TUNE IN Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Worldwide Radio ~ New Sky Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show 248-545-7685 to listen to or call in with astrology questions for THE ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW!
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We enter the week on New Moon energy driving us towards our adventures and motivating us to expand. We are beginning to feel that change and original projects will happen again with Uranus Direct. And we DO have this support behind us as we push the ball further up the hill. HOWEVER, before everything is ready to rocket out into the stratosphere, Mercury is going to Retrograde and take us back into past territory to say what we still need to say, to reconnect with that person or situation to deal with ideas, news or agreements that went down or should have regarding an ambition, reputation or the pursuit of recognition.
So, know that you are being propelled forward but this is going to involve something of the past that still must be dealt with, revisited or released.
Monday the New Moon energy is still quite strong making positive aspects to friends, networking or groups in all new travel, media, marketing, educational, or legal matters. More is going to be revealed that was hidden and you are going to have Mars beside you fueling action, passion or anger as response. The Moon moves into Capricorn after 6pm est and draws your attention to any feelings you have about your career or reputation. Pay attention, Mercury Retrogrades on Friday in this spot.
Tuesday at 3am est the Sun and Saturn form an opportunity aspect between them so you may experience this late on Monday night as well. It is putting you in the spotlight with a media, travel, legal, or educational matter and an opportunity to commit or end something with or through a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor. Again, career, reputation and ambition is a huge part of the day with powerful talks that open the topic for review up ahead in powerful ways.
Wednesday morning brings Venus and Pluto together so if you can stay in bed for an all morning romp, the rest of us applaud you. It is an opportunity sexually for some but is as well about breakthroughs financially that affect career and ambition or opportunities to achieve something with the divorce. Look at changes to love and money matters that put you in a more empowered position.
Thursday brings an Aquarius Moon squaring Venus in Scorpio so watch out! LOL, this puts our emotional drive for freedom and social connection in frictional angle to our need for deeply shared connection sexually or financially with another. A bit of rebellion meets domination, it’s anyone’s guess who wins the round today.
Friday MERCURY RETROGRADES in Capricorn. You will be back tracking through career, goals, with authority figures, issues with dad, reputation, and fame from now through the 30th and you will want to WAIT to sign contracts if at all possible on new ventures here. Electronic and mechanical breakdowns are more likely, transportation glitches prevail and communication mishaps can scatter your emails, phone calls and he said/she said scenarios far and wide. Back up data, GIVE OTHERS THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT in all things communicated, play nice. This is a powerfully positive time to go back into the past and see if there is someone who you already know who could aid you in your goals, if you need to clear something up regarding reputation or in dealing with authority figures, or if you just need to go reconnect with dad or a father figure over something left unsaid or said in haste.
Friday is filled with opportunity aspects around goals and financial, sexual or divorce matters as well as with friends/groups and the travel, media, legal, or educational matters before you.
ARIES: (Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday you should act on travel plans, marketing, publicity, media, or publishing matters, a class you want to take or teach, or legal issues, especially if they involve a friend or group or you need a friend or groups support. The rest of the day will help you focus on career and ambitions.
Tuesday or late Monday night brings an opportunity to connect seriously with a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person to help you with the trip, media/marketing venture, legal need, or educational matter. If someone is competing with or opposing you in one of these matters, this will help you to deal with it. Talks and meetings are intense today regarding career, goals, or any communications you have with someone in charge.
Wednesday Venus and Pluto are offering you the chance to bond in a deeply intimate way with someone sexy or to delve into the depths of the financial situation and reach a new level towards your goal. Your best bet towards expansion comes through what you do behind closed doors today, the more innovative, the better.
Thursday may be a bit contentious over the friend, social affair or group activity and deeply felt issues with a woman around triangles, power, manipulation, sex, finances, or the divorce. If you have a party or networking event planned, schedule extra time to get there and make sure your purse or credit cards are safe and not maxed out.
Friday Mercury Retrogrades in your Midheaven. This means things are slowing down and backtracking into the past over the next few weeks with career matters, bosses, authority figures, reputation, fame, or father/father figures. You will likely see someone current take their leave or someone from the past return, a past career opportunity may be the place to seek answers or an old boss may be able to aid you in your ambitions. Look at what was said, decided or signed but wait to sign new agreements until January if you can possibly do so without jeopardizing your position. If a contract from the past shows back up, it is ok to proceed now. Friends and social functions will be high on the list today and are positively aligned. It’s time to get to the core of a financial matter or sexual issue with someone, talk about it.
TAURUS: (Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday your sexual attractions or issues, financial matters or divorce proceedings will tend to take up much of your energy. There is reason to act, express passion or anger in some way trying to reach a goal in one of these arenas since the aspect holds artistic, romantic or spiritual opportunity to achieve. The rest of the day will have you focusing in on travel, media, legal, or educational matters.
Tuesday or late Monday night brings an opportunity to commit time or effort to a work opportunity that should put you in the spotlight financially. You may also have an opportunity to get serious about health that helps to solve a sexual issue or bring you closer to your desire, or you may find that you can do something serious with an animal or animal preservation in some way that connects you financially or through a divorce proceeding, all good. It’s a day of powerful talks, news or agreements regarding travel, legal, media, or educational matters.
Wednesday brings Venus and Pluto into alignment and when your ruling planet is making nice from the sign of sex, money and divorce to the powerbroker of shared experience through travel, media, education, and legal matters, well you can really get things going in the right direction. Look at ways to express or pursue love and passions through these avenues or ways to extricate yourself in love or financially here as well. Social occasions look exciting today as well as engaging with friends or groups.
Thursday brings some shockers or changes involving a woman partner, representative or competitor and the goal you feel connected to or your career agenda. The day is frictional here because of this. If you aren’t in a position to be dealing with this scenario, expect it to be about being pulled by social obligations in career and love or money matters with the partner, rep or competitor.
Friday Mercury Retrogrades and things slow down or begin to take you into a past situation or with a past person regarding legal matters, travel, distance, media, marketing, publicity, politics, import/export, education, or religious beliefs or ceremonies. These areas will be where you may have miscommunications or malfunctions associated so take care. It’s time today to look back and connect with an important woman in one of these areas, this looks positive. Career or reputation is also on positive footing today aligned with work you get done, commit to or sever ties with and the settlement or intimate connection you have here.
GEMINI: (Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday puts the focus on an important person in your life, this may be a romantic or business partner, agent or attorney, or competitor or opponent. There should be a way to come to some kind of travel, legal, marketing/media, or educational resolution that gets you closer to your romantic, artistic, hospital, or spiritual goal today. Something is changing around the goal here and it may be a bit challenging. Once the Moon moves into Capricorn your energy focus is going to shift towards sex, intimacy, divorce, or financial matters.
Tuesday or late Monday night brings an important opportunity to bond creatively, through children or in true love with a partner or representative. This is solid, serious energy that could put things on long term footing. Talks and action are in the arena of sex, divorce and/or financial matters and this looks powerful. If you discover some form of duality in an intimate connection this energy may assist you in cutting ties and as challenging as this looks, it looks like the best thing for you under these circumstances.
Wednesday brings Venus and Pluto together to help you with a woman at work or one who is involved in health or pet matters. This is about some opportunity to make positive, powerful change regarding loans, debt, settlements, alimony, child support, insurance, taxes, or any other financial matter that is shared, or it will be about sexual attraction or divorce issues and a powerful transformation here. Positive changes to career or goals are possible today as well.
Thursday is a bit challenging where broadcasting, internet, friends, groups, travel, law, or education are concerned as you deal with a woman at work, a woman’s health or a woman’s issues involving a pet. This may come at you in some unexpected way so just be ready to deal with changes and unusual situations.
Friday Mercury Retrogrades in your house of sex, sexual attraction or issues, divorce, mortality, and all major financial arenas. It’s a heavy placement to experience communication mishaps, transportation breakdowns or mechanical failures so double check your bank accounts, payments, meeting times and places for intimacy, and expect to be backtracking into the past through people or situations to reconnect, revisit or release over meetings, talks, ideas, or agreements. You may find that a woman at work or tied to health or pets is part of this today in a positive way. Travel, media, education, and legal matters are under positive stars especially where love, kids, creative projects, and partnership or representation in concerned.
CANCER: (Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is strongly focused on the work, health or pet matter and positive ways to find the financial resources you need to move something forward artistically or involving hospitals or other institutions. There is some kind of wild card being thrown at you today in this tied to media, marketing, publishing, travel, education, or legal matters and this looks challenging. Just do the work required, take action here. The rest of the day is focused on one significant person and our goals with them.
Tuesday or late Monday night brings a chance to settle something serious at home, with a move, roommate, renovation, real estate deal, or family matter that puts you in a prime position through the work you do, your health or pets, it’s all good. This is an opportunity to commit, make something solid or end it under positive stars. Talks or decisions involving partners, agents, attorneys, or competition are important and powerful as well, again you will want to take action and this will possibly feel challenging regarding your choice at home.
Wednesday Venus and Pluto dance in a way that opens up opportunity with a woman creatively, with kids or in true love. This is powerful, positive and will be strongly tied to partnership or representation in ways that benefit you through change and empowerment. There may be positive financial or intimate ramifications resulting. Excitement is brewing long distance or tied to travel, education, media, publishing, or legal matters, again the important person involved and beneficial here.
Thursday is a bit of a challenge as there could be unexpected changes in feelings about a friend or group activity, the internet or an aspiration involving financial matters, divorce or sexual attractions. This is going to involve a woman on the creative level, with kids or around matters of the heart. Change is in the air.
Friday Mercury Retrogrades in your partnership zone. Expect to be revisiting past decisions, talks, meetings, or agreements involving a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. You may have a current relationship exit or a past one return and these one-on-one relationships will be where you will most fall into issues of misunderstandings, lost emails or phone messages, missed meetings, transportation or mechanical malfunctions so give others the benefit of the doubt if something happens. A positive opportunity arises today with this person regarding love, kids or creative endeavors. The other energy that is prevalent today is focused on sex, divorce or financial matters and ways to get serious at home as well as find ways to meet your own needs with work, health or pet matters here.
LEO: (Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is strongly focused on creative opportunities, true love or children and something that can come through for you artistically, romantically, spiritually, or through a hospital or other institution through a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant relationship. This looks quite positive although you will need to make some concessions around the financial picture, divorce or sexual attractions/issues that are changing. Once the Moon moves into Capricorn it is all about work, health or pets for you so focus here.
Tuesday or late Monday night there is a positive opportunity for something serious to be decided, met over, signed, or talked about regarding you and true love, a child or your creative projects. This looks quite serious and solid so speak your mind and ask for what you need. There are also very powerful talks or agreements today at work, involving health or about pets that you will want to act on.
Wednesday Venus and Pluto are dancing which brings powerful opportunity to tie in work, health or pets and home matters. If you want to find ways to work from home to earn money or if you need to buy or sell real estate, have an estate sale, or really get into a new healthy regime at home, this energy is about finding the way to make changes, attract money, and empower yourself. Exciting or new ways are in the stars around loans, settlements, alimony, child support, divorce, sexual attractions, or your partners financial picture today, all of which looks beneficial.
Thursday is a bit of a challenging day regarding home and a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant relationship. There may be a bit of emotional detachment, change, or something that comes through the internet that is putting your feelings about home and love or money to the test.
Friday Mercury Retrogrades in your house of work, health and pets. This means that over the next few weeks you will be backtracking into past work situations, with past co-workers or employees, to past health situations or health care providers, gyms or work-out regimes, diets or physical issues, or into past animal matters. You may see a pet from the past return, run into a past co-worker or someone you used to see at the gym and these areas are where the most communication, transportation and mechanical breakdowns will likely occur. A positive talk or meeting through one of these areas should make you feel better about home and the love or money there. Partners or representatives are the focus of the day with positive opportunities to talk, meet, connect through love, children or creative forces.
VIRGO: (Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday the focus is going to be on the home, move, renovation, roommate, or family with opportunity to get some artistic or spiritual work done here or to delve into positive animal or health matters here. A significant relationship at home seems to be challenging today as something unexpected gets tossed into the mix and you need to take action. The rest of the day will focus on creative outlets, children or lovers and any ambitions you have here.
Tuesday or late Monday night puts you in a prime position at home to do something positive towards earning money long term or will help you to set up solid ways to spend on the home or real estate matter. This is an opportunity that you will want to take seriously since it looks so beneficial. Powerful talks, decisions or agreements are in the cards today involving a creative project, lover or child and again, action is indicated although it may stretch you regarding the income/spending.
Wednesday brings Venus and Pluto together in a positive and powerful opportunity for you through local activities, writing, talks, meetings, agreements, siblings, or neighborhood and a creative project, love interest or children. This is about love or major financial matters and a way to bring it all together. Look for lucky breaks coming in unexpectedly through someone else today as well be that through changes occurring with a partner or brought to your attention through an agent or attorney.
Thursday is a bit challenging. Your feelings about work, health or pets/animals will be set out there as you deal with a woman in the local scene or talks, meetings or agreements about the money being earned/spent. Some of you may be dealing with someone having a crush at work or tied to your health regime or activities with pets that you do not reciprocate.
Friday Mercury Retrogrades and for you this means your ruling energy is slowing and backing up now through the area of true love, children and creative ventures. This indicates a time when you may have a current person exit or one from the past return or you may feel like reconnecting with a past lover, child you worked with or creative project to see if there is something there to be picked back up or released. It is more likely you will have misunderstandings, technical or transportation breakdowns tied to love, children or creative ventures now as well so double check messages and appointments as well as put off purchasing electronics or signing contracts tied to these themes until January unless they are from the past. One talk or meeting today has positive potential for you with love or money and this past lover, child or creative project. Work at home takes on more positive energy as well.
LIBRA: (Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is about talks, meetings or agreements that put you in a positive position creatively, in true love or with children and fun. Open up and see what happens or if single, get out there in the local scene and see who you bump into. Changes you hear about at work, with health or pets challenge and require immediate action. Once the Moon moves into Capricorn you are going to be focusing on home matters.
Tuesday or late Monday night brings a positive talk, meeting or agreement that puts your needs in the spotlight and helps you to solidify something long term or final regarding your needs, body, image, or identity. This is great for committing time or effort, making serious contractual agreements, or severing tied permanently in positive ways. The rest of the day is again about home, moves, renovations, roommates, real estate deals, or mom/mother figures and the actions going on here.
Wednesday Venus and Pluto are coming together in a beneficial way for you to earn or spend tied to home. Your ruler is involved so it is personal or you play a significant role in making it all come together but really look for ways to earn or spend from home, real estate, roommates, or moves today. Exciting expansion is occurring through the work you do, health matters or with pets as well, bringing this into the home or making positive changes here to benefit.
Thursday is a bit of a challenge regarding your feelings about a creative project, love interest or child and the money that is being earned or spent. There may be changes or detachment emotionally here or some kind of challenge involving love or a woman tied to the money.
Friday Mercury Retrogrades and takes you back into the past over home, moves, roommates, real estate matters, or mom/mother figures. You will likely see a current person or situation here exit or one from the past return to reevaluate what was said, agreed upon, written, or through meetings or contracts. Changes occur now and you will want to take care with communications, transportation and electronic malfunctions, misunderstandings, and missing objects tied to home/roommates/mom. One very positive opportunity comes through today with a woman and money that can be earned or spent on home. There is also positive energy today around lovers, children or creative ventures and talks you have or agreements you come to that involve your needs or image and long term decisions.
SCORPIO: (Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is about making or spending money for you and an opportunity at home, through property, home business, or spending there. You may feel a change is overdue creatively or through your love connections/children and the way the income is going down, being earned or spent, see how this can change today. Once the Moon moves into Capricorn you will find you are focused on writing, talks, meetings, or siblings.
Tuesday or late Monday night there is an opportunity for you to earn money or spend on something that is very good for you and solidly tied to artistic projects or wares, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, or romantic ideals. Research this or work on it behind closed doors but do follow up on it and either commit to the potential or end something that is no longer satisfying. Major talks, news, decisions, or meetings are slated for today that have the potential to ring change financially or sexually.
Wednesday Venus dances with your ruler, Pluto, and really opens major talks, meetings, agreements, writing projects, moves, neighborhood activities, or opportunities with siblings. Look at ways to connect intimately with another person through a short trip or locally, or to talk about deep attractions, sex or intimacy. You can also utilize this opportunity to discuss or come to terms over something financially beneficial, ring change and share powerful ideas. There is also energy at play today trying to brings excitement and change into your life through love, lovers, children, or creative ventures so don’t be surprised if you are asking, meeting or hearing about something here.
Thursday is challenging as emotions detach a bit over home or living situations and any issues you are having with yourself regarding love, women or money. It is a bit about seeing yourself and where you live or with whom, or regarding who is in your home today in some new way.
Friday Mercury Retrogrades in your communications zone. This is always a powerful place for this retrograde so expect to be going back into the past now over writing projects, meetings, agreements, talks, ideas, moves, local activities, neighborhoods, and siblings. You may see someone currently exit tied to one of these themes or a past person or situation come back around to revisit or release. You will want to double and triple check information since misunderstandings and misplaced invitations and written words go astray. Do not sign agreements until January unless they are from the past project or person. There is a very positive opportunity today to reconnect with a past woman about love or money matters locally, through talks, meetings, writing, or agreements. The other energy at work today is positively tied to home and ways to earn here.
SAGITTARIUS: (Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is about you and positive opportunities with writing projects, agreements, meetings, or talks. Focus on the artistic, spiritual, romantic, or hospital matters for best results. Changes at home may throw you for a bit of a loop today emotionally so be ready to act on what comes up. The rest of the day is about making or spending money.
Tuesday or late Monday night there is a positive opportunity for you to solidify something long term with a friend, group or aspiration of yours. You should get real about what you want and then either commit time and energy or end what is no longer working. Talks, news, agreements, and meetings today regarding income/spending are very powerful and will bet you moving on what you hear/decide. This may present a challenge to be overcome with the friend or group.
Wednesday Venus and Pluto are dancing together in a very positive way to help you transform a financial matter by changing something in the way you earn or through what you spend on today. Look at women in the picture and what you can do behind the scenes, in secret, with artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, investigations, research, or romantic connections to benefit. Exciting change is in the air at home that benefits.
Thursday is challenging as you deal with how you feel about what was said, decided, written, or signed involving the woman and the research, investigations, artistic project, secret, clandestine affair, hidden romance, or spiritual matter. There is some kind of detachment here or possible misunderstanding.
Friday Mercury Retrogrades in your income zone. This means that a current way you are making money may end or you may go back to a past opportunity, or it could be about something you spent on in the past coming back up for review or release, a lost check could resurface, you could find that there are some misunderstandings involving the money being earned or spent or that checks go astray, are deposited incorrectly or electronic glitches affect your income. Transportation malfunctions could get in the way of you getting to the job or breakdowns could cost you. Do not purchase electronics or vehicles until January if you can wait unless they are past possibilities coming back around. You may find that you can cement something with a friend or group today that benefits you long term.
CAPRICORN: (Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is about an opportunity to earn money or spend it on something that seems to have a secret component to it. There is a positive spin on any research you do, artistic or spiritual ties to it, or romantically hidden connections. Just watch out for any contracts or agreements in the mix, changes here may require immediate action. The rest of the day should be about taking care of you and your own needs.
Tuesday or late Monday night brings a very positive opportunity for you to do something behind closed doors that solidifies a long term goal or helps you to cement a goal or end your commitment to it once and for all. There are powerful talks, agreements, or meetings today that will have you very active and dynamic. Again, your interests are important here and you should meet and make things happen on the career front today.
Wednesday Venus and Pluto are meeting up to bring a powerful opportunity with a friend, group or aspiration for you. This is about sex, intimacy or big money in the picture today and you will find it through the friend, social function, group affiliation, or out pursuing your aspirations. Expect exciting news today or talks that take you into new territory and help you to expand your prosperity or happiness.
Thursday is a bit of a challenge regarding income and a friend, group or aspiration. There is something of a detached energy here and you should double check the internet or any information that went out regarding the money you are supposed to get or something you spent on tied to a woman and the social aspiration or connection.
Friday Mercury Retrogrades in your sign, oy! This means you are the one hosting the energy of miscommunications, the past tied to agreements, meetings, decisions, writing, siblings, short trips, and talks. You want to REALLY double check that people are getting what you mean, that your emails and anything written is getting to its destination, that you are not late to meetings, that you have current directions, and that anything you rely on personally for electronic devices is up to date. Do not sign agreements until January unless they are from the past if you can wait. You will likely feel like revisiting the past now to see if your decisions regarding your own needs, image, body, or identity are the right ones and this is ok, revisit, reconnect or release, its about what is best for you. A female friend plays prominently into todays past talk or meeting in a positive way. Income is under positive stars as well today with solid career potential and work you do behind the scenes.
AQUARIUS: Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is about an opportunity to connect with a friend or group over an artistic, romantic, spiritual, or hospital matter in a positive way. There are some changes involving earning or spending here that you will want to tackle actively in the moment. Once the Moon moves into Capricorn you will want to focus on some time to retreat and rest or connect with someone intimately behind closed doors.
Tuesday or late Monday night brings a very positive opportunity for you with a friend, group or aspiration to cement something far away or tied to travel, media, legal, or educational matters. This is about solid, long term potential to commit time and effort or to end something under good stars. Talks today are going to benefit behind the scenes or in secret in powerful ways.
Wednesday Venus and Pluto meet in a powerful dance regarding career opportunities and something artistic, spiritual or romantic. This is golden for making major changes that benefit financially. It may also bring about a change with a secret love interest that helps you to transform the way you love or are intimate. Income is under positive stars today for earning or spending in new and exciting ways.
Thursday is a bit of a challenge on the career front, with reputation or regarding a goal that is important to you. Look at love or money matters you are trying to reach and a woman in the picture here and find the best ways to detach emotionally for now until you can find a way to meet your needs.
Friday Mercury Retrogrades in your house of secrets, artistic projects, hidden romances, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, and investigations. This means you will be slowing down or returning to the past through people or situations tied to these themes in the next few weeks. You may want to revisit or release something that has been going on here. Watch out for misunderstandings or technical glitches, transportation issues, or missed calls tied to these themes as well. Do not sign contracts until January unless they are tied to the past if you can wait. Today is also positive for travel, media, legal, or educational matters and a friend in some solid opportunity for you.
PISCES: (Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is about career, reputation, goals, or father/bosses and an opportunity to connect with something artistic, spiritual, romantic, or hospital related in a positive way. You will need to deal with personal or physical challenges to change in this and take action. Once the Moon moves into Capricorn you will be focusing in on the friend, group or aspiration.
Tuesday or late Monday night is an important opportunity for you on the career front or with an important goal you have to really solidify or end something financially, sexually, through divorce, or dealing with mortality. Powerful news, talks, agreements, or meetings are showing up with a friend, group or aspiration and you will want to motivate immediately.
Wednesday brings Venus and Pluto together in a positive way to help you with a woman through travel, media, education, or legal means. This should be about a powerful transformation with a friend and help you where major finances, divorce, sex, or mortality are concerned. Exciting changes or a major expansion is coming through your connection to this friend, group or aspiration today.
Thursday is a bit challenging as feeling may pull on hidden or buriend emotional matters and you may feel stretched over the travel, legal, media, or educational matter with the woman. Try to detach from the love or money issue that is most frustrating you as you make your choices.
Friday Mercury Retrogrades in your friendship, social affairs, group affiliations, and aspirations zone. This may mark a current friend exiting, group affiliation ending or aspiration wrapping up or it can mean you are revisiting a past friend, group or aspiration during this time to reconnect or release. News, decisions, talks, meetings, writing, and agreements will be topical and you will want double check that you are understood with your friend or they understand you, that communications weren’t lost in transit or forgotten, and watch for transportation and mechanical breakdowns associated with attending parties, friends, groups, or any other social function. There is positive revisiting the past today over someone at a distance, through travel, media, legal, or educational matters. There should also be potential today to work on something behind the scenes that leads to positive goal fulfillment and ways to get real about the financial matters.
Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
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