The weekend ahead looks pretty social, with a focus again on relationships. I wanted to give you a key for the current Venus Retrograde along with your weekend forecast so you can reference it if need be in the weeks ahead. :) Venus Retrograded on Oct. 8 and won’t go Direct again until Nov. 18th. This key will help you at a glance over these next weeks. The WEEKEND FORECAST is below the VENUS KEY.
VENUS rules love, money and women.
Venus is Retrograding in SCORPIO offering you a do-over, revisit or reconnect/disconnect in matters of love, money or women through sexual connection, divorce or financial institutions or shared financial situations now through Nov. 7th. At that time Venus will back into Libra and continue on with her Retrograde through the 18th in the sign of partners, representatives, competitors, and significant relationships, a time when serious shifts will take place.
You may reconnect with a woman from the past during this time, a love interest or money matter from the past may show back up to be revisited, or you may have a current woman leaving the situation because of divorce, finances or a sexual indiscretion or desire.
Money you earn or are owed will be thematic, you get to retrace steps here with a woman or love interest and the dynamic of partnership or need for a representative to help you handle the situation will play into this time period as well. You have a chance to reconnect with your own power, control or desire nature as you move through this time and you may decide that facing divorce decisions, sexual attitudes, intimate reconnects/disconnects, or dealing with outside financial institutions will be the way to go.
Your own needs, body, identity, or image will be thematic as you step back into the past with a woman, money or love interest to field something personal or physical to meet your needs. The dynamic of work, health or pets will play into this time period. You have a chance to reconnect with your partnering potential, free yourself from outworn partnerships or to find a way to balance with another through representation of who you are or what you do.
Your artistry, spiritual nature, clandestine type romances, and any institutions you are involved with will be thematic as you step back into your past with a woman, money or love interest to open up something that has been hidden from you or that you have kept secret or buried. A lover, child or creative endeavor will play into this time period. You have a chance to reconnect with the service you provide others, your work needs, health, or pets and make decisions about the balance of love or money here and any women who are important to these areas.
Your friendships, group affiliations, networking, associates, dreams and aspirations will be thematic as you step back into the past with a woman, love interest or money matter to reclaim your power or find ways to share or balance the situation. Triangles are likely here. Home, a move, mom, roommates, or a property matter will play into this time. You have a chance to reconnect with a past lover, way of loving, issue involving children or child you knew in the past, or a past creative endeavor to rebalance the love or money involved here.
Your career, reputation, potential for fame, ambitions, goals, standing in the community, or connection with father or authority figures will be thematic as you step back into the past with a woman, love interest or money matter to rebalance control, empowerment, triangles or financial matters. Writing, agreements, meetings, ideas, talks, neighbors, or siblings will play into this time. You have a chance to reconnect with a past home, living situation, roommate, mom/mother figure, or real estate deal to rebalance the love or money matter here.
Your higher mind and sense of adventure, travel plans, import/export needs, education, media or publicity ventures, or legal issues will be thematic as you step back into the past with a woman, love interest or money matter to rebalance control, empowerment, triangles, divorce issues, or financial matters. The money you earn or spend or a major possession of yours will play into this time. You have a chance to reconnect with a past writing project, agreement, local matter, or issue with a sibling as you rebalance the love or money matter here.
Your shared energy in sexual union, divorce, loans, debt, credit, insurance, taxes, settlements, alimony, child support, commissions, inheritance, bankruptcy, or any other outside financial matter will be thematic as you step back into the past with a woman, love interest or money matter to rebalance control, empowerment, triangles, divorce issues, or reclaim an intimate connection. Your body, image, personal needs, or identity will play into this time. You have a chance to reconnect with a past income source, spend on something from the past, or reclaim a possession as you rebalance the love or money matter here.
Your partnership, need for a partner, relationship with an agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or need to represent or compete will be thematic as you step back into the past with a woman, love interest or money matter to rebalance control, empowerment, triangles, divorce issues, finances, or reclaim an intimate connection. Something hidden, involving artistic projects, spiritual pursuits, clandestine romance, or hospitals/institutions will play into this time period. You have a chance to reconnect or reclaim a past identity, body image, personal need or desire, or revisit something within the body during this time as you rebalance the love or money matter here.
Your work, health or pets will be thematic as you step back into the past with a woman, love interest or money matter to rebalance control, empowerment, triangles, divorce issues, or reclaim an intimate connection. A friend, group affiliation, social occasion, or aspiration will play into this period. You have a chance to reconnect with or reclaim something mystical or muse oriented in your life, a hidden or secret need, an artistic project, spiritual pursuit, hidden love affair, or something involving a hospital or other institution as you rebalance the love or money matter here.
Your lover, love interest, children, issues involving children, or creative projects will be thematic as you step back into the past with a woman, love interest or money matter to rebalance control, empowerment, triangles, divorce issues, or reclaim an intimate connection. A goal, ambition, career matter, your reputation, fame, leadership, father/father figure, or boss/authority figure will play into this time period. You have a chance to reconnect or reclaim something with a friend, group, networking event, social occasion, or major aspiration of yours as you rebalance the love or money matter here.
Your home, foundations you are building upon, real estate deals, moves, roommate situation, or connection with mom/mother figures will be thematic as you step back into the past with a woman, love interest or money matter to rebalance control, empowerment, triangles, divorce issues, major financial matters, or reclaim an intimate connection. A legal decision, trip, ceremony, class you take or teach, belief, or media venture will play into this time period. You have a chance to reconnect or reclaim a past goal, ambition, or career matter as you rebalance the love or money matter here.
Your writing, ideas, meetings, talks, neighborhood, or connection with brothers or sisters will be thematic as you step back into the past with a woman, love interest or money matter to rebalance control, empowerment, triangles, divorce issues, or reclaim an intimate connection. A loan, bankruptcy, inheritance, debt, tax, insurance, settlement, divorce, outside financial resource, or sexual connection will play into this time period. You have a chance to reconnect or reclaim something from the past through a trip, media venture, legal decision, ceremony, or class you take or teach as you rebalance the love or money matter here.
Here is the WEEKEND FORECAST for Oct. 16-17:
ARIES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday the social flow is on your side, you can hang with friends, get together with a group or attend a party or other social affair with positive results. There is something serious with a particular relationship here, maybe you want to cement a partnership or representation and this looks solid. Talk or meet about this if you can. The only challenge is with a woman over sex, divorce or shared/owed financial matters, not a great time to lend money to a friend or ask for money owed.
Sunday you may feel compelled to push in the area of sex, divorce or finances as you are amped up over the social matter. The rest of the day looks very positive for talks and stepping out again with friends or groups, being seen and sharing ideas or coming to terms on the relationship you are building here. Again your need to partner or seek an agent or attorney seems strong. Talks with them will require some adjustment around what is hidden or still in the developing stages.
TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday brings attention to career, goals, reputation, and the work you are doing, your health, or any animal or environmental topics. This day is very encouraging for you to make solid, long term moves that can bring you more leadership or authority in the matter. Talk or meet about what you need, make speeches, address your public, ask for the raise, or write up a proposal. A female partner, agent, attorney, or competitor will be a bit of a challenge today as the relationship is frustrating to the goal at hand, so plan on working through the love or money matter here.
Sunday is again about career, ambitions and reputation, some will be dealing with father, bosses or other authority figures. You will want to take action with an agent, attorney, or partner but may have to really move a lot to make it happen. The great news is the work you put in, the way you approach your health and/or the way you open up about animal/environment or services you provide, all should lead to positive results on the career front or towards that goal. Be willing to make some adjustments around the friend, group or social affair as you talk about the work, health or pet matter.
GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is about the legal, travel, media, or educational matter you are dealing with and ways to talk about the creative aspects, love or children in the mix. There may be someone at a distance involved in this. It is a great day for opening up, coming to agreements or making decisions about love, creative outlets or kids and building something solid, severing something bad, committing for the long term, and feeling better about the entire thing. The only challenge is a female who has issues over love or money playing out through the work, health or pet arena.
Sunday is again about travel, media, law, education, love interests, creative projects, or children. Challenge yourself to do something about the work before you, the animals or the health matter and then really allow yourself to enjoy the open communications, agreements, decisions, meetings, and writing you can share over creative ventures, love interests and children. Be willing to shift just enough on your goal, ambition, or position on the career front to allow for the expansion that is trying to find you.
CANCER: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is about sex, divorce, or major financial matters and talks about home, real estate, family, mom, roommates, or moves. Any talk, meeting or agreement you can come to today is solid and can be in place long term. The only challenge in all of this is over love, kids or creative projects and any woman involved here or money matter tied to your earnings. It’s important that you state your needs at home or about where you live and how you are living there now.
Sunday is again about sex, divorce, major financial matters, home, moves, roommates, or mom/mother figures. You may feel like doing something today about the love, kid or creative matter, expressing passion or anger but motivating due to the above mentioned issues. The rest of the day is wide open to help you talk and come to terms again over the home, finances, divorce, settlements, or shared intimacy there. You may need to stretch a bit over legal, media, educational, or travel plans to come to an agreement or meet.
LEO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is about the romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor and what you are talking about, meeting over, agreeing upon, writing, or doing locally. This is all in positive flow with solid support from Saturn bringing structure and long term results from efforts and ideas. The only challenge today is a woman at home or money making matter or love interest tied to the living situation.
Sunday again is about the relationship or representative in the picture and starts out with action going on at home, with a move, renovation, roommate, or over security needs here. This is frictional energy so you can see a lot of energy expended here but it may cause sparks to fly. The positive news comes again by way of talks, agreements, meetings, writing, or decisions you make about the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competition. Be willing to stretch a bit over the joint accounts or settlements, debt or bankruptcy, divorce or sexual connection in discussions or meetings.
VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is about work you can do, health you can take care of, pets, and any way to earn money, spend on these topics, or handle a possession such as a car or home in the mix to your benefit in these matters. There is great energy favoring the agreements, meetings, talks, and decisions you have about this and long term, solid results can come from what you set in motion today. The only challenge comes from talks or news from a woman or information you get regarding your love interest.
Sunday is again about work, health or pets and money you can earn or spend here with positive flow in your direction if you put in effort now. You are likely to be a bit frustrated while running about locally or dealing with a younger male in conversation or over an agreement so pace yourself in this. The rest of the day will help you to focus on in and talk about the money while making some adjustments to accommodate a partner, attorney, agent, or competitor that should benefit you as well.
LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is about fun, love, lovers, children, or a creative venture you are involved in and anything you can do to talk or write, express yourself, let your light shine and ask for what you need. You may meet a serious contender for your heart this weekend so be out and about. This person would likely be older or very solid and together and quite good for you. The only challenge comes from a woman over income or a possession in question and will counter your fun mode for just a moment, don’t let it interfere too much!
Sunday is again about love, kids or creative ventures and there will again be a strong focus on you in this mix so you should accept invitations to meet and enjoy your day. You will want to do something about the money you need to make or spend today or go after the possession in question from yesterday, just know this may be motivating but challenging as well. See if you can find a way to express your needs to someone over work, health or pet matters today so you can grow in a direction that would make you happier or would attract more prosperity into your life, the energy favors your efforts.
SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is about home, roommates, moves, renovations, real estate deals, mom/mother figures, and something that you can talk about, write, meet over, or come to terms regarding secrets, retreat, research, investigations, hospitals, film, music or other art forms, secret romance, or spiritual pursuits. It’s a great day to shine in these combined areas, sign agreements, write your masterpiece, hook up with someone at home, and whatever is shared has solid, long term energy behind it. The only challenge today is regarding your own needs, body, image, or identity and the way this is affecting love or money for you.
Sunday is more of the same with home, real estate, moves, mom, and all the hidden, mystical, muse oriented energy coming to surface, with artistry, romance, spiritual pursuits, or hospitals, retreat, and research. Today you will be motivated in a big way to get active, do something physical, push your body, make something happen regarding you and the home environment. This will challenge you. Again talks and agreements, writing and ideas are all golden in connection to home. Be willing to make some adjustments around the creative outlet, lover or child as you expand your horizons.
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is all about writing, talks, meetings, agreements, local activity, short trips, decisions, and interaction with neighbors or siblings. In these communications the aspect to friends, socializing, networking, group affiliations, and aspirations is solid, supportive, positive, and could lead to long term agreements or writing projects. The only challenge today comes from a woman working behind the scenes or one who is involved with clandestine romance, secrets, research, investigations, hidden agendas, hospitals, or spiritual pursuits, the talks here will push buttons.
Sunday brings more around talks, meetings, writing, agreements, decisions, short trips, and sibling interaction. Today there is a push to do something about what is going on behind closed doors, through secrets, addictions, or escapism, and you may feel a bit frustrated or challenged in this. The great news is that you can again connect with friends, groups or about aspirations in a positive way, write, meet, talk, or share ideas. You need to let one conversation with a friend or group lead you to opening up about what is going on at home or with mom, roommates, or moves. This may require some adjustment on your part.
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is about making money and career in a nutshell. Some of you may need to spend on career goals or needs, while others will be dealing with a reputation matter, fame, bosses, authority, leadership, or ambitions and goals. It’s a great day for any talks, meetings, contracts, agreements, writing, short trips, or decisions that will bring more money in, help you set important limits so that can happen and solidify something that will help you achieve your goals. The only challenge today is to a female friend involved in the money.
Sunday is more earnings, spending and career focus with the added pleasure of you truly out in the spotlight, wheeling and dealing or getting your name out there. Again, agreements, meetings and talks should support what you are doing. You will feel motivated to take action or express passions or anger with the friend or regarding a social affair, networking event or aspiration. This as well may be challenging. See if you can find a way to expand through talks, negotiations, meetings, or writing on the career front by stretching or doing more.
AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is all about you, your image, body, needs, and identity so step it up and get busy. The theme for all of this ‘you’ energy should pour out through legal channels around your body or identity, travel plans that fulfill your needs, media or publicity ventures to get your image out there, or taking or teaching a class. This is all positive, solid and long term if you meet, talk, sign agreements, or make decisions about them today. The only challenge is from a woman involved with career and any issues stemming from her.
Sunday brings more energy around you, your image, identity or body with travel, education, law, or media again pivotal for you in positive, strong connections. Again you should talk, meet, come to terms and make decisions about anything that you would like to do for yourself through these channels. You will want to motivate about the career matter even though there is some challenge again in this today. See if you can find a way to stretch your dollar and either earn more or spend on something big in a way that doesn’t drain you but gets you where you want to be.
PISCES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is about retreat, rest, recuperation, any research, artistic work, spiritual pursuits, or time dealing with hospitals or other institutions. You want to talk about the major financial matter here, the sexual attraction, divorce, or a death you are dealing with. News is solid and talks, agreements or meetings should yield positive results that are in place for a long while. The only challenge is with a woman at a distance, tied to travel, legal matters, ceremonies, media outlets, or education.
Sunday is more about taking some time behind the scenes, recharging batteries, resting, doing your research or investigations, practicing your spirituality, getting involved in media or marketing matters, meeting up in a clandestine romance, or dealing with addictions or hospitals. There is once again great energy to help you step up sexually, intimately, over divorce issues, death, or major financial matters. Talk, meet, sign agreements, make decisions. You will want to take action on the trip, media, legal, or educational matter even though it is challenging again. See if there is a way to stretch around your own needs, image, body, or identity today as you communicate about the sex, money or divorce.
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