Who’s your daddy now?!! That’s right babies, it’s that kind of week. Relationships will be spinning and expanding, shifting and turning corners so get ready to rock and roll. The other focus will be the Virgo area of life as we are moving through the last 3 days of New Moon energy to really launch on fresh health, work or animal scenarios for our year so pay attention to the details, organize, and put in the effort.
Monday is somewhat social with connections to your groups or friends coming through as significant. Again, the work, health or animal matter is tied into the socializing, networking, friendship, or aspiration with a bit of a physical adjustment necessary.
Tuesday you will be rocking the big change, expansion or excitement with a significant relationship. The more you are willing to open up, express independence and balance, and go with what occurs or is offered, the better for you. Likely you need to deal with your body, ego, image, or physical well being and be open in the areas of art, romance, spiritual pursuits, or dealing with institutions.
Wednesday the Sun moves into Libra and like a great sigh from the universe this is pretty much all that is happening today. What does that mean? That an important relationship comes into sharper focus now, be it a romantic or business partnership, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor, pay attention to where your heart is and who you feel strongly you need to connect with today, you will be working within this dynamic over the next 30 days.
Thursday is a FULL MOON in Aries and a personal celebration or ending. Something is coming to a peak now and you are ready to let the world know about it! Emotions are going to be highly charged at this lunation and there will be a push to do something about the intimacy, divorce or major financial matter involved. It’s a make it or break it kind of day with the significant person so decide if you want to commit or sever ties.
Friday the Moon is still in Aries so the focus is on your own needs or body. In this you will want to make some kind of effort regarding a woman that feels a bit out of your comfort zone, this will play out through sex, divorce or finances. A talk you have about the work, health or pets will as well stretch you a bit but seems to be necessary for your well being.
ARIES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday you will be tackling work, health or pet issues and making whatever adjustments you can over your feelings towards a friend, group or aspiration in the mix. You should do what you can to network or socialize where goals are involved and then put in some time behind the scenes on something important to you since it looks like some powerful ambitions can be achieved today.
Tuesday you will be face to face with someone important in an exciting or surprising way. This is big and you will be looking at any changes or ways to expand through hospitals, institutions, research, investigations, film, music, painting, or other art forms, spiritual pursuits, or working behind the scenes. Expect this to tie in to your work, health or pet issues.
Wednesday the Sun moves into Libra and lights up your relationship zone for the next 30 days. This means that you are going to feel like pouring your vital energy into these one on one relationships. This includes romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. Your needs and personal input with these people will be powerful now so reach out.
Thursday is a Full Moon in your sign! This is a peak moment in the year for you when something you have been working towards climaxes and you are rewarded or recognized for your unique input. You may be celebrating or ending something now as you wrap up one cycle and ready for the next. Look at today as a turning point with your body, image or identity in the world.
Friday the Moon is still in your sign so you will want to focus on you and your needs. In this you will want to push yourself out of the comfort zone a bit with a woman over intimacy, divorce or finances and have a talk about the work, health or pet matter.
TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday be willing to make some artistic concessions on the career front and you should be fine. If you are feeling at all frustrated in connecting with a lover or child, know you are almost through this transition. Put some time into long distance connections, travel, media, education, legal matters, or publishing, all good.
Tuesday you will be face to face with someone significant and the lines come down something like this, lover or friend, love interest at a social occasion, group affiliation meets love interest, or doing something completely out of the norm towards your aspirations towards love. It’s big and exciting here and you may not expect what happens.
Wednesday the Sun moves into your work, health and pet zone so you will be putting energy here over the next 30 days. Remember if you want to improve physical vitality, reshape your body, stand out at work or with animals, this is your time to do so!
Thursday is the Full Moon in Aries bringing something behind the scenes to a peak in your world. This could have to do with a hospital or prison, an addiction, a film or music project, other artistic outlets, a spiritual endeavor, or something you have been researching or investigating. If you have been hermiting away, this peaks as well. So celebrate or wrap it up now. In all of this, emotions will run deep over distance, travel, media, legal, or educational matters and you will want to take some action regarding a relationship that stretches you a bit.
Friday is about the same arenas but today you will need to deal with a woman partner or representative to work through any adjustments necessary and you will want to talk or come to terms over love or child issues or the creative project.
GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday you will want to focus on broadcasting your message, travel plans, legal matters, or educational issues while dealing with home or moves, property matters or mom/mother figures. By the evening you will have a nice boost of energy to connect intimately with someone, to make headway with a financial matter, or to tackle the divorce issues.
Tuesday you will be face to face with someone over a big surprise or exciting change going on that effects you at home, with a move, renovation, roommate situation, or mom/mother figure. This could be career related as you deal with someone in authority there, communication is key.
Wednesday the Sun moves into Libra and you will now be in the spotlight for the next 30 days in matters of the heart. This means you shine in love affairs, falling in love, with children, and in creative ventures so get out and connect, be seen and enjoy this time.
Thursday the Full Moon is bringing something to a peak with a friend, group or aspiration. You may be celebrating an achievement here or at a party or other social occasion or you may be seeing one friendship or group affiliation come to an end. Emotions will run deep around financial matters, divorce issues or sexuality, you will need to do something about the work at hand, health situation or animals. It is a make it or break it kind of energy where your heart and another person is involved, commit or sever the ties.
Friday is social or focused on the friend or group. Today you will need to deal with a woman about the work, health or pet situation and this is going to stretch you a bit. You also need to have a talk about the house, living situation, move, or security issues going on and again, be willing to make concessions or change things a bit to satisfy both parties.
CANCER: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday the energy is on finances, divorce or sexual attractions with the need to stretch yourself a bit in talks about this with someone. There is potential for powerful changes with or within the partnership through legal, travel, media, or educational outlets, these look positive.
Tuesday you will be face to face with someone in talks, meetings, through news, agreements, or something local and expect to be surprised, excited, shocked, or to have something pretty big happening here regarding a trip, someone at a distance, media or publishing opportunities, legal matters, or education. Love or creative outlets are in the mix here.
Wednesday the Sun moves into Libra and you are going to now be in the spotlight at home or over home matters. This can put you center stage over the next 30 days regarding real estate deals, moves, mom, security, family, home, renovations, living situations, or land. Expect to pour your vital life force into these domains.
Thursday is the Full Moon in Aries and a peak in your career. This can mean a high point when you are recognized for an achievement or you reach a major goal you have been working towards or you could be wrapping up something on the career front and this will mark an ending. Emotions will be super charged over someone significant today and you will be taking action on a creative endeavor, with a child or towards a lover that will be a bit of a stretch. It’s a make or break time kind of moment, go for it or end it.
Friday is about the career or reputation, goal or ambition with two points of interest. First a woman you will be connecting with over a creative project, love interest or child and the adjustments you make or concessions you contend with. Second, the talk or agreement you have, a meeting or news you hear that requires more adjustment around career or goals in question.
LEO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is about the partner or representative and what you need to do to make money to accommodate a shift that is happening in the relationship. You may have to stretch a bit to do this so be willing to get in there and make it happen. Major transformations are possible for you today through work, health or pets and this is going to ease the shared financial matter, divorce issue or intimacy.
Tuesday you will be face to face with something exciting, shocking, surprising, and big that is going to be playing out between you and another over finances, divorce or sex. Look at home and home matters for smoothing things out and be willing to talk about the money you are earning or spending or how you want to deal with a possession in question.
Wednesday the Sun moves into Libra and puts you in the spotlight over the next 30 days in talks, agreements, moves, meetings, writing, with neighbors or siblings, and in short trips. This is where your vital life force should best be spent because you and your needs will be met here.
Thursday the Full Moon in Aries is bringing a peak moment for you around a legal matter, ceremony, trip, media or publishing venture, marketing or publicity, or through education. This is a time of celebration as something is achieved or an ending as something is wrapping up. Emotions will run deep now around work, health or pets and you will have a need to do something at or about home or moves. Something is being said today that is final one way or the other.
Friday is again about travel, media, education, or law but today you will need to deal with a woman and what is going on at home, with a move or real estate deal as well as have a talk or meeting about the money you are making or spending. Both are a bit of a stretch so be prepared to come half way.
VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is about the work, your health or a pet issue. You will want to stretch yourself as much as possible to accommodate what is going on here or what you are trying to make happen, just pace yourself physically as you could stress your body. Connections with significant others or important relationships tied to creative projects are strong and empowering, sparks could fly.
Tuesday you are face to face with something unexpected, surprising, shocking, big, and about changes coming through a very significant relationship. Don’t be afraid to ring in change and to try something different with or without this person, your call. Talks and meetings with them over love, kids or creative endeavors are slated to go well.
Wednesday the Sun moves into Libra and you will have a whole 30 day cycle ahead where you will shine in all money making ventures. It’s a great period to increase wages or earnings, to interview or audition for more income, to spend on something you have had your eye on or to represent your values in a strong and clear manner to others.
Thursday is the Full Moon in Aries and it is bringing a peak moment sexually, intimately, with a divorce, or through a financial realm such as loans, debt, settlements, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, or other outside resources. This will be a time to celebrate something culminating with the other person through one of these avenues or an ending in one of these areas. Emotions are deep now over matters of love, children or creative ventures and you will want to have a talk or meeting that stretches you a bit about the whole Full Moon issue. It’s time to commit or end something monetarily.
Friday the focus is on the deepest part of the chart again so sex, divorce and finances are in the spotlight. Today you will need to deal with a woman about this. Talks, meetings, or an agreements are important in this and it will require some concessions. You will need to look at your own needs and limitations in the matter as well and be willing to shift a bit to reach your goal.
LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday the focus is on the creative venture, lover or child and you are going to feel like you really need to retreat and rest, recharge or work on something alone behind the scenes, so do your best to balance between both. There is great energy around home, moves or something coming together with work, health or pets there, push here.
Tuesday you are going to be face to face with someone in a big, surprising, change oriented way that is exciting or shocking but major. This is going to play out over work, health or animals and where you are in the recuperative state or in what you are doing behind the scenes. A woman is aligned to help you make money today so reach out to her.
Wednesday the Sun moves into Libra and puts you in the spotlight for the next 30 days. This is a great time of year for you when people will notice and attend to your needs more. It’s also a great time to get your body or image spruced up and fine tuned. If single you will be more of a magnet at this time so get out there and enjoy.
Thursday the Full Moon is culminating in your partnership zone. This means one significant relationship is going to reach a highpoint now. This could be a celebration as something is reached in the relationship or in their lives or it could be an ending if the relationship has run its course. This will focus on romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. Emotions are deep over home or moves in this and you need to take action today to make money even if it means stretching in a way that is challenging for you.
Friday the focus is again on the relationship but today you will want to deal with a woman about money you can earn or what has been spent. This is a stretch but you need to do it. You also need to talk to an institution such as a hospital, or about a film, music project or other artistic outlet, a spiritual matter, research project, or something that you have been working on behind the scenes because the relationship depends on opening this up.
SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is about home and roommates, moves or real estate matters. Look at how you can deal with a social opportunity, friend or group situation and attend to matters here, even if it means a stretch today.
Tuesday you are face to face with someone over something surprising, exciting, shocking and big and things are going to change so watch for this. It is playing out between friends or social affairs, groups or aspirations, and a love interest, child or creative project. This is big. You are being favored by Venus in this so assume you can attract what you desire today as the moment occurs or you make the moment happen.
Wednesday the Sun moves into Libra and puts you in the spotlight in all things behind the scenes, in research or investigations, dealings with hospitals, prisons, addictions, or self-sabotaging tendencies, film, music, the arts, and any hidden agendas, strategies, or clandestine love affairs. You will do best to pour your vital life force into these areas over the next 30 days to clear or clean up anything and put your personal stamp on it.
Thursday is the Full Moon in Aries that brings a work, health or pet matter to a climax for you. This is big as the work you have been doing is achieved or you are recognized for your efforts, a health matter finally peaks and you have a breakthrough or it ends, or the pet adoption comes through or you end a problem you have been having with an animal. Whatever ends or is celebrated here, emotions will run deep around talks or meeting focused on this and you will want to get into the mix passionately or physically even though it is a stretch.
Friday the health, work or pet matter is in focus again and today you will want to deal with a woman regarding your body, image or personal needs in this. Be willing to make some adjustments here with her for best results. You will also need to talk to a group or friend about what is going on or meet them even though you have this other work load or health matter to deal with. Do your best to balance in all today.
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is about the writing, talks, meetings, or some other communication matter and you are going to want to stand out on the career front in this or handle a boss or authority figure. Do yourself a favor and be willing to adapt a bit in what you say or agree to and you will do better. Major positive transformation is on tap through income or spending, go for it.
Tuesday you will be face to face with someone over an exciting, surprising, shocking or change oriented topic and it is going to involve home, mom, family, or moves. Again, your major goal and how you see yourself is in the mix, be ready to spin on a dime and know that there is something going on behind the scenes that is to your benefit, possibly a woman looking out for you or money coming to you.
Wednesday the Sun enters Libra and puts you in the spotlight in the social realm for the next 30 days. This means your vital energy will best be spent with friends, groups, planning or attending social affairs, networking, and pursuing your aspirations. Someone significant seems to be involved.
Thursday the Full Moon in Aries brings a peak moment around a love affair, with a child or in a creative endeavor. This is the time of celebrations or an ending as something wraps up. Emotions will run deep over the money being earned or spent and you will want to take action on the strategizing of it or in working behind closed doors on something. There is something final going on with a social occasion, friendship or group affiliation now.
Friday the creative project, love affair or child is still the focus of your energy and there will be two things to deal with here. First a woman you are spending some private time with working on something or who is involved with the institution you are dealing with, a film or music project, or something research oriented or romantic. You will need to stretch a bit to do it all. Second you will want to talk, meet or come to terms over a career matter that will require stretching on the creative level or with the lover or child.
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday it’s all about the money, honey. You want to really dive in and earn by reaching out to legal channels, media outlets, travel or people at a distance, or through education, stretch a bit if you have to. One talk or agreement should have you feeling pretty powerful or sexy today.
Tuesday you will be face to face with someone in something that is surprising, exciting, shocking, lucky, or big. Change is in the air and it is coming at you through a talk, writing project, meeting, agreement, or decision that puts it all into play through travel, distance, legal channels, media outlets, or higher education. A female friend has your back today, reach out to her.
Wednesday the Sun moves into Libra and puts you into a 30 day cycle of spotlight on you in the career front. You should take advantage of this to be seen, make pitches, ask for promotions, launch businesses, and reach for your goals, others should respond well to you.
Thursday is the Full Moon in Aries and you have a peak moment occurring with a home, move, roommate, or real estate matter, mom or mother figure. This is something big being achieved, receiving recognition for what has been reached or an ending as something wraps up. Emotions are deep today for you and you may need to take action with a friend or group that requires a bit of a stretch. It’s a serious time where goals are concerned.
Friday the focus is again on home or real estate, mom or moves and today you will need to deal with a woman friend about something here that requires some adjustment, you will also need to have a talk or come to a decision about a trip, media venture, legal matter, or educational issue, again a stretch here.
AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday it’s all about you babe so soak it up. If this means attending to physical pleasures or image, body or identity issues, there is something connecting you deeply to another through intimacy or finances you will want to reach out to today. A loan, settlement, divorce or sexual fantasy could be in the equation. Money flows and time behind closed doors looks powerful.
Tuesday you are face to face with someone over something surprising, changing, shocking, exciting, and/or big happening with money. Be ready to attend to it as it comes at you today and know that you are favored where goals of love or money are concerned right now.
Wednesday the Sun moves into Libra and lights up your travel, education, media, and legal realms for the next 30 days. This puts you in the spotlight in these arenas now and you will do best by pouring your vital energy into these things since people will respond well to you here. Someone significant is involved.
Thursday the Full Moon in Aries is bringing a talk, meeting, decision, agreement, short trip, neighbor or sibling issue, or writing project to a peak. This is about something being achieved here or a culmination for you that is celebrated or it marks an ending as you wrap things up. Emotions run deep in the secret areas of life and you may want to keep them under wraps. Act on career and goals but be willing to stretch a bit. It’s serious where travel, law, media, or education is involved.
Friday is about the talk or meeting, decision or agreement and how you can adapt to a woman on the career front or who is in the way to a goal of yours. Talks will need to be had over sex, divorce or major financial matters, again you will need to be willing to stretch to come to terms.
PISCES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday emotions are withdrawn or focused on something artistic, romantic, spiritual or dealing with an institution or self-undoing tendency. You will want to look at how your connection with a significant relationship is shifting at this time. Positive breakthroughs with friends or groups are possible tonight.
Tuesday you are face to face with someone important, be it a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, or specialist and there is going to be some radical, exciting, shocking, change oriented, lucky, expression going on between you. A woman at a distance or involved with travel, media, law, or education is going to be supportive to you today in love or money so reach out. Expect to talk or meet with the partner or representative as well.
Wednesday the Sun moves into Libra and lights up your sex, divorce and major financial matters for the next 30 days. This is where your vital energy will be best spent, connecting intimately with another, dealing with the separation or divorce, or handling the loan, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, or other outside resources.
Thursday the Full Moon in Aries is bringing a peak to an income matter. This could be a celebration as you get the raise or achieve something with earnings or you could see one source of income wrap up and end now. Emotions run deep with a friend or group in this and you are going to want to take action through legal channels, travel, media, or educational means to help yourself, even though it’s a stretch.
Friday the money you make or spend is in focus and today you will want to deal with a woman about the classes you can take or teach, the trip you are making, a legal matter, or a media venture and be willing to accommodate the other person in this a bit. You will also want to talk or meet with a partner, agent, attorney, or specialist and again this will be a bit of a stretch but your finances are important here.
Thursday nites at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://www.psychiconair.com/pages/5643781.php
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