Happy New Year!!!
Ay caramba babies! When I began writing towards the end of the procession back in 2008 I wrote that we should all look at this time period as entering college collectively. That we had all been born at this rare time period that marked the end of a World Cycle of 25,800 years and the beginning of a new World Cycle that would commence on Dec. 21st, 2012. We must be old souls if we are here to seed the beginning of a new age, right?!
To that end we should take our gifts seriously and find ways to share them with others. This began by looking at 2009 as our freshman year, we would be new on campus, we’d be eager but a bit green. We would probably be looking around a lot to figure out who we fit with, what direction we wanted to take and we would tend to get distracted from important work with equal amounts of socializing and tomfoolery.
2010 meant our sophomore year where most of us would declare a major, begin to click with our soul group, bond with like-minded individuals who saw the quest the same way we did or who had similar vibrational qualities. We locked in on something that we felt passionate about or at the very least we began letting go of anything that felt as if it could get in the way of our finding it. We met the Grand Cross of our lifetime and made it through the other side, seeing our world shaken to bring about any major changes that we still were incapable of making ourselves. Many older souls crossed over this year and we watched as some of our icons left us.
So, now we enter our junior year in 2011. We feel pretty confident that we know what we are doing in the direction we have chosen. We are going to be taking on the real learning experiences this year that will test our choices and help us on our road to mastery. To some extent we will specialize. We will begin to leave the classroom more often to branch out into the world on a bigger level to begin testing our new viewpoints and seeding ideas against older, established ideas that are deeply rooted out in society. We will put our spiritual warrior hats on this year. Yes, you heard me, take a minute to visualize yours, it will be a good image to go to when you get thwarted or misunderstood. My feeling is it should be bold and uniquely yours. Don it and wear it, this is the year that you begin to attain your goals and fight your good fight. Dropping out is not an option. You knew what this time meant when you signed up for this lifetime, suck it up, the rewards are going to far outweigh the challenges this year.
So what can you expect? I am going to list each major planetary shift below and how it affects each sign beneath that. You should read the summary and then your sign and your rising sign if you know it.
Luck cycles usually last a year but we have two NEW LUCK CYCLES this year when we usually get one. This doesn’t even start until we finish last years Luck cycle so from January 1-22 we finish out 2010’s luck cycle in Pisces. This means that anything you want to grow, benefit from, or open up with artistic projects such as film, music, painting, sculpture, or other art forms, spiritual or mystical pursuits, meditation, yoga, research, investigations, hospitals, prisons or other institutions, clandestine affairs or secrets, dealing with addictions, self-sabotaging ways or escapism, retreats, or recuperation, try to make a move on it before January 22nd. You will not have this much lucky opportunity in these realms again for another 12 years. Even if you only seed it you have done so under lucky stars.
From January 22nd – June 4th our luck cycle moves into Aries. This is a very fast transit of luck through Aries and we want to grab it when it arrives. This means our luck is around our own needs, our bodies, our image, our identity and any actions we take or respond to. Aries rules war, battles, passions, anger, blood, surgery, young men, and taking action in the moment as the luck presents itself. So during this time people are going to be very focused on themselves and going after what they need. It must be important that we all do this to some extent to get the ball rolling. Luck will favor the brave, courageous and those who act on opportunity as it arrives. Where you are supposed to be focused on your own needs will depend on your sign and is listed below.
From June 4th- the end of the year our luck cycle moves into Taurus. This means that luck will come through slow, sensual connections, ways to earn money, the things we spend on, and our possessions. Luck will favor those who stick to their values or find values to embrace.
How these luck cycles affect each sign:
ARIES: Find ways to expand through hospitals, institutions, research, retreat, artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, clandestine love, or time working behind the scenes through Jan. 22nd. Luck then moves into your sign and you will find that you are luckier than you have been in 12 years. You should look for ways to expand on your identity, name, image, or body needs. Personal dreams can be reached or seeded under lucky stars. If you need to go in for surgery this time period will offer more protection. From June 4th to the end of the year you will find your luck comes through making money, spending on important needs and around your possessions. You may earn more now or begin something that has potential to grow monetarily for many years to come.
TAURUS: Find ways to deal with hidden or mystical, muse oriented inspirations with friends, through groups or involving your aspirations tied to poetry, art, spiritual pursuits, hospitals or other institutions, retreat and meditation, or dealing with addictions or self-sabotaging ways before Jan. 22nd. On Jan. 22nd – June 4th your luck moves into the action you take on your own behalf behind closed doors. This time period will be lucky for operations or time retreating or recuperating from surgery or battle, a positive time to be active in a film, music production, dance class or other artistic outlet, to dare new secret practices, find sexy passions with someone in secret, or to get into other institutions to do something active. From June 4th – the end of the year your luck cycle opens up in your sign. This is the first time in 12 years you have had this kind of major opportunity to do what you want, to be recognized for who you are, to expand on your image, identity, body, or personal needs so step up, it’s your time.
GEMINI: Your luck cycle from last year goes through Jan. 22nd offering you until then to expand on your career horizon, become your own boss, launch your business, get your name out there, achieve recognition for your ambitions, or expand your world in some way tied to what is happening with your father. Your spiritual, artistic, or romantic input, or abilities with institutions should help you here. From Jan. 22nd – June 4th you begin a new Luck cycle in your social circle. This is the first time in 12 years you have had this kind of help from your friends, with groups, or around your aspirations. Action is what makes it happen, act on what is offered when it is offered, don’t wait. Join or form groups, make new friends, at least one is due to be very beneficial to you, and put your greatest dreams forward. From June 4th – the end of the year your luck comes through ways to earn or spend tied to artistic outlets such as film or music, through spiritual or psychic means, retreat and research, investigations, clandestine affairs, secrets, secret societies, hospitals or other institutions, and following your hunches.
CANCER: You are wrapping up last years luck cycle until Jan. 22nd so use these last few weeks to continue to seed media, marketing, publicity, publishing, travel, foreign, import/export, higher education, teaching, politics, religion, or legal matters that utilize your spiritual, artistic, or romantic nature or help you connect to institutions. From Jan. 22nd – June 4th your new luck cycles is going to be moving through your career, tied to reputation, fame, ambitions, goals, bosses, authority figures, father, and leadership. Luck is going to favor courage and putting yourself out there in first place during this time. You have to dive on the opportunities as they arrive, this kind of luck here won’t be back for another 12 years and your sign tends to procrastinate, don’t. From June 4th – the end of the year your luck cycle moves into your social sphere. This is a time when earning and spending will be closely tied to your friendships, group affiliations, networking abilities, social occasions, and aspirations. You will do well to cultivate bonds with others and you will not be in short supply of help from your friends. This is a time when a major dream could come true.
LEO: The luck cycle of the last year ends on Jan. 22nd so you have the first few weeks of 2011 to expand and take opportunities with loans, settlements, insurance matters, tax relief, divorce matters, alimony, child support, or any other outside resource, or to open up your world through intimate, sexual encounters or dealing with reproductive issues. Your artistic, spiritual or romantic nature is tied closely into what you are trying to open up in these areas now. From Jan. 22nd – June 4th your luck cycle moves into travel, import/export, foreign people or situations, higher education, legal matters, media, publishing, publicity, marketing, ceremonies, politics, or religion. This is the luckiest you will be for another 12 years in these areas and taking action, fighting for your needs, expressing passions, and acting courageously on your own behalf will be rewarded through these means. From June 4th – the end of the year your luck cycle moves into your career Midheaven and opens up all kinds of opportunities to launch a business, rise up the career ladder, be recognized for your achievements, pursue goals with opportunity in the mix and over all to earn money through career on a greater level or to spend on your career needs in ways that benefit.
VIRGO: You have until Jan. 22nd to wrap up last years luck cycle which means that you want to take advantage of any expansion or opportunity to partner with someone romantically or in business, to get out of bad partnerships, to take on an agent, attorney or specialist or let one go if they are not benefiting you, or to deal with a competitor or opponent. Look at your artistic, spiritual, romantic, or institutional needs as you open up with these people. From Jan. 22nd – June 4th your new luck cycle moves into loans, credit, settlements, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, joint finances, commissions, royalties, divorce, or sexual attractions or issues. Here is where you want to dive in, be fearless, express passion, fight for your rights, and make things happen that will fulfill your needs. From June 4th – the end of the year your luck is going to come through earning or spending money through travel, import/export, foreign people or situations, legal avenues, teaching or taking classes, media, publishing, marketing, or publicity. This is a great time to expand and prosper in these realms, a time like you haven’t seen in 12 years.
LIBRA: you have 3 weeks to take advantage of last years luck cycle by doing what you can to expand the work you do, connections with co-workers or employees, or through health matters or with pets. Bring your artistic vision, spiritual pursuits, romantic ideals, or dealings with institutions into the mix for the best opportunities. On Jan. 22nd – June 4th your luck cycle enters a new zone. This is the best time in the last 12 years to partner with someone in business or for marriage or romance. It is a lucky time to take on representation through attorneys, agents, specialists, or advocates, and it is a lucky time to deal with competition. These other people will be the ones who bring luck to your door and taking action, fighting for your rights, expressing your passions, and just making things happen will be favored. From June 4th – the end of the year your luck cycle moves into ways to earn or spend through other people’s money, loans, settlements, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, tax settlements, commissions, royalties, or a partners money. It is also a lucky time for dealing with a divorce or for connecting intimately or sexually with someone.
SCORPIO: Jupiter has been doing his best to open up love in your life by showing you potential love interests or helping you to disconnect from a relationship that is stopping you from experiencing this. He has been working to open up your creative potential and to help you with children. This luck cycle ends on Jan. 22nd so focus in on any last spiritual, romantic or artistic matters tied here or any way that a hospital may play a part with this love interest, child or creative endeavor. On Jan. 22nd – June 4th your new luck cycle begins in the work you do, with co-workers, employees, your health, and pets. This is a time period when you may want to have surgery to handle anything that is going on with your health and it would be a very protected time to do so. You may decide to take on bigger work or expand your work in some lucky fashion, take on an employee or co-workers, and it will favor doing something involving animals as well. This time period is all about focusing in on your needs and making things happen, take action, do it, express passions, fight the good fight. From June 4th – the end of the year your luck cycle moves into relationships. During this time you enter the best time in a 12 year cycle to partner in marriage, love or business, to release marriages or business partnerships that are holding you back, to take on an agent, attorney, or specialist or find luck coming through them to you. It is good for dealing with competition and opponents as well. These connections have potential for helping you earn money or for positive ways to spend.
SAGITTARIUS: 2011 begins with 3 weeks left in last year’s luck cycle and any expansion you wish to make with living situations, home, moves, real estate deals, roommates, family, mom/mother figures, or your security needs. You have until Jan. 22nd to seed lucky energy here. From Jan. 22nd – June 4th your luck cycle moves into true love, children and creative endeavors for the first time in 12 years. This means you can open up to love on a bigger level, bring love into your life, let someone go who is getting in the way of true love entering, have a child, expand in areas related to children, or find lucky open doors with your creative projects. This time period is all about acting in the moment and going for it, bringing the passion and making things happen, it goes by quickly and you should not be timid as opportunities arrive. From June 4th – the end of the year your luck cycle moves into work assignments, taking on bigger jobs, expanding the service you provide, in connection with co-workers or employees, and it will also bring luck and protection into your health zone so this may bring any health issues to the surface so you can get them taken care of under positive stars or you may find your new health regime is really working for you now. This is also the area that rules pets so you may open up your home to rescuing animals or adopt more pets during this phase with lucky results. Work, health and pets all tie in to potential earning situations that grow and prosper during this time.
CAPRICORN: You have until Jan. 22nd to complete any expansion or experience the rest of your luck cycle from last year through writing, agreements, meetings, talks, speaking engagements, short trips, siblings, neighbors, moves, and opening up the way you think. On Jan. 22nd your luck cycle shifts, moving into home, real estate, roommates, mom/mother figures, family, restaurants, and nurturing until June 4th. This means you have the most luck behind you in 12 years to open up in these areas, move, buy property, renovate, get into interior design or real estate, see positive expansion tied to mom, or add to your family. This is the psychological root of your chart so you should feel more buoyant and optimistic at this time. It is also a very active, passionate time when luck favors motivating and jumping in fearlessly on opportunities as they present themselves. From June 4th – the end of the year Jupiter moves into your house of true love, children and creative projects and brings luck, prosperity and expansion through these zones. This may bring love into your life or help you let go of anyone who doesn’t fit that description so you have the space available for love to enter, it can help you find more happiness in current love relationships, you may decide to have a child during this time or something big may be happening to your child that brings joy, and your creative projects are due to thrive or lucky opportunities will arrive that allow for that growth over time. You may find you can earn money with lovers, projects that involve children or creative outlets during this time or that you spend in some big way on the ones you love or your creative projects.
AQUARIUS: Until Jan. 22nd you are wrapping up last years luck cycle which was about expanding earnings and spending and helping you with any major possessions such as cars or homes. If you are still looking for ways to stretch and earn more, focus in now. From Jan. 22nd – June 4th your luck cycle shifts into writing, meetings, agreements, talks, speaking roles or engagements, local interests, neighbors, brothers and sisters, and short trips. This is a very short luck cycle here and one that is highly active. Luck favors those who dive in and bring the action, passion or energy into these areas as the opportunities arise. You haven’t had this kind of support in 12 years here, be courageous. From June 4th – the end of the year you will see luck moving into home, real estate deals, moves, roommates, family, and mom/mother figures. This area is where you will have luck earning or spending and where you can really branch out and find happiness or prosperity, release anyone who is cramping your living style at home or open up your home to someone who brings joy with them. It’s a great time to invest in real estate or move, renovate or get into interior design. You may find ways to earn money from home or property now as well.
PISCES: You have been hosting Jupiter and the luck cycle for the last year and this ends on Jan. 22nd so make sure if there is anything you wish to handle involving your body, image, identity, or a personal dream of yours that you begin it before this date. This time has offered protection to your body and was supposed to open you up to reclaim some part of yourself that had gotten lost, a part you much needed to find your happiness and joy again. On Jan. 22nd – June 4th your luck cycle moves into earning, spending and possessions. This will be a highly active time when you should jump on any income opportunity that could bring more wealth, expand your horizons in some way or align more with your values. You may spend on something major during this transit, fight for your income, shine your passion in some way that brings in money, or find that you are releasing a big possession or old way of earning a living that in some way has drained your financial situation. From June 4th – the end of the year your luck cycle moves into writing, meetings, agreements, talks, speaking roles or engagements, short trips, local activity, and connections with neighbors and siblings. You may start to write something now that brings opportunity or happiness, sign a major agreement, benefit from something a brother, sister or neighbor provides, open up your world through a move to a new neighborhood, or take more short trips, all leading to potential for income.
Saturn took up residence in Libra at the end of July 2010 after a short visit there at the end of October 2009 – April 2010 followed by a Retrograde back into Virgo. Saturn continues to move through Libra all of 2011, not exiting the sign until Oct. 2012. Saturn tests all of us in one sign like this once every 29 years so it is a very important time, one we get to experience just 2 or 3 times in a lifetime. In Libra the tests are in relationship. We are looking at who we want to partner with romantically, in marriage, in business, and who we want to represent our interests in relationship to attorneys, agents, advocates, or specialists. We are also learning how to develop more leadership and set more limits with competitors and opponents.
Libra rules balance, equitable relationships, fairness, higher esthetics, and the mirror we have in all important one-on-one relationships. Saturn rules ambition, responsibility, limits, restrictions, loss, mastery, tests, time, work, effort, and leadership. We have seen this time as a period of leaving old, outworn relationships and committing to more equitable relationships. Relationships that entered this transit and withstand the tests and challenges inherent within it will have strengthened their bond for the duration. Over all, we are learning to take more responsibility for what we bring to relationship and how we choose our partners.
Saturn moved through the first 16 degrees of the sign taking us through a decan and a half, through the double Libra influence when we were face to face with any problems or needs in our relationships, halfway into the second decan Aquarian Libra influence, a time when more detachment and freedom is demanded. In 2011 we continue through the second decan where we seek new, exciting, unconventional bonds, look for ways to express our unique nature in relationship and define relationship in original ways. Saturn Retrogrades over these themes from Jan. 26- June 13 to give us some do-over and review time and on October 12th Saturn moves into the last decan of Libra, the Gemini Libra influence when we will make decisions, sign agreements, write, and make moves based on relationships. So from the first of the year through Oct. 12th you may partner in internet based projects, meet partners over the internet, partner in astrology or over charities or causes or with friends, all these things are ruled by Aquarius. Beginning after Oct. 12th, we begin making the final decisions and agreements are formed one way or the other with partners, representatives and competitors and when being able to share curiosity in life and ideas becomes more important. From this time until Oct. 2012 you may partner with siblings or neighbors as well since Gemini rules these people.
ARIES: 2011 brings relationships under serious tests, it will help you to release poor relationships and to bond more solidly with important partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or advocates that will make it for the long haul in your life. It is about really taking personal responsibility for how relationships work out in your life, looking at yourself and doing the work needed to become more in charge of your own needs, set limits with yourself in needed areas and find ways that help you deal with commitment issues. Between Jan. 26-June 13 you get a review or do-over in important social relationships, friendships, representatives who are in charge of your interests with groups, business or romantic partners who you find at social situations, through friends, or out pursuing your aspirations. You will be able to maintain a bit of detachment to help you find new ways to relate here. Between June 13th and Oct. 12th you will be moving forward on new fronts with these people, leaving some behind, committing to some new relationships or representatives. On Oct. 12th your relationship tests begin over agreements, writing, short trips, sibling interactions, neighbors, moves, and the way you have been thinking. You may find this a more light hearted time when serious relationships come through local activities, you might find an agent or attorney for your writing project, sign an agreement to go into business or marriage, or get involved in business with a brother or sister. Fairness, equitable dealings, and balance are your keywords to mastery.
TAURUS: In 2011 your relationship tests and tests involving representatives or competitors all play out over work, health or pet matters. Your career, goals, ambitions, reputation, and any issues with father will be focal in this as well through Oct. 12th. From Jan. 26th - June 13th you will have somewhat of a do-over, a visit into the past to revisit or release, from June 13th – Oct. 12th you will be making decisions about commitment or endings going forward. It is important to look at how work contributes or takes away from true bonds forming, if there is a reason you feel compelled to form relationships with co-workers or employees, if something in the service you provide is vital to attracting partnerships or seeking representation, if you need a representative to maintain your work level, if a health matter is keeping you duty bound to a relationship, or if your health is getting in the way of attracting a serious partner, if you need a specialist or advocate in health, or an attorney to fight for your rights, and if pets are in balance with your relationships. If anything your father did has played a part in how you form or maintain relationships, it will surface now for you to reclaim your own mastery and stop drawing on his energy, if issues of fatherhood are in the mix for you they will as well come up. Lastly, if your ambitions are such that you feel marriage might hinder your goals or you have chosen a partner/they have chosen you based on what can be attained instead of genuine feelings, this will be brought to light as well. On October 12th relationships and representation mastery continue through work, health or pets but takes on more tests over income, spending and possessions. This is a flirty, lighter time of Saturn’s tests but one where you may find going out and earning money stresses the relationship as time apart, or that spending pulls up issues, or you may seek representation to help you get serious about spending now, partner with someone to make money, or go in on an object of art or other possession with someone close.
GEMINI: 2011 is Saturn’s time to test you with relationships and representatives that play out over true love, children or creative projects. This is an ongoing time of self-mastery where taking more responsibility for how you love, who you love and what you create is imperative. You may have fallen for someone of a marked age difference or find you are attracted to those who are well established in some line of work. Up until Oct. 12th you will see these love and creative relationship tests most strongly play out over media, publishing, or marketing matters, through travel or with someone foreign, in classrooms or tied to higher education, involving ceremonies or politics, or around legal matters. From Jan. 26 – June 13 there is somewhat of a do-over or review of past relationships or relationship issues through these matters and after this you will be making serious decisions moving forward. You may need to seek council in legal matters or contracts, an agent to publish or broadcast, you may fall in love with someone who is a publisher or media mogul, professor or attorney, test relationships over distance or work on a children’s political cause or media idea, or deal with opponents or competitors in creative fields or for the love of someone else. In all matters of the heart, slow and steady wins the race, you are in a very strong position to end this cycle by Oct. 2012 committed in marriage or business or both so you want to meet each test over kids, creativity and legal, media, educational, and travel matters head on. On Oct. 12th of this year Saturn enters the 3rd decan of Libra which is the Gemini section, meaning that you are going to begin to focus way more strongly on your own needs, your image, identity, or body in relationships, with kids or in creative endeavors. You may change your name (get married or divorced), commit to a new health regime to help you get fit and more open to relationships, you may become pregnant thus changing your body, or your image may become firmly tied to a creative endeavor that is going to be solid, long term and put you at the helm.
CANCER: Your mastery cycle continues to focus on home, mom/mother figures, real estate, moves, roommates, and security needs in 2011. It is a very important time in your life when you need to take on more responsibilities and set limits, commit time and effort or mark endings in these areas. All serious relationships and connections with agents, attorneys, specialists, marriage partners, business partners, opponents, or competitors will play out this year over home, mom, moves, real estate, or roommates. This is where life is serious. From the first of the year through Oct. 12th these home/relationship matters will tie in strongly with loans, debt, mortgages, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, or joint finances. You will want to take out a loan to buy a property, deal with liquidating properties, pay off your property taxes, you may inherit property, or relationship issues will crop up over what is going on with the home or move, mom or real estate matter. There is also a strong influence around divorce, sex, intimacy, or reproduction in relationships and home matters so some of you will be taking on more responsibility or dealing with limits in living situations due to divorce, dealing with the marriage partner or attorney as you go through this, while others will have more issues arise over intimacy at home or over reproductive issues that take over the space. From Jan. 26th through June 12th you have somewhat of a do-over or revisit into the past in these areas, after June 12th you are making decisions and moving into new territory. On Oct. 12th your home, mom, real estate, or move testing in relationships moves into a more flirty energy or one that brings in more short trips and sibling interaction. This will mean more behind the scenes energy going on over hospitals, recovery at home or with mom, time invested in artistic projects, spiritual pursuits, research, or investigations involving home, real estate and relationships or representatives, and a time when you will want to trust your intuition about what is going on with your most important relationships.
LEO: Saturn is testing your romantic and business partnerships, connections with agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, opponents, and competitors in the year 2011 through writing, what you say, meetings, agreements, speaking roles or engagements, short trips, neighbors, moves, or with siblings. This is all about you taking more mastery in your decisions about these significant relationships and learning to think in a more grown up way in dealing with others. It is about being in a lead position in writing or speaking opportunities, locally or with brothers or sisters, or moves. It is about setting limits in situations where your control or authority feels out of balance and committing to equitable ideas, agreements, and writing projects with others. From Jan. 26th through June 13th this will play out with your marriage, business partner, or someone who is there to represent your interests. These people are going to test you through limits, restrictions, loss, commitment, effort, work, time, age, and the word ‘no’. You are at a turning point in your life in the way you think about yourself and a new level of personal mastery because of this. Good relationships with partners or representatives will grow more solid through the evolution of your thinking about yourself and last for the long haul as they adapt to the new you. Bad relationships or ones that have a different path to trod will break under the stress of your new way of seeing the world, yourself and them. You may learn about responsibilities and leadership as you connect with an attorney or agent during this time to solidify something important with a writing project, speaking part or engagement, or idea you have that’s time has come. On Oct. 12th your relationship tests through writing, ideas, meetings, talks, agreements, or local activities moves into playing out through friends, group affiliations, networking events, social occasions, and tied to your aspirations. You may enter into an agreement with a friend or group to write or a friend may take on your case to negotiate for you, you may find you are romantically attracted to a friend or want to partner in some other effort. Social activities may cause some stress on current relationships as well.
VIRGO: Saturn continues his testing of relationships in business, marriage and romantically, with agents, attorneys, specialist, opponents, or competitors in 2011 all playing out over the money you earn, spend, your values, and any possessions in question with another person. You are dealing with a new level of mastery through these tests and will have to get serious about ways you earn your living and who you go into business with, how income is affecting a marriage or your ability to get serious in a romantic relationship, it will be a time to limit or take on more responsibility in spending, looking at the long view and building on something slowly and steadily, and you will want to bond with agents or attorneys, business partners or specialists who can help you to earn money over the long haul. You may be tested over a possession that is in question between you and another person or need an attorney or agent to settle the question of possession during this time, and lastly your value system is reaching another level of maturity and you will want to align yourself with partners, representatives and romantic contenders who meet this next level with you. Between Jan. 26- June 13 you are going to revisit past people, ideas, commitments, or situations in these areas to see what can be learned, settled, agreed upon, or ended. From June 13th – Oct. 12 you will be moving forward with new people, situations or decisions affecting income, spending or possessions and your relationships with partners or representatives. On Oct. 12th Saturn moves into the 3rd decan of Libra and your relationship tests will shift to focus on career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, father/father figures, bosses, authority figures, or leadership abilities. This is a much more flirty, charming energy where you may find that you seek relationships that can help you reach a certain goal or your current relationship is tested due to your ambitions or career. You may cement something with an agent or attorney to help you with launching a business or your career status, get them to help you with any issues around reputation, or deal with fames effects on your ability to commit. Agreements will become important during this last phase, making or breaking them due to your new approach.
LIBRA: You continue to host the most intense testing period of a 29 year cycle for the year of 2011. It is a time when you are going to take on more responsibility, become more of the adult due to limits, losses, work, effort, or leadership you take on. It is all about relationships you form or end this year with business partners, marriage partners, romantic partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, opponents, or competitors. Every time that you get serious, take on more, set limits, commit yourself in a disciplined manner, you climb one step closer to your new level of mastery and achievement. From Jan. 26- June 13 you are going to be revisiting the past or getting a do-over where your body is concerned so it’s a great time to release bad habits and to reclaim your body through diet and work-outs, you will be going back to past relationships as well during this time to see if anything needs to be rebalanced, reconnected or released. You will want to focus on your image and getting serious about that, your identity as it pertains to your ambitions, and any personal needs you have that you can take responsibility for. A whole 29 year cycle of life is behind you, you are in the baby steps of creating your new life, take it seriously and do this by taking yourself seriously. From June 13- Oct. 12 you will be moving forward again with your new look, body, needs, identity, and new relationships, representatives, or new balance in current relationships. On Oct. 12th Saturn enters the 3rd decan of Libra and you will begin to move your mastery, testing, responsibilities, limits, and leadership skills towards relationships that involve media, publishing, marketing, publicity, travel, foreign people or places, import/export, higher education, and any legal matters. Some of you will enter into marriage in this last phase, some into serious business partnerships or with representatives who will work with you to build you media or publishing endeavor, travel with you, teach or take classes, or go into a legal process with you. If you are going to be tested by outside lawsuits, this will be the time so make sure all your ducks are in a row and you are solid with what you are doing. Libra, many of you will marry by Oct. 2012, find the right partner, release a bad relationship, or find a whole new way to relate within a current relationship making it stronger. The tests are tough when they are in your sign but the potential to break through to an entire new life is equally possible if you step up and take it on as it arises, Saturn puts you in the leadership spot.
SCORPIO: Saturn tests everyone in a different area of life and in the year 2011 he will be bringing the tests, pushing you to take on a new level of mastery and leadership, and helping you to commit or break away in relationships with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or opponents through your mystical, muse oriented house of retreat and intuition. This means that you will be working through relationship issues over hospitals, prisons or other institutions, film, music, poetry, painting, or other art forms, research or investigations, retreats or meditative times, spiritual or psychic pursuits, or through clandestine or secret love affairs. This time will bring up any self-undoing, unconscious actions or addictions through your relationships as well. It can be a highly spiritual time period when you find you are bonding with others through a completely karmic, spiritual connection, when you can work on art, film, music, or spiritual pursuits together and commit to partnerships, marriage or find representation in these matters. Tests may arise over issues coming up involving hospitals or addictions, and any hidden agendas you bring to the table or they have kept out of view will test you now as well. You are getting a chance to learn more about your true psychic nature, if ever trust your gut was something to live by when connecting with others, this is it. From Jan. 26-June 13 you are getting a revisit to past relationships or representatives, even competitors through these past art, spiritual, hospital, research, addictive topics. From June 13th – Oct. 12th you will be moving forward with new people or opportunities and leading the way in these realms. Do you want to make a film, take on more responsibility in a music themed project, lead at a hospital, get representation on any of this, do it now. From the first of the year through Oct. 12th all of this artistry, clandestine romance, research, spiritual pursuits, or hidden relationships matters will be tied to home, real estate, moves, roommates situations, and family for you. From Oct. 12th onward Saturn enters the 3rd decan of Libra and you will take those challenges and new levels of mastery out of home and into joint finances, loans, bankruptcy, inheritance, taxes, insurance issues, alimony, child support, or other shared resources, divorce, and sexual attractions. At this time you will move into partnership matters or seeking agents, attorneys or other representatives to deal with this energy.
SAGITTARIUS: 2011 will bring tests, responsibilities, limits, and effort through friends, group affiliations, social occasions, and aspirations. Your relationships are being tested because of this or you are forming relationships to partner with a friend, seek representation with a group issue, or you may see some stress on your marriage or romantic relationship due to responsibilities to friends or groups. Some of you will see it the other way around and see limits in social occasions or with friends due to marriage issues or business partnerships. From the first of the year through June 13th you will see writing, agreements, decisions, talks, meetings, short trips, neighborhood, and siblings play into all of this in some way. You may need to bring in an attorney to help with a brother or sister or an agreement you signed for a social affair or with a friend, you may decide to sign contracts to go into business with a friend or break contracts with a group. You relationship may take on more responsibilities socially and you may be speaking at these events you coordinate. From Jan. 26-June 13 you are backtracking into past ideas, agreements, or neighborhood, sibling matters with any do-overs, moves, or reconnection to past friends or groups to see if you can take on more or limit something. On Oct. 12 Saturn moves into the 3rd decan of Saturn and your social testing and tests about your aspirations in life will meet up with partners, representatives or competitors in serious ways. You will at this time feel a shift as you commit or end ties with others, contact agents, attorneys, or specialists and decide about marriages or partnerships. It is a time of more grown-up decision making when getting real will get you there.
CAPRICORN: Relationships and representation, competition and specialists are where we are all being tested in the year 2011 and for your sign this will play out over career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, father/father figures, bosses, and leadership roles you take on. You may find that your marriage or romantic partners take issue with your ambitions at this time or that your career is more demanding and that stresses your relationship, it may be your partners career that is limiting your ability to connect or testing your bonds as well. You may find that you need an attorney or agent to handle career demands, to launch the business or deal with fame or recognition that is at your doorstep. It is a time of serious focus on what you want to achieve over the long haul where the people you bring on board are important and you must always remain conscious of your leadership position. From Jan. 26-June 13 you will revisit past people or situations and get a do-over with important relationships or representatives on the career front, tied to an important goal, or involved with your reputation or father. From June 13 – Oct. 12 you will be moving forward full tilt with ambitions here and your relationships will either cement or fall away tied to these goals. It’s important to know that through this whole major section of the year in these tests there will be issues around earning, who is earning what, if earnings are keeping you apart for some reason, spending habits will come into play, and possibly a possession in question will need to be dealt with. On Oct. 12th Saturn moves into the last decan of Libra and takes the relationship testing on career front and around goals into a more charming, gregarious phase where you will be looking at talks, meetings or agreements that involve work, co-workers, employees, health, or pets. This is where tests and new levels of mastery, commitment or endings will play out with partners, agents or attorneys and your career or goals.
AQUARIUS: Saturn has been testing you in the relationships you have, through people who you need to represent you or through competitors and this has been playing out for you over legal matters, travel or distance, media or marketing, or educational matters. In 2011 this continues to be where you are tested and where you are to learn to take on more responsibility and level of mastery. Saturn is in the Aquarian decan of Libra so so much of this is about you and how you stand up for yourself, lead your life forward, see value and personal authority in your choices, and any changes you need to make to experience the kind of relationship you want in marriage or business or the kind of representation you need through an agent or attorney. You may need to overcome some legal situation, sign or deconstruct agreements, make something legal, take on more responsibility at a distance or travel to connect with your partner or escape a bad partnership, get into more publicity or broadcast on some level and rely on another person in this or learn to compete, or you may decide to teach or take a class to help your relationship or to meet someone serious. From Jan. 26- June. 13 you will be revisiting the past on some level through your own needs, body, ego, identity, or image. You may want to reclaim an old name (as in a divorce or name change), go back to an old way of looking as in getting into shape or changing your wardrobe, or you may be getting back into some controlled relationship for one last round to teach you what you have not been able to grasp just yet, that you must be respected and allowed to have your own voice going forward. From June 13 – Oct. 12 you will be moving forward on legal, media, educational, or travel matters with new relationships or dynamics in personal or business relationships. On Oct. 12th Saturn moves into the last decan of Libra and relationships, representatives or competitors will now play out over limits, responsibilities or tests involving true love, children or creative projects. This is a time when you may meet the love of your life, realize your current love relationship is anything but and release it, take on more responsibilities with a lover or commit to marriage, publish something about love, get into legal matters over love, meet love at school, abroad or in the court room, deal with limits, responsibilities or work tied to children, or take on more authority with a creative venture, seek representation to get the creative work, end a creative partnership or form one.
PISCES: Saturn is testing your relationships with business partners, marriages or romantic partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or opponents in 2011 through issues that come up over sex, divorce, reproduction, shared financial matters such as loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, royalties, commissions, investments, or joint resources, or over someone’s mortality. This is going to play out over spiritual outlook, clandestine affairs, hospitals, prisons, film, music or other artistic outlets, retreat, research, or investigations. You are under a time period when you are being truly called to rely on your spiritual core, to trust your psychic intuition and follow your artistic muse when connecting or disconnecting with important people and all of this is testing you to master a new level in the way you share the deepest parts of life through finances, sex, divorce, or death. Your psychic nature is something to be rivaled at the best of times but this transit is going to awaken a new level of mastery in you that should help you to stand above the mundane world and approach from soul urges that have been battered to much under the war in heaven between your sign and your opposite. It is time to revisit past people or situations between Jan. 26-June 13 to reconnect or release here. From June 13- Oct. 12 you will be moving forward on new levels with significant relationships, the money, sex or divorce and the hospitals, artistic, spiritual, or romantic connections. On Oct. 12th Saturn moves into the last decan of Libra and relationships, representatives or competitors will now play out over limits, responsibilities or tests involving home, moves, real estate deals, family, mom, or security needs. It’s a time when you will likely be signing agreements, breaking them or making serious decisions involving where you live and with whom, dealing with the mortgage, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, or other financially shared matter, the divorce, or sexual attraction or issue.
Are you ready for this one?!! Well, ready or not here it comes. Uranus is called the great awakener, it is the energy of CHANGE, excitement, brilliant insights, invention, genius, surprise, shock, awe, electricity and as such brings lightning bolt moments into our lives. It is Uranus hitting when you are struck with a thunderbolt in love and are knocked off your socks, it was evident in Tom Cruises dance on Oprah’s couch and it will be evident when it locks into your personal chart from its new position over the next 7 years.
That’s right, Uranus spends 7 years zapping and sparking through a sign, he is responsible for that 7 year itch when changing energy fields that so many have experienced. He is the one who at his halfway mark around your chart in your early 40’s is the cause of so many mid-life crisis, as he opposes his birth position and brings to light in stark awareness of where you are stuck, feel old or need fresh energy. He is in charge of freedom, independence, revolution, the internet, astrology, friendships, group affiliations, causes, foundations, charities, your wildest dreams and aspirations, sexual energy, perversion, eccentricity, individuality, and accidents. He helps us to see things from a whole new perspective by bringing people, change and situations into the mix to jolt us out of our routines.
He has spent the last 7 years moving through Pisces where he has done his erratic best in foggy, boundary-less energy. As the year begins you will have him in this part of the sky through March 11th and will experience the last exciting jolts of surprise and change there before he moves on. In this current position he has tried to bring change through film, music, painting, dance, poetry, sculpture, and other art forms, spiritual pursuits, psychic abilities, meditation, yoga, and other mystical endeavors, research, investigations, time we’ve spent isolated, working behind the scenes, in retreat, following our hunches, tackling addictions, self-sabotaging matters, or escapist tendencies. He has done this from a certain part of each signs chart helping to bring new perspectives, change and freedom to you through your encounters there:
ARIES: It’s been awakening changes in the last 7 years through artistic, spiritual, romantic, or hidden agendas, in connection with research, investigations, hospitals, prisons, institutions, addictions, and secrets. All of this was occurring through Piscean energy of artistry, romance, spirituality, or institutions and your social circle, aspirations or friends.
TAURUS: It’s been awakening changes in the last 7 years through your friendships, group affiliations, networking, aspirations, and charities. All of this was occurring through Piscean energy of artistry, romance, spirituality, or institutions.
GEMINI: It’s been awakening changes in the last 7 years through career, reputation, goals, ambitions, fame, leadership, authority, authority figures, father, or bosses. All of this was occurring through Piscean energy of artistry, romance, spirituality, or institutions and your social circle, aspirations or friends.
CANCER: It’s been awakening changes in the last 7 years through media, publishing, marketing, publicity, travel, foreign people or situations, import/export, learning, classes you teach, ceremonies, politics, religion, and legal matters. All of this was occurring through Piscean energy of artistry, romance, spirituality, or institutions and your social circle, aspirations or friends.
LEO: It’s been awakening changes in the last 7 years through loans, debt, credit, inheritance, settlements, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, insurance, taxes, joint finances, investments, royalties, commissions, divorce, sexual attractions or issues, reproduction, and life or death situations. All of this was occurring through Piscean energy of artistry, romance, spirituality, or institutions and your social circle, aspirations or friends.
VIRGO: It’s been awakening changes in the last 7 years through marriage partners, romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, opponents, and competitors. All of this was occurring through Piscean energy of artistry, romance, spirituality, or institutions and your social circle, aspirations or friends.
LIBRA: It’s been awakening changes in the last 7 years through work, co-workers, employees, services you provide, health, and pets. All of this was occurring through Piscean energy of artistry, romance, spirituality, or institutions and your social circle, aspirations or friends.
SCORPIO: It’s been awakening changes in the last 7 years through love, love interests, with lovers, children, recreation, speculation, and creative endeavors. All of this was occurring through Piscean energy of artistry, romance, spirituality, or institutions and your social circle, aspirations or friends.
SAGITTARIUS: It’s been awakening changes in the last 7 years through home, moves, real estate deals, living situations, renovations, interior design, restaurants, family, mom/mother figures, childhood issues, roots you put down and build upon, and security needs. All of this was occurring through Piscean energy of artistry, romance, spirituality, or institutions and your social circle, aspirations or friends.
CAPRICORN: It’s been awakening changes in the last 7 years through the way you think, writing, agreements, short trips, meetings, talks, speaking roles or engagements, neighborhood, or interaction with brothers or sisters. All of this was occurring through Piscean energy of artistry, romance, spirituality, or institutions and your social circle, aspirations or friends.
AQUARIUS: It’s been awakening changes in the last 7 years through the way you earn your living, the money you earn, what you spend it on, how much you spend, around possessions in your life, and your value system. This is your personal ruling energy so you will also have felt more in tune with Pisces energy, less boundaries, more inspiration, a dreamy, psychic time for you to awaken to what you value. All of this was occurring through Piscean energy of artistry, romance, spirituality, or institutions and your social circle, aspirations or friends.
PISCES: It’s been awakening changes in the last 7 years through you, who you are, who you are evolving into being, how your body works, how your body looks and feels, around your image, name, identity in the world, and personal needs. It’s been a massive overhaul of who you are through downloading the brilliant energy of Uranus. All of this was occurring through Piscean energy of artistry, romance, spirituality, or institutions and your social circle, aspirations or friends in defining this change for you.
So, now we see where it’s been trying to introduce new ideas through people or situations into areas of your life, let’s look at what is all about to change on a grand level as new, exciting, shocking, brilliant, revolutionary energy floods into Aries on March 11th to begin a new 7 year cycle.
Uranus is going to focus in hard and fast in his new sign of Aries. It is going to send the lightning down with passion, anger, sudden changes, brilliant inventions and insights, attractions that rock our worlds if but briefly, excitement that motivates us to do something new, accidents that throw us off course, revolutions and war machines that have been building or fantasizing about action will now take to the streets or launch attacks, and we may see breakthroughs in surgery, blood work, and a resurgence of male energy that is dynamic and inspired, erratic and genius.
The last time Uranus changed signs was back in March of 2003 when it entered Pisces so you can think back to that time and how things began to change. On March 11, 2011 Uranus moves into Aries for the first time since 1927, so most of us will not have had any experience with this kind of wild, highly charged action and change but here it comes, let’s take a look at each sign and how this will likely play out for you!
ARIES: On March 11th Uranus begins a 7 year cycle of changes, new people and situations, freedom, sudden heights and falls, excitement, and brilliance revving up in your sign! This means you are the one who is now downloading this extraordinary visionary energy. You will have personal breakthroughs, you will likely feel like dressing or styling your image in some new fashion, you will connect with cutting edge ideas and individuals, your body may become much more highly attuned, and you will be following your own personal drummer, demanding individuality, new approaches and carving out your own niche in all that you do. It’s a time to break the mold and step out of your comfort zone. Just guard against accidents as you will move much more quickly now than you ever have.
TAURUS: On March 11th Uranus begins a 7 year cycle of changes, new people and situations, freedom, sudden heights and falls, excitement, and brilliance revving up through your work in films, music, painting, poetry, or other art forms, connections to hospitals, prisons or other institutions, through research or investigations, in spiritual, psychic or meditative practices, in clandestine affairs, secrets, or hidden agendas and strategies, dealing with addictions or self-sabotaging tendencies, and through work done behind closed doors. This means your best insights and inventions, unique expressions and interesting connections come through artistic work, spiritual pursuits, institutions, romantic interludes, and research. You may change your life in these realms in major ways, declare your freedom or independence, overthrow the old order, or find you are interested in more eccentric or visionary people in these realms. You should follow your own drummer here, be original and spontaneous, follow cutting edge ideas and reinvent yourself through these avenues.
GEMINI: On March 11th Uranus begins a 7 year cycle of changes, new people and situations, freedom, sudden heights and falls, excitement, and brilliance revving up through friendships, group affiliations, networking, social occasions, the internet, astrology, aviation, causes, charity, foundations, and your greatest dreams and aspirations for yourself. This is where you should seek change, interesting or unusual friendships that bring you awakened experience or introduce you to new ideas or interests. You may make a major change in current group affiliations, start your own group based on charity, astrology, the internet, or with friends, invent something that has social ramifications, do more exciting and revolutionary things with friends and at social occasions, and you must look at this 7 year cycle as very important for awakening the dream within you, for bringing different people and situations into your life that will help you unlock any opportunities to achieve these dreams or who will influence you in unforeseen ways to stand out in the crowd or spark your aspirations. The internet is a portal to this as well. It is a time to be spontaneous and take friends up on offers that introduce you to the world in fresh ways. Changes to friendships will be sudden and that is reflective of how much you are intended to download through these connections over the next 7 years.
CANCER: On March 11th Uranus begins a 7 year cycle of changes, new people and situations, freedom, sudden heights and falls, excitement, and brilliance revving up through your career, goals, ambitions, in association with building reputation, reaching fame, recognition, achievement, and through bosses, people in position of authority, father or father figures. This is a tremendous high for you when your unique, visionary approaches will be rewarded, when you can launch original businesses, become the boss, become known for an invention, something unusual, something over the internet, involving astrology, friends, groups, charity, or causes. It is about reaching for the prize but going it on your own merits and in your own way. Being independent will win the day but it’s ok to involve friends or form groups around what you are trying to achieve. Changes to career may occur several times during this time period as you awaken to higher levels of what it is you want to achieve. You may rise and fall on more than one occasion as well in efforts to keep things fresh and infused with new approaches and connections. You may see a sudden change occur with your father during this transit or find new ways of connecting with him or any issues you have with him. You will not want to be pinned down and will need room to move in whatever direction is calling you as you carve out your new and inspired career or achieve goals that are out of the ordinary.
LEO: On March 11th Uranus begins a 7 year cycle of changes, new people and situations, freedom, sudden heights and falls, excitement, and brilliance revving up through travel, import/export, foreign people or situations, cultural affairs, legal matters, higher education, teaching, media, marketing, publishing, or publicity, ceremonies, politics, or religion. This is a time to open up your mind to all kinds of exciting and different ideas and people who can show you more of the world and expand your view of what it’s all about. You may take up a political cause, form a group around one, run off and get married on a whim, drop out of school or head back to take classes in some new and interesting field, begin teaching something unique or offer courses over the internet or to friends, your original ideas will put you out in front in publishing or media matters and you may meet some interesting and unusual people who help you in these fields. It’s definitely a time to leave the nest and get out traveling, connecting with a broader scope of cultural affairs and insights. You may decide to import something unique during this time or change your religious views dramatically. Hopping a plane on a whim or gaining publicity over night is all possible and should bring excitement and change into your life. If you have wanted to change your life on some level, know that getting more education, traveling the world, publicizing or getting into media, embracing a political stance or cause, or signing legal agreements will do this for you now.
VIRGO: On March 11th Uranus begins a 7 year cycle of changes, new people and situations, freedom, sudden heights and falls, excitement, and brilliance revving up through sexual attractions and issues, reproduction, divorce, and all outside financial resources such as loans, settlements, alimony, child support, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, commissions, or joint finances. You have been through massive changes in relationships over the last 7 years and now you are going to awaken to a new level of sexual excitement, you may be attracted to totally different kinds of people or find that you want to experiment in new ways, if you’ve had any sexual issues you’ve been dealing with this energy flow may bring some new ways to deal with them. Reproductive issues will get a spark of energy which may bring new solutions to the table or people who can help you find answers or surrogate. If you have been laboring under a bad marriage, this energy will bring sudden declarations that you or they are filing for divorce. Your financial picture is going to have its ups and downs during this time period as well and looking for independent solutions or reaching out for new ways or people who can help will be the best approach. You may receive a sudden windfall or see your investment dive, you may also feel like investing in something internet based, involving astrology, friends, groups, or an aspiration of yours. It’s a time to be fearless in diving into the deepest side of life and experiencing new things.
LIBRA: On March 11th Uranus begins a 7 year cycle of changes, new people and situations, freedom, sudden heights and falls, excitement, and brilliance revving up through romantic partners, marriage, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, opponents, and competition. It is a very exciting time when you can be hit by the thunderbolt and find yourself at the alter just as quickly. It is going to bring visionary, exciting, stimulating people onto the scene to partner with or who may represent you. It will radically shake up current relationships, infuse them with new life, help you to make changes that bring new energy into the mix, and it will open up the world to you through introductions made by friends, associates, networking, and social occasions. This is a time when you may find you can form partnerships involving the internet, astrology, friends, or groups. It is about being original, trailblazing and open in your approach to relationships, making changes with those who represent you and following your own vision when you carve out the rules of your relationship. You may find you are attracted to a completely different type of partner or that your wild, revolutionary ideas or sudden changes mean you need someone representing you. If you have old relationships or representatives that are holding you back in any way this energy will suddenly break the ties to make room for the new. It’s a time of change, excitement and sudden connections that awaken something surprising in you.
SCORPIO: On March 11th Uranus begins a 7 year cycle of changes, new people and situations, freedom, sudden heights and falls, excitement, and brilliance revving up through the work you do, pursue, your approach to work, through co-workers, employees, your health, and with pets. This is an exciting time of change when you may exit one type of work and set off on a whole new course, when your friends, networking, group affiliations, the internet, astrology, or causes may factor in positive new opportunities for work and awaken something exciting within you. You will want to have independence in your approach to the work you do or set out as an independent contractor, be fearless and original, create or invent your own work, and continually look for unique experiences, people and situations to work for or with. You will find that sudden changes or insights in health hit you out of the blue and that you are now interested in new approaches to health, that getting fit comes together by doing something unusual, original or with friends or a group. That you open up to new and exciting things through animal rescue or advocacy, adopting a pet, or inventing or creating something original for animals. If you have a service you provide this time will bring exciting and unusual people and opportunities into the mix, and you will find the internet is a great way to get the word out about what you have to offer, as will be your friends or groups you are involved with. If you are stuck in a dead-end job or your health is subpar, Uranus’s move into this sector is going to shake things up to get you back on track and out there following your greatest aspirations.
SAGITTARIUS: On March 11th Uranus begins a 7 year cycle of changes, new people and situations, freedom, sudden heights and falls, excitement, and brilliance revving up through your house of true love, children and creative projects. Are you ready for all the wild and exciting changes coming your way?! This is going to mark a time when single Sages will meet unusual, visionary, interesting love interests and find that they are smitten with all that this new person is able to show them, it will be about sudden changes of heart as you meet lovers and are inspired by such diversity. It will bring surprises, shocks and changes into current love relationships, a time when you will be doing new things together, making changes to the dynamic between you, experimenting, and in the case of any bad relationships, seeing sudden break-ups. You may find yourself or your partner pregnant or a one night stand brings a pregnancy. Changes and original works, inventions and new ways of doing things will occur around your children or involving any work you do for children. This is also a high point in creative endeavors when you may invent some creative masterpiece, receive some exciting offer based on your creative work, or meet unusual, inspiring and original people involved in creative forms. You should remain open to love and creative potential and take the road less traveled, allow for new ideas and inspirations to come, and know any changes in these areas are meant to free you in ways you can’t yet understand.
CAPRICORN: On March 11th Uranus begins a 7 year cycle of changes, new people and situations, freedom, sudden heights and falls, excitement, and brilliance revving up through home, moves, real estate, roommates, family, mom/mother figures, renovations, interior design, restaurants, nurturing, and security needs. When the roots of your chart and your life get this kind of electrical jolt you can be certain that changes are in the wind and you will be experiencing some very exciting and growth opportunities around these themes. It is a time when you may move suddenly, have something change in the home such as electrical wiring or fire alarms, or a roommate moving in or out. You could become inspired to go into restaurant work or ownership, get into real estate, buy or sell property out of the blue, meet interesting, unusual people associated with these things that bring new ideas to the table and get you moving here. It will open up new ways of experiencing your family, help you make changes in relationship to mom, bring surprises or sudden shifts with mom, and bring unusual gatherings to the home. You may decide you want a completely new look at home during this time and that is to be expected so don’t be afraid to try new things out. If you feel stuck in a certain place this energy will push you to make changes, moves, or infuse the situation with new input. Take an independent, original approach to what you do and be open to the unique experiences that will likely play out over home, real estate, moves, or mom.
AQUARIUS: On March 11th Uranus begins a 7 year cycle of changes, new people and situations, freedom, sudden heights and falls, excitement, and brilliance revving up through writing, agreements, decisions, meetings, talks, ideas, short trips, moves, neighbors, brothers, or sisters. This is where the biggest change will occur in your life now and it is where new ideas, people, situations, and insights will awaken you. You may decide to sign contracts or come to an agreement with a friend or group during this time that opens you up, to new energy, you may write or come to terms over an internet based idea or project, astrology or a cause or charity. You will want to experience new neighborhoods, local activities, and open up your mind to share ideas that inspire or shake things up. You may find that you change your mind quite a bit during this transit since you are constantly being downloaded with new and cutting edge ideas. Your relationship with brothers or sisters will radically shift during this time and you may go into something unusual or original with them, break away from them or form a group with them. Your writing will take on a new level of genius and you may find you wish to write about the underdog, causes, charities, or for friends and groups during this time. Any changes through moves will be favored as will getting involved in new neighborhood activities. Your writing may be published during this phase and you may want to patent an idea.
PISCES: On March 11th Uranus begins a 7 year cycle of changes, new people and situations, freedom, sudden heights and falls, excitement, and brilliance revving up through income, spending, possessions, and values. You have been hosting the revolutionary energy of change for 7 years and it has been very exciting as you learned about your own independence and unique perspective but it has also been erratic with your relationships so this new turn of energy should be welcomed. You are now ready to enter into new ways of earning money, to awaken to a new level of interest and to form groups, join with friends, set up foundations, link to astrology or the internet, and begin earning in original, exciting ways. Your independence and own personal way of engaging income will be important and you will meet interesting and unusual people and situations that come up to help you find the right way to make money. You may spend on unusual items, the internet, astrology, friends, groups, and causes during this time as well in an effort to awaken your world in new ways. This transit can mean that you may misplace or lose possessions from time to time and they could also suddenly reappear, you may see a possession in question come under a change as well. Lastly, the influx of exciting, change oriented energy is about shifting your values to a freer, more open ideal.
Neptune rules Pisces and it hasn’t been in the sign that it rules since 1848. In 2011 we will get to experience what this feels like as Neptune moves into Pisces for the first time in 153 years on April 4th. What can you expect when a sign is ‘purified’ by its own energy source? You can expect a much more potent version of the energy, a surge in its forces and what I am calling a renaissance for all things Piscean.
This means that artists are in for all kinds of amazing breakthroughs and creations, masterpieces will be unveiled, your muse will be on overdrive and you will do well to focus in on the film, music, poetry, painting, sculpting, or any other artistic outlets that inspire you. It means that spiritual breakthroughs, mediumship, psychic abilities, intuition, the paranormal, meditation, yoga, and any other path to enlightenment will get a surge as well. This may mark a time of great insights and awakening to abilities that open up for us as a whole. The romance energies of poetry and chivalry will get renewed support, the mystical and hidden will hold more sway.
It is a time when hospitals, prisons and other institutions will be flooded with new inspired ways of operating, when a more spiritual approach or the introduction of art or other healing practices brings more to light. Secrets long hidden may come to light and research and investigations may uncover spiritual or artistic insights during this phase. The down side to Pisces is addiction, deception, poisoning, self-sabotaging tendencies, and hidden enemies so these will be stronger as well and should be guarded against.
You have been hosting Neptune in Aquarius since January 1998. It is a very slow moving energy and we only get a taste of this renaissance and inspiration in 2011 when it moves into Pisces on April 4 and tours here through August 4th giving us all 4 golden months to dive into our inspirations. From August 4th of 2011 through February 4th of 2012 Neptune is going to Retrograde back into Aquarius for a wrap up with friends, groups, aspirations, astrology, the internet, and any causes we are bringing our artistry, spirituality, or research to. On February 4th Neptune moves back into Pisces where he will transit, infusing his own sign from then until January of 2026. So, take the 4 months this year to really get in there and plant your artistic, spiritual, romantic, research oriented, or institutional affairs’ seeds in the places noted for your signs!
ARIES: From April 4th – August 4th you are being given an opportunity to get involved in a film, music project, poetry, or other artistic project, to delve into romantic or spiritual practices, connect with someone behind closed doors to create something, research, find your psychic abilities, start yoga or meditative practices, take a retreat, or inspire something on a new level involving a hospital or other institution. The rest of the year before and after is about your spiritual, romantic, artistic influences with friends or groups, seeding aspirations here, and working on how addictions or hospitals affect your spiritual progress or connections with friends or groups.
TAURUS: From April 4th – August 4th you are being given an opportunity to do something powerfully inspired that is artistic, spiritual or romantic involving a group, forming or joining a group, with friends, through networking, at social occasions, or involving your greatest dream or aspiration for yourself. The rest of the year both before and after is going to be focused on your artistry, spirituality, or romantic input on the career front, involving reputation, leadership, or fame.
GEMINI: From April 4th – August 4th you are being given an opportunity to do something powerfully inspired on the career front that is artistic, spiritual, romantic, or involves research, retreat, hospitals, addictions, or investigations. It is a huge influx of energy towards career, goals, ambitions, leadership, or fame. Some of you will find hospitals and father are significant during this time as well when more spiritual influences are introduced. The rest of the year for you puts artistic, spiritual or romantic energy around travel, media, legal matters, or education.
CANCER: From April 4th – August 4th you are being given an opportunity to do something powerfully inspired that is artistic, spiritual or romantic involving media, publishing, marketing, publicity, travel, foreign people or situations, import/export, higher education, teaching, ceremonies, politics, or legal matters. What you create or the inspiration you are downloading can manifest best through these realms in major ways. The rest of the year both before and after this puts artistic, spiritual or romantic forces or those involving hospitals or other institutions around high finances, divorce, sexual attractions, or mortality issues.
LEO: From April 4th – August 4th you are being given an opportunity to do something powerfully inspired that is artistic, spiritual or romantic involving outside financial resources to support you, divorce to free you, or through sexual involvements that are very romantic or other worldly. Some of you may be bringing a spiritual calling to life and death situations by getting involved with Hospice or some other service while others may bring artistic projects about life and death experiences forward. It is a deep area of life that is being flooded with psychic awareness and artistic inspiration. The rest of the year both before and after puts spiritual, artistic, romantic, or institutional energy around partners, representatives or competitors.
VIRGO: From April 4th – August 4th you are being given an opportunity to do something powerfully inspired that is artistic, spiritual or romantic involving a romantic partner, marriage, business partnership, agent, attorney, specialist, advocate, opponent, or competitor. You will find that you are feeling somewhat fated by what occurs in these significant relationships and that they inspire great things in you or on the low side of the energy spark awakening around addictions or deception. The rest of the year both before and after brings artistic, spiritual or romantic flow through the work you do, health matters and with caring for animals.
LIBRA: From April 4th – August 4th you are being given an opportunity to do something powerfully inspired that is artistic, spiritual or romantic involving the work you do, interaction with co-workers or employees, through a service you provide, around health or healthy pursuits, or involving animals. You will find a spiritual approach heightens health or you may have a spiritual service that aids others’ health, that something romantic you are working on in a script or book breaks through, or that you find romance while working, at the gym or out walking pets. The rest of the year both before and after is about artistic, spiritual or romantic energy coming through lovers, children and creative endeavors.
SCORPIO: From April 4th – August 4th you are being given an opportunity to do something powerfully inspired that is artistic, spiritual or romantic involving a lover, love interest, the theme of love, that involves children, or around a creative project. This is a very powerful shift occurring for you and you get 4 months of solid, force here to seed romantic love, bring artistic, creative projects into existence, or do something spiritual or artistic with a child or for children. The rest of the year both before and after will bring artistic, romantic or spiritual matters to a head at home, around living situations, moves, roommates, real estate deals, or mom.
SAGITTARIUS: From April 4th – August 4th you are being given an opportunity to do something powerfully inspired that is artistic, spiritual or romantic involving home, moves, real estate deals, renovations, remodels, interior design, restaurants, roommates, mom/mother figures, family, and security needs. This is an amazing time to bring your artistry to the home or develop your talents in design. You may do spiritual or artistic work from home or move to be closer to your spiritual, artistic or romantic inspirations. Mom may need some attention at hospital or a nice retreat during this transit and if so spiritual interjection from you or artistic outlets will do her good. The rest of the year both before and after will focus artistic, spiritual or romantic energy on writing, agreements, short trips, siblings, and ideas you have.
CAPRICORN: From April 4th – August 4th you are being given an opportunity to do something powerfully inspired that is artistic, spiritual or romantic involving something you are writing or start to write, an agreement, meeting, talk, speaking role or engagement, idea, move, neighborhood activity, or involving brothers or sisters. This is an amazing 4 month window to begin drafting your script, book or writing up your proposal, to sign agreements involving your art, spiritual pursuits, romantic interests, hospitals, or about research. You may find you can involve a sibling in something artistic, spiritual or around an institution that is inspired and powerful or that you can begin something locally or involving neighbors. The rest of the year both before and after is about bringing your spiritual, artistic, romantic, or institutional influences into earning money or what you choose to spend on now.
AQUARIUS: From April 4th – August 4th you are being given an opportunity to do something powerfully inspired that is artistic, spiritual or romantic during this 4 month transit that will bring in money, increase income, be the outlet for spending, or help you to focus your values in a new way. This means if you have wanted to earn through your art work or a spiritual practice this is the time and if you want to spend on a spiritual retreat, romantic getaway, or artistic outlet you should feel good about what it will unlock for you. The rest of the year both before and after this is about artistic, spiritual or romantic awakening that is focused on you, your body, image, identity, or personal needs, a time when you may dress or look more romantic or artistic, or find you are trying to find your personal stamp to place in these areas.
PISCES: From April 4th – August 4th you are being given an opportunity to do something powerfully inspired that is artistic, spiritual or romantic involving you. Of all signs this time period marks an enormous change in your life when you begin to see just how far faith takes you, when you tune into your psychic nature, spiritual self, find ways to work with your body or image that are artistic or spiritual, and when you will become more of a romantic figure. You are channeling some mighty angelic energy here, get ready! Things to watch for under stress aspects during the years ahead are addictions, compulsions, self-sabotage, deception, and illusion. Find your center and keep your focus and there is absolutely nothing you won’t be able to create under this influence. The rest of the year both before and after brings spiritual, artistic and romantic energy through retreat, clandestine relationships, work done behind closed doors, or through institutions.
Chiron is the place in the chart where we carry a soul wound into life, where we feel most vulnerable and as if we can’t heal or achieve in that area. But because of our implicit understanding of the pain in the experiences here, we become able to heal or teach others through our past. It is a sacred spot in the chart and one that shows great understanding and mastery. It is a place we are willing to bleed in sacrifice to others.
Chiron moved into Aquarius in February of 2005 to bring us together with our soul group so that we could heal together, teach each other and then the whole of the world through our connected ideals of it, and to point out where we feel wounded in friendships, groups or in pursuits of our aspirations. It brought to our disposal the internet and astrology as tools to help heal or teach others (both ruled by Aquarius), and helped us to form or join groups, start charities or foundations, to do so as well, (Aquarian ruled topics).
On February 8, 2011, Chiron moves into Pisces where he will tour until April 17th, 2018. It was Chiron’s move into Pisces in April 2010 – July 2010 that marked the oil spill in the gulf and began the pollution of the seas (Pisces rules our oceans) wounding so much of our environment. Chiron stirred the waters literally before Retrograding back into Aquarius. It brought the need to care for our seas into group consciousness and will be a focus of this transit for the world. Pisces also rules the arts, spiritual pursuits, psychic abilities, research, hospitals, addictions, secrets, hidden enemies, strategies, prisons, and deception. These are the other areas where healing others and dealing with wounds will come up for all of us.
We will be looking at wounds that are opened around these areas in the year ahead and we will be stepping up in our position as the healer or teacher for others based on our own personal experience of that wound. Is there something you can teach or heal in others involving film, music, painting, sculpture, dance, poetry, psychic abilities, spiritual pursuits, meditation, yoga, hospitals, prisons, retreat, isolation, secrets, clandestine love affairs, research, investigations, or addictions? It is the beginning of a time of great healing and more spiritual insights into our approaches here. Chiron taught music and astrology to the centaurs in order to focus their higher being on beauty and inspiration and was willing to make personal sacrifices to heal or teach others. Look for these themes coming up at new levels of mastery, sacrifice, inspiration, and leadership. Chiron is moving into the same area as Neptune will for 4 months so they will influence each other during that time period.
ARIES: On February 8th Chiron moves into Pisces and will open wounds, lead you to mastery and teaching or healing of others through film, music or other art forms, hospitals or other institutions, spiritual or psychic pursuits, retreats, research or investigations, deceptive matters, addictions, or self-sabotage.
TAURUS: On February 8th Chiron moves into Pisces and will open wounds, lead you to mastery and teaching or healing of others through friends, group affiliations, social events, networking, the internet, astrology, causes, charity, and your dreams and aspirations for your life.
GEMINI: On February 8th Chiron moves into Pisces and will open wounds, lead you to mastery and teaching or healing of others through career, bosses, reputation, ambitions, fame, father, or leadership abilities.
CANCER: On February 8th Chiron moves into Pisces and will open wounds, lead you to mastery and teaching or healing of others through travel, import/export, foreign people or situations, media, marketing, publicity, publishing, legal matters, ceremonies, politics, religion, or higher education.
LEO: On February 8th Chiron moves into Pisces and will open wounds, lead you to mastery and teaching or healing of others through loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, settlements, alimony, child support, bankruptcy, a partners finances, divorce, sex, sexual issues, reproduction, or someone mortality.
VIRGO: On February 8th Chiron moves into Pisces and will open wounds, lead you to mastery and teaching or healing of others through marriage, romantic partnerships, business partnerships, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, opponents, or competitors.
LIBRA: On February 8th Chiron moves into Pisces and will open wounds, lead you to mastery and teaching or healing of others through work, co-workers, employees, a service you provide, health, or pets.
SCORPIO: On February 8th Chiron moves into Pisces and will open wounds, lead you to mastery and teaching or healing of others through love interests or issues, lovers, children, speculation, recreation, or creative ventures.
SAGITTARIUS: On February 8th Chiron moves into Pisces and will open wounds, lead you to mastery and teaching or healing of others through home, moves, roommates, real estate deals, family, mom/mother figures, or security needs.
CAPRICORN: On February 8th Chiron moves into Pisces and will open wounds, lead you to mastery and teaching or healing of others through writing, agreements, talks, meeting, ideas, short trips, speaking roles or engagements, moves, neighborhood activities, brothers, or sisters.
AQUARIUS: On February 8th Chiron moves into Pisces and will open wounds, lead you to mastery and teaching or healing of others through income, spending, possessions, or values.
PISCES: On February 8th Chiron moves into Pisces and will open wounds, lead you to mastery and teaching or healing of others through you, your body, image, identity, ego, or personal needs.
Pluto is the lord of the underworld. He entered the sign of Capricorn for good in late November 2008 where he will travel until March of 2023. Have you ever wondered why Scorpios have a reputation for being powerful or into power? It’s because their ruling energy rules power and because their ruling energy moves into one sector of the sky and stays in that energetic field for a very long time, in this case, 14 plus years. By contrast, Cancer moves into a new energetic field every 2 and a half days. All other signs fall somewhere in between these paces. So, what does Pluto in Capricorn mean for us this year?
Pluto wants destruction of the old and rebuilding on the ashes, he wants change with massive upheaval and empowerment due to the challenges overcome. He is ruthless, deep, probing, soul level change and transformation and he is in the sign of achievement, career, goals, ambitions, fame, father, authority, and leadership. Here we are looking at what we want to be when we grow up, what we want to achieve and what we are willing to do to make that happen.
Pluto will start the year at 5 degrees and end the year at 7 degrees of Capricorn so we are focused in this first decan, or seriously ambitious part of the sky. We will be dealing with financial institutions, backers, or other outside financial resources, sex, divorce, death, triangles, power struggles, control issues, and manipulations as we work on what we are trying to attain. To clarify, the underhanded sides of Pluto are available but those who backstab, manipulate, or try to run over others on their way to success will meet the same energy just up ahead but in a much more head-on affront as it is returned. So yes, you may see a few zip past you on the ashes of others but what is at stake here is far greater than anyone’s personal agendas. Being solid, steady, deep, and residing in your own power will win the race.
Pluto is Direct through April 9th and this is the best time to implement new career moves or ambitions. During the Retrograde cycle from April 9th – Sept. 17th you will want to catch up to where you have reached and work on any fine tuning strategies with banks, investors, intimacy, sex, divorce, or ambitions. You can go forward again with new goals and career moves from Sept. 17th through the end of the year.
Where Pluto is making major inroads to get you to change, eliminate and purge, and empower yourself in serious, ambitious ways is this:
ARIES: Through career, reputation, with bosses, leadership, authority, fame, achievements, father/father figures, or goals. Massive changes may occur in these areas to get you to claim your power and transform your life and you must learn to work through these energies to reach your goals.
TAURUS: Through travel, media, publishing, foreign people or situations, import/export, marketing, publicity, law, ceremonies, politics, or higher education. Massive changes may occur in these areas to get you to claim your power and transform your life and you must learn to work through these energies to reach your goals.
GEMINI: Through loans, settlements, bankruptcy, inheritance, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, outside resources, divorce, death, sex, sexual issues, reproduction, triangles, power struggles, and manipulations. Massive changes may occur in these areas to get you to claim your power and transform your life and you must learn to work through these energies to reach your goals.
CANCER: Through romantic partners, marriage, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, opponents, or competitors. Massive changes may occur in these areas to get you to claim your power and transform your life and you must learn to work through these energies to reach your goals.
LEO: Through work, co-workers, employees, health, or pets. Massive changes may occur in these areas to get you to claim your power and transform your life and you must learn to work through these energies to reach your goals.
VIRGO: Through true love, love interests, love themes, children, speculation, and creative projects. Massive changes may occur in these areas to get you to claim your power and transform your life and you must learn to work through these energies to reach your goals.
LIBRA: Through home, moves, real estate deals, roommates, mom/mother figures, family, childhood issues, and security needs. Massive changes may occur in these areas to get you to claim your power and transform your life and you must learn to work through these energies to reach your goals.
SCORPIO: Through writing, ideas, meetings, talks, speaking roles or engagements, short trips, agreements, neighborhood, moves, or siblings. Massive changes may occur in these areas to get you to claim your power and transform your life and you must learn to work through these energies to reach your goals.
SAGITTARIUS: Through income, spending, possessions, and values. Massive changes may occur in these areas to get you to claim your power and transform your life and you must learn to work through these energies to reach your goals.
CAPRICORN: Through your body, image, identity, ego, and personal needs. Massive changes may occur in these areas to get you to claim your power and transform your life and you must learn to work through these energies to reach your goals.
AQUARIUS: Through hospitals, prisons, institutions, secrets, clandestine affairs, film, music, artistic projects, spiritual pursuits, psychic abilities, deception, dealing with addiction, retreat, research, investigations, and work behind the scenes. Massive changes may occur in these areas to get you to claim your power and transform your life and you must learn to work through these energies to reach your goals.
PISCES: Through friends, groups, networking, social affairs, and dreams and aspirations for your life. Massive changes may occur in these areas to get you to claim your power and transform your life and you must learn to work through these energies to reach your goals.
It’s quite a JUNIOR YEAR, yes?!
I’m wishing you all an amazing 2011. I will be back on the radio starting Jan. 6th at 8pm eastern/ 5pm pacific on CBS radio’s sky radio, looking at the year ahead. Pop by, you can listen in here: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show or call in 248-545-7685
If you haven’t joined my page yet, please pop by and hit the ‘like’ button to keep up with daily updates/forecasts and insights. http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf
The free weekly and weekend forecasts are posted on my blog site here, bookmark the page to keep current with these: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com
If you would like to schedule a private session with me, we can look at what the year ahead holds in your personal chart. The number to schedule an appointment is 818-613-6067
Lastly, I will be posting the 2011 LOVE FORECAST for the year ahead next week along with how the years Mercury Retrogrades and Eclipses will affect you! Please feel free to share links to these yearly forecasts! Love you guys, Zoe Moon
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