(A reminder of what the shift on Thursday Oct. 29, means for everyone, reposted from October’s Forecast, and a list at the bottom of how it affects your sign)
Saturn. What can I say about the taskmaster and teacher, father time, the authority figure, ruler of work and limitations, responsibility and testing?
Well, he is a bear as my father would be apt to say, but he also brings about mastery and a sense of confidence that comes from learning the tough lessons and coming through the other side of great trials a stronger, more capable human being. We have had TWO YEARS of Saturn in Virgo!!!
Look at the lessons you have learned from Saturn in Virgo regarding personal responsibility and work ethic, the connection between doing what you love and your health, and how the way we interact with the most helpless of creatures, our pets, defines character.
You have had two years of learning how the details and organization matter, how being of service to something higher than your own needs truly serves everyone in the end, how connecting your sense of mastery with your personal health and well being and leading your life forward should be about finding something you will work hard at because you love it, this in turn bringing your health into line. It has been about animals in your life as well, taking care of pets, connecting with animal rights groups, getting conscious about the environment and finding joy in the smallest of things.
It has been a great purification process, about simplifying, about getting real where purpose and dedication rule.
This has been the message of Saturn in Virgo. On October 29th Saturn will leave this placement, with only a short retrograde back into this territory next year, he is now going to be moving through Libra until October of 2012. And you, my friends, have passed the test, made your choices or will be making any last minute decisions now, and will be seeing in short time, just how far you have come.
You are in charge of the work you bind yourself heart and soul to from here on out, you are in charge of what kind of health you manifest by the service you do to your body, you are in charge of leading yourself forward in these areas from what you have learned.
Saturn in Libra will begin to focus outward, to the partnerships, agents, attorneys, all of those powerful, significant people who connect our lives to something more. You will be spending 3, count them, 3 years learning about personal mastery, limitations, responsibilities, commitment or breaking of ties, justice and balance, in relationships. Relationships that break away now are not meant to make this journey, those that are strong will withstand the tests and become stronger.
Singles will attract relationships that require more work at this point but will have potential to remain together for the long haul. Because Saturn rules Time you will see more people entering relationships with vast age differences and those of you who feel the need for someone to mother or father you will be learning how to stand on your own two feet during this transit as this particular bent will wear a bit thin. If in doubt in the coming years, ask yourself if there is balance. It is the Libran motto, in business partnerships and deals with attorneys or agents, is it fair, is it just? More Libran qualities. If you skimp in these realms there will be a price for it, do not stay or combine with anyone who does not represent this: Balance, Fairness, Justice. Simple, really.
(Read for your Sign and your Rising Sign if you know it for a complete picture)
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets and health and entering tests to romantic partnerships, business partnerships, enemies, competitors, agents, and attorneys
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets and health through lovers, children or creative outlets and entering tests to how YOU partner or are represented through work, health or dealing with pets
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets and health through home, property and mom, and entering tests to how you partner or are represented with lovers, children or creative projects
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through writing, communications, routine and neighborhood, short trips, and siblings, and entering tests to how you partner or are represented at home, with property or mom
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through making money, and entering tests to how you partner or are represented through writing, communications, routine and neighborhood, short trips, and with siblings
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through your own body, needs, ego, identity or image, as well as to added responsibilities or losses in every aspect of life, and entering tests to how you partner or are represented through making money or spend your earnings.
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through hidden agendas, work done behind the scenes, fantasy and imagination, research and investigation, hospitals and prisons, retreat and isolation, self-undoing or escapism, and entering tests to how you partner or are represented in balance with your own needs, body, ego, image, or identity
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through friendships, group affiliations, aspirations, networking, and social events, to enter tests to how you partner or are represented through work behind the scenes, fantasy or imagination, research or investigations, hospitals or prisons, hidden agendas, retreat or isolation, substance abuse or escapism, dreams and artistry
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through career and reputation, fame or father, and entering tests to how you partner or are represented through groups, friendships, aspirations, networking, or social events
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through travel, higher education, politics, beliefs, ceremonies, media, publishing, publicity, or law, to enter tests to how you partner or are represented through career, reputation, fame, or father
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through loans, debt, credit, inheritance, insurance, bankruptcy, taxes, joint finances, settlements, alimony, child support, sex, reproduction, divorce, or death, and entering tests to how you partner or are represented through travel, media, publishing, publicity, higher education, ceremonies, beliefs, politics, or law
(A reminder of what the shift on Thursday Oct. 29, means for everyone, reposted from October’s Forecast, and a list at the bottom of how it affects your sign)
Saturn. What can I say about the taskmaster and teacher, father time, the authority figure, ruler of work and limitations, responsibility and testing?
Well, he is a bear as my father would be apt to say, but he also brings about mastery and a sense of confidence that comes from learning the tough lessons and coming through the other side of great trials a stronger, more capable human being. We have had TWO YEARS of Saturn in Virgo!!!
Look at the lessons you have learned from Saturn in Virgo regarding personal responsibility and work ethic, the connection between doing what you love and your health, and how the way we interact with the most helpless of creatures, our pets, defines character.
You have had two years of learning how the details and organization matter, how being of service to something higher than your own needs truly serves everyone in the end, how connecting your sense of mastery with your personal health and well being and leading your life forward should be about finding something you will work hard at because you love it, this in turn bringing your health into line. It has been about animals in your life as well, taking care of pets, connecting with animal rights groups, getting conscious about the environment and finding joy in the smallest of things.
It has been a great purification process, about simplifying, about getting real where purpose and dedication rule.
This has been the message of Saturn in Virgo. On October 29th Saturn will leave this placement, with only a short retrograde back into this territory next year, he is now going to be moving through Libra until October of 2012. And you, my friends, have passed the test, made your choices or will be making any last minute decisions now, and will be seeing in short time, just how far you have come.
You are in charge of the work you bind yourself heart and soul to from here on out, you are in charge of what kind of health you manifest by the service you do to your body, you are in charge of leading yourself forward in these areas from what you have learned.
Saturn in Libra will begin to focus outward, to the partnerships, agents, attorneys, all of those powerful, significant people who connect our lives to something more. You will be spending 3, count them, 3 years learning about personal mastery, limitations, responsibilities, commitment or breaking of ties, justice and balance, in relationships. Relationships that break away now are not meant to make this journey, those that are strong will withstand the tests and become stronger.
Singles will attract relationships that require more work at this point but will have potential to remain together for the long haul. Because Saturn rules Time you will see more people entering relationships with vast age differences and those of you who feel the need for someone to mother or father you will be learning how to stand on your own two feet during this transit as this particular bent will wear a bit thin. If in doubt in the coming years, ask yourself if there is balance. It is the Libran motto, in business partnerships and deals with attorneys or agents, is it fair, is it just? More Libran qualities. If you skimp in these realms there will be a price for it, do not stay or combine with anyone who does not represent this: Balance, Fairness, Justice. Simple, really.
(Read for your Sign and your Rising Sign if you know it for a complete picture)
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets and health and entering tests to romantic partnerships, business partnerships, enemies, competitors, agents, and attorneys
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets and health through lovers, children or creative outlets and entering tests to how YOU partner or are represented through work, health or dealing with pets
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets and health through home, property and mom, and entering tests to how you partner or are represented with lovers, children or creative projects
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through writing, communications, routine and neighborhood, short trips, and siblings, and entering tests to how you partner or are represented at home, with property or mom
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through making money, and entering tests to how you partner or are represented through writing, communications, routine and neighborhood, short trips, and with siblings
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through your own body, needs, ego, identity or image, as well as to added responsibilities or losses in every aspect of life, and entering tests to how you partner or are represented through making money or spend your earnings.
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through hidden agendas, work done behind the scenes, fantasy and imagination, research and investigation, hospitals and prisons, retreat and isolation, self-undoing or escapism, and entering tests to how you partner or are represented in balance with your own needs, body, ego, image, or identity
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through friendships, group affiliations, aspirations, networking, and social events, to enter tests to how you partner or are represented through work behind the scenes, fantasy or imagination, research or investigations, hospitals or prisons, hidden agendas, retreat or isolation, substance abuse or escapism, dreams and artistry
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through career and reputation, fame or father, and entering tests to how you partner or are represented through groups, friendships, aspirations, networking, or social events
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through travel, higher education, politics, beliefs, ceremonies, media, publishing, publicity, or law, to enter tests to how you partner or are represented through career, reputation, fame, or father
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through loans, debt, credit, inheritance, insurance, bankruptcy, taxes, joint finances, settlements, alimony, child support, sex, reproduction, divorce, or death, and entering tests to how you partner or are represented through travel, media, publishing, publicity, higher education, ceremonies, beliefs, politics, or law
Saturn is leaving tests to work, pets or health through partners, agents, enemies, competitors, or attorneys, and entering tests through how you partner or are represented through major finances, bankruptcy, inheritance, loans, debt, credit, insurance, taxes, joint finances, settlements, alimony, child support, sex, reproduction, divorce, or death
Remember that the goal of Saturn is to teach you mastery and help you lead in the area of testing, no short cuts allowed, Saturn rewards work, commitment and time.
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