Holy Batman, Robin. I mean geesh, I’m looking at this weekend’s energy patterns and thinking, we’re just mortals but I guess the universe thinks we have super powers, so here goes…
Saturday the goddess Moon, meaning your emotional nature, meets up with the Lord of limitations and responsibilities~ Saturn, the Wild Lord of shock and surprise~ Uranus, the Messenger God of communications~ Mercury (who is going in reverse at present), and the Lord of the Underworld, read it power, control, major finances, sex and obsession~ Pluto. Yep. And here’s the thing, all aspects are tough ones, so you will be the wiser if you just plan to keep it cool and not get yourself too piled upon in all of this.
Saturn who wants to get you to work, put in time, deal with responsibilities, teach you lessons, and take things away if they are no longer serving your higher good, is meeting up with Neptune, the energy of dreams, romance, the arts, spirituality, and in a tough aspect like this, potentially deception, self-sabotaging and escapism. Read this as one part of you feels compelled to do the right thing while the other is ready to bail. Or you may be being asked to be accountable for something you had no part in. Or perhaps you have been remaining responsible to something you can no longer fake.
Bat cave is looking better all the time, right? Lol, well, just remember that you won’t talk your way out of or force your agenda upon but you do have free will to attempt just this if your head is just aching for another beating against the proverbial wall.
EVERYONE on planet Earth is going through some version of this right now, you aren’t alone and the old adage, ‘this too shall pass’ is a good one to repeat.
Sunday the Moon and Mars sit on the same degree so your emotions are going to be put into action, plain and simple. Seeing that yesterday was so volatile I suggest you think ahead a bit about what you might just wholeheartedly dive into today. The Moon will then make an adjustment to Jupiter which means that feelings will be working around the thing that just got bigger or feels bigger than it did before.
Life’s a stage, play it with honor.
Saturday is about making up your mind about how you feel about the responsibilities or limitations being thrown your way around work, health or pets. Don’t be caught off guard as something is prepping to come your way out of the blue here. Emotions will then rev up over something going on at home or with property that feels as though it is up against your tremendous ambitions or powerful career agenda. Reputation may be involved. Talks with partners, significant others, agents, or attorneys are stressed in this, watch your words so this doesn’t become open warfare. You are going to need to make a new adjustment today in how you are dealing with a friend and the work, health or pet situation.
Sunday the Moon/Mars conjunction spurs you to take action regarding home, the living situation, a property matter, mom, or your own sense of security. The thing that just got bigger is the matter involving a friend here, so adjust and act with care.
Saturday feelings will be brewing over income, what you make or what you are spending, and this is directly linked to responsibilities or limitations creatively or with loved ones (lovers or children). A surprise rocks in from a friend, group or social activity in this, decisions about what you value come into play. A push/pull energy builds between what you are trying to do locally and what is occurring out there. Put it this way, talks or communications projects are up against something very powerful in the realm of travel, higher education, law, or media and emotions are apt to get involved. Talking about the work, health or pet matter is going to be challenging as well. You need to find a new adjustment between limitations in love, with children or in your creative outlets, and the artistic, romantic or spiritual potential in career.
Sunday the Moon and Mars meet in your communications zone so actions will come strictly from emotions and you will either be playing this out locally, with siblings, in writing, short trips, or a rather intense conversation. The thing that just got bigger is your career, goal, reputation, fame, or father.
Saturday starts out with the focus on your needs being met, or issues around who you are or what you look like. You are up against feeling like the real you within the living situation you are currently responsible for or limited by and there is going to be a surprise coming your way via dad, reputation, career, or ambitions that may have you asking who you are as well. Your feelings about income are going to come up today, what you make or what you are spending, and this is up against a powerfully intense deconstructive energy in outside resources, shared resources, divorce, intimate connections, or control matters. Talking to or about a lover, child or creative project is part of the matter financially here and equally challenging. You must make some new adjustment regarding the responsibility or limitation occurring in the home and the need to express yourself artistically, romantically or spiritually through media, travel, education, or legally.
Sunday the Moon meets up with Mars in your earnings zone so you are going to be diving into making or spending passionately today based on a feeling that is sparked, since yesterday was so intense, watch that you don’t overdo this too much. The thing that just got bigger is a travel situation, dealing with someone at a distance, legal matter, something you teach or are learning, or a media, publishing or promotional matter.
Saturday starts out with feelings hidden or the need to deal with something secretive, self-undoing, escapist, or involving fantasy or hospitals. Your mental state today is hosting Saturn in a challenging angle so depression or a serious context may be part of the mix, talks will likely reflect this. A surprise or change to a travel plan, something going on far away, a media, legal, or educational matter will as well push you to get a handle on the hidden emotions and anything you are emotionally invested in that you are working on behind closed doors. Once the Moon enters your sign, she meets Pluto by opposition so there is a very heavy, powerful push/pull between what you want and what the partner, agent or attorney is going for. Mercury is going to spark you to talk about home or property, or with mom, and this is once again challenging as you must look at your own ego needs and open up about yourself. You must make an adjustment today in any restrictions or responsibilities you have around communications, local routines, short trips, siblings, or the way you have been thinking if you wish to reach some kind of breakthrough in the deeply seated power base of your chart tied to sexuality, control, major finances, divorce, death, and honesty.
Sunday the Moon and Mars come together in your sign sparking you to act from your feelings. This action will involve you, your image, body, identity, or ego needs so apply your passions to doing something positive for you. If you are feeling overly burdened under this weekend’s energy please seek out professionals or family to talk to, this is heavy for many Cancers now. The thing that just got bigger is an intimate connection, death, divorce, or major financial matter.
Saturday starts out with emotions geared up over a friend, group, or social function. You will be looking at any limitations or responsibility you feel around the money you are earning or what you have to spend in this, you will also be dealing with a surprise coming in around joint finances, outside resources, divorce, sexual intimacy, or powerful transformation with this person. Your desire to retreat or hide out will be up against a power house in the work you have to do, a health matter, or dealing with pets. Talking about what you have been keeping bottled up will be likely but challenging, as will trying to explain out loud what you have worked out in your head. You must make an adjustment between the responsibility or limitation in income or with possessions if you wish to reach the next level in romantic, spiritual or artistic connection with partnership, agents or attorneys.
Sunday the Moon and Mars meet up behind the scenes which means that you will be acting out emotionally in some kind of secret way or through fantasy, film, research, strategy, self-sabotaging or escapism. For some of you there may be a trip to a hospital. What just got bigger involves the partner, agent or attorney.
Saturday begins with the focus on your career, ambitions, reputation, fame, or father. You are going to have an emotional investment in one or more of these themes today as you deal with any burdens or limitations that are requiring something of your identity, image, body or ego needs. A surprise arrives via a partner, agent or attorney that will as well challenge your feelings about career or reputation. Once the Moon moves into Cancer and opposes Pluto feelings will run much deeper and a friendship or social event will be tested against something manipulative or controlling occurring through a love matter, children or creative outlet. Talks about income, what you make or what you are spending challenges at the social event or with friends. You must make an adjustment today regarding the responsibility you are personally taking on or being limited by personally in some way if you are to reach the artistic, romantic or spiritual level you are seeking in the work you do, with your health or regarding small animals.
Sunday the Moon and Mars come together on the same degree so emotions will be dynamic, passionate, aggressive or angry as you dive into something with a friend, group, or social function. The thing that just got bigger is a work issue, health matter or something involving pets.
Saturday is about how you are feeling about a matter that is legal, involves travel, the media, publishing, promotion, or education. There is something restricting you or requiring more responsibility behind closed doors, or there is something going on behind your back that is feeling like a threat to one of these areas. A surprise is coming your way regarding a work, health or pet situation and this as well is part of the picture in how you are feeling. Once the Moon enters Cancer she opposes Pluto and you will feel like ambitions or career agenda, possibly reputation, is up against something powerfully threatening your security needs, home, property or what you are trying to build upon in some controlling manner. Talks about who you are in this, what your needs are, your identity, image or body, will challenge as well as you deal. You must make an adjustment today around the responsibilities or limitations you are taking on behind the scenes, any self-sabotaging or escapist energy, depression or retreat that is occurring, if you wish to reach the promise of Neptune in artistic, romantic or spiritual expression through creative projects, with lovers or children.
Sunday the Moon and Mars meet on the same degree in your career Midheaven sparking you to dive into something based on an emotional response. You will be acting out passionately, aggressively or angrily regarding career, goals, ambitions, father, fame, or reputation. The thing that just got bigger in your world is a creative project, love or child.
Saturday emotions run deep as you look squarely at how you feel about a major financial matter, sexual connection, divorce or death. You must look at how responsibilities or limitations around friendship, with groups or social activities play into this as well as deal with something surprising coming from a creative outlet, child or lover here. Your desires regarding a trip, media or publishing matter, legal issue, or education are up against a talk or meeting that is intensely powerful and possibly controlling or manipulative. Watch out for triangles in what is being conveyed. Tread lightly with siblings and on the road locally. You must make an adjustment today around responsibilities or limitations regarding an aspiration, friendship, group, or social obligation is you wish to see progress towards your artistic, romantic or spiritual expression at home, in the living situation, with property, or tied to mom.
Sunday the Moon and Mars dance together on the same degree so you will be diving into something based on your emotional responses either in passion or anger and it will involve travel, media, publishing, promotions, education, legal matters, politics, or beliefs. The thing that just got bigger for you involves home, property, roots, mom, security, or foundations you are building upon.
Saturday is about how you feel about a partnership, an agent, attorney, or open enemy. In this will be the need to feel your way around responsibilities or limitations in career objectives, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame or father, and a surprise heading your way via home, living situation, mom, or property matter. Once the Moon enters Cancer she opposes Pluto so emotions rev up even more intensely over finances and what is being made or spent, or over possessions in the mix. A talk with a friend, group, or about a social function or aspiration will as well challenge the financial issue, intimate connection, divorce agenda, or power balance. You must make an adjustment today regarding any responsibilities or limitations on the career front, with goals, reputation or father is you wish to come closer to artistic, romantic or spiritual outlets through writing, communicating, in the neighborhood, with siblings or in the way you are thinking.
Sunday the Moon and Mars come together on the same degree so emotions will be charging ahead into action and you will come from your passions or anger in this. This is going to play out on the sexual field, over intimacy issues, regarding divorce, major finances, or dealing with a death. What just got bigger is your way of thinking, something said or written, an agreement, something going on in your neighborhood, or an issue with a sibling.
Saturday opens with the emotional energy on work, health or pets. You will need to look at how responsibilities or limitations around a trip, something going on at a distance, a media or promotional matter, publishing or educational issue, or legal agenda is playing into this. A surprise conversation or meeting is in the mix here as well. Once the Moon moves into Cancer she opposes Pluto in your sign and this will bring up deep feelings between you and a partner, agent or attorney. Look at control, sexuality, finances, and any triangles here. A talk about career or ambition with this person is due to test the waters a bit. You must make an adjustment around the responsibilities or limitations occurring around travel, media, law, or education if you wish to step closer to your true artistic, romantic or spiritual expression and how you value yourself, earn money and choose to spend it.
Sunday the Moon and Mars meet on the same degree to actions will be fueled by emotion and aimed at partnership, agents, open enemies, or attorneys. It is up in the air whether this comes out as passion, motivation, aggression, or anger. What just got bigger in your world is occurring around income, spending or possessions.
Saturday emotions will be focused on children, lovers or creative projects and any limitations or responsibilities attached to divorce, major finances, sexual intimacy, or control and power issues. You need to deal with any challenges here as well as field a surprise coming via income, spending or possessions in this. Once the Moon changes signs she opposes Pluto so emotions will run deeper around the work before you, anyone working for you, your health, and pets. Look at how the need to retreat or have private time, anything you find out by digging around, secrets or hidden agendas, escapism or self-sabotaging is playing out for you in dealing with the routine. Talks about travel, with someone far away, about media, legal matters, or education, all can be rather challenging as well. You must make an adjustment involving the responsibilities or limitations from outside resources, major finances, divorce, intimacy, or power struggles, if you wish to reach a better way of expressing your individual romantic, artistic or spiritual needs.
Sunday the Moon and Mars meet on the same degree so emotions fuel action, aggression, motivation, and anger today and this is all going to play out through work, health or with pets. What just got bigger in your world is your own ego needs, image, identity or body issues.
Saturday the emotional focus begins on home, property matters, the living situation, mom, or security issues. Responsibilities or limitations you are dealing with associated with a partner, agent, open enemy, or attorney will be a major part of how you are dealing with these feelings, as well as the surprise push you are getting from Uranus around independence and shock value. Once the Moon enters Cancer she opposes Pluto and emotions will become as deep and intense as they get. This is going to be playing out over feelings of love, children, creativity, and fun on the one hand, and how control or manipulation, power, sex or major finances, are coming at you through a friendship or around an important aspiration. You must make an adjustment around the responsibilities or limitations with the partner, agent, attorney, or open enemy if you wish to reach your artistic, romantic or spiritual needs on a cosmic, fantasy, hidden level.
Sunday the Moon and Mars meet on the same degree in your house of children, lovers, fun and creative projects. This means that your emotions are going to spur into action in one of these areas. This may show as passion, motivation, aggression, or anger. What just got bigger in your world is something hidden, mystical, fantasy related, escapist, or tied to your retreat.
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