TUNE IN Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Worldwide Radio ~ New Sky Radio: http://www.psychiconair.com/pages/5643781.php 248-545-7685 to listen to or call in with astrology questions for THE ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW! You can also follow this link to scroll down and listen to past shows archived there!
Wow, we are into the first week of November already! Where did the time go? The NOVEMBER MONTHLY FORECAST can still be read here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2010/10/zoe-moons-november-monthly-forecast.html
We had so many adjustments to make to changing relationship dynamics in October and although we still have a few of those moments left this month, it is opening up in a much more proactive way with positive energy to help us now begin to really get the ball rolling in our lives.
Monday Venus, in her Retrograde motion, connects with Pluto in a powerful, change oriented opportunity for you. Venus means you may see this change come through a woman who connects powerfully with you today, it could mean there is an opportunity with a situation or person from the past to share in some financial situation that is beneficial, or it could mean a past life soul connection is met today. The Virgo Moon is encouraging us to work at whatever we want the most with a critical and analytical mind today, tackle the details.
Tuesday opens with a bit more positive flow between the work effort and details, the agreements or meetings that involve finances, divorce or intimacy, and any conversation you can have to share in these topics. The rest of the day is going to push you big time to really try to balance that work or perhaps health matters against the changes going on behind your back or in secret, the moves being made on the film or music project, the artistic expansion, the hospital issues, research, or spiritual pursuit, or the addiction that is affecting you now. You do need to shift a bit with a friend today, this could be small as in changing the coffee date so you can get the work done, or big like in the friendship is not as true as you believed.
Wednesday the Moon moves into Libra which always points out our Grand Cross situation or emotion. Today it will bring up deep feelings about a relationship and the career, goal or reputation in the mix. You may feel a strong need for commitment with this person, you may feel limited by this person in some way or like you need to take on more responsibility or leadership regarding them, whichever it is, you will want to make something happen on the career front, with the goal or around the reputation and there is an opening for you to do this. Motivate regarding them through travel, booking the trip, visiting, traveling together, do something in the media with them, publish, broadcast, promote, teach or take a class together or regarding the situation, or make it legal. Any of these areas are in positive alignment to help.
Thursday Mercury trines Jupiter bringing a big, open, lucky vibe to all talks, meetings, agreements, ideas, writing, pitches, interviews, short trips, or contracts that involve high financial matters such as settlements, loans, alimony, insurance, taxes, bankruptcy, inheritance, or joint finances, divorce issues, or sexual attractions. Most of this will either go on in private and help you to expand on some level. The connection between friends, groups and social occasions is under positive stars as well, especially where your serious relationships are concerned and any spiritual, romantic or artistic endeavors can be opened up.
Friday the Moon moves into deep and sexy Scorpio where she will meet with the other goddess of the pantheon, Venus, before she moves on to dance with the ruler of Scorpio, Pluto. This is one of those powerful days when sex, power, intimacy, attraction, and major transformation can find you. Career is affected positively by changes that occur today or involve major financial matters you push for, smile sweet and enjoy the way you can empower your life through these third party connections and soul group support systems.
ARIES: (Find out how much more your chart reading can show you with a personal reading from Zoe. Call to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
Monday is a take no prisoners kind of day, just set your mind on what you want to achieve and then motivate. You can attract the right financial situation if you take a leadership role today and back it up with the work you have accomplished. There may even be a bit of time for a co-worker romance in there if you play your cards right.
Tuesday brings more positive talks or agreements about the financial picture and the work or health issue attached. For some of you pets are in the picture and you should be able to deal with money issues here in a positive way as well, look for ways to empower the situation. You do need some time to hide out and rest or to get cracking on something you are working on behind the scenes today so allow time for this as it looks big. Make adjustments to the social aspect of life today, work it out with the friend or group, your work or health is too important to miss.
Wednesday the energy shifts and relationships, power, control, ambition, and reputation is called into play. You may be dealing with a partner, agent, attorney, or specialist, or with a competitor or opponent. The best way to make a positive move here is to motivate legally, through a class you can teach or take, through the media, publishing or broadcasting, or through a trip or long distance.
Thursday the Mercury/Jupiter trine is very lucky for talks, agreements, meetings, or ideas that focus in on financial matters, sexual attractions or issues, or a divorce or inheritance matter. Open up on these subjects today, a hospital or other institution is helpful, it may lead to something positive happening in a film, music or other artistic project, or it could lead to a secretive romantic tryst/retreat that brings happiness. Your relationships are under better stars today and any aspirations you have here or social affairs you can connect over should go well.
Friday the Scorpio Moon meets Venus and Pluto in a very steamy, sexy way for you. This is a great day to go after that sexy person you have your eye on, it’s a great time for intimacy, deep revelations about career, powerful transformations that involve third parties and open up loans, debt, bankruptcy, inheritance, settlements, commissions, taxes, insurance, or other outside resources, or when you can find monetary solutions to the divorce.
TAURUS: (Find out how much more your chart reading can show you with a personal reading from Zoe. Call to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
Monday the dance between Venus and Pluto is very heady stuff for Taurus. It is opening up an opportunity for love or money in a very big way through one significant relationship and a trip, legal move, media or marketing matter, or class you take or teach. It’s a day to put effort behind creative ventures and to work on love or time with kids. Absolutely all of this is under positive stars.
Tuesday brings a lovely talk or meeting with someone important over the creative project, child or love affair. This can be quite positive overflow from yesterday as you are one-on-one with someone who matters. There is something social or a friend or group who needs your attention today as well and you will need to balance this with the love or creative vibes going down. It seems your career or goals are tied to a bit of a change or adjustment today as well, just work around it.
Wednesday brings deep feelings over work, health or pet issues. You may feel a bit limited here or like you are taking on more responsibility. IN turn this is going to really point out the challenges you are looking at with the law, travel/distance, media, or educational matters. There is an opening in all of this through going after what you want sexually or intimately and igniting passions or through diving into the issue around divorce or finances.
Thursday the Mercury/Jupiter trine is a very lucky, happy influence for all talks, meetings, agreements, or ideas that involve a relationship and a big aspiration of yours, a social occasion, friendship, or group activity. You may want to meet or talk to an attorney or agent, specialist or business partner, or connect with a marriage partner or propose marriage today. Open up about your dreams, it’s wish fulfillment moment, you won’t know if you don’t ask. Work and career are in harmonious alignment today.
Friday brings very sexy, powerful energy into the picture for a relationship in your life, this can be a business or marriage partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor that you are dealing with. You can connect over love or money and transform something in a major way. The best openings again come through travel, media, legal channels, or education so look at how you can change and empower yourself or one of these arenas through another person.
GEMINI: (Find out how much more your chart reading can show you with a personal reading from Zoe. Call to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
Monday brings a lot of work at home or effort around health in the home, with a move or involving a roommate. This is all under positive stars so dive in and get it done. There is also a powerful dance going on with a woman at work or involved with health or pets today that is opening a channel to more financially shared opportunities, intimacy, or help with a divorce. Look for ways to connect love and passion or finding the money to support the work you wish to do or a health or pet matter.
Tuesday a talk, agreement or meeting brings work, health or pet matters to a nice resolution, leaving you feeling good about home, roommates or moves. Your career is going to be stretching you as well today and you will do well to put effort here since so much is trying to open up for you. You need to make an adjustment around the media, legal, travel, or educational matter to best suit the home situation today.
Wednesday the Moon moves into Libra and brings the friction to love/sex attractions. Emotions run deep today and you may feel this as intense passion or power struggles over triangles in matters of the heart. There is also energy around creative projects and the financial picture or kids and the divorce. Look at limits, change and responsibilities as you balance out the day. Mars is in positive alignment to help you connect with a partner, agent, attorney, or specialist to help you with the love, child or creative venture so be proactive here.
Thursday the Mercury/Jupiter trine is very beneficial to you as you make agreements, write, hold meetings or talks, pitch ideas, or make short trips involving your work, health or pets. This in turn is opening up something very positive for you on the career front or helping you to achieve a major goal. Feelings about lovers, children or creative projects are positive as they connect with the legal, travel, educational, or media aspects of the situation.
Friday is a very powerful day for you on the work front as you align with a woman and then find ways to deal with financial institutions, outside resources, shared power, third parties, loans, settlements, or other shared monetary matters to change your situation. Some of you may experience attractions to co-workers or employees, someone you meet at the gym or doctors office or other health related areas, or someone who crosses your path as you are caring for your pet, it looks steamy!
CANCER: (Find out how much more your chart reading can show you with a personal reading from Zoe. Call to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
Monday is a very busy communication day with lots of talks, meetings, writing, or agreements in the wind. Absolutely everything is aligned to make this positive for you, especially where creative endeavors, children or love is concerned. Venus and Pluto dance through your house of true love and partnership to help you transform a matter of the heart or financially tied to your relationship, the love, kids, or a creative project. This may involve representatives as well as partners.
Tuesday brings another positive day to come to terms, meet, talk, or write involving creative projects, children or love. There is something in the mix with travel, education, legal matters, or media ventures that will need to be balanced against this because there is a lot that is trying to open up for you here. Be willing to shift things a bit where joint financial matters, divorce or sexual attractions are concerned.
Wednesday is pretty intense on the home front with feelings running deep. A partner, agent, attorney, or specialist in the picture is going to be the impetus for change and you will need to look at any limits or responsibilities you have to home, moves, or mom in this. The positive energy in the mix is around the action you can take at work, to do work at home, to work on the move or roommate situation, to work on your own health at the home, or to tackle the pet situation there.
Thursday the Mercury/Jupiter trine is a very positive open door to talks, meetings, decisions, or short trips involving love, lovers, children, or creative ventures. You can involve a trip, legal decision, media idea, or class you want to take or teach in this for best results. Contracts signed today over creative ventures or matters of the heart should do well. Your feelings about home and the financial picture, divorce or intimate desire are harmonious today.
Friday is pretty steamy energy that is going to play out over a love interest and partnership changes (for some of you this may indicate a proposal, others a divorce under positive stars), it’s also bringing positive change through representation such as an attorney or agent in the picture to benefit your child or creative project. Love and money should go well in these areas today.
LEO: (Find out how much more your chart reading can show you with a personal reading from Zoe. Call to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
Monday brings a lot of positive energy behind the efforts you make to generate income, in fact all the aspects are supportive so if you need to interview or send in resumes do it today, otherwise, if you are already employed, you might find more money coming in due to efforts you make at home, work from home? Venus and Pluto meet to help open this in a very powerful way, attracting the right money situation through home and work, or home and health efforts or pet situations. See what you can change to earn more.
Tuesday brings another talks, agreement or decision about the money and the home and this as well looks very positive. Whether you are earning or spending on the home or from the property, its all good. You do need to balance all of this against the debt, loan or other outside financial matter or divorce and any changes in a relationship that may be in the works.
Wednesday emotions run deep and may be rather intense. This is going to come out in the talks you have or meetings that occur involving work, health or pets. Look at limits or responsibilities here and what needs to change. Mars is opening a door through creative action you take, moves you make concerning the child or passion you express with a love interest. This links in very positive ways to all communications and meetings so auditions look good today as do creative pitches, impassioned speeches on behalf of a child or romantic declarations.
Thursday you will want to talk or meet about the financial debt, loan, settlement, or divorce issue or deal with news that comes in requiring something more from you. Once you do, Mercury and Jupiter align for very big and lucky talks, meetings, agreements, or news relating to home, moves, mom, roommates, or property matters and the financial matter such as loan, mortgage, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlement, insurance, taxes, or other outside resource, divorce or sexual attraction/issue. Ask for what you need or sign the papers today.
Friday brings very sexy, powerful energies together on the home front for you so you may decide to hide out at home with a lover or you may use this energy to set up a big money making project at home, put a property up for sale or purchase one, or transform a situation with a health matter or pet in the home. It’s all good.
VIRGO: (Find out how much more your chart reading can show you with a personal reading from Zoe. Call to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
Monday is a powerhouse day for you with everything lining up just right for talks, meetings, short trips, brother or sister interaction, local neighborhood activities, writing, or agreements, all favoring creative ventures, children or love. Venus and Pluto meet to help you attract the love or money you need here in a very big way so open up, declare you heart, ask for the backing for the project, discuss having kids, any of it looks good.
Tuesday opens with more positive talks or ideas, pitches or writing, and you will be center stage in what is asked for or agreed upon. You need to balance everything you are doing for yourself today against the expansion and changes occurring with a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant relationship. You will also want to make some adjustments around the work, health or pet situations as you go.
Wednesday emotions are running deep and for you this is going to play out over the money you are earning or spending. Look at limits and responsibilities and any major changes going on due to creative endeavors, love interests or kids. Your best bet here is to motivate and do something at home, with a property, move, roommate, or other living situation to bring in more money or reign in spending.
Thursday you are still emoting over money and changes going on with one significant person but today your ruler, Mercury, meets up with Jupiter to bring very lucky and beneficial conversations, meetings, ideas, agreements, short trips, sibling or neighbor interaction, or writing that will benefit home and the shared financial picture through loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, debt, taxes, insurance, settlements, divorce, or other outside resources.
Friday is a very powerful, sexy energy day and it will swirl around your talks, meetings and writing, helping you to connect with a woman romantically or over creative projects, kids or fun. You can make major strides here towards change, intimacy, financial matters, divorce, or empowerment by opening up and saying how you feel or asking for what you need.
LIBRA: (Find out how much more your chart reading can show you with a personal reading from Zoe. Call to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
Monday brings great transformative energy around income and what you change at home, involving a home or property, move, roommate, or mom. Seek ways to empower and change, look for income or make it through real estate or home businesses. What you do behind the scenes, through research, film, music, artwork, or other art forms, or in hospitals, spiritual pursuits, or investigations can benefit the situation as well.
Tuesday brings another behind closed doors money making agreement or meeting, this may involve a hospital or other institution, or something artistic or spiritual. You do need to balance this with the work efforts you need to take, your own health issues, and your pets needs. There is another shift coming today around the creative process.
Wednesday emotions are going to be intense and will be wrapped up in your own needs, image, body, or identity and any limits you are feeling, added responsibilities, or changes going on involving home or real estate. Your best outlet is through having a very impassioned talk or meeting and expressing your needs in a strong way.
Thursday brings some personal health or work adjustments due to the continuing expansion and change going on. Mercury aligns with Jupiter and opens up a very lucky, beneficial talk, agreement or meetings about the money you can earn through a major work opportunity, or it helps you to talk about the money you need to spend on a health or pet matter and find a way to do it. Your creative flow should be pretty great today so connect with your muse and share the love.
Friday is a power day for making money at home or for making a major change in the home, through a move, real estate deal, or with a roommate that benefits your financial picture. Look for ways to express needed change in love dynamics at home or new opportunities to earn with women as well.
SCORPIO: (Find out how much more your chart reading can show you with a personal reading from Zoe. Call to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
Monday brings social opportunities so connect with friends or groups, talk, meet up, write together, share ideas, it’s all good. The Venus/Pluto connection today is putting you in the drivers seat with at least one very empowering conversation, agreement, writing project, move, short trip, or meeting. This is about a woman, love or money matter and what you can work out to your benefit. Think about transforming the situation with positive change.
Tuesday brings more talks or news from friends or groups and more positive energy flowing in all of your social communications. You need to balance this with the opening and expansion going on in your creative field or with children or love interests and then make some adjustments at home.
Wednesday is very intense energy roaring in around something going on behind the scenes, in secret, at hospitals or other institutions, in a film, music or other artistic project, with a spiritual pursuit, clandestine love affair or retreat, or through research or investigations. Look at any limitations or responsibilities here and what needs to change and what you can say, write or decide upon to make it so. Mars is giving you the drive and determination to go make the money or spend it on something that will benefit the bigger picture here.
Thursday brings Mercury and Jupiter together in big, lucky conversations, meetings, agreements, decisions, ideas, writing, short trips, or local activities that are completely about you, your body, needs, image, or identity and what is opening up with a lover, child or creative venture. This is all about saying it, asking for it, writing it, putting it out there for beneficial results. You should be feeling pretty good about what is happening at home today.
Friday brings sexy, powerful energy together again around you and what you have to say, write, your meetings and agreements, any short trips you take, interaction with neighbors, the local scene, a move, or brothers or sisters, all of it is putting you in a position to affect change and empower yourself through love, intimacy, or financially so open up.
SAGITTARIUS: (Find out how much more your chart reading can show you with a personal reading from Zoe. Call to schedule yours now! 818-613-6067)
Monday brings a lot of energy around the work and career front for you with positive alignment to getting it done and making money. Venus and Pluto hook up to help you tackle something going on behind closed doors, through research, retreat, fantasy, film, music, or other artistry, spiritual pursuits, clandestine love affairs, or investigations that can really change your financial picture in a big way. Do it today.
Tuesday brings talks about what you worked on yesterday and ways to open up the career field in positive ways. You need to balance this with the big expansion and change at home and then find a way to adjust what you say, something you have to sign, or what you are writing to reach your goal.
Wednesday is pretty intense emotionally as you deal with a friend, group or aspiration and any limits or responsibilities you feel here. Look at what you can do to change the financial picture relating to this person or group. Mars is giving you the motivation and drive to do something positive with them today that should help.
Thursday Mercury and your ruler, Jupiter, are going to meet for a very lucky and happy talk, meeting, agreement, writing project, or idea. This is also going to go on behind closed doors, through research, retreat, fantasy, film, music, or other artistry, spiritual pursuits, clandestine love affairs, or investigations and help you to expand or benefit through home, move, roommate situation, or mom. Talks with friends or groups should go well today over spiritual, romantic, hospital, addictive, or artistic matters.
Friday is a very powerful, sexy day and for you this is all going on behind the scenes. You may be hiding out with a lover or you may be empowering yourself financially through what you do with a woman in film, music, the arts, spiritually, at a hospital or other institution, through research or investigations, or some work you do behind the scenes. It’s all in opportunity aspect so look for ways to change and increase income.
CAPRICORN: behind closed doors, through research, retreat, fantasy, film, music, or other artistry, spiritual pursuits, clandestine love affairs, or investigations
Monday brings a lot of work and effort to legal, media/marketing, travel, or educational matters and this is aligned to really go well and benefit you, especially tied to a group, friend or aspiration. Venus and Pluto meet today to help you come to a better financial understanding or agreement, to open up doors on a big level and help you affect change or roll with the changes that are coming in a positive and prosperous way. This involves your friend, a group, a networking or social event, or a major aspiration evolving. Say yes.
Tuesday brings more talks with the friend or group that are aligned beneficially to the legal, travel, media, or educational matter. You need to balance this with changing or growing agreements, bigger meetings, ideas or local expansion, news about siblings or neighborhood that affects the bigger picture and your own adjustments you must make around your income or spending.
Wednesday is very intense energetically. The focus is on career, goals, ambition, reputation, fame, leadership, authority, or bosses/father/father figures. You need to look at any limits or responsibilities you have here and then what you need to change or deal with personally to handle it. Your image, body or identity in the matter may be part of what is transforming so see how you feel. Mars is on your side giving you the motivation you need to get behind closed doors and dive into the research, do investigations, tackle the artistic project, spiritual matter, clandestine love affair, secret, or any hidden enemy that is working against your aims.
Thursday brings news or a talk aimed at career matters and something you will need to work through. Once Mercury and Jupiter align you have an amazing, lucky and beneficial opening to talk, meet, sign contracts, make decisions, write, or take a short trip involving a friend, group or major aspiration. Open up, expand, this is very positive. You should be feeling good about the career and income situation by days end.
Friday is intense, powerful, sexy energy that is stirring things up for you with a friend, group or aspiration. This is about big money opportunities or a social event that brings an important woman or love interest into the picture. Connect with your circle today and look for ways to empower your financial prospects.
AQUARIUS: behind closed doors, through research, retreat, fantasy, film, music, or other artistry, spiritual pursuits, clandestine love affairs, or investigations
Monday will help you to focus in on the work you can get done on a divorce, financial matter or pertaining to a sexy encounter. There is good benefit to reaching goals in this or a career matter going your way. Venus and Pluto connect to help you with a woman on the career front or one who is affecting your goals to transform the financial picture or make a break through with the divorce or sexual attraction. Most of this will go on behind closed doors, in secret or through research, investigations, fantasy, an artistic outlet, spiritual pursuit, or retreat.
Tuesday brings another talk, meeting or agreement about career and the financial picture that should go well. You need to look at balancing the spending here or at how what you earn is balanced with what you have on credit, in debt or through other outside resources. There is a need to make a personal or physical adjustment to all of this today.
Wednesday is intense emotionally and this will play out over a trip, legal matter, media or marketing issue, or class you are taking or teaching. Look at any limits or responsibilities here and what is changing or needs to change that is secret or hidden. Mars is with you today to help motivate you with a friend or social occasion that will benefit your aims.
Thursday Mercury and Jupiter meet for a very lucky, expansive talk, meeting, agreement, or news about career or goals. This is opening up income opportunities for you so if you need to ask for a raise or launch a business venture to earn more money, or interview, or spend on new career endeavors, today should be lucky. This should have you feeling better about the legal, travel, media, or educational matter.
Friday is again an intense, powerful, sexy day aimed at your career, a boss, your reputation, a goal, ambition, fame, or your leadership. This may be a woman who is helping you on something you are working on behind the scenes or a money matter coming through on the career front through efforts you have made through research, film, music or other art forms, or spiritual endeavors. It could be a goal to connect with someone clandestinely in passion and sexual attraction occurring as well.
PISCES: behind closed doors, through research, retreat, fantasy, film, music, or other artistry, spiritual pursuits, clandestine love affairs, or investigations
Monday is going to bring lots of energy around partners, representatives or competition with very positive results from the work you do here and the connections to friends, groups, the legalities, travel plans, ceremonies, education, or media matters. Venus and Pluto are meeting today to open up opportunities for you to make or attract money or have a powerful love connection through legal, media, travel, or educational realms and a friend or group.
Tuesday brings more meetings and talks about legal, ceremony, travel, educational, or media matters and this should help you feel good about the relationship or representative in the picture. You need to balance all of this with the major expansion and change you are currently going through and then make some private adjustments.
Wednesday is intense as emotions are stirred over a divorce, death, sexual attraction or issue, or a major financial matter such as a loan, debt, bankruptcy, inheritance, settlement, tax, insurance, or other outside resource. You need to look at limits or responsibilities here and at the massive changes occurring or needing to occur with a friend or group in the picture. Mars is going to motivate you to go after the career ambition or goal tied to the financial, divorce, death or sexual matter in a positive way.
Thursday brings a personal or physical adjustment to the matters of yesterday. Once Mercury and Jupiter align there is very big, happy, lucky energy in the air around a talk, agreement, meeting, writing project, news, or decision that involves a ceremony, trip, legal matter, educational issue, or media/marketing matter. Open up, ask for what you need, sign up, say your peace, it’s all good.
Friday is a very sexy, powerful day all playing out over the trip, ceremony, legal matter, education, or media matter, and a friend, group or aspiration. This is all about transformational love, major financial empowerment or deeply connected soul group connections transforming your day in these realms.
Thursday nites at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://www.psychiconair.com/pages/5643781.php
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