Happy Halloween :) What does our holiday look like? Well we have an Aries Moon so passions or angers are close to the surface. Aries energy is all about doing so expect lots of energy and action. This Moon makes an opportunity angle to Jupiter so the passion or anger has the chance to get really big, really fast. This angle is a positive one so let’s opt for the passion and fun motivating forces on tap over angry eruptions.
Chiron, the energy of the wounded healer, is stationing Direct on Saturday as well. This is the place where you feel wounded and thusly become most able to heal others from experience. Expect a bit of this to manifest somewhere around you as well.
Sunday opens with passions and romance or artistry meeting up socially under positive stars, perhaps last nights paramour is still with you? The Moon next enters Taurus where emotions and sensuality mix. Mercury squares Mars before it is all said and done so make sure you aren’t promising something you don’t mean or can’t deliver and watch what you say in general as all words lead to some form of action now, once again this could be passions or anger.
Saturday will give you an opportunity to heal something with a friend, group or at a social function as it opens up an old wound. Look at your aspirations and how far you have come towards achieving them and remember that whether a friend mends fences or decides to move on, under these positive stars it is in your best interests. Any party you can attend tonight looks to be riotously fun.
Sunday or late Saturday night brings an opportunity to strike up an artistic or romantic connection with a friend or at a social function. Once the Moon enters Taurus the focus will shift to making money. Talks about the major finances or intimacy between you and another will lead to action, passionate expression, anger, or industry with a lover, child or through a creative project. For some a call to hook up, for others financial communications that lead to creative action.
Saturday Chiron stations Direct in your house of career, ambitions, goals, fame, reputation, and father. This means that a wound here is ready to move outward and your potential to heal others through what you have experienced here is strong. There is activity going on behind the scenes, behind closed doors, or involving fantasy or research, hospitals or other institutions that opens doors to this potential in a very positive way.
Sunday this inner or private energy is still strongly sparking things for you in the arena of goals, career, fame, or father. Today the energy is all about opportunity for artistry, spirituality or romance to benefit your goals. Once the Moon enters your sign you should feel ready to be more outward connected but should still try to keep focus on yourself. Talks with partners, agents, enemies, or attorneys lead to action on the home front, with property or mom.
Chiron stationing Direct in your house of media, publishing, travel, law, and education means that something wounding is ready to step up and be dealt with, that you are now ready to heal or teach others through any pain you have experienced through these means. The connection to a friend or group, social event or aspiration is very positively connected to this, expect to enjoy yourself tonight and to share your beliefs in a beneficial way.
Sunday the connection between friends and groups to your beliefs, travel, media, legal, or educational desires is still positive. Today that energy is about connecting artistically, spiritually or romantically. Once the Moon enters Taurus you will feel like expressing emotions behind closed doors or withdrawing emotionally to recharge your batteries. Talks about work, health or the pets is challenging as what is said leads to some passion or anger expressed or action in the neighborhood or with siblings.
Saturday Chiron stations Direct in your house of intimacy and major finances, divorce and death. This is a powerful placement to be hosting this energy but your sensitivity makes you equal to the potential. The shift will open the door to wounds in these areas so they can move forward here and for you to teach or heal others through what you have experienced. There is wonderful opportunity for you to feel like a goal is achieved or to find yourself in the spotlight through this channel. Be forewarned that any hook-ups tonight will not be light fare but meant to break through a wall.
Sunday this energy continues with the added color of romance, spirituality, or artistry bringing positive flow. Once the Moon enters Taurus you will feel like being with friends or doing something social. Talks with a lover or child, or about a creative project lead to action. This plays out as making or spending money on the fires of Mars so passions or angers may come to the surface here.
Chiron stations Direct in your house of partners, agents, enemies, and attorneys on Saturday helping you to move forward on any wounds here as well as giving you the energy to heal others through any pain you have experienced through one of these significant connections. The Moon’s contact here promises positive opportunity to either travel or deal with someone at a distance, to embark on something in the media, to deal with a ceremony or legalities, or to tackle a class or teaching. Share your beliefs as well as your pain to break through to the other side.
Sunday the energy continues but now there is opportunity to bring romance, artistry or spirituality into the mix in a positive way. Once the Moon enters Taurus you are going to be goal oriented and may feel like putting in some time on career agendas. A talk or agreement about home, property, living situations, or mom is going to lead to you taking personal action. You may be very motivated to do something at the house today, passions or anger may be sparked here as well.
Saturday your co-ruler is stationing Direct and this shift is occurring in your house of work, health and pets. This means that any wound you have experienced here has been processed internally and you are ready to begin to move it outward with the potential to teach or heal others through what you have experienced. The connection to intimacy, divorce or major finances is great so pursue energy in one of these arenas to expand your world that much more.
Sunday this wonderful flow between major finances, intimacy, divorce, work, health, or pets continues to fuel in a positive way, now there is the coloring of romance, artistic expression or spirituality in the mix as well. Once the Moon enters Taurus you are going to shift focus to travel, media, publishing, publicity, education, or law. A talk you have today is going to lead to direct action behind closed doors, with a fantasy or film project, through research, by a hidden enemy, or through a hospital or other institution. Watch that your mind does not wander on the road it could lead to an accident.
Chiron is stationing Direct in your house of true love, children and creative projects on Saturday. This is about any wound you have been internalizing here shifting outwardly and ready to move forward. You will have the opportunity to teach or heal others through what you have experienced here now if you so choose. The connection to partners, agents, competitors, or attorneys aligns beautifully to this, there is great potential for prosperity or happiness through these connections or any severing you do now.
Sunday the same energy continues but with the added bonus of spirituality, romance, or artistic expression in the mix for you in a positive way. Once the Moon moves into Taurus your house of sensual intimacy or grounded major financial matters takes hold and this is where you will choose to focus. Talks about income lead to action with a friend, group or aspiration. This is charged up energy so expect motivating forces to take hold once you have said your peace or shared your idea.
Saturday the focus will be on home, property, living situation, or mom as Chiron stations Direct here. This is about any internal wound you have in this area ready to move outward now and about your ability to teach or heal others from any pain you have experienced in these realms. The connection to work, health or pets here is wonderful so tackle projects at home, work from home, work out at home, or do something with your pets today. If you sell property today should be positive.
Sunday the energy continues but now there is added energy in the mix bringing positive artistic expression, spirituality or romance into the game. Once the Moon enters Taurus you will be focused on partners, agents, enemies, or attorneys. A talk you have about your needs leads to action on the career front or towards a major goal. Passions are ignited by what is said or heard.
Chiron stations Direct in your house of communications, writing, short trips, siblings, and neighborhood on Saturday. This means that any internalizing of pain or wounds you have done here is now ready to move outward and that you now have the potential to heal or teach others from what you have experienced here. Feelings about a lover, child or creative project are tied to this in some way in a very positive way as you express your happiness or desires to expand.
Sunday the energy continues in the same vein but with the added color of romance, spirituality or artistic expression in the mix. Once the Moon enters Taurus you will be focusing on the work at hand, your health or the pets. A talk about something private, involving a hospital or something hidden brings about action through travel, legal channels, media, or education. Passions or anger are close to the surface in this.
Saturday puts the focus on income as Chiron stations Direct in this part of your chart. This is about any internal wounding you have been processing here shifting and now preparing to move outward. It is also about your ability to teach or heal others through what you have experienced around making or spending money. The potential today lies through property, home, living situations, or mom as you find that your world is expanding here in a positive, lucky way. If you have a home that has sat on the market for a long time, you should now start to see things begin to move.
Sunday the energy is a continuation of this same freeing, income/home connection but today there is opportunity for artistry, romance or spirituality in the mix as well, all positive. Once the Moon enters Taurus you will put your focus on children, lovers or creative projects. A talk you have with a friend or at a social event leads to action on the financial realm or intimately, passions soar or anger rises, but the motivating force is deep and about making something happen.
Saturday should be strongly felt by you dear Aquarius as Chiron is stationing Direct in your sign. This has been a process during his tour through your energy to help you to heal wounds and empower you to teach or heal others through the redefining of who you are and what you want from life. This shift today will take the internal process and begin to move it outward. If you can open up with someone today about it there is immense potential for happiness or luck to come from it. Writing about it will as well go a long way towards what you want for yourself. Get out tonight on the local scene, there is someone who may have something positive for you.
Sunday is more of the same energy carried over but today there is the added flavor of romance, artistry or spirituality in the mix, once again positive. Once the Moon enters Taurus you will focus energy on home, living situations, property, or mom. A talk you have today about goals, reputation or career leads to action. Expect a partner, agent, enemy, or attorney to be the outlet for the Mars energy here, in other words passion or anger aimed at this person or coming from them as you try to express what you want.
Saturday is a very powerful internal shift for you as Chiron stations Direct in your private house of secrets, fantasy, artistry, hidden enemies or agendas, research or investigations, hospitals or other institutions. The internal processing you have been doing of any wounds here is now ready to move outward and you are ready now to heal or teach others from your painful experience. There is a positive tie to income in this so look at how you can share your most mystical, muse oriented nature to help others.
Sunday the energy continues but today there is an added sense of romance, artistry or spirituality tied to the mix that is very positive indeed. Once the Moon enters Taurus you will be focused on your routine, talks, meetings, the neighborhood activities, siblings or short trips. A talk you have about travel, legal matters, media, or education is going to spark you to do the work, tackle health or deal with pets. Passions or anger may arise in connection with this.
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