TUNE IN Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Worldwide Radio ~ New Sky Radio: http://www.psychiconair.com/pages/5643781.php 248-545-7685 to listen to or call in with astrology questions for THE ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW! You can also follow this same link to scroll down and listen to past shows archived there!
Are you ready for this one? Because it looks pretty certain you are going to enter the week one way and leave it another. There are massive twists and turns on the road with dynamic shifts that should lead you to a better place. We are building all week to our second FULL MOON in Aries and you can expect that as each day brings more and more to light that you will definitely be ready to blow one or two things out of the proverbial water, embrace your passion and reclaim your own place in the sun. Venus is still taking us back into past love or money matters, bringing women from our past back around, or triggering a few exits from current women in our lives.
The week starts out in Pisces Moon energy, a place where you should definitely trust your gut on anything that is going on around you. This is psychic intuition at its best. The flow wants to take you into hidden romances that want to develop or be dealt with, artistic or spiritual energy that is pushing to be experienced, finding out about hidden enemies, secrets or spying that is going on, taking you into your inner world for a while to connect with the muse or the mystic, and handling any work behind the scenes, through research or meditation. SIGNIGICANT PEOPLE are involved in this during the first half of the week. You need to look at all serious relationships, romantic, business, representatives, competitors, or opponents and be willing to shift things.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are all about what is going on underneath the surface, behind your back, behind closed doors, in secret, utilizing the mystic, working with the muse, uncovering the truth, strategizing, and calling on your spiritual truth regarding RELATIONSHIP. The Sun is involved each day with a new energy asking you to look at your own personal or physical needs and make some adjustments, find alternative ways to reach your goals and to be true to who you really are at the heart of your being.
On Wednesday Mercury will change signs, leaving the energy of relationship where he was trying to open up dialogue with significant others and moving into the sign of sex, divorce and major financial matters. Over the next few weeks these areas will be the focus of talks, meetings, agreements, decisions, and short trips. A neighbor, sibling or move may be involved as well due to one of these themes. Use this time to pitch investment ideas, ask for a loan or settlement, open up over the divorce with your partner or meet with an attorney to get the ball rolling, or to put yourself out there locally to meet someone sexy to connect with. Mars trines Jupiter from this placement today so passions and drive will be strong to expand in some way.
Thursday the Moon in Aries is going to point out your feelings about your own physical or personal needs being met with a partner, representative or competitor and let you know where the limits are, if there is a reason to commit more effort or to sever ties. This same Moon is going to trigger personal or physical feelings for a woman in the past over divorce issues, financial matters or sexual desires. There is a need to shift something to deal with this.
Friday brings the second FULL MOON in Aries and everyone is going to be seeing something personal coming to a peak now. This may be a physical passion, anger, something you have been doing to work your body or image, or a culmination of identity. It is a time of celebration or endings and your energy will be pretty off the hook today. Mars, the ruler of Aries, will be squaring Neptune, adding some friction around your sense of power and something that is unclear with an aspiration, friendship, coming through the internet, or involving a group or social affair. Mercury sextiles Pluto opening up empowerment through communications, writing, meetings, or news you hear that brings opportunity.
ARIES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613—6067)
Monday talks with partners, representatives or about competition should go well especially if a friend or group is involved. Your ego or physical needs are tied up with this important person today and you must be willing to make some adjustments where secrets, hospitals, retreat, artistry, spirituality, or what is going on behind closed doors is affected. Retreat a bit and do some research, dig into the unknown or be willing to involve a woman financially or intimately towards a goal you are working towards.
Talks or meetings are again important and involve partners or representatives but today you need to make a few adjustments around changes that are occurring at the hospital, with the film or other artistic project, the retreat or research matter. You can really connect with someone significant today through a group, networking or partnering with a friend, this seems to put you in the spotlight artistically or spiritually. Share your passions with someone intimately or go after the financial support you need.
Wednesday again is adjusting to shifts taking place involving a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. You need to talk, deal with agreements, or meet behind closed doors and handle the hospital, secret, art project, spiritual pursuit, or research necessary. Once the Moon moves into Aries today and squares Pluto you are going to be driven to go get what you want and may have to deal with a gorilla boss or other power figure. Mercury moves into your 8th house today and the news comes or talks begin in earnest over the settlement, loan, bankruptcy, inheritance, taxes, insurance, or any other major financial matter. You may also find you are communicating more deeply now about sex, reproduction or divorce during this transit. If single, you could meet someone sexy in the local scene or neighborhood. Mars is activating this arena as well today so you are going to be on fire about the divorce, sex or financial matter, luck is on your side.
Thursday the focus should be on what you want. Someone is going to set limits or show you a very serious side of themselves today to help you figure out just what it is you need. Try to balance your needs with any restrictions or responsibilities to partners or other important relationships. A woman from the past or a past love interest is figuring into the day and will require some adjustments on your part as you deal with her around divorce, sex, someone’s passing, or financial matters.
Friday your ruler squares Neptune bringing an ardent nature of yours to make something happen sexually, over a divorce or involving finances out into the open with a friend or group. Something is a bit foggy, confusing or disillusioning here so although you feel like storming in, take care that you have the whole story. It is a FULL MOON in your sign so something about you, your needs, identity, body, or image is culminating now, a celebration as you are recognized or achieve something personal or an ending as you wrap up something you have been. Talks or agreements today about the divorce, sex or finances links to positive empowerment where reaching your goal or making a career move are concerned, ask for the raise or promotion.
TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613—6067)
Monday meetings and agreements over work or health and career objectives should go well. You are in the spotlight today over work, health or animals and should spend much of your vital energy here. You may have to make an adjustment with a friend or group in this so be ready to do so. There is opportunity to travel, delve into media matters, take or teach a class, or deal with legal matters in a powerful, positive way with a friend or group. A female from the past is significant.
Tuesday is again about work, health or pets and the friend or group affiliation. You will want to talk, meet, write, sign agreements, or do something local while making adjustments to the friend or group. You are again in the spotlight, standing out for your work or through your health and this should bring some recognition your way on the career front for your artistry or ability to have the right hunch.
Wednesday brings more news about changes or adjustments around the work, health or pets, again feelings for the friend or group are involved as you adapt. Once the Moon rolls into Aries emotions are going to be intense and may put you towards retreat and strategy, rest and recuperation, hospitals or prisons, research or artistic outlets, as you deal with a challenge coming through travel, law, education, or media. Mercury moves into Scorpio today and talks will move into the deepest of topics with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, or competitors. You can really open up about power, control, triangles, sex, divorce, or financial matters that are shared with others or institutions. Your friends have your back today and you may decide you want to partner with one of them on something you are passionate about.
Thursday is again about what you are doing behind the scenes, in strategy, through film, music, poetry or other art forms, in spiritual pursuits, research, or clandestine romance. You need to take a good look at your own needs here and then be willing to make some adjustments around a woman from the past or a love/money issue from the past through a partner, representative or competitor. Limits or more responsibility is in the cards with work, health or pets today so do your best to balance this against your work behind the scenes.
Friday Mars and Mercury are active through news and action you hear or move on with partners, agents, attorneys, or competitors. It should get you in gear to ask for what you need, state your case, transform a media, travel, legal, or educational matter through this person or involving this person in a positive way, and show you ways to overcome any career matter that has artistic differences or challenges involved. The FULL MOON today is the second one that is bringing the hidden, mystical, clandestine part of your chart to a peak. This is either a celebration or an ending around hospitals, prisons, retreats, spiritual, artistic or romantic pursuits, strategies, research, investigations, or any dealings with addictions or self-sabotaging tendencies.
GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613—6067)
Monday the talks or meetings are about a creative project, the kids or a love interest or issue. You will see that there is something truly aligned for you through travel, media, legal channels, or education in this so open up in these areas. You are standing out in the arena of love, kids or creative projects today and will do well to adjust your goal just a bit for best luck in achieving what you are after. There is great energy around a major breakthrough financially, with a divorce or sexual attraction. A woman from the past figures into work, health or pets today in a positive way.
Tuesday is again about writing, meeting, news, talks, or agreements involving your creative project, kids or love interest. Today will bring a bit of change or new information to light around the goal here so go with that and be pliable. You are again in an enviable position with a lover, child or creative endeavor as you are being noticed and this is in turn opening a positive flow to travel, media, legal, or educational matters.
Wednesday your feelings need to get on board with the shifts on the career front or adjustments to goals as you talk or meet about the creative project, child or love interest. Emotions are going to run deep once the Moon moves into Aries and squares Pluto so expect feelings for a friend or group to peak over power, control, manipulations, finances, sex, or divorce today. Your ruler, Mercury, moves into Scorpio and talks, ideas, news, meetings, and writing is now going to focus in on work you do, health matters and pets over the next few weeks. A good time to interview, send out writing projects or begin them or ask for a raise. Mars is active here today so you should have the motivation to start the work-out, join the gym, go after the job, or do something with the pets.
Thursday is about your friends, social calendar, networking, group affiliations, and aspirations. You will see a woman from the past surface at this time regarding work, health or pets and this may mean some adjustments to your social plans. Your creative project, love interest or child is going to be requiring some balancing with the friend or social matter as well, limits are being set or something serious is happening with the relationship that you must deal with.
Friday Mars and Mercury are going to activate your work, health or pet activities and talks, meetings, or agreements. Yu are going to have a whole lot going on here as you deal with something challenging you at a distance, through travel, law, education, or media that is a bit sentimental or confusing. There is great opportunity to transform something financially, around divorce or sexual attractions by talking about the work, health or pet needs today. The FULL MOON in Aries is the second one to bring a friendship or social matter to a peak for you. This is about a celebration or ending with a close associate, friend, group affiliation, networking matter, or aspiration of yours.
CANCER: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613—6067)
Monday the talks or meetings about home, moves, mom, or roommate situations should go well, especially if you are focusing in on a financial matter or a sexy, romantic connection from home with someone. You are in the spotlight over home issues and there is something that you need to make some adjustments around travel, a person far away, legal matters, education, or a media issue as you deal with this. A powerful partner or representative can transform the situation here or you may find that you can overturn a competitor. A woman from the past is connecting positively through love, creativity or children today.
Tuesday brings more talks, writing, meetings, or agreements about home, moves, mom, or real estate. Today this means adjusting to surprises or changes coming in through legal channels, travel, education, someone at a distance, or media matters. Again you are in the spotlight on the home front and today you can make more positive connections to the financial picture here or connecting with someone intimately. You can also find softer ways to handle divorce and home issues today if this is something you are facing now. Children, lovers and creative projects bring out the passion or motivate you to get things going, positive energy here.
Wednesday is the last day of talks and meetings, agreements or writing pertaining to home, family, mom, moves, roommates, or renovations. Again law, education, media, or travel figure into this picture and will require adjustments between both camps. Once the Moon moves into Aries emotions will be intense over career, goals, a partner, representative or competitor. Mercury moves into your house of true love, children and creative projects today and talks, news, ideas, decisions, meetings, and agreements will now focus in on these topics in the coming weeks. Mars is active from this house today so you can expect to feel passionate or motivated to expand on some level here.
Thursday is about the career or a major goal you have before you. A woman from the past or a past love or money issue is involved. This is going to play out over a creative project, love affair or interest, or a child. It is going to require some adjustments if you wish to reach the goal or make the next move on the career front. Saturn is bound to show you any limits you have at home, with family or mom as you approach your goal or career matter so do your best to balance responsibilities or restrictions here with your ambitions.
Friday both Mercury and Mars are bringing it in the arena of true love, children or creative projects so you can expect to hear news, meet up, have a talk, write, come to a decision, express passions, anger or motivate over these matters today. There is a financial, divorce or sexual obstacle in this that may have you a bit confused. You can transform something through work you do, health or with pets today. The second FULL MOON in Aries is bringing a career matter to a peak. This is a big moment for career, goals, ambition, reputation, fame, or bosses/authority figures or father/father figures. You will be celebrating or ending something here in a powerful way as something climaxes.
LEO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613—6067)
Monday opens important talks, meetings or agreements with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. These are aligned to go well around issues of artistry, spiritual pursuits, romance, research, or hospitals and other institutions. You are in the spotlight for your ideas, what you have to say, what you write, or what you do locally or involving siblings or neighbors today. Do your best to make adjustments around any financial matters in the picture or sexually charged attractions. There is potential for major transformation at work, with health or pets.
Tuesday is again about talks, meetings, writing, short trips, siblings, neighbors, agreements, or the local scene and your place in this picture. You are being noticed and should take advantage to get your image out there. Be willing to adjust to surprises or changes that you hear about regarding divorce, sex or financial matters and connect with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or deal with competitors since you have the winning words in the situation.
Wednesday is the last day to talk it up, meet, sign agreements, pitch ideas, that will in some way shift a divorce, sexual or financial matter a bit closer to where you need it to be. Once the Moon moves into Aries and squares Pluto emotions will be intense and focused on legal matters, media, education, or travel plans and the major challenges occurring over work, health or pets. Mercury moves into your home arena today and will open up real talks, agreements, decisions, or sibling/neighbor interaction at home, over real estate, with mom, family, moves, renovations, or other home matters. Mars is active here at the home turf today as well so you can get things moving or steam things up financially or sexually in a positive and beneficial way.
Thursday is about the trip, media matter, legal issue, or education. A woman from the past or a past love or money issue is going to surface at home or involving home issues that will require you to make some adjustments in the travel, legal, media, or educational realms. Serious talks or news you hear that is limiting or about taking on more leadership, responsibility or loss will need to be balanced against your plans to travel, get legal, do media or education.
Friday both Mars and Mercury are active on the home front which means lots of talks, meetings, agreements, decisions, ideas, short trips, sibling or neighbor interaction, motivation, passion, or anger is getting stirred up over home, moves, roommates, mom, or real estate. There is a bit of a fog around the partner, agent or attorney so don’t lean too hard on this person in this today. The major breakthroughs on the home front come from the work you do to transform the situation, any health improvements you come up with or anything that transforms the pet situation. It is the second FULL MOON in Aries today bringing a legal, travel, media, ceremonial, or educational matter to a peak. This is about a major celebration as something is achieved in one of these areas or an ending as something wraps up.
VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613—6067)
Monday brings a kind of balancing act between making money and dealing with a partner, competitor or representative. You can have positive talks or meetings about the money you earn or spend and the artistic vision of the work or the spiritual connection to health or pets. The spotlight is really on you in the next couple days around this income matter so step it up and be willing to set limits on spending, adapt to the other persons needs or adjust to what they are telling you to do to earn more.
Tuesday brings talks or meetings, agreements or writing that ties into the money you are earning or spending all due to something changing with the other person in the picture here. This could be a surprise but regardless you need to step up again and lay down the law, set limits all the while being open to new ideas from the other person. Your work and health should excel today along with anything related to pets. At least one passionate talk with a significant other is possible and should go well.
Wednesday is the last day of adjusting around money making or spending and the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or other significant relationship. Again it is what you say, negotiate, demand, meet about, sign, write, or the idea you share that is important. Once the Moon moves into Aries and squares Pluto emotions will run deep and for you this plays out over power, control, manipulations, triangles, sex, finances, or divorce, and a lover, child or creative project. Mercury moves into Scorpio today and talks, meetings and agreements, issues with siblings, neighbors, or moves, will all take on a deeper intensity and you will be interacting more strongly now with your brothers, sisters, neighbors, or writing, on the phone, in meetings, more often. Mars is active from this house as well today so you may feel motivated to do something locally, with sibs or neighbors, a move, or in expressing your ideas passionately, all involving a relationship in a positive way.
Thursday is about sex, divorce or a major financial matter such as bankruptcy, inheritance, debt, loans, insurance, taxes, settlements, or any other outside resource. A woman from the past is communicating today over one of these themes, meeting you, moving in or out, or an agreement is in question, do your best to give and take a bit here. Saturn is going to be showing you the limits or responsibilities around income or spending today and you need to get real about this.
Friday both Mars and Mercury are active so you can expect lots of energy in your local scene, around a move, over siblings or neighbors, or in talks, meetings, agreements, writing, or short trips. You may have some frustrations around getting to the work today or a pet or health matter may give you some pause. There is great energy around a breakthrough with a lover, child or creative project if you open up and say what it on your mind. The FULL MOON in Aries is the second in a row bringing a peak moment for you around divorce, sex, loans, debt, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, settlements, investments, commissions, or joint finances. This is a major celebration as something is achieved or an ending.
LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613—6067)
Monday is about balancing your own needs against work that you need to tackle, your own health issues, or pets. To begin the day, news or talks should be pretty positive where creative projects, children or love interests are concerned. If you need to make a call or sign an agreement in one of these areas do so. You are in the spotlight today and people are noticing you, this in turn is going to motivate you to do something about expansion on the work front, health wise or with animals that will be a bit of a stretch. Breakthroughs come at home. A woman from the past can help you earn money.
Tuesday is again about you, your body, image, identity, or needs and the work, health or pets. Talks, meetings, agreements, writing, and short trips are important in this as you will be adapting to last minute changes or new ideas. The spotlight on you again today brings a wonderful alignment to creative endeavors, children or true love so shine on baby! Mars is motivating income matters so push yourself to make money today as well.
Wednesday is the last day of you and the work, pets, health issues and again adjustments are in order as you hear news, or talk, meet or try to finesse agreements. You can get out there in the local arena with your pets or to start getting healthy or hit the pavement to find more work if need be. Once the Moon moves into Aries and squares Pluto emotions will be intense where partners, agents, attorneys, or competitors are concerned and this is going to play out over home issues. Mercury moves into Scorpio today and will take talks, meetings, agreements, and short trips into the realm of making or spending money over the next few weeks. If you need to interview, ask for a raise, get an item out of hock or sell it, or kick up more communications with others to bring in more money, this is the time to do it.
Thursday is about a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. You need to try to balance what is going on between you and this person, look at your own limitations or responsibilities that Saturn is setting with you and then be willing to adapt a bit with a woman from the past tied to money in some way.
Friday both Mars and Mercury are active in your income zone which means lots of action today, talks, news, meetings, agreements, or short trips, all to make or spend money. You have a challenge here over the creative aspect or over a love interest or child but real breakthrough energy on money coming from or through home. The FULL MOON in Aries is the second one that is bringing a peak for you with a significant relationship. This may be a marriage or romantic partner, a business partner, an agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor and will play out as a celebration as something is achieved or an ending as it has run its course.
SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613—6067)
Monday is a balancing act between what is going on in secret, behind closed doors, in a stealthy or secretive manner, involving artistic or spiritual matters, clandestine love affairs, hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, or strategies, AND what is happening in the area of true love, children or creative ventures. Is there a way to bring these two realms together? What is one showing you about the other? There is potential for a pretty major talk or meeting about a creative project or with a lover or child to transform things in a powerful way.
Tuesday is again about all of that muse, mystic, artistic, secret, hidden, romantic, spiritual, research or spying kinda energy all mixed up with something surprising that you hear or say about the lover, child or creative venture. This can be a shocker or it could be you are fielding more changes from these sources today, all mixed in with that magical realm. This, by the way, is where you are really standing out and you may have something pretty amazing going on at home or from home today that shows you where the love is or lets you express artistry or your spiritual nature.
Wednesday is the last day of secrets, research, spying, hidden meanings and agendas, artistic or spiritual work you are doing behind closed doors, clandestine romance, dealings with hospitals or other institutions, addictions or strategies, AND the lover, child or creative venture involved. Again the talks are important, perhaps meetings or agreements come into view as well, adapt, adjust. Once the Moon moves into Aries and squares Pluto emotions are going to be intensely focused in on work, health or pets and some major news you hear or talk/meeting you have, motivate! Mercury moves into your sign and you are now the darling that everyone wants to talk to, meet with, your ideas are on fire and you should have a pretty easy time getting people to listen to you over the next few weeks. It’s time to ask for what YOU need. Mars is active from this position today so passions may be peaked getting you and a lover together, or motivating you on a creative venture or with a child, all good.
Thursday is about work, health or pets. Pay attention to how you are feeling about these areas today because Saturn is going to spell out any limits or responsibilities you have, you may need to get to a hospital to tackle health issues or just retreat and rest to recharge your batteries. It may also be important to do some research or dig into your imagination for the work you are doing and get serious about it. There is something about the ‘old’ you that needs a bit of a heave-ho if you want to get to the goal you have at work or with a health matter or pet situation. Work on your image, body, identity, just a bit towards what you want to achieve.
Friday both Mars and Mercury are active in your sign which means you are going to be a bundle of energy, on the move, talking and meeting with lots of people, you are in demand today so prepare for this. You may have some issues at home or over the living situation today that must be dealt with but the really great news comes from news, talks, meetings, or an agreement coming your way, one of which looks to be pretty powerful and positive. This is the second FULL MOON in Aries and it is bringing your high point of the year around a work, health or pet matter. This can be a moment of recognition for your work, an achievement in work or with health, or you finally get to adopt the pet, or you could be marking an ending in one of these areas.
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613—6067)
Monday is going to be a bit of a dance between a social matter involving an event, a friend, a group affiliation, a networking matter, or an aspiration, AND what is going on at home, with a move, roommate, mom/mother figure, or real estate deal. This is going to be the theme of the next 3 days. Talks are important today with the friend or group about artistic, romantic or spiritual matters and these should go well. You are in the spotlight in this social situation and there is something expanding on the home front that will pull you a bit in two directions. It looks like a pretty big change in income may be on slate for you so if you can earn from home or find something connected to home to make this happen, go for it.
Tuesday is the second day of friends, groups, aspirations, networking, social events, and home, moves, roommates, or real estate matters. Talks and meetings are again important and you can expect to hear or say some things regarding change or surprise at home. You are in the spotlight again in the middle of your friends or group and there is a great flow today around what is being said, heard, written, met or talked about, agreed upon, or that involves short trips, siblings or neighbors in an artistic, romantic or spiritual way.
Wednesday is the last day of home verses friends and social affairs with a talk, meeting or agreement in the works. Be willing to adapt your stance a bit or stretch to accommodate all that is going on. Once the Moon moves into Aries and squares Pluto emotions run deep over creative ventures, lovers or children and the money being earned or spent. An urge to change the dynamic is going to be strong. Mercury enters Scorpio today and talks, meetings, agreements, and writing will all go behind closed doors over the next few weeks. This means you will be more private, research and pull from the imagination, muse or mystic in writing, that you may have clandestine romantic meetings, or talks about spiritual matters or hospitals. It’s a great time for the artist in you. Mars is active here today as well so you may feel motivated to express passions behind closed doors or dive into the art project.
Thursday is all about the lover, love interest, child, or creative project. A woman from the past is in the picture here in a hidden or subconscious way, or she is returning around an artistic, spiritual or romantic matter and you need to try to navigate what this means to you. Saturn is pointing out any limits or responsibilities to the friend, group or around the aspiration that must be balanced with the lover, child or creative needs.
Friday both Mars and Mercury are active meaning you will be expressing passion or taking charge of a film, music, or other artistic project, a clandestine love affair, a spiritual pursuit, addiction, something involving a hospital or other institution, a research project or investigation, or retreating behind closed doors to recharge your own energies. Talks, meetings or news about any of these matters will be important today as well with a bit of a breakthrough over income. This is the second FULL MOON in Aries and it is due to bring a peak around a lover, love interest, child, or creative project. This is a major celebration or an ending.
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613—6067)
Monday and the next couple days the focus is going to be on career, reputation, ambition, leadership, authority figures, or father, AND talks, meetings, agreements, decisions, short trips, writing, local activities, or siblings. It is about making adjustments to meet needs and reach goals and today brings a great opportunity to seal a deal or have a talk that should bring in money. You are in the spotlight on the career front or as a leader and in talks today you need to be willing to ask for more, reach a bit to accommodate the other party, stretch in all of your dealings. Potential is there for a breakthrough.
Tuesday is again about career, goals, and talks, agreements and meetings. At least one of these will have a pretty significant wild card attached so prepare to handle any surprises or last minute changes that come your way on the career front or pertaining to bosses or dad. Again you are being noticed as the leader or in your career today for achievements and can let this lead you to more money, the flow is very positive and your instincts are right on target, trust them. Talks or meetings with friends look very active or passionate as well and if you can hook up for some fun you should.
Wednesday is the last day of talks, meetings, agreements, and career driven motivation asking that you step up, take charge, and again be willing to handle changes or surprises that come your way as well as being open to new ways of doing things. Once the Moon moves into Aries and squares Pluto emotions will be intense regarding home, moves, real estate deals, and your own needs. Mercury moves into Scorpio to spend the next few weeks opening up talks, news, meetings, agreements, writing, and short trips all around friends, groups, social occasions, networking, and aspirations. Expect more invitations and connections now. One particular meeting or talk with a group or friend today is under very lucrative or happy stars.
Thursday is about home, moves, real estate, family, mom/mother figures, and security needs. A female friend from the past is part of this and you need to make some adjustments in the situation. Saturn is pointing out any limitations or responsibilities you have on the career front today and asking that you get serious about balancing all this with home, family or real estate matters.
Friday both Mars and Mercury are active in your social house so you can expect to be motivated and talkative with lots of friends, groups, at parties or other social occasions, or around your aspirations. You need to deal with any income matter in this mix as it looks a bit challenging but you have a major opportunity for empowerment in connection to what is said or agreed upon with this friend or group so extend yourself today. The second FULL MOON in Aries is culminating around a home, real estate, move, roommate, family, mom/mother figure, or security matter for you. This is a big celebration as something is achieved or it is about something ending in one of these areas.
AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613—6067)
Monday and the next couple days are about travel, legal, media, or educational matters, AND the money you are making or spending. You can talk, meet or make a decision in one of these arenas today that is very beneficial for you on a romantic, artistic or spiritual level. You are in the spotlight in these expansive realms of travel, law, broadcasting, and education and you are going to want to make some adjustments around your money to accommodate needs in these areas.
Tuesday is again about how to balance or bring both sides together between taking a trip, making something legal, taking or teaching a class, or getting the media or publishing idea off the ground, AND the need to make money, look at what you are making or spending. The talks or agreements you make today about any of this will involve a surprise or change that you must adjust around. Again you are in your prime spotlight in these expansive realms and should find ways to reach your goal.
Wednesday is the last day over talks or decisions involving trips, media, law, or education and the money you are making or spending. Once the Moon moves into Aries and squares Pluto emotions are going to be intense and play out in conversations or news you hear over something going on that you weren’t aware of or over something that is art, romance, hospital, or spiritually related. Mercury moves into Scorpio and kicks off a few weeks of more intense and powerful talks, meetings, agreements, and decisions around career, goals, ambition, and leadership. It’s time to ask for more. Mars is active here as well today so you can really motivate and come from your passion on the career front and this looks like it leads nicely to more income.
Thursday is about something going on locally, with siblings, neighbors, a writing project, or in talks, meetings, or agreements. A woman from the past is showing up tied to the career or a major goal of yours and the talks or agreements here will require some adjustments on your part. Saturn is pointing out any limits or responsibilities around travel, legal matters, media, or education in the picture today so get serious about it and see what you can work out.
Friday both Mars and Mercury are active on the career front so you will have motivation, passion, and be ready to meet, talk, or sign agreements all to forward your goals, ambition and career standing. You may be feeling a bit confused personally about your place in the world today for personal reasons so try not to let any sentimentality or confusion get in the way of what looks like a promising day. The connection between career and film, music, art, research, spiritual pursuits, or institutions is very powerful today, talk or meet about this and see what you can transform. The FULL MOON in Aries is the second one bringing an idea, writing project, connection with a brother or sister, move, neighborhood matter, or news, talks, meetings, or agreements to a peak. This is about celebrating something big or ending it.
PISCES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613—6067)
Monday and the next few days are about sex, divorce, death, or a major financial matter, AND you, your needs, body, image, or identity in the mix. This is a time of making adjustments between what you want for yourself or who you are and these heavy shared realms of life. Today a talk you have about one of these themes is going to help you connect in positive ways to something spiritual, romantic or artistic or it is going to help you see a positive way through a hospital or other institution. You are in the spotlight over the financial picture, divorce or sexual matter and will need to stretch yourself a bit to accommodate what is occurring. A friendship transforms in a powerful way today.
Tuesday is again about the personal adjustments you are making around the divorce, death, sex, or finances. Talks or agreements are in the picture with one of these subjects and you are likely to make a last minute change as you deal with it. You have universal support behind you and there is again some kind of positive support coming from spiritual, romantic, artistic, or institutional areas. Mars is pushing you to travel, do something about a legal, media, or educational matter, or motivate over a religious belief.
Wednesday is the last day to adjust to your feelings about yourself and the financial, sexual, or divorce matter. Talks and meetings will be part of this. Once the Moon moves into Aries and squares Pluto emotions will be intense over income or spending and the friend or group. Mercury moves into Scorpio and will open up talks, meetings, agreements, decisions, and ideas over the next few weeks in the area of travel, media, law, and education. This is the time to sit down with the documents and sign the legal papers, meet with the attorney, hop a plane or plan the trip, speak up at a media event or try to publish your book, or sign up for a class. Mars is active here today as well so you should feel motivated to do it.
Thursday is about making or spending money. A woman from the past is involved as you have to adjust to her through travel, media, legal, or educational ways while keeping an eye on the earnings or spending. Saturn is pointing out just what limits or responsibilities you have around debt, bankruptcy, or other major financial matters, a divorce, dealing with a death, or a sexual matter. As you weigh this you need to get serious about the money you are making or spending.
Friday both Mars and Mercury are active through travel, media, law, and education. This means there will be lots of drive and determination, talks, meetings, agreements, or decisions today in these areas. Powerful transformation with a friend or group is positive and part of this action, just watch any confusion you are having internally at this point, there is a bit of unresolved internal issues being stirred by what is going on today. This is the second FULL MOON in Aries and it is bringing an income matter to a peak for you. This is a celebration as you achieve a new level or an ending tied to earning, a possession or spending.
Thursday nites at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://www.psychiconair.com/pages/5643781.php
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