TUNE IN Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Worldwide Radio: http://www.psychiconair.com/pages/5643781.php? THE ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW!!! This week we will be focusing in on the GRAND CROSS and relationships!
Just a bit of a visual of the Grand Cross that is active since the Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 11th and is truly becoming perfect over these next 3 weeks with the larger, slow moving bodies. You can see by the years it has taken each one of these planets to lock in here that it is a rather rare occurrence.
Because oppositions and squares are frictional aspects, the interpretation for the planetary energy is at its most challenging instead of its harmonious potential:
The really cool thing about human beings is that these challenges from the universe are what make life kick up a level, push us into new positions and help us test ourselves so we learn and grow from the challenge. In other words, I’m fairly certain you will rock it, just be ready for what transpires with an attitude of, ‘oh, yeah, this was what was coming, let’s do it’ and know by the end of it all you will be ready for the next part of life in some new way.
This Cross can be used to exhibit anger and frustration or it can be utilized as a driver to push yourself in the new arenas you find yourself in, to better yourself on some level, it’s a FREE WILL CHOICE!
These are how these planetary energies are being challenged:
1. Pluto at the top is in Capricorn. He is about death and transformation, power, control, manipulation, triangles, through sex, finances, death, or divorce. In the sign of Capricorn this may involve career, an authority figure, father/father figure, reputation, and the structures that support you.
2. Jupiter and Uranus are in Aries. Jupiter makes things big and brings belief systems, foreign ideas, legal matters, the media, travel, or education into the mix (the higher mind expanding us). Uranus makes things shocking, sudden, revolutionary, independent, rebellious, perverse, is about change, and may bring groups, friends or aspirations into the mix. In Aries this is explosive, angry, aggressive, warlike.
3. Saturn is in Libra. Saturn is about limits, loss, restrictions, authority figures (he rules Capricorn), burdens, age, or time. In Libra this is involving a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent/open enemy.
4. The Solar Eclipse in Cancer was opened up and may receive much of this energy, it is about home, mom, roots, security needs, roommates, moves, country, patriotism, land, and nurturing. This is about our emotional needs related to our home base or the foundations we are building upon.
SO… as you go through the weeks ahead, keep in mind that these points are locking in and being activated by passing planets which will act as fuel to push you to act out in one or more of these arenas. It will be pushing everyone else’s buttons as well, a little crazy making or downright scary, so go as easy as you can on your fellow journeymen/women.
The reason we are in this energy is to get us to CHANGE in a rather big way, realigning us with our best course forward. Things are going to fall away. Make room, breathe, trust that the changes will be good in the end, that the timing is Divine Timing because my friends, it is, and more than anything, do not fight the changes that wash through. It is time to evolve.
Now, having shown you how this energy CAN play out, know that YOU have the Free Will to choose the higher version of each planetary energy as each event unfolds.
Pluto=deep understanding, getting to the core of the situation, trusting that soul progression is occurring or soul connections are reaching turning points.
Jupiter/Uranus=coming from Faith, generosity of spirit, being willing to try new things, experience different sides to people, change.
Saturn=show your maturity in the situation, take personal responsibility.
Solar Eclipse in Cancer=open your heart, empathize, nurture, be home for those in need and find home within yourself.
Part of this Grand Cross involves the ongoing Saturn/Uranus opposition we have been battling with since election day, November 2008. This has been about breaking free or expressing some independence while dealing with added responsibilities or limitations in one area of life. It is about the new way verses the old tried and true. We last experienced this configuration in the late 1960’s and this week, as they lock into the Cross, they oppose for the final time. You will have officially broken free of something or have found a new way of approaching your limits.
One last thing before we launch into each day and the signs below and this is IMPORTANT: WARNING: If you know anyone at all who is feeling a build-up of rage, do everything you can to let people know, try to send help, keep an eye on them from a safe distance or make yourself safe if you could be a target this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Our poster boy, Mel Gibson, is a good example of how these energies are screaming to a climax in some, we will likely see something shocking and violent on these days from individuals or countries so keep it in mind, the dates again are July 29-31. In every situation on these 3 days take a deep breath before shouting at someone on the road or for bumping into you, etc. It could escalate with shocking results. As well, these dates are extremely accident prone so be careful out there. Lastly, this is explosive fire and may result in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, airline crashes, etc, so back up kits and stay safe out there!
Monday Saturn locks into his exact opposition with Uranus, the fifth and final battle between the two giants. They are opposing this time between Aries and Libra instead of Pisces and Virgo where the last 4 oppositions have occurred. This means that this time it is about you and someone else, a partner, representative or competitor and how things are changing. Some will bolt today, if so let them go.
Mercury opposes while Mars adjusts to Neptune today. This brings up a decision or talk about a creative venture, love interest or child. You need to look at your aspirations here spiritually, romantically or artistically. There may be a need to balance something with a friend or group in this and then take action at work or with a health or pet matter.
The Sun in Leo is adjusting to Pluto and trining Jupiter in the Cross. So your love issues, children or creative needs are brought into the picture as you make any necessary adjustments to the goal or career ambition.
Tuesday your emotional energy will work through aspirations, friends, group affiliations, networking, or social activities. Mercury moves into Virgo today so talks, meetings, agreements, and decisions over the next few weeks will open up over matters of work, interviewing, co-workers, employees, health matters, or pets.
Wednesday the Pisces Moon will take you within to get in touch with your mystical or spiritual energy. It is aligned to career transformation and an opportunity here. It will as well ask that you make some ego adjustments or physically adapt to something within the creative project, with the lover or child.
Thursday Mars enters Libra. This day is significant as Mars is going to be activating the Grand Cross today, tomorrow and Saturday. Today that means action, anger, passions, or motivating forces with the partner, competitor or representative. Emotions going on that are hidden will stir up issues on the work front, with health matters or pets.
Friday Talks or decisions come into play regarding career or reputation and the work going on or health that is affecting it, all good. Mars opposes Uranus and activates something happening with you and a partner, opponent or representative, surprise, surprise. Aries Moon moves into every corner of the Cross except Cancer so you will be feeling emotions intensely over your needs/ego, the relationship/opponent, and the goal/career.
ARIES: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday brings a talk or decision about your creative enterprise, a lover or child. The friend or group is involved on an artistic, romantic or spiritual level. Make a major ego adjustment with a boss or involving your career, for positive results. The final Saturn/Uranus opposition puts you and another across the zodiac from each other and says, it’s time to break free or do it differently.
Tuesday the emotional energy is with friends or groups and what is going on that will be in Neptune’s range: sentimental, foggy, artistic, romantic or spiritual. Mercury moves into Virgo opening decisions, talks, meetings or signing agreements over work, health or pets.
Wednesday you should work behind the scenes, rest, take some time to get in touch with your inspiration. There is good energy for career opportunities or a powerful change with the boss from this. Be willing to make ego concessions over the creative side, child or love interest.
Thursday your ruler, Mars, moves into Libra and begins to activate the Grand Cross over the next 3 days. This is about pretty major action or anger going on over a partner, through a partner, with an agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor or open enemy. You will likely keep what you are really feeling under wraps a bit or do some digging around to see what you can uncover, this is focused on a woman tied to work, health or pets.
Friday talks or agreements about the work, health or pet matter are powerful and harmonious to career, bosses or authority figures so open up and again, be willing to make either some ego or physical concessions to get what you want. Mars in active play with the Grand Cross takes on Uranus across the zodiac and a big change, surprise, moment of excitement or shock arrives between you and a significant relationship, competitor, partner, representative, or specialist. Moon in Aries is ego driven and at odds with the players of the cross so your emotions will be intense and about changing things.
TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday something is going on at home today that is pretty significant. A move, real estate deal, meeting, roommate, renovation, or powerful relocation or some kind of deeply moving event through legal, media, foreign, or educational themes is indicated. The last of the Saturn/Uranus oppositions takes place today triggering something between you and another person over work, health, pets,(this is where limits, responsibility or ambition is playing out) and retreat, hospitals, prisons, film, music, photography, other artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, psychic energy, secrets, or work behind the scenes (this is where change, shock, surprise, or excitement is playing out). Mars is going to ask you to do something about the creative project, lover or child today as you make ready for the changes.
Tuesday brings a bit focus on the career, goal, authority figure, or reputation/fame with something tied here to your aspirations, friends or a group. You will be involved in Neptune energy in this so look for spirituality, romance, artistry to play in as well. Mercury moves into Virgo today and you will get the news or find the right words now in dealing with the kids, lover or creative project.
Wednesday puts an emphasis on the friend and the legal, travel, media, or educational matter. There is deep empowering energy at work here, a soul connection on something that is going on and an opportunity to transform your world through what you feel. You are in the spotlight at home or with a property matter or move and will need to make some adjustments with the friend/group to proceed.
Thursday Mars moves into Libra triggering the Grand Cross with action or anger over the next 3 days. This will be about doing something or expressing energy over the work, health or pets through another person in the picture. Emotions are wrapped up with the your aspirations and what is going on with a woman tied to children, love or creative ventures. A friend may be able to hear you out on this one.
Friday news or decisions, meetings or talks about the child, love interest or creative project align with powerful energy making changes in your world through travel, law, media, or educational outlets. The 12th house is activated for you so this is a very Karmic time for you of change and balance. Jupiter is here to offer protection and help you to open up spiritually to what is either being balanced from past Karma or in receiving someone you had Karmic bonds with in past lifetimes back into your life to carry on with something. Mars steps up to take on Uranus across the Grand Cross and there is action, change, shock, excitement, all brewing around work, health, pets, and what is going on in the hidden realms of retreat, romance, and artistry.
GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday brings some important talks, news, agreements, decisions, meetings and they will involve a media matter, trip, person at a distance, legal issue, or educational topic. They will put you in the spotlight and ask that you make some concessions over something playing out through a triangle that seems to be pretty powerful here. Your friendship or a group affiliation will open up through what you work out today. Saturn opposes Uranus in his final of 5 standoffs putting you head to head with someone over limits or responsibilities to your love interest, a child or a creative project (Saturn) and something shocking, surprising, exciting, or changing with a friend or group (Uranus). Mars pipes in pushing you to do something about home or living situations.
Tuesday emotions are focused in on a friend or group through a trip, distance, legal matter, beliefs, ceremony, education, or media matter. This is new beginning emotional energy so open up to your spiritual, romantic, artistic truth here. Mercury moves into Virgo today letting you finally make a decision, meet, talk about, or sign agreements over a home matter, move, real estate deal, or mom/mother figure.
Wednesday is about your goal or career agenda with very powerful, positive opportunity here through some outside financial resource, a sexual intimate encounter, or the divorce proceedings. You are in the spotlight in all communications, writing and news today so be ready to field it as it comes.
Thursday Mars moves into Libra and ignites the Grand Cross for the next 3 days with action, passion or anger playing out through creative projects, love interests or children and a significant person involved in the matter. Emotions are still focused on your career or a big goal while you try to balance this with what is transpiring with the woman at home or over love or money issues there.
Friday the decision, news or talk you have about home or moves aligns positively to the financial picture, sexual union or divorce and to any adjustments you need to make with friends. Mars steps up to take on Uranus in the Grand Cross so shock, change, excitement, surprise, action and/or anger is all in the mix between you and another person today in a big way. This is playing out between lovers, children or creative projects on the one side (where the action is) and with friends or groups on the other side (where the surprise or change is). Expect emotions to get stirred up very intensely today over what goes down.
CANCER: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday brings news or a talk, meeting or decision about income into the picture for you, your image or what you are bringing to the situation is very much in the spotlight here while you deal with what is going on with something in the outer financial realm, through a settlement, debt or joint finances, an intimate connection or divorce, or someone working in some secret, underhanded way against your interests. Be willing to make some major changes around who you are partnering with, who is representing your interests or in how you are handling a competitor. Your career horizons are opening up when all is said and done.
Tuesday emotions are deep, intense and around the major financial matter, sex or divorce. You will be feeling out the spiritual side of what is going on and looking into anything hidden that is unseen here. Mercury moves into Virgo and you will finally be ready to make a decision, have the talk, meet, write, or sign the agreement over the local matter, neighbor or sibling, writing project, or communication issue.
Wednesday will focus in on the trip, media project, education, or legal matter with wonderful opportunity to completely transform something here through a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor, be willing to stretch yourself a bit over what you earn for who you are at this point.
Thursday Mars enters Libra and activates the Grand Cross over the next 3 days. This will mean more action, passion or anger in the home, with a move, roommate, or mom/mother figure playing out through a one on one dynamic. Emotions are swirling around the trip, media venture, legal matter, or education while you talk or come to terms with a woman about something in the balance.
Friday talks or agreements are favored with a partner, agent, attorney, or specialist that can change things on some deep level for you. Be willing to make some adjustments on the career front in this. Mars steps up to take on Uranus in the Cross so there will be all kinds of action, anger, change, excitement, shock, or surprise coming through home, moves, mom, career, goals, ambition, reputation, father, or fame. The Moon is on point in this Grand Cross today as well so expect all kinds of amped up emotions over the goal, career, or father/father figure.
LEO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday talks, decisions or meetings are going to be important because they are going to be focused in on your needs or body and your feelings romantically, spiritually or artistically over a significant person. There is something heavy that must be adjusted to here through health or work and you should find that you can make some true progress through travel plans, media ideas, legal means, or education that benefit you. Saturn stands off against Uranus for the very last time since November 2008 and will put you head to head with someone over ideas, talks, decisions, travel, media, legal matters, or education. Breaking free is indicated through one of these routes while committing something through your words.
Tuesday emotional energy is all about the partner, representative or competitor. You are in that place where rose colored glasses apply. It may not be all bad, it really may be that beautiful but take your time figuring it out as you go. Mercury moves into Virgo today so you can finally have the talk or make the decision, sign the agreement or take the meeting about income.
Wednesday is emotionally deep as you dive into sex, intimacy, divorce, or something involving major financial affairs. You can make big changes to the work you do, a service you provide, a health issue, or with pets through the connection here. You are going to have to get out of your own way a bit though, watch ego today!\
Thursday Mars moves into Libra and ignites the Grand Cross over the next 3 days by activating your communications zone. This will amp up the energy or anger locally, through words, writing, agreements, decisions, talks, meetings, and will involve someone significant. Your deeper need for intimacy or some kind of financial balance with another will be head to head with a woman over earnings or having to get back to making the money.
Friday is all about the big trip, media, legal, or educational matter. Talks will start out over income and the work changes you could make to transform the situation, these look very good. You will be willing to make a big concession through a long trip, media, legal, or educational matter to make money. Mars will step up to oppose Uranus and action, anger, change, excitement, shock, or surprise gets thrown into the mix over the things said or agreed to, what is going on locally and what is sparking through the trip, law, education, or media. Emotions are involved as well triggering the power points of all this change and intensity.
Virgo: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday it’s all about what is going on behind the scenes. This could be about a film, photography, painting, or music project that has you working in your own imagination or something occurring at a hospital or other place of retreat, it could be about shutting the door and researching, or holing up with a lover in secret. The energy today here is all about balancing this with the work, health or pets and transforming your own creative abilities, love relationship or connection with children. Saturn opposes Uranus for the fifth and final time today putting you head to head with another over finances, what stays the same and what changes and how intimacy/divorce is affected.
Tuesday brings up the emotions around the work you are doing with a friend or group, a health issue or something health conscious you are doing with said person or group, or something involving animals and the friend/group. Mercury, your ruler, moves into your sign today so you will finally have the words you need to get things moving, you will feel ready to make a decision, sign the agreement or make your move.
Wednesday is all about the relationship, whether that is with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor, and today there is very powerful, positive energy around achieving some kind of deep breakthrough or change through creative projects/efforts, children or love interests/love. You will need to adjust your hermit approach just a bit but you can do it.
Thursday Mars enters Libra and ignites the Grand Cross over the next 3 days through someone significant in the picture involved with earning or spending. Emotions are possibly hidden on some level or in the clouds around a partner, representative or competitor while you do your best to balance your needs for love, money or some understanding/ equity with the woman in the picture.
Friday is going to bring the sex, divorce, reproduction, intimacy, control, triangle, power, loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlement, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, royalties, commissions, or joint finances to a peak. These are the deeply shared arenas of life and at least one of them will be your focus as you open up and talk about the creative project, love or child and agree to make some changes personally or physically. Mars steps up to Uranus in the Cross and action or motivating forces kick in around the money you earn or spend and this big topic of shared interest. This will be angry, exciting, shocking, surprising, motivating, or about change. Emotions are all in as well so expect the world to spin today.
LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday friends or a group are in the picture big time as you talk or try to come to agreements over something creative, a love interest or child/children’s topic. You are in the spotlight in this as you do what you can to make some concessions at home or with a living situation and open up towards your goals through a partner, lawyer, agent, or specialist. Saturn opposes Uranus for the fifth and final time since the ‘war’ began here back in November 2008. This, however is the first time it is happening from your sign so expect to be head to head with someone significant today as you look at limits, authority, structure, responsibility, and what needs to change or break away.
Tuesday the energy shifts to focus on your creative output, your children or a children’s project, or a creative endeavor. Involve a friend or group and aim at something spiritual, romantic or artistic here for best outcomes. Mercury moves into the hidden part of your chart indicating that agreements can be hashed out behind closed doors or you can gather helpful information through research and investigation. You may be ready now to have the talk or meeting about the film, music, art, or hospital.
Wednesday is about the work, health or pets. You will have an opportunity to make some major progress towards changing something or empowering yourself here at home or through real estate. Be willing to give a little where ego and a friend or group is concerned.
Thursday Mars enters your sign and ignites the Grand Cross over the next 3 days. This will be about you and another person as it amps up your energy, anger, passion, motivation, and makes for some sudden, unexpected moments that change things on the spin of the dime. Emotions are on the work, health or pet today as you do your best to balance this with the woman you are brooding over in secret.
Friday brings some talks or agreements that go on behind closed doors and benefit a major change at home or with a move or real estate deal. You will need to be able to make some concessions regarding a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor to expand in the way you desire. Mars steps up to Uranus in the Cross today and all kinds of action, anger, change, excitement, shock, surprise, or motivation amps up between you and the significant person involved in this with you. Again, this is a partner, representative or competitor. You are the one acting out through Mars while they are the one changing things. Emotions are intense in this as they are tied to all that is activated today.
SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday opens up the talks around career or about a big goal for you, you can look at the agreement or decision and what it will mean to your home, move, living situation, or real estate deal. Be willing to bend a bit in negotiations or in demands. It looks like you can achieve something pretty expansive on the work front, a health goal or pet situation. The last of the Saturn/Uranus oppositions occurs today, firmly ending the changes and limits begun in November 2008. This will put you and another person head to head over something going on that is hidden or secret and limiting and something that is changing or new on the work, health or pet scene. You may need to deal with an institution in this such as a hospital, look at research or deal with an artistic work. Mars is activated through friends or groups and this is where energy amps up as well.
Tuesday is about your feelings at home, with your living situation, security, foundations, real estate deals or moves, roommates, or mom/mother figure. Mercury moves into Virgo today and opens up talks or agreements with a friend or group. You may hear news today from someone in your circle or they can make an introduction for you.
Wednesday emotions are focused on creative projects, children or a love interest. There is very strong, intense energy in the talks you have over one of these themes or with a lover or child and it looks positive and filled with opportunity around a goal of yours. You will need to make some concessions on an ego or physical level around the career placement or position you want.
Thursday Mars moves into Libra and ignites the Grand Cross for the next 3 days. This is about action, anger or passion and you with another person over something going on that is secret, hidden, involves spying, research, investigation, taking a retreat, addiction, hospitals, prisons, or other institutions, film, music, the arts, spiritual pursuits, psychic intuition, or fantasy. Your emotions are wrapped up in affairs of the heart, creative flow and fun while you balance this with the needs of a female friend.
Friday brings the other side of the Cross into play but first opens on a talk, meeting, writing project, or agreement with a friend or group that is very empowering and positive. Be willing to make some concessions around the work here or with a health or pet matter that involves the friend/group for best results. Mars opposes Uranus in the ongoing Cross energetic and stimulates the retreat or behind closed doors topic listed above as something changes, shocks or excites around work, health or pets. Some of you will find out you need to get to a hospital immediately over a health issue, some will need to act on the film, music, research, or other imaginative topic to address the changes with the work matter, some will have to make last minute changes to a pet situation as things spin around. Emotions will be raw today as the drive to move things into place locks in.
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday talks or meetings put you in the spotlight in a trip, media matter, legal issue, or through education (teaching or taking a class). You will be balancing this against something you are wishing for that includes romance, artistry or spirituality and you will need to make some concessions around the income here if you want to step out and expand in areas of creativity, love or with children. Saturn opposes Uranus in the fifth and final battle since November 2008. This is about you and another person head to head over limits or responsibilities in a friendship or to a group and the changes that are occurring with a lover, child or creative endeavor. What stays and what goes? Mars will motivate you over the goal you have but you will have to talk about it and that may be challenging.
Tuesday energy shifts to the writing, talk, meeting, agreement, or idea you have that is based on romantic, spiritual, artistic, addictive, or hospital topics. Mercury moves into Virgo so you can begin to make decisions, sign agreements, and pitch ideas regarding your career or a major goal you have set for yourself. News may come in today that puts you in the spotlight on some level.
Wednesday feelings are all about home, moves, roommates, mom/mother figures, or real estate deals. You are locked in here to earn from home or through buying/selling a property or through money that comes in through mom or something you have added to the house. Be willing to make some adjustments to your travel plans, education, legal matters, or media contributions in this, either back off of an ego point or physically change it up a bit.
Thursday Mars enters Libra and ignites the Grand Cross over the next 3 days. This will bring up lots of action, anger or passion with a friend or group for you today and your feelings about home or living situation will need to be balanced out against what the woman involved with your career agenda/goals needs.
Friday talks with a boss or about career should go well and open up some nice empowering energy for you through income changes that benefit. You will need to make adjustments here to what is expanding through children, lovers or creativity in your life. Mars opposes Uranus in the Cross and stirs up all kinds of energy, anger or passion with the friend or group while the shock, change or excitement is faced over the creative project, child or lover. Some of you may break away from a friend or group to pursue your own creative outlet or love affair or you may see a lover or child situation change suddenly and have to do something with a friend/group to deal. Emotions are intense and action oriented.
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday is a day to talk about, meet over or come to a decision/agreement over the financial picture, sex or divorce. It’s powerful and will ask that you deal with your own earnings in the picture (someone may ask that you put your money into something or take a cut in income to deal with outside situations). This is a bit or very foggy and you will want to push yourself to step up into your own power to deal with it even if your artistic, spiritual or romantic needs are involved. There is positive outcome by days end to the financial, sexual or divorce scenario featuring you and something expanding in positive ways for you at home or with real estate. Saturn makes his last of five oppositions today to Uranus, ending a war that began November 2008 between these two giants and showing up as you head to head with someone else over limits or responsibilities to career, a goal or reputation and the changes or excitement playing out at home or with property.
Tuesday is about income and how your feelings about a spiritual, artistic or romantic ideal are flavoring your energy with a friend or group here. Mercury moves into Virgo so you can finally hear news, make a decision, have an important talk, meet, or come to an agreement that revolves around long journeys/travel, media/marketing, legal matters, or education.
Wednesday brings lots of talks and meetings into the picture for you with one that is going to ask you to step up in a position of power financially, over a divorce matter or involving sex/intimacy. What you share in this will be deep and under very positive stars for change that transforms. You will need to make a bit of an ego or physical adjustment in what you want sexually, in divorce or the financial scenario through the conversation or meeting.
Thursday Mars moves into Libra and ignites the Grand Cross by bringing you face to face with another over a major goal, reputation, fame, or career. This will be action oriented and involve anger or passion. Feelings are sparked in meetings and talks while you do your best to deal with a woman, love or money interest that is far away, tied up in legal, media, educational, or travel issues.
Friday starts out with positive talks or agreements about the trip, media, legal, or educational matter and your needs. This is again, deep and powerful in a good way. You will need to expand a bit at home or with a real estate matter to accommodate what is going on here. Mars opposes Uranus in the Cross amping up the career or goal with action, a need to take action, anger or passion while changes, shocks, surprises, or excitement play out over the home, move or real estate deal. Emotions are very much triggered today by all that transpires in the home or with the move, real estate, or mom/mother figure.
AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday opens up important talks or brings news or decisions about a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor. You are going to either find out something you didn’t know that is deep, powerful and changes things for you or you will need to make some adjustments to the triangle, secret, hidden agenda, hospital, research, or artistic outlet here. By days end the talks or meetings should be very happy here or open up a big space in your life through what is said. Saturn opposes your sign for the fifth and final time since it began this battle back in November 2008. You will be face to face with someone over the limits to legal matters, travel, media ventures, beliefs, or education and the changes that you are asking for or they are in the spur of the moment.
Tuesday brings emotions around your own needs, body, ego, and image. You should try to love yourself from a spiritual perspective today. Mercury moves into Virgo so you will hear news or have the talk, take the meeting or sign the papers over the divorce, settlement, loan, debt, bankruptcy, inheritance, or other outside financial matter, or regarding sex or intimacy.
Wednesday feelings go to earning money or a desire to spend. You will find that you can trigger this profoundly through what you do behind closed doors or in secret. Do your best to adjust to what is occurring with a partner, representative or specialist today as your earning potential or spending will reflect how you feel in this relationship.
Thursday Mars enters Libra and ignites the Grand Cross amping up the action around a trip, legal matter, media venture, ceremony, belief, or education between you and another person. You will be doing your best to balance a financial matter with a woman you share resources with or who you are intimately involved.
Friday starts out with positive empowerment sexually behind closed doors or through the talks or meetings you have about the finances or divorce. You will have to make adjustments around how much you are asking for. Mars opposes Uranus so the action kicks in or the anger or passion is expressed over the trip, media, legal, or educational matter and what is said that changes everything at the last minute. Emotions are volatile today as words or writing will send things into another place, do your best to balance the energies.
PISCES: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday talks or decisions will revolve around work, health or pets while you deal with something you are hiding or that is hidden from you. Make some concessions to transform the friendship or group affiliation and look forward to earning some money or setting something into motion today through the work you do to attract income. Saturn makes his last opposition to Uranus today that has completely overhauled your way of relating in partnership since November 2008. Today you will be seeing this play out between you and a significant partner, agent, attorney, or competitor over financial matters.
Tuesday is a great day to retreat and rest up, spend some time rejuvenating your spiritual energy. Mercury moves into Virgo so you will finally be able to have a talk, hear news, make a decision or sign an agreement about or with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor.
Wednesday is all about you and the major transformation you make through a friend or group. You will need to be willing to make some concessions with your ego needs or body at work, with a health goal, or involving pets today to feel like you are achieving your ends.
Thursday Mars moves into Libra and ignites the Grand Cross over the next 3 days. This is about you and another person relating over sex, divorce or a major financial matter such as debt, bankruptcy, taxes, or other outside resources. Mars will bring action, anger or passion into the picture with this person over these themes now. You must do your best to deal with your feelings about your needs in balance with the partners or representatives needs around income, love or a woman.
Friday talks or meetings with a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor should open up your potential through a social situation, party, networking event, or through a friend or group. Income again is an issue with this person so do your best not to overdo it here. Mars opposes Uranus so the anger, action or passion is amped up another notch over money, money, money and more money. Something is likely to change today here on a deep level. Emotions are right smack in the middle of all of this so do your best to balance what is going on.
Thursday nites at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://www.psychiconair.com/pages/5643781.php?
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1 comment:
Love your weekly forecast and will try to keep these things in mind as I face a difficult week ahead. I am in a major conflict with an important person in my life and will try to remain calm and not make rash decisions this week. Thanks
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