Tune in Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific on CBS Worldwide Radio ~ New Sky Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show to listen. You can call in with astrology questions if you want to be part of THE ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW! The call-in number is: 248-545-7685
If you missed ZOE'S VIDEO about the Sign change, here it is and no, YOUR SIGN DOES NOT CHANGE! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlREtiaToZE
All along the watchtower…….
We are moving towards a Full Moon in Cancer this week, the one sign of the Grand Cross that stood as a receptacle to the massive change energetic in our lives over the last year, the sign that has hosted the Karmic South Node since August of 2009 and therefore been our placement of past life rebalancing, reconnections and mirroring, the sign of our family, home, mother, emotional center, country, food, nurture, and sense of roots. Expect emotions to peak this week over a celebratory achievement or deeply felt ending. This one is truly written in the stars.
Monday the Sun in Capricorn dances with the great awakener and change agent, Uranus, meaning we are on course for some positive change around involving film, art, music, poetry, spiritual pursuits, romance, research, hospitals, or something we are strategizing over or working on behind closed doors. This should open doors to career or goals we’ve set, it may come at you from out of the blue so be ready, say yes.
Tuesday Mercury and Pluto meet on the same degree in Capricorn so there is news, a talk, meeting, or agreement that is powerful on its way to the career, goal or regarding reputation or fame. The Cancer Moon energy is stirring up emotions over your sense of security or grounding with a woman, she will be tied to travel, distance, media, publishing, education, marketing, publicity, politics, or legal matters and you should try to work around the situation with an aim at making concessions on both sides. Partners or representatives demand effort or show you where limits must be set.
Wednesday is the FULL MOON in Cancer bringing peak celebrations, achievement or a time of endings involving roots, home, real estate matters, roommates, mom/mother figures, family, moves, food, nurturing, or what you are building upon. There are positive ties to changes and following your intuition towards your goals today with quite a bit of luck in the mix as well. Once the Moon moves into Leo and opposes Mars in Uranus all bets may be off with friends, lovers, kids, creative projects, social functions, or groups, it could be quite fun or wildly different.
Thursday the Sun enters Aquarius and kicks off a new 30 day cycle of personal social connection and soul group endeavors. Look around because the people who are close to you right now are significant in achieving something special in your life this year. If you are feeling isolated, reach out for new connections during this month, it’s not too late to share ideas and kinship. The Moon brings a need for love and fun today with opportunities with significant relationships and outlets revolving around media, travel, education, or legal channels.
Friday there is something a bit off with a friend or group and you should not read anything into it at this point, there is a need to attend to your creative efforts and wait until the fog clears a bit in the next few days before bringing it up with them. Changes are going on behind the scenes and the more adaptive you are, the better luck you will have. Once the Moon moves into Virgo you will see that you are focusing in on your work, health or pets and again, needing to give your social realm, friend or group some wide birth.
ARIES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday puts the light on you, superstar status is yours today on the career front, step up and look for unique approaches, new people or situations, all spontaneous moments to bring opportunity for you to shine or achieve. Hospitals, film, music, artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, research, or work behind the scenes are all favored.
Tuesday brings an important talk, meeting or agreement for you on the career front. If you are looking for promotion, need to interview, meet with someone powerful, or put information out there about your business or name, do it now. Any news that is heavy or deconstructive is about clearing the way for a powerful new beginning. Home or security needs are a bit stressful today as you deal with a woman about legal, media, travel, or educational matters and make adjustments. The partner, opponent or representative is either not able to help or requires more from you today, pace yourself.
Wednesday is the FULL MOON in Cancer bringing a peak celebration or ending at home, with real estate, moves, roommates, mom/mother figures, or family. There is something very exciting going on tied to this today that could mean change is good and something unforeseen is in the mix. You are in the spotlight again on the career front in positive light for expansion through research, work on some artistic outlet, hospital or other institution, or spiritual interest. Passions or anger get stirred with a friend, group or social occasion tonight.
Thursday the Sun moves into Aquarius and puts the focus on your friends, groups, networking, social activities, and aspirations over the next 30 days. This is a great time to connect with others and go after your dreams. You may meet a new friend who is bound to be important in your life during this time as well. Focus on creative projects, love or kids today and see what you can achieve with a partner, agent, attorney, or other representative. There could be love or money coming through travel, media, legal channels, or education.
Friday is not a good day to try to figure out what is going on with a friend or group, focus instead on your creative objectives, love interests or children. There is something going on behind the scenes that requires some adjustments here as you stretch out in new ways. Once the Moon moves into Virgo there is a desire to tackle work, health or pet issues.
TAURUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is putting you front and center in a travel matter, media or marketing moment, educational agenda, or legal topic with lots of excitement and new opportunities that are social. Involve friends or groups if you can and be open to new connections made today, they look positive even if they are short lived.
Tuesday is all about the news, talk, meeting, or agreement regarding the trip, legal matter, education, or media/publishing/publicity topic. It’s very powerful and important so go into it with this in mind. The chatty Gemini Moon is bringing up topics to connect with involving sex, divorce or shared financial matters and any adjustments that might be necessary. There seem to be added responsibilities or obstacles to overcome on the work front today or involving health or pets.
Wednesday is the FULL MOON in your communications zone so you may be reaching some achievement with a writing project, meeting, or agreement, marking an end here, or seeing a short trip, neighborhood matter, or issue with a brother or sister peak today. Something positive is tied into all of this helping you to reach an aspiration or do something different and exciting with a friend or group. You are standing out through media, publicity, legal, educational, or travel matters with opportunities tied to these aspirations.
Thursday the Sun moves into Aquarius and lights up your career Midheaven for the next 30 days. This is a great time to shine, to involve friends or groups, get your name out there, launch a business, step up and take on more responsibility or authority, master a new subject, or promote your career through the internet. Home is a focus for you today with positive energy around love and sex here or working on financial or divorce issues tied to home/real estate. You should also commit to the work, health or pets since this is positive at home as well.
Friday may pit home needs against career issues, especially where a friend or group is concerned. It’s not the best day to try to get a clear picture here and you will need to make some adjustments around the friend or groups needs as something is bound to change or pop up unexpectedly now. It seems you are also being pulled by love, creative outlets, or children today as well and may need to try to balance a lot of different energies to enjoy your time here.
GEMINI: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is going to shine a light on your sex appeal, financial picture or divorce needs as something sudden and exciting is coming along for you. This could be a career opportunity or major goal or someone unusual or different approaching you to get things moving in one of these areas. Say yes. Talk about any issues you have and make some adjustments to work it through.
Tuesday brings an important and powerful piece of information your way or something intense that comes through a talk, meeting or agreement. This is again going to be about sex, triangles or intimacy so some of you may be meeting someone amazing today or deciding something about this part of your life that has a profound effect on you, or this is about a divorce issue or financial matter such as a loan, settlement, bankruptcy, commission, royalty, insurance, taxes, inheritance, or other outside resource. You need to make money and deal with any limits that the creative process, child or love interest is having here.
Wednesday is the FULL MOON in your income zone and marks a celebration as you achieve some peak here or an ending around one source of money. There is an exciting energy around career and unique or original ideas in the mix so be open to change or shine a light on your inspiration. You are in the spotlight with this sexual, divorce or financial matter today and it is opening up opportunity in a major way to expand towards your goal or reach a career highpoint.
Thursday the Sun moves into Aquarius and puts the spotlight on travel, media, publicity, marketing, legal, and educational matters over the next 30 days. You will want to step up and put your face or identity out there, get on that plane, get physically involved in any of these areas for best results. Talks or agreements signed over creative projects or for kids or love are under positive, long term and solid influences. You should be able to find support with a partner or representative as well.
Friday, the trip, media venture, publicity, educational issue, or legal topic may feel a bit unclear or out there. Don’t try to figure it all out today, work on any writing or thinking things through that needs attention and meet with those involved or talk things out as best you can. More adjustments to the career or goal are called for, this is big. Once the Moon moves into Virgo you will find you want to focus on home and anything there you need to attend to related to the trip, media, education, or legal matter.
CANCER: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday you are going to be involved with someone else in something very important for your own well being. This is an exciting day when there may be something that offers you a trip, media or publicity opportunity, educational outlet, or legal agreement or opportunity that you should be willing to consider. Get in there and put your personal stamp on the project.
Tuesday Mercury and Pluto come together in your relationship zone meaning there is going to be news, a talk, meeting, writing project, or agreement that is about transforming or empowering a situation and it will come through a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor. You need to make some adjustments around your work, health or pet situation and then set some limits or take on more responsibility at home.
Wednesday is the FULL MOON in your sign! This is a high point for you with something being achieved that is quite personal to you or a time when you mark a personal ending in some way. There is excitement and opportunity around travel, media, legal, or educational matters for you. Step it up with the partner, agent, attorney, or competition and expand in these fields now. You may have to take some action on the financial front as you field this powerful day.
Thursday the Sun moves into your 8th house to put a spotlight on sex, intimacy, divorce, or financial matters for you over the next 30 days. This is a great placement for feeling more vigorous sexually and for meeting someone who you find attractive if single. It will help you put your energy into handling any divorce matters if this is where you are at and give you a bit of edge when trying to attract loans, commissions, or deal with any other outside financial resource. If you can earn from home it looks good today and work should flow as well as health matters now.
Friday is about making money and dealing with any issues around a partners financial picture or debt, settlements, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, or other outside financial issues. Today these things are under a bit of a fog so don’t beat yourself up trying to figure it all out, focus instead on what you can earn today and make any adjustments around the trip, media, legal, or educational matters involved.
LEO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday you should gear up for work and any financial outcomes you are hoping for, there is opportunity for real breakthroughs so if you are interviewing, try a few new places or approaches. Health is under positive energy along with changes you make that are powerful at a transformational level.
Tuesday brings important news or a talk, meeting, writing matter, or agreement to the forefront and it is going to change things in a powerful way with work you do or are going after, a co-worker, employee, health matter, or your pets. There is energy around time spent alone or behind closed doors working on something and you may need to set some limits or try to find a way to balance your local responsibilities.
Wednesday is the FULL MOON in the hidden part of your chart and this will either bring a time of retreat and isolation to an end for you or you will see a peak celebration or ending around a film, music or other artistic project, hospital involvement, research project, strategy time, investigation, clandestine affair, or spiritual pursuit. You are in the spotlight today with the work, health or pets and this links positively to expansion going on financially so if you need to find a loan or set a commission or royalty rate, go for it.
Thursday the Sun moves into your partnership, representative and opponent sector. This means that for the next 30 days this is where your vital energy is going to be spent and where you will shine the brightest. It’s a good time to connect with someone significant or deal with anyone who is competing with you. Focus in on your own needs today and look for ways to express your creative side or enjoy kids or time with a lover, you can have talks or meetings that will help you make serious decisions or get serious ideas across in positive ways now.
Friday is about you and one important relationship. This could be a perfect balance romantically or artistically or it could be about a whole lot of fog, confusion or deception going on. Feel it out and if you are unsure, wait a few days before making any serious moves. You need to delve into the sex, divorce or shared resource area of life again today and do some more adjusting around shared energy as it pertains to your needs.
VIRGO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday the Sun is shining on you creatively and in matters of the heart so go all out to connect with a lover or spend time with a child, delve into creative projects, you should be able to make changes in relationship or to try new things, meet someone who is unlike past partners or find a new way to involve agents or attorneys, all good.
Tuesday brings powerful news, talks, meetings, writing, or agreements to the forefront involving the creative project, a lover, love interest, or child. You may meet someone today who changes your life in one of these areas or sign an agreement that sets you on a new path. Your aspirations are front and center and this may involve a group or friend. You will need to make some adjustments at home and deal with any income issues by setting limits or taking on more responsibility.
Wednesday is the FULL MOON in Cancer and this is bringing a peak celebration or achievement involving a friend, group, social affair, or aspiration. You may also mark an ending in connection here at this time as well. Again, you are in the spotlight with the lover, child or creative project and there is great opportunity to expand through partnership, representation or another significant relationship, all good.
Thursday the Sun moves into your work, health and pet zone and puts the spotlight on you in these areas over the next 30 days. This is where your vital energy will be best spent now and where you will want to step out and let people see you on the work front, get your body into shape, and connect with animals. You can achieve much through time spent behind closed doors on work or health matters at home today along with any ways you have to earn money through research, artistic, spiritual, or institutional means.
Friday you will want to work behind the scenes, trust your imagination or intuition on the work you are doing and don’t push yourself too hard on trying to figure out the next exact detail on the work, health or pet front since there is a bit of fog in this area. You should try to deal with the partner or representative in the situation and work around any issues that need some finessing. Changes are required and you will want to put in the effort here now.
LIBRA: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday puts a spotlight on you at home or over a property matter, roommate, mom/mother figure, or move. You are in a good position to make headway today through unusual work opportunities, outside help, healthy choices, or something going on with your pets. If you want to reach a creative or love goal today focus in on the trip, media, publicity, education, or legal part of the situation, it is under positive stars.
Tuesday brings powerful news, talks, meetings, writing, or agreements about the home, move, roommate, mom/mother figure, or real estate matter. This is the kind of energy that can change everything and you should take it seriously and set things in motion. Career comes into focus and demands some communication with a woman about working on something here. Set limits around your own needs being met or taking on more responsibilities or leadership in the matter.
Wednesday is a FULL MOON in your career Midheaven and marks a celebration as you mark an achievement or an ending as something wraps up here. You are in the spotlight again at home focusing all of your energy on expanding through work, health or pets here and this looks very positive.
Thursday the Sun moves into your house of true love, children and creative projects for the next 30 days and puts a spotlight on all you do here. This is a great time to step up and be seen on the creative front, to connect with kids and to share yourself with a lover. If single, this time period will definitely raise your profile and help you attract attention through love. There is a great social vibe today so connect with friends or your group and do something serious but fun, you can really make headway with this circle of people today.
Friday is again social but today there is something a bit undefined or confusing involving a love interest, creative project or child in the mix so you should not try too hard to unravel this until the fog clears. You do need to make some adjustments to the actual work before you or around your health needs today. Once the Moon moves into Virgo you are going to feel like hiding out with a loved one or taking the time to delve into fantasy or imagination and open up creative channels.
SCORPIO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is opening up some surprising opportunities for you and these are going to focus on the news you hear, talks, meetings, writing, or agreements you have, that involve creative projects, children or love. Some of you may get an offer for your book today while others will find some new and interesting way to write, some will meet an exciting or unusual love interest while others will hear news about positive changes with a child, it’s all good. Shared finances, divorce or sexual issues may challenge, do what you can at home to work on this.
Tuesday the Mercury/Pluto conjunction marks a very important piece of news, agreement, talk, meeting, or something tied to writing coming through for you. This is about powerful change and empowerment. You could sign a very weighty contract now, meet over financial matters that help you get on the right foot, come to terms over a divorce matter, or even meet with someone powerfully sexual who attracts. The realm that is a bit frustrating and needs some attention today involves media, travel, education, or legalities, do your best to work with the woman involving earnings/spending here.
Wednesday brings a FULL MOON in Cancer and celebration of achievement or an ending that peaks in travel, import/export, a person at a distance, media, marketing, publicity, publishing, legal affairs, politics, ceremonies, or education. Mom, home or roots may play into this as well. You are in the spotlight again with writing, news, talks, meetings, agreements, and opportunity to expand through creative ventures, in love or with children/children themed endeavors, all good.
Thursday the Sun moves into your home base and will put you in the spotlight for the next 30 days here. This means your vital energy is best spent and you will be most noticed for what you do at home, with family, mom/mother figures, involving real estate, roommates, moves, or anything else that goes on at the root of your chart. Career is amping up today as well with potential to earn and take on more responsibility for an artistic, spiritual, or romantic focus here or dealing with an institution beneficially.
Friday is about career again but today you are going to have somewhat of a fog around home, family or mom and this is in opposition so don’t try to get into it too deep since you won’t see clearly or have all the facts yet. You do need to make some adjustments around the creative project, child or love interest as unexpected changes pop up and you try to expand. You may have to balance work with friends and home with your own needs by days end.
SAGITTARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday puts a spotlight on you and your ability to earn money and for best results you should focus this on changes you can make to home, real estate, with roommates, mom, or moves. There may be an exciting purchase you wish to make here as well, all good. Partners are the emotional focus today and talks about romance, artistic ventures, spiritual pursuits, or dealing with institutions should go well.
Tuesday Mercury and Pluto meet bringing major news, talks, meetings, agreements, or focus on a writing project to the front and again this is going to be tied to your earning potential or spending. You may sign a contract today for income or a book you’ve written, meet about spending on something important, or make a decision about the way you are earning or spending that changes everything. Outside resources are part of the picture so look at debt or any other shared resource and find ways to balance it against the changes you wish to make.
Wednesday is the FULL MOON in Cancer and a peak celebration, achievement or ending for you. This will be about sex, intimacy or reproductive matters, divorce, or any of the shared financial matters such as loans, debt, insurance, taxes, inheritance, bankruptcy, commissions, royalties, alimony, child support, or a partner’s finances. You are again in the spotlight with income or spending with the home a focus for the expansion here, all good.
Thursday the Sun moves into Aquarius and puts the spotlight on writing, talks, meetings, agreements, short trips, siblings, and neighborhood over the next 30 days. This is where you will best pour your vital energy and where you will be noticed for what you are in the situation. Media, travel, legal, or educational matters will call for your attention today as everything aligns beautifully with aspirations, friends, groups, and your own needs in positive, serious, lovely ways.
Friday a talk or meeting about romance, artistry, spirituality, addictions, or hospitals, will in some way cloud the trip, media, legal, or educational matter for you. Don’t try to unravel this too much today, there is a veil here that is making it unclear. You should do what you can at home or with someone there to adjust to the situation before you and then begin to work on the career matter or reputation fix-up.
CAPRICORN: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday get ready to talk, to spin it, to sign it, write it, meet about it, just do it because you are in the driver’s seat and it looks like the fates wish to favor you. There is excitement in the air and change on the horizon and you may not even wake today knowing exactly what this is going to entail, trust the positive energy blowing in. Work and income are favorably aligned, just do your best to deal with talks or ideas of expansion or news that overloads a bit.
Tuesday the Mercury/Pluto conjunction means a major decision, meeting, agreement, talk, or idea about you that is going to change everything. This could be about your body and making a powerful choice to change something here or about your image, identity or a personal need you have. Feelings for a partner, representative or competitor are at play today as well, these seem to be somewhat obscure and challenging so go easy.
Wednesday brings the FULL MOON in Cancer which means a major celebration, achievement or ending being marked involving a romantic, marriage or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. This is a time when things are going to peak with this person. You are again in the driver’s seat able to make decisions, hear big news, sign agreements, meet, talk, or share ideas in very lucky or expansive ways, open up.
Thursday the Sun moves into Aquarius putting a spotlight on income and spending for you over the next 30 days, get ready to step up and pour your vital energy into this arena. You may be out there physically earning more now or spending on your body, image or personal needs. If you need outside funding for a hospital stay, research, artistic project, spiritual retreat, or romantic getaway, it should be possible to find that now, make sure you are serious about the goal.
Friday is about that financial picture be it the loan, settlement, tax, insurance matter, or any other outside resource. You may feel a bit in a fog today about the money you are earning or spending in regard to this debt or outside resource, don’t try to get too deeply into figuring it out now since it isn’t clear. You do need to make a few more arrangements with the financial officer or institution. Wrap up the day by focusing in on the trip, media, marketing, legal, or educational part of what you are earning or spending, again, make adjustments.
AQUARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday puts you in the spotlight in efforts going on behind closed doors that reflect some kind of excitement, change or new money making prospect or way to spend. Look at ways to step up through research, hospitals, retreats that are romantic or spiritual, or strategies you can implement. Secrets may come to the fore. A creative project, child or lover is in the picture today and you can connect in positive ways here but watch how much you are spending or that you don’t neglect earnings.
Tuesday brings a major meeting, secret, talk, agreement, or decision that is going to change things in some powerful way. You may be meeting sexually in a clandestine way, uncovering a secret, signing an agreement on something that needs to stay under wraps, talking to a private detective or investigator, or making a decision, writing or getting a speaking part tied to a film, art or music project. Work, health or pets may be a source of tension as you navigate friends and limits that arise legally or through travel, media or education.
Wednesday is the FULL MOON in Cancer and this means a peak celebration, achievement or ending with work, a co-worker, employee, health matter, or pet. You may feel very emotional about this and see exciting ways to earn or spend, or purchase something unusual. You are in the spotlight again in the mystical, muse part of the chart so step up through clandestine romance, spiritual pursuits, research, investigations, artistic outlets, or hospitals and let this open up doors through earning or spending that are positive.
Thursday the Sun moves into your sign and spends the next 30 days touring your world. This means you are in the spotlight and should put your needs to the front of your life. Focus on your body, image, identity, and any personal needs you have and pour your energy here. You will seem to have an added sparkle during this time and will have an easier time being noticed. Relationships should be good today, distance, travel, media, legal, education, and ceremonies all tie positively to this person in your world, you may commit or set limits, but get serious.
Friday brings focus on the relationship again but today you may feel a bit confused or without boundaries. If things are going well this could just feel romantic, dreamy, artistic and as long as you don’t try to make serious decisions now, enjoyable. Income is an issue here or spending and adjustments should be made.
PISCES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday brings some excitement or change for you rather strongly through your social circle, a friend, group affiliation, networking, charity, foundation, the internet, or astrology and this is aligned in a very positive way to benefit aspirations or personal needs. Be open to new approaches. Home, real estate or mom may figure into the day as well with an emphasis on what you are going to do here.
Tuesday brings a major bit of news, a talk, meeting, writing, or agreement involving a friend, group, charity, the internet, or an aspiration that is going to change everything. This is profound and intense. A creative endeavor, child or love interest is part of the days focus as well and you are going to need to set some financial limits or adjustments to the goal as you handle any challenges that arise.
Wednesday is the FULL MOON in Cancer and a peak celebration, achievement or ending for you with a creative project, child or love interest. This may bring emotions to the surface as you reach that high point or wrap things up. There is positive alignment to you and any changes or new opportunities that may come through todays peak. You are in the spotlight again with the friend, social occasion, group, charity, internet matter, astrology, or aspiration and there is opportunity to really expand and prosper.
Thursday the Sun moves into Aquarius and puts you in the spotlight over the next 30 days in all things research related, retreat or hospital oriented, secret, hidden, tied to artistic projects such as film, music or painting, involving spiritual or psychic pursuits, or clandestine affairs. This is where your vital energy will most likely be focused and where you will find yourself physically spending the most time. Work commands attention today with positive career momentum, especially through women, and solid financial prospects or settlements/investments.
Friday the focus is on work, health or pets and today there is somewhat of a fog around the retreat, research, hospital, or artistic, romantic or spiritual outlet. Try to just focus in on what you can do through effort and discipline and be willing to make some personal or physical adjustments. Day ends with focus on relationship with others and efforts here.
Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS SKY Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
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