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It would seem that October is going to gear us up in relationship and ask us to get serious about the balance we feel in these most significant connections. It will as well be taking us into the deepest realms of shared experience where we will connect intimately, make decisions about sexual matters, reproductive issues, divorce, and the way our finances are being handled.
Mercury moves into Libra on the 3rd making us finally ready to have the talk, sign the papers, or perhaps meet over something important with a marriage or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. Try to wait until the New Moon on the 7th to launch on what you decide. Mars and Venus are meeting on the same degree today so you should find that the passion or action is coming together intimately, sexually, over the divorce issue, or around the financial situation.
On Thursday the 7th, we have a New Moon in Libra. This is a wonderful time of the year to recommit to your partner, renew your vows, propose, sign the papers to go into partnership or approach someone about it, or to meet someone who could be partnership material. If you have your eye on someone already, you will now feel as though you can make a move. It’s a two week window you want to utilize for fresh starts with partners, representatives or competition.
Venus is going to Retrograde this month on the 8th and she will be backtracking from Scorpio into Libra from now through November 18th. She is giving us all an inordinately long time in areas that Scorpio rules because of this Retrograde in hopes that we find ways to open up our hearts through focusing here. This area rules sex, reproduction, intimacy, divorce, power, death, transformation, loans, investments, insurance, taxes, settlements, alimony, child support, bankruptcy, debt, and any other outside resource. Because she will dip back into Libra during this Retrograde next month, someone significant is going to be involved such as a partner, agent, attorney, or specialist.
Venus Retrograde may bring a past love into your life to look at connecting or issues you have left unfinished. You may need to gain more insight into this or you could see a current love interest exit during this period. Venus rules women and money as well so you will be backtracking over these energies as well and redoing anything you need to so that you can move forward within a new paradigm late November. On the same day that Venus Retrogrades, Mercury and Saturn will sit the same degree in Libra. This means there will be a serious decision or meeting, talk or agreement that involves a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor tied into the theme of this Venus Retrograde. It is the kind of day that what you say or decide commits you or ends something in a pretty final or solid way so think about how you are entering this day.
Mercury will enter Scorpio on the 20th and our thoughts will turn from the partnership itself or the representative or competition to shared experience, sex, divorce, or high-financial matters. This will be the time to sign contracts in these areas, to meet up, connect, share ideas or have deeply profound or steamy talks. On this same day, Mars is in harmonious alignment to Jupiter so passions or actions in these areas will take on an expansive and lucky flavor behind closed doors, through artistic outlets, clandestine love, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, or research.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is the second Full Moon in Aries for us and you can bet that it is going to be quite the big day for most people. This is bringing something you want for yourself to a peak, your body, image, identity, or a personal goal could be reaching new heights as something is achieved or you could be ending one way of being known, or a look you have had for a long while. The day is loaded as Mars squares Neptune and passions or actions are triggered in very deep ways around an artistic, romantic or spiritual desire or something pertaining to hospitals, research or addictions. The sexual, divorce and financial zones are involved alongside a friendship, social occasion or group. If this isn’t enough, Mercury sextiles Pluto today offering us an opportunity to meet, talk or come to terms over the sexual attraction, divorce or major financial matter and reach a goal or get closer, (bosses, reputation or career may factor in).
The Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd for a 30 day tour that illuminates the darkest and deepest parts of our lives. It is a time of power, sexuality, major transformations, triangles, high finance, reproductive issues, and getting beneath the surface in matters. Each sign will handle this through different arenas as you will read below but this will be how you are forging through these areas.
Mars moves into Sagittarius on the 28th and our passions, our actions, our anger and courage will play out in this wide open and generous sign. We will now feel like we can act on travel plans, with people far away, through media, publishing, marketing, and publicity matters, in taking or teaching a class, through legal channels and ceremonies. People will be more passionate or aggressive about their belief systems during this time period as well. If you have had something big that you have wanted to do to open up your mind or your life, this is the time to dive in.
ARIES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
This month for you is powerful, Aries, with major connections coming into your life or exiting and more depth in the bond or an ability to sever ties. It is highly charged sexually or could have you marching in for divorce papers, it can help you to really get a new handle on the financial situation or deal with reproductive issues. If you need an agent or attorney or want to consult a specialist, this month will bode well.
Mercury moves into your partnership zone on the 3rd and you will want to have a talk, meet about something or sign agreements now through the 19th that involve marriage or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. Venus and Mars are meeting today and that is passionate or angry, but a great motivator sexually, financially or in dealing with divorce.
The New Moon on the 7th is in your house of relationship. You have two strong weeks to open up and begin something new with a marriage or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor or to approach this significant person in a new way. If you are seeking representation go for it now. Someone you meet now, if single, could prove to be marriage potential. You may see something brand new begin for your partner at this time as well.
Venus Retrogrades on the 8th and will be taking you back into the past retracing steps with a woman or a love interest that had an effect on you through divorce, sexual attraction/intimacy, dealing with a death, reproductive issues, or major financial matters. You could see a woman enter or exit the scene in these issues now or find that what comes up for you is about ‘your’ money verses ‘our’ or ‘their’ money. It is a period when you will be revisiting and reconnecting with anything still outstanding here so if you are owed past money, any back taxes, insurance claims, settlements, unpaid child support or alimony, inheritance, or if you have loose strings around a bankruptcy, divorce, or joint financial situation, this is the time to revisit it and settle things. It seems some of you will be reconnecting with the ‘ex’ to contend with finances or rekindle a flame. Mercury and Saturn meet to make for a very serious commit or end type of scenario in talks or agreements with a partner, agent, attorney, or specialist today so this will color your experience of this time period. Age differences prevail.
Mercury moves into Scorpio on the 20th and you will now be ready to think about, meet, talk, make decisions, or come to terms over sex, reproduction, divorce, a death, or loans, debt, insurance, taxes, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, or any other outside money or resource in the picture. Talks will be deep now and you won’t be satisfied with glib ideas or shallow meetings. If you need to pursue a loan or other source of money this gives you the ability to state your case in a way to influence others. Your ruler Mars, meets Jupiter today which is lucky for you in all these areas and what you do behind closed doors.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is the second in two months that has occurred in your sign. This again is a big moment for you as something peaks involving who you are, your image, your identity (married, single, doctor, or some other identifier), or with your physical body. It’s a time of celebration as something is achieved here or it is an ending as you wrap up one way of styling your image, way with your body or identity. Mars, your ruler, is a bit frictional today and is taking on Neptune in your house of friends, groups or aspirations. This may add to the day with a push, motivation or anger being dealt with over power, finances, divorce, or intimacy. Mercury is talking to Pluto in the best possible way to reach a goal or open doors toward that goal for you financially, sexually or in the divorce. Some of you may hear news or find a good way to ask about the finances that better your career position.
The Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd and illuminates your house of sex, divorce and major financial matters for the next 30 days. This is where your vital energy will best be utilized as you shine in your ability to handle or deal with loans, debt, insurance, taxes, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, or any outside financial matter, as well as finding you are quite the attractive one to others now sexually. It is definitely a time for you to connect with someone sexy if you are interested so get out there or if you are in relationship this will amp up the appeal. If you are in the middle of dealing with a divorce this time will help you be seen for your needs and get through it.
Your ruler, Mars, changes signs on the 28th, moving out of the depths of Scorpio and into the fellow fire sign of Sagittarius. This begins an excellent time for you to get on a media or publishing matter and really move things along, to get yourself back to school to take classes or teach them, and to get your energy amped up to fight for anything important to you legally, or to travel. You may be going to a ceremony over the next few weeks or getting quite passionate about your beliefs with someone. Since Mars is your ruler and rules passions, you may connect with someone through these realms as well.
TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
The month is going to have two strong focuses for you Taurus. First you will want to get busy at work, landing work, offering your services, tackling health matters and dealing with animal issues as energy pours through these areas. Second and even more significantly, you will want to get in there with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors and really shift some things in a big way through one or more of these significant relationships.
Mercury will move into Libra on the 3rd and help you to ask for what you need at work or with work piling up in other situations, it is a good time to interview or audition, the writer in you is favored at this time, you should also see your mind move to health matters, sign contracts at gyms or decide to take up a new approach to health. Lastly, it is also a great time to think about adopting an animal or make decisions about pets. You have a few weeks to open up in these areas. Think about what you want and try to wait for the New Moon on the 7th to act. Venus and Mars are meeting today in deep waters activating your significant relationships so you may want to share passion or love with a romantic partner or take action with an agent, business partner, attorney, or specialist.
The New Moon on the 7th is opening up two strong weeks for you to launch in the same Mercury arena so look at fresh starts with work. If you aren’t happy where you are this is the time to look, if you want to introduce new approaches, ditto. You are the sign with universal energy behind you in this area so step it up now. Health is part of this New Moon so if you want to get the best beginning, visit the local gyms on the 3rd and start now. It’s also a great time to start a healthier way of living, to see a doctor, start a diet, or bring the pet home from the pound.
Venus Retrogrades on the 8th and will remain in backwards motion through November 18th. This is always significant for you since Venus rules your sign. This means you will be backtracking in very profound or deeply connected ways with a romantic or business partner, representative, specialist, or competitor. Venus rules you so you may be the one going back to reconnect with someone from your past or feel like taking a break from a current situation. It’s about slowing down or revisiting past issues, matters of the heart, money, or value issues to see if you need to pick something back up and find a way to take it forward. It will help you see if you are supposed to release something current or if you can find ways to be with this person or without them that is more aligned to who you really are now. Mercury conjuncts Saturn today so there seems to be a serious talk, decision or agreement about work, health or pets involved. It’s a commit or end kind of moment.
Mercury moves into Scorpio on the 20th and meetings over the next few weeks will open up now along with important talks and agreements over this same area of romantic or business partnership, representatives, specialists, or competition. If you have to meet, talk, pitch an idea, win someone over to your side or sign papers, now is the time. Mars and Jupiter align today in a lovely angle so you can be sure that the actions you take on these relationships or the actions they take will promote something big and expansive on the social level, with a group, friend, or involving an aspiration being opened up.
The Full Moon in Aries on the 22nd is the second one in a row in this sign and it is bringing another level of peak experience or emotion around something involving retreat, hidden agendas, strategies, hospitals, prisons, addictions, film, fantasy, music, art, spiritual outlets, research, or investigations. Your partner or representative may not act as fast or in the way that you wish today but if you talk to them you will understand what they have in mind is best legally, or regarding the media, education, or travel.
The Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd and will now put you in the spotlight with serious one-on-one relationships over the course of the next 30 days. This is the area you shine and you should pour your vital energy here. If you are single you may attract the attention of someone powerful now. Getting to the deeper levels of intimacy, bonding over finances or teaming up to increase them is favored. If you are separating, this time will help you to get your needs into the divorce proceedings.
Mars moves into Sagittarius on the 28th bringing the planet of passion into the sign of expansion and your house of sex, divorce and high-finance over the next few weeks. You will have plenty of energy and drive to go after what you want or to work through any anger in these areas. Passion will find you more readily, you may find you feel like fighting over money or what is happening in the divorce, and if you can travel for a passionate reunion or escape, you should.
GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
October is gearing up to be a month about balance for you as two important areas of life are vying for your attention. On the one hand you will have more energy pouring into the sixth house of work, health and pets so you will need to summon energy to tackle the tasks at hand in these arenas. On the other hand, your fifth house is being equally highlighted bringing you all kinds of energy around affairs of the heart, true love, children, and creative projects.
Mercury will begin by moving into your love and creativity zone on the 3rd, opening up talks, meetings, and agreements between you and someone significant over the next few weeks. It there is something to say, you will now have the words, if you need to talk to a child or with someone about your creative endeavor, lines of communication are now open. This is a great indicator for meeting someone attractive in your local scene as well. Venus and Mars connect today sparking passion, love or motivating forces over money at work, with co-workers, around health or while out doing something healthy, or involving pets. Who knows who you might run into today while walking the dog!
The New Moon in Libra on the 7th is opening the same arena for you but with a fresh start for your year in the areas of true love, children and creative ventures. You want to use this energy to plant seeds with any creative ideas you have now over the next two weeks. You may decide to have a child or adopt or you may want to get involved with something that benefits kids. You may fall madly in love or find some new way to share in the experience of love. It’s up to you to be proactive and get out there on these fronts.
Venus Retrogrades on the 8th and will backtrack until November 18th so you can slow down and revisit anything having to do with income and the work you do, your health or a pet situation. The way love is manifesting in your life may be traced to something going on here so look closely at anyone you may have an attraction for from the past at work, at the gym or doctors, or who you run into out with the animals, you get the picture. Also look at if your health or work are taxing too much of your time away from the joys in life. You may have a woman exit now who is involved with work, health or animals or you may see one from the past return. Mercury and Saturn conjunct today to bring a serious talk, meeting or decision about a creative project, love interest or child, it’s about committing to the effort or ending something.
Mercury enters Scorpio on the 20th taking thoughts and decisions off of the lovers, children and creative ventures and putting them on the work situations, health matters and animals over the next few weeks. This is a great time to negotiate raises, to interview or to deal with anything that has been bothering you at work through letters, meetings or talks. You may sign a contract on a new job now or hear news of interesting work. Schedule health matters now, sign up for the gym you visited, or make decisions about healthy living. You may hear news about a pet or decide to sign for one as well. Mars and Jupiter align to bring you much luck on the career front from action you take today.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is the second of two we will be having in Aries this year. This is going to be bringing something to a huge peak for you with a friend, a group, an associate, or through networking, a social event, or around an aspiration of yours. It is a time to think about yourself and to celebrate what is culminating here or to end what has run its course. Energy is stimulated at work, with health or pets again today in this and although a trip, legal, educational, or media matter seems to be out of sync, you can make progress by talking about it or negotiating for the financial outcome you want.
The Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd and illuminates your position at work, throws a spotlight on your healthy body or what you are doing to get there, and amps up the light around your connection with animals. This is where you will best exert your vital energy over the next 30 days and be recognized for your efforts. If you need to look for new work this time period helps you to stand out above the crowd.
Mars moves into Sagittarius on the 28th and brings passion, anger, action, and motivation into the partnership arena. This will give you lots of energy to passionately express yourself with a romantic partner, to motivate with a business partner or go after the partnership you want for your business. It will also help you to fight for your rights through an attorney, to make things happen with an agent and to get things in gear with a specialist. These people will all be dynamic in your life now so if you need to connect, do so and if there is anything that needs to come out and be dealt with, this Mars energy will help you to release it.
CANCER: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
October is shaping up to put the focus on the roots of life and what or who you love so expect your home life, a move, real estate deal, mom/mother figure, family, as well as your creative projects, lovers or love interests, and children to be where you spend most of your energy.
Mercury will move into Libra on the 3rd and bring your thinking to your home situation. You may decide to sign contracts on a home or do a remodel, there could be talks about retirement, elderly parents, decisions about who you are living with or where you want to live, you may meet with contractors or hear news about something going on in the home that needs attending, whatever pops up think about it and see if you can time doing anything about it until the New Moon here on the 7th. Venus and Mars are meeting today in your house of true love, kids and creative projects so sparks will fly, you may meet someone attractive if single and you may find lots of energy to do things with the kids or on the creative outlet.
The New Moon on the 7th is opening up a two week corridor for you to initiate something new at home, with real estate, moves, family, roommates, mom/mother figures, or around something related to security needs. Remember that New Moon energy in this area happens once a year and you now have positive flow from the universe to seed fresh starts.
Venus will Retrograde on the 8th in your house of true love, children and creative projects. Venus will be backing up from now through November 18th giving you a chance to reconnect with the past love interest or look at something past that is an issue with a current love, go back and deal with something from the past involving a child or to go back into the creative endeavor or pick one back up that you let go a while back and see if there is anything still there. Venus rules women, love and income so you may see a woman from the past return or a current woman take her leave, you may want to look into the past for love or to see what went wrong or how you have grown, some will rekindle old relationships while others will balance past matters therein. Mercury and Saturn meet by degree today so expect a serious decision or talk, meeting or news to affect the home.
Mercury changes signs again, entering now into the lovers, children and creative part of your chart for the next few weeks. Now the meetings begin so if you are single, get out there and connect. You can have the talks, sign agreements over creative outlets or for your loved ones, decisions will now focus on what you love, who you love and how you are expressing creative potential. If you need to pitch a creative idea or writing project, time it for today. The contact between Mars and Jupiter bodes extremely well for whisking a lover or child off on a happy trip, for expanding in a protected way through legal channels, for doing something with your child at school, or for any media or publishing matters and your creative outlets.
The Full Moon in Aries on the 22nd is the second one in the most exalted position in your chart, at your Midheaven. This is a rare time for you to really see your ambitions come to fruition. You may achieve some great thing on the career front, be recognized for achievement, find fame, or in some way see your goals reach a climactic moment now. This is a time of celebration or endings so if a career matter ends now it is time. Your house of true love, children and creative projects is activated today as well so you will feel passionate, angry or motivated to move things forward. There is someone you can connect with for support through partnership, representation or specialization that looks pretty powerful.
The Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd and illuminates your position in love, with kids or in a creative endeavor over the next 30 days. You will find that others take notice of you now regarding these topics and you will feel like pouring vital energy into the expression of your love nature, joy in children and creative output.
Mars moves into Sagittarius on the 28th to bring all kinds of motivating forces behind your work, going after more work, heating things up with co-workers or employees, bringing passion for health and working out, the motivation to start a healthy regime or diet, and lots of energy for your animals or the environment in the weeks ahead.
LEO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
I hope you feel like sharing your ideas because October is preparing to give you lots of opportunities to talk, meet with people, take short trips, connect with brothers or sisters, write, move, or connect with neighbors. It is also bringing focus on your home, who you live with, and connections with mom/mother figures.
Mercury will kick this off on the 3rd as he moves into Libra and your third house of communications. News begins to flow as do talks, meetings, agreements, and decisions. Focus on the ideas you are getting now, the New Moon on the 7th is in this area and you will have great energy behind them to start fresh then. Venus and Mars meet today on the same degree in your home base so passions, love, motivating forces, or money are coming together at home, in moves, with family, or with mom/mother figures.
The New Moon on the 7th opens up your communications and for two weeks you have the best time of the year to pitch ideas, write or submit writing, sign agreements, take meetings, set up short trips, start something new with a brother or sister, move, get involved in the neighborhood or kick something off with a neighbor.
Venus is going to Retrograde from October 8th – November 18th and take you over past territory around home themes. This means you could be going back to a childhood home, revisiting mom or something from the past tied to her, there could be something about your current home or roommate situation that you need to backtrack over or with a contractor, interior designer or real estate person. Love or money will be what you are interested in here and a woman may be returning during this transit that you lived with or who was vital to the property, while a current female may take their leave. Mercury and Saturn connect on the same degree to trigger a very serious decision or talk, agreement or news that will be in place for a long time.
Mercury moves into Scorpio on the 20th and opens up talks about the home, move, roommate situation, real estate matter, mom/mother figure, and security issues over the course of the next few weeks. You will now want to dig deep in these areas and make powerful choices through contracts, talks, meetings, or agreements. Mars and Jupiter are dancing today so there is wonderful energy behind making something happen regarding the home or property through some financial route, divorce or connecting with someone intimately there.
The Full Moon in Aries on the 22nd is bringing a culmination around a trip, higher education, legal matter, or media venture. This is the second of two Full Moons in this area so you may already have a feel for what is hitting its stride or wrapping up. If you were trying to achieve a goal in one of these areas and it didn’t happen at the last one, this one should bring it home. You may see a celebration as you achieve something at college, win your case, wrap up the broadcasting project or your book comes out through the publishers, or a trip may finally reach its zenith. This is also a time of endings in these areas. Home matters will play into the day with action and talks, a bit of confusion or nostalgia over a partner or representative but positive opportunity to transform through work, health or pet matters there.
The Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd and illuminates your home for the next 30 days. This puts you in the spotlight in all things real estate related, with moves, mom, family, renovations, remodels, interior design, and it is a great time to entertain at home or share yourself with those closest here. If you need to attract attention to any of these areas, you stand out now.
Mars moves into Sagittarius on the 28th and kick starts creative projects, anything involving kids and your passions for love. This is the house of true love so you will feel the heat now with someone close or if you are single you will want to go out and find someone now. A younger lover may be entering the picture during this transit. Anger can kick up here as well so watch tempers with kids and use this time to drive the creative venture forward or do things with the ones you love.
VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
October is going to focus in on making money and your communications field so expect to be working on the writing, interviewing, auditioning, negotiating, holding meetings, having talks, coming to agreements, making decisions, running about a lot in the local environment, interacting more with brothers, sisters or neighbors, and sharing ideas along with earning the income or spending it.
Your ruler, Mercury, will kick start this by moving into your income zone on the 3rd. This is your time to talk, take meetings, interview, or sign contracts that will affect your earnings. If you are out of work, put your resume together now and head out under the New Moon on the 7th that is in this same arena and will help support fresh beginnings. If you want to ask for a raise or renegotiate your contract this energy will help you to do it. This may spark the idea to partner with a brother or sister on something or with a neighbor as well. The only down side is potential for open antagonism between you and a neighbor or sibling. Venus and Mars come together today to energize and bring action to romantic or monetary matters locally or through these talks or agreements so if single, declare your affections or get out and meet someone attractive at the local haunt.
The New Moon on the 7th is giving you two strong weeks to implement fresh starts where income is concerned. So whatever you have been thinking about the last few days, now you have a major boost from the universe to go after it. You may decide to spend on something important or to make money from a possession you already own.
Venus Retrogrades on the 8th through November 18th so you will be backtracking with women, through love or with income in the area of writing, talks, meetings, agreements, local activities, short trips, neighbors/neighborhood, or siblings. This means that you may feel during this time like changing your mind about a past love or money matter or you will want to go back into the past to reconnect with a woman who was pivotal to a writing project or agreement, perhaps someone from the old neighborhood. You may be dealing with a sister’s past issues or something regarding a brother’s connection to a money, love or female interest. If an old writing project or song you’ve written could earn you money now, pull it back up and dust it off. You may run into a past love interest while out and about in the local scene or feel like calling them or writing them, at the same time a current female may leave your orbit. Mercury, (your ruler), and Saturn conjunct today making news, agreements or decisions about income very serious. What is decided will be in place for a long while so consider this as entering talks or meetings.
Mercury moves again on the 20th heading into the depths of Scorpio and your communications zone. Your thoughts turn from money to weightier subject matters and you may find you are discussing, writing or meeting about sexual intimacy, divorce or outside resources such as loans, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, or any other shared resource. If you need to sign agreements in these areas this will be the time they come up. Mars meets Jupiter today in a very beneficial angle for partners, agents, attorneys, or other representatives so be proactive in talks and active in meetings with them.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is the second of two in Aries. This has given you two peak experiences in the area of high finance, divorce and sexual attractions. You may be celebrating the loan coming through, a settlement that reaches you, an inheritance that is settled, an insurance payout, tax resolution, alimony payout, a bankruptcy settled, the divorce decree is finalized or the person you have been courting is ready to take things to the next level with you or someone you are connected already in this intimate way is leaving now. If you have reproductive or sexual issues you may see some breakthrough now. It’s a time of celebration and endings in all of these shared areas. Communications are amped up today with passions running high over work, health or pet matters but there seems to be a good opportunity in talks over love, creative endeavors or kids.
The Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd illuminating you in your talks, writing, agreements, meetings, with siblings, neighbors, and short trips for the next 30 days. Take advantage of this time to be seen and ask for what you need since others will take notice now.
Mars moves into your home base on the 28th. This is the energy of action so expect to expend a lot of energy at home, with moves, renovations, real estate deals, or with family or mom/mother figures now. A younger male may be moving in or out of the home at this time or have some influence here and you will find that passion or anger flairs up there as well.
LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
October really breaks down fairly simply for you Libra, it is about you and money. More specifically, it’s about your needs, your body, your image, your identity, and what you are doing to make or spend money. A possession may come into question regarding its value to you and you will really want to focus on who you are and how what you do for a living is fitting into that emerging picture.
Mercury enters your sign on the 3rd opening October with all kinds of calls, meetings, invitations, agreements, writing projects, short trips, and interaction in local arenas or with siblings about you. You will be physically involved or your ideas or needs will be so think about what you want to say or ask for now. Venus and Mars meet up in your income house today so this could be a literal meeting between male and female over money or you could find lots of added spark happening around motivating impulses to get out there and earn.
The New Moon on the 7th is in your sign. What you hear or think about on the 3rd is now ready to be set into action. This is your time of the year to come out fighting, or with Venus as your ruler, come out loving! It’s a great two week period when the energy is behind what you begin physically or with image or identity as well as finding ways to have your needs met. Believe in yourself right now.
Venus Retrogrades on the 8th in your income zone and will be backtracking between now and November 18th letting you revisit past love interests, money making opportunities, women, or art related/beauty topics to see if something can be rekindled monetarily. You may see money owed you from a woman appear now or something you had considered before with her to bring in money reappear, or a current income making position slow or exit. The idea behind this time is to get you closer to earning through what you love, get serious about this and you should do better during this transit.
Mercury moves into Scorpio on the 20th moving the energy behind talks, meetings, writing, and agreements into your earning zone. The next few weeks are a great time to interview, pitch income making ideas, audition, or hit the pavement locally to find ways to make money. If you need to ask for a raise do it now. This is when you may need to make a decision about a possession of yours in question and if so it will have to do with your financial picture or values and involve a third party. You may hear news about a money making opportunity now as well and if you do, you should jump. Mars and Jupiter are getting together today to bring action and luck behind what you do to make money through any work effort you extend, healthy choices you make or in dealing with animals. This could open up wide so see if you can take on more work. If getting in shape can help you earn more or if you could make money caring for pets or at a pet center, adoption agency, etc, this looks good as well.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is in Aries and your partnership zone. This is the second of two of these Full Moons in Aries so you may have an idea from last month about what is peaking. Both bring something to a celebratory level or ending with an important relationship, this can be a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. You may be seeing successes come through with the partnership, take your marriage vows or celebrate an anniversary or milestone together, toast to something an attorney or agent brings through for you, or find a way to finally end a competition. Some relationships will end at this time as they run their course. Again, income is important in what is happening now and you will feel like pushing on the creative front or with a loved one as you deal with this. Decisions should be made about home to help the situation.
The Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd to illuminate you and your connection to making or spending money now for the next 30 days. This puts you in a spotlight position here so if you need to be seen to make it happen, get it in gear. Your image seems to be related to the money you can make or you need to physically get out there and make the money… so again, make part of the month about taking care of yourself. You have a lot of power behind you now so go for it.
Mars moves into Sagittarius on the 28th bringing action and motivating forces behind words, agreements, writing, ideas, meetings, short trips, and between siblings or neighbors. Passion and anger along with all kinds of energy are going to play out in these fields so bring your mojo to what you want to say and watch your heat in discussions, your ideas are on fire and you will want others to know this.
SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Scorpio you are in your element this month as the energy will be swirling around you and what you want. This is your time to shine, tackle body or image issues, stand out for what you do or attract through identity. The month is not only going to focus here but there is going to be a powerful influence going on that is unseen, hidden, behind closed doors, and this could involve retreat and strategy, spiritual pursuits, any of the arts from film to music, clandestine romance, research or investigations, or dealing with hospitals, addictions or self-sabotaging.
Mercury kicks things off by moving into Libra on the third and taking important talks, meetings, and agreements behind closed doors. You have the next few weeks to connect with people privately, to develop artistic work, film, music, art, or to write about spiritual or clandestine affairs, meet to share love privately, make decisions or sign agreements with institutions like hospitals, think about addictions, or escapism, and delve into research. Wait until the New Moon to launch fresh ideas here on the 7th. Venus and Mars meet today to stir up the passion, anger or motivating forces for you personally. This could get you going physically in connection with a love interest or money matter.
The New Moon on the 7th is the once a year open door for new beginnings in your hidden retreat and resting area of the chart. This is a fresh start on the mystic, the muse, clandestine romances, what is going on underneath the surface behind closed doors, the spiritual pursuit, dealing with a hospital or other institution, research, investigation, strategy, film, music or other art project. You have two strong weeks to initiate here.
Venus Retrogrades on the 8th in your sign and will not go Direct again until November 18th. This is a long time to backtrack and/or slow down so there must be an important reason for it. You are the one who is going to be revisiting the past and with Venus in the picture it will be for love, money, women, or something art/beauty related. You may want to go back to a past lover and see if there is something still there, revisit a past piece of art you had your eye on, get into a way of earning money you did before, or if you have had any beauty treatments or surgeries in the past you may be going in for follow-ups now. This is NOT a good period to schedule any new cosmetic procedures, you want to wait until after November 18th. Your identity (name) may be in this Retrograde as well so you may be returning to a past name during this transit due to love or money matters or revisiting places or people who see you as the person you were in the past. Mercury sits with Saturn today in the hidden arena so something said, decided or met over is serious and long term.
Mercury enters your sign on the 20th and now talks, meetings, agreements, and invitations will be amping up your way. This is a time when you become very popular, hear from or connect with lots of people, write or connect over who you are in writing, and it’s also about agreements or activities locally that feature you in some way. You may be offered a contract based on your identity now or sign one to change it. Decisions made about your body are favored as well. Mars and Jupiter are dancing together today as well which kicks up positive action around the actions you take and passions you express with lovers, children or in creative endeavors featuring you.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is the second in Aries and it will bring a peak moment around work you have done, an achievement here or recognition, an end to one form of work, something big culminating or ending with a co-worker or employee, an achievement or climax with a health matter, or something big happening with a pet. This is a time of celebration or endings in these areas. There will be a lot of energy around you and what you are doing today with something artistic, romantic or spiritual happening at home and in a powerful opportunity to communicate, write, sign agreements, or share ideas.
The Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd giving it’s life enhancing rays to you for the next 30 days. This puts you in the spotlight in almost anything you wish to step out and be noticed over. It’s a great time to attract interest and garner people to your image or identity. Physical vitality should get a lift.
Mars moves into Sagittarius on the 28th to kick off a few weeks of major motivation and action occurring through income for you. This will bring action to you and motivate you to go after ways to earn money, you are ready to fight for what you feel you deserve monetarily and this should back you up.
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
There are two areas that are being strongly highlighted for you in the month of October. One is your social realm so expect to see friends, embrace groups, network, attend social occasions, and pursue big aspirations. The other is the mystical, hidden part of your chart where you retreat and work on things behind closed doors. Here you will pour energy into rest, private romance, spiritual pursuits, artistic development, research, and any dealings with institutions.
Mercury moves into Libra on the 3rd and the talks, meetings, agreements, short trips, sibling interactions, neighborhood fun, writing, and thoughts begin with friends, groups and social events. Activity will continue like this through the 19th. Since the New Moon is in this same area on the 7th, try to schedule new things to share with friends or attend social events in the two weeks from that date.
The New Moon on the 7th is opening up two strong weeks to initiate a party, group activity, join or form a new group, meet new friends, do something new with friends you already have, and pursue your aspirations with full universal support behind you.
Venus Retrogrades on the 8th and will be backtracking through your hidden part of your chart over the next weeks until she goes Direct on the 18th. This means you will be revisiting the past over love or money issues or a woman in the picture and it will happen in these areas: film, music, or other artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, clandestine or hidden arenas, through research or investigations, at hospitals, prisons or other institutions, or something hidden from you that you only realize as it resurfaces now. You may see slow-downs here, a woman involved in one of these arenas return or a current one leave, or you may uncover something you didn’t know about love, the mystic, the muse, or money before this Retrograde is over. Mercury and Saturn come together over a serious decision, talk, meeting, or agreement today with a friend, at a social occasion, with a group, or involving an aspiration and this will be in place for a long time.
Mercury enters Scorpio on the 20th and takes the talks, meetings and agreements into the hidden, mystical area for the next few weeks. This is great for writers to hide away and really delve into the fantasy world, a time of meetings that will be private or secret, talks and news that comes in hidden codes or is kept under wraps, you may open up about art, spirituality, romance, and addictions through ideas you get alone working on something behind the scenes or with someone in a hidden approach. Mars and Jupiter connect today to bring action or passion to this at the home or around a property matter in a big, positive way.
The Full Moon in Aries is the second one we have had in this sign and it is again bringing a peak moment for you with a creative endeavor, child or lover/love interest. This is celebratory energy around achieving something in the creative arena, gaining recognition for what you have created, or with a child reaching a high point, perhaps the birth of a child or it is the love hitting a high note or something achieved through love. As with all Full Moons this can as well mark endings in these same areas so you may be saying goodbye to a lover, a child may be leaving for school or something is ending with them, or a creative project could wrap now. All that energy that you’ve been working behind the scenes gets amped up today as well through retreat, artistic outlets, spiritual connections, hidden romance, hospitals, addictions, or escapism. There will be something communicated that is a bit unclear but when it comes to making money someway today on all of this, you are golden.
The Sun enters your hidden arena on the 23rd and will illuminate this area of life for you for the next 30 days. You have every reason to shine your energy in film, music, development and strategy, retreat and rest, hidden or private romantic interludes, mystical or spiritual endeavors, research and investigations, hospitals, dealing with addictions, or time alone. You will want to rejuvenate your body and pour energy into what you can do here.
Mars will move into your sign on the 28th bringing a charge of energy to your physical body and any passion or anger to the surface to be worked out or experienced. This is great for motivating on image, work-outs, and sexy interludes but you will need to watch for sharp objects and accidents during this transit.
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Look forward to October as a few areas of life are going to get most of the energy. There will be a strong focus on career, recognition, goals being met, ambitious connections, reputation, and possibly fame. There will also be an equal amount of energy focused through friends, groups, attending social events, networking, and pursuit of aspirations.
Mercury will get things going by moving into Libra on the 3rd and giving you the communication skills you need over the next few weeks to talk, meet, pitch ideas, write, sign contracts, and make decisions that affect career and reputation. This is the time to ask for the raise, promote your business, and connect with others over goals but use the next few days to think about what you want and launch on the New Moon on the 7th. Mars and Venus get together today and bring action, passion, love, or money together through friends and social occasions.
The New Moon in Libra occurs on the 7th in your career Midheaven and you want to take advantage of this once a year dynamic to really push your career agenda forward in the next two weeks. Launch businesses, seek promotion, partner with someone or get representation to help you deal with what you want to set in place, and get yourself noticed for what you have achieved.
Venus will Retrograde on the 8th and remain in backward motion through November 18th so you will be backtracking into the past through old friends, groups or aspirations, attending social events, networking or connecting with foundations. Love and money will be thematic in these areas and a woman will likely be prominent, either a current friend leaving or an old one returning. You may see things slow down socially now as well and if this happens take it as a sign to focus more energy into the career right now. Mercury and Saturn meet on the same degree today making a decision or talk about travel, legal matters, education, or media ventures serious and final or solid.
Mercury moves into Scorpio on the 20th and begins to bring more news, communications, invitations, writing, or connections with friends, groups, or around aspirations over the next few weeks. Talks will now be deep and profound instead of light and breezy. Mars and Jupiter dance together today to make something said, heard, written, or met over with the friend or group quite active and expansive.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is the second to take place in Aries and for you this is a peak moment around home, real estate deals, moves, security needs, family, or mom/mother figures. This is a big time for celebrations over something achieved here, it can be a major shin-dig at your home, or an end to a roommate situation, home matter, a renovation completing, a deal closed, or design work finished. You may have something with your mom hit a high note now as well. There is major energy today around a friend, group or social occasion as well so you will be involved in connections here. It looks like this may be frustrating something around income for you but positive for personal connections and talks with your pals.
The Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd and will illuminate your social sector for the next 30 days. This is the time of year that you shine within groups, at social occasions, through networking, friendships, and with your aspirations so step out and be seen. You should be very popular during this transit.
Mars moves into your hidden arena on the 28th to amp up action, passion or anger behind closed doors, through film, music or other artistic projects, in spiritual pursuits, hidden romantic encounters, hospitals, or dealing with addictions, and through research, investigations and anything that was secret or working against your own good. You will feel like putting energy into these areas that require time behind the scenes, in retreat or alone and this is good but while Mars travels here your energy may be a bit low and you will want to pace yourself so actions don’t undo you. This may be a good time for surgery if the need arises.
AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
October will be a whirlwind for you in a couple areas Aquarians. First you will have strong ambitions stirred and career matters drawing lots of energy. This will be the time to make your name, work your business, and drive your goals forward. Second, there will be openings coming through travel, legal channels, ceremonies, education, media, publishing, publicity, and marketing. You can combine all of this for a very successful month.
Mercury gets you started by moving into your expansive zone of travel, education, media, and law on the 3rd. He will open up talks, writing, meetings, ideas, agreements, decisions, short trips, moves, or connections with siblings or neighbors over the next few weeks through these arenas. So book the flight, sign up for the class, decide to teach one yourself, write the book, send it to a publisher, sign agreements for publicity or marketing, media ventures or anything legal necessary but wait until the New Moon in this area on the 7th to do so.
The New Moon on the 7th is in the same zone of travel, education, law, and media so you have two strong weeks now to initiate fresh starts through these realms. This area of the higher mind opens up for you once each year to give you support to get to the next level so be proactive in your approach. You may want to partner or seek representation in this as you seed the trips, take a class or teach one, go forward in media or publishing, or get the legal process or ceremony moving forward.
Venus Retrogrades on the 8th in your career Midheaven and will backtrack between now and November 18th to help you take a look at past career issues, ambitions, goals, reputation, fame, and any love, money or women who were connected to this. You may have a boss or female on the career front exit now or one from the past return as you open up about what you are achieving in the areas of love and money and why you seek what you seek. Mercury and Saturn conjoin today to bring serious news, talks, meetings, decisions, or agreements about a legal matter, trip, media or publicity topic, or education. This is commit or end something time.
Mercury enters Scorpio on the 20th and now the next few weeks will open up communications on the career front. This means that you will now have energy behind interviews, meetings, agreements, and writing that affect your career, goals, ambitions, reputation, or fame. The connection between Mars and Jupiter today opens up income as well if you are proactive and go for it on the career agenda.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is about the second peak moment around something verbal or an idea, meeting, writing, agreement, news you hear, decision, short trip, sibling, move, or neighborhood. This is a time to celebrate something being achieved here or you may be ending something. What is said today is highly charged emotionally either way and is likely to have an effect on goals, career or what you want to achieve. You will feel motivate to act on this and talks or meetings will move into these realms as you make a powerful change or transformation.
The Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd and will illuminate your career, standing in the community, ambitions, goals, father or father figures, bosses, authority, and fame for the next 30 days. You are in the actual spotlight now as the world may see what you are achieving or what you have done. It is a great time to attract attention and move your goals forward through personal contact.
Mars enters Sagittarius on the 28th and will bring action, anger or passion into the realm of friendships, groups, social occasions, and aspirations. This means you will have a lot of motivating force behind cutting loose with friends, getting things done with groups, networking, expressing passion at social affairs or connecting passionately at them. You will get ahead on your dreams now if you bring this sense of drive and determination to bear.
PISCES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
October is going to be about major financial matters such as loans, debt, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, settlements, commissions, inheritance, alimony, child support, or other outside resources. It will be about deep connections, sex, divorce, travel, media, education, and legal matters as well. It seems like you are handling life and death situations, going deep and expanding all at the same time, but the theme here is the higher mind and transformation.
Mercury will kick this all off with his move into Libra on the 3rd. This will bring news, talks, meetings, agreements, writing, or decisions over the next few weeks about the financial matters listed above, a sexual connection, divorce proceeding, or powerful change with someone close. Since the New Moon is in this area on the 7th you should wait to sign on agreements or launch decisions in these areas until then. Mars and Venus meet today stirring up action and romance or money to travel, deal with legal matters, media ventures, or education. You may meet someone attractive through these areas.
The New Moon on the 7th is your one time each year to start over in these areas so if single you could connect with someone sexy now, if you are having reproductive issues or sexual issues, try something new, you can get the financial matter into a fresh place through the actions you take and divorce may open up fresh territory for you in matters of the heart. You have two strong weeks to make it happen.
Venus Retrogrades on the 8th and begins her backwards journey that will not end until she stations Direct on November 18th. This is about past love returning or current love slowing down or exiting, it’s about money you earned in the past being revisited or current income exiting, it can mark the return of a female from the past or a current woman leaving, and all of this will play out for you through the trips you take, the legal matters you deal with, ceremonies you attend or plan, media or publishing ventures, or through classes you take or teach. See if there is something of your past that needs reclaiming in any of these areas. Mercury and Saturn meet today marking a serious decision, talk, or agreement about financial matters, divorce, death, or sex marking an end and a new beginning.
Mercury moves into Scorpio on the 20th and brings news, talks, agreements, and meetings around travel, media, law, ceremonies, and education. The next few weeks will put your thoughts here and you may meet up with brothers or sisters or deal with neighbors or moves through these means. Mars and Jupiter are meeting today to bring action and luck or expansion for you through any of these doors. Make it happen.
The Full Moon on the 22nd is bringing an income matter to a peak. This is the second Full Moon in Aries so you should have an idea of what is being achieved, celebrated or ending now. You may also be experiencing a culmination around spending on something or with a possession of yours such as a car, house or ring. Travel, legal, media, and educational avenues contribute today to the experience connecting you to a friend or group in powerful ways. Be proactive and open lines of communications.
The Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd and illuminates travel, media, ceremony, law, and education over the next 30 days. This is where you will stand out and want to pour your vital energy. Be seen for who you are through marketing or media, except offers to get your identity out there or travel, take or teach the class, or deal with the legal matter so you can feel like yourself.
Mars will enter Sagittarius on the 28th and bring all kinds of energy to career, reputation, ambition, and with bosses, father/father figures, and goals. This will motivate you to drive yourself to higher levels, take action with someone in authority or claim your own authority in a matter, to fight for your reputation, or express passion through ambitions. Watch for fights with bosses or dad, or anger over career level.
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