To transform, to rise from the ashes, to morph from one to another in situation, substance, belief, or strength, these are the whispers manifesting, vibrating the fibers of life, and in the end, your song, your story.
Saturday the energy of transformation is met by Mercury. The things that are said or the news that is heard will be aimed at changing something major before you. If you think about 2009 as the final curtain on the first chapter of your life and the beginning pre-production, auditions, writing and re-writing, and envisioning of the next chapter, then you can look at Saturday as the moment to address your all-access pass. Lol, I kid you not.
You need to be able to move throughout the theater day and night unhindered. This doesn’t mean you will run willy-nilly about causing annoyances, you must be a responsible party to obtain said pass after all. So, say what you are thinking because if they aren’t gonna pony up the pass, you still have time to locate another source…but if you don’t ask…
The Sun/Jupiter connection on Saturday is wonderful so consider that luck is on your side whichever way it goes.
Sunday is about goddess energy and time spent nurturing yourself and others so find a way to express this at home, with family, cooking, working on the place, dreaming up new ways to build your life forward.
Saturday the thing that needs to be said should be communicated to an attorney, agent, business partner, competitor, open enemy, or romantic partner. Say it or ask for it because your goals are intense and important as is your reputation you are building and you must know where you stand. News coming in will be from these sources as well and involve a challenge to be met. A friend or group is where the luck pours into the day.
Sunday take time to enjoy your space at home, there is really great energy here to retreat and then to tackle work here in a positive way. Women at home are beneficial, finding ways to tackle money matters work for you as well.
Saturday what needs to be said should be communicated at work, to co-workers, to people you hire to work for you, to health care providers or those involved in your health, or to those who are involved with your pets or animal rights. News coming in will revolve around these topics as well. There is powerful need to transform through travel, media, publishing, politics, ceremonies, publicity, education, or legal means so say it or ask for it today. Luck is pouring through career and reputation.
Sunday brings the energy of nurturing to communications and an ease of expressing love or protection for those you care for. You will find that you can best utilize this energy in neighborhood activities or those close around you, with siblings, or through phone calls or meetings. A wonderful flow to lovers, children and creativity is part of the mix as is a nice surprise or unique input from a friend or group activity.
Saturday the thing that needs to be said or heard is going to be communicated through a lover, child or about a creative venture. There is a challenge in this as you are trying to transform your financial power base or your ability to intimately connect with others. For some of you the even weightier side of having to deal with changes coming through divorce or a death will be part of it. Luck connects you with this loved one or creative venture through travel, media, publicity, politics, ceremonies, education, and legal channels.
Sunday is a great day to nurture yourself, this may feel like spending some money on yourself or your home and under this influence it looks like you would be happy with the purchase. It also favors earning money through things like cooking, real estate, renovating, decorating, and home-based businesses. Positive surprises come through career and reputation.
Saturday the topic of conversation or the news coming in is going to be with/through mom, or about home, living situations, property matters, or security issues. There is a deep need to change something powerful in the way you are connecting with partners, or being represented by agents or attorneys here. Ask or say it today. Luck is pouring in through other peoples/institutions money, or in realms of divorce or sexuality.
Sunday is about nurturing yourself. Take some time to pamper yourself and today this is best expressed by communicating or writing, connecting with women, putting in time to make money through your ideas or words, and getting physical. People at a distance and your belief system may open some interesting doors for you today.
Saturday the news coming in or the talks, meetings, agreements, or associations with the neighborhood, short trips, or siblings will be what needs to be addressed. There is a powerful almost ruthless drive to change a work situation, health issue or matter involving pets and you are going to need to state your cause or ask for what you need to see transformation. Luck is pouring in through partners, agents or attorneys.
Sunday is about withdrawing and pampering yourself behind closed doors. Rest up, do your research, put in time towards strategizing, making or spending money on something personal or a hospital, film, fantasy project, or other institution. Intimacy enjoyed clandestinely promises nice surprises.
Saturday the thing that must be said, agreed to, the contract made or broken, or the news coming in will be about the money you are making on a creative venture, what you need to spend to make it go, or about your income and how that is being spent on children or lovers. Transforming this situation is what is called for and you must say or ask for what you need now. Luck is pouring in today through work to aid in the finances. If you need to spend on health or pets, it’s positive as well.
Sunday is about nurturing yourself through your friendships, or by connecting with a group and doing something together. There is wonderful energy on tap here to pamper yourself, to connect with love or women, to pursue your ambitions seriously, all with good flow. A nice surprise or new approach comes via a partner, agent or attorney.
Saturday the topic of conversation is you. This is an important communication or piece of news because it will focus on what you need, who you are, your image, identity, ego, or physical body. Stating your case or asking for it today is about taking another step towards transforming your home, living situation, or security needs. Luck is flowing in through creative output, creative projects, lovers, love, and children.
Sunday is about nurturing yourself and for you this looks like some time spent on your career, enhancing your reputation, taking some time behind closed doors to align your strategies and connect with powerful women and people in positions of authority who can help your cause. Nice surprises or positive new approaches beckon through work, health and with pets.
Saturday the secret needs to come out. If you have been holding onto some information or someone else has, today is the day it will likely rise to the surface and powerfully change things one way or another. If there isn’t something intense that you’ve needed to get off of your chest, then today’s energy can help you to deal with a hospital or other institution, film or fantasy project, research, or issues involving escapism or addiction. What is communicated will be intense and deeply felt. Luck pours in through home, family, mom, property matters, security issues, and foundations you are building.
Sunday is the day to nurture yourself through travel, delving into media or promotional projects, publicity, learning or teaching something, politics or beliefs, ceremonies, or legalities. A female friend is important and positive in this or a way to express love or make money is equally lucky here. A nice surprise or change comes through creative ventures, lovers or children.
Saturday what needs to be said or the news heard involves a friend, group affiliation, social event, or aspiration. Whatever is expressed is bound to have an impact on your finances in a major way, either through what you make or what you spend. Luck is pouring in to you through your ideas, agreements, neighborhood, siblings, and short trips.
Sunday is about nurturing yourself and for you that is going to look like passion and intimacy with someone or like delving deeply into the financial matter to deal with it. Nice surprises come via home, mom or property and changing things up around the place should go well. Career opportunities are popping up today as are goals towards women, money or love as well. All good.
Saturday the thing that needs saying or the news coming in is through an authority figure, or about career, goals, ambition, reputation, father, or fame. Your drive and desire to change what is happening is going to be tremendous so say it or ask for it and see where you stand. Luck is pouring in through making or spending income.
Sunday is about nurturing and this is best accomplished in partnership. If you are not in the cozy up to someone state of mind, the energy can be utilized best by connecting with agents, business partners or attorneys and tackling legal, travel, media, or educational matters. Women are beneficial today and pursuing money or love through these avenues should go well.
Saturday the thing that needs communicating or the news coming in is going to stem around travel, education, ceremonies, media, or legalities. This is powerful information and you must say or ask for what you need if you want to change what is going on behind closed doors, in your fantasy life, with film or artistic expression, or in dealing with substance or addictive behaviors or hospitals. Luck is pouring in to protect you personally (body, needs and image) in this discourse.
Sunday is about nurturing yourself and this is best done by taking aim at your health, pampering yourself with spa treatments or long walks, or by focusing in on wrapping up the tasks at hand and clearing your space. Time with pets should help you feel connected and happy as well. The energy is supporting you dealing with finances, divorce or connecting intimately with someone today as well.
Saturday the thing that must be said or the news coming in will be focused on a major financial matter, sex, divorce, or a death. This is very intense energy and you need to speak up or ask for what you need as you work towards transforming your aspirations and deconstructing your friendships, group affiliations, and social process. Luck is pouring in through time spent in retreat and research.
Sunday is about nurturing yourself and this is best expressed through time with children, lovers or creativity. You will likely feel like doing it differently or taking an independent approach which bodes well. There is luck and opportunity in connecting with partners, agents or attorneys as well today and tackling a serious love or money issue or something needing commitment or severing with a woman.
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