Thursday, August 25, 2022




Two energetic combinations of influences, on opposite sides of the spectrum, are at work today. On the positive we sit with Leo Moon's harmonic with Jupiter and conjunction with Venus so our alignments today up until about 8pm Eastern are doing their part to bring positive energy into the estate of things when it comes to true love or lovers, children, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. If it is not in flow for you then note what part you are playing in taking a drama or entitlement issue bigger in the name of love or money, beauty or pleasure. Look at how beliefs, faith, travel, legal, media, educational, or ceremonial themes might be involved in the story (Jupiter). If you have something you are trying to smooth out or attract with said lover, children, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits this is your time frame for the best potential. On the more challenging side of things, the Moon begins its 10-degree orb of opposition to Saturn in Aquarius from 7am onward and peaks after midnight tonight at 2:55am Eastern/or just before midnight at 11:55pm Pacific depending on your time zone. The Moon also squares Uranus in Taurus at 10:45pm Eastern/7:45pm Pacific, having started its build-up within orb even earlier this morning. So, you can see once we are past the beautiful Venus/Jupiter peak, what has been building all day with this other side of things may want to blow, break out, run for freedom, or dig in deeper and not budge. This is frictional energy between 3 of the 4 fixed signs so this side of the equation is not bending. Nope. I urge you so strongly to not give in to this side of the equation tonight because it could truly get much worse over the next few days if you do. Use the astrology to look at all you have, what you can be grateful for, through the Venus/Jupiter influences today and tell yourself this is just a moment in time when it comes to the crazy rest. Now, could you harness the frictional energy? Yes, you could look at taking a lighter stance emotionally when dealing with what is going on and you could look at your efforts, commitments and ambitions with another when it comes to love, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. You could then allow for some freedoms or spontaneity by way of not hinging your entire value on how things go in the moment but rather by seeing it as one of the hairpin turns on the roller-coaster ride, knowing the fun is up ahead. That's the best I have for you, do note that the later evening may be a bit more accident prone or aggressive (passive/aggressive) so you take care of you. And let us ALL lean into the really good stuff with Venus/Jupiter. One last note about this kind of double-sided day. Astrology can help you see what is going on since you are now armed with this knowledge so rather than get caught in some fixed, stubborn, rebellious knock-down scenario and thinking this is all there is in the day, you can remember, hey, this really great energy is available to me over there, perhaps if I pour my creative juices into that media or educational pursuit, or plan a trip or get into my beliefs through prayer, meditation, or seek beauty, income, and pleasure, or be the love I want to see where I can then the other stuff can work itself out later. Just a thought. Oh, and I'd expect a lot of crazy going on in the media and political world tonight, for sure. Now, there is one more thing going on today, and that is Mercury moving into Libra at 9:03pm Eastern/6:03pm Pacific. He will not make an alignment until Monday so we may or may not pick up on his influences just yet, but his purpose now is to bring about more talks, ideas, offers, short trips, writing, sales, meetings, or decisions with partners, clients, specialists, representatives, competitors, or advocates up ahead. He will also be Retrograding in this sign starting on the 9th of September so we will move forward, then take a break or back up or rethink and rework some things when it comes to these folks, and then move forward again after Oct 2nd with the Retrograde then over, but not back into this sign of relationships until Oct 10th. In other words, pace yourself! Does it feel like a wild one yet? Tune in tonight for the Weekly Astro Show and a look at what is popping up in our week ahead: on air at 8p Eastern/5pm Pacific. That is of course assuming I don't get caught up in this crazy peak of energy and can do it!!! :)   PRAYER  TODAY is around the theme 'May we see in this two-sided energy day just how deep our own love goes.' Peak time is from 10:40-10:45pm Eastern/7:40-7:45pm Pacific, see you there! If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!  

If the Daily info clicked for you, consider buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!
  Buy Me A Coffee 

The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW Aug 18-26 is up, LISTEN HERE:                                           


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