Sometimes a louder spirit prevails. Could this be true? Do the cosmic winds that rail against Time and cut the Universe into Stone and Hope win the clouds through bombastic pomp? Perhaps the Thrones are outdone by Trumpeting Angels but does Zeus cast lightning bolts at Poseidon’s Sea just to get a wave? LOL. Just thought I’d ask!
This weekend is about the squeaky wheel. Before you go in all Rambo or Neo on the situation ask yourself if it is a battle well chosen. All poetic toilerie aside, the fact is, this weekend both Mercury and Mars, personal planets that push us to say what we think and act out, are going to be getting into it with Uranus and Neptune, the energies of surprise, sudden shifts, revolution and radical approaches, sudden attractions or anger, and a new bent on artistic, romantic or spiritual need. THIS…..is not it, Oh NO! THIS is all wrapping a FULL MOON in ARIES; the God of War, Passion, Aggression, Courage, Action, Anger, Blood, and the idea that ME, Me, me, is the way to go. It is all coming to a peak!
What’s the up side? Each and every one of you has been dealing with a major fall-out or upheaval on some front and this build-up over the weekend is about bringing YOUR NEEDS out no matter how darn sweet you are or want to be, darn it you have needs here too!!!!!!
In the course of this, my great creator divas and lords, there will be some ruckus, some movement, some action and passion unbound :)
Saturday is all about figuring out a way to get yourself around a career matter, this may look like getting out of your own way, dealing with reputation matters, pushing your needs forward against a powerful force, or possibly dealing with change, a manipulation, or the playing out of a triangle of power. You are up for the task.
The Full Moon in Aries occurs at 2am east coast on Sunday/11pm on the west coast on Saturday night. Its energy will flood both days.
Sunday/late Saturday night, the Full Moon is bringing something near and dear to you to fruition, a peak, a celebration or an ending. This is active energy, lots of passion or anger, it revolves around you, your needs, identity, image, or body. A talk about work, health or pets is due to go your way involving things that are going on in the home, with a property or mom. You will need to make some adjustments around the work, health or pet matter to deal with what is going on in a friendship or a tie to a group, money or a woman will likely be involved. Your ruler Mars kicks into action based on how you deal with the situation.
Saturday is about handling any challenge, change, power or control issue, major financial matter, sexual connection, manipulation, or triangle around travel, people at a distance, education, media, publicity, publishing, politics, or legal matters. Yes, it is a handful but it is about you bringing forth something deeply important to you.
The Full Moon in Aries occurs at 2am east coast on Sunday/11pm on the west coast on Saturday night. Its energy will flood both days.
Sunday/late Saturday night, the Full Moon is bringing a spiritual, artistic, romantic, research, fantasy, film projects, a time of retreat, or time at a hospital or other institution to a peak. This is a time of culmination, ending or celebration and is an active energy climax in one of these areas. Talks today about creative projects, children or love have the stars behind them, there will be positive growth from passion or action taken from these communications. You need to make some creative or love adjustments today if you are to reach your goal or balance your career matter. A surprise from a friend or group you belong to may rock you a bit but there is great energy to talk it out or meet up.
Saturday is all about dealing with something deep and powerful in your world that is affecting your feelings about a friendship, your aspirations or a group affiliation. You should look at how control, power, lust, sex, major finances, divorce, manipulation, dealing with a death or your own mortality issues, or triangles are getting into the mix or needing your attention.
The Full Moon in Aries occurs at 2am east coast on Sunday/11pm on the west coast on Saturday night. Its energy will flood both days.
Sunday/late Saturday night, brings the Full Moon in your friendship, group affiliations, networking, social occasions, and aspirations to a climactic point. This could be a wonderful party or social affair, something celebrated with a friend, an aspiration finally being reached, or a friendship or group affiliation ending. Talks today will revolve around the home, property matter or mom. There is positive energy here to make or spend money. You will need to make some adjustments around home or mom if you wish to reach the media, travel, educational, or legal goal. Mars is going to spur you to pursue income/spending matters later in the day tied to one of these themes.
Saturday is about dealing with a powerful issue around partnership, with an agent, an open enemy, or an attorney. You will want to reach a certain goal today or career aim and this person will be important to that scenario. Look at major finances, sex, control, manipulation, triangles, or power issues in the mix. Watch for anything someone like this asks of you today in regards to your reputation.
The Full Moon in Aries occurs at 2am east coast on Sunday/11pm on the west coast on Saturday night. Its energy will flood both days.
Sunday/late Saturday night, the Full Moon will be bringing a career matter, goal, ambition, reputation, fame or father matter to a peak. This may be about a celebration of promotion, a launch of a business, seeing your name in lights, or you may be ending something at this point. Talks are going to open doors for you to focus on your needs and take action physically around who you are. You need to make some local or communicative adjustments today to balance what is pushing you via major finances, sex, death, or divorce. Although it looks like you are running around quite a bit today, there is positive alignment to legal, educational, media, or travel matters for you as you deal with the more powerful matter on hand.
Saturday is about any deep or powerful matters around health, work or pets. This is a day that your beliefs may be tested or that you may feel as though you need to take legal action, tackle a media or publicity matter, handle something education related, or a travel agenda. It will be about change or transformation.
The Full Moon in Aries occurs at 2am east coast on Sunday/11pm on the west coast on Saturday night. Its energy will flood both days.
Sunday/late Saturday night, the Full Moon will be bringing a travel, educational, media, political, publishing, publicity, or legal matter to a peak. You may be reaching your destination, celebrating a ceremony or something getting out there to the world or you may be ending the trip, education, media venture or lawsuit. Talks about income will open up doors for you to pursue action behind the scenes. You will need to make some adjustments around the making or spending of money today to find ground with the partner, attorney or agent. Dive into research, retreat, work behind closed doors, fantasy or film, or dealing with hospitals or other institutions tonight.
Saturday is intense. You will be feeling strongly about a major financial matter tied to children, lovers, or a creative project, or you will be dealing with sexual needs, intimacy, divorce or some other transformative energy around power, control, manipulation, sexuality, triangles, change, obsession, or how you share. Passions run very high, possibly anger, watch yourself.
The Full Moon in Aries occurs at 2am east coast on Sunday/11pm on the west coast on Saturday night. Its energy will flood both days.
Sunday/late Saturday night, the Full Moon is bringing a matter to a peak in your world and it will revolve around loans, settlements, debt, credit, inheritance, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, or joint finances, or around sex, intimacy, reproduction, divorce, or death. This will be a wrapping up of a matter, ending, or celebration. Talks or agreements regarding your needs or identity meet with positive action from a friend, group or leading to an aspiration of yours. You will need to make some personal adjustments around who you are or what you need if you are to reach the work, health or pet goal you have before you. Your friend or a social occasion can help you later today so dive in here.
Saturday is about how you feel within a partnership or the support you are receiving from an agent or attorney. There is a need to push something here today and it is stemming from your desire to transform your sense of security, the foundations you are building upon, or what is going on in or around the home. Change and or transformation is the name of the game, on the home front or in this relationship and you must find a way to deal with any power, control, manipulation, major financial matter, or intimacy issue involved.
The Full Moon in Aries occurs at 2am east coast on Sunday/11pm on the west coast on Saturday night. Its energy will flood both days.
Sunday/later Saturday night, the Full Moon will bring this partnership, be it romantic or business, or your connection with an attorney or agent to a peak. With firey Mars in the picture, this will be about a passionate climax with this person, a celebration, or taking action, an ending, anger, and fueling it to it’s culmination. Talks about what have been going on behind closed doors are due to lead to positive action on the career front. You are going to be working a lot behind the scenes today to move things on the career front and will need to make some adjustments to reach the creative resolution you wish for. For some Librans, the time behind the scenes is at hospital or dealing with other institutions.
Saturday will be about getting your emotions around a work, health or pet issue. There is a chance to meet your ruling energy of deep transformation through the talks you have today, the meetings you hold, or anything you attempt to get beneath the surface locally or with siblings. It will revolve around this matter of work, health or pets.
The Full Moon in Aries occurs at 2am east coast on Sunday/11pm on the west coast on Saturday night. Its energy will flood both days.
Sunday/late Saturday night, the Full Moon will be bringing this work, health or pet matter to a peak. This is the moment to wrap up a work project or celebrate one well done, to find answers to a health issue or find that you are ending a therapy or illness, or to finish something you have been doing with your pet. There is a lot of energy to this Moon so expect to be involved. Talks with friends open doors to travel, education, media, legal, ceremonial, or political matters so communicate what you are interested in with those closest. You will need to make some adjustments around home or living situation, mom or property matters in this.
Saturday brings your emotional nature into a creative project, a love affair, or surrounding something child related. You are going to be driven to do something rather powerful and transformational with your earnings here, so expect to either spend a large chunk of change on a child, lover or creative venture or to make a move towards making some major money.
The Full Moon in Aries occurs at 2am east coast on Sunday/11pm on the west coast on Saturday night. Its energy will flood both days.
Sunday/late Saturday nite, the Full Moon will be bringing this love affair, child matter, or creative project to a peak. There is action involved and either passions or anger in the mix. You will see the creative project agreed upon or finished, released or celebrated, a matter around love, a lover, a love affair, climaxing, ending, or being celebrated, or the birth of a child or some other peak experience involving children. Talks about career or goals meet with opportunity to pursue or utilize the major finances, intimate connection or divorce. Adjustments around goals are necessary to reach understanding.
Saturday you will need to deal with your emotions around a home, property, real estate, or mom issue. Pluto is doing his work again with you and major change in one of these areas is the name of the game right now. The real energy at stake here is in how you step up and take charge and deal with any third parties, major finances, outside resources such as banks or other lenders, power, control, divorce, inheritance, or intimate issues. It is a test about who you are becoming, just a curve in the road to this place.
The Full Moon in Aries occurs at 2am east coast on Sunday/11pm on the west coast on Saturday night. Its energy will flood both days.
Sunday/late Saturday night, the Full Moon is bringing this home, property, real estate, security, foundations, or mom matter to a climax. There is Mars energy involved so passions, action or anger may show up. You will want to dive in and involve yourself personally in how you celebrate, wrap up or end what is happening here. Talks about legalities, media, education, or travel favor you and what you can accomplish with a partner, agent or attorney. You will need to make some adjustments in this so you can bridge the gap in income or what is needed to spend. Don’t do this alone, the representative or partner can help today.
Saturday may be a bit strange for you, what can I say. Emotions are involved where all communications are concerned. You will also likely be emotional around what is going on in the neighborhood, short trips, or with brothers or sisters. The changes that are going on behind the scenes or the talks that open up secrets, any self-sabotaging energy you are having to deal with, or just the need to retreat and rest, will all be up in the mix. Some of you will be dealing with some powerful things transpiring at a hospital or other institution. Although the day looks a bit challenging it should ease by late Sunday evening.
The Full Moon in Aries occurs at 2am east coast on Sunday/11pm on the west coast on Saturday night. Its energy will flood both days.
Sunday/late Saturday night, the Full Moon will be bringing a communication to a peak, an idea you have to a climax, something going on locally or involving your neighborhood to a celebratory peak or ending, or regarding your brother or sister wrapping up. Talks about a major financial matter, sexual issue or divorce are under positive stars and lead to action on the work front, around health or with pets. You need to make some adjustments regarding the major finances, sex or divorce if you wish to reach your personal goals to expand and find happiness.
Saturday will have you focusing emotionally on making or spending money. A possession may be on the line as well. Whatever is going on in this major fork in the road, you must be willing to allow change and reach for powerful transformation in your aspirations, with your friends, group affiliations and the way you network. In this you will find power, control, or the need to deal with any manipulation, secrets or triangles.
The Full Moon in Aries occurs at 2am east coast on Sunday/11pm on the west coast on Saturday night. Its energy will flood both days.
Sunday/late Saturday night, the Full Moon will be bringing the income or possession matter to a peak. This will be about celebrating making some money or wrapping up something you were spending on, you may see an income resource dry up now or find that you are letting go of a possession of yours. The energy is very dynamic so expect to dive in and be central to what is going on. Talks with partners, attorneys or agents favor you and will lead to your diving into creative matters, a love affair, or something involving children. You must make some adjustments around the partnership or person who is representing you if you are to expand behind the scenes, and find your spiritual, romantic, or artistic way forward.
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