The Lord of the Sea, the subconscious, our Karmic connections, hidden agendas or enemies, artistic talents, film, music, art, spiritual interests, magic, psychic abilities, hospitals, prisons, retreats, investigations, research, addictions, and secret love affairs, slows to a halt and stations Direct on Wednesday. If you’ve felt stuck in these areas it’s about to move forward again. If you have been delving into the past to rework, reconnect or release something here, you are now ready to start fresh.
A Full Moon in Taurus brings a peak highpoint around your income, possessions, values, or spending on Thursday, time to celebrate achievements or wrap things up and close the door. So, you ready to look at how your sign deals?
ARIES: (Do you want to see what your personal chart says for you? Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email )
Monday brings you face to face with someone over kids, love or creative desires and what is in the balance with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or charity. Talks and agreements are working in your favor today, especially over travel, legal, media, or educational matters.
Tuesday brings partners, agents, attorneys, or competitors/opponents into the mix as you decide how you feel about the balance here and getting serious, committing, structuring things, or ending them. Friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and social interactions bring opportunity.
Wednesday you are finally ready to move ahead with the friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity in some artistic, spiritual or romantic way or regarding a hospital, addiction or research and development project. In talks about income and any legal, media, marketing, publishing, travel, or educational matter, make sure you are ready to work around things, make adjustments and adapt today.
Thursday brings an income matter to a peak for you so you may be celebrating reaching a goal monetarily or you may be wrapping up one money making project. Your ruler, Mars, moves into Virgo where he will tour through next July so you are going to be full force into a work project, health matter or animal interest, possibly all three. This will be a very active time for you when you will pursue desires, go after what you want, fight the good fight, ignite passions, and motivate to secure work, advance at work, deal with co-workers or employees, healthy life interests and pets or animal issues. Get clear about what you would like to achieve here and set off in some small way now, you have lots of energy behind achieving your goals over the months ahead.
Friday lets you deal with any last income issues involving a friend, group, internet project, astrology, or charity and news you hear or decisions you make about work, health or pets. Inventive ideas or unusual meetings can bring positive opportunities your way by tonight.
TAURUS: (Do you want to see what your personal chart says for you? Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email )
Monday puts you face to face with someone over passions or activity involving home, a move, roommate, mom, a family member, real estate deal, or your security needs and a goal you hold artistically, spiritually or romantically. Seek balance. Talks and meetings over intimacy, divorce or money favor you.
Tuesday is great for working on things behind closed doors. Your imagination, artistic talents, research, or spiritual approach can lead to career advancement today or help you reach a goal. You may need to balance this with errands, organization, work, health, or animal responsibilities today.
Wednesday you officially begin to move forward again on the career front or with a big goal through your artistic talents, a film, music, or art project, your spiritual interests, magical or psychic abilities, a hospital, prison, retreat, research project, investigation, or some secret love affair. The talks or meetings about sex, divorce or big money require some adjustment on your part.
Thursday brings a major peak for you as you achieve something or end it. Your identity is involved or something tied to your image, body or personality. You may be recognized for something big, celebrate a personal triumph, end one form of identity such as ‘single’ or ‘married’, reach your goal of physical fitness or end some prolonged illness or issue physically. Mars moves into your creative and love arena where he is taking up residence for the next 8 months. Watch out! You are on fire and this is where the action is, you will be going after love, sharing passion with lovers, seeing anger spark here occasionally, doing things together, motivating kids, and driving yourself over a creative project.
Friday you will be working out some career matter or around ways to reach a goal as well as pushing your emotional sensors over money flow and the kids, lover or creative venture. Tonight something exciting enters the picture that will be unexpected and beneficial for making money.
GEMINI: (Do you want to see what your personal chart says for you? Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email )
Monday brings you face to face with someone over news, decisions, writing, agreements, or talks that are about the trip, distance, media, marketing, publishing, education, or legal interests. Look at your spiritual, romantic or artistic needs here. Talks with partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people are favored.
Tuesday is social so you may be connecting with friends, groups, over the internet, through astrology, or about charities. Love, kids or creative ventures in the balance require some serious attention but there is great opportunity for you through travel, people or situations far away, media, publishing, marketing, legal matters, or education.
Wednesday you are ready to move forward with some artistic, spiritual, or romantic interest through legal means, a trip or the travel industry, with foreign interests or people, through import/export, or in media, publishing, marketing, education, or ceremonies. You need to talk things out with a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person and make adjustments.
Thursday brings a peak highpoint to a film, music project, art project, talent, spiritual interest, psychic or magic interest, research project, clandestine affair, investigation, addiction, hospital or prison issue, or developmental phase. This is about celebrating achievements or wrapping things up. Mars moves into your home arena where you will set off on an 8 month journey of passion, action and anger playing out over home, moves, real estate deals, mom, family members, roommates, and security needs. You will be motivated to make things happen and may take on more to do here or you may find you are spending more time sharing passions with someone at home or fighting the good fight on behalf of these themes.
Friday work around any travel, legal, media, or educational issues and what is going on at home. There is opportunity for great social interaction tonight that may surprise you and bring excitement and unusual moments that please. Reach out to friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charity for this.
CANCER: (Do you want to see what your personal chart says for you? Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email )
Monday puts you face to face with someone over money matters. You will be charged up over making money and will need to deal with any outside financial matters such as loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, or a partner’s money. You may also find you need to find a way to balance making money with a sexual interest or divorce issues. Work, health and pet talks or decisions favor you.
Tuesday is about the career or dealing with an authority figure or goal. You will need to balance this with home responsibilities or anything serious involving mom, family, roommates, moves, or real estate. That sexual attraction, divorce issue or big money matter is lining up positively for you today.
Wednesday you are ready to move on that sexual attraction or issue, reproductive need, divorce, or major financial interest. If you have felt stuck or been delving into the past through these issues you are now ready to move ahead in romantic, artistic or spiritual ways. Issues with addictions, hospitals, research, or development as well open back up on monetary, sexual or divorce levels.
Thursday is a peak moment for you socially with a celebration or achievement involving a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity, or a time when you are wrapping something up here. Mars moves into your communication zone where he will light a fire under your local activities, short trips, talks, meetings, writing, agreements, decisions, speaking roles, sibling and neighbor interactions, and interests in vehicles or electronics. You will be more motivated, passionate, angry, and driven here over the next 8 months. This is where the action is. Only drawbacks: more accidents on the road or angry words flying from your lips, take care.
Friday you will want to deal with financial, divorce or sexual matters involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and work things out. Talks may leave you a bit frustrated or you will come off with more passion than you realize in talks. Positive energy shows up around career and with authority figures later today.
LEO: (Do you want to see what your personal chart says for you? Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email )
Monday puts you face to face with a significant person over the relationship you are involved in with them. Mars is stirring passions or anger and motivating action while Retrograde Neptune is pointing out any fog or confusion, deception or Karmic energy around romantic, artistic, spiritual, institutional, addictive, or hidden issues. Talks and decisions about love, kids or creative ventures favor you, especially over legal, ceremonial, travel, educational, media, or publishing needs.
Tuesday is about the travel, legal, media, publishing, ceremonial, or educational interest. Serious talks or decisions here or dealing with limits you feel around writing or agreements pop up. Positive opportunity through these fields tie in with a partner, agent, attorney, or specialist so if you need to book the trip, make it legal, promote, or learn connect it to them.
Wednesday you are ready to move forward with a romantic, marriage or business partner, an agent, attorney, specialist, advocate, competitor, or opponent. If you have felt stuck or like you were looking into the past over romantic, spiritual, artistic, or boundary issues with them, you are now ready to move forward and if you have needed to settle any of this you can now make fresh headway with new people or parameters. Talks about love, kids or creative ventures require adjustments.
Thursday brings a career matter, big goal, ambition, reputation, fame, or something that puts you in the spotlight or with an authority figure to a peak. This is about celebrating achievements or ending things. Mars moves into your income zone for the next 8 months which is going to light a fire under you to earn more, go after income sources, get physical while earning, and express more passion or anger in the process. This is where the action is, you will not lack motivation.
Friday will push you to deal with relationships and goals as well as motivate you on that money making matter and any social interests that are not aligned with this. Excitement arrives later today through legal, media, publishing, marketing, travel, educational, or ceremonial outlets and the socializing that you see opening up for you here.
VIRGO: (Do you want to see what your personal chart says for you? Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email )
Monday brings you face to face over something you are passionate or angry about that is going on behind the scenes, involves an art, film, or music matter, hospital, prison or addictive issue, romantic interest, spiritual pursuit, or developmental phase or hidden agenda or enemy. Balance this with work, health or animal interests as best you can. Talks about home, property, family, real estate, or moves favor you.
Tuesday is about the loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, commission, or other big money matter and you will need to handle this in balance with your own personal income needs. You are going to see something open up for you here through work, health, environmental, or animal interests today.
Wednesday you are ready to finally start moving forward on work, health, environmental, or animal interests after months of backtracking or slowdowns regarding the behind the scenes development, retreat, prison or hospital, addiction, film, music, or art, spiritual interest, clandestine affair, research, or hidden agenda. It’s time to move ahead again. Talks or meetings about home, real estate, moves, family, or security will require some adjustments involving law, media, education, or travel.
Thursday brings a legal, travel, media, publishing, marketing, or educational matter to a peak in celebration, achievement or endings. Mars moves into your sign where he is going to stay an extra long time, through next July! This means you are about to be shot out of the cannon, ready to take on more than you have in quite some time. It gives you motivation, drive, passion, and will help you fight for anything you believe in. You will be more physical and this energy will help you get into doing something about your image, identity or body.
Friday you work around any organization or details involving work, health, animals, environment, legalities, education, travel, or media. You will push yourself with career matters or dealing with an authority figure. By the evening you will see something positive and exciting open up involving sexual attractions, divorce or the big money matter.
LIBRA: (Do you want to see what your personal chart says for you? Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email )
Monday brings you face to face with someone over what is going on with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or charity and a creative project, love interest or child. Passions, anger, motivation, and any artistic, spiritual or romantic needs in the picture come up for review. Talks involving partners, agents, attorneys, or specialists favor you.
Tuesday is about the partner, representative or opponent with the need to get serious, look at limits or responsibilities, and commit or end things. Positive opportunities with this person open up through true love, kids or creative projects by tonight.
Wednesday you are ready to move ahead with the creative project, lover or love interest, or child. Things may have been slow going on an artistic, spiritual or romantic level for the last months or you may have been reworking past issues or releasing something. You are now ready to move ahead again. Talks or decisions about sex, divorce or some big money matter will require adjustments.
Thursday brings that loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, royalty, debt, settlement, insurance, tax, or partner’s money matter to a peak. This may be about celebrating an achievement or wrapping something up and ending it. Sexual attractions and issues, reproductive needs and divorce matters also hit a high point today. Mars moves into your mystical part of the chart to tour there for the next 8 months! This will motivate great action, passion and potentially anger from time to time that plays out over film, music, art, spiritual, psychic and magical interests, hidden agendas, clandestine romance, hospitals, prisons, investigations, or research and development. What do you want to have happen here, get busy!
Friday will push you over creative efforts, kids or love and the money as well as push you over legal, travel, media, publishing, or educational interests. Tonight brings excitement and opportunity through a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or advocate, all good.
Monday pushes you to go after goals, deal with career interests or authority figures, and express your passions or anger. Balancing this with home or family needs is important. Talks involving income favor you, see if there is a way to earn money and pursue it.
Tuesday work, health and animals needs are the focus. You will want to deal with something serious that is in development here. Opportunity opens up at home, with moves, real estate, mom, family, or roommates that opens things up with work, health or animals in beneficial ways.
Wednesday you are ready to move forward on the home matter. This may mean something artistic that you are doing in the home or to the home, with a move, real estate matter, for mom or family, or it could mean that you are ready now to open up spiritual or romantic influences here, do something new at home tied to hospital, prison, addiction, psychiatric, or retreat needs, research, investigate, or open up to some clandestine love affair here or move due to one. Talks or decisions about money require adjustments with partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people today.
Thursday brings one relationship matter to a peak. This may be about a celebration, achievement or ending involving a romantic, marriage or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. Mars moves into your social arena for the next 8 months where you will see more action, passion, anger, and motivation playing out involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and your own aspirations. This is where the action is, get going.
Friday brings adjustments at home or with family involving partners, agents, attorneys, or specialists and motivate you to do something with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or charities involving money, sex or divorce needs. Positive surprises arrive via work, health or pets later today.
SAGITTARIUS: (Do you want to see what your personal chart says for you? Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email )
Monday you are face to face with someone over legal, travel, foreign, import/export, media, publishing, marketing, or educational matters and the talks, decisions, agreements, or writing involved. Talks or meetings involving love, kids or creative ventures favor you.
Tuesday the focus on lovers, children or creative projects will push you to handle something serious with a group, friend, internet matter, astrology, or charity. Talks, writing, meetings, agreements, or decisions with the kids, lover or creative project should open things up artistically, romantically or spiritually.
Wednesday you are finally ready to start moving ahead on a writing project, agreement, with your brother, sister or neighbor, a decision, in talks, meetings, speaking roles, local activities, short trips, or with vehicles or electronics. Any artistic, spiritual or romantic needs in these areas or something involving hospitals, addictions, research, development, investigations, or clandestine affairs will move along with these themes. Talks involving work, health or pets require adjustments today.
Thursday brings a work project, job hunt, recognition at work, co-worker or employee topic, service, health issue or interest, environmental interest, or animal pursuit to a peak. This is about celebrations, achievements or endings. Mars moves into your career Midheaven to tour for the next 8 months. This means you will have a fire beneath you to express your passions, anger and to motivate you to make things happen with your career, authority figures, bosses, dad, fame, ambitions, goals, and regarding your reputation. You will be driven to take the lead and get out in the spotlight more. This is where the action is, what are you waiting for?
Friday you will be handling work, health or pet needs and going after career interests or dealing with those bosses or authority figures so expect to push yourself with others due to all this energy. Positive alignment comes between partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people and a creative opportunity, love or children later in the day, be open to the possibilities.
CAPRICORN: (Do you want to see what your personal chart says for you? Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email )
Monday puts you face to face with someone over sex, intimacy, divorce, or big shared financial interests and the money you earn or your value system. Passion, anger, motivation, and some foggy boundary or connection that feels fated is at play here. Open up about what is going on behind the scenes or that you feel is developing, you are favored in this.
Tuesday is about the home, a move, real estate, family, mom, or roommates. You need to get serious here with the goal, authority figure, dad, boss, ambition, or career and set up structures, commit or end things. Whatever is occurring with the home, real estate, family matter leads to positive income potential today.
Wednesday you are ready to finally move ahead with the money making interest after months of development or internalizing ideas or dealing with slow movement. Bring your artistic, spiritual, romantic, or developmental ideas forward here and if you need to involve an institution, do something for research, or use your imagination then go for it. Talks about all of this require some adjustments involving creativity, kids or love.
Thursday brings a love affair or love interest, children or a creative project to a peak moment. You will be celebrating an achievement or wrapping things up in some big way. Mars moves into your house of the higher mind to tour here for the next 8 months. This means you will be motivating on legal, ceremonial, travel, foreign, import/export, media, marketing, publishing, and educational interests over these months. This is where you will express passion, sort out anger and feel driven to make things happen. What can you do to get the ball rolling?
Friday you will need to deal with making money and having fun, they probably don’t align today, and with getting around work while traveling, handling legal matter, learning or teaching, or marketing. Positive energy floods in at home, with real estate, family, and security later today.
AQUARIUS: (Do you want to see what your personal chart says for you? Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email )
Monday finds you face to face with someone significant to romance or business and ignites passions or anger or motivates you to make things happen as you handle any personal, physical or identity issues. Talks with friends, groups, or about the internet, astrology or charities favor you.
Tuesday puts you into talks or decisions involving legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, or educational matters with a serious tone. You will probably be committing, structuring or ending something. Contracts signed are final. Positive energy flows around the way you are thinking and how you feel about yourself today.
Wednesday you are finally ready to move forward after months of wading into your past identity, personal needs, image, or physical issues. It’s a brand new day and you are now ready to step out into the world with a new you so to speak. Talks with friends, groups, about internet, astrology, or charities involve adjustments today tied to home or property.
Thursday brings a home, move, real estate deal, family matter, mom or roommate issue, or security need to a peak. It’s a time of celebrations, achievements or endings in these areas. Mars moves into your deeply shared zone where he is igniting passions, anger and action for the next 8 months. This means you will be motivating sexually, intimately, over reproductive needs, divorce, and any major financial matter such as a loan, debt, settlement, alimony, child support, inheritance, bankruptcy, tax or insurance issue, commission, or partner’s money. This is where the action is, get ready, set, go.
Friday is about working things out at home and dealing with that money, sex or divorce issue. You will find that later today the energy picks up and brings nice surprises or excitement through the talks, meetings or decisions with lovers, kids or creative projects.
PISCES: (Do you want to see what your personal chart says for you? Call to schedule your private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email )
Monday puts you face to face with someone over work, health or pet needs and what is going on behind the scenes, in development, through research, with addictions, hospitals, prisons, retreat, clandestine affairs, film, music, art, or spiritual pursuits. Talks or decisions about career, with authority figures or involving ambitions favor you and making money.
Tuesday is about income and finding some serious balance or setting some limits, making commitments, or ending things with that outside financial matter, divorce or sexual attraction. Positive energy arrives from some unexpected quarter to open things up with money.
Wednesday you are ready to finally move forward from behind the scenes, on that film, music or art project, with the hospital, prison or other institution, dealing with the addiction, in research projects, investigations, spiritual interests, psychic abilities, magical interest, or clandestine affair. You have been in a backwards pattern or slow-down for months and can now start out fresh. Talks about career or with bosses, authority figures or dad require some adjustments today.
Thursday brings an agreement, decision, writing project, idea, talk, meeting, short trip, local activity, sibling or neighbor issue, or vehicle or electronic matter to a head. You are achieving something worth celebrating here or ending it. Mars moves into your opposite sign where it will tour over the next 8 months! This means that there will be much more action, passion, anger, and motivation coming through partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, and opponents now. You will feel driven to get things moving here so get ready to dive in.
Friday brings talks, writing or agreements, news or decisions that mean working around some hospital, institution, addiction, retreat, film, music or art project, spiritual interests, or affair. You will be dealing with home, real estate and someone significant as well. Positive energy arrives tonight with income and excitement. Look at home, moves, real estate, family, roommates, or mom to deliver.
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