Saturn. What can I say about the taskmaster and teacher, father time, the authority figure, ruler of work and limitations, responsibility and testing?
Well, he is a bear as my father would be apt to say, but he also brings about mastery and a sense of confidence that comes from learning the tough lessons and coming through the other side of great trials a stronger, more capable human being.
The month of October is the culminating month around the lessons you have learned from Saturn in Virgo regarding personal responsibility and work ethic, the connection between doing what you love and your health, and how the way we interact with the most helpless of creatures, our pets, defines character.
You have had two years of learning how the details and organization matter, how being of service to something higher than your own needs truly serves everyone in the end, how connecting your sense of mastery with your personal health and well being and leading your life forward should be about finding something you will work hard at because you love it, this in turn bringing your health into line. It has been about animals in your life as well, taking care of pets, connecting with animal rights groups, getting conscious about the environment and finding joy in the smallest of things.
It has been a great purification process, about simplifying, about getting real where purpose and dedication rule.
This is the message of Saturn in Virgo. On October 29th Saturn will leave this placement, with only a short retrograde back into this territory next year, he is now going to be moving through Libra until October of 2012. And you, my friends, have passed the test, made your choices or will be making any last minute decisions this month, and will be seeing in short time, just how far you have come.
October has many wonderful and uplifting aspects as you find your footing during this culmination in mastery. You are in charge of the work you bind yourself heart and soul to from here on out, you are in charge of what kind of health you manifest by the service you do to your body, you are in charge of leading yourself forward in these areas from what you have learned.
Saturn in Libra will begin to focus outward, to the partnerships, agents, attorneys, all of those powerful, significant people who connect our lives to something more. You will be spending 3, count them, 3 years learning about personal mastery, limitations, responsibilities, commitment or breaking of ties, justice and balance, in relationships.
This month changes everything. It’s going to be great.
The Full Moon on the 4th is a peak moment in your year as something very personal to you is reaching its climax. This may be about your image, body, identity, or an ego need of yours that culminates or wraps up in some way. It is a very positive Full Moon so expect the best.
On the 9th, Mercury moves into your partnership zone and this will begin a time when you will be talking, meeting and coming to agreements with partners, agents and attorneys. Expect to hear news around these significant connections and for your thinking to undergo a new process.
Jupiter stations Direct on the 13th of the month in your house of friendships, networking, social functions, aspirations, and group affiliations. This is great news for you as all the work you have been doing to connect with like-minded souls will now bring luck and prosperity into your world. Say yes to social occasions and be open to new friends who may have something wonderful to bring to the table, or old friends who return with open hearts and the ability to open doors for you.
On the 14th Venus moves into Libra, a sign she rules and the place of partnership and representation for you. This means that your ability to attract love and money will flow more easily through these significant connections now and that women will be good for you during this transit. Some of you will hear proposals of marriage now or meet someone who may become a serious contender for your heart.
On the 16th your ruler changes signs, moving into Leo. This is a big boost in the arm for you bringing motivation, passion and dynamics to love, creative projects and children. You may meet someone new who sets your world on fire or find that your current relationship is amping up, hmmm, a theme? This energy will push you to achieve your creative potential and if you are trying to conceive you will have more energy here as well.
The New Moon on the 18th is occurring in your partnership and representation zone and will give you two strong weeks to take a relationship to the next level, to partner with someone in business, to marry, to find a new agent, or to launch something with an attorney.
The Sun enters the part of your chart associated with sex, intimacy, major finances, divorce and all powerful transformations on the 23rd. This begins a month long cycle where you will be at your most powerful and find the spotlight on you in these realms.
Mercury follows the Sun into these intense realms on the 28th and will open a time period when agreements, talks, meetings, and news will be helping you to work through the finances, divorce or intimacy matters.
On the 29th Saturn will finally leave Virgo after 2 years where he has been teaching you through responsibility and limitations around the work you do, your health and your pets. This has been about mastering yourself in these areas and the transit’s tests will not be repeated like this for another 29 years. Saturn is now making his way into Libra where he will rework partnering, dealing with open enemies, and your connections with agents and attorneys over the next 3 years. He is going to be asking you to get serious about how you partner and with whom, asking you to be responsible and to master the balance between give and take with both romantic and business partners, as well as with dealings involving agents or attorneys. You may find that significant age differences show up between you and who is drawn to you now as you learn the lessons of responsibility and duty in partnership. Expect that relationships will be tested and those that withstand this transit may remain intact for years to come. For many Aries, this will be a time of settling down and making it real. Others will begin business partnerships that evolve out of a dutiful approach to fairness and work ethic. Anyone who exits at the beginning of this time is not meant to be a part of the upcoming cycle and you should do your level best to release them with your blessings. Any partnership or representation you enter over the next 3 years will be more work but push you to the next level of leadership and ambition. This transit will continue until October 5, 2012 and will do it’s best to realign you in these arenas.
The Full Moon on the 4th is bringing something to a peak involving actions, passions or anger that has been working its way through your private affairs. There is a part of your life that you keep hidden and this is where the culmination is occurring. For some this will mean a celebration around some fantasy work, spiritual or artistic endeavor, research or dealings with hospitals or other institutions. For others there will be a crescendo around substance abuse, self-sabotaging behaviors or escapism. It is a positive Full Moon to act so expect the best.
Mercury moves into the area associated with the work you do, the people you hire to work for you, pets, and your health on the 9th. This means that you will be talking about these things more, you may hear news of a work assignment coming in or meet about a health or pet issue.
Jupiter stations Direct on the 13th in your career Midheaven and there just couldn’t be better news for you. The planet of luck and prosperity is finally going to be going forward and your goals and ambitions should begin to expand as will reputation and possibly fame. If you are in the process of launching a campaign, publicity, or trying to move up the ladder, choose to do so after this date for the most luck.
On the 14th Venus enters your work, health and pet zone bringing the ability to attract love and money through these avenues so if you began talks about work on the 9th you may be discussing money now. If you want to spend money to beautify your body or on adopting a pet this is a great time to do so.
Mars changes signs on the 16th and this will give you a boost of energy around everything related to home, property, living situations, moves, renovations, and putting down roots. You will feel very creative at home now as well and motivated to accomplish a great deal here.
The New Moon on the 18th is occurring in Libra and lighting up your house of work, health and pets, do you see a trend here? This is about new beginnings so you may be starting the new job today, putting your work out on display, sending out resumes or auditioning for new parts. Starting a new health regime at this time has better chances of succeeding than at other times and bringing a new pet home or starting a new training program with one is under positive stars as well.
The Sun enters your partnership and representation zone on the 23rd. This will put you in the center of attention in romantic and business partnerships as well as with dealings with agents or attorneys. Use this time to connect deeply and work with others to forward your financial or intimate goals.
Mercury will move into this part of your chart on the 28th which looks like an amazing time to schedule talks or meetings, pitches or making declarations about how you are feeling about this person. Aim your communications at partners, agents and attorneys now and ask for what you want.
Saturn will be leaving his 2 year journey through Virgo on the 29th where he has spent his energy testing you with lovers, children and creative projects to help you master yourself in these areas. You will not be challenged at this level again for another 29 years. He is now entering Libra where he will be touring until October of 2012. This means that you will be asked to get serious, put in time and effort, learn mastery and how to lead your life forward in connecting with partners, agents or attorneys in the work you do, those you hire to work for you, in approaching your health or theirs, and in dealing with pets. You may discover that you are involving yourself with people in these situations who are of a different age group than you or that issues of limitations, age and endurance are brought forward to be worked through. Saturn will help you lose weight during this transit if you need to but he will also tax your energy reserves so taking care of your body will be more important now. This is a time to learn new ways to work, to put in extra hours and master some area of approach to your tasks, to commit to your physical well being and put in the effort it takes to lead a strong and healthy life, and to deal with any loss or responsibilities tied to pets. You will end this transit as an authority in whatever work you begin now so choose it with care, there will be many hours involved in honing your skills here.
The Full Moon on the 4th is bringing a friendship, group association, aspiration, or social engagement to a peak in your world. You will be dealing with the independent, active energy of Mars in this so there will be passions, actions or anger involved and most likely a friendship being celebrated, an event to attend that marks a social occasion or someone taking their leave of your social circle.
Mercury, your ruling planet, is going to change signs on the 9th and enter a wonderful spot in your chart associated with true love, children, recreation, and creative projects. Expect to hear news about one of these realms now, to meet someone who may set your world on fire, to take more meetings and hold more communications about what you desire to see manifesting here.
On the 13th, Jupiter is going to station Direct and this means that the energy of luck, expansion and prosperity is now going to be flowing forward through travel, people at a distance, foreign ideas, connections and trade, politics, ceremonies, education, legal matters, media, publishing, and promotions. If you want to expand in any of these areas the floodgates are now open.
Venus enters Libra on the 14th bringing her charms and the energy to attract love and money into your house of true love, children and creative projects. Once again, this is a major boost to meeting someone if you are single, to raising the levels of love if you are in a relationship already, and to finding the finances for creative outlets or for children.
Mars changes signs on the 16th entering Leo and your house of communications. This will mean that you will see much more activity in your local scene, neighborhood, short trips, with siblings, and in all talks, meetings, and speaking engagements. You will be motivated to get your ideas across and bring your passions or angers to the table here. This may also introduce a new younger male on the scene.
The New Moon on the 18th is opening up your house of true love, children and creative projects, as you see there is a lot going on here this month. This Moon gives you two strong weeks to seed new creative ventures, to approach others with creative ideas, to meet a new love interest or begin something new with your current amore, to begin a family or start practicing :) or to start a new project with your child.
The Sun will enter Scorpio on the 23rd and this marks a month long cycle where you will be at the center of the stage in all work matters, health and with pets. It is a great time to put yourself into a new health regime, to get recognition for the work you do or to shine with your pets.
Mercury follows the Sun into this area on the 28th when you will hear news or begin talks or meetings about a work related matter, your health or pets. If you need to negotiate here or put out the word about one of these things, choose this time to do so.
On the 29th, Saturn will finally take his leave of Virgo after 2 long years of tests, responsibilities, limitations and restrictions in living situations, around home and property matters, and in connection with the roots you put down and mom. You will not experience this again for another 29 years. Today Saturn moves into Libra to begin a 3 year transit of your fifth house of true love, children and creative projects. He is going to be touring this part of your chart from now until October of 2012 with just a brief retrograde back into Virgo next year to tie up any loose ends around home or mom. You are now going to be getting serious, putting in work and effort, cutting away anything that does not serve your true path forward, committing long term to, and finding that ideas of age, time, age differences, responsibility, duty and limitations will be lessons learned and authority mastered through your lovers, children and creative outlets. Many of you will settle down into a serious love relationship, some will see a break up at the start of this to make way for the person you are to get serious about, some will start a family now, you may take the helm of a creative venture, all good places to begin this work. This time period will not favor frivolous affairs or a carefree approach to creativity but will reward dedication, responsibility and mastering new ways of expressing yourself here. Do not speculate with your money in anything over the next 3 years as this influence will work against gambles.
The Full Moon on the 4th is bringing a career matter to a peak, a goal wrapping up, something regarding your reputation or fame culminating, or a matter involving your father to a crescendo. There is a lot of dynamic, motivating energy here and your passions are bound to be involved. It is a positive Full Moon so expect the best.
Mercury is going to move into your home, property and mom part of your chart on the 9th at which time you can expect to hear some news, have more talks or meetings or come to an agreement regarding where you live or the roots you have put down, your living situation, the house or property matter, or what is going on with your mother.
Jupiter stations Direct on the 13th in your house of loans, debt, credit, inheritance, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, joint finances, bankruptcy, and all other major financial matters, as well as in areas related to sex, intimacy, divorce and transformation. This is good news as you will now be able to move forward in expansive, lucky ways here again. If you need financial backing wait until today to apply, if you need to bring debt into line, use this energy to find helpful ways to do so.
Venus enters your home base on the 14th bringing her ability to attract love and money into your living situation, home, property, move, connection with mom, and any roots you are putting down. A female may enter the scene during this time and she would be good for you. If you need money for the home or a move it should be easier to find and spending on renovations or repairs is favored under this transit.
Mars enters your earnings zone on the 16th which will drive you forward to go out and earn more money, to apply your passions to income or spending on what you need, and if you have to go after more money this will give you the motivation to do so. Watch for any anger brewing over what is paid or spent during this transit.
The New Moon on the 18th is all about a brand new beginning for you in your living situation, with your home or property, a move, renovation, remodel, or what is going on with your mom. You have two strong weeks to initiate fresh starts here with the support of the universe behind you.
The Sun enters Scorpio and your house of true love, children and creative projects on the 18th. This puts you front and center, in the spotlight in all matters related to love and creativity. You can meet someone new during this month long transit or find yourself showered with love, it is a great time to show love to yourself and to allow your creative juices to flow. Your connection with children should bring you much joy as well.
Mercury enters this part of your chart on the 28th so you can expect to hear news, have a talk or meeting or come to an agreement regarding the creative venture or with a lover or child. Declarations of love will be powerful and the potential to transform your creative world strong.
On the 29th Saturn will say good-bye to Virgo and his 2 years of working through how you communicate, write, speak, share ideas, think, deal with your neighborhood limitations, and responsibilities in short trips and to siblings. You will not have to deal with tests like these for another 29 years. Saturn now moves into Libra. During the next 3 years he will be teaching you how to master yourself, lead and work through partnering both romantically or in business, or deal with agents or attorneys in everything related to home, property, your living situation, your connection to your mother, any moves, renovations, buying or selling of real estate, and grounding your roots in solid soil. You will be dealing with time, work, effort, responsibility, limits, age, age differences, respect, personal authority, leadership, ambitions, and duty in all things surrounding home and mother. Some of you will buy property during this transit but know that if you do there will be a lot of work involved. Some of you will be taking care of an elderly parent now or taking on more responsibility in selling property. The serious work you do now is the foundation that you are going to be building the next 29 years upon so apply the Libran motto of fair and balanced and allow those significant connections to work their way into these foundations.
The Full Moon on the 4th starts out the month with something culminating around travel, education, media, publishing, or legal matters. This is a time when you will be celebrating the vacation, the judgement, the launch of a promotion, book, or other media venture, or possibly finishing up a class or graduating. The energy surrounding this Full Moon is very positive so expect it to go well.
Mercury enters your communications zone on the 9th and jump starts your talks, meetings, agreements, connections with siblings, happenings in the neighborhood, and short trips. Expect to hear news or open up dialogue in these areas. It is also a great time to begin a writing project or find representation for one.
Jupiter is stationing Direct on the 13th in your house of partnership, agents and attorneys. This is a great influence as it brings luck, expansion and prosperity through these significant connections in your life. Agree to the partnership. You have protection here again as well so if anyone leaves during this time know that it is for your best interests as someone better suited to your growth is coming into the picture.
Venus enters your communications zone on the 14th which may mean more love or money coming through local channels, siblings, short trips, or in talks or meetings you hold now. A female may enter the local picture who can help you with your communications needs.
Mars enters your sign on the 16th and brings a major boost to your energy reserves and personal passions. You will be a dynamo, more so than usual, and find the motivation to act on image, identity, ego, or physical needs. The only thing to watch under this influence is that you may have a shorter fuse and need to heed your anger.
The New Moon in Libra on the 18th opens up two strong weeks to begin new writing and communications projects, to talk or meet about ideas you want to set into motion, to begin something new locally or in your neighborhood, to make a fresh start with a brother or sister, or to embark on short trips to set something in motion. Look at ways to partner or be represented in any of these arenas for the best outcome.
The Sun enters your home, property and mom zone on the 23rd. This puts the spotlight on you in all things related to living situations, home, renovations, moves, buying or selling, property matters, or your dealings with mother. You really shine over the next month so see and be seen.
Mercury follows closely on the Sun’s tails entering the same arena on the 28th. Look for news about the home or mother to come in now or to open important talks, hold meetings, or make agreements in these areas.
On the 29th Saturn is going to finally leave his 2 year stint through Virgo where you have had to work harder for the money, deal with any limitations around income or spending, and responsibilities with possessions. This should feel like an instant relief as you have mastered just what it takes to take care of you, all wrapped up in your value system. Saturn now enters Libra and your third house of communications. He is going to tour this part of your chart for the next 3 years doing his best to push you to step up and take responsibility for what you say and how you say it, to master the art of communication, to work and commit to an idea, to concentrate your efforts on writing, speaking, what you dedicate time and commitment to in your local neighborhood, through short trips and with your brothers and sisters. This time period will rework the way you think, bringing ambitions to the fore and helping you to lead your life forward through your own ideas and ability to convey them. Look at how partners and people who can represent you such as agents or attorneys can play into this self-mastery over the next few years. There will also be the idea of time, age and limitations that enter into your thinking as people of vastly different ages come into your world to help you see new approaches.
The Full Moon on the 4th is bringing a deep matter to fruition in your world. This may be an experience peaking or wrapping up involving a major financial matter or it may be a celebration or conclusion to an intimate connection in your life. Divorce, death, power, control, manipulation, reproduction, and situations that culminate using triangles with people, are other areas where this passionate Moon will be working to see a result. The accompanying energies are positive so expect the best.
Mercury enters Libra on the 9th and will bring news or the opening of talks, meetings or agreements around your earnings, what you spend and matters concerning possessions. Partnership and those who represent you will be part of this equation as will fairness and balance.
Jupiter stations Direct on the 13th which is a wonderful shift for everyone. This is the planet of luck, expansion and prosperity and it is finally going to be moving forward again in your house of work assignments, hiring others to do jobs for you, your health, and your pets. This bodes well for work you take on now as well as for making progress with any health issues. The only thing to watch under this influence is that you don’t let it expand your waist line.
On the 14th Venus will enter your income arena which may introduce a female into the way you make your money or what you spend it on. It will definitely make things run smoother around income and help you to attract more money coming in. If you were in talks on the 9th today may signal the arrangement around the money. This influence will also push you to spend on people and things you love.
Mars is going to enter Leo on the 16th and fire up your energy around things you are doing behind the scenes, in private, using the imagination, in film or fantasy, in the arts, spiritually, involving research, hospitals or other institutions, and your psychic abilities. The only thing to watch is that the energy of anger doesn’t well up inside or come out as self-sabotaging behavior.
The New Moon in Libra opens on the 18th and is giving you a brand new start in areas related to making money, spending your earnings and around possessions. This is a great two weeks to begin a new money making venture or go after more income. If you are thinking about spending on something related to partners or those who represent you this is perfect timing.
The Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd and puts you in the spotlight for an entire month ahead in all things communications related. This will be about speaking engagements, ideas, writing projects, talks and meetings, negotiations and what is occurring in your local neighborhood or with siblings. There is a lot of power behind what you have to share at this time so don’t be shy.
Mercury follows behind the Sun entering this part of your chart on the 28th so you can expect news, meetings, talks or agreements to really take off now. You will be busier on short trips around your local scene and interacting in all communications. If you have an important meeting or something you need to get across and be well received, choose today to put it out there.
On the 29th, Saturn, the bringer of responsibility, limits and mastery, is finally leaving your sign after 2 of the most challenging years many of you have had in recent memory. This energy has been doing its best to push you to take on more responsibility and personal authority in your life, it has tested you with losses and restrictions, made you more serious than you normally are, and challenged you to cut the fat in any area of life that was not going to get you where you have finely focused your whole intent. Saturn is now preparing to reward you for hosting these tests and the good news is, you won’t have this kind of energy back in this placement for another 29 years. He is going to be entering Libra today and he will be touring this part of your chart for the next 3 years. He will dip back into your sign briefly next year in Retrograde but it will just be about tying up any loose ends from this cycle. In Libra, he is going to be asking you to work harder and to learn new ways to approach making money. The way you partner with others and work with attorneys or agents will be part of how you are learning and committing your time and your funds to make money over the next cycle. Any limitations you incur should be looked at as an opportunity to step up into this new authority and to master this new way of earning. You will be taking on a leadership role here so look at the big picture when approaching finances.
The Full Moon on the 4th is occurring in your house of partners, open enemies, agents, and attorneys. This is the time of the year when something is going to be peaking with a romantic partner, a business partner, or you may be celebrating something coming through with someone representing you. If you have had a competitor working against your interests or someone openly confronting you this will be the time that it culminates. The energy accompanying this lunation is very positive so expect the best.
Mercury enters your sign on the 9th bringing with him the energy of communication, news, local travel, and connections with siblings. This is going to be focused on you so it is a great time to open up about your plans, to talk about your needs, to hear about something you set in motion that would benefit you, or to think about your image, identity or body and ways to improve in these areas.
Jupiter is going to station Direct on the 13th and this is amazing energy finally moving forward in your house of creative projects, true love, recreation, and children. Jupiter brings luck, expansion and prosperity so any creative endeavor you have been nurturing will now get a mega boost forward. Any new love interests you meet now are destined to open up your world in some way and if you have been trying to have children or begin any work regarding them, this influence will open doors.
Venus enters your sign on the 14th and revs up the magic around your persona. This is a time when you can attract love and money to you with much more ease so get out there and cause a stir. If you have wanted to do some improvements on your image, a new hair style, cosmetic enhancements, or a new wardrobe, this is a great time to do it.
Mars is changing signs on the 16th, entering your friendship and aspiration zone. This means that you will have more activities going on with friends now, more social occasions and group activities, you will be more motivated to network and find yourself driven towards pursuing your aspirations. The only down side to this transit is that anger can express itself here so measure how strongly you approach others. A younger male may enter the picture at this time through friends.
The New Moon in Libra on the 18th is opening up a brand new beginning for you. This is your moment to begin again, you can launch a fresh start with your physical body by starting a diet or workout routine, you can change your image or upgrade it, you can make a new beginning with your identity by taking back your maiden name or marrying into another name, you can look at the one thing that you want more than anything and focus your energy there and launch. The balance between yourself and partners, agents or attorneys will influence what you choose to do.
The Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd. This puts you front and center in all income related matters. You will have an entire month where you will shine here so use it to make more money, go after new money sources, spend your money on your personal needs, or deal with any issues regarding possessions.
Mercury arrives in this part of the chart on the 28th and brings news or opens real talks, meetings or agreements around earnings, spending or possessions. If you have to schedule a meeting or make a new approach with someone over making money, choose today to do so.
On October 29th Saturn is going to finally leave Virgo where he has been touring for the last 2 years and he is going to enter your sign. This is a huge moment for you. On the one hand, you are now going to feel a very heavy burden lifting as he leaves the part of your chart where he demanded you spend more time hermiting off, working on your own, mastering your abilities in artistic expression, fantasy, film, research, intuition, spirituality, and any dealings with hospitals, prisons or other institutions. Any depression he brought in for you to fight will now ease as will and limitations you have had to endure due to actions taken behind your back or against your best interests.
Saturn will Retrograde back into Virgo briefly next year to tie up any loose ends but other than that, you are now entering THE time of mastery for your sign. Saturn is going to ask you to take on more responsibility, to master yourself, become an authority on some level, to streamline everything in your life and focus your energy on reaching the next level up in your evolution this lifetime over the next 3 years. You will most likely lose weight at the onset so if you are thin to begin with watch your health. Anything that leaves your life at this time is not meant to move through this next cycle with you. What you learn and master now will support who you will become over the next 29 years. The last 29 year cycle is ended. The concepts of ambition, limitations, age, responsibility, and leadership will be important to keep in mind as you step up and out into this cycle. You will be tested at this time like no other but you are ready for this next phase and most likely excited about a new chapter. Partners, agents and attorneys, balance, justice and fairness, will all be important in how you proceed in remaking who you are and what you want to set out upon for the next 29 years.
The Full Moon on the 4th is about a work matter, the way work is approached, a co-worker, someone you hire to work for you, a health issue, or something involving a pet. This is a time when things will be reaching a peak, you will be celebrating or wrapping something up here and the energy is very dynamic. The energy surrounding this is exciting so expect a lot of activity.
Mercury is going to enter your twelfth house on the 9th. This is a great time to utilize your imagination, to find out information through researching and to open up dialogue with hospitals or other institutions. You may hear news about something you had no idea was going on until this moment or you may agree to a fantasy or film project. Your psychic abilities will be peaked during this time as well so trust your insight and keep a dream journal. This time period may bring a secret meeting with a partner, attorney or agent as well.
Jupiter stations Direct on the 13th in your home, property and mom zone. This is great news as Jupiter is responsible for luck, expansion and prosperity. If you have wanted to move, buy, sell, renovate, bring someone in or have someone move out, or if you have wanted to do something for mom, you now have the blessing and protection of Jupiter to do so.
Venus enters Libra on the 14th and brings her ability to attract love and money into all things hidden, private, fantasy related, tied to research, or hospitals. This is a great time to have any work done you need at the hospital, to find money through research, to negotiate money for film or fantasy projects, or to express your love privately or secretly.
Mars changes signs on the 16th, entering your career Midheaven. This is going to motivate your ambitions, push you to pursue goals, recognition, and any efforts you need to expend around reputation or fame. You may find that you need to act on something for your father as well at this time. If you need to take action in your career, this energy will support you to make the move.
The New Moon in Libra occurs on the 18th and once again it is the hidden areas of life involving research, fantasy, film, artistic expression, psychic abilities, meditation, retreat, and any dealings with institutions such as hospitals or prisons that will be in focus. The New Moon is about fresh starts and launching something new so listen to your inner guidance and don’t be afraid to pull back and go within to find your way forward. Dreams at this time are flowing with imagery suggestive of these new beginnings and partnership and representation are key in motivating your fresh start.
The Sun enters your sign on the 23rd. This triggers a full month ahead where you are in the spotlight, your image, identity, ego needs, and physical body are front and center as you shine for others to see so utilize this time to make an impression or tie your name or image to a project.
Mercury enters this part of the chart on the 28th so this is when news is expected that pertains to you and your needs. It is also the time to begin negotiations, set up meetings, make calls, open communications, and make agreements. If you have something important to communicate about yourself, today is lucky.
On the 29th Saturn is going to finally leave his 2 year stint through Virgo and your responsibilities to friends and social restrictions. He will now enter Libra. He will be touring this new part of your chart for the next 3 years with a brief Retrograde back into Virgo next year to tie up any loose ends. This means that you are now going to be taking on more responsibility, dealing with work and time and effort, mastering something new, dealing with any limitations or restrictions, all in the area where your most private world exists. Look at hidden agendas, strategies, secrets, investigation, research, retreat, dealing with places of isolation such as hospitals or prisons, mediation, fantasy work, film, artistic expression, psychic abilities, spirituality, dreams, and any form of self-sabotage, escapism or substance abuse, as the places where you will be taking on more authority and leading your life forward over the next cycle. The way you handle partnership, balance, fairness, justice, and interaction with agents or attorneys will be part of the influence in each of these areas of life. You will likely spend more time behind the scenes now as you delve into the hidden side of reality and master your connection to your souls progression through the lifetimes that have brought you to this point. It is an important transit, one in which any self-limiting behaviors will ask to be dealt with and the full mastery of your imagination will come into view so that you can wind up a full 29 year cycle of life in preparation for beginning a new one at the end of this 3 years.
The Full Moon on the 4th is occurring in your house of true love, children, recreation, and creative projects. This is the moment when something is going to reach a climax, come into fruition, find celebration, or wrap up. You may be leaving one creative project for another or seeing the fulfillment of a creative endeavor, declare your love in a dynamic way or give birth to a child. The energy of the lunation is very exciting so expect a positive time.
Mercury enters your house of friendship, groups, socializing, and aspirations on the 9th. This is a time when you will hear news about a friend or aspiration or make a decision, open up dialogue, meet, or agree upon a social occasion, friendship, group activity or involvement, or cherished aspiration. Fairness and balance are key words in this as are the way you partner or deal with agents or attorneys.
Jupiter stations Direct in your house of communications, neighborhood, short trips, and siblings on the 13th. This is very positive energy that presides over luck, expansion and prosperity now moving forward in these areas. You may decide to launch a communications project, writing program, hear news about something beneficial, open up talks or take meetings that broaden your horizons, or find lucky ways to move ahead connected to your brothers or sisters, neighborhood activities or local travel.
On the 14th, Venus enters your house of friendships, group affiliations, social occasions, and aspirations. This may bring a female onto the scene in friendship or help you to attract love or money through your connections with friends or groups. It’s a positive time to let friends fix you up if you are single and looking for love and the best time to look for financial backing for your most cherished aspirations.
Mars enters Leo on the 16th and will send a bolt of energy into travel, education, media, and legal matters. This is a great motivator to push things into high gear here. Your passions may lead you into ceremonies, or to express your beliefs with conviction. If you have needed to launch in any of these areas, know that you will now have more than enough energy for the task.
The New Moon on the 18th is in Libra and is opening up a fresh start in friendships, with groups, socializing, networking, and pursuing aspirations. You have two strong weeks to begin again with current friends or to meet new friends who may have an important influence on your life in the year ahead, to join a group that attracts you, make connections networking, or launch a new aspiration. The way you partner, balance things, play fair, or find someone to represent you will flavor this new beginning.
The Sun moves into the private part of your chart on the 23rd and marks the beginning of a month long cycle where you will shine most brilliantly in work done behind the scenes or alone, in retreat, rest, mediation, artistic expression, research, psychic abilities, investigation, film, fantasy work, imagination, and dealing with secrets, hidden enemies, hospitals or other institutions.
On the 28th Mercury enters this part of your chart so expect to hear news about one of these areas now or to meet, talk or come to terms. If you have needed to open up dialogue or come to an agreement in one of these areas, today’s energy is a best bet for favorable results.
On the 29th, Saturn is going to finally leave his 2 year sojourn through Virgo where he asked you to take on more responsibility for leading your career forward and asked you to get serious about goals, ambitions, reputation, father, and fame. During this time you were tested and dealt with any limitations tied to these areas. Now Saturn is leaving this part of your life with the exception of a brief Retrograde back into Virgo next year, he won’t be returning to challenge you here for another 29 years. Today Saturn begins his next leg of testing, work, efforts, responsibilities, limitations, learning to lead and find personal mastery, through friendships, group associations, social occasions, and in pursuing your aspirations. You may find that you are now dealing with the theme of age as much older or younger people enter the picture to test your dreams and help you learn to lead in groups and come from a place of authority and respect in friendships. The way you partner, balance, utilize a fair approach, or engage agents or attorneys will flavor the connections you make and work through now. Anyone who exits now will not be part of the next phase as anyone who enters at this juncture will be important in this developmental stage as your connections become more ambitious and tied to responsibilities and goals over the next 3 years.
The Full Moon on the 4th is all about bringing a property matter, move, home issue, living situation, renovation, or issue with mom to a head in your world. The energy today is active and passionate so you may be seeing a property finally move that has been sitting on the market for too long, tackle an issue head on with mom, or decide to up and move out of a house that you no longer feel appreciated in. Passions and anger are high but the supporting energy is very positive so expect breakthroughs.
Mercury enters your Midheaven on the 9th meaning that news, talks, meetings, and agreements are now focused on career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, or father. If you need to speak with an authority on a matter this is the time. If you want to put the word out about your business or set up a meeting about a better position, this is as well the best timing.
Jupiter stations Direct in your house of earnings and possessions on the 13th. This is a wonderful turn of events. Jupiter brings luck, expansion and prosperity and he is now going to begin to move forward again in income, spending and possessions so you may see a nice influx in earnings now or utilize this energy to go after more income with luck on your side. You may as well decide to spend a bigger outlay of cash on something important with the support and protection of Jupiter behind you.
Venus enters your Midheaven on the 14th. This means you may have a female entering into career or goals now who is helpful or you may find that you are attracting more money through your career. If your goal is love, this influence will help you meet someone if you are proactive. If you need to find funding for a goal or spend on career needs this influence is all about backing you up and making sure you see positive results from the efforts.
On the 16th Mars will enter your eighth house and this will either bring a lot more sexy passion to your encounters or spur you to take action in dealing with major financial matters, divorce or issues around control or manipulation. A creative firey approach will take you far now, just watch anger around any of these intense matters.
The New Moon on the 18th is a brand new beginning for you on the career front, with a goal, ambition, reputation, fame, or father. It is the strongest two week period in the year to launch forward with fresh starts, open your doors to the public, get your company name out there, find yourself in the spotlight, begin a new career, or begin something new with dad.
On the 23rd the Sun will move into your arena of friendship, group affiliations, socializing, networking, and aspirations. This puts you in the spotlight for an entire month ahead here so expect to be the center of attention at parties and networking events, to make new friends or enjoy the attention of old ones, and to be seen and appreciated in pursuing your dreams.
Mercury follows the Sun into this realm on the 28th so expect to hear news, open talks, take meetings, or come to agreements with friends and groups, aspirations and social occasions. If you need to meet with someone or broach a subject with a friend or group, choose today to do so as the energy is incredibly lucky.
On the 29th Saturn is going to finally leave his 2 year tour of Virgo where he has been testing you through travel, education, law, and media, asking you to step up and master something in one of these arenas or to deal with responsibilities through them. Saturn is going to enter Libra today and begin a 3 year journey here, minus a brief Retrograde back into Virgo next year to wrap up any loose ends. This is going to be a pinnacle time in your life, the height of a 29 year journey where you are going to be asked to step up into more responsibility and authority in career, towards goals and ambitions. You are going to need to focus your personal mastery on taking the next step up the ladder of success and apply your work ethic and due diligence to ambitions and leadership. Some of you may start a company now or take on more responsibilities in your career. There is a sense of learning how to deal with partners, agents, attorneys, and competitors as you move through this phase all the while applying balance and fairness to your efforts. Saturn is your ruler and this placement promises much reward for those who have embraced his lessons and are willing and committed to making a name for yourself. Older people or much younger influences may show up on the career front as the theme of time and responsibility is engaged here.
The Full Moon on the 4th is about a talk, idea, meeting, agreement, writing project, speaking engagement, communication, neighborhood issue, connection with brother or sister, or short trip coming to a head. This is very dynamic, passionate, motivated energy here around a celebration or ending and the surrounding aspects are positive so expect the best.
Mercury is moving into Libra on the 9th so you will be talking, meeting or agreeing on travel matters, education, media or promotional ventures, or legal issues. The way that you partner, balance issues and play fair, as well as how you involve agents or attorneys, will flavor what is said and decided.
Jupiter is stationing Direct on the 13th in your sign. This is big! It is about luck, expansion and prosperity finally moving forward for you. Look at your physical body, image, identity, and ego needs as potentially opening doors for you and finding your happiness. If you have wanted to change your image, name, the way your body looks, put yourself out there in beneficial ways, or begin to move towards who you are now envisioning yourself to be, then this is the time.
Venus moves into the areas of travel, education, law, and media on the 14th. This may mean that you have a female enter the picture in one of these realms now who brings good things your way or that you are now able to attract love or money through the trips you take, interacting with people at a distance, import/export, politics, ceremonies, legal approaches, teaching, taking a class, media projects, publishing, or promotions. If you began talks or made agreements in one of these areas back around the 9th you will likely be looking at the money involved now.
Mars enters your house of partners, agents, open enemies, and attorneys on the 16th. This is where the action is going to be and you may move on partnering with someone or take action to break it up, go after representation, express your passions and angers with love and creativity with these significant connections, or motivate yourself to act on a competitors moves.
The New Moon on the 18th is about a fresh start in travel, media, promotion, publishing, education, legal matters, beliefs, and politics. You have two strong weeks to launch something new, to put it out there or connect. Partnership, competitors or representatives will play a part in what you choose to begin in one of these arenas now.
The Sun enters your Midheaven on the 23rd and puts you out there in the public eye or in the spotlight in career and with goals over the next month. This is a wonderful place to be to achieve more and make a name for yourself. Step up and out now, let the kudos begin.
On the 28th Mercury will follow the Sun into this part of your chart so expect to hear news, hold talks, set meetings, or come to agreements now relating to career, ambition, goals, father, fame, or reputation. If you need to connect over one of these topics or pitch something to further your aims, this is the day to do it.
On the 29th Saturn is finally going to wrap up his 2 year journey through Virgo where he was asking you to take responsibility or deal with limitations through major finances, shared resources, divorce, death, or sexual matters. You won’t have to face this tough challenge again for another 29 years. He is now entering Libra and will be testing you through and helping you master your beliefs, and all things related to travel, education, media, promotion, publishing, politics, religion, ceremonies, and legalities. During the next 3 years Saturn will ask you to step up here, take responsibility, master something new, lead your life forward through these doors. Many of you will enter some form of higher learning now or take on a teaching job, if you travel you may find there is more work or restrictions involved or that you are being asked to lead in some way, if you are in the media you may have to redefine your role and lead your way into another niche, your belief system will be tested so as to help you release any worn out views and judgments, and you may find that you are learning things about the legal system you didn’t know. Age, time, limits, ambition, recognition, and responsibility will all play into this learning curve as people who are much older hold influence or those who are coming up behind you challenge where you stand. The way you partner, contend with open enemies, or utilize agents or attorneys will flavor this phase as you master new ways of believing and personal authority.
The Full Moon on the 4th is bringing a peak experience around income, spending or a possession. This is a dynamic, action oriented Moon where you can expect to be celebrating money finally coming through or the wrapping up of one earning source or seeing something connected with an important possession of yours culminating. The supporting aspects are positive so expect the best regardless of whether a new source arrives or an old one dries up.
Mercury is entering Libra on the 9th and bringing news or opening talks, meetings or agreements involving loans, debt, credit, settlements, insurance, taxes, inheritance, joint finances, or any other major outside source of money. The other side to Libran energy for you is that you may be talking intimately, about sex and sharing, or communicating about divorce at this time. The way you partner and are represented will flavor what is said and decided upon.
Jupiter is going to station Direct on the 13th and this is a wonderful time for everyone as the energy of luck, happiness, expansion, and prosperity is now going to begin moving forward in life. For you this bodes well for any work you are doing behind the scenes, with investigations and research, imagination and artistic expression, psychic abilities and meditation, retreat and fantasy, film and imagination, time on your own, and in dealing with hospitals, prisons or other institutions.
Venus is going to enter your house of major finances, sex, divorce, and transformation on the 13th. This is very helpful when it comes to attracting the backing or investments you need, for love and sexual passions to merge and for women to be helpful in sharing the wealth or leading you to it. If you are in the process of divorce this energy will help you separate under amicable conditions and fair distribution of assets.
On the 16th Mars will move into your work assignments, co-workers, health, and pets zone. This is going to mean that this is where the action is, you will feel more motivation and be able to pursue your goals with vigor here. Passions will be involved as well as the possibility of anger so watch your fuse on the job. Diets begun now will have that extra energy behind them. Find creative physical ways to tackle work, health and pets for the best results.
The New Moon in Libra on the 18th is a brand new beginning for you in areas related to intimate connections, sex, major financial matters, divorce, and any issues around power, control and transformation. This is a two week period when you can get closer to someone, find a fresh start through loans, credit, debt, bankruptcy, settlements or any other form of outside resource, or tackle the divorce issues before you. The way you partner and find representation once again is a part of how you move forward in these areas.
The Sun is going to enter Scorpio on the 23rd and put you front and center in all matters related to travel, legalities, education, and media matters. This is a full month ahead where you will really shine so book the flight, take on the legal matter, take a class, teach, launch a promotion, involve the media, publish yourself, and share your beliefs.
Mercury is going to enter this part of your chart on the 28th so expect news, or open dialogue, schedule meetings, or come to agreements in one of these areas. If you have been looking for the right moment to talk about or agree to travel, promotions, media, publishing, education, or legal matters, set it up for today as the energy is very strongly aligned to your benefit.
On the 29th, Saturn is going to finally leave his tour of Virgo where he has been pushing you to take on more responsibility and deal with limitations through those you partner with, your competitors, agents, and attorneys. You may have gotten serious and committed to one of these people or seen them leave during this transit. You will not be tested this way again for another 29 years as you have come through it more aware of what you are capable of and what exactly you need and expect from your closest connections. Today Saturn is going to enter Libra and will tour here for the next 3 years with the exception of a brief Retrograde back into Virgo next year to tie up any loose ends. This means that going forward the area you will need to master, to find your personal authority, take on more responsibility, commit time and effort, focus your leadership abilities and learn your limitations, will be through major finances including loans, credit, debt, settlements, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, joint finances, alimony, royalties, commissions, and child support. Sex, intimacy, divorce and power issues are the other areas where you will be taking on more responsibility, limiting yourself, dealing with an age difference, or leading the way forward in some new way. How you partner, deal with open enemies, and find representation through agents or attorneys will play a significant role in the major financial, sexual, shared (or divorced) experiences you are set to master and evolve through up ahead.
Well, he is a bear as my father would be apt to say, but he also brings about mastery and a sense of confidence that comes from learning the tough lessons and coming through the other side of great trials a stronger, more capable human being.
We have had TWO YEARS of Saturn in Virgo!!!
The month of October is the culminating month around the lessons you have learned from Saturn in Virgo regarding personal responsibility and work ethic, the connection between doing what you love and your health, and how the way we interact with the most helpless of creatures, our pets, defines character.
You have had two years of learning how the details and organization matter, how being of service to something higher than your own needs truly serves everyone in the end, how connecting your sense of mastery with your personal health and well being and leading your life forward should be about finding something you will work hard at because you love it, this in turn bringing your health into line. It has been about animals in your life as well, taking care of pets, connecting with animal rights groups, getting conscious about the environment and finding joy in the smallest of things.
It has been a great purification process, about simplifying, about getting real where purpose and dedication rule.
This is the message of Saturn in Virgo. On October 29th Saturn will leave this placement, with only a short retrograde back into this territory next year, he is now going to be moving through Libra until October of 2012. And you, my friends, have passed the test, made your choices or will be making any last minute decisions this month, and will be seeing in short time, just how far you have come.
October has many wonderful and uplifting aspects as you find your footing during this culmination in mastery. You are in charge of the work you bind yourself heart and soul to from here on out, you are in charge of what kind of health you manifest by the service you do to your body, you are in charge of leading yourself forward in these areas from what you have learned.
Saturn in Libra will begin to focus outward, to the partnerships, agents, attorneys, all of those powerful, significant people who connect our lives to something more. You will be spending 3, count them, 3 years learning about personal mastery, limitations, responsibilities, commitment or breaking of ties, justice and balance, in relationships.
This month changes everything. It’s going to be great.
The Full Moon on the 4th is a peak moment in your year as something very personal to you is reaching its climax. This may be about your image, body, identity, or an ego need of yours that culminates or wraps up in some way. It is a very positive Full Moon so expect the best.
On the 9th, Mercury moves into your partnership zone and this will begin a time when you will be talking, meeting and coming to agreements with partners, agents and attorneys. Expect to hear news around these significant connections and for your thinking to undergo a new process.
Jupiter stations Direct on the 13th of the month in your house of friendships, networking, social functions, aspirations, and group affiliations. This is great news for you as all the work you have been doing to connect with like-minded souls will now bring luck and prosperity into your world. Say yes to social occasions and be open to new friends who may have something wonderful to bring to the table, or old friends who return with open hearts and the ability to open doors for you.
On the 14th Venus moves into Libra, a sign she rules and the place of partnership and representation for you. This means that your ability to attract love and money will flow more easily through these significant connections now and that women will be good for you during this transit. Some of you will hear proposals of marriage now or meet someone who may become a serious contender for your heart.
On the 16th your ruler changes signs, moving into Leo. This is a big boost in the arm for you bringing motivation, passion and dynamics to love, creative projects and children. You may meet someone new who sets your world on fire or find that your current relationship is amping up, hmmm, a theme? This energy will push you to achieve your creative potential and if you are trying to conceive you will have more energy here as well.
The New Moon on the 18th is occurring in your partnership and representation zone and will give you two strong weeks to take a relationship to the next level, to partner with someone in business, to marry, to find a new agent, or to launch something with an attorney.
The Sun enters the part of your chart associated with sex, intimacy, major finances, divorce and all powerful transformations on the 23rd. This begins a month long cycle where you will be at your most powerful and find the spotlight on you in these realms.
Mercury follows the Sun into these intense realms on the 28th and will open a time period when agreements, talks, meetings, and news will be helping you to work through the finances, divorce or intimacy matters.
On the 29th Saturn will finally leave Virgo after 2 years where he has been teaching you through responsibility and limitations around the work you do, your health and your pets. This has been about mastering yourself in these areas and the transit’s tests will not be repeated like this for another 29 years. Saturn is now making his way into Libra where he will rework partnering, dealing with open enemies, and your connections with agents and attorneys over the next 3 years. He is going to be asking you to get serious about how you partner and with whom, asking you to be responsible and to master the balance between give and take with both romantic and business partners, as well as with dealings involving agents or attorneys. You may find that significant age differences show up between you and who is drawn to you now as you learn the lessons of responsibility and duty in partnership. Expect that relationships will be tested and those that withstand this transit may remain intact for years to come. For many Aries, this will be a time of settling down and making it real. Others will begin business partnerships that evolve out of a dutiful approach to fairness and work ethic. Anyone who exits at the beginning of this time is not meant to be a part of the upcoming cycle and you should do your level best to release them with your blessings. Any partnership or representation you enter over the next 3 years will be more work but push you to the next level of leadership and ambition. This transit will continue until October 5, 2012 and will do it’s best to realign you in these arenas.
The Full Moon on the 4th is bringing something to a peak involving actions, passions or anger that has been working its way through your private affairs. There is a part of your life that you keep hidden and this is where the culmination is occurring. For some this will mean a celebration around some fantasy work, spiritual or artistic endeavor, research or dealings with hospitals or other institutions. For others there will be a crescendo around substance abuse, self-sabotaging behaviors or escapism. It is a positive Full Moon to act so expect the best.
Mercury moves into the area associated with the work you do, the people you hire to work for you, pets, and your health on the 9th. This means that you will be talking about these things more, you may hear news of a work assignment coming in or meet about a health or pet issue.
Jupiter stations Direct on the 13th in your career Midheaven and there just couldn’t be better news for you. The planet of luck and prosperity is finally going to be going forward and your goals and ambitions should begin to expand as will reputation and possibly fame. If you are in the process of launching a campaign, publicity, or trying to move up the ladder, choose to do so after this date for the most luck.
On the 14th Venus enters your work, health and pet zone bringing the ability to attract love and money through these avenues so if you began talks about work on the 9th you may be discussing money now. If you want to spend money to beautify your body or on adopting a pet this is a great time to do so.
Mars changes signs on the 16th and this will give you a boost of energy around everything related to home, property, living situations, moves, renovations, and putting down roots. You will feel very creative at home now as well and motivated to accomplish a great deal here.
The New Moon on the 18th is occurring in Libra and lighting up your house of work, health and pets, do you see a trend here? This is about new beginnings so you may be starting the new job today, putting your work out on display, sending out resumes or auditioning for new parts. Starting a new health regime at this time has better chances of succeeding than at other times and bringing a new pet home or starting a new training program with one is under positive stars as well.
The Sun enters your partnership and representation zone on the 23rd. This will put you in the center of attention in romantic and business partnerships as well as with dealings with agents or attorneys. Use this time to connect deeply and work with others to forward your financial or intimate goals.
Mercury will move into this part of your chart on the 28th which looks like an amazing time to schedule talks or meetings, pitches or making declarations about how you are feeling about this person. Aim your communications at partners, agents and attorneys now and ask for what you want.
Saturn will be leaving his 2 year journey through Virgo on the 29th where he has spent his energy testing you with lovers, children and creative projects to help you master yourself in these areas. You will not be challenged at this level again for another 29 years. He is now entering Libra where he will be touring until October of 2012. This means that you will be asked to get serious, put in time and effort, learn mastery and how to lead your life forward in connecting with partners, agents or attorneys in the work you do, those you hire to work for you, in approaching your health or theirs, and in dealing with pets. You may discover that you are involving yourself with people in these situations who are of a different age group than you or that issues of limitations, age and endurance are brought forward to be worked through. Saturn will help you lose weight during this transit if you need to but he will also tax your energy reserves so taking care of your body will be more important now. This is a time to learn new ways to work, to put in extra hours and master some area of approach to your tasks, to commit to your physical well being and put in the effort it takes to lead a strong and healthy life, and to deal with any loss or responsibilities tied to pets. You will end this transit as an authority in whatever work you begin now so choose it with care, there will be many hours involved in honing your skills here.
The Full Moon on the 4th is bringing a friendship, group association, aspiration, or social engagement to a peak in your world. You will be dealing with the independent, active energy of Mars in this so there will be passions, actions or anger involved and most likely a friendship being celebrated, an event to attend that marks a social occasion or someone taking their leave of your social circle.
Mercury, your ruling planet, is going to change signs on the 9th and enter a wonderful spot in your chart associated with true love, children, recreation, and creative projects. Expect to hear news about one of these realms now, to meet someone who may set your world on fire, to take more meetings and hold more communications about what you desire to see manifesting here.
On the 13th, Jupiter is going to station Direct and this means that the energy of luck, expansion and prosperity is now going to be flowing forward through travel, people at a distance, foreign ideas, connections and trade, politics, ceremonies, education, legal matters, media, publishing, and promotions. If you want to expand in any of these areas the floodgates are now open.
Venus enters Libra on the 14th bringing her charms and the energy to attract love and money into your house of true love, children and creative projects. Once again, this is a major boost to meeting someone if you are single, to raising the levels of love if you are in a relationship already, and to finding the finances for creative outlets or for children.
Mars changes signs on the 16th entering Leo and your house of communications. This will mean that you will see much more activity in your local scene, neighborhood, short trips, with siblings, and in all talks, meetings, and speaking engagements. You will be motivated to get your ideas across and bring your passions or angers to the table here. This may also introduce a new younger male on the scene.
The New Moon on the 18th is opening up your house of true love, children and creative projects, as you see there is a lot going on here this month. This Moon gives you two strong weeks to seed new creative ventures, to approach others with creative ideas, to meet a new love interest or begin something new with your current amore, to begin a family or start practicing :) or to start a new project with your child.
The Sun will enter Scorpio on the 23rd and this marks a month long cycle where you will be at the center of the stage in all work matters, health and with pets. It is a great time to put yourself into a new health regime, to get recognition for the work you do or to shine with your pets.
Mercury follows the Sun into this area on the 28th when you will hear news or begin talks or meetings about a work related matter, your health or pets. If you need to negotiate here or put out the word about one of these things, choose this time to do so.
On the 29th, Saturn will finally take his leave of Virgo after 2 long years of tests, responsibilities, limitations and restrictions in living situations, around home and property matters, and in connection with the roots you put down and mom. You will not experience this again for another 29 years. Today Saturn moves into Libra to begin a 3 year transit of your fifth house of true love, children and creative projects. He is going to be touring this part of your chart from now until October of 2012 with just a brief retrograde back into Virgo next year to tie up any loose ends around home or mom. You are now going to be getting serious, putting in work and effort, cutting away anything that does not serve your true path forward, committing long term to, and finding that ideas of age, time, age differences, responsibility, duty and limitations will be lessons learned and authority mastered through your lovers, children and creative outlets. Many of you will settle down into a serious love relationship, some will see a break up at the start of this to make way for the person you are to get serious about, some will start a family now, you may take the helm of a creative venture, all good places to begin this work. This time period will not favor frivolous affairs or a carefree approach to creativity but will reward dedication, responsibility and mastering new ways of expressing yourself here. Do not speculate with your money in anything over the next 3 years as this influence will work against gambles.
The Full Moon on the 4th is bringing a career matter to a peak, a goal wrapping up, something regarding your reputation or fame culminating, or a matter involving your father to a crescendo. There is a lot of dynamic, motivating energy here and your passions are bound to be involved. It is a positive Full Moon so expect the best.
Mercury is going to move into your home, property and mom part of your chart on the 9th at which time you can expect to hear some news, have more talks or meetings or come to an agreement regarding where you live or the roots you have put down, your living situation, the house or property matter, or what is going on with your mother.
Jupiter stations Direct on the 13th in your house of loans, debt, credit, inheritance, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, joint finances, bankruptcy, and all other major financial matters, as well as in areas related to sex, intimacy, divorce and transformation. This is good news as you will now be able to move forward in expansive, lucky ways here again. If you need financial backing wait until today to apply, if you need to bring debt into line, use this energy to find helpful ways to do so.
Venus enters your home base on the 14th bringing her ability to attract love and money into your living situation, home, property, move, connection with mom, and any roots you are putting down. A female may enter the scene during this time and she would be good for you. If you need money for the home or a move it should be easier to find and spending on renovations or repairs is favored under this transit.
Mars enters your earnings zone on the 16th which will drive you forward to go out and earn more money, to apply your passions to income or spending on what you need, and if you have to go after more money this will give you the motivation to do so. Watch for any anger brewing over what is paid or spent during this transit.
The New Moon on the 18th is all about a brand new beginning for you in your living situation, with your home or property, a move, renovation, remodel, or what is going on with your mom. You have two strong weeks to initiate fresh starts here with the support of the universe behind you.
The Sun enters Scorpio and your house of true love, children and creative projects on the 18th. This puts you front and center, in the spotlight in all matters related to love and creativity. You can meet someone new during this month long transit or find yourself showered with love, it is a great time to show love to yourself and to allow your creative juices to flow. Your connection with children should bring you much joy as well.
Mercury enters this part of your chart on the 28th so you can expect to hear news, have a talk or meeting or come to an agreement regarding the creative venture or with a lover or child. Declarations of love will be powerful and the potential to transform your creative world strong.
On the 29th Saturn will say good-bye to Virgo and his 2 years of working through how you communicate, write, speak, share ideas, think, deal with your neighborhood limitations, and responsibilities in short trips and to siblings. You will not have to deal with tests like these for another 29 years. Saturn now moves into Libra. During the next 3 years he will be teaching you how to master yourself, lead and work through partnering both romantically or in business, or deal with agents or attorneys in everything related to home, property, your living situation, your connection to your mother, any moves, renovations, buying or selling of real estate, and grounding your roots in solid soil. You will be dealing with time, work, effort, responsibility, limits, age, age differences, respect, personal authority, leadership, ambitions, and duty in all things surrounding home and mother. Some of you will buy property during this transit but know that if you do there will be a lot of work involved. Some of you will be taking care of an elderly parent now or taking on more responsibility in selling property. The serious work you do now is the foundation that you are going to be building the next 29 years upon so apply the Libran motto of fair and balanced and allow those significant connections to work their way into these foundations.
The Full Moon on the 4th starts out the month with something culminating around travel, education, media, publishing, or legal matters. This is a time when you will be celebrating the vacation, the judgement, the launch of a promotion, book, or other media venture, or possibly finishing up a class or graduating. The energy surrounding this Full Moon is very positive so expect it to go well.
Mercury enters your communications zone on the 9th and jump starts your talks, meetings, agreements, connections with siblings, happenings in the neighborhood, and short trips. Expect to hear news or open up dialogue in these areas. It is also a great time to begin a writing project or find representation for one.
Jupiter is stationing Direct on the 13th in your house of partnership, agents and attorneys. This is a great influence as it brings luck, expansion and prosperity through these significant connections in your life. Agree to the partnership. You have protection here again as well so if anyone leaves during this time know that it is for your best interests as someone better suited to your growth is coming into the picture.
Venus enters your communications zone on the 14th which may mean more love or money coming through local channels, siblings, short trips, or in talks or meetings you hold now. A female may enter the local picture who can help you with your communications needs.
Mars enters your sign on the 16th and brings a major boost to your energy reserves and personal passions. You will be a dynamo, more so than usual, and find the motivation to act on image, identity, ego, or physical needs. The only thing to watch under this influence is that you may have a shorter fuse and need to heed your anger.
The New Moon in Libra on the 18th opens up two strong weeks to begin new writing and communications projects, to talk or meet about ideas you want to set into motion, to begin something new locally or in your neighborhood, to make a fresh start with a brother or sister, or to embark on short trips to set something in motion. Look at ways to partner or be represented in any of these arenas for the best outcome.
The Sun enters your home, property and mom zone on the 23rd. This puts the spotlight on you in all things related to living situations, home, renovations, moves, buying or selling, property matters, or your dealings with mother. You really shine over the next month so see and be seen.
Mercury follows closely on the Sun’s tails entering the same arena on the 28th. Look for news about the home or mother to come in now or to open important talks, hold meetings, or make agreements in these areas.
On the 29th Saturn is going to finally leave his 2 year stint through Virgo where you have had to work harder for the money, deal with any limitations around income or spending, and responsibilities with possessions. This should feel like an instant relief as you have mastered just what it takes to take care of you, all wrapped up in your value system. Saturn now enters Libra and your third house of communications. He is going to tour this part of your chart for the next 3 years doing his best to push you to step up and take responsibility for what you say and how you say it, to master the art of communication, to work and commit to an idea, to concentrate your efforts on writing, speaking, what you dedicate time and commitment to in your local neighborhood, through short trips and with your brothers and sisters. This time period will rework the way you think, bringing ambitions to the fore and helping you to lead your life forward through your own ideas and ability to convey them. Look at how partners and people who can represent you such as agents or attorneys can play into this self-mastery over the next few years. There will also be the idea of time, age and limitations that enter into your thinking as people of vastly different ages come into your world to help you see new approaches.
The Full Moon on the 4th is bringing a deep matter to fruition in your world. This may be an experience peaking or wrapping up involving a major financial matter or it may be a celebration or conclusion to an intimate connection in your life. Divorce, death, power, control, manipulation, reproduction, and situations that culminate using triangles with people, are other areas where this passionate Moon will be working to see a result. The accompanying energies are positive so expect the best.
Mercury enters Libra on the 9th and will bring news or the opening of talks, meetings or agreements around your earnings, what you spend and matters concerning possessions. Partnership and those who represent you will be part of this equation as will fairness and balance.
Jupiter stations Direct on the 13th which is a wonderful shift for everyone. This is the planet of luck, expansion and prosperity and it is finally going to be moving forward again in your house of work assignments, hiring others to do jobs for you, your health, and your pets. This bodes well for work you take on now as well as for making progress with any health issues. The only thing to watch under this influence is that you don’t let it expand your waist line.
On the 14th Venus will enter your income arena which may introduce a female into the way you make your money or what you spend it on. It will definitely make things run smoother around income and help you to attract more money coming in. If you were in talks on the 9th today may signal the arrangement around the money. This influence will also push you to spend on people and things you love.
Mars is going to enter Leo on the 16th and fire up your energy around things you are doing behind the scenes, in private, using the imagination, in film or fantasy, in the arts, spiritually, involving research, hospitals or other institutions, and your psychic abilities. The only thing to watch is that the energy of anger doesn’t well up inside or come out as self-sabotaging behavior.
The New Moon in Libra opens on the 18th and is giving you a brand new start in areas related to making money, spending your earnings and around possessions. This is a great two weeks to begin a new money making venture or go after more income. If you are thinking about spending on something related to partners or those who represent you this is perfect timing.
The Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd and puts you in the spotlight for an entire month ahead in all things communications related. This will be about speaking engagements, ideas, writing projects, talks and meetings, negotiations and what is occurring in your local neighborhood or with siblings. There is a lot of power behind what you have to share at this time so don’t be shy.
Mercury follows behind the Sun entering this part of your chart on the 28th so you can expect news, meetings, talks or agreements to really take off now. You will be busier on short trips around your local scene and interacting in all communications. If you have an important meeting or something you need to get across and be well received, choose today to put it out there.
On the 29th, Saturn, the bringer of responsibility, limits and mastery, is finally leaving your sign after 2 of the most challenging years many of you have had in recent memory. This energy has been doing its best to push you to take on more responsibility and personal authority in your life, it has tested you with losses and restrictions, made you more serious than you normally are, and challenged you to cut the fat in any area of life that was not going to get you where you have finely focused your whole intent. Saturn is now preparing to reward you for hosting these tests and the good news is, you won’t have this kind of energy back in this placement for another 29 years. He is going to be entering Libra today and he will be touring this part of your chart for the next 3 years. He will dip back into your sign briefly next year in Retrograde but it will just be about tying up any loose ends from this cycle. In Libra, he is going to be asking you to work harder and to learn new ways to approach making money. The way you partner with others and work with attorneys or agents will be part of how you are learning and committing your time and your funds to make money over the next cycle. Any limitations you incur should be looked at as an opportunity to step up into this new authority and to master this new way of earning. You will be taking on a leadership role here so look at the big picture when approaching finances.
The Full Moon on the 4th is occurring in your house of partners, open enemies, agents, and attorneys. This is the time of the year when something is going to be peaking with a romantic partner, a business partner, or you may be celebrating something coming through with someone representing you. If you have had a competitor working against your interests or someone openly confronting you this will be the time that it culminates. The energy accompanying this lunation is very positive so expect the best.
Mercury enters your sign on the 9th bringing with him the energy of communication, news, local travel, and connections with siblings. This is going to be focused on you so it is a great time to open up about your plans, to talk about your needs, to hear about something you set in motion that would benefit you, or to think about your image, identity or body and ways to improve in these areas.
Jupiter is going to station Direct on the 13th and this is amazing energy finally moving forward in your house of creative projects, true love, recreation, and children. Jupiter brings luck, expansion and prosperity so any creative endeavor you have been nurturing will now get a mega boost forward. Any new love interests you meet now are destined to open up your world in some way and if you have been trying to have children or begin any work regarding them, this influence will open doors.
Venus enters your sign on the 14th and revs up the magic around your persona. This is a time when you can attract love and money to you with much more ease so get out there and cause a stir. If you have wanted to do some improvements on your image, a new hair style, cosmetic enhancements, or a new wardrobe, this is a great time to do it.
Mars is changing signs on the 16th, entering your friendship and aspiration zone. This means that you will have more activities going on with friends now, more social occasions and group activities, you will be more motivated to network and find yourself driven towards pursuing your aspirations. The only down side to this transit is that anger can express itself here so measure how strongly you approach others. A younger male may enter the picture at this time through friends.
The New Moon in Libra on the 18th is opening up a brand new beginning for you. This is your moment to begin again, you can launch a fresh start with your physical body by starting a diet or workout routine, you can change your image or upgrade it, you can make a new beginning with your identity by taking back your maiden name or marrying into another name, you can look at the one thing that you want more than anything and focus your energy there and launch. The balance between yourself and partners, agents or attorneys will influence what you choose to do.
The Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd. This puts you front and center in all income related matters. You will have an entire month where you will shine here so use it to make more money, go after new money sources, spend your money on your personal needs, or deal with any issues regarding possessions.
Mercury arrives in this part of the chart on the 28th and brings news or opens real talks, meetings or agreements around earnings, spending or possessions. If you have to schedule a meeting or make a new approach with someone over making money, choose today to do so.
On October 29th Saturn is going to finally leave Virgo where he has been touring for the last 2 years and he is going to enter your sign. This is a huge moment for you. On the one hand, you are now going to feel a very heavy burden lifting as he leaves the part of your chart where he demanded you spend more time hermiting off, working on your own, mastering your abilities in artistic expression, fantasy, film, research, intuition, spirituality, and any dealings with hospitals, prisons or other institutions. Any depression he brought in for you to fight will now ease as will and limitations you have had to endure due to actions taken behind your back or against your best interests.
Saturn will Retrograde back into Virgo briefly next year to tie up any loose ends but other than that, you are now entering THE time of mastery for your sign. Saturn is going to ask you to take on more responsibility, to master yourself, become an authority on some level, to streamline everything in your life and focus your energy on reaching the next level up in your evolution this lifetime over the next 3 years. You will most likely lose weight at the onset so if you are thin to begin with watch your health. Anything that leaves your life at this time is not meant to move through this next cycle with you. What you learn and master now will support who you will become over the next 29 years. The last 29 year cycle is ended. The concepts of ambition, limitations, age, responsibility, and leadership will be important to keep in mind as you step up and out into this cycle. You will be tested at this time like no other but you are ready for this next phase and most likely excited about a new chapter. Partners, agents and attorneys, balance, justice and fairness, will all be important in how you proceed in remaking who you are and what you want to set out upon for the next 29 years.
The Full Moon on the 4th is about a work matter, the way work is approached, a co-worker, someone you hire to work for you, a health issue, or something involving a pet. This is a time when things will be reaching a peak, you will be celebrating or wrapping something up here and the energy is very dynamic. The energy surrounding this is exciting so expect a lot of activity.
Mercury is going to enter your twelfth house on the 9th. This is a great time to utilize your imagination, to find out information through researching and to open up dialogue with hospitals or other institutions. You may hear news about something you had no idea was going on until this moment or you may agree to a fantasy or film project. Your psychic abilities will be peaked during this time as well so trust your insight and keep a dream journal. This time period may bring a secret meeting with a partner, attorney or agent as well.
Jupiter stations Direct on the 13th in your home, property and mom zone. This is great news as Jupiter is responsible for luck, expansion and prosperity. If you have wanted to move, buy, sell, renovate, bring someone in or have someone move out, or if you have wanted to do something for mom, you now have the blessing and protection of Jupiter to do so.
Venus enters Libra on the 14th and brings her ability to attract love and money into all things hidden, private, fantasy related, tied to research, or hospitals. This is a great time to have any work done you need at the hospital, to find money through research, to negotiate money for film or fantasy projects, or to express your love privately or secretly.
Mars changes signs on the 16th, entering your career Midheaven. This is going to motivate your ambitions, push you to pursue goals, recognition, and any efforts you need to expend around reputation or fame. You may find that you need to act on something for your father as well at this time. If you need to take action in your career, this energy will support you to make the move.
The New Moon in Libra occurs on the 18th and once again it is the hidden areas of life involving research, fantasy, film, artistic expression, psychic abilities, meditation, retreat, and any dealings with institutions such as hospitals or prisons that will be in focus. The New Moon is about fresh starts and launching something new so listen to your inner guidance and don’t be afraid to pull back and go within to find your way forward. Dreams at this time are flowing with imagery suggestive of these new beginnings and partnership and representation are key in motivating your fresh start.
The Sun enters your sign on the 23rd. This triggers a full month ahead where you are in the spotlight, your image, identity, ego needs, and physical body are front and center as you shine for others to see so utilize this time to make an impression or tie your name or image to a project.
Mercury enters this part of the chart on the 28th so this is when news is expected that pertains to you and your needs. It is also the time to begin negotiations, set up meetings, make calls, open communications, and make agreements. If you have something important to communicate about yourself, today is lucky.
On the 29th Saturn is going to finally leave his 2 year stint through Virgo and your responsibilities to friends and social restrictions. He will now enter Libra. He will be touring this new part of your chart for the next 3 years with a brief Retrograde back into Virgo next year to tie up any loose ends. This means that you are now going to be taking on more responsibility, dealing with work and time and effort, mastering something new, dealing with any limitations or restrictions, all in the area where your most private world exists. Look at hidden agendas, strategies, secrets, investigation, research, retreat, dealing with places of isolation such as hospitals or prisons, mediation, fantasy work, film, artistic expression, psychic abilities, spirituality, dreams, and any form of self-sabotage, escapism or substance abuse, as the places where you will be taking on more authority and leading your life forward over the next cycle. The way you handle partnership, balance, fairness, justice, and interaction with agents or attorneys will be part of the influence in each of these areas of life. You will likely spend more time behind the scenes now as you delve into the hidden side of reality and master your connection to your souls progression through the lifetimes that have brought you to this point. It is an important transit, one in which any self-limiting behaviors will ask to be dealt with and the full mastery of your imagination will come into view so that you can wind up a full 29 year cycle of life in preparation for beginning a new one at the end of this 3 years.
The Full Moon on the 4th is occurring in your house of true love, children, recreation, and creative projects. This is the moment when something is going to reach a climax, come into fruition, find celebration, or wrap up. You may be leaving one creative project for another or seeing the fulfillment of a creative endeavor, declare your love in a dynamic way or give birth to a child. The energy of the lunation is very exciting so expect a positive time.
Mercury enters your house of friendship, groups, socializing, and aspirations on the 9th. This is a time when you will hear news about a friend or aspiration or make a decision, open up dialogue, meet, or agree upon a social occasion, friendship, group activity or involvement, or cherished aspiration. Fairness and balance are key words in this as are the way you partner or deal with agents or attorneys.
Jupiter stations Direct in your house of communications, neighborhood, short trips, and siblings on the 13th. This is very positive energy that presides over luck, expansion and prosperity now moving forward in these areas. You may decide to launch a communications project, writing program, hear news about something beneficial, open up talks or take meetings that broaden your horizons, or find lucky ways to move ahead connected to your brothers or sisters, neighborhood activities or local travel.
On the 14th, Venus enters your house of friendships, group affiliations, social occasions, and aspirations. This may bring a female onto the scene in friendship or help you to attract love or money through your connections with friends or groups. It’s a positive time to let friends fix you up if you are single and looking for love and the best time to look for financial backing for your most cherished aspirations.
Mars enters Leo on the 16th and will send a bolt of energy into travel, education, media, and legal matters. This is a great motivator to push things into high gear here. Your passions may lead you into ceremonies, or to express your beliefs with conviction. If you have needed to launch in any of these areas, know that you will now have more than enough energy for the task.
The New Moon on the 18th is in Libra and is opening up a fresh start in friendships, with groups, socializing, networking, and pursuing aspirations. You have two strong weeks to begin again with current friends or to meet new friends who may have an important influence on your life in the year ahead, to join a group that attracts you, make connections networking, or launch a new aspiration. The way you partner, balance things, play fair, or find someone to represent you will flavor this new beginning.
The Sun moves into the private part of your chart on the 23rd and marks the beginning of a month long cycle where you will shine most brilliantly in work done behind the scenes or alone, in retreat, rest, mediation, artistic expression, research, psychic abilities, investigation, film, fantasy work, imagination, and dealing with secrets, hidden enemies, hospitals or other institutions.
On the 28th Mercury enters this part of your chart so expect to hear news about one of these areas now or to meet, talk or come to terms. If you have needed to open up dialogue or come to an agreement in one of these areas, today’s energy is a best bet for favorable results.
On the 29th, Saturn is going to finally leave his 2 year sojourn through Virgo where he asked you to take on more responsibility for leading your career forward and asked you to get serious about goals, ambitions, reputation, father, and fame. During this time you were tested and dealt with any limitations tied to these areas. Now Saturn is leaving this part of your life with the exception of a brief Retrograde back into Virgo next year, he won’t be returning to challenge you here for another 29 years. Today Saturn begins his next leg of testing, work, efforts, responsibilities, limitations, learning to lead and find personal mastery, through friendships, group associations, social occasions, and in pursuing your aspirations. You may find that you are now dealing with the theme of age as much older or younger people enter the picture to test your dreams and help you learn to lead in groups and come from a place of authority and respect in friendships. The way you partner, balance, utilize a fair approach, or engage agents or attorneys will flavor the connections you make and work through now. Anyone who exits now will not be part of the next phase as anyone who enters at this juncture will be important in this developmental stage as your connections become more ambitious and tied to responsibilities and goals over the next 3 years.
The Full Moon on the 4th is all about bringing a property matter, move, home issue, living situation, renovation, or issue with mom to a head in your world. The energy today is active and passionate so you may be seeing a property finally move that has been sitting on the market for too long, tackle an issue head on with mom, or decide to up and move out of a house that you no longer feel appreciated in. Passions and anger are high but the supporting energy is very positive so expect breakthroughs.
Mercury enters your Midheaven on the 9th meaning that news, talks, meetings, and agreements are now focused on career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, or father. If you need to speak with an authority on a matter this is the time. If you want to put the word out about your business or set up a meeting about a better position, this is as well the best timing.
Jupiter stations Direct in your house of earnings and possessions on the 13th. This is a wonderful turn of events. Jupiter brings luck, expansion and prosperity and he is now going to begin to move forward again in income, spending and possessions so you may see a nice influx in earnings now or utilize this energy to go after more income with luck on your side. You may as well decide to spend a bigger outlay of cash on something important with the support and protection of Jupiter behind you.
Venus enters your Midheaven on the 14th. This means you may have a female entering into career or goals now who is helpful or you may find that you are attracting more money through your career. If your goal is love, this influence will help you meet someone if you are proactive. If you need to find funding for a goal or spend on career needs this influence is all about backing you up and making sure you see positive results from the efforts.
On the 16th Mars will enter your eighth house and this will either bring a lot more sexy passion to your encounters or spur you to take action in dealing with major financial matters, divorce or issues around control or manipulation. A creative firey approach will take you far now, just watch anger around any of these intense matters.
The New Moon on the 18th is a brand new beginning for you on the career front, with a goal, ambition, reputation, fame, or father. It is the strongest two week period in the year to launch forward with fresh starts, open your doors to the public, get your company name out there, find yourself in the spotlight, begin a new career, or begin something new with dad.
On the 23rd the Sun will move into your arena of friendship, group affiliations, socializing, networking, and aspirations. This puts you in the spotlight for an entire month ahead here so expect to be the center of attention at parties and networking events, to make new friends or enjoy the attention of old ones, and to be seen and appreciated in pursuing your dreams.
Mercury follows the Sun into this realm on the 28th so expect to hear news, open talks, take meetings, or come to agreements with friends and groups, aspirations and social occasions. If you need to meet with someone or broach a subject with a friend or group, choose today to do so as the energy is incredibly lucky.
On the 29th Saturn is going to finally leave his 2 year tour of Virgo where he has been testing you through travel, education, law, and media, asking you to step up and master something in one of these arenas or to deal with responsibilities through them. Saturn is going to enter Libra today and begin a 3 year journey here, minus a brief Retrograde back into Virgo next year to wrap up any loose ends. This is going to be a pinnacle time in your life, the height of a 29 year journey where you are going to be asked to step up into more responsibility and authority in career, towards goals and ambitions. You are going to need to focus your personal mastery on taking the next step up the ladder of success and apply your work ethic and due diligence to ambitions and leadership. Some of you may start a company now or take on more responsibilities in your career. There is a sense of learning how to deal with partners, agents, attorneys, and competitors as you move through this phase all the while applying balance and fairness to your efforts. Saturn is your ruler and this placement promises much reward for those who have embraced his lessons and are willing and committed to making a name for yourself. Older people or much younger influences may show up on the career front as the theme of time and responsibility is engaged here.
The Full Moon on the 4th is about a talk, idea, meeting, agreement, writing project, speaking engagement, communication, neighborhood issue, connection with brother or sister, or short trip coming to a head. This is very dynamic, passionate, motivated energy here around a celebration or ending and the surrounding aspects are positive so expect the best.
Mercury is moving into Libra on the 9th so you will be talking, meeting or agreeing on travel matters, education, media or promotional ventures, or legal issues. The way that you partner, balance issues and play fair, as well as how you involve agents or attorneys, will flavor what is said and decided.
Jupiter is stationing Direct on the 13th in your sign. This is big! It is about luck, expansion and prosperity finally moving forward for you. Look at your physical body, image, identity, and ego needs as potentially opening doors for you and finding your happiness. If you have wanted to change your image, name, the way your body looks, put yourself out there in beneficial ways, or begin to move towards who you are now envisioning yourself to be, then this is the time.
Venus moves into the areas of travel, education, law, and media on the 14th. This may mean that you have a female enter the picture in one of these realms now who brings good things your way or that you are now able to attract love or money through the trips you take, interacting with people at a distance, import/export, politics, ceremonies, legal approaches, teaching, taking a class, media projects, publishing, or promotions. If you began talks or made agreements in one of these areas back around the 9th you will likely be looking at the money involved now.
Mars enters your house of partners, agents, open enemies, and attorneys on the 16th. This is where the action is going to be and you may move on partnering with someone or take action to break it up, go after representation, express your passions and angers with love and creativity with these significant connections, or motivate yourself to act on a competitors moves.
The New Moon on the 18th is about a fresh start in travel, media, promotion, publishing, education, legal matters, beliefs, and politics. You have two strong weeks to launch something new, to put it out there or connect. Partnership, competitors or representatives will play a part in what you choose to begin in one of these arenas now.
The Sun enters your Midheaven on the 23rd and puts you out there in the public eye or in the spotlight in career and with goals over the next month. This is a wonderful place to be to achieve more and make a name for yourself. Step up and out now, let the kudos begin.
On the 28th Mercury will follow the Sun into this part of your chart so expect to hear news, hold talks, set meetings, or come to agreements now relating to career, ambition, goals, father, fame, or reputation. If you need to connect over one of these topics or pitch something to further your aims, this is the day to do it.
On the 29th Saturn is finally going to wrap up his 2 year journey through Virgo where he was asking you to take responsibility or deal with limitations through major finances, shared resources, divorce, death, or sexual matters. You won’t have to face this tough challenge again for another 29 years. He is now entering Libra and will be testing you through and helping you master your beliefs, and all things related to travel, education, media, promotion, publishing, politics, religion, ceremonies, and legalities. During the next 3 years Saturn will ask you to step up here, take responsibility, master something new, lead your life forward through these doors. Many of you will enter some form of higher learning now or take on a teaching job, if you travel you may find there is more work or restrictions involved or that you are being asked to lead in some way, if you are in the media you may have to redefine your role and lead your way into another niche, your belief system will be tested so as to help you release any worn out views and judgments, and you may find that you are learning things about the legal system you didn’t know. Age, time, limits, ambition, recognition, and responsibility will all play into this learning curve as people who are much older hold influence or those who are coming up behind you challenge where you stand. The way you partner, contend with open enemies, or utilize agents or attorneys will flavor this phase as you master new ways of believing and personal authority.
The Full Moon on the 4th is bringing a peak experience around income, spending or a possession. This is a dynamic, action oriented Moon where you can expect to be celebrating money finally coming through or the wrapping up of one earning source or seeing something connected with an important possession of yours culminating. The supporting aspects are positive so expect the best regardless of whether a new source arrives or an old one dries up.
Mercury is entering Libra on the 9th and bringing news or opening talks, meetings or agreements involving loans, debt, credit, settlements, insurance, taxes, inheritance, joint finances, or any other major outside source of money. The other side to Libran energy for you is that you may be talking intimately, about sex and sharing, or communicating about divorce at this time. The way you partner and are represented will flavor what is said and decided upon.
Jupiter is going to station Direct on the 13th and this is a wonderful time for everyone as the energy of luck, happiness, expansion, and prosperity is now going to begin moving forward in life. For you this bodes well for any work you are doing behind the scenes, with investigations and research, imagination and artistic expression, psychic abilities and meditation, retreat and fantasy, film and imagination, time on your own, and in dealing with hospitals, prisons or other institutions.
Venus is going to enter your house of major finances, sex, divorce, and transformation on the 13th. This is very helpful when it comes to attracting the backing or investments you need, for love and sexual passions to merge and for women to be helpful in sharing the wealth or leading you to it. If you are in the process of divorce this energy will help you separate under amicable conditions and fair distribution of assets.
On the 16th Mars will move into your work assignments, co-workers, health, and pets zone. This is going to mean that this is where the action is, you will feel more motivation and be able to pursue your goals with vigor here. Passions will be involved as well as the possibility of anger so watch your fuse on the job. Diets begun now will have that extra energy behind them. Find creative physical ways to tackle work, health and pets for the best results.
The New Moon in Libra on the 18th is a brand new beginning for you in areas related to intimate connections, sex, major financial matters, divorce, and any issues around power, control and transformation. This is a two week period when you can get closer to someone, find a fresh start through loans, credit, debt, bankruptcy, settlements or any other form of outside resource, or tackle the divorce issues before you. The way you partner and find representation once again is a part of how you move forward in these areas.
The Sun is going to enter Scorpio on the 23rd and put you front and center in all matters related to travel, legalities, education, and media matters. This is a full month ahead where you will really shine so book the flight, take on the legal matter, take a class, teach, launch a promotion, involve the media, publish yourself, and share your beliefs.
Mercury is going to enter this part of your chart on the 28th so expect news, or open dialogue, schedule meetings, or come to agreements in one of these areas. If you have been looking for the right moment to talk about or agree to travel, promotions, media, publishing, education, or legal matters, set it up for today as the energy is very strongly aligned to your benefit.
On the 29th, Saturn is going to finally leave his tour of Virgo where he has been pushing you to take on more responsibility and deal with limitations through those you partner with, your competitors, agents, and attorneys. You may have gotten serious and committed to one of these people or seen them leave during this transit. You will not be tested this way again for another 29 years as you have come through it more aware of what you are capable of and what exactly you need and expect from your closest connections. Today Saturn is going to enter Libra and will tour here for the next 3 years with the exception of a brief Retrograde back into Virgo next year to tie up any loose ends. This means that going forward the area you will need to master, to find your personal authority, take on more responsibility, commit time and effort, focus your leadership abilities and learn your limitations, will be through major finances including loans, credit, debt, settlements, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, joint finances, alimony, royalties, commissions, and child support. Sex, intimacy, divorce and power issues are the other areas where you will be taking on more responsibility, limiting yourself, dealing with an age difference, or leading the way forward in some new way. How you partner, deal with open enemies, and find representation through agents or attorneys will play a significant role in the major financial, sexual, shared (or divorced) experiences you are set to master and evolve through up ahead.
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