Tune in Thursday night at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific on CBS Worldwide Radio ~ New Sky Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show to listen. You can call in with astrology questions if you want to be part of THE ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW! The call-in number is: 248-545-7685
ZOE’s VIDEO about the Sign change: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlREtiaToZE
Some weeks are about major out fields of energy that affect the background of our lives steadily redirecting us or play out on the world stage as reflections of choice for us and some weeks the personal planets get into the action and get us moving and now. This is one of those weeks.
Monday we are in the dark of the Moon so we are winding down and taking care of business. Capricorn Moon is squaring the recently Retrograde Saturn in Libra and that is pretty much it today. This means it is a sobering influence, one where you should be trying to continue to reach out to those people you want to build ambitions with or through, look at any issues that are outstanding and make decisions about whether you want to commit to efforts or long term time with them or break the ties. This isn’t one of the happiest of energy combinations but it is very good for getting real and serious about circumstances and people.
Tuesday we finish the dark of the Moon phase and final wrapping up but hopefully from yesterday’s serious attention, you are going to accomplish a great deal today. The energy patterns are night and day from yesterday, very positive and open to have talks or meetings and make decisions about career, goals, reputation, fame, a business, or to connect with those who can help you achieve your aims. Jupiter is in the mix trying to help you grow something here and Uranus is bringing exciting new ideas or interests so schedule talks today.
Wednesday is the NEW MOON in Aquarius! So much of what we do now is about our participation of revolutionizing the way the world functions in the new Aquarian Age and as architects of this grand design this New Moon is the big one for this year for each and every one of us. Look closely at your friends, group affiliations, networking circle, associates, internet support and connection, charities and foundations you work through or give to, astrology and its connection, and your greatest dreams and aspirations for your life. You have two strong weeks to seed new beginnings through these outlets that will support your year ahead. Launch it or open the door to it now for the most universal support behind it, we all need what you have to offer! As if to emphasize this, the cosmos is getting into the picture today in major ways. Venus is going to dance with Neptune to open opportunity through women that can attract love or money through legal, media, educational, or travel mediums. This will tie in closely to a friend or group or aspiration of yours and the artistry, spirituality, romance, or institutions you are working through. Venus then dukes it out with Uranus which brings a surprise or change into the picture, some rush of fresh air or shock. Mercury then steps up to dance with Uranus here, meaning you will find the words or answers, agreements or meetings to handle and take advantage of this change on the career front or in some way tied to a major goal.
Thursday Mercury leaves the ambition position in your chart and moves into Aquarius to bring support to this New Moon here. This means you now have the information you need, can make decisions, sign contracts, and get the word out there. Again the internet, astrology, friends, charities or foundations, groups, networking, social occasions, or your aspirations are the roads that take you there. An Aquarius Moon makes nice with Saturn in Libra today so you can expect support and solid foundations in relationships and networking today.
Friday Venus changes signs bringing a whole new outlook on LOVE! I will post a new LOVE FORECAST Thursday night! Venus in Capricorn means we will be pretty darned ambitious about our goals in love and that women will take on more importance on the ladder of success during this transit. The income will also be another area that should flow more smoothly on the career front so if you are looking for a promotion or more income, put it in motion now. You may decide to spend on something that helps you achieve more recognition or move the business forward as well. The Moon makes opportunity aspects to Venus and Pluto today so emotions run deep and there is potential to reach goals and transform situations. The Sun and Mars meet on the same degree today and that is all about spurring you on to do something or make something happen with the friend, group, internet, astrology, party, networking, or aspiration!
ARIES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Monday asks the question, “Are they going to support your efforts or not?” You need to look at the partner, opponent, competitor, marriage, agent, attorney, specialist, or advocate and get real about what you want to achieve, how your reputation is in the mix, if there is a goal that you can work through here and how to set limits, deal with them, take on more responsibility, commit long term, or sever ties.
Tuesday your ambitions rise and opportunities to talk, meet, sign agreements, or pitch ideas take off. There is real excitement in the air today and potential for changes you didn’t see coming but that will likely be beneficial to you. New approaches through hospitals, prisons, research, film, music, other art forms, spirituality, psychic pursuits, clandestine affairs, or dealing with addictions open doors. There is potential to expand or find some opportunity through a friend, group or networking today.
Wednesday is the New Moon in Aquarius and a fresh start for you with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, networks, foundations, charities, any social events, or a new beginning with dreams and aspirations. You may meet someone new who factors in strongly in one of these areas for building towards your new year or get another chance or fresh beginning with someone you already know. Seed in these areas over the next two weeks. Talks about career or reputation are under positive stars and tie to the artistic, spiritual or romantic interests, you can meet or sign contracts, keep it quiet for now. You may find that a woman far away is beneficial to you today or that you have the opportunity to travel, do something in the media or educationally for income or love, a friend plays into this beneficially.
Thursday Mercury moves into Aquarius and you are ready to talk to the friend or group, sign your contracts on the internet project or put the word out through these channels, get the word out about astrology or sign agreements here, pitch an idea to a friend or launch a dream of yours through a group. There is a solid support for you here through structuring and relationship building, (most likely with someone from the past).
Friday Venus moves into Capricorn and your career Midheaven. This is a golden time for you to charm your way to the top, to attract the money and love you want if you set your mind to the goal, to spend on career improvements, work with women or approach female authority figures, and smooth things out around reputation. There is much that you can accomplish today around research, artistic work, spiritual pursuits, working behind the scenes, and dealing with hospitals or other institutions. The Sun/Mars conjunction should light a fire under you to dive in and do something right now with a friend or group, this is all about motivating, passion or anger spurring you on.
TAURUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Monday may point out to you that you have too much going for you mentally to do the kind of work you are doing or that your work is overdue being published or broadcast, where contracts or agreements are falling short or that you really need a vacation. If not work then health or animals will be the area you need to track in relation to these topics. It’s about looking at any limits realistically and making a plan, structuring something, making a commitment to something that can help you overcome this situation. A relationship may figure prominently in this.
Tuesday is beaming with positive energy and offers you an opportunity to have a talk about the trip, legal need, media, publishing, or educational matter. You may pitch an idea, get your writing out there, have the meeting, or wrap up an agreement in these areas. A friend or group can come through for you in all kinds of unforeseen ways, they may want to get involved with you in the matter or offer you some insight that tips the balance for you. Luck is working behind the scenes for you today.
Wednesday is the New Moon in Aquarius and this is your big push from the universe to really gear it up on the career front, to launch the new business, start something new in business, go after new clients or ask for the promotion, to make your mark or seek recognition or fame, and it is a strong two week period to also meet with those in positions of authority about anything you wish to achieve or deal with. It may be a peak time with father or reputation as well. Also favored today are talks about legalities, marketing, media, publishing, travel, ceremonies, or education involving friends or groups. Your ruler, Venus, is working on your behalf in the intimate/sexual arena as well as on major financial matters or divorce so see what can be attracted here.
Thursday Mercury moves into Aquarius and helps you to get down to brass tacks in contractual negotiations, writing, mutual agreements, meetings, pitches, speaking engagements, talks, short trips, or if you need to involve siblings or neighbors in anything you are trying to achieve with career or major goals. Saturn is supporting serious efforts at work and more authority or responsibility.
Friday Venus moves into Capricorn and moves the energy around women, love and income into the field that deals with law and ceremonies, travel and foreign interests, media and marketing, publishing and publicity, education and beliefs. These areas will go more smoothly now and help you to attract what you seek if you are proactive here. Friends, groups, social occasions, or aspirations seem to figure positively into some of this today for you, actually pretty powerfully, so enjoy the social vibe or pursue dreams through these arenas. The Sun/Mars conjunction is going to gear up passions around career or ambitions to motivate you to make your move.
GEMINI: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Monday is a get real or deal with limits or more responsibility day involving creative projects, kids or lovers/love interests. It is not the happiest of energetic but it is good for pointing out what needs doing, if you have support from others in this or not and what you want to do about it. Emotions will be wrapped up in the intimacy/sexual feelings you have here with the lover or powerful shared feelings where major financial matters are concerned or a divorce is looming.
Tuesday the energy lightens up a great deal as the final dark of the Moon is wrapping up what you focused on yesterday and opening up talks, meetings, agreements or decisions today that will move you forward. There is positive energy around surprises or changes that come at you or can be implemented on the career front or through dealing with authority figures. Some of you may see a change with dad today. Friends or groups are the way to stretch out or the place to go for something big today if you find that travel, legal, marketing, media, publishing, or educational issues pop up.
Wednesday is the New Moon in Aquarius and a major new beginning for you in the year ahead through several doors. You have two strong weeks to seed something here so make sure you spend this time wisely. Your fresh starts are in travel, import/export, foreign people or interests, teaching or furthering your education, legal channels, media, marketing, publishing, publicity, politics, religion, or ceremonies. You may get news today that is exciting and puts a whole new spin on what you are aiming at or you may use the energy here today to have a talk, meeting, write, pitch ideas, or sign contracts on career matters or with someone in a position of authority. Venus is coming through for you with a partner, agent, attorney, or specialist who can benefit you in these areas so don’t be afraid to reach out to them about the trip, partner legally or in any other combination you feel suits your situation.
Thursday Mercury enters Aquarius and opens up the communications channels in these areas now so you can start writing it up, sign it, make the decision, pitch the idea, or meet about the trip, legal matter, media or publishing deal, education, or ceremony in the next couple weeks. You may hear news today about one of these things or connect with like-minded individuals about working on something here. Saturn is offering long term, solid support through creative efforts or anything working with kids or love interests.
Friday Venus moves into Capricorn and the women in your life, your love and income matters, will now be more focused in this area of life. For you this means intimacy and sexual attractions, reproduction or sexual issues, divorce or mortality issues, and any major financial matters such as loans, debt, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, inheritance, alimony, child support, royalties, commissions, or other outside resources. Venus should smooth things out in these realms and help you to attract what you need to keep that in mind over the next couple weeks. The Sun/Mars conjunction today will spark your energy and motivate you to dive into the travel, media, educational, or legal matter with passion and energy.
CANCER: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Monday is a rather somber day with the Moon, (your ruler), and Saturn at odds in a frictional square. It is a day to really get serious about any limits, responsibilities or structural issues at home, with real estate, mom/mother figures, or roommates and how a partnership or someone representing you here is contributing or defining the situation for you. Do you need an agent to help sell the house? A specialist for the renovation? Is the marriage or business partnership tied to home or real estate in need of effort or past its due date? Get real about what needs to happen.
Tuesday the energy shifts considerably and you are able to have a talk, make a decision, meet, or come to terms with the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or opponent in the mix. There is some excitement or a positive change that can come from this through legal channels, marketing, media, travel, foreign interests, ceremonies, or educational means. Luck is working for you on the career front as well or through those in authority.
Wednesday is the New Moon in Aquarius and a fresh start for you in the most intense part of your chart. You have two weeks to seed new beginnings in these areas or bring fresh approaches to bear that will then color the year ahead. Look at intimacy, sexual attractions or issues, reproduction, divorce, dealing with mortality issues around you, or in any of the outside financial resources contributing to/affecting your life such as loans, debt, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, or a partners finances. Talks or decisions today involving the partner, representative or competition are under positive stars for change and innovation through travel, media, legal, or educational matters. Venus is backing you through work you produce, health or pets and you should find women beneficial here or an ability to attract love or money through these interests.
Thursday Mercury enters Aquarius and opens up talks, writing, agreements, meetings, and deals in earnest over the divorce, high financial arrangements involving others or institutions, sexual attractions or issues, or reproductive matters. Saturn is lending solid support at home or around efforts you make relating to home, living situations, moves, mom/mother figures, family, real estate, or roommates.
Friday Venus moves into Capricorn and brings her attractive charms into your relationship arena. This is going to smooth out your partnerships both in marriage or business, help you to attract romantic partner or business partners if you are in the market for them, open up the flow more easily around money through agents, attorneys, or specialists, and smooth things out a bit with the competition. Powerful moments may shine through today especially if legal, media, publishing, educational, or travel matters are involved. The Sun/Mars conjunction is going to motivate you passionately/sexually with someone or spur you to take action on the financial or divorce matter with vigor.
LEO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Monday may be a bit of a somber or serious day as the Capricorn Moon squares Saturn in Libra. This brings up anything you need to attend to in the written word, with agreements, moves, short trips, talks, meetings, decisions, pitches, speaking engagements, or issues involving neighbors or siblings. You will want to look at how partners, agents, attorneys, or other serious one-on-one relationships are playing out here and if you need to commit more effort or end something. The focus may be about work, services you provide, co-workers, employees, health matters, or animals.
Tuesday the energy shifts considerably and you will hear news or have the talk or meeting about work, health or pets that should get things moving again. We are still in the dark of the Moon so there is still a wrapping up of the past here but the energy is supporting new approaches or change through outside financial resources, divorce or sexual attractions/issues. Expansion is positively aligned through travel, media, law, or education in relation to another person.
Wednesday is the New Moon in Aquarius and a huge new beginning for you in the year ahead starts today in relationships. This is about romantic, marriage or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, competitors, or opponents and what you do in the next two weeks to get the ball rolling, seed new ideas or agreements, and open up potential through innovative ideas or aims. Talks today are on work, health or pets and aligned positively to new energy around intimacy, sex, divorce, or high financial matters. Venus is backing you in matters of the heart, with lovers, kids, or creative projects, and attracting the love or money you desire here.
Thursday Mercury moves into Aquarius and you now have the energy of communication working for you to sign agreements, pitch ideas, write, meet, talk, hear news, make short trips, involve neighbors or siblings, in any partnerships, or to connect with agents, attorneys, or specialists and get it written up. Saturn is in harmonious angle to this to bring solid, long term energy to the written word, agreements, meetings, or talks with partners, representatives or competitors, again, short trips, siblings or neighbors may positively support here.
Friday Venus moves into Capricorn and helps you to attract the love or money through work you perform, services you launch, employees, co-workers, health matters, or involving pets or animal advocacy. You should see things smooth out here now and women come onto the scene that can benefit. There is powerful energy around shared connections in this financially or intimately so you may meet someone sexy while helping animals or walking the pet or at a health rally or in the work place. The Sun/Mars conjunction today is sparking passionate energy to motivate you with at least one relationship, action moves things forward.
VIRGO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Monday brings serious, sobering energy around income and a creative project, child or lover/love interest. It is an important day to put in the effort, look at limitations, get real about how the partner, agent, attorney, or other important relationship is balanced in the mix regarding the money being earned or spent and how this is affecting the creative effort, child or love. You are in the dark of the Moon so you need to think about wrapping things up through committing more or drawing lines in the sand.
Tuesday is the last dark of the Moon day and final wrapping up but under such different energy! Today you should be able to meet, talk, make decisions, write, come to agreements, or involve short trips, siblings or neighbors in or around the creative project, love/love interest, or child/child’s interest. There are positive and exciting energies at work for change or new ideas and innovations with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or advocate today in this so be open to what comes. You can expand through shared financial matters with banks or other individuals and this should make you feel better about the work, health or pet/animal matter going on.
Wednesday is the New Moon in Aquarius and a huge new beginning for you in the year ahead through any new work projects, approaches to work, service you want to provide others, co-workers or employees, brand you are developing, health matters or approaches, or involving pets or animal needs/advocacy. The internet, astrology, friends, groups, or aspirations will color this in positive ways as you use this next two week period to motivate in new areas here. Talks, agreements, ideas, writing, or meetings you have today about love, kids or creative ventures are under positive opportunity stars as well and should open exciting doors through partnership or representation. Venus is helping you at home or with real estate, foundations you are building upon, roommates, moves, or mom/mother figures today in support of the work, health or pets and attracting love or money here.
Thursday Mercury moves into this New Moon arena of Aquarius and officially brings the energy of contracts, writing, agreements, meetings, news, talks, ideas, or decisions into the mix for you so put it out there now. It’s a great few weeks to interview for jobs, pitch your services, sign agreements, ask for what you need on the job, write up what you have to offer others, make decisions about your health, meet over health or work matters, talk about animals or do more locally with any of these things. Short trips or interaction with neighbors or siblings should be in the mix here as well. Saturn is supporting something solid and long term through efforts today in all of these fields and the income tied to it.
Friday Venus is moving into Capricorn to officially kick off a smoother time in matters of the heart and through creativity. This is about true love, children and creative endeavors and the ability to more easily attract what you desire here as well as the placement where your charms will come into play and you will find money or love flowing more readily. Women benefit in these areas now as well. Something powerful is brewing today in at least one of these matters and involves shared experience, transformative moments and partners, agents, attorneys, or other important relationships. The Sun/Mars conjunction is going to motivate you to really dive into the work, health or pet matter with passion and energy.
LIBRA: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Monday is a serious day with sobering energy around what is going on with your own needs, body, image, or identity and the home, living situations, security you feel in your current situation, or something involving a property or real estate deal, roommate, mom/mother figure, or move. You need to really look at today and tomorrow as the dark of the Moon wrapping up period and how you are personally or physically partnering, representing, dealing with representatives, or competing with others in this. Do you need someone to help you sell your house, contribute to your household expenses, is the marriage or business partnership affecting home or living situations? Do you need to commit more of yourself in the situation or end something here?
Tuesday is the last dark of the Moon day and the energy shifts considerably with news or talks, decisions or meetings about the home, move, real estate deal, roommate, mom/mother figure, or security matter on the slate. You can open up dialogue or launch something new today through work and effort from home or towards property/living situations, or embark on something different involving health or animals here. Expansion comes through partners, representatives or opening up to those you were competing against and allowing love or creative energy to flow here.
Wednesday is the New Moon in Aquarius and a huge new beginning to your year in the area of true love, children or creative projects. You have two strong weeks to seed new opportunity in these areas and should put yourself out there to connect with friends, groups, social occasions, networking, or interact through the internet, astrology, or towards your dreams and aspirations. These fields will support your quest for true love, anything you are beginning with children or creative endeavors. Talks, decisions, agreements, or writing you do at home or over home or property matters today are under positive stars for work, health or pets and changes in the air. Venus, your ruler, is helping you today through what you sign, write, pitch, meet or talk about, or through your brother or sister and the creative project, child or love interest.
Thursday Mercury moves into Aquarius so you now have the messenger of the gods working on your behalf in this New Moon arena of true love, children and creative projects so you should focus in on meetings, contracts, talks, pitches, writing, agreements, short trips, or neighbors or siblings involvement, in what you are putting forward. Saturn is supporting you personally today if you step up and lead, take authority, shine your ambitions, and act responsibly.
Friday Venus, your ruler, moves into a new area and you will definitely feel the shift. This is the ambitious sign of Capricorn and the part of your chart the is in charge of home, moves, roommates, real estate deals, mom/mother figures, security needs, and nurturing. This should bring more ease here and help you to smooth things out, attract the love or money you need through or at home and today, there is powerful transformative energy at work on your behalf through the work you do here, any health matters tied to this or involvement with pets or animals. The Sun/Mars conjunction today is going to motivate you strongly on love, with kids or over creative endeavors, you have drive and passion, bring it.
SCORPIO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Monday brings serious energy as the Capricorn Moon squares Retrograde Saturn in Libra and you are asked to get real about something. It is the dark of the Moon so a wrapping up time and ambitions are going to feel stressed as you push to deal with something somewhat hidden or going on behind the scenes with a partner, representative or competitor. This may involve film, music or other artistic endeavors you have going on, a retreat or spiritual activity, something involving hospitals, prisons or other institutions, a clandestine romantic issue/attraction, hidden enemy, addiction, or something you are working very hard at behind the scenes in lieu of the other person in the mix. Feelings about the writing project, agreement, talk, news, meeting, pitch, speaking engagement/role, or decision will push you to ask the tough questions about this person and whether you can get more commitment, take more responsibility, or need to draw lines in the sand.
Tuesday the energy shifts considerably and you can now get through the lines of communication, make the decision, sign agreements, meet, have the talk, or decide about whatever yesterdays topic was for you. This is the final dark of the Moon day and there should be excitement or change in the air around the creative project, a lover/love interest or something involving a child. Expand through work efforts, health or pets/animal issues at home.
Wednesday is the New Moon in Aquarius and a huge new two week beginning in all matters tied to home, moves, roommates, family, mom/mother figures, real estate deals, or security needs. You need to really put in the effort and start new projects or seed new beginnings here that will stretch out and color the year ahead. Social interaction, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and your dreams and aspirations will lend to what you are putting into play. Today the talks or news you get, writing or agreements, is aligned in opportunity to something exciting in a creative field, with lovers or children and change is beneficial here. Venus is active around income for you as well today and stem from what you are inspired about at home or involving property, mom or roommates so open up the flow to earn money or spend in these areas.
Thursday Mercury moves into Aquarius and joins the New Moon energy to help you now come to agreements or make decisions about the home, at home, regarding real estate, mom, moves, or roommates. You may write something about this or from home that is important now, meet, talk, or involve neighbors or siblings in what is occurring. Again, social, internet or astrology tied to aspirations and home, new beginnings and writing or agreements, all interplaying in strong ways. Saturn is offering support through what you are working on behind closed doors or strategizing/utilizing imaginative processes towards now.
Friday Venus moves into Capricorn and will now officially begin to help you attract the love or money you need to writing projects, through agreements, in meetings or local neighborhood activities, through siblings or short trips, in talks or pitches, and with the ideas you have. It will help smooth things out here, bring your charm to your aid and women onto the scene who can benefit in these areas. There is something powerful at work today involving a creative project, child or lover/love interest and it is all good. The Sun/Mars conjunction is going to spurt you on to tackle something at home, with the move, roommate, real estate matter, or mom. It’s a very dynamic day.
SAGITTARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Monday is somewhat somber or serious as the Capricorn Moon squares Retrograde Saturn in Libra and you are asked to deal with responsibilities, limits, endings, commitments, or efforts involving a friend, group, social occasion, aspiration, the internet, astrology, or networking affair with an eye on the relationship involved. This could mean getting serious about a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor in the mix or reaching out to them to deal with handling what efforts are required here. Your feelings about the income being earned or spent will be in the mix as well.
Tuesday is the last dark of the Moon day of wrapping up and the energy shifts considerably. You can now have the talk, hear news, take the meeting, pitch the idea, write, sign the agreement, or make the decision about what you were dealing with yesterday and the income or spending. There is something exciting or changing at home, with real estate, a move, roommate, or mom/mother figure in the mix and it is opening up opportunity where earning or spending is concerned. Look for ways to expand through creative endeavors, kids or love.
Wednesday is the New Moon in Aquarius and a huge new start for you in all agreements, writing projects, speaking engagements, pitches, meetings, talks, short trips, or anything involving neighbors, moves, local activities, or brothers and sisters. You have two strong weeks to motivate and seed new ideas here that will color the year to come. Friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or dreams and aspirations may be tied into your new start as well. Talks or agreements today involving income or spending open up opportunity tied to home, moves or real estate and any changes or new ideas here. Venus is working through you as the love agent, charm producer or in attracting income and your best bet here is through the words you choose to express.
Thursday Mercury moves into the New Moon territory of communications and really brings the news, meetings, agreements, writing opportunities, talks, ideas, and any sibling or neighborhood action into the mix. You should really be asking for what you need, meeting, writing it up, or getting your ideas heard now. Saturn is offering solid, long term support involving a group, friend, aspiration, the internet, astrology, or social occasion today in the talk, meeting, agreement, writing, or decision.
Friday Venus moves into Capricorn and brings here ease of action into your income zone. This is going to help smooth out income issues, attract what you need through efforts you make through women, charm and beauty to earn money or influence what you spend on now. There is something powerful in the wind today around this and the home, roommate, move, mom/mother figure, or real estate deal with the potential to transform. The Sun/Mars conjunction is going to spur you to get out in the local scene and express your passions or make something happen. Your words will be much more dynamic as well today.
CAPRICORN: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Monday is a rather sobering or serious day as the dark of the Moon is asking for wrapping up and the square between Capricorn Moon and Retrograde Saturn (your ruler) in Libra is pushing for results involving others and the career or goal. It is about getting real and looking at partners, agents, attorneys, specialist, competitors, or other significant players who are in the balance where your goals or ambitions are concerned. Ask yourself if responsibility and effort is fair and equitable or if your career is in some way overwhelming your own needs. It’s a day to set limits, take on more or draw lines in the sand.
Tuesday is the last dark of the Moon wrap up day and the energy shifts considerably. Whatever you worked through yesterday now has a voice and you can make decisions, meet, have the talk, hear the news you were waiting on, sign the contracts, or make the short trip, connect with local matters or siblings. There is something in this that is exciting, shocking or changing but looks positive so be open to new ideas, places, situations, or people. You can expand in areas of home, real estate, moves, roommates, mom/mother figures, or family in ways that tie in positively to income or spending today.
Wednesday is the New Moon in your income zone and a huge new beginning for your year ahead in this area. You have two strong weeks to seed new ventures or ideas, introduce new ideas into the mix, or involve friends, groups, networking, astrology, the internet, or your biggest dreams and aspirations to create more income, spend on something that will be profitable, or get a new opportunity involving a major possession in question. Talks, writing, agreements, meetings, or short trips and siblings figure positively into what is possible again. Venus is active behind the scenes for you today so you may see that love or money is flowing through your ability to utilize the imagination, research, investigations, secrets, clandestine affairs, the arts, spiritual pursuits, or work you do behind closed doors.
Thursday Mercury moves into Aquarius and brings his information and communication energy to the New Moon arena for you with income. This means that you now have what you need to make the pitch, sign the documents, write it up, speak about it, meet, make the short trip, involve the sibling or neighbor, or move. Saturn is supporting solid career efforts and ambitions in this today and links into long term income potential through efforts made.
Friday Venus moves into your sign and you should feel it as an easement of pretty much everything you have been dealing with. She is going to help you smooth out rough edges, spend on your body, image, identity, or personal needs, attract love more easily through charm and beauty, and bring a more cooperative flow between you and other women. There is something very powerful going on today that can transform you through talks, meetings, decisions, agreements, or ideas you have about what you desire for yourself, body, image, or identity. The Sun/Mars conjunction is going to gear you up to pursue the income with passion today or to spend on yourself, most likely involving something for the passions, surgery or men.
AQUARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Monday is a serious day in the dark of the Moon and a wrapping up stage along with a square between the Capricorn Moon and Retrograde Saturn in Libra. This means that you need to look at how a partner, representative or competitor is playing into the travel, legal, media, publishing, marketing, educational, or ceremonial part of your life and what is going on behind closed doors, in hiding, through fantasy or research, artistic matters or spiritual issues, clandestine affairs or retreat, that is affecting results. Can you commit to this, are they, does a line need to be drawn in the sand, or more responsibility and ambition brought forth?
Tuesday is the last dark of the Moon wrapping up day and the energy shifts greatly to open up news, talks, agreements, or decisions around that hidden, clandestine, mystical, artistic, spiritual, addictive, hospital, romantic, or secret matter. There is something in this that can change things around the money you earn or spend or there may be a possession in question such as a ring or home that gets some new energy today and affects money for you. Expand through agreements, writing, talks, meetings, short trips, siblings, or neighbors towards your personal agenda.
Wednesday is the New Moon in your sign and a huge new beginning for the year ahead around you, your body, image, needs, identity, or ego. It’s a time to seed a fresh starts, take the first steps towards the new you, open up through friends, groups, astrology, the internet, and your greatest dreams and aspirations towards reinventing yourself and putting your personal agenda forward. You may again talk about the secret, affair, research, spiritual pursuit, romantic need, artistic outlet, addiction, or hospital matter to open up doors to earn or spend in new ways. Venus is active through the friends, groups, social occasions, networking, internet, astrology, or aspirations so you can attract love or money here or find women who are beneficial to these areas.
Thursday Mercury moves into Aquarius and communications open up in the New Moon arena of what you need, your body, image, ego, or identity. This means you now can ask for what you want, write about yourself, sign agreements that are aimed at your personal needs or to benefit your body or image, and take speaking assignments or roles, interact with siblings or neighbors towards your ends, and solidify something legal, media or marketing related, or tied to travel, or education under positive stars.
Friday Venus moves into Capricorn and begins a few week period where love will be best expressed in secret or privately, in fantasy realms or when you decide to retreat from love. It will also be a time when you can attract income through artistic projects, research, spiritual pursuits, hospitals or other institutions, investigations, or work you do behind closed doors. You may spend in these areas as well or find you are strategizing with a woman on something you are developing. There is something powerful going on here that can open up doors to spending or income. The Sun/Mars conjunction is going to motivate you physically, passionately or angrily today to take action.
PISCES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email if out of the country zoemoonastrology@gmail.com)
Monday is a rather sobering day as the Capricorn Moon squares Retrograde Saturn in Libra and emotions about a friend, group or aspiration will come face to face with what is ending, demanding more effort, work, responsibility, commitment, or balancing with a death, divorce, sexual attraction or issue, reproductive matter, or loan, settlement, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance issue, alimony or child support payment, commission, royalty, or other outside financial resource. You need to get real, take on more, draw a line in the sand, end something, or make some decisions about the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor in the mix.
Tuesday is the last dark of the Moon day and wrap up with a very big energy shift that will help you to talk to or for the friend, group, social occasion, networking matter, aspiration, internet, or astrology topic. It could mean talks, agreements, decisions, news, meetings, writing, short trips, or ideas involving this and something new on the cards for you. Expand through income you can earn or what you are spending it on tied to the hospital, retreat, dealing with the addiction, a film, music project or other artistic outlet, spiritual matter, research project, or clandestine affair.
Wednesday is the New Moon in Aquarius and a whole new beginning for you if you seed new starts or ideas in the next two weeks in areas of research, retreat, with institutions such as hospitals, in artistic outlets such as film, music, painting, or poetry, through spiritual pursuits or psychic abilities, investigations, secrets, clandestine affairs, or work you do behind the scenes. Your friends, groups, astrology, the internet, or aspirations may color this for you. A talk, agreement, news, or writing you do today involving the friend, group, internet, or aspiration should open up something new and exciting for you. Venus is active through career, authority figures, dad, ambitions, and fame today so women are beneficial for you here and love or money may flow here as well.
Thursday Mercury moves into the New Moon arena bringing the potential for signed contracts, writing projects, meetings or talks, decisions, short trips, siblings interactions, ideas, or news that is tied to that film, music or other artistic outlet, spiritual pursuit, retreat, hospital or other institutional matter, research, investigation, secret, clandestine affair, or work you are doing behind the scenes. There is something solid and long term in this today through major financial matters, intimacy or sexual matters, reproduction, divorce, or dealing with mortality issues.
Friday Venus moves into Capricorn and smoothes things out with friends, social occasions, group affiliations, charities, foundations, astrology, the internet, networking, and your greatest dreams and aspirations for your life. This may bring a woman onto the scene who can benefit you in these areas or you may find that you can now attract love or money through these realms more easily. Beauty and charm play out here as well. Something powerful is in the mix in this today for you and could have you feeling like you have transformed in some way or reached a financial peak through these arenas. The Sun/Mars conjunction will get you charged up and active over the hospital, institution, research, retreat, artistic opportunity, spiritual agenda, or clandestine affair, you bring the passion and energy here.
Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Sky Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
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