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The entire weekend is magnified in Scorpio energy, you think you can handle that wild child?!! You already have a pretty good idea about what or who is returning from the past or what or who is leaving now with Venus Retrograding in Scorpio yesterday. Now mama Moon is getting into the action rounding out that goddess energy to throw you in hook, line and chains into the depth of emotions over it all.
Saturday will bring up feelings over the love interest, passion, anger, money, or motivating force behind sexual connections, intimacy, settlements, debt, loans, or other outside resources, or the divorce. Hook-ups, break-ups and fierce determination are in the mix, it’s an active day.
Sunday all of this sex, divorce or financial energy is going to connect with an artistic venture you are trying to expand upon, a spiritual pursuit you are opening up to, a hospital or other institution that is key to the process, a secret or hidden agenda that is wrapped around it, or research you are doing to expand through these realms. The only glitch today comes through something involving a friend or group in the picture, an obstacle that must be worked through.
ARIES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is like being a guided missile, Aries, you can either spend the day connecting with someone in passionate, sexual intimacy or you can motivate or express anger over love or money matters and how everything is going to be shared in a settlement, divorce, loan, tax situation, insurance matter, or other outside financial arena. Singles may meet someone sexy today.
Sunday all that emotional energy around financial situations, sex or divorce is amped up again but today you take it behind closed doors and research, fantasize, strategize, deal with hospitals or other institutions, or get into the crux of an artistic or spiritual matter. A friend or group situation is a bit strained today in all of this so do your best to work around or through it.
TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday all the emotional, intense energy is around what is happening with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. The energy is highly charged sexually, romantically, angrily, or to motivate you over money or divorce issues. It’s a fresh start here regardless of which way you take it.
Sunday that significant person is in the mix again and today that will be connected to major openings socially, at parties or networking, around an aspiration of yours, or through friends or group activities. You may want to partner with a friend or take your partner out to a social occasion or work on the dream together, it’s all lucky and open. Something about the goal, reputation, ambition, or career matter is going to be an obstacle to overcome today with this person.
GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday the energy is going to be focused on a work matter, your health or pets. There is something profound occurring here that means sharing with someone else either intimately or through financial means. Some of you could be disconnecting from the shared experience in which case a divorce may be coloring your work, health or pets today. Bring passion or action to the table and see what you can achieve, keep a short leash on anger.
Sunday the work, health or pet matter is going to tie in to major career expansion or a big goal opening up in a positive way so put in the effort on all fronts. Obstacles or challenges come from someone at a distance, a trip or visitor, legal channels, media matters, or education. Wait until you have a bit more information.
CANCER: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday emotions are powerful and connected to someone else over a creative project, through true love or over a child. This is very intense fresh energy here about sharing romantic or passionate embraces, motivating to make something happen with money, or handling what is going on over divorce that is affecting the child, love or creative project. The past figures prominently, motivate.
Sunday the child, lover or creative venture is front and center again and today that means that you can open up on a major level through traveling, connecting with someone far away or foreign, taking or teaching a class, taking legal control, or tying into the media in some way to promote. Keep an eye on how financial matters are being shared with the other person, any debt accumulating or any deception that could be in the picture over finances, sex or divorce.
LEO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday energy at home, with moves, real estate deals, family, or mom will be intense and active. You have lots going on here today and can really motivate. You may want to spend the day at home enjoying the passion and romance here or tackle a money matter going on at home, setting things up to attract more income or spending on decorating or other improvements. The only possible caution is to keep anger in check over what occurs at home or with family today.
Sunday is again about home but today there is great energy tied to a financial matter such as a loan, mortgage, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, tax, settlement, alimony, child support, or other shared financial matter. You can expand in lucky ways today through home and finances. Some of you will find it a very passionate day at home while others may be dealing with a divorce and its affects there. A relationship is a bit strained today so keep an eye out for this.
VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday brings all kinds of intense meetings, talks, decisions, short trips, neighborhood activities or interactions with brothers or sisters. There is a lot of drive and determination in this for you along with potential for passion, anger or outlets for earning or spending. Writers are motivated to express passions and singles may meet a new passionate potential while out in the local scene.
Sunday the communications zone is again amplified with more talks, meetings, decisions, writing, agreements, and sibling or neighborhood activity. Today there will be strong energy supporting partnering or connecting with a representative such as an agent or attorney in any of these matters. Something about the work you are doing, a health matter or pet/animal issue is a bit cloudy today so try not to make serious decisions here just yet.
LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday the energy is gearing up over income, with Mars and Venus being activated by the Moon here you will have a lot of motivation to connect with dynamic people from the past to consider ways to earn money together or perhaps you will be connecting offering a service to them or through them. You may spend on items of beauty today or for love as well.
Sunday the money is the bottom line again but today there is a great aspect to the work involved with luck and expansion possible so put your efforts in now. Health and pets may be focal in the day with money coming through for them or making money by doing something with them. Any issues that might arise over money come from a lover, child or creative venture with something needing to be worked out here artistically, spiritually or romantically.
SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday the combination of energy is all about emotional charges amping up and motivating you personally to get active, do something physically, sharing your body passionately with another, getting to the gym or tackling something that requires your vital energy to pursue. It is exciting and stimulating and at your disposal. Romance or doing something for yourself through spending on your image or body is also possible, just keep an eye on anger.
Sunday again puts the focus on you, your body, image, personal needs, and identity with the added bonus of major luck and expansion coming to you through love interests, romance, time with children or involving something relating to children, and any creative endeavor you are a part of today. You really want to spend some time on something fun and expressive because it looks exciting and open to you. The only challenge today is at home or with someone you live with so prepare to dive in here.
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday brings you into the realm of the mystic and muse, behind closed doors, to delve into artistic work such as film or music, to paint or spend time hiding away with a secret love interest. It’s a great day to express love and passion or to motivate over money tied to research, hospitals, artistic outlets, or spiritual pursuits. The past may be revisited here as you move through shared emotions.
Sunday is again about the retreat, hospital, research, film, music or other art project, clandestine romance, or spiritual pursuit. There is an amazing flow for you to the home and family in this so if you can research or hide out at home, work on the artistic matter there, or deal with moves, real estate deals, family, or mom it should open up for you. The only challenge today is through news, a talk, or agreement tied to this that is somewhat foggy or unclear, double check facts.
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is social to the max for you with lots of action, passion, and motivating energy at your disposal. You are heading into the past on some level with this so there may be a friend from the past you are connecting with and doing something big or you may be involved in a money-making matter with them or spending on something for them today. A group, party or networking event is possible as well. Love and money are central.
Sunday is about friends, groups and socializing again but today there is a huge link to talks, meetings, agreements, or interaction with siblings that is expansive, lucky, happy, and potentially lucrative for you. Open up and share ideas, be open to last minute invites or changes that will likely benefit you, go with the flow. The only potential challenge today is around money you need to make or spend conflicting with the social time.
AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is about your career or a big goal you have set for yourself and it will involve a woman from the past, or focus around a love interest or money-making prospect from the past. There is a whole lot of emotional energy here that could play out as dynamic motivation to achieve, passion expressed or anger making itself known. The boss or reputation could be part of the picture as well. It’s a new day and this energy should help you to feel that.
Sunday is again about career, reputation, ambition, a goal, fame, or father/father figures and bosses. Today the link to income is amazing and you can earn quite a chunk of change through any goals you pursue with passion or a boss who shows up in the picture from the past. You may spend to further your career aims as well today, just know that being spontaneous to what unfolds will benefit you here. The only challenge today is you, there seems to be some nostalgia or sentimentality over identity issues for you just now, keep your eye on the positive opportunities around you.
PISCES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is about all the action playing out over travel, a ceremony, legal matters, education, or media and publicity. You can feel things pretty deeply today through these contacts and share on a profound level with another through passion or romance, love or money. A woman from the past should be quite pivotal in all of this.
Sunday is again about the trip, ceremony, legal matter, education, or media/marketing topic. Today you have the added advantage of something big and lucky coming to you through all of this, you can expand your own horizons in some way through a legal move, taking or teaching the class, joining in on the ceremony, flying off somewhere or interacting with someone at a distance and find new ways to approach your own potential. The only obstacle to your day is through a desire to retreat and hide away about something.
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