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Monday opens on a strong sense of what needs taking care of, how we can get a handle on the details of our lives, and this is playing out against a changing scenery around us. Take some time to really look at this, for some there will be more surprises today that require your efforts but for most this is about something you are already quite aware is changing or needs to change. Once the Moon slips into Libra she squares the Sun and Pluto so you will be getting serious about relationships and goals as well today.
Tuesday that relationship Moon sits with Saturn and squares Mars so more serious focus on who you are partnering with, who you no longer want to partner with, who you need to represent your interests, and how you can set limits, take on more responsibility, commit time and effort, sever ties, and make things happen. Retrograde Mercury gets into the picture to help you talk about legal matters, travel plans, beliefs, educational matters, or media and marketing endeavors with an eye on past issues, people or situations and this is under positive aspect so see if you can talk things out with the person of interest in these areas.
Wednesday brings harmonious flow with friends, groups and social functions. The big energy pattern today comes from Mars squaring Saturn. This is traditionally more of a downer energy because Mars wants things to happen yesterday, he wants his own needs met, he brings passion and vigor and would rather act first and worry about the outcome later. Saturn brings restraint, limits, and responsibilities, he often times brings a ‘no’ and tends to slow things down, asking you to grow up and do the hard stuff first. Today Mars is trying to get you to jump in and do something about your goal, ambition, career, or about your own sense of authority. Saturn is speaking to you through a partner, agent, attorney, or other relationship trying to hold you back, slow you down, or get you to do more work. This may feel frustrating, so if it hits you like this, pace your energies and try to really look at what is happening in the bigger picture.
Thursday Mercury stations Direct. So, you have officially had the time the universe felt you needed to go back into the past and revisit past goals and ambitions, look into legal issues or needs, marketing, media, publishing, or publicity themes, classes you took or taught, or travel plans, import/export, and people at a distance. Anything or anyone from the past that tied into these themes would have shown back up or you would have reached out to see what could be reviewed, renewed or released. You are now ready to move forward taking a bit of this past with you or leaving it behind once and for all. Take care today with any agreements, decisions or messages since there tends to be confusion or lost information on the day Mercury stations. After today you can sign contracts, purchase electronics and put your new mindset into play.
Friday brings Scorpio Moon out to play for the New Years Eve festivities so expect lots of sexy hook-ups and powerfully intimate moments if you are out and about. The Moon sits with Venus today and trines both Jupiter and Uranus so love and romance is in the air in a big way. You should find the day is a power peak with the ability to attract love or money into your court or to set down the needs you have in the divorce, with the settlement, bankruptcy, or other outside financial resource in contention. The only challenge today comes through a friend so make sure you are extra sensitive to your friends and if there is anyone who may be feeling left out, see if you can extend an olive branch in keeping with the positive energies of the New Year!
ARIES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is about reacting to any unexpected surprises coming from institutions, secrets revealed, artistic projects, or clandestine affairs. It is important to put some energy into detailing the work or health matters because of this, possibly of covering your pets in some way as well. Relationships are tested today over goals, reputation or career so do your best to deal with partners, agents, attorneys, or specialists with care.
Tuesday your ruler is stirring the pot over career, reputation, goals, or an authority figure. This is in reaction to what you feel about the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or opponent. It looks challenging, passionate, or angry so fireworks may spark. Your best bet comes through news, talks, agreements, or meetings involving law, education, media, or travel and the past person or situation.
Wednesday the Mars/Saturn square is going to bring career issues or reputation to a peak, with drive, anger or action pushing you forward here. This could involve a boss, father figure or authority figure as well. Saturn puts down limits or ads more responsibilities around the partner, agent, attorney, or opponent. This person may be the one who sobers you up over what is occurring or tells you ‘no’.
Thursday Mercury stations Direct and you are ready to move forward with a whole new mindset over the legal, travel, media, marketing, or educational matter. You are ready to leave the past behind you through one of these means or to bring some of it forward in a new way. Legal agreements, contracts, or important meetings can now move forward and you can purchase electronic devices related to these fields as of tomorrow.
Friday the energy shifts towards sex, intimacy, financial realms, or divorce issues. It’s a day that feels deep and powerful and should help you to attract what you need intimately or in the divorce or financial matter. Look for answers to come through research, strategies, hospitals, film, music or other art forms, secret love affairs, or spiritual pursuits. The only challenge today is over friendship, feeling nostalgic or misunderstood.
TAURUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday puts your needs focused on a lover, children or creative output and attending to the details here. You may want to be of service in these areas and need to put in some effort. However there is some social matter, a friend or group obligation that is pulling on you as well. There may be a change here or a surprise in the mix. Once the Moon moves into Libra energy moves to work, health or pet matters you share with someone. Legal, travel, media, or educational issues will likely be challenging this.
Tuesday Mars gets into the mix and pushes buttons over the trip, legal matter, education, or media issues. You are going to want to be active here, to dive in, follow your passions through these means but work, health or pet issues again are holding you up or presenting some form of challenge. A positive flow is to talks that are intimate, meetings that are sexy, or communications that benefit financially or help to explain what the financial situation is for you. If you need to discuss divorce issues, today is positive for that as well.
Wednesday Mars squares Saturn and brings the weeks emotional challenge to a peak. Mars again wants action through travel, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, education, or legal means. He is worked up, motivated, passionate, or angry and in the moment. Saturn is putting on the breaks over work, health or pet matters. Friends and social obligations are all over the place but career and goals are aligned through any artistic or spiritual approach you take.
Thursday Mercury stations Direct and after weeks of backtracking into the past people and situations, you are now ready to make some decisions regarding sex, intimacy, divorce, or shared financial matters such as loans, bankruptcy, settlements, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, inheritance, or your partners money. There still may be some confusion today as your mind shifts according to what you have learned and you are ready to make new choices. After today it is ok to sign contracts, make decisions and have those talks or meetings regarding these topics.
Friday is all about an important relationship. This is under very positive stars for love or money and attracting what you desire with this person. This can mean connecting with a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or dealing with a competitor. Friends, groups and social occasions are under positive stars as well so plan on getting out and socializing this New Years Eve. The only challenge today shows up around nostalgia for a goal or career matter or feeling a bit confused about what has transpired here.
GEMINI: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday you should look seriously at where you are living and what effort you can put into what is going on here. It’s about the details and work you can do to better the current situation or make changes. Once the Moon moves into Libra you are going to be looking at how you feel about a lover or love interest, child or creative project and what is becoming an intense challenge or frustration involving the financial picture, sexual matter or divorce issue here.
Tuesday Mars gets into the picture so you can rest assured that needs and desires, anger and action will all come into play regarding the sexual attraction or issue, divorce or financial picture. This is motivating you to do something or to react to something going on with that third party or regarding them. Again, the lover, child or creative project is where you are feeling serious, limited, under more responsibilities, or questioning whether you should commit or end things.
Wednesday it all comes to a peak as Mars squares Saturn and the triangle that has been playing out over sexual intrigues or attractions, issues or anger, or that has been pushing buttons over divorce issues, loans, settlements, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, or other outside resources goes off. Whatever occurs today sets the tone for deciding to commit more to the lover, child or creative project or end what is going on here. Make adjustments to shifting goals and reach out to travel, legal, media, or educational means for support.
Thursday Mercury stations Direct in your relationship sector. So, you have officially had more than enough time to revisit past partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, and other significant relationships or relationship issues to determine what needed reconnection and what needed letting go. Today as Mercury shifts in the sky you will likely make your last decision about this, ready to move forward with or without a certain someone. If you have been thinking about signing a contract, divorce decree or marriage certificate, you are now in the clear to do so, just wait until tomorrow so you have Mercury moving again with your decision.
Friday is all about the work, health or pet matter and the aspects today are very positive for you here. Look for ways to engage women in these areas or if you need to attract money or love, the work you do, taking care of health at the gym, out hiking or at the doctors, or walking the pets, these are the kinds of activities that will give you your best bet. Career surprises or positive encouragement comes through bosses or people in positions of authority over you today. The only challenge is with a legal, travel, media, or educational matter, it seems a bit confusing or the artistic or romantic side of it is not fully fledged.
CANCER: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is about attending to any writing you have or feelings you have regarding something said, heard or met about. There is some kind of change or surprise in the wind over media, travel, legal, or educational matters that may be playing into this. If you are wrestling with a decision then tend to all the details of the matter to help you focus in on the right choice. Once the Moon moves into Libra you will be focused on home, mom or property matters and a relationship that exists here. This is under challenging aspects so you may be trying to make changes or deal with ones that are imposed.
Tuesday the home, living situation, move, roommate, mom/mother figure, real estate deal, or family matter is again the focus but today Mars is getting into the picture and pushing energy through the partner, agent, attorney, or specialist. This is in square so it is frictional meaning that you will see actions, passions or anger kicked up through this relationship and it will have an effect on home or roots in some way. Positive energy is available for you to talk or meet over work, health or pet matters.
Wednesday Mars squares Saturn so the weeks issues over home and relationship come to a head. Mars wants action and this is coming through the partner, agent, attorney, or competitor. It is about passion, anger or drive amping up around the relationship. Saturn wants limits, commitments or endings, responsibilities, and effort at home, with moves, around roommates, mom, or security needs. The positive energy for you today comes through sexual connections, divorce or outside financial realms. Be willing to make adjustments in legal, media, educational, or travel matters.
Thursday Mercury stations Direct in your work, health and pet sector. This means you have had time to go back into the past and revisit past decisions, people or situations tied to work projects, health matters and animals and you are now ready to make up your mind about some matters here and move forward. Today you may draw a line in the sand or take someone or something from the past forward into this new approach, or you may leave them or it behind once and for all.
Friday is going to focus in on true love, children and creative projects. This energy today is very positive with the ability to attract love or money to your creative endeavors, for your loved ones, and around any fun experience. There are openings for you with lovers, kids or creative projects to travel, make things legal, dive into media or publicity, or take or teach a class and this looks very lucky and prosperous for you. The only challenge today is over confusion or unclear lines regarding divorce, sex or joint finances.
LEO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday brings feelings about earning money or what is being spent to the forefront for you. It’s important to look at the changes or surprises going on with a partners income or with some outside resource like a loan, your debt, insurance matters, taxes, bankruptcy, inheritance, or how money is being dealt with through a divorce as you get to the details and put in the effort. Once the Moon moves into Libra you will be talking or meeting with partners, agents, attorneys, or other important people in your world about any powerful issues involving work, health or pets and limits or added responsibilities here.
Tuesday Mars gets into the action so expect to feel like diving head first into the work, health or pet matter, or to react strongly with passion, motivation or anger over what is going on here. Again there will be talks, news, decisions, meetings, or agreements involving someone significant in this as you look at limits or responsibilities. For some of you the topic of commitment or endings may be in the mix. Where opportunity waits is in talks or decisions based on kids, with kids, over love, or involving creative projects.
Wednesday Mars and Saturn square so the weeks build-up of energy over work, health, pets, and decisions peaks now. Mars wants action, he wants passion, anger expressed, motivation, and he is beaming it into work, with co-workers, employees, over health, with healthcare providers, gyms, doctors, diet, and with pets, animal rescue, environmental causes. He will ask that you go on your gut and do it. Saturn on the other hand is someone important to you saying ‘no’ or ‘slow down’ or ‘do more’ or in some other way setting limits, showing you restrictions, or asking for commitment or endings. Do your best to follow your truth in this and find ways to balance against the other persons needs.
Thursday the energy shifts to focus on home, family, mom, or moves. There is powerful and positive energy in place at home to step up and tackle work here, deal with health issues at home or with mom or family, or to make important changes involving pets at home. Mercury stations Direct today and after weeks of backtracking into past issues, with past people and situations, you are now ready to move forward with a new perspective regarding a lover, love interest, child, or creative project. Do yourself a favor a wait until tomorrow to state your case or make your change. You can now sign contracts or purchase electronic gear and transportation items again and should see these things clear up in relation to kids, love or creative output.
Friday brings a very smooth, positive flow at home, with moves, family, mom/mother figures, real estate deals, or roommates. Venus is here helping you to attract love or money to the home and women may benefit you there as well. There is luck and excitement or change going on in a positive way around sex, divorce or outside financial resources tied to home, real estate, mom, or moves. The only challenge today is in some confusion or nostalgia for an important relationship at home.
VIRGO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday brings up emotional matters over your own needs being met or over physical issues you will want to tend to. Look at the small print when it comes to you today, what do you need? Changes or surprises are going on in at least one important relationship and you will want to have a handle on your own limits or needs as you deal with these. Once the Moon moves into Libra the focus will move towards how you feel about money being earned or spent. There are powerful issues going on with a creative project, child or love interest that are affecting you monetarily so get real about it now.
Tuesday Mars gets into the mix and gives you a giant push through the lover, love interest, child, or creative project. This is about something happening here, motivating yourself to make it happen, passions ignited, or anger bubbling up. Again, how you feel about money being earned or spent is an important factor in the balance of what you do here. A talk or decision you make about home, with roommates, about a move, real estate deal, living situation, or regarding mom/mother figures is under positive stars, so open up as it affects income/spending in beneficial ways.
Wednesday Mars and Saturn square and the energy between income and love, children or creative projects hits a peak. Mars is all about getting you to act, to dive in, to express passions, to release anger, and he is coming on strong through or over a lover, love interest, child, or creative project. Saturn is all about setting limits, adding responsibilities, or pushing for commitment or endings and he is there with the ‘no’ or ‘slow down’ or ‘I do’ or ‘It’s over’ around money being earned or spent. It’s serious, what do you want? Work, health and pets are under positive stars and may generate more income today or be recipient of money you spend but in positive ways.
Thursday your ruler, Mercury, goes Direct! This always feels as if you are coming out of the twilight zone a bit. You have had several weeks to revisit the past, to step back into past issues, see people and situations from the past, and to look at how this affected the home environment for you. You may have gone to an old house, had visitors from the past pop by the home, or issues from childhood could have come up to be faced, embraced or released. Mom/mother figures, family, security needs, real estate deals, moves, or renovations could all be areas of interest in this revisit. Now you are ready to move forward with a new perspective and make some decisions about what you want. It is ok starting tomorrow to sign contracts, purchase electronic gear or vehicles again. A very powerful change is brewing under positive stars with a lover, child or creative venture today.
Friday brings positive energy again and for you this means talks, meetings, decisions, agreements, short trips, involvement with siblings (especially sisters), and writing projects. Venus is here to help you attract love or money through communications or local endeavors. Surprises, changes and excitement are in the air with an important relationship, this could be someone you partner with or a representative, open up and talk about it. The only challenge today stems from work, health or pet news or decisions.
LIBRA: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday you want to spend some time resting or in retreat, researching, strategizing, getting into the mystic or muse, or dealing with hospitals or other institutions. Your needs are in focus here but there will be work, health or pet matters that pop up and demand attention as well. Once the Moon moves into Libra you are going to be focusing on you. Look at your body, image, personal needs, or identity and get serious with how you are partnering here to reach your goals. Something happening with your home or real estate, a move or roommate is going to be challenging to where you are in this scenario, step up and be willing to make powerful changes as they present themselves.
Tuesday Mars gets into the action so you will be getting quite active at home, over the property, move, or with the roommate. This energy will push you to motivate, to express passions or anger and again, your own needs and how you are balancing with another as you strive to reach your personal needs are at stake. There is potential to have a talk, write, hold a meeting, or sign an agreement, or to involve a neighbor or brother or sister in something positive to help you reach your aim, go for it.
Wednesday Mars squares Saturn and the week’s issues or challenges hit a peak. Mars wants action, he demands passion, energy, or the release of anger and he is working it up over the home, a real estate deal, property matter, roommate, move, or mom/mother figure. Saturn on the other hand is setting limits, saying ‘no’, asking for commitment or endings, and demanding more responsibility and he is doing this through or about you. So your body, your needs, your identity are in some way up against this and you must find ways to take on more or say no more. Your creative house is lit up in positive ways today so look for love, children or creative projects to inspire.
Thursday Mercury stations Direct in your communications zone and after weeks of backtracking, slow-downs and revisiting the past decisions, writing, agreements, and people or situations tied to your local scene, siblings, neighbors, and he said/she said, you are now ready to move forward again. It’s officially ok to sign contracts, you should see any that have been held up begin to move again, or to make new choices with brothers or sisters, moves, neighborhood, writing, agreements, or meetings. It looks like you should be feeling pretty good today about money being earned or spent, especially as it relates to home, moves, real estate, or home business.
Friday brings positive energy around income, spending and possessions. It’s a day with Venus in your corner here so women benefit you monetarily and you should be able to attract money more easily. Love comes through while earning or spending today and there is all kinds of luck and excitement opening up over work, health or pets. The only challenge today is with how money is playing out with a creative endeavor, child or love interest.
SCORPIO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday brings up feelings with friends, groups or aspirations and how you are in balance with these people or your dreams. Changes, surprises or shocks are coming in through creative outlets, children or love interests today and will in some way need to be channeled in relationship to these friends or aspirations. Once the Moon moves into Libra there will be strong energy around withdrawal, time behind closed doors or in secret, and a relationship that is going on under cover. This could involve clandestine romance, hidden agendas, hospitals, spiritual pursuits, or research projects. Whatever is going on with you here is feeding off of powerful changes coming through your ideas, writing, meetings, or talks, pay attention to what is changing.
Tuesday Mars gets into the picture so expect to motivate, see passion or anger come onto the scene and for it to play out locally, through a talk or meeting, writing or agreements, or to involve neighbors, moves, siblings, or short trips. There is potential to spend or earn in some secret or mystical, muse oriented way today, make the call or hold the meeting.
Wednesday Mars squares Saturn and the weeks energy peaks over the time going on behind the scenes, the research, strategy, secret, clandestine lover, hospital, film, music or other artistic outlet, or spiritual pursuit, and the local connection, talk, meetings, agreement, writing project, or short trip. Mars wants action, passion or anger to express through the words you use or write, the meeting or short trip, and Saturn is setting limits, asking for more responsibility, commitments, or endings behind closed doors or tied to the artistic, spiritual, romantic, or hospital matter. Adaptations with kids, lovers or creative projects are in the mix of the day and home is where you can smoothly find inspiration.
Thursday Mercury stations Direct in your income zone. You have had several weeks to back track into past territory over the way you earn, spend or regarding any important possessions in question. You have met with past people and situations and looked at what you could pick back up or release to move forward on stronger footing monetarily. You can now sign agreements, pitch writing, make decisions, have the talk or meeting about income after today. The energy around you, your image or physical needs and a meeting, agreement, writing project, or talk are very powerful today and quite positive as well!
Friday is one of those great energy days when everything is attuned to you. Venus in your sign is in her last week here and she is granting you the ability to attract love or money to yourself or for yourself. It should be easy to charm the socks off of just about anyone. There are wide open doors awaiting you creatively today, as well as with children in your life and any lovers or love interests. This looks exciting and beneficial so say yes. The only challenge today stems from home or property matters and any nostalgia or confusion here.
SAGITTARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday opens with the needs you have on a career level or around a major goal of yours. You will want to look at how your efforts are working for you, if the service you provide could be better displayed and find ways to tackle the details here. There will be some wild cards thrown in at home, with family, roommates, moves, or real estate matters as you try to find your balance here. Once the Moon moves into Libra it becomes about how you feel about a friend, group affiliation or aspiration and the major changes and empowerment you are working towards with income matters.
Tuesday Mars gets into the mix so you will want to take action towards earning more, spending on something you are passionate about, or expressing any anger over income, spending or a possession in question. Again the friend, group, social occasion, or aspiration is in the equation here pushing at the action. Talks or agreements you can come to with the friend, group or around the aspiration are under positive stars so take the opportunity to open up and ask for what you need.
Wednesday Mars squares Saturn so you will see the issue of the past couple days come to a peak. Mars wants action, passion or anger to peak over making money, spending it or dealing with the possession. Saturn is there setting limits, adding responsibilities, or saying ‘no’, ‘lets commit’ or ‘It’s over’ through the friendship, group, social occasion, or aspiration. Regardless, you should be able to communicate with the friend or group in positive fashion about artistic, spiritual, hospital, or romantic needs.
Thursday Mercury stations Direct in your sign. This day may be a bit foggy since the day a planet turns can be a bit confusing so take it easy on yourself but this day does mark the turning point for you. You are ready to make a decision about your needs, your body, image, identity, or a personal matter that is close to you. You have had weeks now to revisit the past through people or situations and now you should have better understanding of what you need or want to be true to yourself. You are in the all clear to sign contracts, purchase electronic items or vehicles after today. Positive changes seem to be on slate with spending, earning or possessions as well.
Friday brings Venus behind closed doors for you which means you can connect with the muse or the mystic in an easier manner, attract love or money behind closed doors, in secret, tied to artistic outlets such as film, music or painting, and smoothly flow through spiritual pursuits or attend to hospital needs. There is luck and expansion at home, with moves, roommates, mom/mother figures, real estate deals, and family today. The only challenge today may come from news that catches you off guard and may not be altogether true, check your facts.
CAPRICORN: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday opens with emotional needs in the details tied to travel, distance, media, marketing, education, or legal matters. There will be some kind of surprising news or talks that challenge this for you or ask that you bring it into balance. Once the Moon moves into Libra you are going to be looking at career, ambition, reputation, goals, or leadership matters and an important relationship here. How are your needs changing and evolving?
Tuesday Mars gets into the picture to motivate you to make any changes or go after what you want with more energy, passion or dealing with the anger in the mix. Again this is pointing to a major goal, career agenda, ambition, reputation, or something involving dad, an authority figure, or leadership. Talks that go on behind the scenes are favored.
Wednesday Mars squares Saturn so the weeks issues peak today as Mars pushes you to dive in, do it, go for it, make it happen, bring the passion or anger and push yourself in some major way towards what you want. Saturn is slowing things down, saying ‘no’ or demanding more responsibility, limits, or restrictions on the career front, through the boss, authority figure, dad, or around reputation. Income is under positive stars so let your inspirations take you in this direction.
Thursday Mercury stations Direct in the hidden part of your chart and all that backtracking into the past is now ready to make new decisions based on taking something forward from the past or leaving it solidly behind you. This is going on over clandestine affairs, secrets, hidden agendas, research, investigations, hospitals, artistic projects, or spiritual pursuits. You are now in the clear to sign contracts, make decisions, purchase electronic gear or vehicles as of tomorrow. Very positive energy is flowing for you through friends, groups or aspirations today.
Friday is a positive day for you with friends, groups, social occasions, networking, or around aspirations. Venus is working on your behalf here to help attract love or money through these people or dreams and women will be beneficial for you here as well. It’s a laid back energy geared towards fun. Talks, meetings or ideas that arise with them should be beneficial and lucky, exciting and offer you some interesting opportunities. The only challenge today is with income or spending and something a bit cloudy or confusing here with the friend, group or aspiration.
AQUARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday opens with emotional emphasis on the financial situation and if you are dealing with divorce this will be part of the equation as well. It’s important to tackle the fine print and attend to the details in this. Also look at how any changes to income or new approaches are working out as well as any unusual expenses that are putting you over the top. Once the Moon moves into Libra you will be looking at travel, marketing, media, education, or legal matters and your feelings about an important relationship or representative in the mix. Things are changing very profoundly on a level that you may not even be aware of yet but it involves you reclaiming your power.
Tuesday Mars gets into the picture to amp up the energy, motivate you, bring the passion or the anger to release, all in the same hidden, unconscious part of your world. This again is tied to relationship needs and long distance, travel, media, legal, educational, or marketing that is affecting it. Talk to a friend, they have your back.
Wednesday Mars squares Saturn and brings whatever has been going on this week to a head. Mars is going to push unconscious buttons and you may act or react out of hidden issues, self-sabotage, addictions, or needs that are sparking around clandestine affairs, artistic projects, research, hospitals, or spiritual pursuits. Again passion or anger is in the mix and a need to move things. Saturn on the other hand is demanding responsibility, limits, restrictions, or saying ‘no’, ‘commit’ or ‘it’s over’ around the legal, travel, media, or educational matter. It’s serious and your best bet is to tune in to your own body/spirit connection, center yourself, meditate, or allow for some artistic flow to give you your answer.
Thursday Mercury stations Direct in your house of friends, groups, social occasions, and aspirations. You have had several weeks to back track into the past, reconnect with past aspirations, friends or groups, look at past issues through the eyes of these people, and you are now ready to make some conscious decisions about moving forward with a new perspective. You are now in the clear to sign contracts, purchase electronic gear or vehicles after today. Career opportunities are positive today and you may find changes to your liking.
Friday is a great day for career, reputation, fame, father, bosses, goals, ambitions, and leadership. Venus is helping you attract the love or money you need here today and bringing women to benefit your aims. There is a huge potential to make some big money through career goals or to make a major purchase regarding a big goal as well. This looks lucky and exciting. The only challenge today is around your feelings about who you are and where you fit in as things evolve.
PISCES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday opens with a focus on how you are feeling about a partner or representatives service to you or how they are attending to the details or efforts needed to make things work. You may be looking at their health issues as well or how they deal with pets. Whatever the focus, you will likely feel a bit rebellious in response to it or want some kind of change. Once the Moon moves into Libra you will be looking at the deeply shared financial, sexual or divorce matters are affecting relationship. You will be facing changes to friendships or in groups or around aspirations in relationship to this matter.
Tuesday Mars gets into the picture which will push you to do something around the friend, for the friend, in reaction to the friend, or tied to a group, aspiration, or social occasion. Mars is bringing passions or anger into play as well today so watch for these heating up. Again the financial, sexual, divorce, or mortality issue is what is driving you. Talks about career or with people in positions of authority should go well today.
Wednesday Mars squares Saturn and brings the weeks challenges to a peak. Mars is pushing for something to happen with the friend, group, social occasion, or aspiration. He wants action, passion or anger to be released. Saturn is sitting on the financial agenda, the sexual attraction or issue, the divorce, or the life or death situation and asking for more responsibility, limits, commitments, or endings in the situation. He is trying to slow things down while Mars is trying to amp them up. Your spiritual, research, artistic, or romantic nature will help you to deal with what is peaking. Institutions should be on your side today.
Thursday Mercury stations Direct and after several weeks of slow-downs and backtracking into your past with career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, father, bosses, and authority figures, you are now ready to make new decisions and go in new directions. You may be taking something from the past forward with you in new ways or saying good-bye to a chapter for good. You are now in the clear to sign contracts, purchase vehicles or electronic gear after today. You should be feeling good about travel, legal, educational, or media matters tied to the friend or group as major change and positive action are on the slate in these areas.
Friday brings Venus to your side to travel, deal with someone far away, get the legal matter working smoothly, put the marketing, publicity, publishing, or media deal on the table, or smooth out things in the class you are taking or teaching. She is here to help you attract love or money to these fields today. You are in a position to expand, draw luck and prosperity to your side through any of these realms as long as you put yourself physically into the mix. The only challenge today lies with a hospital, hidden agenda, clandestine affair, artistic outlet, or spiritual pursuit, where confusion or nostalgia might get the better of you.
Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
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1 comment:
Great post..........
pet planet
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