wants to do is beyond your financial means right now or have a friend ask for money, etc. This is NOT a good day to sign contracts or commit with the friend or group around money matters if you can wait a few days.
Tuesday brings up earning or spending with the friend or group again and today you are going to be expanding on the monetary matter or looking for ways to deal with something big here. There is a very real possibility that you may need to look at the legal, travel, distance, import/export, educational, marketing, or media issue and how you are going to balance your local needs and responsibilities or limits inherent here.
Wednesday is a big communication day when you may be busier locally running about or on the phone, in meetings, writing, or sharing ideas with others. Siblings may take up more of your time as well. This is a very positive day for all of these topics. You should be able to express artistic or spiritual needs, deal with hospitals, research or secret romances all through short trips, meetings or talks you have. A friend may bring you good news or you find time to connect with them in positive ways as well. Mars is active behind closed doors today so you may be in the throes of passion at some secret rendevouz or this could be about drive and action in artistic arenas, spiritual pursuits, in dealing with hospitals or other institutions, or just getting a lot done behind the scenes. You could earn or spend in unusual ways today or make a change to the way you earn, all good.
Thursday Mercury moves into your mystical, muse oriented part of the chart and you will be thinking about secrets, hidden affairs, artistic projects like music or film, retreat and research, spiritual or psychic outlets, and time behind closed doors now. This is where meetings, talks, agreements, and news comes in over the next few weeks. The only thing to watch for is secrets are more likely to spill now and you could think to do something that you later realize was self-sabotaging. Today all of this energy aligns with home, moves, real estate deals, and living situations in a most positive way. Sign contracts now and say yes. Mars is again active stirring up passions and motivating action in these realms while Jupiter is bringing luck and expansion to earning or spending.
Friday the focus is on home, moves, real estate, roommates, mom/mother figures, or security. You need to make some adjustments around something going on long distance, with a trip, a media or marketing matter, educational issues, or legal matters. Look at ways to assume more responsibilities or set or deal with limits. You should find that once you do things are running smoothly for you today.
PISCES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is about talks, meetings or agreements, short trips, siblings, or neighbors. You are aligned to focus in these areas on goals, career, reputation, or to deal with a boss, authority figure or dad so talk to the boss, interview for the position, look at promotions, etc. There is positive energy around what you can open up about a hospital matter, research you do, film, music or other artistic outlet, or something you are strategizing on behind the scenes here. Your own needs, body, image, or identity is in the mix as well as changes and surprises enter the mix. You may feel like rebelling against what is in the offering or with an authority figure or changing something at the last minute. Do NOT sign contracts today if you can wait a few days.
Tuesday is again focused on career or ambitions and you, your image, body, ego needs, or identity. How you want to present yourself or be presented may be called into play and you are going to need to balance your needs with those of someone in authority or over the career matter today. Money is also in the balance, what you earn or spend against what is in the debt/commission, outside resource file. Look at limits or responsibilities here and try to find ways to bring more fair balance.
Wednesday money earned or spent is the focus again with MUCH better energy here for you. You should feel good about income tied to opportunity for film, music or other artistic outlets, the hospital or other institution, research, investigations, work done behind the scenes, tied to retreats or spiritual pursuits, and be open to talks with those in a position to help you, they will. You may need to act on behalf of a friend or group today and this could stress you a bit over the money. Mars is going to be working on your behalf here to make things happen in a positive way so look for unexpected opportunities or unusual approaches to win the day. You are good to sign contracts and formalize agreements now.
Thursday Mercury moves into your social sector and you will be talking, meeting, and sharing ideas with friends, groups, and at social events now more often. This is a good time to go into agreements with friends or sign contracts with them. There is powerful energy for change and transformation for you in agreements reached with the friend or group today and again, signing contracts is highly favored now. Mars is active bringing passion, action and drive to the friendship, group affiliation, social occasion, or aspiration, dream big.
Friday is about talks, meetings, short trips, sibling affairs, moves, or agreements. You will have to deal with limits or responsibilities around a financial matter, divorce, sexual issue/attraction, or mortality matter today and this requires some adjustments. Once you deal with this the door is wide open to social occasions, time with friends, group affiliations, and any talks or meetings on the slate, all good.
Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
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