November holds some amazing moments as the outer energies turn in sync with inner personal planets, expanding our awareness and brightening the potential before us. We see a New Moon on the 6th in the sign of depth, power, soul regeneration, sexuality, divorce, and all major financial realms. This is a fresh start for everyone in terms of empowerment and deconstructing to rebuild.
November 7th is a power day as Neptune stations Direct and Venus continues her Retrograde by backing into Libra. These two are lower and higher vibrations of the same energetic. The stillness and subsequent shift that occurs on the etheric plane when the lord of dreams, imagination, romance, spirituality, psychic intent, artistic ability, and hidden agendas stops to begin his forward march again is always quite intense. You want to keep track of your dreams around this date and be exceptionally clear about what you are choosing by way of romance since Venus is now Retrograding in the area of relationships. This is most definitely a fated time period when love from the past and love from past lifetimes will show back up for another look, with some needed inspiration to be imparted or when current relationships are earmarked for new realities. Take your time, allow the energy to catch up with you over the course of the next few weeks. This may be the ‘One’ you are meant to be with or it may be about understanding some new mystery about yourself, only a bit of time will tell.
Mercury changes signs on the 8th moving into the adventurous Sagittarian energy and our thoughts will now be about far flung places, expansion, travel, education, our belief systems, media, publishing, and what we can do to meet, write, talk, or come to terms to make all of this happen.
November 10th is important as a major DESTINY MARKER in time. The North Node of Destiny will sit the exact degree with Pluto at 3.36 degrees Capricorn. The last time these two met was on February 22, 1994 and at that time they met in Scorpio. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn with the North Node of Destiny was on a Friday the 13th, May of 1768. This is a soul marker, Pluto rules Scorpio which is currently hosting the Venus Retrograde. Pluto is currently touring through Capricorn, ruled by Saturn. Saturn is currently touring Libra ruled by Venus. We see themes here of the next level of soul progression on your journey through many lifetimes that will be marked by a past life love connection, an ambition involving women, a partnership in business or the arts, balance, responsibility, leadership, equitable relationships and life changing forward movement. There will be colorations of financial, sexual, divorces, or deaths in the process. You may see an event, meet a person, have a situation unfold at this time or it may begin as a background noise that grows ever stronger in the months ahead as your life begins to move in a new direction. If we look back to lifetimes in 1768 we see John Wilkes imprisoned for criticizing King George III and rioting in England, Corsica ceded to France after the Treaty of Versailles, the Massachusetts assembly is dissolved for refusing to assist in the collection of taxes, Boston citizens refusing to quarter British troops, and Captain Cooks first voyage begins (taken from Wikipedia on this date). We may see the next chapter in what these markers meant for our evolution to take place over the course of this next year, building on what changed then as well.
Another banner day is the 18th when both Jupiter and Venus will station Direct. So the planet of luck and expansion has stopped in the sky along with the planet of love and creativity. They are standing at the edge of a very high cliff with their matching parachutes and goggles, just waiting to jump into the great abyss of joy and prosperity. You know what you want, you are ready to go after it in a very big way, this day will most likely YELL it at you so just to be clear, you really are ready but you may have to wait for these energies to really get going in the sky to see it all begin to happen, say yes today but allow for timing. There is also a challenging aspect in the mix today that may confuse a bit as the Sun and Neptune square. This means ego or physical needs sexually, over divorce or shared financial matters are going to get a bit of a test as your dreams for your next step are challenged.
The FULL MOON on the 21st brings a peak experience around our values, income and possessions. This Moon is aspecting change and expansion in the best possible way so allow for any exciting outside influences that may arrive and take a look at new ways to achieve what you want. This is a celebration of what you have achieved monetarily or an ending to one way of earning money.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 22nd and puts us physically on the plane, into the media event, at the school, or in the courtroom. It’s a spotlight on our vital energy over the next 30 days where expansion and knowledge will be paramount and we will feel like embracing adventure.
Venus moves back into Scorpio on the 29th where she will tour through the end of the year. This is the time when we are going to be dealing with love or money matters through sexual experience, divorce or banking institutions, settlements, bankruptcy, inheritance, debt, loans, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, or any other outside resource. There is no playing around lightly during this transit, we’ve had time to go back into our past over relationship issues, to look at what was lost, to find ways to regain what we needed and now we are going to be deconstructing and rebuilding on the most powerful level as the energy of Scorpio washes through Venus. Today Mars squares Jupiter so you may feel driven to do something big by taking legal action, doing something in the media, at school, or through travel, it’s a hop a plane to Vegas and get married, call a press conference and announce your candidacy or deny the torrid affair kind of day.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 30th, wrapping up the month with a serious mindset around career, ambitions, goals, leadership, reputation, fame, father/father figures, bosses, and our standing in our community. Talks, meetings, agreements, and decisions will be focusing in on these themes in the coming weeks.
ARIES: (Find out how much more your personal chart reading can show you, call Zoe to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
Think about ways you can completely transform your situation through loans or tackling debt, dealing with a bankruptcy or settling an inheritance, getting investments in hand, balancing the check book, taking care of any outstanding monies owed to you, tackling taxes, insurance or alimony, or working out a good commission or back-end remuneration after the New Moon on the 6th. You also have a strong period of time now to initiate divorce proceedings, get a fresh start with reproductive issues, or get a handle on sexual issues. Some of you may meet a new sexy amore this month due to this powerful New Moon.
The 7th is an important date to watch because there is something that has been going on with a friend or group affiliation, networking project or aspiration of yours that is going to shift beginning on this date. There is also a serious relationship involved here, be it a partnership, representative, specialist, or competitor. This is taking on a different flavor as something or someone from the past is brought back into the picture. Neptune is stationing Direct today so illusions, romance, sentimentality, artistry, spirituality, dreams, imagination, fantasy, and potentially some self-sabotaging or addictive energy is going to be shifting through the friend, group, social event, or aspiration. A hospital may be involved or another institution or place of retreat. With Venus now Retrograde in your relationship zone, a female may be exiting the scene or one from the past could be returning. Love and money become significant as they are balanced against past relationship.
You are going to hear news about or make a decision to travel on the 8th or the days that follow. You may be hearing about someone else’s need to travel or conversing with them at a distance. This begins a time when you will want to expand your horizons, adventure a bit more, when talks and meetings will help you to settle legal matters, to teach or take more classes, or to get a media or publishing project on its feet. Keep your mind open and share ideas. Writers should send projects off to publishers, especially women you have worked with before if this applies.
November 10th brings the North Node of Destiny to Pluto in your house of career, leadership, ambition, reputation, fame, goals, father, bosses, authority figures, and standing in the community. This is an open door to a new level of empowerment through deconstructing something you have carried within your own soul to rebuild on a higher level of evolution. It is about taking responsibility for your own way forward and motivating to reach your dreams, to deal with how you were fathered or to take the leadership position now, to handle bosses or authority figures in a new way, or to deconstruct an old reputation matter to rebuild on the new, to change your career or something within your ambitions and structure your world on new financial or intimate levels here.
The next major turning point in the month comes on the 18th as both Jupiter and Venus station Direct. You have been working long hours behind closed doors, dealing with hospitals or other institutions, dreaming about the big picture, nurturing the artistic project, delving into spiritual practices or just taking the time to recharge your own batteries in retreat, it’s been a time of research and strategy all the while connecting with the muse and the mystic. Now the energy of luck and expansion is stopping here and preparing to move things forward and you can be assured that all of that effort is about to stretch out into the world in some pretty mighty ways. Venus has taken you back over territory with at least one significant relationship over the last 11 days and you are now ready to move forward on the love or money matter with or without them, depending on how you handled this transit. You may hear news today about someone important and a film project, hospital matter, addiction, music or other art form, spiritual pursuit, or about something that you had no idea at all about them as both energies shift in the sky. The Sun/Neptune square marks a challenge you are dealing with today regarding a friend and a financial or sexual matter, divorce , or someone’s passing.
A FULL MOON marks big moments when things climax and we celebrate achievements or mark endings. The Taurus Full Moon on the 21st is going to bring an income matter to a peak in your world. This may be money received at this time, a raise being celebrated, a major purchase you spend on being celebrated, or it could be about one source of income coming to an end. The connection to the planet of surprise and excitement along with the planet of luck and expansion suggests that whatever occurs is going to be beneficial and that you should be willing to try new things and stretch out in new ways to make money.
The Sun follows Mercury into Sagittarius on the 22nd and this great sign will be all lit up for all of us over the next 30 days. You may find that you truly have a wanderlust at this time or that you hop a plane more often than you expected. Traveling is good for you this time of year as is getting into a courtroom and handling any legal matters you need to or going back to school to take a few more courses. You may decide to teach something now and any broadcasting, media event, publishing, publicity, or marketing should be an open door for you now.
The 29th may be quite full of fire for you as Venus moves into the sexy sign of Scorpio again and your ruler, Mars squares Jupiter motivating you to express your passions or anger in a big way over legal, travel, media, or educational matters. With Venus now in your eighth house again you can really attract the sexual interest you want, you can deal with major financial matters more smoothly and any divorce issues should go better as well. A woman may be significant in these matters and you may also be helping her with someone’s passing or her divorce or intimate issues over the next month or so.
The month winds down as Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 30th. This position is your career Midheaven and marks a beginning of news, recognition, meetings, agreements, writing, and talks that will put your name out there in lights, help you with career moves, ambitions, goals, or reputation. It’s a serious time for pitches, interviews or launching the word about your business, more to come in December.
TAURUS: (Find out how much more your personal chart reading can show you, call Zoe to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
This month is offering you a very exciting opportunity in the area of relationships. Have you been thinking about commitment, marriage, a business partnership? How about finding the perfect agent to represent you or an attorney who can get behind your case? Do you need an advocate or specialist to break through on your behalf? Is there a partnership or relationship that has run its course and you are ready for a fresh start? On the 6th you get a NEW MOON in your house of significant relationships followed by two strong weeks to take action in these areas with universal support behind you! Meet or talk today about any challenges with goals or career, a friend may have something interesting to add.
Mark the 7th as a day that is definitely going to stand out as your ruler, Venus, changes signs by Retrograding back into Libra, and Neptune stations Direct. These two energies are making a major shift today in your career and work or with a goal and health or pet issue. You may have been doing a lot of internal work on your spiritual path, your artistic approach, in meditation or even on understanding your own romantic needs and now that energy is moving forward to help you bring that artistry, spirituality or romantic nature to bear in your career moves or in dealing with a major goal. Your reputation may have been at stake in one of these arenas and you are now ready to reclaim that as well. If you’ve been retreating from the public eye or dealing with an addiction, hospital or prison you are now ready to make a move on an instinctive level. With Venus back in Libra a woman from the past may arrive on the work front, around a health matter or involving pets or you may have a current female exit in one of these areas. It’s a time to revisit your past over love or money matters tied up in work you do, your own health or your pets.
Mercury moves into Sagittarius on the 8th which cues all kinds of adventures and the need to learn or experience a broader spectrum through talks, agreements or meetings you have over loans, debt, insurance, taxes, inheritance, bankruptcy, investments, commissions, joint finances, alimony, child support, sex, sexual attractions, sex issues, reproduction, divorce, or major transformations in your life and change. At the very least put some serious thought into these matters now because the Sun is going to be throwing you into the spotlight here on the 22nd.
November 10th brings the North Node of Destiny to Pluto in your house of higher education, travel, beliefs, broadcasting, publishing, marketing, and law. This is an open door to a new level of empowerment through deconstructing something you have carried within your own soul to rebuild on a higher level of evolution. It is about taking responsibility for your own way forward and motivating to learn, share your wisdom, take responsibility in legal matters, pursue your political or religious beliefs, or connect with the world through traveling or working in the media.
The 18th is a very important day this month when both Venus and Jupiter are going to go Direct motion again after being Retrograde. Venus rules love, money and women while Jupiter rules luck, expansion and generosity as well as travel, education, law, and media. Today this luck and expansion is ready to really start to grow again through your social connections, networking, friends, parties, group affiliations, and aspirations. What you have wanted to branch out on or open up can now begin to happen again. Venus is moving forward in the work you do, with co-workers and employees, and with your health and animals. Any slow-downs in money for the work you do or around health or pet issues should begin to pick back up and love may now blossom at work again or through a health situation improving. The only challenge today is over your relationship with a partner, agent, attorney, competitor, or specialist and a goal that is a bit out of whack.
The FULL MOON on the 21st is truly a special time for you when something important and personal reaches a climax in your world. You may have something that has been going on with your body through work-outs, diet, change of image, or medical procedures finally peak and you find it’s time for celebration or someone may single you out and choose you for something based on who you are, your image or identity. It may be a time to mark an end to one identity such as married or single or a look you have had for a long time is ready to be retired. Today there is luck and excitement wrapped up in this around a social event, friend, aspiration, or group affiliation so be open to what may come.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 22nd and you are now ready to step up and expand, study, travel, open your mind, make it legal, or publicize and this is all going to play out for you through major financial arenas, sexual intimacy or divorce issues. So if you want to earn money overseas, travel and find the loan to do so, get a divorce out of the country, deal with legal matters in the divorce, find the money to go back to school or launch a school, pay off a trip or college loan, have a sexual relationship with someone on a trip, sue over sexual harassment or connect intimately with a classmate, these are examples of how the next 30 days could play out for you.
Venus will move into your opposite sign on the 29th to complete her tour of Scorpio through the rest of this year. This means that anything going on with current partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors should go more smoothly now and this will help you to attract the love or money you need through these people. It also could indicate a woman entering the scene to partner with or who is going to compete with you or represent your needs. Mars squares Jupiter today so passions are on fire in social settings or with friends and you may decide to act on them sexually or you may just feel motivated to do something about the financial matter with this person.
The month ends with Mercury moving into Capricorn and you will find that your mind now moves to travel, media, legal, and educational matters. This is where talks will now open up, you will want to begin scheduling meetings, signing agreements, or making decisions to fly, take or teach a class, get in front of a camera or put out some publicity, or deal with the legal documents or court case.
GEMINI: (Find out how much more your personal chart reading can show you, call Zoe to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
Have you wanted to start a new kind of work or implement something new in the job you have? Do you want to get off on a new foot with a co-worker or employee, hire someone new or launch a new service? Is there a new approach you can take to your health, a diet you have wanted to start, a lifestyle change that could benefit your health, or a gym or other work-out regime you could begin? Is there some new situation you want for your pets, do you want to adopt an animal or get involved in animal rights or rescue? This NEW MOON on the 6th is opening the door wide and if you are proactive over the next 2 weeks you should see some great results. Talk or meet about it today, make a decision or sign an agreement all the while being open to change and fresh approaches to the goal you have before you. The only obstacle here is to a trip, person far away, a media matter, class you are teaching or taking, or legal issues involved so don’t push here today.
The 7th is going to be an interesting day because Neptune, the ruler of dreams, the arts, spiritual pursuits, clandestine love affairs, addictions, research, secrets, and hospitals will be going Direct. Any advance in these areas that was tied to travel, people far away, media, legal matters, or education would have been under a fog or at a stand still. Now you will begin to see your artistic ideas begin to move forward, your spiritual pursuits and romances blossom through trips you take, with people far away, through broadcasting and publishing, legal contracts and teaching or taking classes. As if this is not enough, Venus has been Retrograde in Scorpio and today she Retrogrades back into Libra. This may mean a woman from the past returning or a current one exiting at work, tied to past work, around health matters, or pets. This could be a past love or money interest popping up through work, health or pets as well.
On the 8th Mercury will move into Sagittarius and your thoughts will become more expansive and about adventure and learning over the next few weeks. This will play out for you through a significant relationship so you may travel with a partner or hear from them overseas, you may get news of a media matter or legal contract, this could be an agent or attorney who shows up now to help you work through agreements, or you could open talks or meetings with specialist, take legal action with a competitor or get an idea published through someone helping you.
November 10th brings the North Node of Destiny to Pluto in your house of major financial matters, sexual attractions and issues, reproduction, divorce, and death. This is an open door to a new level of empowerment through deconstructing something you have carried within your own soul to rebuild on a higher level of evolution. It is about taking responsibility for your own way forward and motivating to connect intimately, reach another level of sharing, take responsibility through financial means, or reconnect to your own soul through disconnecting through divorce or a death and rebuilding on what you are leading your way to become.
The 18th is another very major day this month as two energies are going to station Direct. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, and Venus, the planet of love and money, will both begin to come out of their backwards phases and start to move forward again. For you this means that any expansion that you have wanted to see on the career front, around a major goal, with a boss, father or father figure, will now begin to occur again. It also means that any retracing of the past over love interests, children or creative projects or any slow-downs in these areas will now again begin to move forward. You may meet a new love interest now or move forward on one you have been contemplating, you may get the money to move a creative venture forward or a woman may enter the scene who is helpful to your project, or you may see a love or money matter involving a child begin to move again as well. The only obstacle today comes through ego or physical needs at work, over health or pets and something that is a bit confusing or undefined with the trip, person far away, legalities, media, or education.
The FULL MOON on the 21st is bringing something to a huge peak in your world. This may be a film, music, dance, painting, poetry, or other artistic project culminating, being celebrated or achieved. It could be a research project, investigation, secret, hidden agenda, hidden enemy, or addiction that is resolving, ending or reaching a summit. It could be a time to celebrate something finalizing at a hospital, an achievement, breakthrough or an end to a long stay that has been going on there. It could also be about a spiritual pursuit, psychic project, meditative or yogic practice, or time that you have been hiding out or in retreat and restorative cycle finally reaching its peak or ending as well. Whatever it is in these areas, know that today it makes an amazing opportunity aspect to luck and expansion, surprise and change on the career front or with a major goal of yours, so be open to what this may be opening up for you.
The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd and puts the spotlight on relationships for the next 30 days. This is a time when you will want to adventure with your partner, expand your horizons through partnering with others, learn and share knowledge, travel, make it legal, or broadcast together. You can find recognition through agents, attorneys, specialists, or anyone else who can help you to achieve your highest ideals now.
Venus will re-enter Scorpio on the 29th and continue through this sign through the end of the year. This may mark a female entering your work scene, health regime or connection to pets, you may meet this person while working out, on the job or out walking the dogs. This can also mean that things run more smoothly in your life in these areas now, that you may have an easier time attracting love or money for the work you do, through healthy lifestyle, at the gym, or for the pets. The Mars/Jupiter square today means friction over relationships and the growth of the career or goal you have set together. For some of you this may mean you make a major play today for someone or through an attorney or agent, for others you may just feel angry or motivated to achieve.
Mercury wraps the month up by moving into Capricorn on the 30th and inspiring thoughts, ideas, talks, meetings, writing, and local activity on sex, intimacy, divorce, and major financial matters such as loans, debt, credit, insurance, taxes, settlements, bankruptcy, inheritance, alimony, child support, joint finances, and any other outsider resource.
CANCER: (Find out how much more your personal chart reading can show you, call Zoe to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
Well, well, well Cancer, the month of November is going to start out so fun for you as the doors are going to open big time for new love to flow in, for a fresh start with a lover who is current or to meet a new love, for a chance to create a new project, launch a new creative venture, or to do something new with a child, children or to decide to have a child or adopt. This all kicks into high gear on the NEW MOON on the 6th and you will have 2 strong weeks to get out there and get creative, find love, spend romantic time with the one you love or do new things with kids. It will be important to talk, meet, make a decision, or sign agreements today over love, kids or creative projects as something exciting opens up through travel, media, legal means, or education. Just watch the bottom line on the credit cards, with debt, divorce issues, or sexual intimacy.
The 7th is a pretty big day as Neptune stations Direct and Venus Retrogrades back into Libra. This is a huge shift in the higher and lower vibrations of love so really look at what is happening for you. First of all Neptune has been slowing down sexual connections, intimacy, divorce, or major financial matters for months now as you revisited your dream for yourself. He is now ready to move forward as of today so if you need a loan for an artistic or spiritual project, to connect intimately on a romantic, private level, release yourself from any self-sabotaging or hidden issues, divorce, or transform a shared experience, you will now find the energy to begin doing so. Next, Venus returning to Libra means a woman leaving or returning to the home, or a money or love matter being revisited at home, through moves, real estate deals, mom/mother figures, or security issues. You have 11 days to reconnect, disconnect or smooth things out here.
Mercury moves into Sagittarius on the 8th and you will be thinking about ways to expand or bring more adventure or knowledge into the work you do, into your own health situation or around the pets. This is the time to have talks about work, health or pets and to come to some decisions, sign agreements, or write something that can open doors on a bigger level.
November 10th brings the North Node of Destiny to Pluto in your house of relationships. This is about marriage or business partners or potential partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, competitors, or opponents. This is an open door to a new level of empowerment through deconstructing something you have carried within your own soul to rebuild on a higher level of evolution. It is about taking responsibility for your own way forward and motivating to connect and find balance through the mirror of another, through those who represent you or in how you deal with those who would stand in your way. Major changes are in your world through these relationships now and you must trust your own souls deepest desires to find the right way forward.
The 18th is big as well because two planets are going Direct today! First, Jupiter which rules luck and expansion, travel, education, law, and media, will finally be ready to move again. If you have felt like you were having trouble expanding in the areas of media, broadcasting, publishing, publicity, teaching or taking classes, travel, or through legal channels, this will now open back up to you and show you some luck and happiness again. Second, Venus which rules love and money has been slowed down as well but she is now ready to move forward at home, with real estate, moves, roommates, or mom/mother figures so you can expect to find the money flowing again at home or through work you do here, and you may have a love interest moving into the home with you soon or something changing to allow for love to blossom here. The only challenge is over your own ego or physical needs in love, with kids or in a creative endeavor and the confusion going on over the divorce, sex or financial matter.
The FULL MOON on the 21st is a peak experience with a friend, group, networking event, social occasion, or aspiration you have been pursuing. It’s a huge wish fulfillment moment for you when you could see an achievement recognized or when you are celebrating something with a friend or group. It could also mark a natural ending to a group affiliation for you or a friend exiting the scene due to a move or other reason. Whatever is culminating now has amazingly lucky and exciting opportunity tied to a trip, media venture, legal matter, or class you teach or take so remain open to anything that comes through one of these avenues, it looks good.
The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd to tour here over the next 30 days. This is about you stepping up and taking your place through travel or adventure, expansion and knowledge and pouring this through your work, your health or anything involving animals. You are really going to be noticed for these topics now so follow your bliss.
Venus re-enters Scorpio on the 29th and will be traveling through this placement through the end of the year. This is a ‘go’ now on love, children and creative ventures for you. You may see a woman enter the picture who is beneficial for you with kids, a creative project or love, things will smooth out for you in these areas and you should have an easier time attracting love or money through creative outlets, love affairs and for kids at this time as well. The square between mars and Jupiter points to lots of action today on the work, health or pet front with an eye on the big legal, travel, media, or educational matter.
Mercury will move into Capricorn on the 30th and wrap up the months changing energy patterns by focusing ideas, talks, meetings, agreements, and decisions on relationships, partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, and competition. Schedule your meetings now and into next month with current partners or representatives or to meet with those you would like to connect with going forward.
LEO: (Find out how much more your personal chart reading can show you, call Zoe to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
November is going to kick off with a big wish list for you around home. So ask yourself where you want to live, who you want to live with, is there an improvement through decorating or renovating you could do that would make your home environment more pleasing, would you like to take in a roommate or ask one to leave, is it time to move, does your mom or a mother figure in your life need assistance on something, can you build on stronger foundations, is it time to put a piece of property on the market or invest in a home? The NEW MOON on the 6th is going to open the door wide in these areas and give you 2 strong weeks to initiate fresh starts at home. You may be feeling a bit in a fog over a partner, agent or attorney in this matter but the aspects show that talks, meetings or agreements today should connect positively to new financial resources, changes in divorce or exciting sexual interests.
The 7th is a pretty intense day as Neptune stations Direct and Venus Retrogrades back into Libra. This is the higher and lower vibration of love shifting in the heavens and for you this means that any slow-downs or replays that have been going on over partners, marriage, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors are now ready to begin moving forward in areas of spirituality, artistic projects, secret romance, dealing with addictions or hospitals, research or hidden agendas. Do you want to connect with someone over any of these themes? Now you can expect it to open back up for you. Venus is taking a past look at what was said, written, agreed upon, moved over, involved siblings or neighbors, or will ask you to now meet about the past, all in relation to love or money matters and fair, balanced one on one relationships. You have 11 days to look into this.
Mercury moves into Sagittarius on the 8th and thoughts, talks, meetings, agreements, and ideas will take on a more adventurous, expansive feel. For Leo this will focus in on lovers, love interests, creative projects, and children. You may decide to travel to see a lover or child, for the creative project, write something that opens doors in these areas, sign legal contracts, teach or broadcast ideas, all in ways that express your creativity and open up to love.
November 10th brings the North Node of Destiny to Pluto in your house of work, service, health, and pets. This is an open door to a new level of empowerment through deconstructing something you have carried within your own soul to rebuild on a higher level of evolution. It is about taking responsibility for your own way forward and motivating to find a new level of leadership in the work you do, to take responsibility for your own health and empower yourself on a new level here, to change something important for animals or your pets, to evolve the way you deal with co-workers or employees, or to offer a service that changes your life and those around you.
The 18th is a major day as well this month when both Jupiter and Venus will go Direct. Jupiter has been retracing any over abundance or expansion from the past that has affected your bank account, debt, or shared resources, your intimate life, reproductive issues, or divorce in the last months and how today he is ready to start expanding again in these areas. This means if it has been hard to get a loan or settlement, the bankruptcy or inheritance, child support or alimony, or if it’s been slow finding sexual intimacy, getting pregnant, or dealing with the divorce, you now will begin to pick up speed again. Venus is now going forward in your local scene which is where you will likely find love, she is making things run more smoothly now with brothers or sisters and may bring love or money through them, she is also smoothing out writing projects, talks, meetings, and agreements. She will be touring these areas through the end of the year to help you in these areas. A female may return to the neighborhood or writing group as well. The only challenge today is over your needs at home and something a bit confusing going on with an agent, attorney or partner.
The FULL MOON on the 21st is a really big peak experience for you with your career, a goal or ambition, your reputation or fame, or with your dad, a father figure, boss or authority figure. You will find this is a time of celebration, recognition, success being achieved, a bench mark time of the year when something comes through or it will mark an ending to something on the career front, with a boss or father. Whichever it is, there is a beautiful and exciting aspect from the peak moment here to something big and expansive going on through loans or other outside financial means, an intimate conquest or divorce issue.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 22nd and lights up your love life, your lovers, your love interests, your children, and your creative projects for the next 30 days. This is a time of adventure and expansion through opening up to love, getting your creative projects out there, standing out for who you are in all of this, dealing with kids and any travel, education, media, or legal matters tied to the love or creative projects. You will be noticed to get ready to step it up.
Venus moves back into Scorpio on the 29th where she will tour through the rest of the year. You are now ready to put love or money into the home, to decorate or nest there, to earn from home or attract love through what you do there. You may have a woman enter the home now or help you to get the home you want. Things should run much smoother on all fronts with home, real estate, moves, roommates, mom/mother figures, and security matters. The Mars/Jupiter square today points to sex and romance or actions you take over love, kids or creative ventures to open things up financially or through divorce.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 30th and your thoughts will now be on work, health and pets. This is the time to write, talk, meet, pitch ideas, interview, audition, take short trips, involve neighbors or siblings, all to get the work done, land the job, get your health in gear, or do something for animals. You may get a job offer in the next few weeks or decide to join the gym or start a diet, all good.
VIRGO: (Find out how much more your personal chart reading can show you, call Zoe to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
You are being offered a huge new start with a brother or a sister in November, a new beginning in the neighborhood, with a neighbor or through a move, a new launch with a writing project, an agreement or decision, or you may schedule talks, meetings, short trips, or interviews that will open new doors or bring you together with new people. This all begins with the NEW MOON on the 6th and you have 2 strong weeks to initiate the new beginnings. The talks or decisions you make today will need to involve something a bit foggy going on with work, health or pets and this may challenge. They will also involve something surprising or exciting with a partner, agent, attorney, or specialist. Look at new ways of doing something or combining forces and be open to what you hear as well as to new inspirations you want to share with that important person.
The 7th is important because Neptune will go Direct today and Venus will Retrograde back into Libra. This is huge since these energies are the higher and lower vibration of love and the shift will be felt for you through work, health, pets and income. First, Neptune has slowed things down and taken you on an inner journey to connect with hidden parts of yourself through work, health and animals over the last few months. You are now ready to come out of this zen state and to begin to really apply your artistic, spiritual or romantic nature to work you want to put out into the world, to a holistic healthy lifestyle and to any involvement you have with animals. Second, Venus moving back into Libra means you have the next 11 days to look back at past love or money partners or representatives to revisit anything that could make you money or settle any money owed.
Mercury moves into Sagittarius on the 8th and focuses your thoughts and ideas, writing, agreements, and decisions on home, moves, real estate matters, and roommate situations. This may bring a brother or sister into the home or you may have travel, media, legal, or educational matters now beginning to take place at or over home and property matters.
November 10th brings the North Node of Destiny to Pluto in your house of true love, children, fun, and creative projects. This is an open door to a new level of empowerment through deconstructing something you have carried within your own soul to rebuild on a higher level of evolution. It is about taking responsibility for your own way forward and changing the way you love, allowing love in, letting go of love that is not right, finding a new level of empowerment or leadership in your creative efforts or through children, and allowing your evolutionary service to humanity to open to fun and happiness.
The 18th is another huge day this month when both Jupiter and Venus will station Direct. Again, the shift of energy will be pulpable and for you this means that any expansion you have wanted to do through partnerships, representation or specialists or in dealing with competitors has been a bit slow. Now it is opening back up again and you will find that luck is coming back to you through these significant relationships and that there are new ways to open up your life through their efforts. This also means that the slow-down in income is now a thing of the past and you will now begin to see you are attracting the money into our life again. A woman may enter the scene now who can offer you ways to make money or any money issues you have had with a woman over possessions or earnings will now find some kind of resolution and smooth out. The only challenge today is through a talk or news you hear that is a big confusing or disillusioning over work, health or pets.
The FULL MOON on the 21st is bringing a peak moment for you with a legal matter, travel plans, class you are taking or teaching, or media, broadcasting, publicity, or publishing topic. This is the time of the year when you are going to be recognized in one of these realms, see something achieved, come to fruition or complete, or when you may be ending the trip, legal matter, media event, or educational matter. It’s a time of celebrating what you have learned. Whatever the topic above, the link to luck, excitement and surprise is in opportunity aspect tied to a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or opponent which should help you reach your goal.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 22nd and puts the spotlight on home, moves, roommates, real estate deals, mom/mother figures, and security matters over the next 30 days. This is where your vital energy is going to flow and you are going to stand out so get ready to put in a lot of energy here.
Venus re-enters Scorpio on the 29th where she will tour through the rest of the year and this can mean a woman in your local scene getting involved, it can mean more focus on a sister or a woman in your brother’s life, it can mean that you can attract love or money through what you write, your ideas, your neighborhood, and through agreements, meetings or talks you have now. Communications in general should smooth out for you as should any short trips you need to take. The Mars/Jupiter square today points to a lot of action on the home front that may have you feeling things are over the top with one relationship.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 30th and opens up thoughts, ideas, talks, meetings, agreements, and local interests in creative projects, love and children. You may find that siblings are part of the creative process or that you are meeting love locally or through writing, a child may take on more importance in your daily life or you may really buckle down on the creative venture and work it through from now into December.
LIBRA: (Find out how much more your personal chart reading can show you, call Zoe to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
You are fully aware now just how much Saturn plans to test your during his two year transit through your sign and the slow-downs or limits have not been lost on you. That is why November holds such good news for you starting with this NEW MOON on the 6th that is going to open up a two week window of opportunity for making money. This means that you can go pound the pavement in the next two weeks with the best universal support to help you find a new source of income. It’s a good time to ask for a raise, find a secondary source of income, or supplement your earnings in other ways. If you need to do something with a possession of yours such as a car, piece of jewelry or home, this will help you with that as well. For some of you, there may be a large purchase that this NEW MOON helps you make. Be open to new sources or approaches to work for best results and work around any differences in creative style.
The 7th is an important day this month because Neptune goes Direct while Venus Retrogrades back into Libra. There is now way you aren’t going to be feeling this and as Venus is not only your ruler but part of the same lower/higher vibration of love shared by Neptune, you can assume love and women will be significant today as well. You have had a slowing down and revisiting of any self-sabotaging or secret energy around love interests, creative projects or children in the past few months and now that Neptune is ready to rock forward you are as well ready to leave those themes in the past and open up to a higher level of love and creativity. Venus is asking you to go back into something about your own needs, image, identity, or body and tackle it over the next 11 days in an effort to help you partner more strongly and to attract the love and money you desire. For some of you this may mean you return to reconnect with a past love interest during this time to figure something out, for others you may go back to a past creative outlet or child you worked with to see what is left to do here.
Mercury will enter Sagittarius on the 8th and the news will be pouring in for you. This is a time of heightened talks, meetings, agreements, writing, short trips, and interaction with neighbors or siblings. You may sign contracts during this transit or make a decision to travel, go back to school or deal with the law on something important you want to settle.
November 10th brings the North Node of Destiny to Pluto in your house of home, property matters, moves, roommates, family, mother, nurture, security needs, and food. This is an open door to a new level of empowerment through deconstructing something you have carried within your own soul to rebuild on a higher level of evolution. It is about taking responsibility for your own way forward and motivating to transform on a new level your idea of security, comfort, to put down roots in a more responsible and solid way, to deconstruct and rebuild on the roots of your family tree and what came before you, to empower yourself through your own mother nature or reconnecting to your mother, and to lead your way forward through real estate matters.
The 18th is another mega day when both Jupiter and Venus will station Direct in the sky. Jupiter has been backtracking through your work assignments, health and pets for the last few months, slowing your expansion down through these means and asking you to look very carefully at what really makes you happy so you would know just how far to expand in the future. Well that time is beginning now as you will finally feel ready to open things up again and conquer more work, see your health return to robust and possibly adopt a pet or do something big for your pets or animal causes. Venus has been backing up through your sign, asking you to reconnect with past love or money matters through your own sense of identity, physical body or personal needs. She is now ready to move forward and so should you be ready to spend on yourself, your body, looks, image, or identity, or to allow love back into your life. The only challenge today comes from your needs to make money and how earnings/spending are playing out with a lover, child or creative venture.
The FULL MOON on the 21st is a peak moment for you when a loan, inheritance, settlement, bankruptcy, tax or insurance matter, alimony or child support, joint financial matter, divorce, or sexual connection is going to culminate. This is a time of celebration as something is achieved or recognized or a time of endings in one area here. There seems to be real luck and opportunity tied into a work, health or pet matter for you in this FULL MOON financial, divorce or sexual arena so be open to new and interesting opportunities.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 22nd and illuminates your communications zone. This begins a 30 cycle where short trips, writing, agreements, talks, meetings, siblings, and neighbors will become significant and you will really stand out in these things so apply yourself here.
Venus moves into Scorpio on the 29th to help you smooth out income issues. You may have a woman enter the picture now who would be beneficial or you may feel this placement as a need to spend on luxury items for yourself. Mars squares Jupiter today so you will feel motivated about doing something out in the local scene and this may push the work, health or pet situation over the top.
Mercury wraps up the month by moving into Capricorn on the 30th and bringing talks, meetings, decisions, and agreements into the home, around real estate matters, moves, or roommate situations over the next few weeks. This is a time to be ambitious and structured about what you want to have happen in your personal space.
SCORPIO: (Find out how much more your personal chart reading can show you, call Zoe to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
You’ve been in somewhat of a hermit phase where recharging your own energy was quite important along with dreaming up your next steps. Well November is going to deliver starting with the NEW MOON on the 6th that opens up two strong weeks for your sign. This is about a big fresh start for you, anything that is important to you should get your undivided attention as you put your efforts behind it now. Your body, image, identity, or looks can get a whole new makeover or you could start a work-out regime or diet now with good effect. Talks, meetings or agreements you come to at this NEW MOON are very favored in areas of creative ventures, love interests or children and how you fit into this picture so open up and ask for what you want. The only challenge here is around home or moves.
Neptune stations Direct while Venus Retrogrades back into Libra on the 7th making this an important day to watch. Neptune has been backtracking, slowing things down and taking you back into the past where any hidden agendas or self-sabotaging matters where buried that affected your current living situation, all in an attempt to get you clear on where you really need to be and with whom. Now with Neptune moving again, you will have more energy to do artistic, romantic or spiritual things at home or to move so that you have more of an outlet to these energies. If you’ve been dealing with any mold or water issues at the house these should now begin to subside. Venus re-entering Libra today means that you are getting an 11 day pass into the past to reconnect with a love interest in secret or to return to a past money making endeavor involving film, music, or other art forms, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, addictions, or romance. This person or opportunity may be viable going forward, this you should know by the 18th.
Mercury moves into Sagittarius on the 8th and opens up talks, meetings, agreements, and decisions about income. This is a good few weeks when you will find you can get through to people to talk money so make it count. Some of you may travel to earn now or sign contracts.
November 10th brings the North Node of Destiny to Pluto in your house of communications. This is the area of talks, meetings, writing, agreements, short trips, neighbors, the local scene, and siblings. This is an open door to a new level of empowerment through deconstructing something you have carried within your own soul to rebuild on a higher level of evolution. It is about taking responsibility for your own way forward and motivating to evolve your ideas, the way you speak, to break the chains that limit your growth in your own mind, to empower your life through something only you can say or write, to come to terms over something life changing, to shift your power through leadership in your local arena, with your siblings, through your words, or through a move.
The 18th is big because both Jupiter and Venus station Direct. Jupiter has been backtracking in your house of true love, children and creative projects for months now and has slowed you down to look at your happiness and if there is anything you wanted to change going forward. Now he is ready to open the doors wide in these areas and let love in, expand the creative endeavor you are involved in or help you do something big with kids. Venus has been backtracking in a secret romance, or revisiting past film, music, dance, or other artistic outlets, hospitals, research projects, or spiritual pursuits and she is now ready to move forward. So do you take this secret love interest and build something going forward on it or did it show you how addictive energy can work against you, freeing you to really love now? You are ready to embrace a lover in the months ahead and you are ready to move monetarily on the creative project again. Anything having to do with kids is also going to be ready to move forward at this time through love or money matters. The only challenge today is tied to the home or living situation.
The FULL MOON on the 21st is bringing one significant relationship to a peak. This could be a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor in the mix but whoever the important person is, the relationship is hitting a high point now and there will be something to celebrate together or an ending that is slated. The energy attached to this is very exciting and happy and it is playing out in the field of true love, children and creative projects so you may have a nice surprise in the mix at this time that really puts a smile on your face.
The Sun lights up Sagittarius on the 22nd and puts the spotlight on your earnings for the next 30 days. So the talks you began when Mercury moved here are now followed by you stepping up and earning your keep, making your move, getting into the game in a big way to make more money or spend on an important purchase.
Venus enters your sign on the 29th and brings her beacon of attracting energy into you, this is a great time to feel the love, attract the love, attract the money you need, and to spend on your image, body or anything personal that you desire. You will have an easier time getting what you want now so plan well. The square between Mars and Jupiter today will feel like a major push in the area of money and creative projects, lovers or children. You may be pushing to earn more here or spending on something big.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 30th and your communications zone will really light up. This is the time of year when more talks, meetings, agreements, short trips, writing, decisions, ideas, interaction with neighbors, brothers, or sisters, all amp up. It’s a time to get serious about your ideas and structure your plans. Ambition rules.
SAGITTARIUS: (Find out how much more your personal chart reading can show you, call Zoe to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
It’s been pretty much a social whirlwind for you and with the arrival of November you are going to finally get a much needed breather. This comes as soon as the NEW MOON on the 6th in your hidden, retreat part of your chart. This is a strong two week period for you to take off from your daily grind and hide out on a retreat or vacation, to pull back a bit and rest, or you may want to plant a seed in some artistic realm in the next two weeks that will grow in the coming year so look into film, music, painting, poetry, dance, or any other art form and see if you could take a class or start a project. This is also the area ruling hospitals and addictions so if you need to enter a facility to have something done or seek treatment, this is the time to do so. Some of you will embark on a clandestine love affair during this transit or get into meditation or yoga, tune into your psychic abilities or just zen out. Something exciting you hear about home or at home today is in the mix, be open to spontaneous moments.
Neptune goes Direct and Venus Retrogrades back into Libra on the 7th, this makes for a pretty big day. Neptune has been backtracking in your local scene, with siblings, neighbors, writing, agreements, meetings, and talks for months now. This means you were going back into your past with things you wrote or ideas you had, agreements or decisions you made to see if your artistic, romantic or spiritual evolvement was on the right track and to see if there was anything from that time period that should move forward with you. Now you are ready to embark on new spiritual, romantic or artistic writing, agreements, talks, or meetings. You may see an agreement with a brother or sister shift now or a neighbor make a change in an agreement or meeting as well. Venus has been taking you back into the past with a friend over the last 11 days to see about a love or money matter that was important to you and now you are ready to begin to move forward in this area as well. You may want to partner with a female friend to make money or you may have a friend leave the picture today or return. Any love you feel for your closest buddies will now be able to move again in a forward flow.
Mercury enters your sign on the 8th so you can mark the next couple weeks as very high communications times for you, lots of talks, meetings, agreements, and short trips about something important to you, your image, body or identity. You may be made some great offers during this time based on who you are and it is a time to ask for what you want.
November 10th brings the North Node of Destiny to Pluto in your house of income, spending, possessions, and values. This is an open door to a new level of empowerment through deconstructing something you have carried within your own soul to rebuild on a higher level of evolution. It is about taking responsibility for your own way forward and motivating to connect find your soul path to earning money, to bring your leadership to bear, to spend on something that changes your life, on looking at possessions in a new light, on transforming your value system to suit your true beliefs and goals as you move higher along your path.
Jupiter and Venus both station Direct on the 18th, another pivotal day this month. Jupiter is your ruler so you always feel this shift personally and today he is ready to move again on your home front. You have had a slow down at home, with roommates, moves, or real estate deals but now you are ready to open up and expand in this area again so you may see a roommate move out, begin a renovation or remodel, move, build onto the home, buy or sell real estate, or receive something generous from mom. Venus is now going forward in your social arena and all the retracing into past friendships, past love and money matters involving friends, groups or social occasions, will now be ready to move forward again. This means you may have a woman return to your social sphere now, find you can now make more money through a group or friend, or that you meet someone you fall in love with out at a social affair in the weeks ahead. The only challenge today comes from something going on behind closed doors and news you hear or a talk you have about the spiritual, romantic, artistic, or hospital related matter.
The FULL MOON on the 21st is bringing a work, health or pet matter to a peak. This is a big time of celebration or recognition as something is achieved at work, a health goal is reached or something involving animals reaches a climax. This can also be about one work assignment ending, a health matter ending or an end to something going on with the pet. The energy attached to the FULL MOON is very positive and exciting streaming from the home, a move, real estate deal, or roommate.
The Sun moves into your sign on the 22nd and will travel here over the next 30 days lighting up pretty much everything about you. This is a great time of year to see and be seen, to mix and mingle, to take care of your image, body, identity, and step out in the spotlight. If there is something personal you desire, see if you can’t just get it by the end of this transit.
Venus moves into Scorpio on the 29th and smoothes things out that are going on behind the scenes. This brings love into the hidden, fantasy realm and helps you to attract money to film, music and other artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, dealing with addictions, research , investigations, and any retreat and relaxation you want to do. You can earn or spend in these areas easily now or meet love through one of these realms as well. The square between Mars and Jupiter will push the bounds with you at home in a big way today, this is either passion, motivation or anger at work in a big way.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 30th and begins to focus your thoughts on making money. This is a few week transit where you will get more ambitious, structure your world in a way to talk, meet, make short trips, or sign agreements all in an effort to earn. Some of you will be meeting over father, ambitions or business during this transit as well and this is favored.
CAPRICORN: (Find out how much more your personal chart reading can show you, call Zoe to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
There has been so much focus on your career and goals, that you may have forgot that fun and social energy is out there of late but in November that is going to change. On the 6th the NEW MOON is occurring in your social sector and you will have two strong weeks to meet new friends, start new things with current friends, network, go to parties, join or form groups, and really push your dreams and aspirations out there. A very exciting talk or meeting, agreement or decision is in the mix for you with at least one friend today so get ready to say yes and enjoy yourself. The only thing challenging at all today is around income matters, don’t worry, this is about to change as well.
The 7th is a big day because Neptune is going to station Direct and Venus is going to Retrograde back into Libra. Two major bodies shifting is felt rather intensely and here is how. First, Neptune has been taking you back through the way you earn your money and spend it over the last few months, things have slowed down so you could fine tune your intuition and instincts and really get a handle on any artistic or spiritual drive you may have around the way you earn your money. There may have been an institution from the past involved somehow in this but now you are ready to move forward with a new understanding and you should begin to see the dam break where any stoppage has occurred around money. Venus is moving back into Libra giving you 11 days to revisit any past women in your career or any love or money goals you have tied to someone in the past or a situation in the past. You need to really take this time to reconnect and see if there is any reason to move forward up ahead. A woman boss may exit now or one from the past return with a bit of wisdom to impart.
Mercury moves into Sagittarius on the 8th and for the next few weeks you will see that your talks and meetings are more private, hidden or involving things you are working on behind the scenes. You may get news about a hospital or other institution now or make a decision, sign an agreement or make a short trip to visit one. There may be talks about addictive or self-sabotaging behaviors, meetings that result in clandestine romantic encounters, writing in the arts, for film or music, or talks that delve into the fantasy realm quickly and go on in secret. Distance and knowledge both take on more import during this time.
November 10th brings the North Node of Destiny to Pluto in your house of self, body, image, identity, ego, and personal needs. This is an open door to a new level of empowerment through deconstructing something you have carried within your own soul to rebuild on a higher level of evolution. It is about taking responsibility for your own way forward and motivating to completely transform who you are becoming. You have been chosen to carry this major empowerment from the universe, it is in your care to find your souls desire and to take complete responsibility for who you are, to break away and out of any remaining shackles that would limit you from being as grand and shining as you are meant to be, to change your body, take steps to transform your image or reclaim your identity, and step fully into who your leadership.
The 18th is another important date this month as both Jupiter and Venus station Direct. Jupiter has slowed the growth of contracts, agreements, moves, talks, meetings, writing, and interaction with neighbors or siblings over the last months while taking you into the past in these areas to look at past growth, beliefs or luck. Now he is moving forward here again so you will hear news about something big, trips, legal matters, education, and the media all are ruled by Jupiter so you may hear about something big involving one of these things. You can now begin to put the big agreement or contract together, expand your talks or meetings, see some luck behind the writing project, or open up in some big way with your brother or sister, neighbor or move. Venus has taken you into the past through a career matter, goal, ambition, reputation, or fame in the last 11 days involving a women, love or money matter from the past. Whatever you needed to figure out about her or your career you should now know. With Venus moving Direct here you will have an easier time attracting the love or money you want on the career front. A woman may return. The only obstacle today comes from feelings about a friend and money you earn or have to spend.
The FULL MOON on the 21st is bringing a love, child or creative project front and center as something is celebrated, achieved or ended. You may hear a declaration of love, have something to celebrate with your lover, or end a romance, you may have a big goal achieved by a child or a project you were working on for children reach a high point or a child may move away to school or get married now ending one way of relating to them, or you may have your creative project open on stage, get the green light, come out in hard cover, or have its first gallery opening tonight. The energy attached to this FULL MOON is very exciting and lucky and this will come through news you hear, a writing project, agreement, contract, meeting, talk, or short trip so if you are single, get out there, answer your phone and mingle. If you have a creative project, send it out there before this FULL MOON, you might get a great answer.
The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd and will tour here for the next 30 days spotlighting retreat, the work you do behind closed doors, fantasy, film, music, other art forms, secret love affairs, hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, and spiritual pursuits. This is where you shine so put yourself into the mix and see what you can stir up.
Venus moves into Scorpio on the 29th and for the rest of the year she will be smoothing things out and helping you attract more love and money through your networking, social festivities, friendships, group affiliations, and aspirations. This is a great time to connect with your pals and to share the good times. Mars squares Jupiter today so there may be a drive to do something secretive after hearing something passionate, this looks big.
Mercury moves into your sign on the 30th and puts you in the center of the hub where talks, meetings, agreements, writing, short trips, neighbors, and sibling connections are concerned. You will be the one holding forth, with the ideas, invitations, and lots to write or come to terms over, it’s a great time to communicate your needs. It’s also a good time to focus in on yourself and make decisions about your body or image.
AQUARIUS: (Find out how much more your personal chart reading can show you, call Zoe to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
Have you wanted a fresh start on the career front but haven’t been quite able to make it happen? Have you been thinking about a big goal you want to achieve but you just couldn’t find the time to get started? Well November is going to be your month because as soon as the NEW MOON on the 6th you are getting a huge supportive fresh start in these areas. You have two strong weeks to launch the new business, get your marketing out there, ask for the promotion, introduce something new into the career you already have, and climb a bit higher on that ladder of success. There is great energy attached to new ways to make money and exciting ideas about how to do it, so be open to what presents. If you are feeling a bit sentimental about someone or down about your body image today, try not to let it influence this positive start.
The 7th is important as Neptune stations Direct and Venus Retrogrades back into Libra. These two bodies are the higher and lower vibration of love and they are both shifting on the same day so you can expect to feel this pretty profoundly. Neptune has been slowing down in your sign so any self-sabotaging or secretive issues you may have were being taken into some past arena so you could see more clearly what you would except and what you would no longer except. This was a time to help you truly reclaim your own self-worth and now with the Direct motion it seems you are ready to begin to move forward again as well in all of your artistic, romantic, or spiritual pursuits. Venus is backing into the past through a trip, legal channel, class you are taking or teaching, or media venture and she is going to give you the next 11 days to revisit love or money matters here. What do you want?
Mercury moves into Sagittarius on the 8th opening up talks, meetings, agreements, and short trips with friends. This is the social area of your chart so you can expect more invitations to social gatherings, to join or form groups, or just to catch up with friends. It’s a great time to write down your dreams or aspirations for yourself and see if you can network on this as well.
November 10th brings the North Node of Destiny to Pluto in your house of the mystic, the muse, the arts, film, music, dance, and other forms of expression, spiritual pursuits, research, investigations, hospitals, prisons, and other places of retreat, addictions, self-sabotaging and escapism. This is an open door to a new level of empowerment through deconstructing something you have carried within your own soul to rebuild on a higher level of evolution. It is about taking responsibility for your own way forward and motivating to face up to and release anything you are doing to sabotage your own evolution, to tear away the addictions and reclaim your power, to change your life through a masterpiece in film, music, or other art forms, to take the next step in your spiritual quest, or to change your path through taking the time to enter a hospital or other institutions to rebuild some part of your body or psyche.
The 18th is another big day as both Jupiter and Venus station Direct. Jupiter has been backing through your income zone for months slowing down that amount you were making but also slowing down the big spending spree you were on so you could look at where you were at financially. If you were trying to find new sources of income it would have been rather slim pickings. That is now over and you will start to see more money coming in as well as the urge return to make bigger purchases. Venus has helped you look at a past love or money interest through a trip, legal, media, or educational avenue and now she is ready to move forward here. This means you may be ready to attract new love or money through the trips you take, import/export, legal contracts or channels, publicity, marketing or media, or through taking or teaching a class. The only challenge today is your artistic vision for the career matter or romantic vision and goal being met.
The FULL MOON on the 21st is bringing a home matter to a peak. This is about where you live, who you live with, any real estate deals, moves, security needs, foundations you are building upon, family matters, food, or mom/mother figures. Somewhere in all of this is a big celebration as something is achieved or a festive gathering takes place at home, or it is an ending being marked at home or with a living situation. The energy attached to this FULL MOON is very exciting and lucky and links to money being earned or spent so see if you can earn at home or through interior design, real estate or moves today, or if there is a good way to spend on your home at this point.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 22nd and will light up this part of the sky for the next 30 days. This is a high point for you with friends, groups, parties, networking, and aspirations. This puts you physically into the mix so you know you are going to be mixing it up with your buddies and doing a lot of socializing in the next 30 days. You may travel with friends or do something big now.
Venus moves into Scorpio on the 29th and will smooth things out on the career front. She may mark a woman entering your career arena now that is beneficial to you, she will help you to attract love or money through your personal standing in the community and reputation. You may find fame at this time or attract the promotion you were seeking. The Mars/Jupiter square will motivate you with a social situation or friend over money.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 30th and talks will go underground or behind closed doors and secrets may come to the surface now. It’s a great time to strategize, write on your own, sequester away and fantasize or come to agreements over artistic or romantic proposals. Anyone new you meet now may have their own secret that only time will tell.
PISCES: (Find out how much more your personal chart reading can show you, call Zoe to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
there has been so much energy exerted into the deepest areas of life lately that you may not know how to take the lighter energy coming your way in November. It starts with the NEW MOON on the 6th in your house of travel, media, law, and education. This is opening up a two week period for you to plan or take a trip, get your legal matters going on a fresh new start, begin a media venture, your own show on youtube or perhaps an internet radio show, to come up with new publicity or marketing ideas, or to sign up for new classes or decide to start teaching yourself. The more you are willing to do or try new things today, the better it is going to be for you. There is someone you need to meet or talk to to get the ball rolling, reach out.
On the 7th we have 2 major events. First, Neptune stations Direct in your 12th house. This is your ruler so you can expect to feel the shift. He has been backtracking into the past over any addictions, self-sabotaging or escapist tendencies, fantasy, film, music, or other art forms, spiritual pursuits, retreats, clandestine or self-undoing romances, and any connections to hospitals. He has been helping you look at your true spiritual, mystical nature through these past people or situations and what is going on in these realms. Now he is ready to go forward which means you are now ready to begin to move forward again on your artistic endeavors, such as film, music, dance, painting, or other forms, you are ready to claim your next level of spirituality, ready to do some work behind the scenes for the greater good, to open up your heart on a higher level, and to move forward with any hospitals or other institutions you are involved with. Venus is going back into Libra for 11 days and taking you back into the past with a person or situation to revisit your own power/lack of power, control issues, situations that involve triangles, sexual attractions, divorce issues, or major financial matters such as loans, debt, bankruptcy, inheritance, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, or joint finances. Take a good look at what you attracted (Venus) and make some decisions about what you would like to attract.
November 10th brings the North Node of Destiny to Pluto in your house friends, groups, networking, social occasions, and aspirations. This is an open door to a new level of empowerment through deconstructing something you have carried within your own soul to rebuild on a higher level of evolution. It is about taking responsibility for your own way forward and motivating to meet new people who are part of your soul group, to form or join a group that changes your life, to socialize on a more empowered level, to throw or attend a social event that allows for you to step up and lead, to connect on some new soul level through financial, sexual, divorce, or life and death matters involving a friend or group to help you understand your own capabilities and set you on a new path forward.
The 18th is another major day as both Jupiter and Venus station Direct. Jupiter has been retracing through your sign to help you slow down in any way that you were expanding, to really get into the heart of you and through the shut door before you to get you to look at who you were, if your deeds aligned with your beliefs, if who you said you were was in accordance with what you were doing. You are the sign without boundaries and with Jupiter here it has cast you further, faster on at least one level than you ever knew possible, this time of standstill was to let you catch up and get your bearings again. Now Jupiter is ready to move forward and you are ready to continue on the major trajectory of your life. From now through January 22nd next year, you have the planet of luck and expansion doing everything he can to put you in the best possible place for your own growth and evolution, let him, show the faith inherent in this energy. You won’t have this kind of massive push again for another 12 years. Venus has been backing through your sex, divorce and financial matters and asking you to look at how you relate money or sex to love by showing you past people or situations to stir this up. Now you are ready to attract a love interest who is powerful and deep, to earn money in balance with spending or other people’s money, and to release yourself to love through divorce if you have met this crossroads. The only challenge today comes through a legal matter, trip, media issue, or class you are taking or teaching.
The FULL MOON on the 21st is bringing a peak moment around a talk, news you hear, an agreement in the works, contract you sign, a writing project, meeting, short trip, or something involving a neighbor, brother, sister, or move. This is a time of celebration as something is achieved or it is an ending as something wraps up. The energy attached to the FULL MOON is very exciting and lucky so you should expect something pretty major to come through for you at this time. Be proactive and write, ask for what you need, take the short trip, get out and meet people, sign the contract, it’s all good.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 22nd and puts the spotlight on your career for the next 30 days. This is a big time for you to get out and make an impression on people, you could find your name in lights, get your promotion, launch your business, and make your reputation. Legal, marketing, or travel matters may tie into this pivotal career time for you so be open to these avenues.
Venus moves into Scorpio on the 29th and smoothes things out for you over legal issues, helps you travel for pleasure, money or a woman, attracts the right kind of attention through publicity or media outlets, and may bring a woman onto the scene through a class you take or teach who is beneficial for you. You will want to spend on these things and my earn here as well. Love finds you while traveling, publicizing, teaching, or dealing with the law. The Mars/Jupiter square will amp up ambitions today in a big way.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 30th and over the next few weeks your thoughts will be on your friends. This is a time when more social invitations come your way, you talk with more friends, and meet up for social activities. It’s a great time for agreements involving groups or friends that are ambitious or tied to business.
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