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Oh Kitties!!! I know you feel it coming so let’s talk about it, SATURN…
This week Saturn moves on. Finally. As so many of you have been writing me asking what the heck is going on in relationships, it is Saturn’s build-up as he prepares to move into Libra on Thursday.
Libra is the sign of partnerships, the people who we hold significant in our lives, it is about balance and fairness and taking responsibility in your one-on-one interactions.
We are entering a 3 year period where all important relationships will be tested as we redefine how we partner or who we choose to represent our needs (agents or attorneys).
To this end, many people have been cleaning house of old relationships that no longer hold merit or align with the journey. Do yourself and the world a favor by realizing this doesn’t mean they weren’t of significant value to your life’s growth, they were. If you have reached out to them and tried to get acknowledgement of past pain or tried to seek closure, they either took responsibility for their part in the situation or they didn’t. That is as simple as I can make it for you in determining who you take forward with you or not.
It is going to be imperative as you move into the Saturn in Libra period to surround yourself with people who are in balance with your energy, who give as well as receive, because you are going to be working through these important people over the next 3 years as you redefine your entire way of connecting with others. Choose wisely.
If someone exits now, yes it can be painful but the truth is the energy is going to be moving everyone towards relationships that are more in line with each person’s own vibrations. Stand in your own personal truth and as hurt recedes you will be able to hold good memories of those who move on, remembering the things that made you smile.
This is a once in 29 year transit, so step up to people who are entering your life at this juncture because they have something to teach you. For all you Virgos out there, congratulations, you made it! You won’t host Saturn’s tests to every facet of your life again for another 29 years. To all you Librans out there, you are about to change everything in your life and the more that you are willing to lead your own way forward, take responsibility, do the work, trim back anything that is not in line with your highest good, the more this transit will reward you with greater authority and mastery.
The other major shift this week is Mercury entering Scorpio on Wednesday. This means that talks, meetings, agreements, and ideas will be colored by all things Scorpio: third party interaction, power, control, major finances, secrets, subterfuge, investigations, research, hidden agendas, manipulations, intimacy, sex, divorce, death, and all things that have the intensity to change your life in a profound way. Think before you speak!
Chiron stations Direct on Saturday but I will talk about that in the weekend forecast.
Make Monday about connecting with friends, pulling in favors from groups, networking, making the rounds with your inner circle. You need to act on a creative endeavor and find a way to balance love or the actions of a child. There is money to be made or spent through partners, agents or attorneys today.
Tuesday focuses your artistic talents, spiritual connections and ability to dream something big with a friend, group, at something social, or to involve those closest in your aspirations. This is very positive seeding energy so let your imagination lead you.
Wednesday Mercury enters your house of major finances, sex and divorce so you will be talking or meeting about one of these things. News coming in is intense and may involve the third party. If you need to talk about the loan or other financial matter the potential to transform career through this is very positive today. If you need to talk about an intimate goal the energy supports positive changes reached as well. Connections between women partners or representatives and expanding an aspiration or to reach out in love with a partner towards some social affair all bring luck and happiness into the picture.
Thursday the Sun squares Mars. This can mean a steamy sexy encounter with someone or it can mean anger issues with a lover, child or over a creative project. Saturn moves into Libra today and begins your 3 year tour of one-on-one relationships. You are going to be redefining how you deal with issues of balance, fairness, justice, responsibility, leadership, ambition, and any limitations through romantic partners, business partners, open enemies, competitors, agents, and attorneys. Anything at all that comes from you that is not fair or taking responsibility in these connections will meet with serious consequences during this transit so come from truth. The people you partner with now will mean more work but will be solid and in the picture for a long time. Some Aries will commit and marry during this transit as the way you partner is going to be serious and long term. Some will see a partnership dissolve at this juncture as Saturn really wants to get you to look at how or why you are partnering. You have now officially graduated from the tests to health, work and pets of the last couple years, congratulations.
Friday is intense on an emotional level and this is playing out over your needs and the way you balance with partners or representatives, this is new Saturn in Libra energy. Career or ambitions in some important area of life are in the mix. Talk about the intimate needs or what is going on financially, divorce or death and how these topics are affecting what you need or who you are.
Ambitions are driving you on Monday which may mean you need to leave home or do something about a living situation or property matter. Venus is aligned with these goals to help you with an opportunity to make money through the work you do or to spend on health or pets.
Tuesday is a day to focus on career. The energy is very significant for artists or those of you working in spiritual energy but it is in general about expanding your reputation, making a name for yourself, being seen in the spotlight on some level, and climbing a bit higher on the career front. Do it today.
Wednesday Mercury moves into Scorpio so talks, meetings and agreements begin to focus on partners, agents or attorneys and how any third parties are involved or how the sharing of intimacy or finances is being managed. There is great potential for money to expand for you today through your work and career. A talk with the partner or representative opens the door to something big involving media, travel, education, or law. Don’t be afraid to change course, you should have great instincts today.
Thursday, the square between Sun and Mars means something vigorous playing out between a partner, agent or attorney, and the home, property or living situation. Saturn moves into Libra and you begin the 3 year transit of learning to balance and partner with others through the work you do, with co-workers, with the people you hire to work for you, through the service you provide, in approaches to your health and in the sharing or interaction with pets. The people who you partner with, who compete with you or who represent you will be bringing the tests, any limitations, and the potential for more responsibility and mastery through these realms, you will be streamlining and getting serious about what you bring to these arenas. You have officially graduated from the tests to love affairs and creative projects, children and speculation and these arenas should prove less challenging from here forward, congratulations.
Friday is a good day to pull back, do some inner work or retreat and rest. You do have either a responsibility to work or some limitation to health to deal with in this as well as something changing in travel, media, legal matters, or education. Talk to a partner, agent or attorney about what you are working on in private.
Your feelings about a media, legal, travel, ceremonial, or educational matter will have you expressing yourself quite passionately today. Connecting with a woman or doing something towards attracting love or money through one of these channels will be positive.
Tuesday is a wonderful day for media, publishing, publicity, ceremonies, travel, teaching, taking a class, or dealing with legal matters. There is very positive, expansive energy around any of these venues if you apply artistry, romance, spirituality and your imagination.
Wednesday Mercury enters your work, health and pet zone so you will be talking about these topics more now and any third parties involved, sharing, intimacy, or finances tied to them. There is opportunity to make some powerful changes that benefit if you open up the dialogue and come to agreements today. The flow between lovers, children and creativity streaming through travel, ceremonies, media, education, and legal matters is so good you just can’t go wrong here.
Thursday puts a square between Sun and Mars through your work, health or pets zone and what you are writing, talking about, doing locally or with siblings. Look at keeping your vitality even as you may be running around more. Saturn enters your house of true love, children, speculation, recreation, and creative projects on Thursday. This begins a 3 year process of more commitment and effort to these areas of life, any responsibilities or limitations will test you here, connections will require a serious approach now so some of you will be cutting loose of affairs that have no potential while others will get more serious within the ones you are presently involved in, conceiving will be harder now or limited but this may also mark a time when you decide to have children, and dealing with children will require you becoming more of an authority figure, and lastly you will get very serious about what you are creating and take on more responsibility here. This is NOT a 3 year period when you should speculate on any level, slow and steady wins the race. You have officially graduated from the past 2 years of testing through living situations, home, property, and mom, congratulations.
Friday your aspirations or the desire to do something with friends or social is going to be strong. You will need to deal with any limitations or responsibilities to lovers, children or creative projects and any changes or power struggles over intimacy, finances, sharing, or divorce. Talk about the work, health or pet matter today or make adjustments to the news here so that you can connect with your friends.
Decide to tackle a major financial matter on Monday so that you can either move towards making more money or spend some of your earnings in a way that empowers your financial position. There is positive support from a female or through love or money coming in through home, property or mom.
Tuesday the focus should be on the deepest most powerful things in your world, look at loans, credit, settlements, insurance, taxes, inheritance, or any other major finances, intimacy, sex, divorce, or anything that is profoundly shared. You have wonderful energy behind this to apply your artistry, spirituality, romance, or imagination and to expand your horizons through these doors.
Wednesday Mercury enters Scorpio and talks and agreements will be about lovers, children, creative projects, and recreation. You will be dealing with third parties, power, intimacy, and finances in your communications over these things now and today there is opportunity to connect with a partner, agent or attorney to really make something happen. The flow between home, property, mom, or living situation and the major finances or intimacy should open up all kinds of potential for you now, love or money potential is great.
Thursday brings a challenge for you to overcome around how your needs are being met creatively or with a lover or child. This should spur you to action on the income front. Saturn moves into Libra and your arena of home, living situations, property, and mom. This begins a 3 year transit where you will take on more responsibility in these areas and build solid, foundational supports in your life, where any limitations will be tested and things will be streamlined. Some of you may move into some place smaller or take on a mortgage or in some other way cull your living environment while others will take on more effort with an elderly parent. You have officially graduated from the last couple years of testing to your ideas, writing, neighborhood, communications, and interaction with siblings, congratulations.
Friday the focus is on goals and career as you deal with your responsibilities at home or with mom and tackle changes going on with partners, agents, enemies, or attorneys. It is a day to talk about the creative venture and any shifts that need to take place here to reach goals as well as to open up with lovers or children about what you are trying to achieve.
The focus on Monday towards partners, enemies, agents, or attorneys will spur you to action either with your image or ego needs. There is wonderful flow around talks and expressing love or discussing money with one of these significant people.
Tuesday again focuses on the partner, enemy, competitor, agent, or attorney. This is a day to apply your romantic, artistic, spiritual, or imaginative energy towards this person in ways that can expand the connection positively.
Wednesday Mercury moves into Scorpio and talks become intense about home, property, living situations, or mom. There is real potential for these talks or agreements to lead to major change in the work being done or the health or pet situation. Talks or agreements with partners, enemies, agents, or attorneys are favored once again and there is positive flow between love or money matters here.
Thursday what you want at home, with mom, or regarding a property or living situation will motivate you to do something. Saturn enters Libra to begin his 3 year journey through your communications zone. This means that you will be tested through, take more responsibility and eventually master the way you think, what you say, writing, your local environment/neighborhood, short trips, and connection to siblings. The people showing up in your life during this transit will be about helping you to define your ideas in a more mature way and to take the lead through agreements that you make and what you put in writing. You have officially graduated from the past 2 year tests or losses around making money, spending wisely and limiting possessions, congratulations.
Friday the focus is on the trip, media or publicity matter, ceremony, educational issue, or legal topic. Talks will be serious and work or health will undergo change or an attempt to change. End the day with talks or agreements about home, living situations, property, or mom and be open to any shifts required in this dialogue.
You will either be concentrating on work, health or pets on Monday and there is a need to take action on something going on behind the scenes here, either tied to a fantasy project, research, retreat, or hospital, prison or other institution. The flow to making or spending money is wonderful and supportive in this work, health or pet matter.
Tuesday again is about the work, health or pet and the day is just beautiful as both Jupiter and Neptune are contacted by the Moon. This means that you can pour your artistry, romantic or spiritual nature, or imagination into the work or approach to your health or pets and see huge results, very positive and expansive.
Wednesday Mercury moves into Scorpio and your communications zone. This means that third parties, major finances, intimacy and secrets flavor the talks, news, or agreements now as well as any short trips, sibling contacts, or writing projects. If you talk about one of these things today with a lover or child or in any way tied to a creative project there is great potential for a major change or powerful breakthrough. The connection between income and work, health or pets is amazing as well with luck and prosperity in what you do today.
Thursday brings a challenging talk about your needs, identity or body that lead to action behind the scenes, through research, fantasy, or at a hospital or other institution. Saturn moves into Libra entering your income zone for the next 3 years. This is about tests, taking on more responsibility and dealing with any limitations through the money you earn, what you choose to spend it on, and the possessions you have. What you value will really be put under the microscope now as your choices will be about leading your own way forward monetarily. The partners, agents, competitors, or attorneys in the situation will be the mirror you learn these lessons and master these areas through. You have officially graduated from the 2 toughest years of a 29 year cycle with Saturn in your sign and many personal limitations, streamlining, and beginning your next major chapter in life as a stronger, more capable leader, congratulations!
Friday the focus should be on the deeper issues such as any major financial matters, intimate or sexual connections, reproduction, or divorce. You need to access your income and spending and get real about where you are as well as look at how a creative project, love affair or something involving children is morphing around you. Talk or begin to think of ways to make adjustments in this financial or shared arena.
Pour your energy into the creative project, lover, or child today. You will be motivated to do something social with a friend or group or to pursue your aspirations with abandon and will need to balance it all. There is tremendously positive energy around you personally today as Venus is aligning in your sign to these creative outlets and loved ones so flow with the love or money here.
Tuesday is about a pin prick in the ethers that allows the muse to directly bless you, think I’m kidding? Today you can truly align yourself with something that is very big on the creative field or with a lover or child, apply your artistry, spiritual or romantic nature, or imagination and expand your horizons.
Wednesday Mercury moves into Scorpio so talks, meetings or agreements will be about income and they will now involve third parties, control, power, major finances or shared resources, intimacy or sex, or secrets. You can make a positive big change in your security, with home, property, or around mom today through what you discuss regarding your income. The flow between you and creativity, children or true love is again aligning and there is potential for attracting big love or money here.
Thursday what you need involving income is going to spur you to action with a friend, group, networking, a social function, or towards pursuing your aspirations. Saturn enters your sign today and begins his 3 year journey to a completely new you. This marks the end of a 29 year cycle for your life. It is that big. You are now in the baby steps towards a new way to lead your life forward, you will be tested in all areas as you streamline you life to support what YOU need, you will take on more responsibility and master something you came here to do. The more you are willing to lead and put in time and effort on yourself and everything that shows up in your life, the more you will be rewarded during this transit. In other words, it is usually as challenging as the individuals willingness to work and commit themselves to ambitions and duty. You have officially graduated from the past 2 year test of things going on behind your back, retreat, feelings of isolation or depression, limitations to fantasy, film or imaginative work, and time dealing with hospitals or other institutions, congratulations.
Friday you will be focused on a partner, enemy, agent, or attorney. Look at how you are being personally limited or asked to take more responsibility in the balance here as well as how changes or major financial matters are playing out over your home or security. Talks about making money are on the cards today, you need to be willing to adjust what you make or what you do to earn a bit to keep the ball rolling.
Do your best to deal with home, living situations, mom, or property matters on Monday as you will be highly charged up with energy to tackle goals and deal with career, a balance is necessary. There is amazing energy around what is going on behind closed doors for you, may involve a female and should help you attract love or money to home.
Tuesday is once again about home or mom. Today the energy is all that. You want to apply your imagination, your artistry, romantic nature, or spirituality to the living situation, home, property matter, or mom because there is great energy around luck and expansion, happiness and prosperity here if you do.
Wednesday Mercury moves into your sign so talks and agreements will be focused on you, your needs, body, identity, or image. Third parties, power, major finances, sex, or shared experiences will color what it is you are talking about for yourself and the powerful connection to your ruler today in these talks promises some opportunity through what is said or agreed upon. What goes on behind closed doors dealing with a woman, love or money ties beautifully into home and property so spending time with someone at home is favored as well as research into property or hospitals and mom.
Thursday you will be dealing with an ego issue and what is motivating you on the career front, lots of action here today. Saturn moves into Libra entering your house of retreat, work behind the scenes, fantasy and imagination, artistry and spirituality, secrets and research, and any dealings with institutions. This begins a 3 year process of taking responsibility for any self-sabotaging or escapist tendencies, for becoming more of an authority in film or fantasy work, for streamlining your life to focus more on your inner process and being tested through anything that you have hidden away from yourself over the last 26 years. By the end of this transit you will have officially said goodbye to a 29 year cycle of life so look at this time as a period where you will be closing doors on parts of your life that will not go forward with you and dealing with anything buried that needs to come up for rooting out. It can bring you great rewards in the areas of imagination and spiritual connection. You have officially graduated from Saturn’s 2 year testing and mastery through friendships, groups, networking and pursuing aspirations, congratulations.
Friday will be about work, health or pets. You will want to look at how anything going on behind the scenes is limiting you and how some intense or powerful talks today change things. Be sure to discuss your needs and willingness to make any personal adjustments towards the work, health or pet issue.
Communications, interaction with siblings and local neighborhood activities are high on the list on Monday. Do your best to tackle the travel, ceremony, legal, media, or educational matter as well. A female friend is in harmony with your ideas today so talk or come to agreements here, you can attract love or money through socializing.
Tuesday is a stellar day for communications, writing, agreements, short trips, dealings with siblings, or neighborhood activities. There is a wonderful spiritual, romantic, artistic energy around what you do here and it is fortified with potential to expand in a lucky way for you so open up or write it down.
Wednesday Mercury enters Scorpio and talks or agreements will be more clandestine, about secrets, retreat, hidden things, or the arts, spirituality, research, or hospitals and other institutions. You can expect these communications to be flavored with third party activity, major finances, sex or divorce. Whatever you talk about behind closed doors today leads to a big positive potential to transform income so either making more or spending a large sum is positive. Once again, talks with a female friend are positive as well, say yes to social invitations.
Thursday you will be a bit stressed over a desire for time to rest and the need to act on a trip, ceremony, legality, education, or media matter. Saturn moves into Libra and begins his 3 year transit through your house of friends, groups, networking, social functions, and aspirations. You will meet your tests, deal with limitations, take on more responsibilities, and master yourself through these connections now. You may begin with a lessening of social contacts for one reason or another, see a friend leave, make friends based more on ambitions, and learn powerful lessons through your circle around you. The work you do now towards your aspirations will pay off at the end of this transit. You have officially graduated from the past 2 year test on the career front and with personal ambitions and reputation, congratulations.
Friday puts the focus on creative projects, lovers or children. Deal with balancing feeling here over the limitations or responsibilities you are tackling regarding a friend, group or social obligation and the profound effect on your income. Talk about what you are feeling within, any self-undoing or escapist energy or anything to do with research, institutions or fantasy work. Be willing to adjust thoughts a bit in this.
Monday is gearing up to be all about income, go figure. You need to tackle an outside resource today so look at what you can do with a loan, bank, settlement, insurance, tax, etc, or if you have a partners money involved. There is wonderful support via Venus in the career Midheaven making a positive aspect today to income so go all out to earn what you want.
Tuesday the energy is once again all around income but the big boys are getting into the mix, all on the same spot in the universe! You want to bring your artistry, romantic or spiritual nature, or imagination into the arena in a big way and look for ways to expand and prosper, it is all good.
Wednesday Mercury enters Scorpio and talks or agreements will now be on friends, groups, networking, social events, or regarding your aspirations. Look at how third parties, major finances, sharing, secrets, or intimacy play into what is said. There is real potential for you to make a personal breakthrough today by way of these communications, agreements or meetings. The career and income houses align and this is happening between the 2 most beneficial planetary energies out there so go all out to make money today, women are of benefit.
Thursday you need to deal with how you are feeling your needs are being met in a friendship or with a group and then tackle the major finances, intimacy, secret, manipulation, or third party influence here. Saturn enters Libra and begins his 3 year transit of your career Midheaven. This is an amazing time for you. Saturn is at the pinnacle of your chart and he is about testing your ability to lead, take responsibility, and master yourself through your ambitions, career, goals, reputation, father, or fame now. Limits or losses may occur here to push you to step up even further but overall this is a time when you will achieve equal to your efforts, it is a reap what you sow time in life and a transit that asks you to take advantage of all extra work that comes your way as you can reach new leadership realms now. You have officially graduated from the past 2 year testing through media, publishing, publicity, legal matters, education, beliefs, politics, and travel, congratulations.
Friday will be about home, living situations, property, or mom. You need to focus your energy on these roots in life and then deal with responsibilities to career or goals as well. There is personal change in the air and empowering yourself through meeting any of these challenges today. Talk or meet with friends, groups, at social events, or networking later but make adjustments to what is going on at home to do so.
You need to focus energy on yourself on Monday and this will mean first attending to what needs doing with the partner, competitor, agent, or attorney. There is wonderful opportunity energy around travel, media, publicity, publishing, education, or legal matters today for you, attracting love or money your way. Women are beneficial in this.
Tuesday is once again about you and the energy just couldn’t be more moving. Pour your artistry, spirituality, romance or imagination into yourself, your body, looks, image, identity, or something you truly want for yourself. The big boys are together doing their best to see you find some happiness or luck today in so doing.
Wednesday Mercury moves into Scorpio and your house of career, ambition, goals, reputation, fame, or father. This means talks and agreements will now focus here and be colored by third parties, secrets, power, control, major finances, sex, divorce, sharing, or intimacy. Something that you do behind the scenes or at an institution such as a hospital can really open some pretty major doors today. Travel, media, education, or legal matters are all being aligned to your energy as well to help you attract love or money through these doors in a big way.
Thursday you will need to deal with a goal or career matter affecting your personally or tied to your image or identity by taking action with a partner, agent, competitor, or attorney. Saturn moves into Libra and begins his 3 year transit through your house of travel, media, publishing, publicity, education, politics, beliefs, ceremonies, and law. These areas are where you will test yourself and be tested by partners, agents, competitors, or attorneys, and where you stand to master something within yourself and lead your life forward. Do the work here and take on responsibilities. You have officially graduated from the past 2 year tour of tests through joint finances, divorce, outside resources, reproduction, death, sex, and intimacy, congratulations.
Friday will be about all kinds of communications, writing, interactions with siblings or neighborhood. You need to balance this with responsibilities to travel, education, media, or legal matters, as well as deal with anything going on behind closed doors that is powerfully affecting you. Talks about career agendas and goals today and be willing to listen to new ideas or approaches.
You should be working through things in private or retreating to deal with some behind the scenes issues on Monday. You need to be active for your health and the pets and work at hand as well today, just make sure to balance both of these needs. Venus is bringing smooth sailing to the major financial issue with a bank or outside resource so continue to deal with this, she is also favoring intimacy in private.
Tuesday the magic going on behind closed doors is amazing. There is great energy here for fantasy, research, retreat, film or artistry, spirituality, connecting to the muse, investigations, or dealing with institutions. You want to dream big and find your happiness internally today.
Wednesday Mercury moves into Scorpio and talks and agreements will now focus on travel, media, publicity, publishing, politics, beliefs, education, or legal matters. Expect that third parties, power, control, major finances, divorce, or intimacy to color this. Whichever one of these topics you choose to discuss or agree to today there is an opportunity to transform your aspirations or connect to a powerful group or friend. Deal with the finances or intimacy today as there is luck and beneficial energy flowing here.
Thursday you must deal with personal issues tied to your image, body or ego and the travel, media, educational, or legal matter. Act on the work, health or pets as a way through this. Saturn moves into Libra and begins his 3 year transit of the deepest part of your chart. This is going to be a time when you are tested by partners, attorneys, enemies, or agents through major finances, loans, credit, bankruptcy, debt, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, settlements, insurance, inheritance, and joint finances, as well as through sex, intimacy, reproduction, divorce, death or transformation. It is a powerful time in life when you will need to take on more responsibility in these shared areas and master something here. You have officially graduated from the past 2 years of tests and mastery in your romantic partnerships, business partnerships, dealing with agents, open enemies, competitors, and attorneys, congratulations.
Friday you will be focusing on making money, spending some of your earnings or a what is going on with a major possession of yours. Deal with your responsibilities over the major outside resource or intimate connection and allow for more powerful change to aspirations and friendships. Talks should be about the legal, media, travel, or educational issue that is tied to your income, be willing to adjust what you are thinking just a bit for best results.
1 comment:
Hey, Zoe ... you know me from Facebook, mostly. I want to confirm for you comments you made about the last two years. I'm a Leo Sun w/a Scorpio moon, so I read both forecasts. The last two years have been all about learning financial lessons, lighting our material load, and for me personally about lightening my load of people that were anchoring me to the past. Literally, we were in CT for two years where I wrapped up relationships that I thought would be okay, but that I ended up having to let go. Family, friends, you name it. It was really, really difficult, and it took a toll when it occurred that I've had to sort of recuperate from. Now, I feel the rumblings behind the scenes at work, and there are significant women involved. Your forecasts are very good, very accurate, and I want you know that I appreciate your putting a positive upswing on things instead of dwelling on the negativities, which only insight fear. There's enough of that. Great job and thanks.
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